• Published 22nd Aug 2013
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Rewriting the stories - FALG

Coexisting with ponies is not that easy...

  • ...

Humans and ponies

"I knew that you would have problems with your family, I just knew!" Fluttershy cried as we entered my room.

"Fluttershy easy! Don't worry about them now. We are alone, don't think about them." I said.

She then jumped and hugged me, crying, muttering "I'm sorry, I'm so... so sorry!" while I caressed her mane. I sat on my bed and kept like that for some minutes, until she stopped crying. "I'm sorry," she insisted.

"Stop it. It's okay now, just don't think about it." I replied, then I grabbed her face and forced her to look into my eyes.

"Okay." she simply said.

I took her hooves and caressed them a little while looking at her, should I ask her about... it? This was our last time together, and I thought that we should make it worth somehow.

"I know you have to leave, and even though I want to, I won't persuade you to stay. Just wanted to make that clear." I said.

"Mmhm." she agreed while I put my hand on her cheek.

"You know I love you, and your happiness and well being are the most important for me. But there's something I have to ask you now, and you are in all your right to decline."

"O-okay, what is it?" I sensed sadness in her as a whimper almost escaped from her.

"Well, if you aren't going to feel uncomfortable, maybe we could... um..." I doubted while expecting her reaction "Even though you're shy as you are, and just if you feel okay with it, but I thought we could... erm..."

She was uncertain as to what I was going to ask her, though I'm sure she had an idea, since she started to blush just like usual.

"... get physical?"

She yanked her head back and raised one brow in confusion.

"Oh gosh I can't believe I actually said that!" I bursted out laughing nervously, falling on my side "I don't really know if it means what I meant but.."

"What are you talking about?" she asked.

"Sorry, maybe you don't actually know that term, but whatever, I'll try another approach." I sat up again "I meant that if you're okay, we could... maybe be intimate with each other." I whispered in her ear

"H-how much i-intimate?" she asked blushing even more.

"As much as you're comfortable. But I was kinda hoping we could go as far as... I dunno, that?"

Slightly slower than a blink, her wings flared up at the sentence, with a red-faced (and I mean, RED) Fluttershy to get along. She just stayed there, processing the offer, or not, it was hard to tell if she was. It wasn't until I waved a hand in front of her to catch my attention.

"You alright there Flutters?"

"Y-y-yes, j-just... you got me a little off guard..."

"Off guard? If I wanted to catch you off guard I'd simply do this..."

I grabbed the meek pegasus from her armpits. And, resembling a judo grapple, spun around to softly launch her against the bed, with me on top.

"Too much?" I teased, but she wasn't able to speak from the surprise. It felt nice to be a little more assertive for a change, instead of going as slow as her.

Then the foreplay started, just like that night the week before, making my way from top to bottom, and she didn't give any resistance. I had caution in moving further than last time, but after making her resolve, she was decided to do it.

As was I.

Something like half an hour later, we left my room. It was like everything paused in the living-room because everyone was exactly where we last left them. The girls approached to receive Fluttershy, but Celestia just stood in her place as I walked towards my family, her gaze not leaving mine.

"I assume everything is in order?" she asked.

"Yes Princess." I replied with a slight bow "There's no more reason in delaying your departure now, I hope my family hasn't given you a hard time here."

"Since when do you behave so respectful?" my brother asked.

"Hey you know I love medieval stuff, regents talk pretty much like that. I took the chance now that I have it."

Celestia smiled, and bowed in response.

"I am touched by your respect, even though I'm no ruler of yours. And I want to thank you all for watching over my subjects."

"I just want my normal life back..." my mother said.

"That can be arranged." the Princess said "I will make it like you've never seen us at all."

Panic struck me, if watching movies and reading books have taught me something, is to find secret meanings behind certain sentences.

"Hang on. Are you saying you'll clean all our memories from all of you?" I asked.

Celestia nodded, her smile gone. Twilight spoke to emphasize her ruler's point:

"We've been thinking that we can't put our existence at risk if your world knows about us. I told the Princess of the hostility and greed this world has, and that in no time, they could reach us anytime."

"But don't you have like... magic to protect you?" my dad inquired.

"Our magic is powerful, that is true." Celestia affirmed "But as my student told me, your methods can throw destruction at us with ease. And we are a peaceful race, we never intend to kill."

"I guess it's... fair enough." I said. "You do make a point."

And here I thought I would remember everything that happened once it was over. But it was true, our race is very destructive, greedy, and our leaders don't seem to be better than that. If this happened a decade or so ago, everyone and everypony would have gotten along just fine.

"But Celestia..." my brother started "there are some people in this world that aren't like that! There really are very good people, just like the folks of Equestria."

"He has a point." Rainbow Dash said "Without going any further, they treated us well! Sure, we had our troubles, but thanks to them we didn't starve, or feel like we were imprisoned."

Applejack cheered in her usual accent, Rarity just gave a simple "I agree". Pinkie in turn blew a party hooter, tipical Pinkie. Twilight seemed more bound to support her friends in their opinion after Rainbow spoke, she was speaking the truth. But she couldn't persuade the Princess in that, the decision was already made.

The unicorn approached Fluttershy, who had her head down in distress, and laid a hoof on her shoulder, trying to give comfort. The pegasus looked at her, and then at me, so I approached and knelt to have my face at her height.

