• Published 16th Dec 2012
  • 1,028 Views, 31 Comments

A Para-military Paranoid in Equestria 2 - The Last Renegade

Jack is now married to Rainbow Dash. This is the beginning of a new life.

  • ...


You will need to read through the first story to understand what is happening.

* 1 week later. *

Jack's compound.

"Alright, I'll be back with the soldiers." I told Kyle and Rainbow. I began walking to the guard barracks to pick up the elite.

I decided to stop by the donut shop again for some breakfast. " Hey." I said to the clerk. " Just a plain and some coffee today." "Coming right up." He told me as I walked to the table by the window. It took a few minutes to get the coffee and donut. " Here you go." "Thanks." I told him.

Breakfast went by uneventfully, and quick. I payed the clerk and got out in a hurry, as I was almost late. I facepalmed 'Wings.' I thought. I took of swiftly, flapping my wings furiously.

I landed minutes later. I pushed the doors open into the hall, Shining Armor greeting me. " Here to pick up the elite for your program?" "Yeah. Where are they?" He motioned for me to follow, taking me around the corner. "Here." I nodded.

" Alright! I am your new Captain! You will address me as either Shadow Fire, or Captain Jack! Every sentence you say will begin and end with "sir". Do you understand that?!"

" SIR YES SIR!" They all yelled. " Now follow me to your new base." I commanded them. I began walking back out, my troops following close behind.

We arrived at my compound, luckily for me, all of them were Pegasi. " Form a line at the wall." They lined up and faced me. " You are here because you graduated top at the of your class. I can be your best friend." I walked up at a soldier panting.

" Or your worst enemy! Are you tired maggot?!" " Sir... yes... sir." He said in between breaths.

" Well that's too bad! You rest when I allow you to rest! Now, meet your new first Lieutenant. Lieutenant Johnson! Come on out!" I yelled out. Kyle walked out of the house. " These your troops?" He asked, I just nodded.

" Lieutenant Johnson is a long time friend of mine, serving by my side in the war. Your duties here are to protect all of Equestria! When you are not resting, you are training in hoof-to-hoof combat as you cannot use guns. I will get another friend out here to measure you for your new, magic resistant armor, so get that old armor off!" I went around back to get Rarity, who would be making the suits.

" You ready?" " Of course darling!" She saluted me " Ready as I'll ever be!" She said to me, walking back out. I walked to Kyle, who was just staring at my units. " You sure you see something in them?" " They will be ready. Anyway, what color for the suit?" I asked him, referring to his new Iron suit.

" U.S. flag." "Alright." I told him " JARVIS. You heard him. " " I'll get right on it sir." I nodded. " Re-paint mine too. American flag as well."

After Rarity measured them and I paid her, I walked back to the troops. " Alright! I'll be showing you around your new base." I commanded them, motioning them to follow.

I gave them the grand tour. " And here are your new beds." I pointed. " Get settled. Meet me in the yard in three hours. Get some rest. You'll need it." I told them. As I walked out the door, I saw Dash.

" They in there?" " Yeah. Gave them three hours to sleep. Until then, we can go out. But first, I need to get Kyle to flight training 101 with JARVIS." " Okay." She said.

" Follow me Kyle." I told him, following me. " We have to get you to flight training 101 with JARVIS." I said, taking off and picking him up. I flew down the hole to the suit room.

" JARVIS, flight training." " I'll take good care of him." The system told me. " Now, the first thing is..." I heard, walking out of the room.

" Marine training, day one. I picked up the troops and got them settled in. Mobility training in three hours." I say to my day recorder.

Dash and I went out to visit our friends. Apparently Twilight had her parents over to meet her outer-universe friend." First up is Twilight." I scratched my beard. " I want you to shave that." " Alright." I told her, taking out my knife and starting to shave. " You could hurt yourself by doing that."

"I know. I don't carry around a razor."I said to her, finishing up the shave. We got to Twilight's and I hid by the door.

" Jack! Come on in!" I heard faintly. I walked in and saluted. " Captain Jack. Here to serve Equestria." " Serve?! You're just a useless, hairless ape!" Her dad snapped at me.

"DAD!" Twilight yelled. " At least I'm not somepony to insult somepony else based on them being from a universe and being the brother of the Princesses, as well as the lost prince."

His face sunk. " I'm so sorry! I...I didn't know you are the Prince! Please forgive me!" " Apology accepted. Anyway, Twilight, I've gotten the troops. They're taking a three hour rest period until they take the mobility test."

" What's he talking about Twilight?" Her mother asked. " He's the commander of that new elite soldier squad. What do you call it?" " The Marines. Special Operations unit. To protect Equestria and the ponies. We will fight to the death. Or at least my friend Kyle and I will."

" You look like you've been through alot." " I have. Served in the military for fourteen years. Seen guys die and have them get their bodys blown in half."

They just stared. Must have been my clothing, a marine helmet, SWAT-like black pants and shirt, with a black vest. " What? Humans were clothes all the time. We have a thing against nudity."

"By the way, I've got a tight schedule to keep. Let's go Rainbow. Next is AJ" I said to her as we walked out of the building.

We arrived at Sweet Apple Acres. " Hey AJ." " Howdy Rainbow. What cha need?" I came from behind. " Just a check up." She got a bit scared, and tried to buck me in the face, but I dodged it. " You really gotta stop that Jack!" She yelled at me.

