• Member Since 26th May, 2012
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Kiss me, my account is 10!


When a mysterious Crystal Empire appears in northern Equestria, its surge of powerful magic causes Yuma Tsukumo, Astral, Reginald Kastle, Kite and Hart Tenjo, Orbital 7, and Tori Meadows to be flung from their home world and into the alternate universe where Alex Yuwell resides.

After befriending Alex, Twilight, and the rest of their friends, Yuma and his friends are sent to assist Twilight in saving the Crystal Empire from the ancient evil that once cursed it so they can return home.

The Zexal characters here have their English names (because why would Japanese people be speaking fluent English?), but they shall be based off the Japanese version (mainly because there's more in terms of character development here), so rest assured, no, "I'm feeling the flow!" will be uttered from anyone's lips.

This is not so much a spin-off as it is a continuation of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Equus series, much like how Bonds Beyond Time was relevant to 5D's overall story. You will need to read Yu-Gi-Oh! Equus in order to better understand this fic.

Rated Everyone for mild language and simulated monster violence.

Chapters (21)
Comments ( 88 )

Yugioh and Digimon are boring but Pokémon is awesome and not boring add it!

1616652 When did I say Pokémon was boring? I actually like Pokémon; it's just that I haven't played the games or watched the anime in forever (since D/P for games and Johto for anime). I feel like making a Pokémon story would be embarrassing for me considering my lack of knowledge for it currently.

Whatever Jason Griffith I'm making my story of Pokémon but it'll take time due I easily distracted playing team fortress 2 sooner so enjoy this music.

1616686 .1616652Not to mention that there are way too many and no one would bother to read it

*Unamused face*
Your heartless

This is looking really awesome. I can not wait to see Astral react to the ponies.

1616929 Sorry, but I see at least one new pokemon fic every few days and most go without views. The ones that actively update have more down votes than up. Pokemon is great, but few writers have been able to make a decent fic. There are some, but odds are people will just pass off new pokemon fics as bad and not bother to read them.

There's a bit of irony to this crossover, not only is it a crossover within a crossover. But IMO most of Equus reflects the story of Zexal.
Yuma: Wait. You were dueling this jerk from school, and then received XYZ cards that no one's ever heard of and some evil possessed maniac was trying to collect? Hm, why does that sound familiar?
Astral: *Facepalm*

Yami Victor Yugi: Why is everyone in this story playing f*cking card games?!

Okay, seriously, this is my Yu-Gi-Oh! story, so I expect to see discussions of Yu-Gi-Oh! here (or comments concerning the story). Any more deviations from this will be deleted, and multiple offenses will earn you a ban. You have been warned.

1618274 What is your point? I don't get why you posted that.

The Stones of Equus are going to tear the Number cards to pieces, just sayin'.

Man Alex is OP I wonder how he'd do against Yusei, or even Yugi.
on a different note: I noticed in the S3 premier a crystal pony referred to Cadence as "The Crystal Princess," going hand in hand with her crystal heart cutie mark, is this why you gave her Crystal Beast cards? And if that's the case is that pu:yay:y Sombra going to use Advanced Crystal Beasts?

1623644 What do you mean he's overpowered? The only cards that he used during this duel that aren't real (not including anime cards), or at the very least exclusive to the Equus universe, were the Stones of Equus cards, which don't even have the "can't be destroyed in battle" effects like the Numbers do. All in all, I thought it was a pretty fair duel.

On a side note, I'm planning on inventing an archetype and a kick-ass xyz monster for Sombra when he gets his duel. Trust me, I'm going to try and make Sombra a lot better than he was in the episode.

Hold on , hair jokes aside (wich were funny by the way), Number cards can only be destroyed by other numbers? Did Cadence´s Utopia also had that effect or it will be exclusive to Yuma?

1623754 If you notice, the OCG/TCG Galaxy Knight has an ATK of 2800, while the one used by Kite in the anime had an ATK of 2000. Judging by the fact that a Zexal character used an anime version of their card during this duel, try and guess what that will mean for Yuma, Shark, and their Numbers. :ajsmug:

1623718 I suppose that makes sense. I was sorta thinking that Sombra walloped Cadence and S.A. and is challenged by a protagonist, and he uses his magic to corrupt Cadence's Crystal Beast cards and use them. But that's just me, you're going to blow us away no matter what you give to whoever.

Hart turned away from his brother before he made his next rebuttal.

“…I hate you.”

