• Published 27th Sep 2012
  • 753 Views, 4 Comments

Dinky Who - Saro0fdemonz

Dinky and the Twins go on adventures together in the TARDIS

  • ...

A Nightmare come True

"We've gotta go after him!" Hayseed said as she rushed after Piper.
"Wait Hayseed!" Dinky called after her, sighing a little.
"Doesn't anypony ever listen..." she mumbled, blinking as Penny zipped after her sister.
"I guess not..." The unicorn closed the TARDIS, gave it a smile, and trotted after the Twins, knowing they were only going to get themselves in trouble. She let her mind wander as she followed after them.

What could Piper possibly be doing here in the middle of the War of Nightmare? Is he a part of the war? Is this what Harmony meant by taking him away? It doesn't make any sense...
"You there! Halt!" a voice called out. Dinky froze and looked around, seeing no one. She looked up, seeing two Dark Armor clad Pegasi.

"In the name of Nightmare you shall be judged! Where does your Loyalty lie?" one of them asked.
"Right here!" a voice rang out. The pegasi grunted in pain as the cloaked figure landed on its back, slamming a hoof blade through it and quickly tackling the other pegasus to the ground, jamming his blade into the pinned pegasi's throat, effectively silencing both of them. Dinky just stood there in shock.

"P...Piper?! What are you doing?!"
"Its good to see you too Dinky" he said softly, lifting the hood of his cloak.
"This is the way things are now. There isn't any other way, there isn't any other choice. These aren't even pegasi anymore. Just look at their wings." Dinky looked at the corpses around Piper, seeing that the wings were those of bats, not pegasi.
"These are..."

"Yes, the first of Luna's Royal Night Guard, or rather Nightmare Moons Elite Soldiers."
"There he is! Get him!" another Soldier cried, Pegasi and unicorns alike, all clad in Nightmares Armor rushed toward Piper.
"Get out of here!" he yelled to Dinky, roaring as he flung away his cloak, rushing toward the Soldiers. Frost licked his mane and slowly snow began to fall, shards of ice stabbing into any soldier too slow to avoid them. Piper drew his hoofblade once more and pounced, ending yet another life.

Dinky could only stand there in horror and watch as the friend she had watched grow up continued to slaughter pony after pony.
"Dinky!" Hayseed screamed, tackling her out of the way of a spear that would've taken her head off. Penny tackled the pegasus that had attacked Dinky, keeping him pinned to the ground.

"Alright! Talk! who are ya and why are ya attackin mah friend!?" She screamed. The pegasus merely chuckled and bucked her off of him and into a tree.
"Penny!" Hayseed rushed over to her sister, screaming in pain as the pegasus stomped on her tail, smacking his hoof across her face as she turned to face him. Piper froze at the sound of the screaming. His ice cold stare falling on the offending Pegasus.

The Soldiers around him froze as well, weapons poised and ears tucked back. Not a single one of them had been able to injure the fabled Loyalty even when he was in a state of calm. Now that he was angry...None of them wanted to take the chance to attack and all were too afraid to run for fear of his monstrous magical abilities. Piper ignored them, marching towards the pegasus that had attacked his friends.

The soldier had yet to see Piper and raised his hoof to strike Hayseed once more. One soldier shook free of his fear and threw his spear at Pipers back. The orange pegasus chuckled a little and ducked under it, letting the spear slam into the head of the Soldier in front of him, pinning him to a tree. Piper turned again, the Soldiers shaking visibly under his gaze.

"Dinky, take Hayseed and Penny and go home. This isn't your fight." He said softly.
"We can't abandon you Piper! Not now that we've found you! You can come back with us!" She argued.
"I'm sorry, But I can't go back. Not yet..." he said quietly before rushing back into the Soldiers, a few tried to run and were quickly swallowed by the ice that rose from the grass around them, a few lucky ones managed to fly high enough to escape Pipers wrath and quickly flew away.