" But ah guess everypony is alright." " Well that's good. We're just here to check. Got barely any time."

We left a few minutes later. By the time we got back to my compound, the boys were getting up. I kissed Rainbow and got to work. I crossed my arms as they came out in a single file line. " Alright maggots! I'll be right back!" I yelled, walking down to Kyle.

" Hey. Ready for flight?" " Yeah. Let's give them a show." he said, his suit assembling around him, mine doing the same. " No lightning" I started. " No thunder" " Nor hurricane gale can stand in the face of his wrath." ( That song.) We said in synch.

We took off and hovered above the troops" " MOVE MOVE! MOBILITY TEST! GO GO GO!" They all started off as fast as possible. " FASTER MAGGOTS! DO YOU WANT TO PROTECT?! DO YOU WANT TO GO DOWN IN HISTORY!? CHARGE!" I yelled at them. After the test, I gave the results.

"You all past. Very good job soldiers. You all just proved yourself worthy warriors."

The next few weeks were... eventful.

* 5 Weeks later.*

The Castle

"Jack! Good! You bring the troops? " "Every last one. What's wrong." She looked at me worried. " We are at war. Your team are the only ponies who can save us. Please help." I looked at my troops. " Alright Marines. We trained for this. Kyle and I will scout them out. Rules of engagement Princess?" " Take them out. Forever." I nodded. " RoE! Take no prisoners! She wants them wiped off Equestria."

" Who are we at war with?" One of my units asked." King Sombra." "Alright men! MOVE INTO ATTACK POSITION! HID UNTIL I GIVE YOU THE SIGNAL!" I yelled to them. As we got outside, Kyle and I took off.

"SIGNAL IS LEVIATHAN! GO GO GO!" I commanded. They flew off to position. " Jack?" "Yeah Ky?" " I''m... actually scared." I

looked over to my wingman. " Stand next to me, you'll never stand alone" I said. He nervously replied: "I trust you." "Good. Leviathan. " I said over the radio.

I saw my maggo- Soldiers, fly in and attack. " System status." "All is good sir. For both of you. Good luck." JARVIS replied. "Won't need it. Dash, come in." " Dash here." I looked down. " I may not make it back." "Don't say that!" " No. He's right." He looked at me, I looked back. " Fight to the death." We said. " Jack out. Helmet cam is on. You see what I see." I told her. " I love you." " I love you too." She started cying lightly. Then Fluttershy was heard. " Kyle! What are you doing?!" She asked, worried.

" Doing my duties." I started playing I won't back down by Johnny Cash. I shed a single tear " For Equestria." We both said. " Hello Tia and Luna. I know you're watching." I said. " We are. We trust your team. You're our last hope." I smiled and retracted my visor, putting sun glasses on.

"JARVIS." "Here sir." " How much firepower we got?" "In the suit, enough." I Smiled harder and started tearing. " Dash. Under the bed is a trapdoor. Open it." I could hear the trapdoor open "What is it?" " In that box. It's something you need to open if I don't live." " Don't- " "No." I interrupted her, sniffing. " If I'm not back midnight tuesday, open that. Promise me."

"I promise." She told me, crying hard. " I've lived a good life." I said, now hovering. " Thirty five years old. Today is the day I save all ponies in Equestria. Know I'll be at peace if I die, because I married a beautiful mare with a great personality. She loves me." " And he loves me." She finished.

" Day thirty-seven. If I die today, I know I will save a country. Kyle." "Yeah?" " Return to base. All units, return to base. I got this. I may die, but my spirit will go on. I lived my life. If I don't die... I don't know. If I do die, make sure my name is put on the list of heros."

" I love you all. Jack, out." " JAAAAACK!" Kyle screamed at me, as I went full speed downwards. " And I won't back down." I said calmly, as the I hit the ground, making an extremely large explosion, wiping out all of Sombra's units, as well as Sombra himself.

** Kyle POV **

The ground exploded. He saved all of Equestria. I don't know what happened next, as I was in a dream. "Hello Kyle." A voice said to me. " It's Jack. I've known you for a long time Kyle. I trust you will be fine. You're a strong man."

** Rainbow POV **

"NOOOOOOOO!" I screamed. " JACK! COME IN! COME IN!" " He said he could survive that. " Fluttershy told me. " Nopony could survive that." I told her, a soldiers voice came on. " He's not a pony. He could survive. He's stronger than any stallion I've seen."

** Celestia POV **
"No..." I said. " He... he can't be gone. He can't!" My sister hugged me. " It's alright. " She said. "His suit, I tried to break it. I couldn't." " So what?" I asked, crying. " It's made of an extremely stron metal. It means he could be only injured."

** Luna POV **
I tried to calm my sister down. I was truly saddened by this, though I didn't show it. " He could live." I told her.

** POV End. **
Jack had just saved the world from ruin. First was the ponies, next was the world. All living things in Equestria heard a voice before the explosion. " Hello. I'm Jack. You don't know me, but I just saved you all. I am probably dead. That doesn't matter. Equestria is safe. You will feel a rumble in a moment. That was me, hitting the ground very quickly, killing King Sombra and his army. I may have survived. Goodbye."

With Jack saying goodbye, all ponies felt a rumble under their hooves.