• Published 13th Dec 2012
  • 2,399 Views, 50 Comments

Awakening - Silver Scrolls

For eight years Twilight Sparkle slept, so what is she to do now that she has returned from her slumber. How will she deal with knowing that there are eight years that she will never get back and the mistake that started it all.

  • ...

Old Acquaintances

Author's Note:

I got another rewrite done. Again it's kinda rough so please feel free to point out any errors you see and for all of those of you who have stuck around, Thank you for your patience. I finally have an ending in mind so I should have it finished by the end of summer, hopefully spring. Please be patient with me though, I can't be sure how long it will take.

Fluttershy leaned against the cool glass of the window and sighed, her eyes staring at a sand dune off in the distance that seemed to be going along with the train. Turning away from the window at the sound of a clatter she saw her to foals up on the luggage rack a few seats down on the other side of the car and it brought a small smile to her lips.

“How ya feelin’ Fluttershy?” A massive red stallion that sat across from her turn from his window to look at the butter yellow pegasus who smiled back at him.

“I’m fine, just...lost in my mind.” Fluttershy turned to look at the foals. “Do you ever wonder what might have been Big Mac?”

Big Mac tapped his chin with a hoof and shrugged. “Eeenope.”

The two foals jumped down from the luggage rack, one thumping onto the floor while the other glided across the car and landed on the seat next to his mother. “Hey mom, why are we going to Ponyville?”

The other foal ran up and jumped up next to her father. “Yea, you and dad never want to leave Appleoosa, so why now?”

Big Mac and Fluttershy both patted their respective foals with a smile. “An old friend of ours has woken up from her really long nap and we thought it might be nice to meet her again.” Fluttershy turned to Big Mac. “And your dad wants to see the old farm and his baby sister again.”

Big Mac smiled and scooped the filly at his side into a hug. “I bet you and Apple Bloom would get along great.”

“Do you think you and mom will ever get married?” The young filly looked at her dad with a big smile while her brother piped up. “Yea, I bet the farm in Ponyville would be a great place to get married.”

Fluttershy blushed slightly and coughed into her hoof. “We have been over this Honeycrisp. Me and Big Mac don’t feel that way about each other. We didn't mean to have you two but we don’t regret what happened for a single moment. We love both of you more than you could possibly ever imagine.”

Big Mac nodded. “Eeyup. Me and yer mum ain’t compatible like that. We gave it a go and it didn’t work out, but we don’t regret it.”

Honeycrisp looked at his sister and smiled. “So Honeysuckle, what you think Aunt Twilight is like.”

Honeysuckle tapped her chin. “Well mom says she was a wonderful pony. Really smart and kind and loyal. She always put others before herself and always stepped up to the plate. She kinda sounds like a teacher. Oh maybe she is and she could teach us all sorts of things while we’re visiting.”

Suddenly the train whistle blew and all four ponies looked out the window and saw a train station in the distance, an easily discernible blue dot sat behind a purple one. Fluttershy perked up and a tear formed in the corner of her as she stood up and moved towards the door while Big Mac got the children’s luggage down with his own and Fluttershy’s. The two foals watched their mother quizzically as she stood by the door, almost prancing from side to as she waited for the doors to open. As they opened she shot out and the kids slowly followed their father out.

~ ~ ~

“Twilight are you ready for this?” Rainbow sat beside Twilight at the train station watching a train approach.

“I don't know Rainbow? Seeing her after eight years, it feels weird.” Twilight twirled her hoof on her thigh. “With you and Pinkie I didn’t have much of a choice because you live here, but Fluttershy, I’m not so sure about.” Twilight nervously fidgeted in her wheelchair as the train got closer. “Are you sure about this, Fluttershy has always been kind of emotional.”

Rainbow grinned, “Don't worry you will love it and you will love seeing Flutters again.”

The screeching of train brakes sounded out as the massive hunk of steel and wood slowed to halt in front of the two ponies. As Twilight watched the doors open she could have sworn time had slowed to a crawl and someone had turned up the volume of her body. Her heart thudded loudly in her chest as her breaths came in shorter and shorter gasps in time with the slowly opening door. Her mind conjured up hundreds of different possibilities but ultimately came up short as she found her chaired flipped on it’s back and her eyes staring at a cloud that floated across the sky listlessly..

