• Published 13th Dec 2012
  • 2,399 Views, 50 Comments

Awakening - Silver Scrolls

For eight years Twilight Sparkle slept, so what is she to do now that she has returned from her slumber. How will she deal with knowing that there are eight years that she will never get back and the mistake that started it all.

  • ...

Weaving it together

Rarity sat in the train car, fidgeting with the letter she’d received a few days ago. It held the greatest news she had had in eight years. She was even moving back to Ponyville in light of this news, she had sent Spike ahead to prepare her shop and hopefully to see her again. Her thoughts stuck on Spike, she remembered their meeting three years ago. It had been on the anniversary of Twilight’s accident and she had been in Canterlot for the fashion show and the benefit.

~ ~ ~

Rarity was walking down the street to visit Pony Joe’s donut shop; she made a point of it whenever she came to Canterlot. She and him always talked about Twilight and ate her favorite donuts, a ritual of remembrance for a lost friend that the two of them shared. Wistfully her eye’s closed slightly and she chuckled, Joe had mentioned that Spike should join them, her smile faded, but then she had to tell him how he was missing. Her and Donut Joe both loved that little scamp and both of them wanted him around. Rarity turned a corner, her mind a thousand miles away. The smell of sulphur sent her mind further down memory lane. Opening her eyes slowly with a heavy sigh she looked around to find her bearings and froze. A thousand thought swirled through her mind as she followed the curve of a purple tail then the green spikes until she reached the crest. With a high pitched gasp her legs started to move her forward as she screamed.

“SPIKE, YOU LITTLE...”her sentence cut off as she threw herself around his neck. “Oh who am I kidding. It’s so great to see you. It’s been what, five years now?” She ran up and gave him a hug. “So what have you been doing since... these last five years? Are you serving the Princesses or just doing odd jobs around the castle? Might I add you have grown resplendently. I remember how small you used to be, you’re starting to look more like an adult dragon these days. It’s quite impressive.”

Spike looked at her, confused for a second before smiling a little, “Mostly odd jobs. I, umm, kinda avoid the Princesses, they bring up unwanted memories.” Rarity looked at him; he clearly didn’t want to talk about Twilight. “Oh I am sorry Spike, is it really that hard. She really...” She was interrupted as Spike exploded at her “NO. WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT THIS. I JUST CAN’T RARITY, SO DROP IT.”

Rarity watched him run off down the street, she felt horrible. She could clearly see he didn’t want to talk about it but she had to at least try and reassure him. She looked at where he had gone and decided that she would get him to visit Twilight before she left Canterlot. First though, she had to cancel the fashion show, this was more important.

~ ~ ~

Rarity was shaken from her trip down memory lane by the caterer “Would you like some lunch miss?”

“Yes, do you serve daisy sandwiches with hay fries?” Rarity answered quickly.

“We do.” The caterer pulled out her order from his cart and passed it over in exchange for some bits, then continued on his way. Rarity returned to her thoughts and ate slowly.

~ ~ ~

“You want to cancel the show, but why? You hold this show every year and the work is always considered your best.” Fancy Pants had nearly choked on his tea when Rarity had declared that she would not be attending her show.

“A dear friend of mine is here and he needs my help. The show would only serve to distract me and I can’t afford it. My friend was hurt in the past and even if I can’t heal his wounds myself, I can certainly try and help him through this, and for that I need apply myself completely to the task.” Rarity sat calmly drinking her tea. “I am not saying cancel the show; just say that I won’t be attending. I know it is unheard of for the designer to miss her own show, but this is more important to me.”

“If you don’t attend, we may as well cancel the show. Everypony is expecting to talk to you and discuss the newest fashion line with you.” Fancy Pants had put his tea down and was returning Rarity’s stare “I must insist that you attend, maybe you could bring along your friend too, you throw this charity show and ball every year and for you not to attend, whatever the circumstances, would be ludicrous.”

“I understand that but this task is far more important, and it is not something that can be done whilst I am talking to a hundred other ponies, all vying for my attention. To reunite this family would be far greater than any charity ball I could throw.” Rarity took a deep breath. “You have always been the one who puts everything together so I know you can handle it alone. I will not be attending and that is final.” Fancy Pants readied a rebuttal but was silenced by Rarity. “I said that was the final word, I will not be attending the charity functions Fancy and there is nothing you can say to change my mind.”

