• Published 3rd Oct 2023
  • 285 Views, 17 Comments

Digital Dustin - Digging Deeper - Prince Dustin Hogan

Dustin Miller treks through a hellish world in Cyberspace.

  • ...

The wind beneath my wing




Telepathic link



"Transformation Index

OP – Keys of Revelations [Kingdom Hearts Style] by Infinite Rivals

It was night, and Twilight was lying awake in bed at night, still worried for Dustin while Spike slept at her feet.

Spike fluttered his eyes open, seeing that Twilight was still awake.

"Twilight…" Slike muttered groggily, "You're still awake?"

"How can I sleep when our friend is in Cyberspace's version of Hell, fighting for his life and trying to escape?" Twilight reolied in a whispered tone.

"Twilight, you heard what Allister said." Spike said reassuringly. "There's nothing we can do abkut it. It's up up to him." Spike got up and walked to his owner, placing a oat on her forehead assuring. "Besides, he's probably aided by those three guys who made Goetia."

"But…" Twilight stammered, still unsure

"I assure you, miss Sparkle, young master Dustin is doing well so far."

Spike and Twilight looked around in surlrise until they see Merlidamus appear.

"Merlidamus…?" Twilight muttered out in surprise. "Wait. You and the other Primordials are in the Digitalismans. Do you think you can fill us in?"

Merlidamus smiled fondly, knowing that she was worried for Dustin's safety. And he couldn't blame her. "Well, he's successfully managed to defeat the embodiments of Lust and Gluttony, and is currently in the realm of Greed."

"Greed?" Twilight asked before gasping in horror. "Wait! He's facing Corvoss!"

"Isn't he the second most powerful of the bunch?" Spike asked in disbelief.

"Indeed so." Merlidomus replied with a nod. "And he is quite a crafty foe due to his sharp wits and cunning nature."

"Butbhey, he kicked the embodiment of Lust's butt right?" Spike asked with a smile. "He could easily beat that Corvoss guy."

"Succubelle is the third ranked. Corvoss is the second ranked. Meaning he's a notch above her." Twilight corrected her canine companion, making the pup realize his miscalculation.

"Well, the new feature he has recently unlocked should give him a bit of an edge." Merlidomus spoke, earning Twilight and Spike's new attention.

"New feature?" Twilight asked. "What kind if new feature?"

"One that allows him to combine two of his transformations to create new ones." Merlidomus replied, making Twilight gasp in a mix of shock and interest.

"How do you know that?" Spike asked, earning a deadpan look from Merlidomus. "Oh… right." Spike muttered. "You're in one of the Digitalismans."

"Anyhow, I and my fells will inform you on his progress." Merlidomus spoke, making Taikight sigh a bit in relief. "For now, you must rest." And with that, Merlidomus faded away, leaving Twilight and Spike alone.

Still a bit worried, but somewhat relieved knowing that Duatin was safe so far, she emits a yawn as Spime returns to his position. And with that, Twilight drifted off to sleep.

Monstro was resting in a pool, a large wet rag resting on his forehead and a thermometer in his mouth. After his fight against Dustin, Monstro was currently suffering from a cold.

Doji was glaring at Monstro with annoyance as Succubelle had brought Monstro a large bowl of soup.

"Ugh…I feel like crap!" Monstro spoke, sniffling.

"I cannot believe you etc that kid psyche you out!" Doji said with a light snarl. "But to be honest, I didn't expect anything less out of your blubbery tail!"

Suddenly, Monstro released a mighty sneeze, sending Doji flying a few feet and making the oni-like beast skid on the gound.

"Oh, how it elates me so to see you suffer." Corvoss said as he landed besides Doji.

"Oh, fuck off bird brain!" Doji growled furiously as he got up and dusted himself. "Don't you have a statue to shit on?"

"Monstro is thick-skulled, don't get me wrong," Corvoss replied with a smirk, "but at least he has some semblance of mentality."

Doji glared to Corvoss, gnashing his teeth angrily. "What's that supposed to mean?" seethed Doji.

"As mighty as you are, your temper is your biggest and most fatal flaw." Corvoss taunted. "I guarantee he'd snuff out out as if you were but a candle."

"Is that a challenge?" Doji growled angrily.

"I'm only stating the facts, my ill-tempered acquaintance." Corvoss sad nonchalantly.