I actually had to double-check that, but when I saw what it really said I feel like I was hit in the gut by a brick. A very, very... very big brick.

man, that house has more protagonists than an MMO.
I knew that Yuma would lose from the get-go, but he actually had a chance to win but botched it. Had he changed Gagaga Cowboy to defense mode, and then used it's effect he would have won. Typical Yuma. :derpytongue2:

Says the man who advertises his stories in other peoples' comment section.

Anyways, moviemaster, seriously, you style of writting duels, is just, No. :facehoof:

Duels are NOT TEXT WALLS. Here, i'm not good at writting ,but this is how you HSOULD write a duel.

"Now I open the Overlay Network again to Chaos Xyz summon Chaos Number 32: Shark Drake Veiss!"

In a burst of light, the evolved form of Sark Drake rose form teh Overlay Netowrk (2800 ATK)

"ANd now I'll active his abiity. I'm sure you remember what it does?"

Veiss roared as Shark removed Number 32: Shark drake from his graveyard. Utopia fell to his kneed, weaked (0 ATK)

"Shark Drake Veiss, attack Utopia!" Shark commaned! THe Xyz monster roared as it lunged towards Utopia.


Yuman knodded as his face down lifted up. "I activate my Trap Battle Break to destory Shark Drake Veiss and end the battle phase!"

"Really now? I active the QUick Play spell Shark Spark!" Shark cried as the card appeared. "Not only do i negate your trap's effect, i get to destory it."

Battle Break shattered into peices as Shark Drake Veiss continuing it's lunge. "You've haven't beat me yet Shark. I activate my other face down: Damage Diet! It halves all teh damage I would take from Shark Drake Veiss' attack" Yuma explaiend as Damage Diet revealed its image to all present.

SHark Drake Viess didn't care as his lunged into Utopia, shattering it, forcing Yuma down.

(Yuma: 100 Shark: 800)

"You only have 100 life poitns, and i defeated Utopia. What now?" taunted Shark.

Yuman smirked as his third face down activated.

"xyz Doulbe Back!?" Shark explaind

"That's right Shark" Yuman spoake as he rose "And since you destoryed Utopia, I get to bring him back, along with a monster with a lower attack score. SO I'll also summon Gogogo Golem."

Two dark holes in teh ground opened, Revealing teh familair golden form of Utopia, alongside a egg shaped golem with one red eye and large hands and feet. (1800 ATK)

"One face down.' Shark said as the card materialezed behind Shark Drake Viess. "Go."

Comapred to this (your writting of the duel)

Cont. from Shark’s Turn: Shark overlays Number 32: Shark Drake (ATK: 2800 DEF: 2100) to chaos xyz summon Number C32: Shark Drake Veiss (ATK: 2800 DEF: 2100). Shark activates Number C32: Shark Drake Veiss’ effect. By detaching one xyz material from it, he can target one Shark monster in his graveyard and have an opponent’s monster lose ATK equal to the banished monster’s ATK, banishing Number 32: Shark Drake to have Yuma’s Number 39: Utopia (ATK: 2500 DEF: 2000) lose ATK equal to Number 32: Shark Drake’s ATK (ATK: 2500 -> 0).

Shark attacks Number 39: Utopia with Number C32: Shark Drake Veiss. Yuma attempts to activate Battle Break, destroying the attacking monster and ending the battle phase, but Shark activates his quick-play spell Shark Spark from his hand to negate the effect of Battle Break and destroy it. Yuma then activates Damage Diet, taking half of the damage this turn.

Yuma’s Life Points: 1500 -> 100

Yuma then activates his face down Xyz Double Back, special summoning the destroyed xyz monster along with a monster with ATK equal to or lower than the special summoned monster, special summoning both Number 39: Utopia and Gogogo Golem in defense position (ATK: 1800 DEF: 1500).

Now, I not trying to show off, or bad mouth you. It's just that if you were reading a Yugioh story, what would be more engaging to read: The duel that flows oragically from move to move, or the text wall that dhows little character?

I hope that helped, and please pardon the spelling erros.

1664160 Hey Asshole, if you don't like it, write your own damn story. Until then stop being a dick on someone else's amazing story that has more than survived the test of time.
long story short, piss off.

1664160 1. That was far from better. Your writing style is berift of any descriptions that would make the duel quote en quote "flow organically" and "shows character," even ignoring the spelling errors. I do my best to showcase characters in between turns (unless something special warrants otherwise).

2. Can you understand the move each player makes when they make them? If yes, then great. My work is done. If not, then Jesus Christ man, learn to read. My paragraphs are 3 - 5 lines in size at the most, so I don't know what these "walls of text" that you're referring to are.

