• Published 16th Dec 2012
  • 1,037 Views, 31 Comments

A Para-military Paranoid in Equestria 2 - The Last Renegade

Jack is now married to Rainbow Dash. This is the beginning of a new life.

  • ...

Operation Black Heart.

This chapter is just for playing out Operation Black Heart from last chapter.

* U.S.S. Nimitz *

Off the coast of Los Angeles.

April 26, 2015

Alarms sounding. Sailors yelling amongst the ship. Among the yelling, I was getting prepared to fly. I slapped on some sunglasses and saw the General walking towards me.

" And where do you think you're going?" I Looked at him.
" Sir, these missiles, they're made to lock onto a person. Not a location. It's me the missiles want," I pulled down my visor. " It's me their going to get."

" You stay on this fucking ship scumbag. We'll just shoot the things down." I Smiled at him.

" Too risky. We shoot those down, even with long range fire, they will kill too many civies. I'm gonna fly up and distract them."

" And how do you know that they're tracking you?" He asked as I sat down.

" I've got the ability to end the war on the spot. They want me dead, and Kyle's supplying false info. I am the greatest threat to them."

I would be flying my old F-14. A little primitive, but it gets the job done. " You listen to me. You stay on this ship or I will kill you myself."

I laughed at him. " Would you now? I want to end the war but you don't? Well, fuck off then."

He started shouting at me as I closed the canopy of the plane and began takeoff checks. Within the minute, I had the plane started up and ready to go.

" Beep beep motherfuckers." I said quietly to myself. My callsign was "Freedom 1-1." I taxied across the deck to a catapult nearby.

" Nimitz command, Freedom 1-1 ready for takeoff. Missile intercept." Nimitz command replying with " Roger. Freedom 1-1 for missile intercept. Clear for takeoff." I hooked up with the catapult and got ready. Not two seconds later was I off the deck.

" Freedom 1-1 climbing to flight level... Two-five-zero at six hundred. Right to one-five-five." I said over the radio.

" Two-five-zero at six hundred right to one-five-five, copy." I began banking right and put my gear up.

In ten minutes I got a good sign. An indicator showed I was locked onto by the enemy. " You gonna stick with Jack, you gonna make it back." I told myself. I looked behind me and saw the missiles. " Command, looks like the missiles are cruise missiles."

" Roger Freedom 1-1. Can you destroy in-flight?" I thought for a moment.

" No. I can, however, pull a trick to make them go into the water."

" And if it doesn't work?" I chuckled.

" Oh. It will work. You know what? We got any carriers on the way to Korea?"

"Uhhhh... yes. Why?" " Because now I can send the missiles back at them. I can outrun these things and do a quick refuel on the carrier and take off again in time."

" And... you're sure this will work?" They sounded worried.

" Yeah. What carrier is there on it's way?" I asked them.

"U.S.S. Gerald R. Ford."

Cool. New carrier to land on. " Alright. Thanks." By this time I had hit mach one. The missiles were slowed down for some reason.

An hour later, I was on the deck, missiles coming. " TEN MILES AND CLOSING!" One sailor yelled as I got ready to fly.

Launch. I was in the air again. " Thanks guys!" I Thanked them over the radio.

I could see the coast of north Korea, my target. " Nimitz command! Come in!" Then I heard a garbled voice. "...oger... 1-1... breaking...losing...strength..." 'Damn. No worries Jack. You can do this.'

"Hello Korea. Goodbye be- What the fuck?" I asked myself, looking down at a Navy strike team.

" F-14, What are you doing?!" " I'm delivering a present! I think you should hunker down!" I commanded them over the radio.

" Or what!?" They asked.

" Or this!" I yelled out as I went into a nose dive, ejecting from the plane.

A giant explosion. Luckily for me, I wasn't hurt, and I landed near the Strike team.

I landed and proceeded to walk to them.

" Hey boys. Mind a rescue?" They looked at me in shock. I shrugged and got into their RHIB. "Come on. Take me to your ship."

" Where did you come from?" On man asked.

" U.S.S Nimitz, made a landing on the U.S.S. Gerald R. Ford and crashed here with the cruise missiles, into the sea."

" Holy fuck..." I smiled. I now heard another familiar voice. " Jack! What the fuck did you do?" Kyle asked.

I saw the General again. " Son... You just blew up north Korea... ending the war."

"Really? Sweet." That's cool.

" That wasn't even my plan. Did I really end it?" The General nodded.

" Pretty Badass." Kyle said.

** Operation Black Heart over **


I probably won't upload until maybe after Christmas.
