• Published 22nd Aug 2013
  • 1,057 Views, 13 Comments

Rewriting the stories - FALG

Coexisting with ponies is not that easy...

  • ...

Getting acquainted

Three days have passed since the incident, now it was Saturday, the girls still find it difficult to adapt, but it got better with time.

I barely talked to them since they arrived, they weren't very open to us yet, but I tried everyday to find something to talk about, even the most mundane of things.

This day, I went to Twilight first, who was searching our library.

"Looking for something?" I innocently asked.

"Have you got any other books I can read?" she asked back.

"Besides the ones I already gave you, almost all of them are in spanish, you wouldn't understand them."

"Any of those aren't?"

"Some are learning books but in portuguese, we got them back when my brother and I went to primary school."

"Anything else?"

I thought a little.

"Oh wait! I still have another story you can read! I think you'll like it, my brother did," I said and went to one of my bags. "I can't believe I forgot about it!"

I picked a bunch of papers together with a pin, which all were printed, telling a story.

"Here, it's not much, but it could do," I apologized.

"What is this?" she asked.

"It's the sum up of a book, called 'The client', I had to study that for an english exam, so I'm not reading it now. It's short, but maybe you'll like it."

"Well thanks, I appreciate it," she said.

"You're welcome, I think I just remembered of more english books I could give you, whenever I do find one, I'll be sure to give it to you."


"Of course! I want to make sure that everything is fine for you while you stay," I told her with a smile.

"Thanks." she said again.

I went outside and I found Applejack, looking around the yard.

"Howdy," I greeted.

"Oh howdy to ya' too pardner, how's it goin'?" she asked, she was the most open of the six as of then.

"I'm good how about you?"

"A bit bored 'ere but ah'm not complainin'."

"I figured you were, there's not much here you can do," I said feeling empathy for her.

"Ah even haven' got mah rope! Ah could use it to kill time," she mourned.

"You know? Maybe I can get you some rope, I can go buy it if you wish."

"Would ya' do that for me?" she asked.

"It's no big deal," I said.

"Well, ah'm mighty thankful for that."

"Hardware stores are closed right now though, I'd have to wait for a few hours, you don't mind?"

"Not in the least," she smiled.

I went to Rainbow next, in the living room using the PS3, she started a new game of her own.

"Hey how's it going?" I said.

"Pretty good, but this game is a little slow for me," she said.

"How? Most cars in it are incredibly fast!"

"Yeah but.. I mean, why do I have to take all those licenses for? If I'm already a great racer, why take them?"

"Think of it as a restriction, if you want to enjoy the game at it's fullest, you have to take all of them," I explained. "Which license do you have now?"

"National A. Lame."

"I know I know, been there done that," I laughed.

"How about you? Which license do you got?"

"I got the Superlicense,"

She almost dropped the remote, and paused her game.


"Hey don't get startled, I started the game before you."

"Yeah but your dad only has an International A, how come you got the Superlicense before him?!"

"He started before me, that's true, but I use the game the most time, so it was bound to happen," I shrugged, and then added, "though I don't deserve it that much."

"Huh? Why is that?" she asked curious.

"I bumped and collided in almost every car in all the tests of the last license, out of anger, and the licenses require precision. But I guess the creators forgot to add the 'crash disqualification' in those."

"Is that so?" she grinned.

"At least in this Update, yeah, the Super is actually much easier than the other ones."

"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind."

"Didn't tell you for nothing," I joked.

I went to my room, and found Pinkie Pie watching television, much to my surprise and nervousness.

"Oh hi! I was just some silly cartoons, and ocassionally our show if it appears," she greeted.

"Oh yeah? How about it, do you like your own show?"

"Oh I love it! It's a lot funnier when you are seeing it in another perspective."

"Is it on now?"

"Nah, it was a few minutes ago though."

"I see. So Pinks, let me ask you something," I grew a little more serious.

"What's up?"

"Well, maybe I shouldn't ask, but it bugs me a little," I scratched my head.

"Don't worry, you can tell me, you want me to keep it a secret?" she asked.

"No it's fine, it's mundane what I'm going to ask you."

"Mun- what?"

"Nevermind," I dismissed the word, and continued "so anyway, how do you feel that all of you have been recorded all this time, and that you are a hit for the world now?"

"We hit the world?!"

"Not in that way Pinkie!" I cleared up "I meant 'famous' and such."

She brought a hoof to her chin.

"Oh! Well, it is strange that we've been filmed without our permission, and without us knowing. But I still have to admit that the show is actually good!"

"Really? Well I'm glad you- hold on, you never knew anything?" I asked, a little suspicious.

"Well I... actually suspected something," she shyly smiled, playing with her hooves.

"Huh, that would explain why do you always break the fourth wall."

"I broke a wall? Quickly! Let's get some repairing stuff to...!"

"Pinkie!" I stopped her before she could go on, she was getting on my nerves sometimes "What I meant is: that's why you always look at the camera."

"Oh, that." she giggled "Silly me."

I found Rarity at the laundry room, helping my mother put clothes on the washer.

"Hey there Rarity, hey mom," I greeted.

"Ah thank Celestia you're here," Rarity said.

"What's the matter?"

"I can't seem to get a chat with your mother, we can't understand each other."

Just to remind you fellow reader, it haven't crossed to my mind the idea of teaching the girls to speak our language, or teach my mother to speak English.

"Oh yeah, so the only thing you can do with her is help her in silence, right?"

"It's so despising! I'd love to tell your mother how I love her sewing!"

"Really? Why didn't you say so? I could translate what you think and tell her."

"Ohh, I don't want to be a nuisance and call you everytime I want to tell her something," Rarity said.

"If not me, you can ask my brother, or my father, they are both fluent with English too."

"What are you two talking about?" my mother then intervened. So I explained the situation "Well, I guess I could use some teaching sometime."

"Yes but you are never willing to learn anything, it was too much already when I wanted to explain you what can happen on December 21st," I pointed.

"Don't talk to me like that," she pointed a finger at me.

"But it's the truth isn't it? Man, you adults DO get mad at a smart remark," I said before leaving the room.

The hardest one to talk to was Fluttershy, she was more shy than I pictured her in my fanfics. She would barely speak to me these few days.

I couldn't blame her, maybe she was still overwhelmed about the stuff I had with her image, besides the show. The only things I could get out of her was just how she was and how she was doing with our pets. I couldn't ask her more, first: because I couldn't find any other topic. And second: whenever I talked to her, my head went blank.

Something I developed when writing my fanfics, was a crush on her, but only as an admirer. I knew that she was fictional. But that was before, now that she's real, I don't know if it still applies the same.

And to top it off, my feelings grew stronger every day.

Author's Note:

Just so you know, I can't picture Pinkie Pie the way most people do, so I apologize in advance for not picturing her a bit more active or silly (or insane for others, haha)