• Published 22nd Aug 2013
  • 1,057 Views, 13 Comments

Rewriting the stories - FALG

Coexisting with ponies is not that easy...

  • ...

Night out

Two weeks have passed since the Mane Six appeared in my family's yard. The cash flow was still at the edge, but with a little cooperation, we managed to make it last for longer.

The girls got a little more used to our lifestyle, and they started to learn our customs, things started to get a little more along. All of them felt pretty comfortable, except for one.

Rainbow still found it hard to adapt, and rightly so. Staying in the same place for two weeks was like a nightmare for her, limited to only fly just a few meters from the ground, and there wasn't enough space for her to go full speed. It was like a prison to her.

And it hurt me too, but I couldn't do anything; even after seeing movies about extraterrestrial beings arriving on Earth and seeing what the government does to them, I still can't imagine what they could do to them if they were spotted.
I told her that sometime soon, we would go to a place, away from civilization, where she would be able to soar up high as much as she'd like.

She waited anxious for that, but it still wasn't enough.

One night, a calm one, I was about to fall asleep when I felt a poke in my hip, I turned around and asked to the air: "Who's there? Fluttershy?"

"No, it's me." a different voice answered.

I turned on my lamp and saw that Rainbow was awake.

"Hey, what's the problem?"

"I'm bored," she said like anything normal.

"Okay, but what do you want me to do?" I asked.

"Help me," she said.

"With what?"

"Sneaking out."

I rubbed my eyes in surprise.

"What?" I said.

"It will be quick, I just go outside, stretch my wings, and we'll come back in less than an hour," she said.

"Wait-wait-wait, us?"

"Yeah! You'll come with me, and enjoy a trip through your neighborhood, how's that?" she said excited.

"No way, I never sneaked out of my house, and I'm not planing on doing it now. Go to sleep," I told her while laying down again, turned away.

She grunted silently, and the next thing she did, was kick me in my butt. I had to cover my mouth to not yell.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I shouted silently.

"I will keep going if you don't help me," she threatened.

"I can't sleep now, but I won't do it anyway," I said.

"If you don't help me, I'll tell Fluttershy everything!"

I stared at Rainbow for a while, how did she find out?! But I had to keep calm, maybe she was just teasing me in case I actually had something to hide.

"You'll tell her what?"

"You know what."

"You don't know nothing," I said in a derogatory tone.

"Maybe I don't, but would you take the risk?" she said.

I scrutinized her, trying to see if she was lying. Clearly, just watching the first episode of "Lie to Me" doesn't make you a face reader. So I desisted and agreed to help her:

"Fine, but you have to be unseen, hold on," I told her.

I checked my wardrobe, and grabbed some clothes: black joggin shorts (her tail was vital for her to keep balance, so I made a hole in the shorts, they were very small for me to use again anyway), a t-shirt (the torso rolled up so she could move her wings), dark socks in her four legs, and a hood (to cover her face).
I grabbed some dark clothes for myself, and a second hood, my keys for the house, and got outside.

"Does this hinder you somehow?" I asked her once outside, in the yard.

She tested her fly a bit.

"Not much, I can handle it," she said.

"Good, think you can hold me?" I asked.

"Let's see," she said as I hanged from her, with my hands on her hip.

She slowly rose her flight and hovered over my house, then dropped me in the street.

"Don't stay far from me Rainbow, we'll just have a stroll until the main street of this neighborhood, and we'll return."

"Okay, whatever you say."

I walked through the empty streets, Rainbow following me, flying a bit, going through some roofs another.

"Be careful Rainbow, there are wires in these streets, I don't want a roasted pony when I get back home," I told her when she was near enough.

"Relax, nothing could happen to me," she replied.

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that, but it wasn't Fluttershy the one that broke her wing while showing off."


We arrived to a park in the (usually) most crowded street in the vicinity, about ten blocks away from my house.

"What a cool place it must be at noon," Rainbow said.

"Kind of, most times when I came here I ran into friends of mine," I said.

We sat in a bench, Rainbow looked around the whole time.

"Hey I gotta ask, what would you have told Fluttershy if I refused to help you?" I asked.

"Oh nothing actually, I never knew anything related to you that would bother Fluttershy," she said.

"So I could have said 'no' without a problem?!"

"Yes, but now I know you have something to hide," she grinned.

I sighed.

"Mind telling me what is it?" she asked.

"Yeah, like I would tell you," I said.

"Either way I could tell Fluttershy that you hide something from her, and I know you can't lie."

"We know each other for two weeks."

"And that's more than I need to figure your nature," she mocked, I wanted to retort something, but didn't.

We kept silent for 15 minutes, more or less, until I confessed, "I have a little crush on her."

Rainbow stared at me.


"What I said, I like Fluttershy."

"You say it like it's wrong," she pointed.

"And it is."


"Oh come on Rainbow look at me!" I stood up and pointed my body "I'm not a pony!"

"How does that factor in anything? You're both mentally alike."

"Tell me how," I said.

"Well, uh..."

"See? That's what's wrong."

"You didn't let me finish! You... you... both can think and have feelings like everypony!"

"And so do the dogs, owls, cats of this planet, but you don't see me giving them a kiss in the mouth," I said.

"That was uncalled for," she pointed.

"But it's the truth Rainbow, I'm a human, she's a pony, and humans that have feelings like love for animals are
considered sick people."

"So? Are you going to let the opinion of others affect you?" she asked.

"Let's go back okay? I don't want to discuss it now."

"No no no, let's keep talking!" it was her turn to stand up, and she was now floating in the air. "Are you the kind of guy that feels affected by the opinion of other people?" she asked again a little angry.

"No I'm not."

"Then why do you care?"

"BECAUSE OF REASONS YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND!" I yelled at her, and she flinched.

"Is it because of your religion or something?" she asked.

After Twilight read the Bible with me, she told her friends too, and while getting used to our customs, they too started learning of our beliefs. I just hoped Celestia wouldn't harm them or anything.

"Even if I was agnostic, having these kind of feelings for animals are wrong," I said, calmer.

We kept quiet again.

"Hey, if it is of any help, we don't consider ourselves like animals," she said.

"But in essence, you are."

"Yeah that's true, but then, aren't humans too?"

I stared at her, incredulous at that last sentence she made, she was right. I still wanted to retort something, but couldn't make out anything.

"I guess you're right," I said "But let's just go back now, okay? I gotta think what I'm going to do with her."

"Yeah, okay."