• Published 23rd Dec 2022
  • 1,444 Views, 68 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Gremlins - Sketch App

The Turtles and Rainbooms find a creature called a Mogwai, and discover that this little creature is much more trouble than they originally thought.

  • ...

Chapter 12: Krampus Came Early

It's the day after the disastrous night of the dance. The gymnasium was destroyed, the Christmas tree on the stage launched suddenly and flew out through one of the windows, and the group immediately blamed the Mogwais, thinking they were the cause. They don't exactly have any proof, but considering the mogwais past actions, it's safe to assume they were the ones behind it.

Though this accusation caused Fluttershy to get defensive and immediately defended the mogwai. This altercation caused Fluttershy to be angry at her friends and storm off home. After everyone going home, they all ponder what they're gonna do.

On one of the rooftops in New York, the Turtles, April and Casey were talking among themselves, reflecting on the events last night.

"I knew those Mogwai were gonna ruin everything the moment Fluttershy brought them! What was she thinking?!" Raph paced back and forth. "You said they couldn't be able to escape from your stupid box, Donnie!"

"They couldn't have!" Donnie defended himself. "I don't know how they managed to escape!"

"Yo Mikey, what're you doing?" Casey asked as he spotted Mikey flipping through some of his comics.

"I'm trying to find a scene in my comic that's similar to what happened last night, to figure out how the mogwais escaped. But so far I found nothing." Mikey explained as he sets an issue down.

"Look we'll figure it out, but for now, we gotta think about what we're gonna do with those Mogwai once and for all." Leo explained.

"Why not just leave those punks out in the sunlight? That'll solve everything!" Raph suggested in a aggressive tone.

"Whoa Raph, no need to get extreme." Casey said with a surprised tone.

"I get you're upset the mogwais ruined the dance but no need to go that far." Leo added.

"I'm not just upset about that!" Raph said. "I'm upset that they ruined it not just for everyone, but for Mona! That dance was meant for something for Mona to experience with us. To celebrate the holiday with her friends like she never experienced before. To make a memory she'll look back on fondly. But now all she'll remember is a Christmas tree flying around the room and trashing everything."

Hearing what Raph is saying they empathized with him. They also wanted Mona to have a good time with them as she's never experienced anything like this before. But it was ruined thanks to the mogwais shenanigans. Casey looked at April who he noticed hasn't spoken a single word.

"Yo red, you okay? You're pretty quiet."

April sighed as she started to say what's on her mind. "Guys... I know everything that happened last night was crazy, but I can't help but be worried about Fluttershy."

"What're you worried about her for? She's the one who brought those furballs with her when we all told her it was a bad idea! And the winter dance payed the price for it!" Raph shouted.

"Look, I get it Raph! I'm upset too!" April shot back. "But you can't keep bringing down Fluttershy for it! That goes for everyone! Don't you think she feels bad enough already?! It's bad enough not a single one of us stood by her while she defended the mogwais, but everyone is berating her for her choices."

April took a deep breath before she continued. "Look, I'm not saying the mogwais are innocent. In fact, I believe they really are the ones behind everything. But we can't make Fluttershy feel stupid for her choices. She wanted to give the mogwais a chance, and we shouldn't treat her like an idiot for doing so. I think that's why she's really mad at us."

They all think about what April said and reconsider their views on Fluttershy's choices. Sure they didn't change their mind on the mogwais, but they probably could've handled everything last night a little better.

"I know we're all still upset about the dance, and it's probably not gonna make much a difference, but we should talk to Fluttershy and apologize to her, or at least let her know we didn't mean to make her efforts feel worthless." April suggested.

They all nodded in agreement, some reluctantly. But as if on queue, April’s phone rings. She checked the caller ID and her eyes widened slightly.

"Oh, speaking of which, she's calling right now."

April took a deep breath before answering. "Fluttershy, I-"

But before April could say anything, Fluttershy started speaking frantically, panicking on the other line, catching April off guard. The others quickly took notice as they can hear Fluttershy's panicked tone.

