• Published 22nd Aug 2013
  • 1,058 Views, 13 Comments

Rewriting the stories - FALG

Coexisting with ponies is not that easy...

  • ...

Wailing, distant, silent cries

Ten minutes passed and there wasn't any sign of her, let alone the girls for that fact.

I sat down against the outside wall of the house, at the porch. I was falling asleep, so I stood up again and walked over the border of the forest, in case Fluttershy was actually coming back or something.

Nothing. I couldn't even hear if the girls were near, they must have gone very deep. Could Fluttershy flee that fast? It was strange, but it wasn't the time to think about that, I had to pay attention if she sneaked around me while I was looking for her.

Still nothing.

I went back to the porch, and stood against a column, still looking around. I started to think that it was pointless, and insisted on asking myself how could she disappear so fast?
I rounded the house in case Fluttershy was just hiding, but she wasn't nowhere to be seen, and the lack of a moon in the sky was making it worse.

And then I heard something, something like a sob, but I felt that the sound was coming from far away. I stood in the porch, and looked directly to the house, the sobs were coming from ahead, so I rounded it again. But once I got to the other side, there was nothing.

There was the sob again, and I heard it was coming from the porch, but there was nothing to see. So I started to think, maybe it didn't come from the sides, maybe from above?

I saw a pile of logs to my left, so I entered the house, grabbed my sneakers, returned outside and using the logs as support, reached the top, and climbed up. I saw a black figure against the sky, it took me a while to even notice it. The sound was coming from there. So I ventured to call.


The figure moved, like a pet does when called in it's slumber, and looked (or so I thought) at me.

"What are you doing? Your friends are looking for you in the forest." I said.

The pegasus in question stood up, and ran a foreleg through her face. She stayed silent, except for an occasional sob.

"Why did you run?" I asked, regaining her composture she took a breath.

"Can you blame me? After what I told you that day, you should hate me for not telling the truth." she said.

"Well, what I said that day is true." I reminded, she dropped her head, in failure "But I also said that I don't care." I added.

She quickly looked up again.

"But you said-"

"I know what I said, but one thing doesn't remove the other. It can be weird and strange as might be, but it can also be unimportant if they wish to."

"I called you by another's name!" she insisted.

"I don't care you calling me by my original character's name, I wasn't angry that day because of that." I explained.

"Then.. why were you?"

I sighed.

"Because I am not him. And I thought that if I was, things wouldn't be as strange."

After that sentence, the wind blew, and I continued:

"I know I shouldn't wish to be someone else, it's like admitting one's uselessness; so one must keep trying, though no one can't help it."

Fluttershy was paying full attention to my words, I could tell because I was looking at her, I didn't even care that the air chilled up.

"I love you Fluttershy, I don't care at all if anyone is against it, and I don't care if we are too different from each other, you want to know why? Because we are both conscious, that's the only thing that matters."

She just nodded, afraid but decided, there was nothing left to say now.

"Let's get down from here, your friends must be dead worried about you." I pointed.

The girls literally jumped out in joy when they found out that Fluttershy was at the house all this time; once they returned, they ran to meet her, and among hugs they told her to not do something like that again.

Rainbow separated from the group and approached me.

"Is everything alright?" she asked me.

"Yeah yeah, don't worry." I said with a smile "I've settled everything with her just before you arrived."

"So... are you...?"

"What, going to be his boyfriend? I don't think so."

"Huh?" Rainbow was confused.

"Let's face it Rainbow, even though she feels the same way I do, I believe she's not ready to be in any kind of relationship. I think she's a bit afraid at the idea."

"You think so?"

"And you don't? Besides, it's okay, I don't mind at all."

Rainbow looked at the group behind her, still hugging and talking to Fluttershy.

"I think she actually wants to." she said.

"We don't know that, only time will tell." I finished.

We all entered the house, and I continued to my room to continue my slumber.

Once in my bed I processed everything that just happened, and I came to the conclusion that maybe I was right; Fluttershy was afraid of a relationship, so she lied. I can't blame her, but it still annoyed me.

But it was okay, at least our feelings are mutual. Even if we can't achieve to be anything, it was okay.

The door of my room then opened, so I pretended to be asleep in case it was my mother or father; it was neither. There was a flapping, and something poked my hip.

When I opened my eyes, I saw something I wasn't expecting at all.

"It's windy outside." Fluttershy said.

And right then, the wind blew against a nearby window, just to prove her point.

Author's Note:

For those who find the name of this chapter familiar, yes, it's the same as Xaztein's drawing of a crying Fluttershy (he was called "Crenair" by then, and the image is not on his DeviantArt anymore, or maybe I just can't find it, good thing I saved a copy in my computer).
http://xaztein.deviantart.com/gallery/ <-----FIND HIM THERE