• Published 23rd Dec 2022
  • 1,444 Views, 68 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Gremlins - Sketch App

The Turtles and Rainbooms find a creature called a Mogwai, and discover that this little creature is much more trouble than they originally thought.

  • ...

Chapter 5: New.... Friends?

A new day has arrived and Fluttershy was grabbing her equipment. She was preparing to head out to Applejack's farm to band practice to rehears the songs they'll be singing at the Christmas Party.

As she was getting her things, Gizmo spotted her backpack on the floor. That's where he sees a carrot sticking out of it. He scurries over to her backpack and pulls out the carrot. He examines it before looking over at Angel, who was drinking his water. Gizmo quickly decides to give Angel the carrot, learning it's his favorite treat.

As Angel was enjoying his water, he felt two taps on his back. He turned around to see Gizmo waving at him. Angel gave gizmo his usual glare, but it quickly went away when Gizmo holds out the carrot.

Angel was abit confused as to why Gizmo was giving him the carrot, but still ends up taking it. Gizmo then holds out his hand for a high three. Angel was hesitant, and still confused, but he slowly held up his paw and quickly clapped Gizmo's hand, earning him a smile.

"Okay Gizmo, I got everything. Time to go." Fluttershy exclaimed to the Mogwai as she scoops him up from the floor and puts him in her backpack.

As Fluttershy walked out of her room, Gizmo was waving goodbye to Angel as the white rabbit watched the two leave. Angel looked at the carrot he was given by the Mogwai, and forms a little smile, thinking Gizmo isn't so bad after all as he takes a chomp of his carrot.

Fluttershy was near the front door as she called out to her parents.

"Bye mom, bye dad, see you guys later."

They said their goodbyes back as Fluttershy was about to reach the doorknob. But stopped midway when she heard her brother behind her.

"Alright, let's make some music! I got my wooden flute ready to go."

Fluttershy stared at him blanked faced and confused.

"Um, where are you going, and why do you have your flute from wood shop class?" Fluttershy asked her brother.

"You said we were going to band practice at Applejack's farm, right?" He answer with a grin.

"No, I'M going to band practice at Applejack's farm. You're not in our band." Fluttershy explained, abit of coldness in her tone.

"Mabye the Rainbooms could use a new member? I can make your band sound more spicy with my solo flute." He explained as he demonstrates by playing a solo on his wooden flute.

Once he finished Gizmo was abit wowed by his performance, while Fluttershy just looks annoyed.

"Zephyr, you only wanna come just to talk to Rainbow Dash, don't you?" She asked suspiciously.

"What? Noooo, of course not sis, I would never-" though he stopped mid-sentence when Fluttershy gives him a cold stare, obviously knows he's lying.

"..... Okay, fine, I admit it! Can you blame me sis?" Zephyr admitted.

"You can't come, Zephyr! We really need to focus on practice for the winter dance." She told her brother as she was about to open the door to leave.

Just then Zephyr got on his knees and clapped his hands together, begging his sister now.

"Pleeeease, sis, pleeeease?! I never get to hang out with you and your friends! Where's your holiday spirit? Please? Just this once?"

Fluttershy turned around to look at him. He was giving her big puppy dog eyes and quivered his lips. Fluttershy sighed and pinched her forehead.

"Alright, you can come. BUT, you gotta promise not to distract us and not bother Rainbow Dash."

"You got it, sis~!" Zephyr cheered as he pulled his sister into a hug.

"Have i ever told you you're the best sister ever?"

"About more times than I can count." Fluttershy rolled her eyes. "Now come on, don't wanna be late."

Soon she and Zephyr walk out of the house, head towards Fluttershy's car and got buckled in. But like yesterday, her car started to sputter due to the cold air. But also like yesterday it eventually starts up and Fluttershy starts driving towards Applejack's farm.