"W-Whoa whoa, Fluttershy, slow down! What happened?" April asked, as she was unable to understand Fluttershy's frantic explanation.

April listened carefully into her phone, and as Fluttershy explained her situation, her eyes go wide in shock, unsure if what she heard was correct.

"What happened to the mogwais?!"

Ten minutes ago...

Fluttershy was in her room, laying in her bed, staring at the ceiling. She has been awake for awhile now, but didn't have it in her to get out of bed. Last night still played in her mind. She wanted to call her friends and apologized for her behavior, but something in her was preventing her to do so. Was it her pride? Her dignity? She didn't know. Mabye she wanted to wait and see if any of her friends would call and apologize to her first. But that was a one in a million chance, Fluttershy thought.

She sighed and rubbed her forehead, gripping her blanket. She felt Gizmo move in her bed, meaning he was now awake. Fluttershy wanted to snuggle with him in her arms for comfort. But before she could even have the thought of sitting up, she heard Gizmo say,


Raising an eyebrow, Fluttershy finally decided to sit up, curious to what Gizmo meant by that uh-oh.

"Gizmo, what's wro-"

Fluttershy immediately froze when she sat up and looked at the floor. Her eyes widened in horror, her jaw dropped and quivered as her whole body shook. She then let's out a terrified scream so loud that it could be heard around Canterlot City.

Zephyr, hearing her scream opened the door with a yawn. "Hey sis, what're you screaming for? You woke me- Holy smokes!!!!"

Zephyr shouted once he saw what Fluttershy was screaming at.

Back to present time, the party wagon was speeding through Canterlot City after Fluttershy called. April explained to the guys what she was told and waisted no time to drive to her house to see what Fluttershy said was true.

The party wagon arrived at the house and parked over the curb, wasting no time to park properly as everyone quickly jumped out of the vehicle. Fluttershy, still in her pajamas, quickly opened the front door and ushers everyone to come inside. They all ran inside Fluttershy's house and ran towards her room.

Fluttershy quickly swung her door open and the seven of them ran inside. Once inside, all their eyes widen in shock at what they're seeing.

"Holy chalupa..." Donnie said in disbelief.

"Are those.." Casey began.

"The mogwais..?" Leo finished.

"I.... I think they are..." Fluttershy said, still shocked.

They all looked at the floor, seeing it was filled with five green, slimy, egg-shaped like cocoons. Slime was oozing down the cocoons, as everyone couldn't take their eyes off the sight.

"Looks like Krampus came early this year." Mikey said. Everyone gave him a questioning look, so Mikey explains. "You know how Santa leaves gifts? Well Krampus doesn't, so that's why I used Krampus for the metaphor, because Fluttershy woke up with creepy cocoons in her room."

"Okay, we get it!" Raph grunted.

"But I don't understand." Donnie began. "If those are the mogwais, then why isn't Gizmo like that?"

Donnie looked at the little Mogwai who was still sitting in Fluttershy's bed, having a worried expression on his face.

"I don't know." Fluttershy admitted. "They were just fine last night when I got home."

"What could've caused this?" Leo wondered.

Thinking, April immediately had a thought as she turned to Fluttershy. "Wait, Fluttershy, you didn't feed them after midnight, did you?"

"What? No. Once I got home I immediately got ready for bed. I didn't feed them anything at all." Fluttershy explained.

Donnie, whoa was examining the cocoons, decided to rummage through the cardboard box that once contained the mogwais. But once he lifted the blanket, his eyes go wide as he discovered something.

"Fluttershy, are you sure they didn't eat anything?" Donnie asked the shy girl again.

"I'm positive." Fluttershy confirmed.

Donnie reached inside the box and pulled out crumbs and pieces of cookies and sandwiches. "Then how did these get here?"

Everyone was shocked to see Donnie pull out the food that was in the box, especially Fluttershy as she had no idea those were in there.

"Those are the food served at the dance!" Casey pointed out.

"Aha! Those little punks really did escape! How else could they have gotten those food!" Raph shouted as he looks at the cocoons.