~ ~ ~

Her mind returned to the present with the announcement of the trains’ arrival to Ponyville. She looked out the window and noted a lack of anyone to greet her, she smiled a bit. “I see he has more important things to attend to. I guess it was good to send him ahead, I do hope he finished cleaning the boutique.” Rarity sighed as she left the train.

She took her luggage in her magic and made her way through the empty streets of Ponyville. It was still too early for anyone to be up and about. She noticed a few stalls setting up for the coming day, her gaze falling on the spot which Applejack used to take and she sighed. “Eight years sure has changed things, it’s like any other morning around here. I wonder how many ponies still remember you Applejack?” She watched as a watchmaker pulled his cart into the spot and began setting up before moving on.

She passed by Sugarcube corner and let the smell of the early morning baking encompass her, making her pause. “I see you every year and yet it always feels like so much longer. I do hope you’re holding up Pinkie, you took things pretty hard when we all began to leave.” If she had been looking closer, she might have noticed the pink mare in the window, watching her walk away.

She paused one last time before making it to her Boutique to look at the statue that stood where the library once was. “Hey Applejack, I’m back. I’ll stop by for a visit later.” She finished her stroll and paused at the door of her Boutique.

“It’s been just shy of seven years since I last came here.” Rarity murmured to herself, looking at the boutique with nostalgia evident in her gaze. “It looks just like it did when I left, I am glad I never sold it, there are so many memories here.” As Rarity walked up and unlocked the door, she began humming an old tune she used to sing while she sewed. It brought back some fond memories for her as well as some which were not so fond.

She opened the door and smiled as the bell rang, remembering her old slogan. “Welcome to Carousel Boutique where every garment is chic, unique, and magnifique.” She smiled faintly as her voice echoed in the empty shop, then she sighed and looked around. “At least Spike managed to clean up before he met her. I do hope that went well for him.” She placed her luggage in a corner and went to the kitchen, opening her drinks cabinet. “Oh thank Celestia, he bought tea.” She set about making herself a morning cup of tea, her thoughts returning to Canterlot three years ago.

~ ~ ~

She spent the rest of the day trying to find Spike and didn’t find anything until late afternoon, when she saw him in a bookstore. She smiled with relief and entered the bookstore. “Welcome, I’ll be with you in a second, feel free to look around while you wait.” Spike spoke up, his back to the door as the bell above Rarity jingled.

“I think I can wait Spike, I am here to talk to you anyway.” Spike froze at the sound of her voice, keeping still as Rarity walked down the aisle where Spike had been shelving some inventory and sitting next to him. “So you’re working in a bookstore, I thought you said you were doing odd jobs at the castle.”

Spike exhaled heavily, “I don’t want to talk Rarity, today was hard enough for me. I have already had far too many reminders of things I wanted to forget. You do it every year with your charity fashion show full of lavender and pink followed by a charity ball in her honor. This year though… it hurts more than usual. I don’t know if it’s the bookstore job or seeing Twilight’s family or seeing you again, but I just want to finish and go hide in my apartment.” Spike’s eyes began to get watery as memories of Twilight started to swim through his head.

“I am so sorry Spike, I didn’t know. I do the show and the ball to keep her memory alive. I don’t have a lot of time to visit her, I try to at least once a month but it’s really hard. So I throw the show and the ball to keep her memory alive and to honor her in Canterlot. I know you probably just want to forget and move on, but the fact you found a job at a bookstore tells me you don’t really want to. Even though you were hurt by what happened, you wanted to remember her. I know you don’t want to hear this but if you’ll let me, I want to take you to Ponyville to see her. You don’t have to answer today but please consider it. I’ll be at Pony Joe’s donut shop for lunch until I leave Canterlot again, meet me there if you decide what you want to do.

~ ~ ~

The whistling of Rarity’s teapot brought her out of her reverie; she pulled the kettle off the stove, brewed her tea and went out into the main room, drinking her tea as she surveyed the shop. She couldn’t help but smile as she remembered all the good times she’d had with her friends here.

She wandered over to her luggage and pulled a lavender blanket out and ran it through her hooves. “I hope Twilight likes it.” She said to herself, putting it carefully over an old armchair and looking at the clock, it was still early so she decided to get a little rest.