At Applejack's farm, Applejack was in her barn with Sunset, Twilight with Spike, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash with their instruments. And accompanying Rainbow Dash and Applejack were Applebloom and Scootaloo. They were still waiting on Fluttershy and Rarity to show up before beginning. Before they show up though, the girls can see the Party Wagon pull up to the barn. There exited the Turtles, April and Casey, and Karai and Shinigami along with Mona Lisa.

The girls greeted their friends as they walked towards the barn.

"Hey everyone, glad you all could make it." Sunset said.

"We're glad to be here." Leo nodded.

"Howdy, Mona, thanks for coming." Applejack greeted the Salamandrian.

"Thank you for having me, Applejack. I am looking forward to seeing you girls play." Mona smiled.

April noticed that the band is two Rainbooms short. "Hey, where's Fluttershy and Rarity?"

"Ugh, no doubt Rarity is still getting her hair ready." Rainbow Dash groaned.

"Though i don't know why Fluttershy isn't here yet." Sunset admitted.

Mikey walks up and greeted the two CMCs. "Yo, what up Scoots and Applebloom?"

"Hi, Mikey." Applebloom smiled.

"Good to see you again." Scootaloo added.

"What brings you two here?" Mikey asked curiously.

"We're gonna have a Daring Do marathon in the house!" Applebloom explained excitedly.

"To prepare for the new upcoming one in two days!" Scootaloo adds with just as much enthusiasm.

"We're just waiting on Sweetie Belle to show up before we begin."

"Sounds awesome!" Mikey cheered.

Soon enough, Fluttershy's car pulls up. They all started to wave in her direction.

"Hey, Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash greeted. But her face soon dropped when she sees Zephyr stepping out of Fluttershy's car. "Aaaand Zephyr..."

The two siblings walked towards the barn while Fluttershy carried Gizmo in her backpack.

"Okay, I'm just gonna say it, why is Zephyr here?" Raph asked, already annoyed.

"Zephyr wanted to come, just as long as he doesn't distract us." Fluttershy answered.

"And we're all buds here, right?" Zephyr wrapped his arm around Raph who had a tick mark on his forehead. "Aren't i part of the team or what?"

"I'm gonna go with, 'Or what'." Raph said as he brushed Zephyr's arm off his shoulder.

"Well... glad to have you here with us Zephyr." April said, though admittedly wasn't that all excited having Zephyr join them.

"Oh yeah, so glad." Rainbow Dash said sarcastically.

"Oh don't be such a scrooge, Dash. I'm here to light up your holiday spirit~." Zephyr said in attempt to sound romantic, though only comes off as cheesy from her, and pretty much everyone else.

"Oh Rarity, where are you?" Rainbow Dash groaned to herself.

"Zephyr! What did we agree on?" Fluttershy reminded Zephyr of their deal.

"Hehe, right, right, my bad." Zephyr held his hands up and took a few steps away from Rainbow Dash.

To lighten up the mood, Mikey points out at Gizmo. "Look guys, our favorite Mogwai is here!"

Everyone smiled as they waved towards Gizmo in Fluttershy's backpack.

"Good to see you again, Giz!" Casey smiled.

"So happy you can join us!" Pinkie Pie cheered.

"It ain't a party without you." Spike added.

Applebloom and Scootaloo walked closer to see what everyone was talking about. Then their eyes immediately lit up once they saw Gizmo.

"Oh. My." Scootaloo began.

"GOSH!!!!!" Applebloom finished as the two rushed over to get a closer look at Gizmo.

"That is the cutest creature I've ever seen!" Applebloom squealed.

"What is it?!" Scootaloo asked eagerly.

Fluttershy giggled as she answered. "This is Gizmo. He is a Mogwai. The only one to probably exist."

"He is so cute!" Applebloom repeated.

"Wait till Sweetie Belle sees him!" Scootaloo added.

"Speaking of which, what do we do while we wait?" Raph asked crossing his arms.

"I might have an idea." Casey grinned, as he secretly has a snowball hidden behind his back.

