• Published 16th Dec 2012
  • 1,037 Views, 31 Comments

A Para-military Paranoid in Equestria 2 - The Last Renegade

Jack is now married to Rainbow Dash. This is the beginning of a new life.

  • ...

Another Shitty chapter.

* 6 Days later *

I was sleeping when Axel smacked me in the face. " I'm up! I'm up!" I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up.
" You sure you can go? You look like you're really hurting."

" I have to. Kyle may have been a traitor, but we still served together." I grabbed a tissue and coughed up some blood. " And yes. I am hurting badly." He helped me to the bathroom and handed me the suit Rarity made me a few days ago.

I put on the fancy suit and my shades. 'How long have I had these? Five years? Then again, why am I talking to myself? Oooh... Chest, fuck you!' I said in my head.

I went out the door and Ax helped me downstairs to the funeral.

It was only ponies Kyle and I really knew.

" You okay?" Rainbow asked me as I sat down.
" Yeah. No. I'm doing terrible. I'm in a lot of pain. Problem is, I don't know what's causing it, though it might be an old injury or the Twilight incident."

Since Axel and I were the only ones who really knew Kyle, we were the only ones who went up to talk.
I mostly toned out the whole place until the Axel asked me to come up.

He went over to my seat and helped me over to speak.
" Kyle was always the one to help you out, though he never actually helped around town. We served together for about four years, until he got shot pretty bad, the General told him to go home and he did. Even though he was on the enemies side, we didn't want him to know the we were fully aware." I talked for a few minutes before it was time to bury him.

The plan was to bury him a bit inside of the Everfree forest, not too deep, just to where you could go and visit the grave site.

* 20 Minutes later *

Axel helped me back inside and sat me down in my chair.
" Is he going to be alright? " I heard Rainbow quietly ask him.
" I don't know. I never seen him this bad. I know for a fact he'll die before you. Humans normally live for around Eighty years. Seeing how he's turning Thirty-Six next week, I'd say he'll live maybe another Forty-Four years. Just saying." I chuckled and turned to face him.

" I'll tell you one thing, I'm not going down without a fight. No matter what, I'll always be in your heart." Just then, Twilight came through the door.
" Jack, Princess Celestia wants to see you. " I sighed and got up from my chair slowly.

" This better be important." Twilight quickly saw I was in pain.
" You okay? "
" No." I simply replied. Then, a flash of light, and we were in the Castle.

" Jack, You're here. I need your help." I sighed again and waited.
" We think the Diamond Dogs are planning something." Shining Armor spoke up.
I waited a few seconds before replying. " What do want me to do?"

" You have experience in fighting." Celestia said.
" That I do. Quite a bit. Now, What do you want me to do?" I repeated myself.
" You also have highly trained soldiers. You need to send th-" I shushed him.

" They are for defence." I waited a second and leaned towards Shining. " Me and Axel are for offence." I slowly walked to a nearby map where Shining was.
" Where are they?" He pointed to a spot a few miles from Ponyville. " You can send in some extra Guards if you'd like, but we'll head over stealthily. Celestia, I need your help too." I turned to face her.

" Help with what?"
" I constantly have really bad pain in my chest, any way you can help?" She nodded her head and came close to me.
" I can dull it, if that helps." She put her hoof on my chest and some magic hit me and dulled the pain.

" Thanks. Now, I have a plan to make. Twilight, mind taking us home?"
" Before you go," Shining stopped me. " Good luck."
" Won't need it." We hoof-bumped and I turned back to Celestia.
" Get ready to see Twilight a bunch too." I added.

" Also, Shining, meet me here." I pointed to the base of a ridge and we teleported back to my place.

" Axel, follow me." He followed me downstairs to a room that had a map, and two chairs. We both sat down as Dash and Twilight came through the doors.
" Mind if we watch? I want to see how humans do things related to war." I nodded and they came close to the table.

