• Published 22nd Aug 2013
  • 1,057 Views, 13 Comments

Rewriting the stories - FALG

Coexisting with ponies is not that easy...

  • ...

Déjà vu?

I woke up in front of my computer, tired, must've passed out. I looked at the screen and I saw I finished my last fanfic, after checking it was all okay, I proceeded to upload it.

"And done! Let's hope this goes well," I said. Then I addressed my brother "Dude, are you going to read my fanfics or not? You're falling behind on my stories." I told my brother who was a few meters from me, working on his patches.

"I will, eventually." he said.

"You always say that, it was quite a miracle to even make you read I Met Kindness."


I turned off the computer and walked around the house, trying to find something to do before sleeping. It was 1 AM so I went to the fridge and grabbed some juice. My mom was in the living room watching the news on the TV. I glimpsed at some headers:

"There is only a feeling of insecurity." I read one "Yeah right, stay out of your home for 10 minutes and before you know, you end up naked." I told the president at the other side of the screen.

After taking care of my hygiene for the night, I headed back to my room, but I had a sudden realization there.

"Huh, another déjà vu. Honestly, it's like I'm always reliving things." I said to myself.

I prepared my stuff to go to college the next day. Having finished, I jumped into my bed, but didn't sleep until I had my favourite pillow to hug. It had the image of my favourite pony.

"Let's go to sleep shall we, Flutters?" I said and turned off the lights.

But I couldn't, there was something different. I turned on the lights again and looked around, the stuff in my room wasn't in the same place as they were half an hour ago. I looked at my bed and the sheets were also different. I must be seeing things, I thought. So I looked at my cellphone's clock.

"Just 1:10 AM, February, nothing important." I said. "Wait, February?!" I looked closely, it said February alright. I checked other cellphones around the house and all said it was correct. "Did I pass out for 3 months? And why did I prepare for college anyway?"

I looked the pillow with my favourite pony, and then I remembered, it was also different, instead of looking forward (which would be to the left of the picture), she was looking straight at the camera, or at me for that fact, and her expression changed from neutral happy to joyous. And then I remembered...

The storm, the thunder, six ponies, everything from that moment up to now, I remembered in a flash.

While touching the backside of the pillow, I noticed something inside it's cover, I opened and a letter and a yellow feather came out. I proceeded to read the letter:

"I wrote this letter to prove you that everything that happened was real. Celestia agreed to keep your and your brother's memories intact, she trusts you both.
I hope that sometime we meet each other again, even for a little time.

I know you gave me something of yours, and I gave you something in turn, but I hoped that you would like to have a feather, just to have something to remember me by (don't worry, Rarity helped me get a lock of your hair without affecting your hairstyle, hehe).

Thanks for everything,

I was more concerned about when did they get to cut off my hair, should it been that time in which she first slept in my bed? Regardless, it was a pretty gesture.

"Hold on, my brother remembers too?"

I went back to his workplace, and asked him about something happening this last three months, but he said no at first. But when I showed the pillow that changed, his expression quickly changed.

"So you... actually...?" he asked.

"Yeah, me and her. It was wonderful, I tell you."

"Please tell me you used protection..."

"What?! Of course! Do you imagine what would happen if I didn't? Gross." I shivered.

Author's Note:

I just realized here that my character always has the last word, I believe I can't change that custom in me.

Comments ( 4 )

I was hoping he'd find a way to go to equestria and transform into Flaring, but this isn't too sad of an ending. I guess. this was a spoiler, and thus, it has been censored. On to find another good fanfic! ALLONS-Y!

3239676 I'm really glad you loved the story, I had to take it out of my system so I had to make the ending that way (because you see, that guy in the story is actually me, as in flesh and bone, only fictional). Besides, turning into a pony and going to Equestria is a bit of an overused ending, so I thought I'd try another thing .

But I'm happy you really like this story, at first I thought everyone would hate it because all my stories up to this point were in first person, because I always made fanfiction about me. But as I said, I had to take that out of my system. Now that I'm clear, I can now make fanfics the way Celestia intended.

By the way, that covered text up there is to prevent spoilers for those who haven't read the story (hover the mouse over it to see), could you edit your last comment so it covers it? Use this: at each end.

Why is a first person fix in the second person fix group?

Get my gun, its time to put old yeller down

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