With one quick swoop, Casey threw the snowball and hits raph in the head. The vigilante laughs as Raph wipes the snow off his head. But Casey's laugh quickly drops when Mona Lisa towers over him.

"Why have you attacked Raphael?!" Mona shouts, demanding an answer. "Explain yourself!"

Raph quickly stood infront of Mona with his hands up. "Whoa whoa! Mona, it's alright, it wasn't an attack. Kinda. It's just another game you play in the winter."

Mona looked confused after being explained to the situation. "A game?"

Raph nodded as he continued to explain. "Yeah. It's called a Snowball Fight. You have two teams go against each other and throw snowballs at each other. It's pretty easy. You just pick up a pile of snow, crush it into a ball, and throw it. Watch."

Raph demonstrated by picking up a pile of snow, crushing it into a ball, and throwing it at Mikey which hits him in the face.

"Ah! Hey!" Mikey shouts as he wipes the snow off his face.

"Hmm, I see." Mona nods.

Mona wanted to try for herself as she grabbed a pile of snow, crushes it into a ball and stares at it. With one quick move, Mona flings the snowball towards Casey's direction, hitting him right in the face. The impact was so fierce that Casey was knocked off his feet and flew a couple feet before hitting the ground.

"Like that?" Mona asked, which everyone was shocked and speechless.

"Uh, y-yeah, you got it down." Raph said, abit shaken by how strong her throw was.

"I think she knocked out a tooth..." Casey groaned from the ground.

"So, who's joining in?" Raph asked, only to be hit with a snowball by Leo.

"First rule of a snowball fight, don't wait for the fight to start." Leo grinned.

"When was that a rule?!" Raph asked, only to be hit in the face by another snowball.

"That's payback for that snowball to the face!" Mikey shouted, only for him and Leo to get hit from behind with snowballs.

They turned and saw Shini tossing a snowball up and down with her hand with Karai.

"Second rule to a snowball fight is, always watch your back." Karai grinned as she held another snowball.

"Oh you guys are gonna get it!" Leo laughed as they all started throwing snowballs at each other.

"Hey I want some of that action!" Rainbow Dash cheered as she runs in.

"We want in too!" Scootaloo shouts as she and Applebloom rush in the game.

"Hey Fluttershy, aren't you gonna join them?" April asked.

Fluttershy suddenly started having flashbacks to her last snowball fight. Only it wasn't a snowball fight. It was a snowball war. She remembered being trapped behind a fort as snowballs were falling left to right, and holding Trixie in her arms as she was covered in snowball marks. Fluttershy snapped out of it and shook her head.

"Uh, no, I'm good. Besides, this game might be abit much for Gizmo." Fluttershy points out as Gizmo was watching the game, shaking in fear.

"Yeah, good point." April nodded.

"Well, since most of us are here."

"Aside from Rainbow Dash that rushed into the game." Applejack points out.

"We might aswell do a sound check on our instruments." Sunset suggested.

"Good idea." Twilight nodded.

Fluttershy gently sets her backpack down and pulled out her tambourine.

Sunset played a few notes on her acoustic guitar, which Gizmo was quickly mesmerized by. "Guitar, check."

Applejack played a few notes on her Bass Guitar for the sound check.

"Bass guitar, check." Applejack smiled.

Pinkie Pie tested her drums next. Hitting the side drums, the tambourines and pressing the drum pedal a few times before stopping.

"Drums, check~." She gave a thumbs up.

Twilight tested her microphone and tapped it a few times.

"Testing testing, 1, 2."

Once she hears no problems with her mic she gave a thumbs up. "Microphone, check."

Fluttershy sheepishly shook her tambourine.

"Tambourine, check."

They laugh abit before hearing another instrument. They look to see Gizmo blowing his toy trumpet, which they immediately found adorable.

"Aww, he wants to sound check with us~." Pinkie Pie cooed.

"Well seems the trumpet is working fine." Fluttershy giggled.