** Warning, The following is not necessary to read, as it just contains dialogue and battle planning and other stupid bullshit. **

" We can have my team set up a defensive line here to here," I pointed to two spots on the map. " While me and you head up this ridge. Now Twilight, I need you to relay information to Celestia. First, I need to now if Celestia wants these Diamond Dogs killed, or captured."
" You're in command." She told me before teleporting off.

" Rainbow, I need you as Recon, meaning you go high up and scout, then come back to me with what you saw alright?" I asked her.
" Sure." She replied

" What about terrain?" Axel asked me. " We don't know if we'll be above or below them."
" We'll cross that bridge went we come to it." I told him as Twilight came back.
" She said it's up to you."

" Then we'll also need Tranquilizer rounds. I want to capture some of them for Interrogation at the Castle.
Twilight, You know any invisibility spells?" She nodded. " Good, because you'll be close behind us so we can report to the Princesses. Sound like a plan team?"

" Sure." They all replied.
" Axel, what weapons? I got plenty." He scratched his chin.
" M16 Scoped and a side arm?"

" You got it. Tell my Team I'll be down in five." He ran out the door and I headed to the armory.
" M16 with scope, and an M9 for Axel, for me an ACR with duel range scope, and M82 loaded with Tranq darts." I spoke to myself, grabbing weapons off the wall.

" 440 rounds of Thirty round STANAG, Sixty rounds of 9MM, and 20 Tranq darts." I grabbed the ammo and put it in ammo boxes.
" I have to get changed out of this suit, I'll be right back." I went back upstairs and changed into a more suitable outfit and came back to the armory.

" Alright, follow me." I lead Rainbow and Twilight to the barracks where I handed an outfit to Axel.
I explained the situation and where they would form the line. " Cloud Chaser, You're leading the defence team."

We headed out to the base of the ridge with Rainbow and Twilight and met with Shining again.
" Alright. Rainbow, get up there and tell me what you see. Shining, we leave at night, you can tag along if you'd like, see how we humans do things."

We waited around a fire as night approched.
Shining decided to stick with us too.

* Midnight *

" Shh... Hear that?" I heard a howl.
" Yeah, what was that?" Twilight Asked.
" Diamond dogs, they're coming towards us, put out the fire." Axel put out the fire as we heard another howl.

" Quickly, get under my wings. They won't be able to see you." I laid face down on the ground and spread my wings to hide them.
" They're going away. Come on, We're going stealth." We started crawling towards the top of the ridge.

" I know it's not comfortable, but we have to do it."

We soon reached the top of the ridge and I could now see our situation.

" Okay, looks like we have a height advantage. Ax, silencers." I reached in my pocket and pulled out Two weapon silencers and fitted them on to our weapons.

" You spot, I shoot." I told him as he grabbed binoculars and began spotting.
" Isolated target, Five-Zero-Eight. Fire." I took a shot and hit the Dog in the head.

" Good hit good hit. Group of Five, Four-Zero-Zero. Fire." Five hits, five kills.
" Five down, Looks like the head-honcho, Group of... Eight it looks like. Fire."
" No, we'll need that group alive. Good thing there aren't many Dogs here. Rainbow, how many did you see?" I asked her.

" Fifteen."
" That was only fourteen, where's the last one?" I Looked around a bit and saw it. " I see it, taking the shot." Hit.
" Okay, Shining, get your Guards over there."

" They're already moving."
" Let's go!" We got up and started running towards the last few Dogs.

" Reloadin'!" I yelled out as I saw Shining's squad heading to attack

" Get down or I will kill you!" We slowed down and raised our weapons.
The lead Diamond Dog snarled and swatted the gun out of my hands. What happened next was normal for me.

It was like the entire world stopped.
" You couldn't do it. You could never do it. You are defenceless, now you will die." A voice I knew told me.
" General, what a pleasant surprise. How are you today? Like I've said before, No can do." It was the General I had killed years ago.

Time came back to normal as the Diamond Dog swatted at me again.
I grabbed the Magnum from my pocket.
" Eat lead you oversized Bulldog!" I yelled as I blew a hole in his head.

