• Published 3rd Oct 2023
  • 284 Views, 17 Comments

Digital Dustin - Digging Deeper - Prince Dustin Hogan

Dustin Miller treks through a hellish world in Cyberspace.

  • ...

Through the Fire and Flames




Telepathic link



"Transformation Index

OP – Keys of Revelations [Kingdom Hearts Style] by Infinite Rivals

Narcissa was polishing her fingernails while her mirror exterior stood before a large mirror.

"Pardon me, milady."

Narcisssa stopped her nail polishing, her metal exterior moving to face Doji. "What is it you need, Doji?"

"I have a favor to ask." Doji said, genuflecting with his head bowed. "It involves the boys friends back in the physical world."

When Narcissa heard that, she had a wicked smirk on her face.

Dustin, Damian, Verne, and Bea were walking through a small forested area filled with trees with deep red bark and bright crimson leaves.

"So, where are we now?" Dustin asked.

"Gokuen Prefecture." Verne replied. "The zone of wrath. And Doji's dominion."

Once the four exited the forest, they saw a large settlement ahead, looking like it was pulled straight out of the Edo era of Japan.

"Finally, maybe we could stop and rest for a bit." Dustin said with a seat. "My feet are kidding me."

"And maybe we should get some grub while we're at it." Damian declared. "I'm starved."

"I don't think any of us have any cash, Damian." Dustin replied. "Plus I left my wallet at home."

The four entered the village, where many of its inhabitants went a bit scared upon seeing Bea, Verne, and Damian. Damian stopped at a local restaurant called "Big Bento".

"Yo, shopkeep!" Damian said, lapping the countertop. "Four Shangri-la Cubicles!" The shopkeeper jumped in fear before nodding frantically, running back to the kitchen.

Dustin watched on with confusion of the scene. "Wow. People here are plumb scared of you, huh?"

"All three of us, in actuality." Verne said, sitting next to Dustin while reading a book. "Remember, we created Goetia. So many of its inhabitants fear us since we've managed to imprison the Seven Vice Presidents here."

"And trust us, it was no easy task." Bea chimed in, taking a seat adjacent to Dustin. "Narcissa was the most difficult to subdue. She put up quite a fight."

"Well, she represents the sin of pride, right?" Dustin asked. "No way she'd be a pushover."

"Yeah, but her ego is her biggest flaw." Damian said, walking to them with a tray with four 4x4x2 wooden boxes. Each box had roughly the same thing; a few sushi rolls, a small bowl of steamed vegetables, three rice balls, four mochi, and a small dish of noodles. "Hope you don't mind Japanese food, kiddo."

"Man, that was fast." Dustin replied, taking one of the four boxes before and a pair of chopsticks. "Thanks for the food, by the way."

"Nah, don't sweat it." Damian said as he handed two other boxes to Verne and Bea.

"Anyhow, I'll bet Doji is not going to be quite a pushover." Dustin said, mucking down on a sushi roll. "If he represents wrath, then he must be tough."

"Well, considering how far we've come, I'm sure you can take him down." Damian replied with a confident smirk. "After all, you took down Corvoss, and he's Narcissa's second in command."

"Yeah, but still." Dustin said before munching down on a mochi.

"You! Human!"

Dustin choked a bit, turning his head to see two figures. Both resembled samurai dressed in red and black armor with oni masks obscuring their faces.

"Well, so much for a good rest." Damian groaned in annoyance.

One of the samurai pulled out a parchment and presented to him. "An invitation from Lord Doji himself."

With confusion, Dustin accepted the parchment. He unrolled it and began reading.

"Dustin Hogan, bearer of the Digitrix." Dustin read. "If this parchment had found you, then I, Doji, challenge you to a special match. It will be held in Enma Stadium. Do not keep me waiting!"

Dustin filed the parchment, looking to the two men. "Alright. Tell him I'll see him there!"


In his chambers, Doji was training for his upcoming match when the two men from earlier came in.

"My lord." The two men said in unison, bowing.

"The human has accepted your challenge." Tmone of the samurai said, making Doji smirk and chuckle.

It was noon, Sunset and company were hanging out by the portal to Equestria.

"So, how do you think he's doing?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Dunno." Applejack shrugged.

Suddenly, Sunset felt her phone, urging her to pick up. On the screen of it was a red symbol shaped like a fiery fist. "What the…?" Sunsst asked in shock.

The others corroded around her, seeing the sum of before the screen began to show what like like a live event in Japan.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. We are coming at you live with a special event hosted by the lord of wrath Doji!"

"DOJI?!" They collectively asked out in disbelief.

Back in Gokuen Prefecture, the sport announcer, who resembled a blue oni with yellow eyes and dressed in a traditional Japanese hakama.