"Succubelle failed too!" Doji shot back while motioning to the floral woman. "And she is the third ranked!"

"Thank you for the reminder, big red!" Succubelle replied in a deadpan manner.

"Yes, but you are fourth, so she heavily out tanks you. Further fueling my point." Corvoss replied. "You cab deny my words all you wish, you know my words hold logic."

Doji growled angrily, his eyes glowing red as his fists were engulfed I'm flames before he went to deliver a punch. Corvoss however countered by knocking him back with nothing but his wing. Doji went to deliver another punch, only for it to be encased in crystal. Doji went to use his other fist, only for it too to be encased in crystal as well. And with a flap of his wings, Corvoss sent a blast of wind to sent Doji crashing into a nearby wall.

But Doji was even more enraged, charging towards Corvoss. But Corvoss sinply sidestepped, making Doji to crash into another wall. Doji turned and faced Corvoss, ready yo deliver another attack.

Monstro huffed, and puffed, and then sneezed again, sending Doji flying again and making him crash into the wall once again.

"See what I mean, Doji?" Corvoss asked with a triumphant smirk. "That temper of your clouds you thinking. With a clear mind and quick thinking, your enemy will be easy to falter."

"Oh yeah?!" Doji declared, still fuming in rage. "If you're so fucking smart, then why don't you head out face him?!"

"That's exactly where I was heading, henis heading to my domain after all. But I wanted to stop by and end enjoy the show before my departure." Corvoss said with a smug grin on his beak. "Ta-ta."

Amd with that, Corvoss walked off, and Doji glared at him as he walked.

"Pompous asshole!" Doji seethed under his breath.

With Dustin

Dustin had turned into Pixy Gust and flying g through a vast mountain range, all the while Damian, Verne, and Bea flew alongside her in their light orb forms.

"What did you say this place was called again?" Pixy Gust asked.

"The Midas Mountains." Verne said. "The domain of Corvoss. He's the craftiness and most intelligent of the Seven Vice Presidents."

"The brains of the group, hmm?" Pixy Gust asked.

Eventually, Pixy Gust looked to see a cave entrance one one of the mountains. Wanting to rest for a bit, she and her three helpers landed into the cave before Pixy Gust reverted back to Dustin. Daman, Verne, and Bea had also changed back to human form as well before the four looked around.

"The portal is in Corvoss trove." Verne said, looking around. "We better tread with caution. Corvoss is very protective when it comes to her horde of treasure."

"Then we better make this a quick pit stop. Dustin said before he and the others began walking.

After a bit of walking, the group had arrived at the treasure trove. And Dustin looked around the entire treasure room. "Oh… my… God."

Dustin saw that the entire trove was chalked full of various creatures. The floor was littered with coins if various colors and even a few gemstones. But in addition coins and jewels, there were a few golden statues, various portraits and paintings hanging in the walls, a large shelf filled to the brim with books, the place was filled with treasures beyond one's own imagination.

"Man, oh man." Dustin muttered as he looked around. "This Corvoss guy is absolutely loaded. Just a hand full of this stuff would make anybody richer than all of the political leaders in the world combined!"

Dustin then seems one stray coin, urging him to pick it up annexamin it. Upon closer examination, he saw that it had a ₿, a symbol he knew as a symbol for bitcoin.

"Bitcoin?" Dustin asked with a deadpan look. "Are you kidding? Cryptocurrency is actual currency here?"

"In all if Cyberspace, actually." Verne acknowledged. "Well, it's been a thing long before humans made it popularized in recent years."

"I hope to God there's none of that NFT garbage floating around here." Dustin groaned out.

"Oh yeah, those stupid things." Damian said, sharing the disdain. "Yeah, that probably was one of the stupidest things your kind has ever came up with."

"Thank God that crap went down the gutters!" Dustin replied, tossing the Bitcoin away. "I hated the whole concept of NFTs back when they first introduced, and I still hate them now."

"I'm awfully surprised by the majority of people who were hyped for such a redundant trend." Verne said, nodding in agreement. "Even the fact some celebrities even joined on the craze is just baffling."

"Yeah, but those poor saps didn't realize the cons those damn things had." Dustin rolled his eyes. "Looks, let's just find that portal."

"Just keep your guard up, young Dustin." advised Verne. "Lets hope Corvoss isn't around."