I holstered the gun and grabbed my Rifle loaded with Tranq rounds and took a shot, hitting the lead Dog in the chest and knocking him out.

Axel and Shining's soldiers killed the rest of the Diamond Dogs and Twilight got ready to teleport us all the the castle, where Guards were waiting to take the dog.

" Ready?"
" Ready." I said as we teleported out.

I was pushed over and hit the ground hard, knocking me out.
" Well, that can't be good."
" Ah, he'll be fine." I heard faint voices say.

** Pointless Bullshit over. **

I woke up in the morning, sitting in my chair next to Axel, who was sleeping on the floor.
" You're up. Finally. You had me worried." A voice said to me.
" Luna? What are doing here?"
" You were out for almost a week. You must've hit the ground pretty hard. We stayed and watched you." I got up and noticed something.

" I'm not in pain..." I examined my body. Nothing was missing.
" What happened?" Luna came over and hugged me.
" Twilight Sparkle took you to her library and saved you." She sniffled, almost as if she was crying.

She broke off the hug.
" It was a day long operation. When she hit you with that magic bolt, It began slowly killing you. She nearly killed you, but in return, saved you from her own magic." I saw Twilight sleeping on the floor, along with Spike, AJ, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rainbow, Rarity, and even Celestia.

" We stayed here for the whole time, hoping you would wake up."
" It'll take more than that to bring me down." I sat back down in the chair.
" You keep saying that Jack. You worry me." I saw Twilight start waking up.

" I have a song from back on Earth. I'd like for you to hear it. It's not made by me, It's a song about war. I'll put it on tomorrow, which is my birthday. Sound like a plan?" She nodded at me.
" I'd like to hear it."

* The next day, Jack's 36th birthday. *

I stood outside my front door, ready to walk into a surprise party.
' Pinkie Pie, what have done for my birthday?' I asked myself as I opened the door.
" SURPRISE!" A bunch of ponies popped up from hiding.

I smiled and walked to Pinkie. " You did this in a day? Impressive."
" Yep! So, how are you feeling?" She asked, just as crazy as ever.
" Much better. Though, I will say, it's not the first time I nearly died. Let's see, it's the... Fifteenth time. It is the first time someone ever threw me a birthday party though." I went over to Luna.

" You said you had a song?" Luna asked.
" Indeed I do." I slammed my hand on the nearby table and a song started playing.
I saw the whole house, including my entire squad, look over to a large stereo system.

" Never know when your going need that. " I said myself as the song came on.
" This is called Warriors of the World by Manowar. I like it. Thought I'd share it with all of you." I walked over to where Axel was sitting.

" How you feeling?" He asked.
" Been worse. " I replied.
" I know you have." He hugged me.

" Awkward." I broke off from the hug and dusted myself off.
" I really thought we lost you. You scare me."
I let out a laugh. " I don't got time to die. Too important for that shit."

Then Rainbow came over to us.
" Jack, I need to talk to you." Rainbow told me. " In private."

We went downstairs so she could talk to me.

" Promise not to be angry?" I nodded.
" Well... I'm pregnant." I stared at her. Nothing more.
" Why would I be angry about that?" I smiled, then it hit me. " Right... Human-pony hybrid... I'll ask Twilight." But she stopped me before I could get back up.

" Rainbow, they're your best friends. They have to find out sooner or later."
She sighed. " I guess."

I headed back upstairs.

" Twilight. I need your help. Any chance of a human-pony hybrid occurring? "
" No way." I smiled.
" She is, and we need to know."

" I'll research it and get back to you tomorrow!" Twilight quickly headed home to research it.
" What did she say?"
" She'll get back to us tomorrow." I turned around and went back to where Axel was sitting.

AJ came up as I sat in a chair.
" Rainbow told me yer gonna be a father."
" You heard right." I hoof bumped her.

Nothing else really happened the rest of the day. I just waited around, some ponies asked questions while I answered them.

Night came, all the ponies left, Rainbow was in bed, Axel was passed out on the floor.
" Damn I'm tired." I slowly walked to the bed and fell asleep.