~ ~ ~

Rarity woke a few hours later to the sound of the shops’ bell. She slowly got up, stretching and yawning before heading to the restroom to make herself presentable. As she made her way downstairs the voices of Spike, Twilight and Rainbow drifted up to her ears and she smiled. She could hardly believe she was hearing Twilight’s voice again, even with the letter in advance; she tried to stifle her tears but only made them worse.

She turned the corner at the bottom of the stairs and stood there, looking at her guests. She saw Spike with a smile she hadn’t seen him wear in eight years, she saw Rainbow and Twilight stood next to each other. Rarity found herself grinning widely as Rainbow’s wing twitched when Twilight’s hoof brushed hers. Looking closer she saw them leaning towards each other slightly both of them looking so happy with each other. With a quick shake of her head she stepped into the room.

“Twilight, it’s so great to see you.” Rarity quickly made her way over to Twilight and wrapped her in a hug. “I hope Rainbow has been keeping you well. Oh I have something for you.” She said turning to her luggage, “Now where did I put it?” She began digging in her suitcases, only to realize, after a few minutes, that she’d hung it over the chair the luggage was on, she held up the blanket she had sewn for Twilight, folding it carefully within her magic.

“Spike can you go fix some tea for us?” Rarity turned to Spike and smiled. “Rainbow and Twilight, make yourself comfortable on the couch.” She turned back to them and levitated some cushions over to the pair of ponies. “I can’t wait to hear how things have been for you two since you woke up Twilight. Don’t worry, I’ll tell you about what I have been up to as well. Admittedly it’s not that much.” Rarity smiled as she watched Rainbow and Twilight place themselves on the couch.

Rarity had to suppress a chuckle as she watched Rainbow gently lift Twilight in her forehooves and helped her get situated on the couch before taking a seat right at her side. “I see you two are getting along quite nicely, but have you been taking good care of each other?”

Twilight and Rainbow fidgeted a little and shared a look before Rainbow spoke up. “It’s been a little rough, I made a few mistakes but Twilight has been getting better.” Rainbow smiled sheepishly and Twilight placed a hoof near her on the couch, Rarity smiled a little.

“I will admit I was a little lost at first and I was trying to take it all on by myself, which might have caused Rainbow some unneeded worry, but we talked about it and it’s getting better.” Twilight fidgeted a little. “I mean most things are improving, things are still pretty hard for me. Seeing you looking so different and Spike is so much bigger, I don’t think he’s going to be on two legs for much longer. Anyway, how have you been Rarity, and what’s that blanket?”

“Oh yes, I knew about your disability from the doctor and when I heard you were up I thought I might make you a little something to keep your legs warm.” Rarity levitated the lavender blanket with Twilight’s cutie mark embroidered in the center. “It’s not much but I saw the wound on your flank once when I visited and I thought you might like seeing it in its old splendor again. I do hope you like it.” Rarity smiled brightly and Spike walked back in. “I have black tea here for everyone, I thought it might help us relax while talking about sensitive topics.” Spike moved about the room and gave everyone a cup of tea before sitting beside Rarity.

“So Rarity, are you and Spike...” Twilight fidgeted a little.

“Oh dear, no. He’s been my assistant for three years. I think he might have dated Sweetie Belle for a bit once upon a time, but no we are not together.”

Spike blushed. “Yeah, me and Sweetie Belle went out with one another for a while, but the whole different species thing… she insisted it wouldn’t be a problem and maybe it wouldn’t be at first but I knew, sooner or later, it would get in the way.”

“Enough about us Twilight, what about you and Rainbow? How are things between you two?” Rarity leaned in a little closer with a coy smile. “Is anything happening with you two, besides Twilight adjusting to her circumstances I mean. You two do look awfully close.”

Twilight and Rainbow both blushed, Rainbow rubbing a hoof on the back of her head as she replied, “I don’t know what you’re talking about Rarity. I mean sure we might have bonded a little over our mutual loss, but we are still just friends and I don’t think Twilight needs something like that right now. Maybe that’s something she can think about later but right now...” Rainbow trailed off, feeling Twilights’ glare pierce her.