He cursed, stomping his hoof and spun, staring at the three ponies.
"Why are you here? Are you trying to get yourselves killed?!" he yelled. They flinched and he sighed, sitting for a moment and taking a few deep breaths, his eyes fading to a dim light green.
"Y...Your eyes..." Dinky said quietly, her Sonic Screwdriver whirring quietly as she held it in front of his face. He pushed it away with his hoof and blinked to clear the spots from his vision. Dinky stared at the readings with wide eyes.
"Its changed even more now..."

"Yea, thanks for warning me about that before." he spat sarcastically, walking past her and checking on Hayseed first, placing his hoof against the mark on her cheek.
"Looks like some bruising. Nothing that can't be fixed." He said quietly before walking over to Penny, gasping in surprise as she tackled him, crying and burying her muzzle into his chest.
"Ah thought ya'll were gone fer good Piper...we all thought ya'll were never comin back...o..only Strawberry...s..she's th' only one who thought ya'd come back..."

"But I haven't come back, you came here. Wait..Strawberry?! You didn't bring her here too did you?!" he yelled. Penny shook her head.
"W...We were jus...jus' goin' on a vacation...t' help us relax..." Penny sobbed, clinging to him. He sighed quietly and hugged her.
"You should go back, as soon as you can. Its not safe here."
"Come back with us Piper...yer family needs ya, Strawberry needs ya, we need.." he put a hoof over her mouth, his ear flicking.

"Shh." he gently slid out from under her and looked around, his ear flicking again.
"Do you hear that?" he said quietly. They all shook their heads.
"Exactly...its completely silent..." They all looked around realizing the same thing. No birds, no animals, nothing. Not even the wind blowing through the trees.
"So here I find you Loyalty. Hiding in the forest for fear of facing me." Piper gritted his teeth as the voice reached them.
"I fear nothing!" he called out, drawing his hoofblade. Nightmare appeared before him chuckling quietly.

"Do you honestly think your little sword can do anything to me Loyalty?!"
"You know the only reason I let you live was because your sister couldn't stand the thought of losing you Luna."
"DO NOT CALL ME BY THAT NAME PEASENT!" Nightmare shrieked, leaping toward him. Piper spun and bucked his hooves against her, sending her flying into a tree. He walked over to her, placing his blade against her throat.

"I know your in there Luna and somehow I'm going to bring you back. I promised your sister and I won't break my promise." He walked away, lifting up his cloak before glancing at Nightmare one last time.
"And I won't spare your life again." With that he vanished, taking Dinky and the Twins with him.

Dinky blinked, finding herself in the TARDIS.
"H..How did you.." she turned, finding Piper on his side and panting heavily.
"Piper!" she sat beside him, scanning him with her sonic Screwdriver.

"Hayseed, get some towels! Penny, cold water!" they nodded, rushing off to gather everything. Dinky put a hoof on Pipers forehead.
"Your burning up..."
"I...I need.t..to get out..." he mumbled.
"Get out?"

"Out of...the...TARDIS..." he gasped. Dinky blinked, smacking her forehead as realization set in. She lifted him in her magic and opened the doors of the TARDIS, quickly carrying him outside. The pegasus gasped, gulping down air and panting heavily, shaking free of Dinky's magic and landing on his hooves.
"I get it now Piper. Your bound to..."
"Shh." he glared at her.

"I'm sorry...I didn't know..."
"I told you I can't come back yet." he growled, turning his gaze away from her.
"But if you knew...why did you..."
"Because you need to get out of here. Luna isn't herself. She's become..."
"Nightmare Moon. I know. Piper this is the War of Nightmare, this is when Celestia sealed Luna within the Moon!" he turned to her.

"I know...she asked me to find another way...but there isn't one...And I don't know how to tell her that. Good bye Dinky." he kicked the door to the TARDIS shut and walked away. Dinky tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge. The twins came back to find her crying with her head against the door.
"Dinky whats wrong?! wheres Piper?!" they asked together. The unicorn said nothing, merely sitting there. She gasped as the door fell open and gulped as she looked up.
"There you are." Nightmare said with a grin.

Comments ( 2 )

You know I am starting to think you like trolling us readers with all those clifthangers

1434461 No, I simply just don't have time to write anything beyond that and just post it as is.

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