While everyone was processing this information, Fluttershy was in most disbelief. She stared at the cocoons on the floor, feeling not only upset, but betrayed. She couldn't believe her eyes. Part of her was hoping she was dreaming, but it's all too real.

As Fluttershy was in her own thoughts, everyone else was still in utter shock to the sight they're all seeing.

"So this is what happens when they eat after midnight." Leo began.

"They go in a cocoon like state." Donnie finished.

Mikey looked at his brothers with a scared expression. Donnie immediately knew what Mikey was thinking.

"Let me guess, this also happens in your comic?" Donnie gulped.

"You know it..." Mikey nodded as he holds up a comic with a panel showing the Sprites in a almost similar cocoons. "Except they're in cocoons because scientists are trying to clone them for evil purposes, which is far off from what's happening here."

"Okay, so now we know the mogwais really did escape, but how?" Casey still wondered.

"I bet it was that mogwai in Fugitoid's classroom!" Raph guessed. "He probably freed the mogwais somehow."

"That might actually be the case. We better call Fugitoid and ask about his mogwai." Leo suggested.

As if on queue, Leo's T-Phone rings. Sunset was the one calling as the leader answered. "Sunset?"

"Leo, Fugitoid just contacted me and told me something crazy that he needs all of us to go over to the school!" Sunset said over the phone.

"Uh, it has something to do with his Mogwai, doesn't it?" Leo rhetorically asked.

"Yeah, how did you know?" Sunset asked surprised.

"Well, I think we're in a similar situation with Fluttershy's mogwais." The Turtle answered.

"What?!" Sunset shouts.

"We'll explain later. We'll meet you at the school." Leo said before hanging up. "Well, it seems Fugitoid's mogwai might be in a similar predicament."

"Well we better get over there then." Donnie quickly suggested.

"But what about these things? We can't just leave them in Fluttershy's room can we?" Casey points out.

"I don't know, Casey." Leo admitted. "But we probably can't risk taking them with us either."

"So, what, we gonna have Fluttershy stay and watch these things or something?" Raph said sarcastically.

"..... hey, where is Fluttershy?" Mikey asked, noticing Fluttershy isn't in the room.

Everyone soon noticed aswell as they looked around. They then hear Gizmo's babbles, making them turn their attention to the Mogwai. He had a frown on his face as he pointed out the window. They quickly moved to the window and saw Fluttershy outside walking away from her house.

"Where the heck is she going?" Raph asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Should we like, go after her?" Casey said.

"Well, we need to get to the school and meet up with Fugitoid and the girls. But mabye we should get Fluttershy first." Leo explained.

April, who was in deep thought, shook her head. "No, you guys go on. I'll go after Fluttershy."

"You sure April?" Donnie asked.

"Yes, just tell Fugitoid we won't be able to make it or something." April said before grabbing Fluttershy's backpack, sets it on Fluttershy's bed and puts Gizmo in it before carrying him out the door.

The guys looked at each other and shrugged before leaving the house, getting into the party wagon and driving off.

April was walking around the town, searching for Fluttershy so they could talk. April soon found herself in the Canterlot park, still walking around, searching for Fluttershy. She soon sees the back of Fluttershy's head as the animal lover was sitting on a bench. April sighed in relief and began walking towards her.

"Fluttershy, I found you. You kinda worried me, I didn't know if you-." The red head stopped talking when she hears Fluttershy softly crying to herself.

Fluttershy was sniffling, whimpering and hugging her legs. April’s heart immediately began to sink seeing Fluttershy in this state. She looked at the ground and thinks about what she's gonna do. Soon she slowly sat down on the bench with Fluttershy as she had her backpack in her arms. April noticed Fluttershy didn't exactly change out of her pajamas, only having on her coat and boots. She uses this as a starting point to talk to her.

"A-Aren't you cold?" April said awkwardly, still unsure of what to do.

"You all were right thinking I was stupid...." Fluttershy said out of nowhere.

April immediately turned to her with a frown. "What? No, Fluttershy, we didn't think you were stupid-"

"I could see it in everyone's eyes! They all thought I was stupid for thinking I could change the mogwais behaviors! They were right and wanted to say it! I'm such an idiot!" Fluttershy said as more tears rolled down her face.

