• Published 22nd Aug 2013
  • 1,055 Views, 13 Comments

Rewriting the stories - FALG

Coexisting with ponies is not that easy...

  • ...

Of hearts and apples

Monday came, time to go to college.

The routine went like always, I got up, watched My Little Pony, had lunch, and left. When I arrived at the college, the guys were waiting for me just like always. We entered our class which was Semiotics again, very strange subject if you ask me.

Two hours later, we left the class, it was still very bright outside, so we decided to take a stroll around a nearby park.

"Hey man what's up? You seem worried," Jenny asked me after a while.

"Me? Nothing's wrong," I lied.

"You sure? You know you can tell me."

"I'm more than fine, but thanks for worrying anyway."

"Well, okay."

We all kept talking a little, talking about recent events in our lifes and stuff, nothing too important. Then we started talking about cartoons and anime.

"You know?" I started when we got to the subject "I always envied animes."

"Oh yeah? Why?" Andy asked.

"Well have you seen the girls that appear in those shows? They are all hot!" I said.

"Are you saying we aren't?" Jessica said.

"I never said that. But I'll just shut up before I mess up even more."

"He actually makes a point," said Paul. "The girls in anime are all of them very pretty. Specially those ecchi ovas."

"No argument here," Emmanuel said. "I'd actually like to know one of those kind of girls in real life, at least be a friend."

That last comment made a question pop up in my head.

"Hey that makes up a good question," I said. "What would you do if you met a fictional character in real life? Any character, for that matter."

Everyone stopped to think.

"Well... if that happened, I would thank Goku for saving the Earth so many times," Nicholas said.

"Who wouldn't?" Andy pointed.

"Do videogame characters count?" Paul asked. "Because I would have Ezio teach me his skills."

And so on, we kept talking. Of course, I didn't take part of the conversation, I didn't want to accidentally reveal that six multicolored ponies were in my house. They wouldn't even believe me anyway, but I still did not say a word.

Back in the house, Twilight was waiting for me to read her this short bible.

"Shall we begin?" she asked.

"Let me tell you something first, I will only read you the first part, so then I can explain you everything else."

"Oh, well okay," she said disappointed "I was kinda hoping you'd read me the whole book because I wanted to investigate about this 'deity' of yours."

"Okay, since you really want to."

I read her then (in spite of my discomfort) the shortened bible. Starting with the Creation, then to the Apple and Eden, and I explained her that the last one was the one I called the "mother reason" for what happens in my world.

"Applejack would be so mad if she knew this," Twilight said.

"That's a good one!" I laughed with her.

"So explain to me, why exactly?" she asked, returning to the subject.

"Knowledge. As far as this book explains, my race was created to be oblivious, or so I believe," I explained.

"But what kind of deity would make his creation like that?"

"The one that would want us to live in perfect harmony."

Then she realised something.

"Is that why your world is not?"

"This book says so, apparently knowledge is the downfall of our race," I said.

"But knowledge isn't bad, I have knowledge of many things."

"Not that kind of knowledge Twi, but the greed and one's own good knowledge."

"Ohh, so that's why everyone is against one another."

"Pretty much, but there are people who try to make the world a better place."

"Well, I doubted that there were only bad people here."

"Do you want to read more?" I asked.

"Of course! I want to see how this affects the next events," she said.

In a few days, we finished the Old Testament:

"I still can't believe a man can kill his son just to prove his love to his god!" she said.

"Let me tell you again, everything this book says, it could actually be wrong, it has passed a few thousand years since those events happened, so the story could have deformed over time," I said.

"Are you saying you don't believe in the book of your god?"

"I'm saying that I have an open mind about everything, I don't believe in anything just because I read it the first time, I keep looking for information until I make up my mind."

"Well okay, I want to read more sometime."

"Sure, but in a few days okay? I grew a little tired of reading this thing." I said.

"As you wish, in the meantime, I'll keep trying on finding our home." Twilight said, and left.

"You shouldn't have done that," my brother said.

"What do you want me to do huh? Tell her she can't learn something because it's too dangerous? Believe me when I say that I tried, Leonard!" I replied.

"You should have tried harder."

"I'm weak! Okay? I can't give a 'no' for an answer sometimes!"

"And now you're telling me?"

"You asked."

"Whatever," he said and left the room.

When he left, I started to think: he was right, I should have tried harder, but then Twilight would resent me, I didn't want that either.