• Published 3rd Oct 2023
  • 285 Views, 17 Comments

Digital Dustin - Digging Deeper - Prince Dustin Hogan

Dustin Miller treks through a hellish world in Cyberspace.

  • ...

Welcome to the jungle




Telepathic link



"Transformation Index

OP – Keys of Revelations [Kingdom Hearts Style] by Infinite Rivals

Dustin groaned as he fluttered his eyes open, rubbing his head as he slowly got up.

"Ooooh.... my head..." Dustin groaned out as he got up. He then looks around, seeing that he was what looked like a forest.

And a rather creepy looking on at that. The trees were bent and twisted in unnatural positions and were black in color like they were charred and burnt. They even had a somewhat human-like look, each had holes that mirrored anguished faces, the branches they had resembled twisted and mangled up arms, the there was some red sap seeping from them that looked like blood.

There was a fog that fevered the area, making it almost impossible to see past his nose. There were also the sounds of eerie sounds that sounded like pained moaning, wicked cackling, and even ghastly groans.

"Wh-Whoa... OK, this is awfully creepy." Dustin muttered, feeling unsettled by the environment that surround ground. "Where am I?" Dustin looks around, unsure where he was and if there was a way out of here.

Meanwhile, the seven figured were observing Dustin through the orb.

"Hmm. It seems only the red-haired boy only arrived." The griffin said with a puzzled look. "This I didn't expect."

"Indeed." The plant woman said, a wicked smile visible. "But when you think of it, this should be more fun."

"What do you mean?" The oni asked with a snarl.

"Think about it. We have the bearer of the Digitrix in our dominion. Just think of what we can accomplish if we have him in our ranks?" The plant woman said, a wicked chuckle exiting her. "Sounds easy timing, doe it not?"

"You just want another plaything!" The half-skinned man scoffed with an unamused look. "I swear woman, you're more insatiable then Monstro!"

"And I seriously doubt he would reason with you." The griffin said. "What if he isn't willing to comply?"

"I have my ways." The plant woman replied with a smirk. "A bit of persuasion might be in order."

"Oh, bleh!" Monstro gagged in disgust. "Don't bring up your salacious crap inf root of me! I just ate!"

"Desire is not just about sex, you dimwitted guppy!" The plant woman replied with a roll of her eyes. "Lust is desire in general. Wanting something. It's similar to gluttony and greed in a way."

"Maybe we should let the boss decide!" The oni said before looking to the mirror woman. "What do you think?"

The woman in the mirror rubbed her chin, mulling over the idea of having Dustin siding with her and her subordinates. Such an idea proved to be quite tempting.

"Very well then, do what you wish." The woman in the mirror woman said. "But if he is unwilling to comply, then do what you must to take him down."

"As you wish." The plant woman said with a bow before vanishing in a spiral of flower petals.

"Shall we commence with the betting?" The griffin said as he projected a holographic screen with a score board. "Two-to-one odds for the boy. Nine to one for boy. The minimum bet is 100 of your Cryptocurrency of choice!"

"I'll put 300,000 Ethereum on the kid." The oni said with a confident smirk.

"I'll put 100,000 Bitcoins on Succubelle!" Another stated.

"Make that 500,000 for me!" The whale-like monster said with a chuckle.

"Hey sleepy head! You game?" The oni said to the volcano man.

"Mmmm.... 10,000,000... Ethereum... on the kid." The slumbering volcano said in-between snores.

"Daring, aren't we?" The griffin said with a smirk, chuckling a bit. "I'm going to be cashing in quite a hefty sum!"

Back with Dustin, he was traversing through the thick forest. He clearly had no idea where he was going, and the thick fog certainly was not helping things.

"Damn it!" Dustin cursed under his breath. "Is there any way out of here?"

Then suddenly, Dustin heard what sounded like singing. He places a hand to his ear, and he could tell that it was singing.

"The Hell?" Dustin asked with a perplexed look before gasping in realization. "Wait! Maybe whoever is singing knows a way out of here!"

Without any hesitation, Dustin followed the sound of the singing. The further he got, the louder the singing got. Which means he was getting close.

"Hello? Is somebody there?" Dustin called out as he walked through the forest. "Hello?"

After some walking, Dustin had stopped at an archway as he to the source of the singing, and silence had filled the air shortly afterwards.

"Hello?" Dustin called out, but no response. "I don't mean to intrude, but I...."

When Dustin entered, he was floored to see what looked like a massive courtyard garden that looked like it was ruined for centuries and was slowly being overcome by nature. In the center was a pavilion that was nearly overran by ivy and other plants. Behind the pavilion was a large pond that was fed by a waterfall, and behind said waterfall was a cave where the water was being drained into.

In front of the pavilion was a cobblestone path with small bushes decorating the sides. Each bush had flowers that were purple with magenta streaks and petals shaped like hearts. Dustin looks to his right to see a large flowerbed that housed flowers of various varieties.

"Man! Major props to the gardener!" Dustin said as he approached the flower bed. These flowers were unlike any he had ever seen before. Some were bright red with petals shaped like puckered up lips, some were deep violet with six petals positioned to look like a hexagram, some were even bright white in color with splotches that looked like the faces of in the middle.

Dustin turns around, seeing that on the other side of the garden was small pond surrounded by podiums. In each podium was a broken and withered bust with cracks forming on them, their heads were broken off either particularly or completely, and some were covered in light moss patches. The podiums that stood upon were lightly cracked and had ivy goring on them.

Dustin walks to the pond, a sense of dread filling him. When he got close enough, he sees strange white tadpole like creatures with three black splotches on their heads that mirrored the faces of a cartoon ghost.

"I see you like my handiwork, yes?" A feminine voice spoke, making Dustin jump in surprise.

"H-Hello?" Dustin asked, looming around as his heart racing and his breathing becoming hitched. "S-Somebody there?"

"Aww, what's the matter little one?" The feminine voice said. "Are you lost?"

"W-Well y-y-yes..." Dustin replied, stuttering with unease before swallowing a lump in his throat. "I'm just looking for a way out of here."

"Oh? Now why would you want to leave this place?" came the same female voice from before that was coming from behind him. And before Dustin could turn around, he suddenly felt a pair of hands on his shoulders. "Why not stick around for a bit?" she whispered in his ear.

Nervous, and a bit curious, Dustin slowly looks behind to see the plant woman. His eyes widened in shock as his face went a bit red upon seeing her.

To be continued...