“I know you’re worried about me Rainbow, but I don’t think you have the right to decide that for me. You are right though, I am not ready to try that yet, I haven’t even had time to really mourn Applejack.” Twilight leaned over and rested her head against Rainbow. “I don’t know if I really can mourn her, I know I should, but her passing… it just doesn’t feel real.”

“In a way it’s not Twi, she’s still with you.” Rainbow placed her hoof on Twilight’s chest. “She isn’t here in body, but she is here with us all the same.”

Rarity smiled. “Well you two look awfully close, and she is right Twilight, Applejack is still with you and she won’t ever leave you. If I remember rightly, she left her Stetson to you as well, and she gave you her heart in every way she could. Maybe mourning her isn’t the action you should take, but instead just remember her. I know at least one mare who would love to remember her with you and shares your feeling of loss over Applejack.” Rarity had one of her coy smiles on again. “You might not be ready for starting a romance so soon, but from what I can see, you already have, or rather one already exists if you choose to explore it.”

“I agree with Rarity, you two seem to be blind to it but even I can see it.” Spike chuckled at the two sitting on the couch, looking at each other with confused expressions. Rainbow still had her wing wrapped around Twilight, while she continued leaning on Rainbows’ shoulder. “Anyway Rarity, I think Twilight is more interested in what you’ve been up to while she was out.”

Rarity smiled, “Of course, well to be honest, I was one of the last to leave. I went to Neigh York to really get started in the fashion industry, which was easier than I thought since I was already fairly famous. After a while, my parents contacted me, asking if I could take care of Sweetie Belle again. I gladly accepted without knowing it would mean moving to Las Pegasus where she was taking vocal lessons and becoming famous in her own field. The fashion industry there was quite a change of pace, but I relished in the challenge.” Rarity paused and sipped her tea. “Spike, can you make us some lunch, I haven’t eaten since the train. Now where was I, ah yes Las Pegasus.”

“So after I got settled there and my name was well known, I decided it was time to do something for you besides my visits. I decided to contact Fancy Pants in Canterlot, since he owed me a favor, and I set up a fashion show and charity gala. I made sure all the proceeds went to education and supporting struggling farmers. I held it once a year on the anniversary of yours and Applejack’s incident. I will admit it didn’t take as well as I hoped at first, but it gathered momentum fairly quickly after the second show.”

“It was during one of my visits to Canterlot for it that I met Spike again. I was still quite mad at him but after seeing him, all of that faded. I felt sorry for him and I convinced him to come see you, it was quite the emotional reunion.” Rarity paused and thought for second. “That’s pretty much everything. My sister is famous now, I don’t think I mentioned that, she was spotted by Sapphire Shores and goes by Crystal Belle now.”

“Wow Rarity, you achieved your dreams and then some it seems. It doesn’t sound like much but I bet it was a lot of work for you.” Twilight sat up, Rainbows’ wing still holding her so she ended up scooting closer to Rainbow. “I’m glad to know you didn’t let AJ’s death get to you, or my condition either.”

“Of course not dear, it hurt, but neither of you would have wanted that. I remembered you in my fashion and I put my sorrow into it as well to help cope, but I never let it stop me.” Rarity looked over at Rainbow, her expression suddenly cool. “Like some ponies I know. Of course I guess I can’t blame those ponies, to lose so much so quickly I can hardly imagine the pain and sorrow or the rage they must have felt. With that in mind I can hardly blame them for any unsavory actions they may have taken.”

“Rarity she knows, we’ve talked a lot lately and she has heard it all. She knows what I did and how hard it was for me and everyone else, so no need to be so cryptic.” Rainbow sighed at Rarity. “She has seen how I sometimes let my emotions get the better of me first-hand as well; it’s one of the things I’ve regretted since she woke up.”

Twilight had been sat listening before she interjected. “I imagine you have a fair idea of many things that have happened, and honestly, I don’t want to rehash it all again so why don’t we all just catch up. Talk about life as it is now and how things have been going, like we used to. I am curious about the eight years I lost, but Rainbow gave me some good advice about just picking up from here instead of dwelling on the past and I agree with her, so let’s talk and catch up, then start from here.”


Spike walked in a few minutes later with a tray of sandwiches and a pitcher of apple cider and smiled. He looked at the three mares sitting around, laughing and chatting like they used to before everything happened. It looked right to him, so he smiled and brought the table over, putting the food down before joining them in telling stories and enjoying the afternoon.