• Published 13th Dec 2012
  • 2,399 Views, 50 Comments

Awakening - Silver Scrolls

For eight years Twilight Sparkle slept, so what is she to do now that she has returned from her slumber. How will she deal with knowing that there are eight years that she will never get back and the mistake that started it all.

  • ...


A sky colored pegasus lay with her hooves tucked under herself at the top under a tree of a hill just outside the orchard a friend of hers had owned once upon a time. A gentle breeze swept the smell of apples over her, tousling her mane and the feathers of her one wing. The sun was rising on the horizon and a line marked the difference between night and day that slowly traveled up the hill. A sad smile played at the lonely mare’s lips as the line drew closer and closer to her until daylight washed over her and she turned her head.

A tear dripped down her cheek and landed a stone set at the base of the tree nestled between two thick roots. On the stone was five pointed star encircled by five stars beside a trio of apples. The mare’s tear fell on the five pointed star and ran along the engraved lines making the star stick out against the stone. Shaking her head from side to side as she wiped another tear from her cheek the mare spoke in quiet voice. “I miss you two so much.”

A unicorn of a similar coat color but with a silver mane and tail crested the hill behind the mare and removed her star studded purple hat. “Hey Rainbow.” She spoke softly with a warm smile. “Always the first one here.”

Rainbow turned her head to look at the newcomer and sighed lightly. “Hey Trixie.” Turning back to the stone she laid a hoof on it and traced the two pictures engraved on it.

A pink mare crested the hill and nuzzled Trixie. “Hey sweetie you were supposed to wait for me.” She looked over at Rainbow Dash and the stone and a frown flashed across her face but vanished before any could say they had seen it. “Hey Dashie.”

Rainbow nodded in acknowledgement but kept her gaze fixed on the stone. Trixie looked at Pinkie and gave her a quick peck on the cheek “Did you bring the basket Pinkie?” Pinkie nodded and pulled said basket from her mane. “Good, now all we need is the blanket, and it should be arriving with the other two soon.”

Rainbow shifted slightly and rose to her hooves slowly. Turning back she walked to Pinkie and gave her a quick hug then Trixie received one. “I’m glad you two could make it again. I know it’s a lot to ask but...” Rainbow trailed off for a second. “I need my friends today more than any other day of the year. I just wish Fluttershy could have made it.”

Both Trixie and Pinkie wrapped Rainbow in a hug together and nuzzled her. “We understand Rainbow, and Fluttershy sends her best. She said she will come by in the afternoon and stay overnight..” They turned as the sound of footsteps reached their ears and they watched a purple dragon crest the hill with an alabaster unicorn.

The dragon and the unicorn waved and picked up their pace. “Morning girls.” The unicorn smiled and gave them all a quick hug while the dragon walked past them to the stone.

Kneeling down he kissed the first two fingers on his right hand and placed them on the stone over the star mark. “Hey Twi.” He placed his hand over the trio of apples. “Hey AJ.” A tear rolled down his cheek and he sniffled lightly. “I’m back again.” He stood and turned to the ponies and stepped up to Rainbow. “Hey.” He leaned over and gave her a quick hug before turning and helping the mare he had arrived with with her bags.

Together they laid out a blanket and then Pinkie began to lay out sandwiches and cupcakes and some cider. After the blanket was covered they stood around it leaving the side that lay against the stone empty. Bowing their heads for a moment they offered a silent prayer before Rainbow spoke up. “It’s been another year without you, that makes three without both of you.” She paused and choked back a sob. “We miss you so much.” She fell to her knees and held back her tears as her body shook before the others stepped up and wrapped her in a hug.

Pinkie looked to the white unicorn. “Rarity did you bring them?” Rarity nodded and pulled out two felt dolls. One of purple with a purple mane that had a pink streak in it and the other orange with a blonde mane and tail and a stetson on it’s head. She reverently laid them on the stone.