Feeling her heart sink more, April tried to reassure her friend. "No, Fluttershy, they didn't think you were stupid... th-they just... thought the idea.... was... stupid.... ugh, I'm not helping, aren't I..?"

"It's okay, April, it was dumb thinking I could change them..." Fluttershy sighed as she dug her face in her knees again.

"No, no Fluttershy, it wasn't. You wanted to give those five another chance, and it's very noble of you. But you shouldn't feel bad because it didn't work out." April tried to assure Fluttershy.

"I'm not upset that I failed to change their ways!" Fluttershy blurted out, catching April by surprise. "At least it's not the only thing I'm upset about..."

"Then.... why are you upset?" April frowned.

Fluttershy took a moment and let out a deep breath before picking her head up. "For as long as I can remember, people have taken advantage of my kindness, treated me badly and manipulated me.... So long that I've gotten use to it, accepting not all people will treat me kindly back...."

Hearing this hurts April, sad to hear her friend has gotten use to people doing that to Fluttershy. Fluttershy continued on.

"But.... but not once in my life, did I ever think that I would be manipulated and taken advantage of by animals... animals are one of the things that bring me joy.... I love being around and taking care of animals.... but I never thought once that they would take advantage of my kindness.... but I was proven wrong today..."

Fluttershy gripped her pants, bit her lips and her eyes tightened as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Those innocent smiles, those cuddles they given me, their good behavior, just an act to get me to trust them! And I fell for it! I defended them and yelled at you guys because I truly thought they changed! But seeing those crumbs in that box just... they knew what they were doing...."

Fluttershy began to cry in her knees again, and April felt a tear forming in her eye too. April looked at the snowy ground, processing everything Fluttershy have told her. She now understands that Fluttershy was more upset that animals of all things took advantage of Fluttershy's kindness, which she admits didn't think would ever happen either. April unzips the bag and sees a frowning Gizmo, who heard Fluttershy's rant.

"I.... I'm sorry Fluttershy..." April began saying. "I had no idea you were feeling this way... and I'm sorry I haven't been a supportive friend lately..."

This got Fluttershy to slightly peek her head up. "What do you mean..?"

April sighed and began speaking. "When you took in the mogwais, no one has been supportive of your choice... including me... it made you feel alone, and it hurted you... I should've at least given you some encouragement or something, but deep down i just couldn't say anything... It's not that i didn't believe in you, I just didn't want you to be disappointed when.... well... things didn't work out is all."

"Yeah, well, things have moved beyond past not working out.... the mogwais are in cocoons, and Raph and the others are gonna constantly berate me about my actions..." Fluttershy sighed as she wiped her tears.

April thinks for a moment before lifting the bag off her lap. "Look, things with the mogwais have definitely not gone well, and it's eating you up. But please don't think you're an idiot. While those five were indeed bad batches, doesn't mean you should doubt yourself. I mean, I'm the one who recommended you to Mr.Wing. I knew full heartedly you were capable of taking care of Gizmo. And so far, you're proving me right."

April held out the bag containing Gizmo. Fluttershy looked at it and saw Gizmo was giving her a comforting look.

"And I'm sure Gizmo knows by now he couldn't be in better hands." April smiled.

Fluttershy gently grabbed the bag and puts it on her lap. She and Gizmo share a glance as Fluttershy reached down and started gently scratching his head, causing the mogwai to smile and purr. Fluttershy formed a little smile as she thinks about the times she and Gizmo shared. April was right, knowing she's doing well with Gizmo shouldn't bring her down. It still hurts Fluttershy, but at least one mogwai was truly appreciative of Fluttershy's efforts, and that's enough for her.

April broke the silence as she asked Fluttershy, "So, should we meet with the others?"

This made Fluttershy frown again, making her shake her head. "Um, no, I don't think I'm quite ready to see everyone..."

Understandably April nods, as Fluttershy still needed time to herself. "That's okay, we can stay here for awhile. Unless you wanna be by yourself for a bit?"