"Looks like the Rainbooms got a new member." April joked.

"Hey how come Gizmo gets to join the band but I couldn't?" Zephyr pouted.

"Zephyr Breeze..." Fluttershy groaned.

"Well, how about we play abit while we wait for Rarity to show up?" Sunset suggested which her friends quickly agreed to.

So the five Rainbooms. Started playing some music as Gizmo joined them, blowing his toy trumpet as April listens with Spike on her lap.

Zephyr was looking at Fluttershy with puppy eyes and quivered his lips. Fluttershy sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Just until Rarity shows up." She sighed.

"Thanks sis~!" Zephyr cheered as the others rolled their eyes too.

Now Zephyr was joining them making music with his wooden flute.

Twenty minutes have passed and Rarity finally showed up with Sweetie Belle next to her, who's looking pretty annoyed at her big sister.

"I'm here!" Rarity announced. "Hope you haven't been waiting too lo-, oh my goodness!"

Rarity screamed once she sees that the whole area was covered in snow. Well, more snow than it originally was. Not only that, everyone was laying on the ground covered in snow.

Not only were they covered in snow, Casey's upper body was sticking out of a apple tree, Donnie's body was completely covered in snow with his arms and legs sticking out, Mikey just straight up has stacks of snowballs in his mouth, and there was a big pile of snow under another tree.

Everyone was either groaning, panting, or just squirming on the ground.

"My heavens! Another snowball war?!" Rarity said in disbelief.

"We don't know what happened." Rainbow Dash groaned.

"One minute we were just having fun." Donnie said as he sticks his head out from the pile of snow he's in.

"Next thing we knew, things just got out of hand." Leo ended.

"It's like things started getting personal with our throws." Karai added as Shinigami muffled in the snow.

The barn gates open and Applebloom and Scootaloo stuck their heads out, having snowball marks on their heads.

"Personal?" Applebloom repeated.

"You guys went complete bananas! Me and Applebloom had to take refuge in the barn to keep ourselves safe!" Scootaloo points out.

"Yeah mabye we've gone abit overboard." Donnie admitted sheepishly. "Especially me with my new snowball launcher."

Donnie suddenly pulls out a gadget looking firearm out of the snow pile he was in.

Suddenly April pokes her head out of the barn, her face completely covered in snow as the only visible part was her mouth.

"You've gone more than 'abit' overboard, Donnie." April was clearly ticked at Donnie, which he immediately took notice of as he gulped.

Sunset stepped out, which she was also covered in abit of snow herself. "Things finally stopped when Applejack threw a giant snowball on the field."

"A giant snowball that was mixed with Pinkie Pie's explosive magic." Twilight points out.

Applejack, who was climbing down a ladder from the roof of her barn dusted her hands off. "I think we got a serious problem when it comes to snowball fights."

"Um, has anyone seen Raph and Mona Lisa?" Fluttershy asked in a shaky voice, still shaken up on how fast the game escalated.

Suddenly, the pile of snow from under the tree, started to move. What happened next was Mona bursting out of the snow pile and started panting. She reached back in the pile to pull out Raph. Raph groaned as Mona had his arm wrapped around her as she pulls herself and Raph out of the pile.

"Did... we make it..?" Raph groaned.

"Fear not, Raphael. We have survived." Mona pants as she and Raph are now out of the pile, getting on her knees.

"Okay, we Definitely got a problem with snowball fights." Applejack sighed as Casey's body finally drops down to the ground.

Zephyr Breeze, who was hiding in a haystack inside the barn popped his head out. "Is it safe to come out?" He quivered, as Gizmo also popped his head out from the haystack.

Soon everyone was inside the barn, warming themselves up with blankets and hot chocolates.

"Lets keep the snowball fights minimal from now on y'all." Applejack stated as everyone agrees.

"Ditto." Karai nodded.

"Im with you there." Raph sighed.