"Maybe there's something here you can use!" Damian said, heading to a nearby treasure chest and opening up, revealing more baubles and trinkets in it. "You know, whenever that watch of yours times out. Plus, you'd also get a killer souvenir for bragging rights."

"We should split up." Verne acknowledged. "We'll be able to cover more ground." Verne looks to Dustin. "Keep your guard up, my boy."

"If you say so, dude." Dustin said before walking off while trying to be as quiet as possible in case Corvoss was nearby.

And unfortunately, Corvoss was present. He was resting on a ledge higher up, watching the group with a sinister smile forming on his beak.

'And now, the fun can begin.' Corvoss thought to himself, his eyes glowing a bright yellow.

As Damian was running the trinkets to find something for Dustin to use should he encounter Corvoss, his mouth wash covered in crystal, taking him by surprise. Damian was about to run to the others, only to find his feet were covered in crystals as well. Damnain was instantly covered in crystal within 30 seconds. Bea and Verne were walking in their own separate pathsbwhen they too suffered the same fate as Damian.

And witht the three immobilized, Corvoss turned his attention to Dustin, who thankfully didn't take notice.

Dustinbwas walking towards the bookshelf, resting his hand against it. "Man, it could take day before we find that stupid protal." Dustin looked to the books that decorated the bookshelf. "Hmm, let's see if this Corvoss guy has good reading material."

When Dustin went to grab the book from the shelf, he heard a clicking sound before the bookshelf began to move to the side. Dustin was surprised at first, but his shock turned to elation when he saw the portal, which was made of gold and fashined baroque style with a yellow and white spiraling vortex in the center.

"Sweet! You guys! I've found the portal!" Dustin called out, but got no response. "Guys?" Duatin called out again, but still nno reply. Dustin looks around, seeing so sign of the three, unaware of what happened to them. "Where are they?"

"Worry not about them, boy! It's your life that you should be concerned of!"

Dustin jumped a bit in surprise before a series of crystal spikes emerged, blocking the portal. Dustin was then knocked back by a powerful blast ofnwinde, making him skid across the ground.

"Ugh... man!" Duatin groaned, rubbing his head before seeing Corvoss land near him. "So you're Corvoss."

"Indeed I am, my boy." Corvoss greeted with a nod of his head. "You may have bested Succubelle and Monstro, but let's see how you fair against me!"

"Where are Damian, Verne, and Bea you feathered fuck!" Dustin demanded.

"If you wish to know..." Covoss said, tapping his right foreleg on the ground. Dustin sees a large golden humanoids carrying the crystallized forms of Bea, Verne, and Damian. "I couldn't afford and distractions or interferences, so I made quick work of them."

"You bastard!" Dustin growled, and was about to use the Digitrix. But a layer of crystal covered the Digitrix, preventing him from accessing it.

"If you wish to rescue your comrades and escape, then I have a suggestion." Corvoss stated. "I challenge you to a battle of wits. If you manage to best me in three rounds, then your comrades shall be freed and you will combine on your merry way. But if not," Corvoss chuckled wickedly, "then not only will your friends spend am eternity of bandage, but you will accompany them. And you must do so without the aide of your Digitrix." A small timer then materialized beside Corvoss. "And you must complete each and every one under a set time."

"Then bring it on, feather brain!" Dustin replied without hesitation.

"Excellent." Corvoss stated, grinning maliciously before the timer was set to one hour. "Let's start off simple with our first test."

Five playing cards suddenly materialized in front of Dustin, surprising him. These cards consisted of an Ace of Hearts, a Queen of Diamonds, a King of Spades, a Jack of Clubs, and a Joker.

"Now then, pick your card of choice." Corvoss stated. Dustin pondered for a bit before picking his ace of hearts card. "Now then, here's how this test works." The cards turned around and began shuffling for a good bit before spreading. "You must decide which card is the one you've picked. But choose wisely, for you only have one chance." The hourglass then turned upside down, signifying the battle of wits has begun.

Dustin pondered, narrowing his eyes as he examined each card.

"I thought you said this was simple!" Dustin said in anger.

"For me, it is." Corvoss replied with a chortle. "So? Which card is the right one?"

Dustin looked at each card, really putting some major thought into it. Eventually, he made his choice.

"I'll go for the card in the middle" Dustin decided, a look of confidence.