The sound of her name caused her to look down at her chest were a mass of pink obscured her vision. The mass sobbed happily into her chest causing the ends of each strand of mane to tickle her slightly. Twilight reached up and gently placed her hoof on the ponies and smiled happily. “Hi Fluttershy, it's been awhile.” Twilight gently stroked the pink mane as Fluttershy buried herself deeper in her chest. “How are you, you been doing alright? The Fluttershy took some deep breathes and smiled up at Twilight as Big Mac righted the wheelchair and Twilight together.

Twilight froze as she noticed the massive red stallion behind her with a hoof on the wheelchair. She stared up at his kind eyes for several moments before Fluttershy started talking again, bringing her attention back to her friend.

“Twilight...” Fluttershy sniffled and squeezed tighter. “I am so glad. I missed you so much.” Fluttershy pulled her face out of Twilight's chest and looked her square in the eyes. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you when you woke. Can you ever forgive me?” Fluttershy’s lip quivered as tears dripped from her eyes.

Twilight smiled and leaned down to nuzzle Fluttershy. “There is nothing to forgive. You had a life to live, I am just glad you could visit me.”

Fluttershy turned to Big Mac and nodded her head then turned to a quizzical Twilight. “I have a surprise for you, and it’s a bit of a long story so lets just start with introductions.”

Fluttershy turned and motioned to two small fillies. They peaked out from behind Big Mac and looked at Twilight with large curious eyes. The first one was an earth pony the same coloring as Fluttershy and the second was a pegasi the same coloring as Big Mac. “This is Honeysuckle and Honeycrisp. Honeysuckle is my earth pony daughter and Honeycrisp is my pegasi son.” She patted them on the head respectively and then turned to a slowly approaching Big Mac with smile and leaned against him.

Twilight sat dumbfounded, Fluttershy was a mother, and Big Mac was the father. It also seemed like motherhood had done wonders for her shyness. She hadn't seen any signs of the Fluttershy who used to apologize all the time and hide behind her mane. She never thought she would see Fluttershy openly show affection in public but there she was leaning on Big Mac. Twilight sat silently moving her mouth as she thought before sighing and passing out.

“Oh wow Fluttershy, I did not expect that to happen. Maybe we should have warned her about you and Big Mac. Or maybe I shoulda warned her how much you have changed, or the kids.” Rainbow walked up to Twilight's wheelchair and began to push her away from the train station with a slightly guilty look. “That smile she has is amazing, I don't think I have seen a smile like that since her parents were here.” Rainbow sighed, “It's good to see she can smile like that, I was getting worried especially since our conversation last night.”

Fluttershy looked at Rainbow with a bemused expression, “Is everything alright Rainbow?”

Rainbow sighed, “I’m not sure, she was acting normal and all until I brought her home. OR at least neither me or the docs noticed anything at the hospital.”

Fluttershy gave Rainbow her famous look. “Rainbow you should be ashamed, she was everything to you these last couple of years. I would expect you to at least think about how she is feeling. This can't be easy for her, and you know how she likes to take things on by herself.”

Rainbow got a guilty look. “Yea I kinda got so wrapped up in her being awake and how happy I was I didn't pay attention to how she was doing, mentally speaking. Sorry doesn't cut it but I really am, I should have payed more attention.” Rainbow and Fluttershy didn't notice Twilight had woken up and was listening to them while pretending to remain passed out. “I mean I waited eight years to see her open her eyes and when it did happen I was just so happy. I might have handled things pretty badly, I should have paid more attention to what might be going on in her head. I made a few mistakes and I just felt so bad I had trouble facing her, first I let her find out about Applejack and her Library. I handled that situation horribly, I can’t believe how that went down.” Rainbow rubbed the back of her head with a hoof as she looked down at the ground with ears back. “Not to mention she met Apple Bloom and learned how long she had been out from that meeting. I probably should have been open with everything right away but I just wanted to pick up where things were left off. That was my biggest mistake. Part of me thought it might be better for her if we pretended it hadn't been that long it would be easier on her but I was dead wrong about that. Then I made the mistake of not being there for her enough because of how ashamed I was, and that caused me to miss things I should have been able to see. That last one was a huge mistake that I am trying to rectify now by having her stay with me.”

Fluttershy continued giving Rainbow the look. “Are you blaming yourself for something again Rainbow, we talked about all this already. You know it's not your fault and that there are those who are here for you still. Applejack isn't here to save you this time, so don't go down that road again.”