"I hink mah mouh ith thill hozen..." (I think my mouth is still frozen...) Mikey frowned as he tried sipping his hot chocolate.

"Again I'm really sorry about that, Mikey." Donnie frowned, feeling bad of what he did to Mikey.

"It'th cool don. I hink it's getting abhit be-er." (It's cool Don, I think it's getting abit better). Mikey assured his brother.

"And im especially sorry... to you, April..." Donnie twiddled his thumbs together as April was giving him a dirty look, her face still red from the snow.

"I wouldn't be too angry if my face didn't have frost bite." April said between her teeth.

"I promise ill make it up to you." Donnie assured.

"I'll be sure you'll hold that promise."

"Casey, how on earth did you even end up on that tree?" Rarity asked.

"It's a long story." Casey sipped his hot chocolate.

"So, are we still up for band practice?" Sunset asked her band mates.

"Totally! I'm way over being cold now!" Rainbow Dash said confidently.

"Well, then let's get started." Sunset said as she and the Rainbooms go to their respected instruments.

"Applejack, can me and the girls go inside for our movie marathon now?" Applebloom asked her sister.

"Go for it, sugar cube." Applejack smiled.

"Oh! Can we take Gizmo?!" Scootaloo eagerly asked.

"Yeah, please?" Sweetie Belle begged.

"Hmm... well." Applejack thinks about it.

She turned over to Fluttershy, wanting to see if it was okay with her. Fluttershy thought about it for a bit before nodding with a smile.

"Alright." Applejack nodded.

The three girls cheered and rushed over to Gizmo. Fluttershy quickly stops them from scooping him up.

"Uh, just be gentle with him, girls. He's very delicate." She informed the CMC.

"We will, thanks Fluttershy." Applebloom smiled before carefully picking up the Mogwai.

"Come on, Spike, you can join us too." Scootaloo informed the pup.

"Alright!" He barked cheerfully before following the three girls out of the barn.

As they watched them leave the barn, Applejack immediately remembered something and started chasing after them.

"Wait hold up, there's three rules you girls gotta know about!" Applejack shouts as she runs after them.

"You sure you're okay with them watching over Gizmo, Fluttershy?" April asked her friend.

Fluttershy nods. "Yeah, I'm okay with it. Besides, after what he witnessed, I think he could use some good entertainment to settle down. Besides, he seems to like them already."

Once Applejack came back the Rainbooms prepared their instruments.

"Alright, let's start this thing!" Rainbow Dash shouts.

"One, two, three, four!" Pinkie Pie taps her drum sticks together before they start playing their version of Run Rudolph Run.

After the song ends their friends applauded them.

"Wow, that was great, girls!" April smiled.

"I'll say." Karai agreed.

"That truly was entertaining to listen to." Mona complimented the Rainbooms.

"You girls are gonna rock that Winter Dance!" Casey pumped his fist in the air.

"Well get comfy, everyone, cause this is just the beginning." Sunset exclaimed as she and her band mates prepare to play another song.

Inside the house, the CMC were in Applebloom's room along with Spike and Gizmo. Applebloom sets Gizmo on the floor as Scootaloo sets up the TV and Sweetie Belle setting up snacks.

"You're gonna love these Daring Do movies, Gizmo." Applebloom excitedly says.

"Yeah, they have action, adventure, and amazing locations Daring Do goes through." Sweetie Belle added.

"It's ready!" Scootaloo informed as she inserts a DVD disc.

They sat down on Applebloom's bed as the movie starts up. Once the movie starts, Gizmo was immediately amazed. Gizmo sees a woman in a safari like attire, a whip and a hairstyle almost similar to Rainbow Dash's, but gray. Immediately, Gizmo's eyes were glued to the screen as he watches Daring Do on this exciting adventure.

A half hour passed and the Rainbooms were taking a break from band practice as they had snacks and drinks. Now everyone was sitting and chatting with each other as April was chatting with Fluttershy.