3. Most of the time, the characters in an average Yu-Gi-Oh! anime narrate their turns anyway, so there's little point to me to write in that format. I do try to describe the stranger things, like how Kite summons his Galaxy-Eyes monsters. In fact, after your comment, I'm going to go back at a better time and be more descriptive of the Numbers' xyz summong and chaos xyz summoning (I'm celebrating Thanksgiving now).

In the meantime, while I won't be as blunt as AllyOJustice, but I'm sticking with my format.

(Note: If this comment shows up twice, please ignore the first one.)

These are comments concerning the story.


Whatever happend to love and tolerate? I explress my opinion in a honest way (mayeb a little too bluntly but as they say forsight is 20/20) and you respond with a fist. I'm not beign a dick, and from the little I have read the story isn't bad, it just needs more oomph. And the duels need more extra stenght oomph.

1. I said I wan't that good. But just having the duels as "Player A does this, player b does this' in a paragraph form seems out of place and detracts for the story. It draws the reader out of the story with th echange. It's like going to the dirtector's POV and seeing the script and how it turns out on paper instead of seeing the actors acting it out.

2. Understanding the moves is not the problem. You break the flow of the story by breaking into paragraph mode. And maybe 'walls of text' was a bad term to use.

3. I don't see the logic in that. Why not have the characters narrate thier games? If you have a choice between saying the cahaer is playing the card or having the character say they are playing the card, go with option two. Option tow gives more chances for character interaction, asides form things like Kite doing this wardrobe thing. The characters are dueling, not the narrator.

4. These are opinions and sugestions. You can use them, ignore them,anything. It is the very nature of opinions and sugestions.

Like I said, from what i have read, the story isn't bad. The way the duels are written just seem so out of palce it distracts from the rest of the story.

1664803 You make valid points, and I'm happy to see you discussing this intelligently with me, but there are three problems to this:

1. I have gone too far into this story to make such changes. If I were to change this (59 chapters worth), between school and my writing, that could take weeks or months to edit that all, and I don't feel comfortable keeping my readers from the steady stream of of updates that I've been giving them, which leads me to my next point.

2. Seeing that you're the only person who has made any such complaints towards the dueling format I have made, I see no reason as to practically rewrite my entire fanfic because of the grievances of one user.

3. I prefer my format.

If you wish to keep reading, then I'm happy to have you along for the ride, but know that I will continue in this format. If this displeases you, you're more than welcome to stop reading at any point. Your choice.

And this is what happens due to my lack of foresight. Well I had forgotten teh exact number of chapters you have. As stated what I said are opinions so you have every right to just ignore it.

Lets agree to just disagree.

As always another great chapter.:moustache: This song goes great with this duel, or any duel in general for that matter.

So Rainbow; as much as I admire your idea to challenge your new friend to a card game, did you have to make it on top of a speeding train, during a blizzard, at midnight?

1696781 In all honesty, I always imagined this song being played during an action sequence involving a train (especially in wintry conditions).

I'm surprised no one's brought it up before, but the new picture of Alex is kickin'. What program did you use, and more importantly, where can I get it?

1707995 I used Anime Character Maker. In all honesty, it's basically a human version of Pony Creator. I used it to model most of the human characters from Yu-Gi-Oh! Equus so I could visualize my story better. Here's the one I made for Grant.

*Sarcasm* What's this? A conflict that's solved with something other than trading cards? How can it be?

You made your own archetype? That's just amazing.
I made an archetype a while back.

And yes, this is totally relevant.

Yuma overlays Overlay Owl and Gogogo Golem to xyz summon Heroic Champion – Excalibur

Wait, what?:rainbowhuh:

1760370 In the anime, Heroic Champion - Exclaibur can use any level 4 monsters for an xyz summon.

1760602 Ah:rainbowderp:, I haven't actually seen much of the animes after the original.:twilightsheepish: It's mostly just the first season or two of them then I kinda fall off.:twilightsheepish:

Go Kaito!
You gotta love that whole plot device about Twilight having to save the city by herself; mostly how it nearly damns the entire population to another era of bondage and despair. It makes you wonder who Twilight's real enemy is: Sombra, Celestia, or herself.

I'm really liking how this is going, each chapter just keeps getting better and better.

Vetrix is using his magic to make the monsters real? That is so epic. Y'know I sorta figured that the passive magic of Equestria would bring the cards to life, but this is cool to.

That was intense. And it doesn't look like it's going to let up.

I was surprised to see that Shining Armor didn't throw his wife to catch the heart.

Words cannot describe.

To be continued...?

2118063 Nah, I'm Sonic Sat. AM'ing this. :trollestia:


that was pretty mean but a good story so far!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

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