Rainbow looked up at the sky and sighed heavily as old memories resurfaced. “I know Fluttershy, don't worry. I won't be leaving Twilight alone. I feel bad about how I have handled things but I know that I need to just do better and not blame myself. I won't be trying anything like that again so don't worry.

Everyone jumped as Twilight spoke up, “What are you guys talking about, what did Applejack do for you Rainbow?” Twilight looked between Fluttershy and Rainbow with a slightly terrified expression then fixed her eyes on her cyan friend. “Rainbow Dash, what is Fluttershy talking about? What did you try to do, how does it involve Applejack? Did you do something horrible and why would they worry about you trying it again?””

Rainbow fidgeted a bit before sighing. “When I first woke and found out what happened and what I lost I grew very despondent. After Applejack's final day was declared I slipped over the edge into depression.” Rainbow grew silent and slowed to a stop for moment before she shook her head and continued. “I grew reclusive and would have starved myself to death if Applejack hadn't found me.” A tear rolled down her cheek from her rose colored eye. “The doctors were infuriated. She was pretty far gone by then and could barely move but she fought past the doctors and searched for me all night long. She saved me from myself and what would have been the worst thing I possibly could have done.” Rainbow looked in the direction of Applejack's statue. “I owe her so much, and I didn't even let her say good bye. I wish sometimes that I could change that, not out of regret but because she deserved the chance to say goodbye.”

Rainbow felt a hoof take hers and smiled as the purple hoof squeezed hers. “She knows how you feel Rainbow, she knew then too. That's why she went to such lengths to save you from yourself. I sometimes think she could even see the honesty and dishonesty of the actions around her. I used to feel that she was far more insightful than most of us thought, like our very actions told her more than our mouths.” Twilight followed Rainbows gaze, “It's part of why I loved her, and Rainbow. Thank you for sharing, I know you don't think I need to know everything about the last eight years but I still want to know about what my friends did. The good and the bad, it makes me feel like I might have a place here sometimes.”

Twilight's eyes began to get teary. “Applejack was so hopeful for my return she made sure that I would have some pony there for me when I woke up. Pinkie probably kept me alive as well in some way. I don't know if a place exists for me here but sometimes when I hear about events from the past I think that maybe a hole was kept open for me to fill.” Twilight squeezed Rainbows hoof harder and leaned her head back and rubbed against Rainbows chin.

Fluttershy cleared her throat, “Sorry to interrupt this tender moment but you guys have an audience.” The two fillies on Twilight's lap were looking at her, their eyes filled with wonderment and Fluttershy was looking at them with a slight blush. Twilight turned a light crimson color, and and pulled her hoof away from Rainbows and leaned forward. “So Rainbow where are we going, is it to see Pinkie Pie?” Rainbow smiled and shook her head, “Yep, we were.”

Twilight turned and looked at Big Mac, “So you and Fluttershy eh, I wish I had been there to see the wedding. I bet it was a wonderful wedding, I am sorry that your sister couldn't...” Twilight's voice cracked a little bit, “I am sorry about your sister in general. I wanted to tell you right away about our relationship but she didn't want. I hope you can forgive me for everything that has happened.”

Big Mac turned and looked her square in the eyes and stopped Rainbow. “Eeyup,” He then wrapped in a massive hug. “I forgive ya. Tweren't yer fault and Ah don't blame ya.” Big Mac said as he hugged Twilight. “Though, me an’ Fluttershy ain’t married, tis a long short story but we never did get married.”

Twilight opened her mouth to speak but Fluttershy interrupted her. “He was there for me after the accident and I was there for him. We spent a lot of time together and sometimes after AJ’s funeral it happened. We never meant for it to but it was one of the most wonderful nights of my life.” Fluttershy leaned up against Big Mac and nuzzled him. “I don’t know if I love Big Mac but I do rely on him for a lot things back in Appleoosa. We both agreed that we didn't want to wed, no real reason we just don’t think that it would work out in the end.” Big Mac smiled and returned Fluttershy’s nuzzle before they stepped apart and they all continued on.

Twilight smiled and then frowned a little. “I really am sorry Big Mac, she was a wonderful mare. I wish I could bring her back for you but even magic can't do that.” Twilight took a shuddering breath as her tears started. “I know I shouldn't cling to her and what I felt for her but it's hard. It feels so sudden to me. If Celestia could hear me thinking about even attempting something like reviving her, she would be livid. Though some part of me knows its dumb, shes not really gone.” Twilight smiled at everyone present and pulled them in for hug.

