• Published 3rd Oct 2023
  • 284 Views, 17 Comments

Digital Dustin - Digging Deeper - Prince Dustin Hogan

Dustin Miller treks through a hellish world in Cyberspace.

  • ...

Every rose has its thorn




Telepathic link



"Transformation Index

OP – Keys of Revelations [Kingdom Hearts Style] by Infinite Rivals

In Principle Celestia's office, our remaining young heroes were telling Celestia, Luna, and Allister about what ha occurred in the library.

"Oh boy." Allister uttered in concern. "It's not too often a rift from Cyberspace occurs in the physical world."

"Are you certain that this was the case?" Luna asked with a puzzled look. "It could have been a rogue case of magic."

"Trust me, Luna. I've had experience with this sort of stuff before." Allister replied. "I've been an Enforcer for years now. I've been to Cyberspace many times in my life."

"Enforcers?" Sunset asked with confusion and interest.

"A law enforcement group tasked with ensuring order between both the real world and Cyberspace." Allister replied. "But anyhow, did anything occur before that rift appeared? Like glitching?"

"Actually, I recall seeing a red screen that was heavily glitched." Twilight said, scratching her chin as she recalled what she had seen moments prior before the rift appeared. "Along with a strange symbol located in the center."

"A symbol?" Celestia asked with interest. "Can you describe it?"

"It was deep red and looked like a unicursal hexagram." Twikight explained. "Along with seven additional symbols; six on each point and a single one in the center. Each one had a unique shape and color scheme."

When Allister heard that, his face went extremely pale. "Wait! What?!" Allister approached Twilight, paling his hands on her shoulder and looking her dead in the eye. "Are you certain that's what you saw?!"

"Y-Yes?" Twilight replied with skepticism. "Why?"

Allister said nothing, his eyes wide in fear. "No... not them!" Allister muttered, releasing Twilight while the others look to him. "Anyone but them!"

"Allister?" Rarity asked with unease. "Are you alright?"

Allister said nothing, taking a deep breath before collecting his thoughts. "This is serious! Very serious!"

"What?" Adagio asked. "What exactly are we dealing with here?"

"Yeah, the way you reacted sounded like it was something really big!" Applejack said, fearing something big was going down.

With a deep breath, Allister reached into his shirt before pulling out a strange looking laptop.

Allister cracks the laptop open and begins typing furiously on the keyboard while the others watched.

"That insignia Twikight saw belongs to possibly one of the most feared and reviled groups to ever exist in Cyberspace." Allister said as he still typed on the keyboard. "A group of seven entities that only a select few have squared off against and lived to tell the tale!"

"Are they really that bad?" Flutterhsy asked, a cold shivering running down her spine.

"I already don't like where this is heading!" Sunset said as she began to sorry for Dustin's sake, wherever he was.

"So, you're saying he's in Cyberspace?" Celestia asked.

"Yes. But where specifically is most concerning." Allister replied. After he finished typing, he turns the computer to show his young friends, the screen showed the image of what looked like a portal floating in the digital void.

On the portal was what looked to be a seal with a demonic head resembled an upside-down pentagon.

"Is... I that where he is?" Spike asked with a hint of fear. "What even is that?"

"That is Goetia! Think of it as Cyberspace's equivalent of Hell." Allister elaborated, making the others go pale.

"H-Hell?!" Sonata asked with fear in her voice. "As in the place where those who've done bad things in life go to?!"

"Indeed so!" Allister explained. "It's one of the most feared Sites in all of Cyberspace. Well, I say Site... it's more like a rift, if you will."

"You mean like a pocket dimension?" Twilight asked.

"If you want to put it that way, yes." Allister replied with a nod. "Any of you familiar with the seven deadly sins?"

"Ooh! That's one of my favorite anime!" Pinkie Pie said, making the others faceplate at that remark.

"Not what I meant, Pinkie." Allister said. "I mean the seven deadly sins in religious scripture."

"Yeah. We know." Sunset acknowledged. "I take it this has something to with this... Goetia was it?"

"Indeed so." Allister replied. "Goetia is divides in to seven layers. Each one representing the seven deadly sins."

"Seven sins..." Twikight pondered before gasping in realization. "Maybe that's what the seven symbols on the insignia I saw were for!"

