• Published 3rd Oct 2023
  • 284 Views, 17 Comments

Digital Dustin - Digging Deeper - Prince Dustin Hogan

Dustin Miller treks through a hellish world in Cyberspace.

  • ...

Come hell or high water




Telepathic link



"Transformation Index

OP – Keys of Revelations [Kingdom Hearts Style] by Infinite Rivals

It was now evening in the real world, and the Mane 7 and friends were still worried sick for Dustin's safety in Goetia. They were at Allister's residence, where Allister himself was booting up a computer in case Dustin managed to escape.

"Are you sure that he'll find it?" Aria asked with a bit of uncertainty. "What if he ends up somewhere else?"

"Which is why I'm typing in the coordinates to the portal located in the seventh layer of Goetia." Allister said as he began typing rigorously on the keyboard. "That way he won't end up somewhere that we won't find him. Whether it be another part of the globe, or an entirely different world."

The moment Twilight heard the "different world" part, that piqued her interest. "Wait! You mean anyone who enters into Cyberspace could exit to another world entirely?" Twilight asked in shock and fascination.

"Of course." Allister replied with a shrug. "You see, Cyberspace isn't connected to just this world, but rather any world with technology similar to or greater than ours. Whether it be an alternate version of Earth, or an extraterrestrial planet."

"You're... You're kidding!" Sunset muttered in disbelief. "Is that how you and Dustin ended up here?"

"Yes." Allister replied. "Well, when Dustin first obtained the Digitrix, I simply inputted the coordinates here via voice command. And with a link to Cyberspace, he was transported here. I simply entered directly into Cyberspace and arrived here via a terminal."

"Wait! What about Decibus?" Adagio pondered. "He was from your world too, right?"

"Well, he said that upon death in the physical world, he had arrived in the Deep End. That area is nearly impossible to access, whether you're searching on a computer or traversing through Cyberspace. My guess he worked his way upwards." Allister replied. "Well in Cyberspace it's called the Deep End, while here in the real world it's called the Primarch System."

"The eighth level of the internet?" Sunset asked.

"Absolutely. You see, Cyberspace is divided into levels to 0 to 8, each one being the levels of the internet." Allister explained. After some typing, the code he inputted had been successfully. "Success! Now all we do is wait."

"I just hope he's doing ok in there." Fluttershy muttered. "I still can't believe he's going through that awful place all by himself.

"I wouldn't say that Fluttershy." Allister acknowledged. "Unless I miss my guess, he's probably met with the Tribunal."

"The Tribunal?" Rarity asked.
"Normally, Sites in Cyberspace are made naturally from date. Though not all of them are naturally made." Allister elaborated while the others listened. "Some Sites are made through artificial means, and Goetia is one of them."

"So, this Tribunal made Goetia." Applejack pondered. "But for what purpose."

"To contain the Seven Vice Presidents, of course." Allister replied. "The Seven Vice Presidents caused quite a lot of havoc in their wake, so they had to be stopped one way or another."

Succubelle was being tended to by her servants, still furious that she had lost to a human. And the ridicule she was getting from Doji certainly did not help better the situation.

"I seriously can't believe you've got your ass kicked to the curb!" Doji said, laughing like a madman.

"Hey! You and the others saw what happened, big red!" Succubelle hissed in rage.

"Please! I could have easily crushed that miserable little welp like the little bug he is!" Doji scoffed. "He could have used whatever form he wanted, and it he would still lose!"

"Yeah right!" Succubelle replied with a roll of her eyes. "That's if you don't lose your temper! And we all know how you get whenever you get royally pissed!"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Doji asked with a scowl.

"What I mean is that you face him, that temper of yours will only make it easier for him to kick your ugly ass!" Succubelle replied with a scoff. "He may be a kid, but he's not dumb."

"Hey, you're the third most powerful of us, meaning that you outrank even me!" Doji shot back. "And yet you still lost!"

"Which means it would be slight easier for him to take you down." Succubelle replied with a smirk. "You can barely count without using your fingers, you dumbass ox!"

Doji growled angrily as his fists were encased in flames. "I'd watch what I say if I were you!" Doji warned with a snarl. "The last person who was foolish to insult me to my face ended up having their skull mounted on my wall!"

With Dustin

Dustin was looking around, seeing that he had found himself standing in a cove that was mostly sand and large rocks with very few trees and grass patches. The sun hung high in the sky's zenith, and it was sweltering hot.

"Where are we now?" Dustin asked, looking around.

"The Cavernous Cove." Verne replied. "The area of Gluttony, and domain to Monstro."

"With a name like that, the guy's gotta be big." Dustin said with a hint of worry. "So, what are we dealing with here?"

Dustin would get his answer when a roar was heard from the ocean, making him jump and turn to the ocean ahead.

"Oh shit!" Damian muttered out, readying for a fight.

"Was that Monstro?" Dustin asked in shock.

"No." Bea responded. "But you may want to transform into something with electric powers."

Before Dustin could even ask, a large serpentine creature emerged from the water. It was mostly ocean blue with a silvery-cyan underbelly, red stripes on its back, and deep crimson dorsal fin trailing along its back. On its forehead was a single spiraling horn, on its lower jaw were two tentacle-like whiskers. its mouth had razor-sharp teeth and eyes that glowed a bright yellow.

"A Royal Daedalus!" Verne exclaimed. "Not even my strongest electrical attacks will be enough to ward it off!"

Dustin looks to the Digitrix, an idea forming in his head. Then with a tap of the button and tap on the screen, Dustin had changed into Einstrike. "White Digitalisman, Gemplify! LET IT SNOW!" Einstrike emitted a bright white aura before he was enveloped in an egg-shaped dome of barcode that was a mix of white and tiffany blue.

Inside, Einstrike was floating in a white void with snow falling down on him. A unicorn made of bright blue energy then manifested, neighing before trotting its way towards him. When the energy unicorn got close enough to Ensitrike, he placed a hand on the unicorn's head as it placed its horn onto Einstrike's forehead. The contact caused a bright flash to occur before Einstrike was encased in a large chunk of thick ice.

Moments later, cracks started to form on the ice, a bright light seeping through the cracks before the ice chunk broke into pieces, revealing the newly Gemplified Einstrike.

His mechanical prosthetic arm was replaced with a bulky one composed of white crystal, and the Tesla coils had a single white crystal spike protruding from the top. He had a bulky chest plate, leggings, and a gauntlet on his left hand: all composed of white crystal. His hair was now spiked upwards and appeared to be composed of ice.

"From mountain rain and winter air," Einstrike chanted as he landed on the all too familiar square podium that bore the Digitrix symbol, "Comes a natural force both foul and fair!" Eisntrike's arms sparked white electricity before sending the electricity upwards, causing it to strike around him while creating large ice crystals upon impact. "BEWARE THE COLD!" Once the transformation was complete, the egg dome vanished to reveal Einstrike's newly Gemplified form.

"Incredible." Verne muttered in awe. "You hold the Digitalismans."

"Ja, mein freund." Gemplified Einstrike nodded while looking at the beast. "Now then, you piscine aberration! I certainly hope that you have brought some winter clothing, otherwise you are about to suffer from a severe case of frostbite!"

The serpentine sea monster roared in response before sending its tentacle-whiskers at him. But Einstrike grabbed them and emitted white electricity, sending it at the beast. The Royal Daedalus roared as it was overwhelmed with the electricity, all the while layers of ice began forming on it. When Einstrike decided the creature had enough, he released his grip with a triumphant smirk.

"Had enough, hässlich bankert?" Eisntrike taunted with a hint of German in his speech. (AN: hässlich bankert is German for "ugly bastard")

The serpentine giant broke free from the ice but decided to not take its chances and dove back into the safety of the water.

"Man, talk about a cold snap!" Damian said, impressed by what he had seen. "Nice, kid."

"Hey, its what I do..." Einstrike said, but was interrupted when he felt something hit his back. "GAH! WHAT THE... OUCH!" Einstrike yelped as he felt something pinch him, causing him to emit more electricity to freeze whatever was on him. When he felt the thing get off of him, he saw that his attacker resembled a cross between a spider and a crab. "What in the..." Einstrike pondered but was once again interrupted when another one of the arachnid/crustacean hybrids landed onto his face.

"Oh dear!" Bea gasped, seeing a large swarm of the creatures scuttling towards her and the others. "Sand Scavengers!"

"Looks like we're having a crab boil tonight!" Damian said, his hands encased in fire before shooting flames at the Sand Scavengers. Einstrike blasted his freezing lightning at a bunch of them, while Verne and Bea use their respective attacks toward them off. But no matter what they threw out, more kept coming.

"How many of these wretched things are there?!" Einstrike said as he still fired his freezing electricity. But when he saw that these creatures were emerging from the ground, he had an idea. His right arm sparked with white electricity, then with a mighty punch to the ground, he unleashed a mighty surge of freezing lightning, covering a large portion of the sand in a layer of frost while many of the Sand Scavengers that had yet to emerge were frozen. And of course, this ceased the onslaught while many remaining Sand Scavengers fled.

"Yeah, that's right! Scuttle away you vermin!" Einstrike declared before reverting back to Dustin in a blue flash. "What's next!"

Suddenly, Dustin was then pulled back by something while Verne, Bea, and Damian watched on in shock. But they were mortified upon seeing that Dustin was being sucked into the gullet of none other than Monstro as the monstrous cetacean chomped down, imprisoning Dustin, licking his lips like he in satisfaction.

"Nothing like a tasty snack on the beach!" Monstro said, chortling wickedly.

"You briny bastard!" Damian growled furiously. "Either you spit him out or I'll jump down there and fish him out of your blubbery ass!"

"Then come and gem him!" Monstro shot back with a wicked grin. "If you're good swimmers, that is!" And with that, Monstro dove into the water. Damian was about to go in after him, but Verne and Bea stopped him.