* Next Morning. *

I was the first to wake up today and I made breakfast as Axel woke up.
" How's it feel to be Thirty Six? " He asked me.
" Same as being Thirty Five." I shook my head.

" So. Jack is going to be a dad."
" Indeed I am." Just then, Twilight came through the door.
" Whoa. Jack, you need to comb your mane." Ax sat down and grabbed a plate of food and wolfed it down.

" You know." I wiped some blood off of my forehead. Wait, blood? " With the whole mane thing, Rainbow and I are completely opposite. She likes to have it look nice, I like to have the " Don't mess with my friends or I'll rip out your throat." Look." I got up and grabbed a mirror to check out where the blood was from.

" Meh." I shrugged. " So, give me news." I combed the hair off away from my eyes.
" It's a really low chance that it could happen, but it's still a chance."
I put the mirror down as Rainbow came down.

" You know, there's one thing I miss about Earth."
" What's that?" Axel grabbed a cup and filled it with coffee.
" I know I shouldn't miss it but, I miss the wars there. It's all I had in life." Just then, Luna came through the door.

" We need you at the Castle. I heard you miss the wars. "

Back at the Castle, it was everything but calm.
" This way!" I sprinted after Luna to try to keep up.
I saw Guards suiting up for battle everywhere.

" We cleared a room for you to lay plans down. " I slowed down as I saw the large room, filled with maps and Guarded by four ponies. " Manehatten has been half destroyed by our enemies. We don't know what they are, but we need your experience in wars."
" Leave me to it." I said as large doors closed behind me.

" Take a seat." A voice told me.
" Welcome to SBC Captain. SBC means Strategic Battle Command. " I took a seat and got the run down of the war.

From what I understand, we are now at war with an unknown enemy. That's about all the Information they had. Because I was skilled in combat planning, they let me into the Castle's Defence program.

" Leave me alone to deal with this. " I commanded them.
Rainbow and her friends came through the doors to figure out the situation.

" I have some bad news. We are at war with an unknown enemy. They put me in command of the allies. " I think they almost past out at that point. " I'm going to be in this one room, or on the battle field. Here. Wear these. They'll allow you to talk with me remotely." I handed them all radios to communicate with me.

I spent days in that room, sometimes Rainbow and her friends would come and visit me. I never left that room though, except to go the the bathroom, to eat, or to sleep.

* A month later *

I headed home for the first time to spend some time with Rainbow and others. The past month was a tough time to cope with, for all of us.

" I don't know. The outcome doesn't look too good at this point. "
" Don't say that. " Rainbow asked me.
" It's the truth. I know you're afraid of losing me, but I have to do this. I think I can change this war though. I know what they want Dash. It's not about control or anything like that. They want me. It's just like Earth, I'm the enemies worst nightmare. They want to kill me and Axel." I tried to reassure her everything was going to be fine.

" I don't want you to die. "
" Rainbow, I'm not going to die! You know I'm not scared of many things. They don't scare me. I will fight to the death, and dammit!" I shot up from my chair and took out my gun. " We aren't going to lose this war! I won't allow it! We have a damn good army!" Axel slapped me across the face and looked into my eyes.

" And what if we lose?!" I saw tears forming in Rainbows eyes and looked back at my old friend.
" And you're doubting me? How many times have I saved the U.S.? Many! And you listen to me. I have to run an extremely important operation. It could change the tide of this war. I'm going to need all the help I can get."

I saw all of my teammates get up. " We're in this together." Rainbow told me.
" Rainbow, you can't go. You have another life in you. I can't risk losing you."
" And what about them?!" She pointed at the ponies beside her and tears began falling from her eyes.

" They don't have to go! I'm not forcing them to go! I need to protect you and the rest of Equestria! You think this is easy for me to do? It's not, you don't know how much I have resting on my shoulders! " She opened her mouth to try and talk, but I didn't let her. " No! You don't! I need to get this operation underway ASAP. I have to go." I stormed out of the house and flew as fast as I could back to the war room to plan it out.

