• Published 15th Jan 2012
  • 1,152 Views, 9 Comments

Ponies Bizarre Adventure: Harmonic Legacy - LagomorphicExpanse

A crossover fic centering around Derpy training the mane six to fight super vampires. sound good?

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Nothing can stop the Smooze, Part 1

Ponies Bizarre Adventure: Harmonic Legacy

Chapter 3: Nothing can stop the S’Müz Part 1

“You have done well, my favoured student.” Princess Celestia murmured as she looked over her students preparations.

Twilight beamed at the complement. “Thank you Princess, although with the instructions you provided it was easy to get everything ready.” The Princess nodded absently as she continued to survey the surrounding area.

“Yes, quite nice. I think that Luna will like this, do you think everypony else will enjoy the celebration.” Celestia looked at Twilight with an almost pleading look. The purple Unicorn had been doing her best to keep her mentor reassured, but the ruler of Equestria wanted to make her sister’s first “official” appearance to be perfect.

“Of course their going to have a good time Princess, it’s the winter star celebration! There are very few things about staying out all night and partying that ponies can object to.” Twilight had used this argument to soothe Celestia’s worries several times.

The white Alicorn sighed. “I know twilight, but after nightmare night...” Twilight winced. She hadn’t found out the true damage to Luna’s reputation caused by that night until much later. While everything had turned out okay in Ponyville, Luna’s chariot had passed over eight other cities on the way to Ponyville and many of those cities were concerned that the Princess of Night had decided that the story of nightmare night was so amusing that she decided to perform her “duty.” A few frightened foals had been the least of the troubles that had been brought on by that ill advised trip.

“Don’t worry about nightmare night, ponies from all over Equestria are in Ponyville for tonight and we’ve made certain that Princess Luna’s first ‘official’ appearance leaves a good impression on all of them.” She held her clipboard from the planning effort up to the princess. “Besides, with all of the effort everypony has put into tonight I’m sure that nothing can go wrong.”

“Miss Sparkle!” One of the Pegasus weather crew was gesturing wildly for Twilight to come over. She trotted over to the Pegasus; it was too far away for Celestia to hear. She could still see her student’s reaction plainly though, despite the distance the looks of confusion, then concern, and finally anxiety were as clear as day. Celestia had learned to read ponies quite well, and Twilight was particularly easy to judge the reactions of.

Twilight almost galloped back to her mentor, her distress still clear on her face. “I’m sorry Princess but there has been an incident and-“

“And I am quite sure that I can manage without you for a while my favoured student, as all of the perpetrations are already underway” She said before Twilight could explain. Anything that inspired that kind of reaction from her student was worth attending to. Twilight blinked in surprise, but nodded and galloped off at an urgent pace in the direction of the Ponyville hospital.


Derpy Hooves smiled as she flew over Ponyville, pushing a cloud into place. She felt great today, for once she was working with weather ponies worse than herself, and it was a wonderful ego boost. She was constantly being compared to Rainbow Dash, a pony she was convinced had received the wrong cutie mark since she was much better at weather control than any other pony Derpy had ever met.

She giggled as she saw one of the new workers accidentally electrocute another in an attempt to make a cloud snow out its extra weight so they could move it more easily. Even SHE had never made a mistake that-

Wait, what was that? Derpy saw something moving was moving thing the corner of her eye, something that reminded her of stories that her mother used to tell her. She turned so that her good eye was facing the thing. Ice shot through her blood, the thing was a uniformly dull purple liquid. A liquid that was somehow flowing uphill and carefully making sure to stay in the shadow of trees and other objects. Out of the sun.

Images from her childhood flowed back to her, pictures of a twisted purple ocean surging across fields devouring helpless ponies, a dark rainbow that rained death upon an entire city, unnatural twisted beasts lumbering through the woods in search of their masters enemies, and her father’s scars after fighting the creature that those monsters had left behind.

“HEY DERPY!” Shouted Cloud Kicker. “Get your head out of the clouds and help us get rid of them!” The similarly coloured Pegasus sounded irritated.

“Sorry, I have to get back to my house and get some soap ready!” Derpy shouted back, and flew off before the confused Cloud Kicker could say anything.