"Yes. Not only do they represent the seven sins, but they also represent the seven embodiments of said sins." Allister said, gaining a serious look. "Before I go any further, what I'm about to tell you next is something that remains between us!"

The other said nothing, but nodded to show that he has their word.

Dustin was still speechless upon seeing this floral woman.

"What's the matter, hon?" The plant woman asked playfully with a smirk and a chuckle. "Cat got your tongue?"

"Uh...." Dustin stammered, his mouth agape as his face went flushed.

"Well? Do you have a name?" The plant woman asked, earning a nod of his head from a befuddled Dustin. "Are you going to tell me what it is?" Again, Dustin silently nods. "Well, mine's Succubelle."

'Come on, dude! Stop gawking like an idiot and say something!' Dustin shook his head rapidly, snapping himself out of his stupor before finally using his words. "Uh... my name's Dustin. Dustin Miller."

"Dustin Miller, hm?" Succubelle asked with a rather sultry voice. "Strange name, but simply adorable."

Dustin blushed again from that comment. "Uh... so-uh.... I was wondering if y-you..." uh..." Dustin stammered again. 'Come in, moron! Use your damn words!'

"Aw, you seem tense." Succubelle said, placing a hand at the top of his head. "Perhaps a massage might help."

"Uh... tempting offer, but I need to find a way home." Dustin replied. "Perhaps you know a way out."

"But you must have walked a good mile to find my garden." Succubelle said, placing a hand under his chin. "Perhaps a bit of a breather before you continue on your way."

"Again, thank you but..." Before Dustin could even finish, Succubel grabbed him by the hand and lead him to the pavilion. As the two walked, he never kept his eyes off of her.

'Man, gotta admit she's got looks.' Dustin thought to himself before blushing madly. 'Wait! The Hell am I saying?! You're already in a relationship jackass!'

The two then made it to the pavilion, and Succubelle took a seat on a bench while Dustin stood where he was.

"Care to join me?" Succubelle asked, petting the spot on the bench beside her. "I won't bite."

With a shrug, Dustin took a seat next to Succubelle, but he avoided eye contact with her.

Dustin looks around the place, still admiring the garden. "Nice place you have here." Dustin said.

"You like it?" Succubelle asked with a smirk. "It's where I go to have some alone time. The atmosphere here is quite peaceful."

"Sure, I guess." Dustin replied while still avoiding eye contact with Succubelle."so... where am I exactly."

"My place, of course." Succubelle said, being cryptic. "But why don't you tell me a little about yourself? It's not too often a human ends up in Cyberspace."

"Cyberapace?!" Dustin asked in disbelief. "Shit! The others must be worried sick!"

As Dustin panicked, Succubelle leaned to him. "Try to relax." She whispered into Dustin’s right ear while placing her hands on his shoulders and began to rub them.

Dustin stiffened up at first, but shortly after he began to relax. As she continued her massaging, he could feel himself loosening up, which Succubelle could feel too, making her smirk deviously.

"See? Doesn't that feel so much better?" she whispered in his ear.

Dustin nodded in reply, continuing to face away from Succubelle. 'Whoa... no lying at all, she's good with her hands.'

Succubelle could sense Dustin was falling under her spell, making her smile more.

"Relax. Just lean back and forget all your worries." she whispered while his body started to relax.

"Forget my worries..." Dustin replied as his eyes glazed over.

Succubelle chuckled lightly as she was slowly gaining control over him. 'This is too easy!' Succubelle thought to herself, continuing to massage and manipulate Dustin.

Back at CHS

"Now the seven rulers of Goetia are known as the Seven Vice Presidents!" Allister explained. "They are seven unique digital life forms that embody the seven sins."

After a bit more typing, Allister turned the computer to the others, showing the image of the volcano. "Starting with the bottom of the barrel, Vesuvia. He represents the sin of sloth."

"Why do I get the feeling that's he's slot tough than he looks?" asked Twilight.

"Because he is." Allister replied. "Even when he's catching zs, he quite formidable. Get near him and you'll feel overwhelmed with fatigue and exhaustion. But it's when he's awake is when crap really starts hitting the fan!"

"My word!" Rarity gasped. "And he's the lowest ranked?!"