Stepping back she leaned against. “Three years ago you made your choice Twilight. While we may not understand or accept it we are powerless to change it. You broke your promise to Spike.” She paused and looked up into his eyes brimming with tears and nuzzled his hand that moved to scratch her ears. “We miss you so much. Rainbow keeps blaming herself even though there was nothing more she could have done. We aren't here for that though. Today we are here to remember you and all the good times.”

Pinkie raised her head and took a breath. “We are here to remember the parties and the smiles we shared. Trixie is here to honor you for the advice you gave her and the strength you gave her that let her change.” Pinkie looked over at Trixie and gave her a kiss on the lips. “And to thank you for the final piece of advice you gave her that let two ponies discover true happiness together.”

All the assembled ponies and dragon reached forward and grabbed a glass together. “We are here to celebrate your life and remember the pony we all loved.” Rainbow took a deep shuddering breath. “And to remember the warmth your presence brought to all our lives.” In a quieter voice she added one more addendum. “Some more than others were warmed by your presence.” Raising her voice again. “Let us not forget Twilight Sparkle and the mare she loved and the mare we all loved just as deeply, Applejack.”

All the glass raised and a resounding here here echoed out and then they all took a swig. Everyone smiled at one another and then froze as a new voice reached their ears. “I would like to add something. I would like to add an apology to everypony present. Especially Applejack and Rainbow. I failed them and myself.”

Everypony slowly turned to the sound of the voice, lowering the glasses in time with their turning heads. A purple unicorn in a wheelchair sat awkwardly between Trixie and Rarity, a blanket adorned with the same mark engraved on the stone sat across her lap. A weak smile held the corners of her mouth up but slowly the dropped. No one made a sound and just stared instead. The first to move was Spike as he dropped his glass and sprang forward to wrap his arms around the mare and lift her from the chair as he screamed in exuberance. “TWILIGHT!”

His shout broke the silence and everypony moved at the same time to tackle Twilight and Spike. Everypony except Rainbow pony piled onto the two of them, tears of joy replacing their tears of sorrow. Rainbow stepped forward hesitantly at first then stopped and bit her lip. Pinkie noticed and nudged everypony else, they all looked back and moved to the side. Spike pulled Twilight into a sitting position and stepped to the side. Twilight looked around confused for a moment before her eyes locked with Rainbows and silence returned to the hilltop.

Rubbing the back of her head sheepishly Twilight went to speak but instead found herself in a bone-crushing hug perpetrated by a vice like set of fore hooves. Tears soaked into her chest as the sky colored mare sobbed into her chest. Gingerly she patted the pegasus on the back before trying to push her away a little. Rainbow complied and went to speak but found a purple hoof on her lips. Shaking her head from side to side Twilight gently removed her hoof and leaned forward.

Everypony and dragon gasped as they watched purple lips meet blue lips in a loving kiss. The pegasus’s eyes grew ten sizes before fluttering close as she leaned into the kiss. For several moments nopony said a word and the kiss went uninterrupted. Slowly Twilight pulled away, a trail of spittle connecting the lips for a little longer before it broke.

Twilight smiled warmly. “I’m so sorry for everything Rainbow. I never meant for this to happen.”

Rainbow nodded numbly and everypony gathered around and helped Twilight to the picnic. Spike broke the silence again with a question. “Where were you?”

Twilight scooted herself closer to Rainbow who absentmindedly wrapped her wing over her back causing her to snuggle closer. “I was finding myself again.”

Rarity raised an eyebrow. “And this lead to you kissing Rainbow how?”

At the sound of her name Rainbow perked up and looked at Twilight. “Yea how did, when did you?” She fumbled for words causing Twilight to chuckle.

“I’m not real sure about that one. I guess it really started when I tried to end it and all I could see was your tear stained face in my mind.” Twilight paused and absent mindedly picked up a cider in her magic. “It was a low point for me but every time it became unbearable you were there for me. You and AJ never left my side no matter how bad it got.” She took a sip.

Trixie spoke up next. “Where did you go to find yourself and when did you get your magic back.”