I pushed the doors open and sat down.
' They don't know how much I have sitting on my shoulders.' I covered my face and sat there for a minute.

* The next Morning *
The council came in early today to plan.
" I know what I need to do. " I looked up at the council members. " Get me my Tank Armor. They want me, they're going to get me."

I got suited up in my heaviest armor I had and contacted the house.
" Rainbow, everypony else, they're going to get a present from me. A present of death." I put my hat and shades on as Axel came on.

" Jack, I'm going with you. We fought together before."
" This is different Axel." I walked outside to see the bright sun and my teammates.
" How is that?" My team followed close behind. They knew what they were in for.

" This is personal." My third in command handed me a long steel sword and I put it on my back.
" Jack I'm not letting you go out there alone. I'll be right there."
Axel came and I got him a suit of Tank Armor.

" Let's do this. Hold on tight, I can handle this. "

We all flew together into Manehatten to see the commander of the enemy.
We landed and instantly started fighting. While Axel and I went for the leader, my team went to help the local forces.

I was carrying an Equestrian Flag and an ACR on my back and Axel had, Ironicly, a War Axe and a Sword.

" Targets fifty feet ahead! Charge!" I yelled and ran towards the leader.

* A Month Later *

The leader got away, and since the war was early on, plus they only captured Manehatten, which meant with their small force they were all in one place. We spent a month fighting and we now had all of the city except one place.

" All of you, finish their army. I will take out the commander! " I sprinted into the building and went to the leader who was at the roof of the building.

" We're in this together!" Axel yelled at my side. We fought our way to the roof and Axel stayed behind.

" I See hi-Ugh!" I was hit in the head with a blunt object and was knocked down.
" Any last words? " The leader came towards me. I got up slowly and removed my damaged helmet to reveal blood running down my head.

" Yeah." I grabbed the Sword off my back and Impaled him through the lower chest with it. " Don't fuck with me. " I felt a knife go into my chest and I looked him in his eyes. " Nngh." I grunted as the Sword came out his back and he stopped breathing.

I fell to the ground and crawled to the front of the roof, knife still in my chest. Thoughts swirled in my head about Rainbow.
' You just stormed out like that. Now you're going to die with a knife in your chest.' I reached the front and planted the flag as Axel got to me.

" Jack!" I heard him yell faintly. He threw me over my shoulders and I passed out.

I woke up in the hospital a week later, Rainbow sitting next to me and a doctor checking on me.
" Did we win?" She nodded and smiled. " Damn right we did."

* Another Fucking Month Later *

I was back home and Celestia came by with a little surprise.
" We wanted to give you this." She floated a shining medal to me. " Axel helped us with it. Told us it was the highest prestige medal on Earth. I think he called it the Medal of Honor."

" Thank you but," I handed the Medal back to her. " I don't think I deserve this."
" What do you mean? You fully deserve it. No living thing in all of Equestria has ever come close to what you did. Jack, you need to give yourself credit. You ended the war." I Got up and looked her in the eyes.

" I am giving myself credit. For your information, I didn't win the war. We won the war. I just planted a flag and added another kill to my name." I saw Dash get up and tend to Star Fire, Our new colt.

" Those ponies had the power to cripple us. They just needed the numbers to do it. Take the Medal. " I sighed and put the Medal of Honor on the table.

" You've done Equestria a favor. How can we repay you?" I smiled and came up with an idea.
" How about this, you talk to Dash and see what she wants. Sound good?" I did Equestria a favor? I call bullshit. Celestia went to talk to Rainbow and I sat down in my chair.

" When I'm buried they better have Two F-35s doing barrel rolls overhead and a 17 gun salute. " I said to myself as another pony came through the door.

" You must be Jack." I saluted her and nodded. " I'm the Mayor of Manehatten and I just wanted to say thank you. For everything."
" It's nothing. I'm just doing what I do best." After that, Celestia and the mayor both left and I went into a flashback.