"Yes. He's also the nuclear option of the group." Allister replied as the computer screen thawed the half-skinned man. "Next up is the representation of envy, Derma."

"Yikes!" Adagio winced. "That guy seriously needs a skin graft!"

"He's the Shapeshifter of the group." Allister elaborated. "He can assume the form of just about anybody or anything. Whether it be humans or animals."

"Oh... my!" Flutterhsy muttered, shivering in terror.

"He uses his shapeshifting capability as a way to take down enemies." Allister explained. "In addition to shapeshifting, he can also copy the abilities of others. And he's only the second lowest of the totem pole!"

The computer screen then switched to show the image if the whale-like monster.

"Embodying the sin of gluttony is Monstro." Allister said, the others going wide-eyed upon seeing the beastly cesarean.

"With a name like, Monstro, I'll bet he's a big one!" Salazar said.

"The second biggest actually. The biggest of the bunch is Vesuvia." Allister replied with a nod. "Anyhow, Monstro is not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, but he's still formidable. As the embodiment of gluttony, this monster mackerel can eat just about anything."

"Does that include his enemies?" Luna asked.

"Unfortunately, yes." Allister replied with a nod. "Matter of fact, her prefers to eat his enemies as because he simply "wants to savor the sweet taste of victory" as he puts it." The computer screen then showed the image of the red oni. "Next up is Doji, the embodiment of wrath."

"Yikes!" Rainbow Dash muttered to herself in terror upon seeing Doji's image while Flutterhsyhid behind her. "Talk about sinfully ugly!"

"Indeed, Rainbow." Allister nodded in agreement. "Doji is the muscle of the group. And as a manifestation of wrath, he is not somebody you want to agitate. He's a ticking time bomb on a dangerously short fuse, and once he goes off, he's as uncontrollable as a bull chasing a matador!"

"Wow! And I thought Aria was a hothead!" Sonata muttered, earning a glare from the twin-tailed girl.

"Hey!" Aria retorted in offense.

"You know she'd right Aria." Adagio replied. "At least not as extreme as this Doji figure."

"Moving on..." The computer screen then switched to the familiar plant woman that was Succubelle. "Next up is the bronze medalist, Succubelle."

"Unless I miss my guess, she represents lust." Sunset guessed, making Allister nod in response.

"Lust? As in... doing the dirty?!" Rarity gasped in horror. "That witch better not defile him, or so help me..."

"Lust isn't just sexual pleasure, Rarity." Allister elaborated. "While lust is commonly associated with sex, it's actuallymore than that. It's desire in general."

"So, it's basically wantin' somethin'?" Applejack guessed. "Like when somebody wants a new car?"

"Yes, that's one good example." Allister replied. "It's similar to greed and gluttony in a sense. Though Succubelle is no symbol of chastity, I'm afraid."

"I don't think I want to know her... preferences." Adagio muttered with a shiver as thoughts entered her head. Thoughts that she wished she didn't have.

"She mostly uses her allure and feminine charms as a way to distract her enemies or to get what she wants." Allister elaborated. "Ahem... anyhow, let's move on to the second in command." The computer screen then showed the image of the griffin. "That being Corvoss, the representation of greed."

"That's the second in command?" Pixel asked with a perplexed look. "He doesn't seem so tough."

"While he may not be the brownies compared to Doji, he is however the most cunning and intelligent of the group." Allister elaborated. "He doesn't earn the title "Greedy Scholar" for nothing. He makes both Sunset and Twilight look simple-minded by comparison." Allister's eyes widened suddenly brfore looking to both Sunset and Twilight. "Uh... no offense girls."

"None taken." Sunset replied with a roll of her eyes while Twilight looked away with an abashed look on her face.

"Uh... ahem! Anyhow. He's the strategist of the group." Allister continued his explanation. "But even he is nothing compared to the head honcho." The computer screen then switched to the final image, one depicting the mirror woman. "That being Narcissa, the embodiment of pride."

"With a name like that, she must be nothing short of egotistical." Rarity said.

"You don't know the half of it." Allister replied. "As the leader of the seven, she's the most powerful of them all. Only a select few who dealt with her have ever survived."

The others said nothing upon hearing that, truly shocked upon that reveal.