"I'm glad things are going well with Gizmo, Fluttershy. Once Mr. Wing was hurt and couldn't take care of Gizmo, I knew you were the perfect person to go to." April said to her shy friend as Fluttershy blushed abit.

"Thanks, April. But I wouldn't say I'm the 'perfect' person to go to." Fluttershy said modestly.

"You kidding?" Casey began saying. "You're like, beyond the perfect person to watch over an animal."

"I definitely wouldn't trust anyone else to watch over Chompy." Raph stated.

"Hey what about me?" Rainbow Dash said offended.

"All I'm saying is, your the kind of person to be willing to take care of Gizmo while Mr. Wing recovers. You got a good heart, Fluttershy. That's why I recommended you to him."

Hearing what April said made Fluttershy tear up abit and smiled.

"Man, you should've seen April when talking to Mr. Wing." Casey started saying. "She wouldn't give up until the old guy said yes. She was determined for you to watch after Giz."

"Well, thank you for believing in me like that, April." Fluttershy smiled at her red headed friend who returned the gesture.

Back inside Applebloom's room, they were still watching the movies. The three girls eagerly watching the movie as Gizmo was munching on a cheese ball before tossing one to spike who catches it. Gizmo watches the screen as Daring Do was riding on a horse, chasing after the evil Dr. Caballeron on a moving train.

"Give it up, Daring Do! With this magic staff, I'll finally be able to transform this world to my liking!" Dr. Caballeron mischievously explained.

"Not on my life, Dr. Caballeron! I'll never let that happen!" Daring Do stated.

"We shall see."

The train Dr. Caballeron was on started to change directions. It was headed towards a bridge Daring Do's horse wouldn't be able to run on. Not only that, but there are obstacles in her path. But Daring Do wasn't about to give up. She needed to stop Dr. Caballeron no matter what. She she got her horse to run faster and get pass the obstacles. Her horse maneuvered over snakes, cactus' and jumped over ditches.

Gizmo was wowed by how Daring Do and her horse did those things. Gizmo watched and mimics how Daring Do was riding her horse, making the horses clopping noise. Spike took notice and can't help but smile at Gizmo.

The train was getting close to the bridge, so Daring Do's horse ran as fast as it could as Dr. Caballeron was laughing maniacally. Daring Do was close, but the bridge was coming even closer, so she had to be quick. She took out her whip and readied it. With perfect timing, Daring Do flung her whip into Dr. Caballeron's direction. The whip wrapped around the magic staff which took Dr. Caballeron by surprise. Daring Do then yanks the magic staff towards her and catches it, immediately making her horse stop just in time before the train trails along the bridge.

Dr. Caballeron stuck his head out from the train and shook his fist at her.

"Curse you, Daring Do!" He shouted at the treasure hunter, who tilted her hat victoriously.

The CMC, Spike and Gizmo all cheered with excitement. Though, the CMC seemed too excited. So excited that once they threw their arms in the air, they accidentally flipped over a tray carrying their food and drinks. One of those drinks being a opened bottle of water.

Time seemed to slow down as the water bottle flew in the air. Once it was coming down, it was heading towards Gizmo's direction. The CMC noticed and all tried to catch the airborne water bottle as they all screamed.


Once Gizmo noticed what happened, it was already too late.


Once the water bottle hits Gizmo and splashes at him, Gizmo starts screeching in pain and lays on the ground.

Once Gizmo starts screeching, everyone in the barn immediately heard it. They didn't know what it was for a second, but immediately knew who was making that screeching sound and where it's coming from.

Fluttershy immediately sprung up and ran out the barn as fast as she could.

"Gizmo!" Fluttershy cried out as everyone quickly follows her.

Fluttershy bursts through the front door and rushed towards the stairs. She slips a bit due to her boots being covered in snow but quickly picked herself back up as she runs up the stairs. Once everyone was upstairs they immediately entered Applebloom's room to find Gizmo on the ground screeching.