Fluttershy thinks for a moment before shaking her head. "No, it's okay, I don't mind at least one- wait, two, companies." Fluttershy said as she referred both to April and Gizmo.

April smiled and nodded. "Sounds good. And if it makes you feel better, if anyone tries to bring up the mogwais and your choices, I'll try to stop them?"

Fluttershy shrugs as she looks back at Gizmo. "I don't know. Maybe."

So both girls continueto sit on the bench, watching Gizmo in Fluttershy's backpack as the two petted the mogwai.

The other Rainbooms, turtles and Casey were in Fugitoid's classroom as the robot was carefully cutting the top bars of the cage that once had his mogwai, now having a oozing, mucus covered cocoon. While the others were speechless, Rarity being repulsed, Pinkie Pie was touching the green slime around the cocoon and was moving the oozing string in her fingers.

"Eeeeeew." Pinkie Pie stared at the oozing strings.

"So, what was it you called it, doc? A.... Putrid stage?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Pubal stage." Twilight corrected.

"Yes, precisely." Fugitoid confirmed as he cuts another bar. "Inside, the little fella is going through some changes called a metamorphosis. In a change of form, and in appearance."

"Oh, so like a butterfly?" Rarity compared.

"Yes, exactly." Fugitoid said before removing the top bars completely.

"Though something tells me nothing pretty will be hatching from this cocoon." Raph said as he looked at the cocoon.

"And you're telling us Stripe and the other four are in a similar state?" Sunset said, still shocked with the news.

"Yep, all five in cocoons too." Donnie nodded.

"And to think it's because of simply eating after midnight." Leo shook his head.

"We ain't just gonna leave those things in Fluttershy's home, are we?" Applejack asked.

"Yeah, these things got into cocoons over night! What if they hatch just as fast?!" Rainbow Dash added. "They were bad enough as regular mogwais! What if they come out as something far worse?!"

"That's why we're gonna be here, see what happens when they do hatch." Leo said.

"Just to be safe, I'm gonna head back to the lair and grab a few equipment. Wanna be prepared for when something serious might happen." Donnie told everyone.

"I'll go with you. While we're there we should recruit Karai and Shinigami to be safe." Raph said as Donnie nodded.

"Don't take too long, we need everyone here for this." Leo told his two brothers.

"Shouldn't some of us stay with Fugitoid incase his mogwai hatches?" Twilight wondered.

"I'll be alright, Miss Sparkle." Fugitoid assured. "I think I can handle one mogwai by myself. But I'll give yous a call once it hatches."

Everyone nods as they prepare to head out.

Once Donnie and Raph headed back to New York in the party wagon, everyone else made their way back to Fluttershy's place to stay over. Once there, they see Fluttershy and April walking down towards the house as they came back from the park.

Immediately, Fluttershy looked at the ground, not meeting eye contact with Leo, Mikey, Casey and the other Rainbooms. They were quiet aswell before April broke the silence.

"So, where's Donnie and Raph?"

"Heading back to New York to get Karai, Shinigami and some supplies for some.... extra saftey precautions in case.... some things happen." Leo put mildly.

"And while they're gone, we decided we should camp out at Fluttershy's house incase the cocoons hatch." Sunset added, making the other Rainbooms nod.

This made Fluttershy grip her backpack a bit as she continued to stare at the ground. "Um, thanks everyone.... but... I don't think I want everyone in my house together right now..."

"Fluttershy I don't think we have a choice." Sunset immediately said.

"Yeah, who knows what will come out of those cocoons!" Rainbow Dash added. "And considering it was your choice to-" Before Rainbow Dash could finish, she was met with a wave of snow hitting her in the face.

Once Rainbow Dash dusted her face off, she saw April was the one who threw the snow with her telekinetic powers as the red head was giving her a glare and slowly shaking her head.

"What? It was her idea to-" Rainbow Dash was again, met with a wave if snow to her face.

"Look, I know curtain actions were what started them to be in cocoons, but after talking with Fluttershy, I think it's best to not bring it up to her anymore." April told the group. "And maybe it's best to give her a little more time to herself."

