• Published 3rd Oct 2023
  • 288 Views, 17 Comments

Digital Dustin - Digging Deeper - Prince Dustin Hogan

Dustin Miller treks through a hellish world in Cyberspace.

  • ...

Thorn in my side




Telepathic link



"Transformation Index

OP – Keys of Revelations [Kingdom Hearts Style] by Infinite Rivals

Succubelle was still looking Dustin in the eye, hand under his chin with a small grin visible.

"Well~?" Succubelle goaded on, "Do we have a deal?"

"I.... uh..." Dustin stuttered, still entranced by Succubelle's influence. But suddenly, he then remembered his friends back home and broke out of his stupor. Once free from Succubelle's control, he pushed himself out of Succubelle's grasp.

"No deal!" Dustin declared, a glare on his face while Succubelle was shocked.

'Impossible!' Succubelle thought to herself in bewilderment. 'Nobody is immune to my charms!'

"I'll find a way back home!" Dustin said, readying his Digitrix. "And I can sense you're up to no good! So, either you tell me where the exit is, or I'll have to force the answers out of you!"

Succubelle was still shocked that Dustin had broken from her spell, but she then had a smirk as a chuckle escaped her.

"I'm afraid finding a way out of here is not that easy." Succubelle responded wickedly.

"What do you mean?" Dustin asked, raising an eyebrow.

"There is only one way to escape Goetia, child!" Succubelle replied with a smirk, getting up and crossing her arms. "And it's not going to be an easy rope to climb!"

Back at CHS

"WHAT?!" Everyone said collectively out of disbelief.

"You mean Dustin has to make his way down to the seventh layer to get out?!" Rainbow Dash asked in shock.

"Pretty much " Allister replied with a nod. "To escape Goetia, one must traverse to its deepest recesses."

"How long will that take?!" Subset asked, concerned for Dustin's wellbeing.

"It's hard to say." Allister said with a shrug. "The last person who ventures through Goetia returned within six months."

"Six months?!" Twilight asked out in shock.

"But knowing Dustin, he'll probably be out within three days." Allister said with a hint of uncertainty. "But again, it's hard to say."

"I hope he's doing ok." Fluttershy said out if pure worry for her male friend.

Back with Dustin

"I see." Dustin said, scratching his chin. "So, you're saying that if I need to get out of here, I need to go all the way down to the seventh layer?"

"Indeed." Succubelle replied. "But as I said, such a task is a fool's errand."

"Then I might as well die trying, lady!" Dustin declared as reached for his Digitrix.

"You don't even know the location of the gateway to the second layer." Succubelle replied with a smug grin. "And I'm certainly not going to tell you thar easily."

"Then I guess I'll just have to beat the portal's location out of you!" Dustin said before dialing up the Digitrix. And in a flash of blue light, he changed into the familiar plant-like dragon named...


The other Vice Presidents were watching the scene go down through an energy orb.

"Looks like her plan failed!" Doji said with a smirk. "I knew it!"

"Bring pit your bets, gentlemen." Corvoss said to his fellow Vice Presidents with a smirk. "This will be quit the show."

Narcussa eyed Snapdragon, a look of intrigue visible on her face.

"A dracoflorasian." Succubelle muttered a smug smile. "This should be interesting."

Succubelle then snapper her fingers, causing a bunch of massive flower bulbs from the ground. Within moments, the bulbs upped up, revealing a green bulky humanoid which white mask-like heads.

"Bring it!" Snapdragon breathed out a blast of green fire at one of the creatures, reducing it to ash. But shortly afterwards, the creature had emerged anew like a phoenix.

"Seize him, my servants!" Succubelle declared, and the bulky plant creatures charged at Snapdragon.

Snapdragon smirked before flapping his wings, taking flight.

"Good luck taking down someone in the air!" Snapdrabon taunted. Succubelle smirked as one of her servants lunged a series of vine-like tentacles from its arms. "Oh, come on!"

Instantly, the creature had slammed Snapdragon into the ground. Pe dragon groaned in slight pain as Succubelle approached him.

"Such a shame." Succubelle said with a smirk. "Perhaps my hypnotic pollen would make you more submissive." She then puckered her lips before placing her right hand in her lips, then with a smooch, she blew a plume of purple mist at Snapdragon.

Succubelle smiled wickedly as this occurred, but then the pollen subsided, she gasped in shock upon seeing that Snapdragon was not there.

"What?!" Succubelle asked with surprise, looking around. "Where are you?"

While she didn't notice it, Rockweiler had dug out of the ground and was about to strike her from behind. But Succubelle was quick to notice and send a vine whip at him to knock him away.

Rockweiler however growled before being engulfed in a bright blue flash, shifting to Rainbow Rocks.

Succubelle only smirked in response before tapp9ng her foot on the ground. In moments, a large puppy flower that resembled a Rafflesia emerged beneath Rainbow Rocks' feet. Before he could even react, the flower had ensnared in in vines, and shortly afterwards he began to grunt and groan as the vines glowed a multicolored glow.

"Drain Bloom. Nast little buggers that quite literally suck the life out of you!" Succubelle declared with a smug grin.

But in a flash of blue, Rainbow Rocks changed to Einstrike before emitting a electricity, electrocuting the plant to death and freeing himself.

"You'll have to try harder than that!" Einstrike declared, before reverting back to Dustin in another blue flash of light.

"The Hell!" Dustin gasped in shock, looking to the Digitrix. "Oh, come on! Now's not the time to recharge!"

"Oh dear, looks like your luck ran out." Succubelle said as her servants surrounded him. But then suddenly, three orbs of light appeared and surrounded Succubelle, much to her shock.

"What?!" Succubelle muttered before she was electrocuted. Her servants went to help her, only for then to suddenly be encased in ice.

Dustin watched on in surprise as one of the orbs flew towards him. "What the..."

The red orb then flew off, followed by the yellow orb. The blue orb flew towards Dustin, motioning him to follow.

Dustin, still confused, got up and followed the blue orb.

As Succubelle recovered from the sudden attack, she looked to where Dustin had run off.

The other Vice Presidents were taken aback by what they had just seen.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Doji growled angrily. "Those three again?!"

"It seems we have some party crashers!" Narcissa spoke, an unamused look visible on her face.

To be continued...