"Here, Doji will challenge a visitor from the gumannworld, Dustin Miller!" The sport announcer said as the images of both Doji and Duatin appeared. "This Dustin Miller is no ordinary human, I assure you folks. For he has some rather extraordinary traits!" A series video clips appeared, each one showing his fights with the previous Vice Presidents. "That's right folks, this young man can transform into various inhabitants from Cyberspace."

The cameraman turned his attention to the audience, roaring in excitement.

"And it likes like it's a full house tonight. Almost everybody in town is here!" The announcer exclaimed. "And of course, lord Doji has even request that this event to be broadcasted by a certain group of humans."

The gang were wide-eyed in shock upon seeing what was being displayed.

"Stay tuned folks, for the fight will begin in a few minutes." The announcer said before the Sunset's phons screen began to show ads of various brands in Gokuen Prefecture.

"We've got to get Allister, Principle Celestia, and Vice-Principle Luna!" Twilight said. "They're going to want to see this!"

"How did that ugly red bastard even manage to broadcast this to my phone!?" Sunset asked in total bewilderment.

In the stadium, Corvoss was standing to a large broadcast tower, where a small bipedal turtle-like creature was tending to a computer.

Corvoss was taking bets from various civilians, smirking as he accepted the many bets.

"One at a time, please." Corvoss said with a chortle.

"Taking bets, I see." Succubelle said as she and Narcissa approached.

"Succubelle. Lady Narcissa." Corvoss greeted. "Come to enjoy Doji's little show, intake it?"

"I'm afraid I have other business to attend." Narcissa replied.

"For me, I'm just here for the brothel." Succubelle replied with a salacious smirk. "I hear this place has some rather fine ones."

"Of course you would, harlot." Corvoss reolied with a roll of his eyes. "Me though, I honestly cannot wait to see the look of defeat on Doji's face when the boy trounced him."

"Keep in mind that you got your feathered ass kicked as well, Corvoss!" Succubelle reminded with a shit eating grin. "So don't pretend like you've won."

"It's hard to forget when you keep reminding me, wench!" Corvoss scoffed. "Go and have your gin while I will be raking in quite possibly the biggest pay day of my existence!"


In the center of the arena, Dustin was waiting patiently for Doji to arrive. Luckily, he didn't have to wait long, for he saw Doji approach the arena.

"So, you came afterall." Doji said eith a grin.

"I just want get the hell out of this place dude." Dustin declared. "Should we go over any rules here?"

"Only one rule." Doji reolied, popping his knuckles. "Don't die!"

Dustin dialed up his Digitrix, then with a tap of a button, he transformed into Prime-8.

With a ring of a gong, the fight had begun. Doji lit his hands on fire while Prime-8 banged his chest. And with that, the two charged at each other.

Doji delivered a punch across Prime-8's face, but the eight-armed gorilla quickly shot back with a punch in the gut with two arms before a punch in the face from his main left arm.

"Yes, these it!" Doji declared with a chuckle, wiping a trail of blood from his chin. "Give me your all, boy!"

Normally Prime-8 wouldn't get a hot heat, but Doji's influence actually made him flare his nostrils before banging his chest again and filled him full of adrenaline due to the new found anger

"You want it, you got it big red!" Prine-8 declared before charging at Doji. But Doji smirked and kneed him in the gut before delivering a roundhouse to send him away.

Prime-8 however snarled, growing furiously before charging at Doji again. Using all eight of his arms to deliver a blinding barrage of punches. But Prime-8 wasn't done yet, for he went for suplex, then went for a body slam.

Doji was able to shove him off due to his greater strength and delivered an uppercut. Prime-8 retaliated by backhanding him before going for a piledriver.

In Celestia's office, the others were absolutely shocked upon seeing this.

"My goodness!" Celestia gasped in disbelief. "He's never acted this vicious."

"It's Doji's inflicence!" Allister said in concern. "Not only do the seven vice presidents embody the seven sins, but each one can spread the sin they represent.

"And Doji represents wrath! A sin if anger and rage!" Sunset muttered, a sense of fear going through her. "So Dustin is fighting without thinking!"

"And I'll bet that's what Doji wants!" Adagio chimed in. "If he and the other vice presidents spread their respective sin, then they must become empowered by it as well!"

"Oh, I can't bare to watch this!" Fluttershy muttered, covering her eyes while struggling to contain her tears as Salazar rubbed her back in comfort.

Doji cackled wickedly as delivered a right hook, making Prine-8 stumble.

"Come now, boy!" Doji taunted. "You must not be giving it your all!"

"You want my all?!" Prim-8 snarled viciously. "THEN I'LL GIVE YOU MY ALL!" Prime-8 then left into the air before descending towards Doji, who only smirked ad Prime-8 delivered one might wallop.

But Doji chuckled, grabbing Prime-8 by the throat and throwing him away. "I can do this all day, boy!"

"I don't have that kinda time!" Prime-8 roared furiously before charging at Doji again and was about to punch. But Doji countered by elbowing him across the face, then delivering an uppercut before knocking himbto the ground with a roundhouse.