Leo, trying to be understanding, disagreed with that idea. "April, we can't just leave Fluttershy alone with five cocoons. Something dangerous could come out of them."

"Which is why I'll be staying with Fluttershy. If it's alright with her." April looked at Fluttershy for her approval.

"Um.... it's fine." Fluttershy shrugged.

"April, it can't just be you two, we all need to-"

April stopped Leo from talking any further. "Look, Leo, I get it. Look at least.... watch the house from afar, okay? That way when they do hatch, I'll call you and you'll be nearby."

Not wanting to talk about this any further, Leo sighed. "Okay, fine. Me, Mikey and Casey can keep an eye on the house from somewhere. In the meantime, the rest of you girls gather your gear."

The Rainbooms nodded as they all left to there homes to get there gear. Casey went over to April, giving her a gentle tap on her shoulder.

"Be safe in there red. The both of you."

"We'll be fine Casey." April nodded. "Just don't freeze your butt out here."

The two share a laugh before April and Fluttershy went inside the house. Inside, they see Zephyr Breeze on the couch, holding his legs quivering.

"Sis, there you are! Once I saw you guys were gone I didn't know what to do! Some scary mist is coming through your room!"

Upon hearing this the two gasped and rushed to Fluttershy's room. They opened the door and saw that the cocoons were creating a mist that's flowing through the floor, making it look like a horror movie. Gizmo frowned and his ears drooped once he sees this.

"Oh man, this is getting more and more creepy." April said wide eyed. "Your mom didn't see this, did she?"

Fluttershy shook her head. "No, she left home early in the morning to drop a family friend off at the airport. It's a pretty long drive, so I don't know when she'll be back."

"Well hopefully she won't be able to see any of this." April said.

"Me too, seeing the mogwais suddenly running around the house panicked her enough. I don't want her to see.... all this." Fluttershy motioned to the cocoons in her now misty room.

"I'm not even sure if I wanna be in the room with these things, since the atmosphere is now... creepy." April shuddered. "How about we leave the door open and we watch them from the living room?"

"Good idea." Fluttershy nodded, not wanting to be in the same room with the cocoons as much as April, especially now.

They left the door open and headed towards the living room, leaving the five cocoons in the room, spurring mist all over the floor. As the two left, one of the cocoons slightly shook, hinting that something in there was awake and maybe, just maybe, is getting ready to hatch sooner than expected.

Author's Note:

Sorry once again for the long wait, I just lost interest in writing the story for a while. Yeah I know it's a bad thing. Sometimes I'm motivated to write the story, sometimes I'm not, it's an odd thing. But anyway, thank you for reading and hope you look forward to the next chapter where everyone sees what will come out of the cocoons!


• Equestria Ninja Girls by Wildcard25

• Mikey pointing out the cocoons was just like his comic was thought of by Jebens1

Comments ( 6 )

Sorry once again for the long wait, I just lost interest in writing the story for a while. Yeah I know it's a bad thing. Sometimes I'm motivated to write the story, sometimes I'm not, it's an odd thing. But anyway, thank you for reading and hope you look forward to the next chapter where everyone sees what will come out of the cocoons!

Understandable. Sometimes it's hard to keep being motivated whilst writing a story.

And it seems Fluttershy's actions are now coming back to haunt her.

Comment posted by GamePlayer64 deleted March 9th

Just found this, ok, the tags seem apporite, but you forgot to add horror.
I seen the movie remember, those things are overly cruel, monsters, they don't care about thing but destruction, and all the fun ways they can do it.
Even if they wind up killing a few people, heck they hold score boards on how creative they killed someone.

I always wonder how they came to be, but it's obvious. Trojan hose weapon.
Give the little guy to enemy and just sit back...FFFFFFAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRR away and watch.

Comment posted by Kburke20 deleted March 9th

The Mogwai have entered their cocoon stage, and when they hatch they're gonna be worse than before. Nice April was the only one to actually see things through Fluttershy's POV while Raph and the others just bluntly blamed her just to make her feel worse than she already does

Yeah, not cool! 😠

But yeah, luckily April was there to defend her.

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