• Published 22nd Aug 2013
  • 1,057 Views, 13 Comments

Rewriting the stories - FALG

Coexisting with ponies is not that easy...

  • ...

Rewriting the story


"And done! Let's hope this goes well," I said after uploading my last fanfic.

Writing these stories became like a hobby for me, I admit my creativity is not very high, but I did my best everytime.

"Dude, are you going to read my fanfics or not? You're falling behind on my stories," I addressed my brother who was in the same room, working on his patches.

"I will, eventually," he said.

"You always say that, it was quite a miracle to even make you read I Met Kindness."


I turned off the computer and walked around the house, trying to find something to do before going to sleep. It was 1 AM so I went to the fridge and grabbed some juice. My mom was in the living room watching the news on the TV. I glimpsed at some headers:

I read one, "There is only a feeling of insecurity. Yeah right, stay out of your home for 10 minutes and before you know, you end up naked." I told the president at the other side of the screen.

After taking care of my hygiene for the night, I went to my room and prepared my stuff to go to college the next day. Having finished, I jumped into my bed, but didn't sleep until I had my favourite pillow to hug. It had the image of my favourite pony.

"Let's go to sleep shall we, Flutters?"

My brother usually comes back from school after noon, he can catch at least one episode of My Little Pony on television when he comes. I wake up because he watches the show in the room that we share, and the squeaky voices usually wake me up.

"I wished they dubbed more chapters, we are stuck in season 1," I mentioned to my brother.

"I think they are doing it on purpose, just to make us desire it," he said.

"Oh come on, you think that Hasbro actually does that?"


I got up and partially dressed up, and when Discovery Kids finished airing the two episodes for noon, my brother went to use the computer. I stayed to watch another program I like, and then we went to the dining/living room for lunch around 1:30 PM, right when Friends was on.

"I'm tired of these guys each passing day," my mom said.

"You just hate them because they are english and you have to read the subtitles," I said.

"But they are just stupid! Don't you look at them and think so?"

"Of course I do! But that's a standard for a sitcom."

I finished my meal, grabbed my stuff, and took the bus to go to college.

There, I met with my group of friends. We were many, and though none of them was following the same career as me, they were cool people in the end. We were all in the first cycle of college, and we had to pass its exams to be able to enter the university. They were Ariel, Barbara, Jenny, Andy, Mary, Jessica, Nicholas, Emmanuel and Paul.

Ariel was the cool guy in the group, pretty much in the "swag" character. Barbara was just a regular girl, smart just above average. Jenny was a very pretty girl, who I had a little crush on, pretty shorter than most, and had a very adorable face. Andy was just a guy like me, but his face faintly resembled Mick Jagger's. Mary was pretty much like Barbara, except that she had heavier likings. Jessica was an attractive girl too, but she was sexy instead of adorable. Nicholas was the bookworm of the group, kinda shy though, but he was good looking. Emmanuel was taller than all of us. And Paul had a little foreign accent despite being born in the country, just like me.

"Took ya' long enough," greeted Ariel when I arrived.

"Look who's talking," I said.

"Yeah, I am!" he mocked.

"C'mon let's go inside already," I suggested.

"Where are you going so soon? We have 5 minutes left," Jessica warned.

I looked at my phone, "We do? I guess my cell phone's clock gone wrong again."

"You worry if your phone has a five-minute difference? That's pretty silly," Jennifer implied.

"Maybe, but I really like my clock on time," I explained.

We entered the classroom right when the teacher did, we had Semiotics that day. I never really paid any attention in classes though, I did give presence, but I was always in my imaginary world, just to be entertained for a while. We finally left after one and a half hour later.

"Blah blah blah, I don't get a word of what these guys say," I joked while leaving the classroom.

"You should really pay attention," Jennifer said.

"I know, but if you fall behind one class, you're doomed," I explained.

"Then why don't you ask the teacher to explain the topics again?" she asked.

"Why for? If I asked now, I'd have to tell him to explain me stuff from two months ago."

"That ain't right man, midterms are coming," Ariel said.

"I don't care, I'll try next year."

"With that attitude, you'll say that again the next year, and the next, and the next," Barbara said.

"I don't plan to stay on this cycle forever guys! I'll just take my time."

"He has a point," Jessica intervened to the group, and then she directed at me "But that doesn't mean you have to abuse of that."

"I know that already, I'm no kid."

"We are just warning you partner. Don't take it personal," Paul said.

"I know guys, and thanks for that, but I'll just restrict myself to gather all the info on the topics and then trying again the next year," I explained.

"I don't know about that, they change subjects every year, you might be doing it in vain," Jennifer added.

"WelI I just hope you do manage to finish this cycle the next year," Ariel said.

"I think I will," I said confident.