Prime-8 was about to get back up, but Doji grabbed him by the head and repeated shoved his face into the ground with enough force to shake the ground slightly. He dis this multiple times, all the while smirking with sadistic glee.

He then grabs Doji by the legs and began tossing him around like he were a ragdoll. Then with a wicked laugh, he went for a pileriver and tossed him away.

Prime-8 was battered, badly bruised, and beaten. He struggled to get up as Doji approached him, kicking him across the face. Prime-8 had reached his limits and changed back to Dustin in a bright blue flash.

"And now, it's time to put an end to this little pest!" Doji growled, chuckling while popping his knuckles again as he approached his fallen foe.

"No!" Sunset called out.

"Come on, sugar! Get up!" Applejack called out. "Ya gotta get up!"

"You can beat that ugly freak!" Rainbow Dash chimed in. "Come on dude!"

Dustin was still struggling to get back up, but Doni pinned his head down with his foot. Doji grinned with malicious intent before raising his foot up.

But suddenly, the Digitrix began beeping before Dustin was enveloped in the familiar barcode dome.

"What?!" Doji asked in surprise.

In the dome, Dustin levitated as both Fraakshow and Rainbow Rocks materialized and slowly began to inch towards him. Once the three made contact, they were enveloped in bright flash.

Once the light faded, the surrounding environment was pitch blackness.

A glowing violet eye then shined through the darkness before the new figure showed itself as it lights shined on him. Most of his body was composed of purple colored crystal while the rest of it was composed of black stone like obsidian. His forearms were bulkier and had purple crystal blades, his legs lacked any fest and had a blade protruding from the heel, the right side of his face was obscured by a crystal bang, and he had a single crystal protrusion on either side of his face.

The new transformation seemed to be walking along a catwalk, his arm blades shinning with a violet glos before crossing his arms.

"EDGELORD!" The new form called out in a voice that sounded calm yet fierce as the data dome surrounding him vanished.

(Transformation Index)
Name: Edgelord
Yikes! Talk about edgy! Edgelord is the resulting fusion between Freakshow and Rainbow Rocks, and is definitely not the kind of foe you would want to mess with.why you ask? Well, why don't wr find out?

The gang were absolutely stunned by the new form Dustin had assumed.

"What in tarnation?!" Applejack asked just as bewildered as the others.

"What just happened?" Aria asked.

"I dunno… but it looks awesom!" Rainbow Dash said with a smirk.

Doji was surprised at first, but he then had a smirk.

"Haven't had enough, huh?" Doji taunted. "I like imthat in an opponent!" Doji went to punch Edgelord.

But suddenly, with near impossible speed, Edgelord countered by slashing as Doji's arm, making him yell and back away.

Doji saw the cut was dripping blood, much to his shock. "You… you… you struck me!" Doji muttered, taken completely by surprise. "You've actually struck me."

"The way I see it, you've got two choices." Edgelord said. "You can either back down, or I'll bloody up your ugly ass in less than 50 seconds." Edgelord's eye glowed brightly as he spoke. "And I'm very tempted towards the latter."

Doiji growled furiously upon hearing that. "You dare bark orders at me? ME?!" Doji asked, his temper fading away. "I DO NOT TAKE ORDERES FROM MY INFERIORS!!!" Doji then charged at Edlelord in a blind rage.

But Edgelord's arm blades glowed bright before Edgelord dashed towards him with unimaginable speed before striking at him, slashing at him repeatedly with his blade arms.

With hkw fast Edgelord was moving, he seemed practically invisible while Doji was being bombarded as cuts and lacerations appeared on him. Everyone in the crowd was dumbfounded by what they were bearing witness too.

Verne, Damian, and Bea were also amazed by what they saw.

The gang watched on, truly taken aback by what they were seeing.

"Holy crap!" Sonata muttered in total shock.

"Dude! Look at him go!" Salazar muttered.

"Man! Even I can't move that fast!" Rainbow Dash said out of awe.

"What exactly did he change into?" Allister pondered in shock. "I've never seen a DLF like that before!"

Back at the arena, Doji was still struggling to process what was happening right now as he was continuously being bombarded with slashes.

After a few more strikes, Edgelord appeared before Doji, his arm blades glowing a bright violet. "HIYA!" And with a cross slash, Edgelord slashed at Doji's chest leaving a huge x-shape marking in his chest.

Doji struggled to stand as he wobbled before falling on his back, truly exhausted from the fight as Edgelord glared at the fallen oni.

"Now then!" Edgelord aimed his right arm blade at Doji's neck. "Tell me where the portal is!"

Doji snarled and snorted hisn nostrils.


The four arrived at the edge of the village, seeing the portal. The portal resembled a red Tori gate with a red and orange spiral in the middle of it.

Without any hesitation, the four entered the portal.