* Flashback *

" Echo 1, where are you?" My team and I were heading to rendezvous with an Army team who were waiting near an enemy encampment where the Russians were holding civilians and a British SAS team hostage.
" Hold your asses, we're pulling up now." The plan was for me and Ryder to take out Two targets stealthily and take their clothing to infiltrate.

" Glad you could make it Captain. What's the plan?" I didn't reply, So he got worried. " You... have a plan right?"
" Of course I have a plan. If that doesn't work, we always have plan B. Ryder, let's move." We got a spot where three men were standing.
" You take the left." I took a large rock and threw it at a Guards head, knocking him out. For the other man, I stabbed him in the back.

Five minutes later we moved into the base dressed as the enemy with AK-47s. We blended right in.
" Follow my lead, and let me do the talking." I walked past the checkpoint and saw the target as a few men stopped us.

" Павел, ты где был? Получить больше на заключенных и допрашивать их!"
" Да, сэр! " ' Interrogate them, right. A.K.A. Bust them out.' I signaled for Cliff to follow me
" They want us to Interrogate the team. Let's go break them out." I saw the Army team taking positions for sniper support.

" What do you want from me?" We walked into a small green tent that smelled like dead people covered in shit.
" We're here to bust you out. Looks like we're just in time too. " I threw my AK to him and heard sirens outside. " Go go go!" Ryder unlocked the medal gate as I took place at the tent flap.

" Echo 1, tangos heading your way!" Bullets ripped by, one of them hitting me in the arm.
" I'm hit! Get them out of here! I'll be fine!" I grabbed the Colt 1911 from my pocket and covered them while they escaped. " Plan B gentlemen." An explosion nearby.

" Fuck! Echo 1 get out of there!" I sprinted out of the tent to the helicopter.
" Get us out of here!" The pilot tried to take off but couldn't.
" We're too heavy! They'll tear us apart!" I nodded and me and Ryder jumped back off to get to the ground Exfil point.

Another bullet ripped through my body. " That's it! You're starting to piss me off! PLAN C MOTHERFUCKER!" A large truck pulled up behind me with the back covered.
" I think." I climbed up and slipped under the tarp. " That you picked the wrong side." The passenger pulled down the tarp to reveal my Baby. A 50. Caliber Anti Aircraft gun and I started firing.

A few hundred rounds later I hopped out and high fived the driver. " Nice job Jack. "
" Always a pleasure. Before we go," I pulled out my Colt and fired a bullet into the base. " Leave them a reminder who they're fucking with." We started walking to the Exfil as planned.

" Jack, I think you missed with that last shot." Ryder looked back at the base.
" No I didn't." I adjusted my hat as the base exploded.

* Present day. *

"Ngh!" I shot up from my chair to see Applejack. " Oh. Hey AJ. What's up?" I yawned.
" Ah heard you got a Medal a some sort for what ya did at Manehatten."
" Oh, yeah. The Medal of Honor. I gotta say, I really don't think I deserve it." I showed her the shiny Medal and handed it to her.

" Captain Jack Fire fought through many ponies ta raise a flag and take out the enemy commander, and almost the entire enemy army to reclaim the city of Manehatten."
" It was nothing. I did what I do best. I've seen worse." She placed the Medal back down on the table and turned to me.

" Ah came because the Princess wanted to talk to ya. She's waiting outside." I sighed and walked outside to see Celestia waiting for me.
" I asked your friend Axel about Earth Military ranks. I wanted to promote you to Major." My eyebrow shot up like a rocket. " I believe you have earned this promotion based on what he has told me." She handed me a Major rank pin.
" Fine. I'll take it. I'm now Major Jack Fire." I smiled. " Sweet. Anything else?" I put my Captain one in my pocket and attached the Major one on.

" Yes. Could you demonstrate those weapons you have?" We headed down to the Firing Range and demonstrated some weaponry.

" What do you think? "
" I don't know. You said they are made for killing." I could tell she was a bit worried.
" Yeah. It's all we really did on Earth. There wasn't complete peace like there is here. We killed for it. These are just for war situations. Though, I do always carry one with me. You never know when your going to need it."