Twilight lowered the cider and sighed. “I didn't get it back, just some of it. As for where, Zebrica. It’s a long story but the important part is I learned of new ways to channel my magic and while I will never have the power I had before I can do simple tasks again.” Twilight looked at Rainbow who still seemed lost in her mind and sighed again. “I traveled all over the world looking for myself only to learn I had left it behind.”

Pinkie smiled and bounced a little, looking happier than she had in years. “I am so glad I was wrong. Well kind of wrong. I had a sense and it said you were leaving us and it didn’t say anything about returning so I thought...” She trailed off and turned to the stone.

Twilight frowned and pulled Rainbow closer. “I’m so sorry for that. I was planning on that being the case but I just couldn’t. I tried more than once but I was never able to, the pumping of my heart that once belonged to the mare I loved always grew louder and distracted me with visions of Rainbow here.” Twilight gently kissed the mentioned mare’s cheek. “In the end I decided to find something I could do and that lead me all over the world.”

Rainbow looked over at Twilight, a blush on her cheeks. “So are you back for good?”

Twilight nodded. “I talked with Cheerilee yesterday and I am going to begin teaching foals about magic. I may not be a scholar like I was before but I still love knowledge and I also love imparting it on others. It’s an oddly good fit. Of course if you want me to leave I c-” A pair of cyan lips interrupted her and a few of the others gasped lightly.

Rainbow broke the kiss. “No, please don’t go again.”

Twilight nuzzled into Rainbow. “Never.” Turning to her friends she smiled. “So will my family be in town for this, or the princesses? Will Fluttershy be coming by later?”

Spike chuckled to himself. “She’s still in Appleoosa tending the reserve. She’s getting it ready so she can be here for a couple of days, she will be by later today. Pinkie has a party scheduled this afternoon for everyone to get together. Your family, the princesses, the original cutie mark crusaders and the town will be there and Fluttershy will probably arrive during the party. It’s usually a memorial but I think Pinkie won’t mind changing things up a little and making it a welcome home party.”

Pinkie bounced into the air and pumped her hoof a few times. “OH MY GOSH I HAVE THE BEST PARTY EVER PLANNED FOR THIS.” Pausing for a moment in the air she lowered slowly to the ground. “Well not this, it was supposed to be your good morning party but a few changes won’t hurt and we can make it your Good Morning, Hope You Had a Fun Trip and Welcome Home party. It will be EPIC.” She turned to Trixie and pulled her into a deep kiss. “I AM SO EXCITED! WE NEED TO GET VINYL INTO TOWN AND PULL IN A FEW PYROTECHNIC EXPERTS AND TWILIGHT CAN HELP WITH THE MAGIC SHOW TO SHOW OFF HER...” Pinkie trailed off into an incoherent babbling.

Trixie shook her head defeatedly. “Well I guess that’s our cue to leave. I will see you later Twilight. I am glad you didn't do anything drastic.”

Spike nodded along with Rarity. “Yes, I think we will leave to. Help Pinkie out. You and Rainbow can have the picnic, I can stop by and pick it up later when I come to get you for the party.” Rarity nodded and rose with Spike and left with Trixie and Pinkie, leaving Twilight alone with Rainbow.

Rainbow looked at Twilight and Twilight looked at Rainbow. They both smiled, sheepishly at first but then it grew happier and more confident before they leaned in and shared another kiss. Rainbow spoke up first after the kiss broke. “I should have said this a long time ago Twilight but, I love you.”

Twilight sighed and leaned against Rainbow’s chest. “I love you too Rainbow. I am so sorry for everything I put you through.”

Rainbow rubbed a hoof throw Twilight’s mane. “It’s okay, you can make it up to me. We have the rest of our lives to make it up to each other for everything we did wrong.” Rainbow hugged Twilight tighter for a second.

Twilight leaned into the hug and sighed wistfully as she nuzzled Rainbow’s chest. “I am not going anywhere again. I know where I belong now and it’s here in Ponyville with you and Pinkie and Rarity and everypony else. Life will never stop moving forward and I need to move with it, not get lost in the current.”

