• Published 27th Sep 2012
  • 753 Views, 4 Comments

Dinky Who - Saro0fdemonz

Dinky and the Twins go on adventures together in the TARDIS

  • ...

What could go wrong?

"Absolutely Not! Ya'll got chores t' do and ah need ya around th' house. Ya can't jus' go adventurin whenever ya'll feel like it. Ya'll are still mah lil fillies and ah won't stand fer ya'll goin off an gettin yerselves hurt." Applebloom argued with her daughters.
"But ma! Dinky needs our help!" Hayseed attempted to argue back, only to have the elder mare give her The Look. The one look every foal feared, The Mom Look. Penny held her head high and dared to look into her mothers eyes.

"Momma, we ain't little foals anymore. We're big ponies, we fought in th' ancient war jus' like everypony else and we fought Discord just like everypony else. Dinky jus' wants t' see some sights, nothin dangerous, nothin nearly as dangerous as what we've already done ma. We're goin whether ya let us or not!" She stamped her hoof to make her point, a determined look on her face as she stared down her mother.

Applebloom wasn't one to give up easily, but she saw the logic in her daughters words. The yellow mare blinked as Pip sat beside her, grinning a little. He chuckled and looked at the twins.
"The two of you have really grown over the years. Your mother is just scared for you and being protective. But all little fillies have to wander on their on for a while, even if you aren't so little anymore. Just promise us you'll be careful."
"P...PIP! Ya aren't honestly lettin them leave in that crazy blue box are ya?!" Applebloom said to her husband in shock.

"Well they only have my permission so far, they still need your blessing Bloom and I really think you should let them. They are going to go anyway, why not let them go on our terms?" he said with a smile. Applebloom bit her lip and sighed.
"A...Alright...jus' be careful...ok?" she pulled the twins into a gentle hug, smiling as they nuzzled her.

"We will be ma, we'll be back before ya know it." Hayseed said as they pulled away. Dinky smiled, putting on her hat.
"Well if all is well then we can be on our way. Theres no need to worry Applebloom, I'll take good care of your twins."
"Ah know ya will Dinks, ah jus' worry about em. Ya'll be careful alright?" Dinky smiled, giving her friend a final hug goodbye.

"We'll be back before Dinner" Dinky said with a smile as she left the Apple household with her friends in tow. Together they stepped into the waiting TARDIS outside, Applebloom and Pip watching as the box whirred for a moment and faded out of view.
"They've grown up so much." Pip said with a smile.
"Are ya sure about this Pip?" Applebloom asked worridly.
"Not in the slightest Applebloom."
"Then why let them go?!"

"Because i'm use to this feeling. Its gotten me far in life."
"That makes no sense at all Pip. How has being unsure ever helped ya?"
"When I proposed, I wasn't sure at all that you would say yes." He said simply before going back into the house. Applebloom stood there in shock for a moment and chuckled a little.
"Then ah guess they'll be alright."

"Ah can't believe we're goin on another adventure! This is gonna be amazin!" Hayseed cheered, bouncing around the main console.
"Calm down Hayseed, we don't even know where we're goin yet!" Penny laughed.
"Well, The Doctor did tell me about a Paradise Planet thats not too far away. Although we might not want to visit it just yet. Lets see" Dinky put a hoof to her chin as she looked over the controls, jumping in surprise as a bell began to ring.

"What the hay is that?!" Hayseed asked looking around for the sound, Dinky's eyes wide.
"Hold onto something!" the Unicorn screamed, pulling a few levers, the TARDIS lurching back and forth.
"Whats happening?!" Penny Apple asked, screaming as she fell, slamming into one of the walls and clinging to anything she could wrap her hooves around. Finally everything stopped, smoke drifting from the console.

"No...NO no no no no!" Dinky zipped around the console, her sonic screwdriver whirring quietly.
"That can't be right..." she mumbled, pulling a lever in her magic. Penny gasped as she found herself suddenly back on the floor, looking around.
"What the hay just happened?"
"I'm not entirely sure. Its almost as if we crashed into something in the void between dimensions. But that should be impossible...unless...It were a void ship. But thats impossible. Nothing can Touch a void ship, let alone crash into one."

"Dinky, ya'll are ramblin again. What in th' hay is a void ship?" Penny asked. Dinky sat down, putting a hoof to her chin.
"Its something that is made to move through the void between dimensions. In the same way a normal ship would journey over water. But we shouldn't be able to touch it. Which means what we crashed into can't be a void ship, it has to be something else. Something that can move through the void."
"Well what if it were jus' another TARDIS?" Hayseed asked. Dinky blinked and laughed.
"Thats impossible, this is the last surviving TARDIS in existance Hayseed. There shouldn't be any others besides whats left at the end of the universe."

"Well what else moves 'round way out here?" Penny said, raising an eyebrow.
"I guess your right. It wouldn't hurt to take a look and see where we are." Dinky opened the TARDIS door and gasped, quickly slamming it shut.
"OKAY! Time to go! Now!" Dinky ran over to the console, the lights flickering on and off.
"Dinky what the hay is goin on!?" The twins asked.
"They are stealing power from the TARDIS, if we don't leave now we'll..." the lights shut off and the TARDIS began to shake.
"Dinky...i'm scared...w..whats gonna happen t' us?"
"Y..yea...Whats out there?"
"Its the Angels...they've hijacked the TARDIS."