Corvoss looked at the card, and then to Dustin before the card revealed itself to be the correct one. "You guessed correctly."

"Yeah, I had to pay attention to the details on the back." Dustin said With a smirk. "When the cards flipped over, I noticed that the ace of hearts had a slight wrinkle on bottom right corner." Dustin points the corner of the card, a barely visible wrinkle seen on it."

"Hmm… clever." Corvoss said with a smirk. "But why don't we raise the stakes with our second test?" Corvoss smirked again. "Let's see how good you are with riddles."

Dustin nodded, preparing himself for whatever riddle Corvoss had.

After some thinking, Corvoss smiled wicked. "What is there one of in every corner and two of in every room?" Corvoss asked, stumping Dustin.

Dustin, looking to the hourglass, reminding him of the time limit. After thinking and thinking for a few minutes, he came up with an answer. "The letter O." Duatin replied. "There is one 'o' in the word "corner", while there are two in the word "room"."

"Clever thinking." Corvoss said with a smirk. "But let's test your wits to the limit with the final test."

Sudden lyrics, two small diamond shaped crystals appeared and hovered besides him; one red and one blue. "Here are two crystals, one red and one blue respectively." Corvoss explained. "Only one of them holds the key to your freedom from my chambers. By asking but one question, you must decide which crystal will grant you your escape, and which one will not.

Dustin looked to each crystal, worrying a but as he looked to the timer. Seeing that he was running out of time, for there was officially sixty seconds on the clock.

"Remember, you can ask only only one question." Corvoss reminded, smirking.

Dustin looked to the crystals again, and after some thinking, he decided what question to ask.

"My question would be…" Dustin started making Corvoss sme even wider, "If you had to decide, which crystal would you pick?"

Corvoss was surprised by the question. "That's your question?" Corvoss asked, quite puzzled.

"You said I can only ask one question." Dustin replied with a smirk. "So that's the question I'm asking."

Corvoss was surprised for a bit, but he smirked. "Very well then, I'd chose the red crystal."

"Then I will go for…" Dustin said, his hand reaching for, "The blue crystal!" Dustin grabbed the blue crystal, taking Corvoss completely by surprise.

"But… what makes you chose the blue crystal?" Corvoss asked in confusion. "I told you one was the red one!"

"Easy." Dustin replied with a smirk. "Because by asking, your answer would end up being a lie. There for the answer would be the opposite."

Corvoss was shocked, truly speechless. "Clever thinking, boy. Clever." Corvoss said as the blue Crystal Dustin held extended and morphed into the shape of a sword. And Corvoss lunged at Dustin, the boy sidestepping to avoid the attack.

"What gives?" Dustin demanded. "I passed your stupid tests, so release my friends and unblock that portal!"

"And I will." Corvoss replied. "After you've beaten me in a battle!"

Corvoss then took off to the air and dove towards Duatin, who smacked him away with the sword like a bat.

"Oh, I've been itching for a fight, you four legged turkey!" Dustin taunted before charging at him with the crystal sword.

Corvoss however retaliated by flapping his wings, sending a powerful gust of wind to to knock Dustin back. Dustin groaned as hengot back up, but then he noticed that the Digitrix was no longer covered in crystal.

Without wasting any time, Dustin changed into Einstrike.

"Now let's see how well you square off against another brainiac!" Einstrike declared as he fired a blast of electricity towards Corvoss. Corvoss however manipulated the surrounding coins to create a coin to deflect the attack. Corvoss then fired each of the coins st Einstrike, making him try and dodge as many as he could.

But when he saw the coins that surrounded him, an idea began to form in his mind.

Corvoss dove down towards Einstrike, and Einstrike smacked him away with the sword again. And when Corvoss crashed into a pile of coins, Eisntrike saw an opportunity.

He sent a blast of electricity towards the coinf pile, electrocuting Corvoss violently in the process. Once Einstrike decided Corvoss had enough, he approached Corvoss and aimed his sword at him.

"Now then! Release my friends and unblock the portal!" Einstrike demanded.

Corvoss, with a scoff, emitted a yellow glow in his eyes. As this happened, Damian, Verne, and Betty were free from their crystal containment while the crystals that blocked the portal broke apart like glass.

"Thank you!" Einstrike said before reverting back to Dustin and walked towards the portal. Damian, Verne, and Bea looked to Corvoss before following Dustin.