• Published 3rd Oct 2023
  • 285 Views, 17 Comments

Digital Dustin - Digging Deeper - Prince Dustin Hogan

Dustin Miller treks through a hellish world in Cyberspace.

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Telepathic link



"Transformation Index

OP – Keys of Revelations [Kingdom Hearts Style] by Infinite Rivals

It was a bright yet cool autumn day. Many people were doing their daily business, many houses were had Halloween decorations and jack-o-lanterns, and many stores were lined up with Halloween candy, decorations, and costumes.

In the locker rooms of Canterlot High, Dustin was conversing with his friends.

"Oooh, I can't believe it's already October!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed with excitement. "I'm so gonna get a load of candy this year!"

"A little too old for trick-or treating, aren't you?" Aria asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, come now, Aria. Don't go ruin her fun." Adagio said with a smirk.

"You're never too old for free candy!" Pinkie exclaimed, bouncing with sheer enthusiasm.

"And not to mention the costumes!" Rarity chimed in, just as enthusiastic as Pinkie. "Oh, I have so many ideas!"

"And not to mention the Halloween Ball in just a few weeks." Dustin replied, a smirk on his face. "I'm definitely gonna be cutting a rug out on the dance floor!"

"And I think I know the perfect way to start of this spooky season." Sunset Shimmer stated with a smirk. "How about this weekend we have a scary movie night? You guys up for it?"

"You kidding?" Aria asked. "Hell yeah I am!"

"As long as it's not too gory or visceral, I'll join." Fluttershy chimed in.

"I've got some killer classics I can bring over." Salazar suggested. "Mostly slasher, sci-fi, and psychological horror genres."

"I'm afraid I can't attend guys." Dustin said with a soft smile. "Gonna be taking Gloriosa on a date."

"Oooooh, a date." Pinkie Pie exclaimed with a big grin. "Lucky dog."

"How sweet, darling." Rarity said with a beaming smile. "Any plans?"

"Oh yeah. Gonna be taking her for a dinner date at this new place in town called The Tasty Treat." Dustin replied with a hint of pride.

"The Tasty Treat?" Adagio repeated with a smile. "I hear the place opened a few days ago. And the place actually has some really good reviews."

"Oh, I know." Dustin replied. "And I've saved up quite a bit from my Jon at the mall, so I should get it covered."

"Wait! You have a job?" Sonata asked with surprise. "For realizes? How come I didn't know that?"

"I told you like last week." Dustin replied with a perplexed look. "Remember I work at the local game store called Gamer's Lounge?"

"Oh." Sonata exclaimed, now remembering. "Right."

"Anyhow, anybody have any costumes ideas?" Applejack asked.

"I know I do." Rarity replied with pride. "I'm rocking this year as Elvira."

"Oooh, classy." Adagio replied with a smirk. "I know I can kill it as Vanessa from The Little Mermaid."

"The human guise Ursula takes?" Sunset asked. "I do actually see you as her."

"What can I say?" Adagio retorted with a proud smile and a flick of her hair. "I'm just as hot as she is."

"What about you, Sal?" Pixel asked Salazar. "Any ideas?"

"I've never been a suckered for Halloween, if I'm being honest." Salazar replied with a shrug. "But I'll see what I can come up with."

As the group were chatting, they had no idea that they were being observed. But by who?

Within a dark area, an orb displaying footage of Dustin and his friends was seen, acting as the only source of illumination. Observing them were several entities of varying appearances.

The first figure resembles an anthropomorphic mirror with three legs, two three-digit arms, four red-colored eyes and two protrusions resembling horns.

The second resembles a black, indigo, and raspberry colored griffin with forelegs resembling bird legs while the hind feet resembling those of lion, a long beak, tail feathers, and eyes with black sclera and yellow irises.

The third figure resembles a humanoid plant with the lower half composed of a purple blooming flower with her feet exposed. Her hair, arms, and parts of her dress are composed of leaves. She has pink and blue colored petals on her shoulders, behind her head, her mid back, and hanging from her dress like coat tails. Her head is composed of purple petals, her eyes are magenta in color with pink splotches beneath them, and she has two violet Berries making up her breasts.

The fourth figure resembles red colored muscular humanoid resembling an oni from Japanese folklore. Most of his body appears to be composed of red colored scales while he has spiked up yellow that reaches a few inches past his rear and has yellow patches of hair on his hands and feet. He has bird-like skulls adorned around his collar, shins, and waist. His lower half is covered by a loincloth and has flames emerging from his forearms. He has two pronged horns on top of his head, sharp teeth, and eyes that have black sclera and red irises with slanted pupils.