"Everything's going to be fine." I said, putting a hand in her other shoulder.

She smiled, and came closer for a hug, thought she had to break it up a few moments later:

"Okay then, since we won't remember what happened up to this point, I'll exploit this fact," my dad said out loud, looking at everyone in the room. And then looked at me, and just me. "You disgust me." Everypony but Celestia gasped at that.

"Um, care to elaborate?" I innocently asked.

"Like I said before, I knew you had strange tastes, but I let it go because they would never affect you on the long term. But having a relationship with a horse? That's another level, and I don't want to let it slip this time."

"Okay. But what are you going to do about it? I mean, we won't remember any of this in a few minutes."

"We won't, you're right. They will." he had a menacing tone, there was something really off about him, I have never seen my father behave like that. He cleared his throat, and addressed the ponies "You aren't any saints either, how come that you haven't stopped your friend, when you knew it was impossible for them to be together?"

Everypony looked at each other in confusion.

"Well..." Rainbow started "It was just that, nopony ever noticed her, so we thought we could let her try."

"Besides, our world is very much open minded about that matter." Twilight added.

"Should I dare to ask?" he turned his head and asked the family.

"Why would you bo..."

"You shut up! I wasn't talking to you!" dad interrupted me.

"That's no way to talk to your son." Celestia intervened.


Another gasp, this time came from everyone's mouth.

"The hell are you saying dad?" my brother asked.

"After what he did, can you judge me for saying that? C'mon! He has an affair with an animal for crying out loud! That's unhuman!"

I looked at the ponies, in search for a response to make, so when I looked at Twilight, she gave me a nod, and I instantly understood. That last sentence was the opening I was looking for against my dad.

"Let me exploit this too dad, so let's go back a little dad, shall we?" I said. He stayed silent so I kept on. "I have just a way to respond to that, but I need you to remember something. What is your favorite movie again?"

Everyone in the room looked puzzled, I could understand it, this was the most strange thing I have ever done.

"What the hell does that have to do with anything?" dad asked.

"Can you just reply?"

"No, 'cause it's irrelevant to the current topic."

"Hey I want to defend myself, can't you just let me try at least?"

"Fine." he sighed "It's the first Matrix movie. Dude, I don't know where are you going at, aren't you high from watching too much ponies?"

"I would ask the same to you dad." I joked, and kept on "So anyway, remember a character named Mouse, yeah? It's not too hard, the poor guy had little screen time."

"What's your point?"

"Remember the scene where everyone is having a meal, before Neo visited the Oracle? What was the last thing that Mouse told him?"

Dad then pictured the scene on his head, I knew this would work, after what he said, I knew that I could refute his sentence. And then it hit him and looked surprised at me.

"Just found out huh?" I said "How can you dare to tell me that I did something 'unhuman', when 'denying our own impulses is to deny the very thing that makes us human'? "

Silence was on the room, I could feel the support of the girls, but I wasn't done, I had to keep going.

"And to show you, and prevent this to backfire, let me tell you: Fluttershy had the SAME impulse, just like I did. Don't you see it dad? We may look very different from each other, bipedal or quadrupedal, but the only things that matter are here" I pointed my head "and here." I pointed my heart "They are humans just like us. And in turn, we are ponies just like them."

He was very surprised, he had always heard me, and many times I messed up when I had to tell him something. But now I had such control and eloquence, that it would be impossible for this fact to not have effect on him. There was no way that using his favorite movie against him could fail. He finally spoke after seconds of thinking.

"I still don't support you." he said, and added "But you do make a point."

A little cheer came from the ponies, I actually managed to convince him!

"You're damn right I do."

"Don't overdo it."

"Yeah, fine."

"So I believe everything is okay now?" Celestia asked.

I looked at my father, and he just gave a faint smile, seemed enough for me.

"Yes Princess, everything is okay." I said.

"Um, Princess?" Twilight came forward "Can we speak to you a second, in private?"

The ponies then left for the garage, what now? I just wanted to this misery already, if I wasn't going to remember Fluttershy again, why delay it? They came back half a minute later.

"I don't wanna sound repetitive, but what's wrong now?" I asked.

"Nothing, don't worry." Twilight said "We'll leave now, there's no reason in staying anymore."

It was time, as Celestia's horn lighted up, sadness fell over me like cold water, I didn't want to forget her, nor them, but their safety was more important.

Then suddenly I thought, why if they want us to forget everything so that they can have the surprise factor, and do the same to us?

Everything was going white now, I could barely give Twilight a look as she winked at me. Then I looked at Fluttershy, whom was in tears but smiling.

If she was smiling, there was nothing to worry about.

Author's Note:

Yeah, I am a Mary-Sue, I realized it when I was making the last edits on this chapter. But I can defend my position here:

While I was writing this chapter, I ran across a status on Facebook from the Matrix fan page, and it contained Mouse's line which I used here, and I thought "It's the perfect thing to chain the story!", so I had to use it.

Maybe my character (for those that haven't figured out, it's the real me, but I haven't met the Mane 6, just clearing that up (I do have a crush on Fluttershy though)) develops in the story very fluidly for a normal guy. But I insist, that's how I would act if it wasn't for the shock leaving me petrified.