“You’re really sure you’re alright rarity? That episode sounded odd to me, I’ve never read about anything like it! Maybe it would be best if you went back to the hospital, or home to rest.” Twilight cast a scanning spell as she spoke. Rarity was growing slightly irritated as Twilight was repeating the exact same sentiments as the rest of her friends, save for Fluttershy whom had not yet arrived. Being concerned was one thing, but this was just plain ridiculous!

“I assure you, all of you, that I am quite alright. While my episode was quite distressing it is over now, it was not anything so could you please stop talking about it!” She screamed with frustration. Her friends backed away, all looking quite bashful.

“I’m sorry Rarity, its jus that we’re worried about ya’ll.” Applejack spoke apologetically. “I can’t remember the last time ya actually showed when ya were really in pain! Ya whine like crazy about all the little thangs, but if you think something will worry anybody ya keep it hushed up! Even when ya got really sick that one time but had ta get that load of dresses done, what the hay was that disease called again? Something like explosive magical-“Applejack was interrupted by Rarity’s hoof suddenly filling her mouth.

“I would really prefer if we didn’t talk about that. As a matter of fact Applejack dear, I would appreciate it if you never, ever mentioned it again.” Rarity growled. She removed her hoof from the farmer pony’s mouth and wiped it with a handkerchief from her Vests breast pocket. She had made Clothes for the occasion for all of her friends. They were not as fancy as the gala dresses but the winter star celebration demanded functionality over fashion, as the entire night was to be spent outside. All of her friend’s vests were coordinated to her friend’s colors and decorated as they saw fit

“Sorry I’m so late!” Fluttershy landed among them, looking rather flustered and carrying-

“Fluttershy! Why do you have the elements of harmony with you!” Twilight hissed through her teeth, not exactly the kind of reaction that Rarity would have expected from the mare.

Fluttershy blushed and shied away. “Um, well I thought that they might look good with our vests so I-“

“We can’t bring out the elements here Fluttershy!” The purple unicorn chastised. “This is the first major appearance of Princess Luna since we changed her back from Nightmare Moon! What do you think everypony will think if we bring out the most powerful artefacts in Equestria right now?”

Fluttershy tilted her head to the side, looking confused. “Well, I suppose that they would think... OH!” Comprehension blossomed on the yellow Pegasus’s face “Oh my I’m so very sorry! I didn’t mean anything like that. I just thought that they would look nice! Please don’t be angry.”

Twilight sighed and took the book from Fluttershy, carefully setting it down. “I know that you would never think to do anything like that Fluttershy, but we still can’t risk it. At least you didn’t wear yours on you’re way here, that would have upset a lot of ponies, the princesses included.”

“I really am sorry Twilight.” Fluttershy pleaded. “I really don’t even know why I got them, I just heard a voice and... Oh my why did I do this.” She groaned, clearly humiliated.

“Oh come now, it’s not really such a bad thing dear. Just as long as no Pony sees them there’s no harm in them being here, besides I always like to see my friends taking an interest in fashion.” Rarity said to Fluttershy. They yellow mare smiled. ‘Of course,’ Rarity thought as she glanced at Twilights ‘I do feel better with the elements here’


“Hey, quite down you guys! The show is about to start.” Rainbow dash shouted from above the crowd.


Luna paced back and forth. Only a few moments remained before the opening of the winter star celebration, a holiday that not only honoured her night, but also marked the start of a new year. She was absolutely terrified. This wouldn’t just be like her token appearances at parties thrown by nobles in Canterlot; here she would be the host, the center of everyponies attention, and a very easy target. Her dear sister had done her best to make her little ponies comfortable with Luna, and she always assured Luna that the ponies had grown used to her and loved her, but it hadn’t escaped her notice that Celestia’s guard seemed to be shrinking and Luna’s own was constantly growing.

“Princess, it is time to begin the ceremony.” Said one of her one of her guards. She sighed, best to get this over with. She walked out of the small curtained chamber and out onto the stage, decorated with a crescent moon and hundreds of stars. She heard several ponies gasp; it didn’t surprise her anymore that they would. With even more of her magic returned to her she had regained the starry mane she was used to, but too many associated that mane with nightmare moon.