I took the bus to my house around 5:30 PM, arriving home around 6:15 PM, right on time, rain was predicted that day.

"It's been raining quite a lot lately," I said when I entered.

My mom was nearby so she replied, "Totally, at this rate, mosquitos will take over the country," I approached to give her a kiss.

I threw my stuff on my bed and laid down a little, it was thursday, and I had judo at 8:00PM, but I didn't go that day.
The month recently started, and the year was almost gone, and there was still a bit of cold even though it was spring already. Dad came home an hour later, and as always, I helped my mom to open the front gate to let him in with the car.

In my house, we were four, leaving aside the pets. My dad's name is Claude, he is something like a chief assembler in a factory. My mom is Beatrice, currently unemployed. And my brother's Leonard, he's 2 years younger than me. I had 18, and my birthday was a few months later.

At dinner, we usually watched the TV, but sometimes we engaged in conversations.

Mom asked me, "So, how are your studies going?"

"They aren't," I simply replied.

"What does that mean?" dad asked "You are not studying at all?"

"Yes and no," I said.

"Yes and no?" she repeated "What the heck are you doing in college then?"

"I'm not studying, but I'm taking notes and I'm searching all needed info and stuff for the subjects," I explained.

"Why not study in the first place? That's a waste of time," my dad pointed.

"Maybe, but what I'm doing is testing how hard the subjects are, and the next year prepare myself as much as I need it."

"You know? You can ask Lorraine to help you," my mom suggested, Lorraine is a tutor.

"I know, but's it a little late at this time of year, I think I better start from square one the next."

"Okay, I don't totally approve that, but as long as you pass the next year, I don't see anything wrong," my dad said. "But at least do it."

I tried to sleep for quite a long time, but I couldn't, I looked at my cell phone's clock, 4:23 AM, and I laid down around 2 hours ago.

The rain got harder, the wind was howling at the windows, punishing the trees, making them shake. Through the window of my room I saw the sky lit up an instant.

"Darn, there's lighting too," I said, and a thunder followed. "That was a hard one."

Minute by minute, thunders roared, and I suspected that they (somehow) were getting closer. But maybe I was just raving a little, I tried to convince myself of that.

Then, another thunder hit the earth, and I felt the ground shake for a split second. I exclaimed but I couldn't hear myself, the sound must have gotten me deaf.

I rushed into my parents' room and woke my mom up, I tried to speak but if I couldn't even hear myself, she couldn't hear me either, as much awake as she was.

I tried a few more times again, and over time I was starting to hear again, lucky me it was just temporal deafness.

I called to her, "Can you hear me?!"

"What?!" she asked. She was just a meter away from me, but I found it hard to hear her through that stinging hum.

"Didn't you hear the thunder?! It shook the ground!" I said.

"I don't understand!" she insisted.

I waited until the hum in my ears stopped dead, to talk properly.

"Did you feel a thunder?" I asked again.

"No, not really; why were you speaking so low?" she asked back.

"Was there a noise in your ear?"

"Uh, yeah?"

"Yeah you were deaf too, the sound of the thunder must have done it."

I looked at the window, at the neverending rain.

"I'm going out, I want to see if that thunder struck our yard," I resolved.

"Are you nuts?! You're staying inside! What if another thunder strikes nearby?"

"C'mon, thunders don't fall in the same place twice, do they?"

Since our house was a one story, it wasn't hard to cross it and reach the yard. I just had to be careful not to step in any water puddle in the garage. When I arrived outside, I found a massive hole in the ground.

"Holy--!" I exclaimed.

I stood below a protruding roof, but the water filled the floor. Approaching the hole, I saw something inside it.

"There's something inside that. I'm going to look," I said to my mom who just reached me.

"Are you crazy? You are staying here!" she insisted, but I didn't pay attention.

I rushed inside, grabbed an umbrella, and quickly went outside again to the hole. There were no words to what I saw.

"Mom! We have to wake the other two up, I'm going to need help!" I exclaimed.

"What the hell is wrong with you now!?"

"Why don't you look what's inside that hole?!" I said impatient, and ran inside again.

In my room and then my parent's, I woke up my brother and my dad, explaining the situation (as strange as it was) I got them to help me bring inside what was in the soil wreckage. We had to use towels, each one making two trips inside and outside to finish the task.

"Can any of you explain me what the hell is this?" dad asked my brother and me, after staring at the stuff for a long time.

"We don't know dad, I can't even describe what I'm seeing right now," Leon didn't take his sight away from it.

"I've got some theories, but they are all impossible, or not plausible at best," I said.

"Does this have something to do with...?" my mother started.

"With what?"

"Uh, nevermind, it's just stupid anyway."

I looked again at the floor, pretty scared of the sight. I had assured myself, this was impossible. And yet it was there. Right at our feet, we had six unconscious ponies.