Back with Dustin, he was still being massaged by Succubelle, the floral woman smiling as she could tell Dustin was slowly succumbing even further.

"So? Why don't you tell me about yourself?" Succubelle asked with a smirk on her face.

"Well..." Dustin replied, "I'm a student at Canterlot High for starters."

"You have any friends there?" Succubelle urged, trying to get more info out of him.

"Yeah." Dustin nodded. "Seven female friends called Mane 7. Along with the Dazzlings; Adagio Dazzle, Sonata Dusk, and Aria Blaze."

"Strange names, but I'm not one to judge." Succubelle reolied before leaning to his ear. "Is there anything special about them?" Succubelle whispered in his hear. "Something... extraordinary?"

"Well... uh..." Dustin muttered, and Succubelle could tell that he was slipping from her control.

Succubelle however ceased her massage before wrapping her arms around his waist and leaning closer to him, rubbing her chest against his back.

"Go on~." Succubelle said, sensing that he was now back into her grasp.

"They each possess magic." Dustin said, his voice becoming a bit more monotone.

"I also have another friend, Pixel Prada, who is actually an android."

"I see." Succubelle whispered into his ear with a wicked grin. "And what of thar boy? The one closest to the bespectacled girl."

"Salazar." Dustin replied. "I don't know how, but he can change parts of bis body into weapons."

"Interesting." Succubelle said with a purr, her eyes glowing a feint violet glow. "But that's enough about them, tell me more about you. Do you have any... special talents of your own?"

"Uh.... well... I do.." Dustin said, his attention turning towards the Digitrix. "I have the Digitrix."

Succubelle looks to the watch-like device, smirking wickedly.

"Oh, I've heard stories about a hero in the human world that can shapeshift in various life forms from Cyberspace." Succubelle said, looking back to Dustin. "Glad to know that I have that person in my company."

Succubele leaned into his ear again, the violet glow in her eyes glowing a bit more intensely.

"Tell me, why do you resort to heroics?" Succubelle asked.

"Huh?" Dustin asked, looming to Succubelle while he was still under her influence.

"Listen, the hero business sounds fun and exciting, but one thing people love more than a hero is to see the hero fail. Fall. Die try." Succubelle explained in a sultry whispered tone. "In spite of everything you've done for them, eventually they'll end up hating you. So, why bother?"

"Because.... it's.... it's right." Dustn stuttered out.

Succubelle chuckled while ruffling Dustin's hair. "How cute. But tell me this. Do you help people because it's the right thing to do? Or just for the thrill of being a hero?"

Dustin would have explained, he would have come up with an answer, but he couldn't. What could he say? Succubelle knew she had him right where she wanted him.

"Listen honey, it's quite gallant that you use your powers to help others." Succubelle said. "But you could also use those powers to get whatever you want."

Dustin still said nothing but was confused ok what Succubelle was talking about.

"Tell me. When you helped those people, have you ever once gotten a thank you or a token of gratitude?"

"Y-Yeah..." Dustin replied with a nod.

"But are they really thankful for your endeavors? Or are they just taking you for granted?" Succubelle asked. "Now aways, it's hard for one to tell if who is being, or who had an agenda. One minute you're helping somebody out of the kindness of your heart, and the next they end up leeching off of you."

Dustin still said nothing, unsure what to think. He would have objected, but he knew that she wasn't wrong. He has seen stuff like this happen on occasions.

"Maybe you're so called "friends" aren't as friendly as you think." Succubelle spoke. "They could be taking advantage of you, just like those you've helped."

Succubelle placed a hand under Dustin's chin, smiling deviously. "But I would never o such a thing dear. So, I have a bit of a proposition."

Dustin blushed madly as he looked Succubelle dead in the eye.

"Join me, and you could have anything your heart desires." Succubelle said, leaving closer to his face. "You could have all the respect in the world. Anything you wanted can be granted to you on a whim. People will be begging to even grace you with a moment of their time."

"Uh... well... I..." Dustin stammered, struggling to find the right words.

"Come now, you'll never get an opportunity like this again dear." Succubelle spoke, a grin filled with malice gracing her face.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Uh oh. Things aren't already looking good. Will Duatinnaccept Succubelle's offer? Or will he resist?

Find out onnthe next chapter.