“Just like Nightmare Moons...” “Scary...” “Was she always so big?” She heard the whisper’s from the crowd. It hurt her to hear, but ignored it. She focused all of her concentration on her night instead. A thousand years ago she would have simply raised the moon like she would any other day of the year, but Celestia had insisted that a bit of show-mare ship was in order on special occasions like this. As she lifted the full moon into the sky, she slowly made all of her stars grow in brightness; the crowd’s murmurs over her appearance were replaced by awed silence. When she felt the moon break the horizon she rose into the air, as her sister had told her she did during her own celebration, and made her stars begin to twinkle. She almost fell out of the air suddenly the entire town seemed to erupt in cheers.

“Incredible!” “I’ve never seen anything like it!” “This is even more incredible than Celestia’s! Well, almost I mean.” She felt tears spring to her eyes, they really liked her! These little ponies really were hers as well as her sisters, she was so hap-

Her eyes widened as she saw it off in the distance, two far away for any of the ponies to hear still but coming closer every second. Approaching Ponyville was a wall of raw power ripping apart everything in its path, twisting the spectrum of light into an unnatural rainbow of dark hues. It was a mega spell. She threw herself into the air over the crowd, horn already sparking with her arcane magic. Beside her she could feel the power of her sister doing the same but she didn’t risk distracting herself by looking. He sister’s magic flowed together with her own and wrapped itself around the town into a protective shield so dense with power that it was barely transparent. Luna heard the fist ponies realising what was going on, some calling for everyone to get inside or behind something solid, some screaming in panic.

The mega spell impacted with the shield, and the world turned white. Then, all was black.


Purple Haze oozed out from his hiding place under the stage, chuckling to himself. Aurora might not be the chosen’s strongest magic user, but the dark rainbow mega spell was one thing he could do better than any other. ‘Now then, neon trees said that she had her elements new holder fetch them for us, where is- Ah, there.’ The currently liquefied Purple Haze moved towards the yellow Pegasus clutching a book, she even looked like his dear Neon! But that similarity wasn’t going save her. He extended a long tendril of his ooze towards the unconscious Pegasus.

“Stay away from her you bucking slime!” A rock passed harmlessly through his liquid body. No harm could be inflicted on him while the S’Müz spell was still in effect. However, that didn’t change the fact that NOPONY INSULTS PURPLE HAZE AND GETS AWAY WITH IT! He turned to the offending party, a light blue Pegasus with a rainbow mane. He almost laughed at the similarities between the mare and Aurora.

“You, you heard me! Get away, from... From her!” The mare looked like she could barely stand up, and an obvious wound to her left wing meant that this pony wouldn’t even be able to fly.

“Oh really? You want me to get away from her? Well who exactly is going to stop me?” He asked gleefully.

“I am. Don’t worry boss, I got this one.” Purple haze spun around towards the new voice, preparing tendrils of his liquid body to tear its owner apart. What he saw baffled him. ‘Soap bubbles? Why where there soap bubbles-’

One of Haze’s tendrils struck a bubble, and exploded into a brilliant flash. ‘Sunlight!’ he screamed in agony as the offensive light reached his liquid flesh, turning it to stone and shattering it in an instant.

The blue Pegasus stared at the new arrival bewilderedly. “Derpy? What are you...?”

“Relax boss, I told you I’ve got this under control.” Said the grey Pegasus as soap bubbles floated around her. She turned to Purple Haze, glaring at him with one eye as the other looked in a completely different direction. “Now then, let’s see how you like this trick. Spiral Harmonic Overdrive!” She flapped her wing and struck several of the bubbles. Rather that bursting from the impact the bubbles colors became vibrant, and as she retracted her wing they began to spin at an incredible speed, flattening into rotating disk and flying at Haze. He raised several tendrils to block the bubbles but they cut through them and exploded on his main body. He screamed in pain.

Pain. He hadn’t felt pain in eons, even before he and his fellow chosen had sealed themselves to sustain them whiled the elements matured in power. This inferior Pegasus had the gall to make him feel it TWICE!

“I’LL KILL YOU!” He screamed as the surged towards his waiting enemy.