Not much happened for a while. I mostly stayed home for a week until we got together for lunch at Sugarcube Corner.

" So what's happening?" We sat down at the table and I unwrapped an MRE.
" Not much. Winters coming soon."
The waiter came by took their orders, of course since they don't sell meat, I gave Ax one too.

" Rainbow, remember how I told you about the trapdoor under our bed?"

" Yeah, what about it?"
" Inside of that room is a box. Inside of that box, is the most powerful weapon in the universe. It can destroy worlds. It got past down from my father to me, trusted to protect it with my life. The worst part is knowing the war that took place Two months ago was caused my me. Those ponies wanted me on their side in order to destroy the world. I made this," I grabbed an odd looking medal piece from under my shirt and showed it to them.

" To stop me if I ever tried to use that weapon. It would inject a special made poison that my father created into my bloodstream, traveling to my head, and overriding my brain to destroy the weapon. I want all of you to promise me that if the poison failed, you would kill me and destroy that weapon." I attached the injector back onto my chest.

" Why would ya ever use it though?" Applejack asked me.
I sighed and told her " Anger can take over your body sometimes. Would you kill me if I tried to use it?"
" Ah guess..." I stared her in the eyes and frowned. " Fine. Ah would."

" I need to tell you all something else. This is the one place I've ever been happy in life. Earth can explode for all I care. I just want one more thing. And that is for these damn spies to stop watching me!" A pony jumped down from a tree outside and ran as fast as possible away.

" What are greatest secrets you have ever wanted to know? Because I can tell you the truth of them."
" Aliens." I put my hand on Axel's head and focused.

" Aliens crashed in Roswell New Mexico, 1947. Two bodies found and transported to Groom Lake Nevada, also known as Area 51, I know everything man. Want to know how you die? If you stayed on Earth a man by the name of John Smith would have killed you. Anyone else? Ask me anything."

" Will I ever be famous?" Rainbow asked me.
" In the future you become known all around Equestria for your sonic rainboom, Fluttershy becomes the best vet for injured animals, Twilight becomes a famous Scientist working in the Castle, Rarity becomes a famous tailor, Applejack becomes a famous cook, Pinkie... I really don't know which is odd, and I become a semi-known war hero. Basically, all of you become famous, including you Axel. You become famous for something. I don't know what. I'm the only one who doesn't become known pretty much. I just get known for war. Interesting isn't it?"

" You don't get famous? You really should." Twilight told me.
I chuckled lightly and looked at her. " For what? Killing?"
" There's got to be something."
" That's the thing Twilight. I don't ever become famous. I shouldn't be either. Who wants to be known for killing? Best thing I get even close to famous is known for being related to the Princesses. Nothing else."

Then I heard a banging on the door so I looked through the hole.

" No. No no no NO! This is bad!"
" What's happening?" Axel asked me
" A very bad thing, worse than you can imagine. All of you, barricade the doors!"

" What's happening?!" He asked again.
" The real question is, can I save you?! Because yes! I can! For a price!"
" What price?!" I stopped in my tracks.

" The ultimate price. The price of me. Those things are here to take me." The doors exploded, and before you knew it, I was gone. I left a note on the ground for them.

" Jack here, I'll be gone for a long time. They've taken me away to a place no living thing has ever escaped. I might be back in a week, I might be back in a few years, I don't know. You should know this though, I am fine. I'm not dead, I'll be back. Know that, and you will be fine. " Rainbow read out loud. " He's... gone." She began to cry as her friends comforted her.

It would be a long time before I saw her face again.

* 7 months later. *

I knocked on the front door to see Rainbow open it and her face light up.
" You're alive!" She shouted and the rest of the Mane Six saw me. " Where were you?"
" Away. I'm here now. That's all that matters. How's Star?"

" He's in school right now. He's going to get a surprise."

An hour of chatting later, Star came through the door.

" Dad! What happened? Where'd you go?" He gave me a big hug and smiled.
" There's something you should know about humans. Humans are a tough species to beat. If I were a pony, what happened that day would have killed me. If I were normal it would have killed me."