Silence eclipsed them both as they lay together in each other's embrace, looking over at the stone. They both reached out and placed a hoof on the apples with a smile. A blue hoof placed itself on a purple chest and was covered by a purple hoof. They whispered a thanks and goodbye as they leaned into each other and turned up to look at the tree that sprouted a few blossoms at that moment, one of which fell free and settled on the hooves over the apples etched into the stone.

Comments ( 17 )

I've been waiting for this a long time and all I have to say is that was fantastic bravo good sir bravo

3943509 thank you, not only for enjoying it but sticking with it till the end. I just wish I had finished it sooner.

Quit trying to move me to tears! It's not working! :raritydespair:
Oh! Who am I kidding? :raritycry: That was beautiful!

Oh wow, I'm just so at lost for words. When I first found this story I was very interested, I couldn't wait for more, by then you did the update. I was a little sadden to see the chapters before leave but the rewritten( is that the right word to say?) Chapters turned out to be more interesting. And now that its finish, I might just go re-read this whole story again, this is one of many TwiDash story's I love, and also one of many I couldn't wait to read to the finish. Amazing work and I'm glad I stuck around for this long. :3

I read the original and waited for more...
then the rewrite started and I loved it as well.
Now the final chapter... at first I was not happy then as I read just a bit more, and I was happy you did not do what I was afraid you where going to do!
I loved this! :heart: Thank you for all of it! :twilightsmile:
-lucky RD still felt the same after so long being gone-

Beautifully written, though grammatical errors do throw off the feel of the piece.


Sorry, but the title mixed with how the story has gone so far.... yeah, totally called it.

Anyway, the writing here was pretty good, though there are quite a few grammatical errors that wreak havoc on your flow and immersion. The emotions here are done fairly well, though I can't help but feel a bit... under appreciated.

Twi's been gone for three years, leaving her friends to thin she was dead. When she shows up there are a few emotions every their should feel. They should be happy and down right joyful, obviously, they should be shocked out of their minds, and, occasionally above all else, those closest to her (ie Rainbow, but not necessarily just her) should feel anger and mild hatred. Seriously, after all she put them trough... yeah, at the very least Rainbow would be a little angry with her. As would Spike, for breaking her promise. I get the whole "It doesn't matter; you're back now" argument, but there will always be that slight anger unless it's dealt with and - rambling now, gonna stop.

Other than that, I can't help but feel they'd all be crying, which you didn't say, and that they'd all ask question much more quickly and not quite as orderly as you had them. To the point where Twi wouldn't be able to even hear them all.

But it was still a good chapter and a pretty good ending.

Absolutly loved this story. I like your writing style pleasi continue

3944298 out of everything wrong with this story you pick that complain about, gotta say that pleases me. I'm not being mean either, There is plenty wrong with this fic in my eyes and that rates pretty low on the list. I could explain it away but yer right in for the most, coulda been more years all around save maybe RD who's busy trying to figure out the tonsil hockey. I'm glad you loved the story and stuck it out

3944213 all of you, thank you for the love with my story

Beginning of the chapter: I HATE YOU I HATE YOU GO DIE :flutterrage:

End of the chapter: I FREAKING LOVE YOU. :twilightoops:

3951793 :rainbowderp: :raritycry: oh never mind thank you :twilightsmile:

I... I have not cried in longer than I can remember. This nearly changed that. For AJ to show such devotion, going as far as giving herself up so the one she loves may live, that speaks to me. It is rare I see such a thing in writing, but it has never failed to hit me hard.

So sad :fluttercry::raritycry::fluttercry::raritycry:
Start of the chapter how could you do that to twi
End of the chapter love so much

You don't know how much I love this chapter :pinkiehappy:
NOW. You have to make a sequel!:scootangel:

Hoo boy. That one took hold of the heart and didn't let go.

I know it was kinda necessary to keep the tone even, but since the ending here was a little too easy I'd kinda like to see a bonus chapter with Fluttershy going off the handle on Twilight for doing that to everypony :flutterrage:

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