• Published 16th Dec 2012
  • 1,037 Views, 31 Comments

A Para-military Paranoid in Equestria 2 - The Last Renegade

Jack is now married to Rainbow Dash. This is the beginning of a new life.

  • ...

I can't think of a good chapter name so... Bacon.

I woke up at 6:30 in the morning, earlier than I normally would. Truth is, my birthday was coming up in two weeks. I cracked my back and went downstairs to hear Axel talking.

" Hey." I waved to him. " What do you want for breakfast?"
He thought for a minute. " How about we go out? Rainbow already left for work." He got up from his chair and handed me something metal and I put it in one of my pockets.
" By the way, Celestia wants to see you. Let's go." I put my sunglasses on and we left.

" Heh. Remember that time those guys from Russia wanted to talk to you?" He asked me as I checked the mail.
" Yeah. They wanted me to get on a plane and meet up with them. Anyways, what are we going to do about the whole Kyle situation?" He didn't reply until later.

We got to Sugarcube Corner quickly, probably because we were in a hurry.
" Hey Pinkie." I waved at him.
" Oh! A new face! You're one of those humans too aren't you?" Ax nodded. Fucking Pinkie man. Something wrong with her.
" This is Axel. An old friend of mine. Found his way to Equestria a month ago. Listen. I got some bad news. Kyle's dead, I shot him." He hair straightened, which sort of freaked me out.

" Is that like, mood or something?" She looked at me and nodded. Damn she freaks me out! " Sorta like my eyes. They change color based on how I'm feeling. That's why I wear these." I took my shades back off.

" I can tell what color they are though. Right now they're Silver. Here." I took out a paper and pen and charted what my eye color means.
" It's a chart of the colors and what they mean. Anyway, I'll have a salad."

"Same here." Ax added. He was the kind of guy you just wanted to be around, while I was the guy who will rip your throat out if you hurt my friends.

" What are going to wear?" I sighed and looked out the window.
" I guess you could say I'd look like a Government agent just without the ear piece. Fancy suit, maybe a hat, and one of these." I smiled and took out a compact pistol.

" Whoa. You got weapons?" I started laughing my ass off, putting the gun back in my holster.
" Oh. You're serious. Yeah. I got plenty. And I mean Plenty" Pinkie came back with our salads and ate breakfast.

" Come on. We're going to be late at this rate!" I took off running, Ax following a bit back. He wasn't really a running person.

" Alright. We're here. Follow me." He followed close behind, out of breath.
A Guard escorted us to a large wooden door.
" You'll have to stay here." He told me as my friend walked in. I leaned up against a wall and grabbed the metal item he handed me.

Dog tags. Ingraved in them were the words ' Ryder Marshall ' I clenched my fist and frowned. " Goodbye friend. "
Axel came back out a minute later.

" Give me a SitRep."
" She gave me privileges of a normal citizen. Can we head home now?" I put the tags in my pocket and reached into another, grabbing my tags and putting them around my neck.

We headed home, getting a lot of looks on the way. " Ignore them. Some ponies don't really like humans it seems."

I closed the door behind me, grabbed a chair and went out back to take nap.

* A few hours later *

I felt a bucket of water splash on to me.
" You got m-" I stopped. I was in a room with Axel, not in my house I know that much.
" Good. You are up." A voice said. We were strapped down to chairs.

I looked around. A pitch black room, luckily for me, the robotic eye I have has night vision.
" Do not resist. You can not escape." The voice told me.
" Who are you?" Axel asked. At least he's awake.

" Do not resist. You can not escape." It repeated.
Me and Axel looked at each other.
" Who are you?" He asked louder.

" Do not resist. You can not escape." It just kept repeating.
" You got a plan?" I looked around again and came up with one.
" Air vent. I can feel my..." My ropes came lose as we heard a scream.

I quickly grabbed my knife and cut our ropes.
" Come on!" I handed him my knife and took out a pistol.

Axel climbed up the vent and helped me up.
" We have to get to the scream. This could be a Search and Rescue now. " I put a clip into my gun and readied it.
" There." Ax whispered, pointing under him.

What he saw terrified him.
A pony strapped to a table being slowly killed.
" Go go go!" I punched down the vent and dropped down, looking around slowly.

Axel dropped down and we saw another pony, masked this time. " Get down!" He yelled out, to no effect. The pony kept torturing the prisoner.
I sprinted towards the torturer and tackled him as my friend released the prisoner.

" What is this place?" I put the gun to the pony's head.
" Tell me or I blow your brains out!" No reply.
I noticed he was quietly muttering " Do not resist. You can not escape."

Just then I heard a scream and I woke up on a mountain.
" What the hell?"
" You have terrible dreams, you know." A voice replied to me. I recognized it as Luna's.

I looked around and saw her.
" Where am I and what's happening?" I looked around and saw nothing but snow.
She disappeared into a black smoke.

I blinked and I was back on my chair, in my backyard.
" That... was weird."
I got up and walked back inside to find Axel sitting in a chair.

" I just had the weirdest dream. You and me were strapped to chairs and-"
" Yeah. I had it too. Strange."
I walked downstairs to the barracks.

" How are you all?" They all saluted me. " At ease. As you may know, your Lieutenant is dead. I had to shoot him. Funeral is in six days. Anyways, take a week off, go home, anything. Come back in a week." I heard a door open upstairs and asking for me.

I flew up the hole that connects the underground and the main building, and saw AppleJack.
" Hey AJ. What is it?" I put my shades on and landed.
" Ah just got a big order that needs to be delivered. Can ya pick up Applebloom for me?"
" I don't see why not. I'll drop her off at the farm." I began walking out the door and stuffed my hands into pants pockets.

" Thanks partner!" She quickly went out the door.
I started whistling a tune I learned in the Marines.

Since there was a few minutes left in the class, I decided to slow down and walk there.
I felt a pain in my chest. " Dammit. Fucking flare ups." It was caused by the "Incident" with Twilight a few months back. I'd been getting chest pains recently because of it.

I don't blame her when she hit me with the magic bolt. She didn't do it on purpose. Kyle on the other hand, he got what was coming to him. He almost killed Rainbow and hurt Axel.

" So much for walking." I took off from the ground, faster than normal.

I got to the schoolyard and waited on a bench near the main exit.
Not even a minute later, Applebloom came out.
" Hey Applebloom. Applejack told me to pick you up." I got up and another pain in my chest.

I walked her home, but the real pains started on the way back to my place.
" Fuuuck..." I was limping by this time, and my wings were to tired to fly. I knew something was wrong here.
Next thing I know I'm propped up against a tree, passed out.

" I WILL KILL YOU!" I heard Kyle shout in my head.

I woke up against the same tree at night time. I began limping back home. I like this night vision mode. It's helpful.
It wasn't easy getting back though. I kept falling over.

I Stumbled through the door, Axel getting up to help me.
" Get me to the table." He helped me get to the dinner table and sat down.
" What's wrong?" He asked me, sitting down across from me.

" I don't know. I'm having trouble walking and I got chest pain." I got up and went over to my bed where Rainbow was sleeping.
I laid down and went to sleep. I have to get this checked out.

Author's Note:

Words I use too much:
Took off
I Arrived