“Oohh a group hug and no one invited me. That's not very nice at all, I love hugs and smiles and I love sharing them with other people.” Everyone looked up at a falsely pouting Pinkie and burst out laughing. “Sorry Pinkie come on over and join us, there's room for you in here as well.” Twilight reached out with a hoof as Pinkie bounced up and pulled her into the hug. “So is anyone else hungry, cause I could use something to eat.” Twilight broke the hug as she looked at everyone present. “Let's head over to Sugarcube Corner and get something to eat.”


They had finished lunch and were gathered at Applejack's statue. “Hey Applejack, I guess this is the first time I have really visited. I don't think that first time really counts.” Twilight sat in her chair looking at the statue with Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. “I don't know why I decided to drop by, I mean really to me you just left.” Twilight looked over at Fluttershy then Rainbow Dash. “I don't think this is a goodbye it feels more like visit to an old friend. I don't think I could this without them being present, it would hurt to much.”

Fluttershy and Rainbow both leaned closer to Twilight. “So Applejack it's been awhile since I visited, Big Mac and the kids are fine, he is like putty in our daughters hands. Rarity should be coming by soon as well, I bet she is gonna be so excited to see Twilight.” Fluttershy smiled and looked at Rainbow, “You have anything to say?” Rainbow nodded her head, “Naw I visited her pretty recently I think we should just leave Twilight with her for a bit.”

Twilight watched them head over to a bench to give her some alone time. “This feels weird, you're just a statue but they think talking to you will help me. How can an unresponsive statue help me? Well anyway maybe it will feel good to get this out their. I miss you, more that I thought I would Applejack. This past month has been horrible, I have spent most of it brooding about outliving you. It didn't help that you chose to leave me. I have spent a lot of time hating you as well, I loved you and then you did this to me.” She pointed at her chest and breathed in deeply.

“You chained me to this life I don't want, you are forcing me to live without you. I talked to Rainbow about this and I still feel like I should be dead. You chained me here and then left me to do it alone. The worst thing about hating you is I still love you and I can't talk things over with you. We can't come to an agreement anymore, we can't make up. I want to apologize to you for so many things but you left me with no way to do it.” Twilight moved herself closer to the statue.

“You left me two things, chains and memories and together they have formed a cage. I want to hate you for it and kill myself to spite you but I promised Rainbow I wouldn't. I won't forgive you for giving me these chains but I do still love you, and maybe at some point I will be able to forgive you but right now I don't think you deserve even my visits.” Twilight looked at the statue and began to cry silently. “But I can't do that to you because even though I hate what you gave me and what you did to me you were still the greatest thing that ever happened to me. So thank you for the wonderful time we had together, it meant the world to me.” Twilight turned her chair around and headed over to Rainbow and Flutters.

“So feel any better?” Rainbow and Fluttershy asked her simultaneously.

“A little bit, I don't know why but I do feel a little better. So Fluttershy mind if I ask why you left Ponyville?”

Fluttershy lowered her and began to walk towards Rainbows apartment. “Well Twilight, to be honest, you're the reason.” Twilight paused and then continued following her. “It hurt too much to stay here, same for Big Mac. We both decided after the funeral that to move on we needed a change of scenery. I could barely walk around Ponyville without crying and Big Mac just didn't know what to do anymore.”

Fluttershy looked at the sky, “We both decided that we wanted to keep doing something we knew and the only other apple orchard close enough to Ponyville to make monthly visits possible was Apploosa. I think it was somewhere around three months after the funeral when I had just started to show that we decided to leave. Rarity had already left and Rainbow Dash was here for you so I packed up and we left for Appleoosa..” Fluttershy turned and hugged Twilight. “I visited every month with Rarity and Spike but I left here so I could move on and stop hurting as much.”

Twilight looked at Fluttershy and smiled then it dropped as she saw something behind her. “SPIKE!”

Fluttershy winced at backed up a bit. “He’s fine. I think he lives in Canterlot now.” Twilight shook her head and rose a hoof shakily to point behind her. Rainbow and Fluttershy both followed the direction her hoof pointed to a purple dragon with green spikes who had just dropped a bunch of luggage. The dragon slowly turned towards them. “Twilight?”

Twilight grabbed her wheelchair and took off in the direction of the dragon tears streaming from her eyes. “SPIKE!” The dragon took off at the same time and they met in the middle, embracing each other for the first time in eight years.