"Girls, what happened?" Leo eagerly asks as Fluttershy froze in place, watching Gizmo squirm on the ground.

"W-We were watching the movie and we got excited!" Scootaloo explains in a panic.

"So excited we accidentally knocked over our tray and..." Sweetie Belle could barely finish due to feeling guilty.

But April immediately guessed what happened due to seeing water on the floor.

"Yous got him wet?!" April said in disbelief.

"It was an accident!" Applebloom explained.

"Well, at least it wasn't me who messed up this time." Zephyr said, earning a look from everyone.

"Yeah no kidding." Mikey nods, feeling abit weird that he wasn't the one who screwed up either.

Both boys earned a slap on the head from Raph.

"Will you two zip it?!" He screamed at them.

"We tried to catch it but it was already close to him!" Scootaloo exclaimed.

They all watch in worry as they see Gizmo still screeching and his back buldging- no, boiling! His back was throbbing and steaming at the same time like boiling water.

"What did you girls spill on him?" Fluttershy said as she watched in horror on what's happening to Gizmo.

"Nothing, just water!" Sweetie Belle answered in a panic.

Gizmo continued to screech and scratch on the floor before something, no one ever expected to happen. A ball of fur pops out of Gizmo's back and lands on Applebloom's bed, making the three girls scream and jump off the bed, hiding behind their sisters.

Everyone was in complete shock and speechless after witnessing what just happened.

"What is that?" April finally spoke.

"I have no idea." Donnie answered, just as confused as April.

They looked closer and see the ball of fur was slightly buldging, kinda getting bigger as it does.

"Is it alive?" Karai asked as she watches it.

"No clue." Leo answered unsure.

As the ball of fur continues to buldge, four more balls of fur pops out of Gizmo's back and lands on Applebloom's bed. Just like the first ball of fur, they began to buldge and grow bigger.

But the first ball of fur stops growing and begins to... unfold? Everyone was in complete shock to see that the ball of fur was unfolding into a Mogwai! And once the other four ball of furs stop buldging, they start unfolding into mogwai too. Everyone watches in shock to see these new Mogwai being born as they start making little noises. One of them yawns after finishing up and slowly opens it's eyes.

Fluttershy slowly walks towards Gizmo and picks him up from the floor.

Donnie finally broke the silence as he still couldn't believe what he just witnessed.

"I don't believe. Gizmo just spawned Five New Mogwai."

"Whoa, this is just like what happens in my comic!" Mikey said as he pulled out a comic book. "The Wrath of the Sprites! Little trouble making sprites that multiply when they get wet! Except their process is more, visually traumatizing."

Mikey showed the panels of his comic of one sprite getting wet from a drop of water and graphically splitting into two sprites.

Raph groaned once Mikey began comparing the events that just happened to his comic book.

"Again with the comic books? Where did you even get that?!"

"So this is what happens when Gizmo gets wet." Leo said, still processing everything.

"He multiplies." April finished.

"Sweet, that means we all get to have our own Mogwai." Zephyr said, earning more looks from everyone. "Hey I can't be the only one thinking that."

"Still though, it's truly remarkable that more Mogwai can be spawned with just a splash of water." Donnie exclaimed as he examines the mogwai.

"They're all so different from Gizmo." April points out as she looks at the five Mogwai.

"Yeah, just look at that big boy." Karai points at a Mogwai who was bigger than the other four.

"Aww look, that one's got a cute little stripe on his head." Applebloom points out at the Mogwai with the stripe.

"Hey cutie." Applebloom walked up to the Mogwai and wiggled her finger on his chin.

The Mogwai growls at Applebloom and snaps his mouth at her finger, nearly biting her which causes Applebloom to quickly pull her arm back as Applejack holds her close. The other four Mogwai laugh at the ordeal.

"Wow, Stripe is pretty feisty." Mikey said.

"Stripe?" Leo asked confused.

"What? Cause of the stripe on his head. