• Published 3rd Oct 2023
  • 289 Views, 17 Comments

Digital Dustin - Digging Deeper - Prince Dustin Hogan

Dustin Miller treks through a hellish world in Cyberspace.

  • ...

In the belly of the beast




Telepathic link



"Transformation Index

OP – Keys of Revelations [Kingdom Hearts Style] by Infinite Rivals

Dustin groaned, stirring awake and sniffing the air.

"What the... UGH! What is that God awful stank?" Dustin gagged in disgust as he got up, struggling to stand like he was standing on something... slippery? "Where am..." Dustin then looks around, seeing that he was in the mouth of something massive. Really massive. "Oh great!"


Back on land, Bea was struggling to hold her tears, Verne was pacing back and forth, and Damian was punching on a nearby tree.

"DAMMIT!" Damian growled furiously as he continued punching the tree. "Dammit! How the Hell can we sit here and do nothing while that oversized sardine has the kid in his jaws?!"

"I know how dire the situation may be, Damian." Verne said assuredly. "Trust me, I know. But I'm afraid it's up to him now." Verne looks to Bea, seeing his feminine comrade weeping. "Bea, he'll escape." Verne said, approaching to Bea while trying to calm her down.

Bea looks to Verne, her eyes were puffy while she had a look of uncertainty on her face.


Back underwater, Monstro was swimming about, still gloating on how easily he managed to take down Dustin when he saw a school of fish swimming nearby.

Monstro licked his lips and chased after the mass of fish.

Meanwhile, Dustin was pondering on how to escape when he saw Monstro had open up, letting water in as well as a bunch of the fish.

"Oh crap!" Dustin gasped before glancing at the Digitrix, seeing that it was still in recharge mode. With little options, he spotted a nearby ruined ship, he climbed aboard and held on tight as the water started flooding in. As the water came in, the boat he was on was afloat, the water rocking it back and forth violently. "Whoa- oh boy...!" Dustin struggled to hold on, and he fish that flopped around didn't help either, with one of them smacking his face with its tailfin.

Outside, Monstro continued to chase the large school, eventually breaching the surface and snapping his jaws shut before stopping to rest near small island.

Back inside, Dustin had managed to avoid being swallowed as the water began to recede, and a few of the fish flopped about on Monstro's tongue.

"Thank God almighty." Dustin sighed in relief before stepping off the boat. "Now the question is, how am I going to get out of here?" Dustin pondered, looking to the boat, then to the Digitrix, and he had an idea.

After a few minutes of waiting, the Digirix had finally finished recharging. "Alright, now how am I gonna do this." Dustin asked, running his chin in thought. "Firefox could get the job done, but he isn't a good swimmer. I could go Riptide and Gemplify him with the Red Digitalisman, but that would cause the Digitrix to time out faster." Dustin then came to his final conclusion. "A fusion may be a bit of a crapshoot, but it's my best bet."

Without wasting anymore time, Dustin accessed the fusion feature,

“Select transformations by voice command or typing in their designated names.“ The Digitrix AI continued

“Riptide! Firefox!” Dustin sloke, the names of the transformations appearing on both bars, the images of the respective transformations appeared before a third image appeared on the square in the center.

With a smirk, he pressed the select button, causing him to be enveloped in the familiar egg-shaped dome.

Within the dome, Dustin levitated as both Riptide and Firefox both materialized and slowly began to inch towards him. Once the three made contact, they were enveloped in bright flash.

Once the light faded, the area had transitioned into a coastal shore in what appeared to be China.

A bright red glow appeared beneath the waves before an explosion of water occurred. And from it appeared the new fusion form.

It resembled a cross between a sea serpent and a Chinese dragon. Its body was electric blue with bright red flame patterns decor8jg his sides, and an underbelly that was bright orange on the top while transitioning to aquamarine further down. On his back was a seafoam green fin that trailed along his back and trailed his tail. His head looked more like that of a carp with two long yellow whiskers, bright turquoise eyes, and two fins that resemble horns protruding on the sides of his head. In place of legs, he had two fins where his legs would be, and on the tail was a flame-shaped fin.

"BOILING POINT!" The new form roared out, breathing puffs of steam out of his nostrils as the data dome surrounding him then vanished.

(Transformation Index)
Name: Boiling Point
A fusion of Riptide and Firefox, Boiling Point is a red-hot ocean dweller you do not want to mess with. Not only does he possess many of the abilities of both if his components, but he also has some unique abilities of his own such as steam generation and manipulation, explosive bubbles, and even steam breath.

Upon examining himself, Boiling Point smiled in awe.

"Man, this is awesome!" Boiling Point chuckled before slithering his way to the boat. "Alright, big boy! Hope you're a good smoker!" Boiling Point took in a deep breath before breathing out a plume of fire, burning the boat and causing a cloud of smoke to fill the air. But it didn't look like it was enough. Boiling Point took in another deep breath and exhales a large cloud of steam.


Damian, Verne, and Bea had spotted Monstro in his current resting spot.

"There he is!" Bea said. "We've got to help him out that beast!"

"There's nothing we can do." Verne said, placing a hand on Bea's shoulder. "It's up to him now."

"And he might be doing it! Look!" Damian said, pointing to Monstro. And Verne and Bea look to see smoke escaping from Monstro's gill slits. And speaking of Monstro, he was awakened from his nap when he smelt the scent of smoke, and he eventually lets out a sneeze, sending Boiling Point flying right out.


Boiling Point screamed as he flew through the air, eventually landing near Bea, Verne, and Damian.

"The Devil?" Verne gasped in surprise, but he then spotted the familiar Digitrix symbol. "Wait! Dustin Miller?"

"Yep... oh man!" Boiling Point groaned out before pressing on the Digitrix Symbol, reverting back to Dustin in the process. "And just call me Dustin, dude."

After a few more sniffles, Monstro puts out the fire in his mouth. Once the fire was put out, his sniffling had ceased as he glares to Dustin. "You... you little prick!"

"Over there! On the island next to Monstro!" Verne said, pointing to said island. "The portal is over there!"

Dustin looks to the island and saw the portal. The portal resembled a doorframe composed of coral and had a bright orange and cyan vortex in the center. "Sweet! But we still have blubber boy here to deal with!"

"Too bad you won't get there!" Monstro declared as he was about to suck Dustin back in, but Damian fires balls of fire at Monstro's eyes, making the monstrous cetacean roar in agony. "YOU BASTARD!" Monstro bowed his head, revealing a blowhole on the tip of his snout, firing a blast of water towards Damian. Damian dodged the attack before it could hit him.

"Alright, I think it's time for a dive!" Dustin declared as he readied the Digitrix. And in a bright flash of blue, Dustin had changed to Freakshow. "White Digitalisman, Gemplify! LET IT SNOW!" Freakshow declared before jumping off the cliff and into the water below.

Damian, Verne, and Bea watched in shock, but they then see a bright white glow beneath the water, which seemed to grow in both size and intensity. And suddenly, the Gemplified form of Freakshow breached. It resembled Freakshow in the form of a large manta ray with two blasters and what looked like a warship attached to his back; both of which were composed of white crystal. He even had a long tail tipped with a white crystal arrowhead. He was also larger in size, about twice the size of a cruise ship in fact.

"I'm locked and loaded, baby!" The newly Gemplified Freakshow declared, his shoulder cannons cocked and ready to deliver their payload.

Verne, Bea, and Damian were stunned at first, but they just went with it and hoped on the manta shaped Erebonite's back. Monstro shrugged off his pain and glared at the Gemplified form of Freakshow.

"Hope you're still hungry, fat-ass!" Gemplified Freakshow declared, aiming his cannons at Monstro. "Because I've got plenty to serve up!" And then, Freakshow fired a barrage of cyan energy blasts at Monstro.

Monstro however chuckled before opened his mouth and devoured the energy blasts. "Tasty! And a perfect treat to beat the heat." Monstro said with a lick of his lips, suddenly emitting a white aura as he too gained white crystal armor on his bolt. Monstro's head was adorned with a helmet with a singular spike, on the sides of his dorsal fin was a mounted missile launcher, and each of his fin was armed with a blade.

Freakshow was dumbfounded by what he had just saw.

"Surprised, aren't ya?" Monstro asked with a taunting smirk. "One of my abilities involves devouring anything to gain the properties and attributes of what I've eaten!" Monstro then fired a barrage of blue energy orbs towards Gemplified Freakshow.

Freakshow however smirked as a thick mist appeared, obscuring Monstro's vision. Monstro looked around, trying to find Freakshow, but the mist was so thick that he can barely see a few inches away.

"Don't think you can hide from me!" Monstro said, still looking around.

"Darkness falls across the land, the midnight hour is close at hand." Freakshow called out through the fog, making Montro look around while feeling a bit freaked out. "Creatures crawl in search of blood to terrorize y'all's neighborhood."

"D-Don't play games with me!" Monstro stuttered out, his heart racing slightly out of fear.

"And whoever shall be found without the sound for getting down, must stand and face the hounds of hell and rot inside a corpse's shell." Freakshow continued, and Monstro saw some of fog approach him. "The foulest stench is in the air, the funk of forty thousand years..." Monstro saw bits of fog change into the shape of horrific monstrosities, and he could swear he could see glowing eyes, making him really scared now. "And grisly ghouls from evert tomb are closing in to seal your doom. And though you fight to stay alive, your body starts to shiver."

"P-Please... no more!" Monstro stuttered in pure terror as he sees more of the mist monsters were ganging up on him.

"For no mere mortal can resist the evil of... the thriller!"

And before Monstro could move away or dive into the safety of the waves beneath, he was blasted by a blast of cyan energy. The attack let him completely frozen in ice as the fog disappeared, revealing that Freakshow was behind him smiling victoriously.

"Now that's done and over with..." Freakshow said as swam to the island. Upon reaching the island, Damian, Verne, and Bea hopped off as Gemplified Freakshow reverted back to Dustin. And without wasting any time, the four entered the portal while Monstro floated adrift in his icy confines.

"Oh crap." Monstro groaned out in defeat.