The fifth figure a large whale-like creature that is brown with white flecks and a lighter brown underbelly. He has six fins, a wide mouth filled with sharp teeth and having five slits on both corners, two fin-like protrusions on his jowls, a dorsal fin, and a white fog appears to be visible on various parts of his body. His eyes have black sclera and blue irises.

The sixth figure resembles a humanoid with two sides of his body being entirely different. The right side of his body had tannish color and is a somewhat skeletal in appearance, even appearing to be composed of bony plating, on his right shoulder is the top part of what appears to be an animal's skulls, and the right side of his face has some tufts of dark hair with a purple-colored eye. The right side, however, appears to be composed of purple-colored muscles and tendons with a milky right eye and a right arm that appears be a large jawbone.

The final figure resembles a large humanoid resembling a volcano. His body is composed of a tannish rocky material with various orange lines visible. He had four smaller volcanoes on his back, two that make up his shoulders and his hands. Whenever he is sleeping, he does so in a meditation posture. He normally has his eyes closed, but whenever he is awake, his eyes are actually hollow and glow bright orange due to the core in his body.

“So, these are the ones?” A feminine voice spoke from the mirror, the mirror's surface emitting a raspberry glow as a feminine figure appeared. She had dark wavy hair reaching down her mid back, wearing short-sleeve crop top and a pair of jeans. “To be honest, not was I was expecting.” The woman in the mirror spoke with a chortle and a smirk.

“One should not judge be appearances. Even I know that.” The gryphon spoke in a raspy voice with an English accent. “Let’s not forget what they were able to achieve back at that encampment.”

“Why are we even bothering with these insects?” The oni spoke in a deep gruff voice, clearly not interested in the conversation at hand. “I’ve got better things to do than waste my time watching a bunch of runts!”

“Have you not seen what these children can accomplish?” The gryphon asked with his attention to the orb. “Not only that, but the boy has also obtained the seven Digitalismans! And his feminine companions bear a unique source of power that even I have never seen.”

“Hmm… the boy could be useful to us.” The plant woman said, eyeing Dustin’ projection in the orb. “With the right “training”, he could be a notable ally.”

“Oh please!” The woman in the mirror retorted with a roll of her eyes. “You just want another boy toy to play with!”

“Someone’s jealous.” The half-skinned man said with a smirk.

“This coming from the embodiment of envy!” The whale-like creature spoke with a look of annoyance.

“Shut up already!” The oni declared, his temper fading. “I swear, only you guys know how to rile me up!”

“But back to the subject at hand, these kids have faced threats from Cyberspace before.” The woman in the mirror said, looking to the footage of Dustin and company, a wicked smile forming on her face. “But I wander how well they fare in Cyberspace.”

“I see what your planning, milady.” The gryphon said with a sly grin. “A good way to test their skills, if I do say so myself.”

“Indeed.” The woman in the mirror replied with a chuckle. “Plus, it will be amusing to see how far they come, only to have their hopes and dreams crushed in front of their eyes. All in favor?” The gryphon, oni, plant woman, half-skinned man, and whale collectively said “aye” in response. The only one that didn’t was the humanoid volcano.

“Is he asleep?” The plant woman asked.

“He is the embodiment of sloth.” The half-skinned man simply replied with a shrug. “What did you expect?”

“Well, since he’s too busy napping, lets extend an invitation to our dominion.” The woman in the mirror asked her fellow embodiments of sin. “Shall we?”

In the school library, Dustin was typing on the keyboard of one of the computers. Twilight was at the bookshelf as she found a book she needed.

"I had a feeling they'd have a book about myths and folklore." Twilight said, with a smile.

As Dustin continued to type, the computer monitor began to flicker.

"Oh great!" Dustin groaned; Twilight looked to the computer with a surprised look.

"Oh boy." Twilight responded with slight concern. "Looks like this one might be out of date..."

Suddenly, the computer screen then showed a deep rec colored unicursal hexagram with various symbols on it and a red colored background that was heavily glitchy.

Spike popped up from under the computer desk and saw the computer monitor.

"What the...?" Twilight asked in shock as the computer monitor began to spark.

"Oh crap!" Dustin muttered. "Spike, go get Allister! Now!"

Spike nodded as he ran out of the library. And suddenly, a red and black portal appeared from the screen, trying to suck the two in.

Luckily, the others were in the library as well and were surprised to see this.

"Dustin! Twilight!" Sunset called out as she and the others ran to their two friends, buy Dustin was ultimately sucked into the portal.

"Dustin!" Twikight called in dismay!

"What was that?!" Adagio asked out in shock.

Mrs. Cheerily was there too and was shocked upon seeing this.

"Oh dear!" Cheerily muttered in concern before she reached for the nearby telephone. "I better contact Celestia and Luna!"

Author's Note:

Well, I wonder what adventure could await our heroes this time. Only one way to fine out, I suppose.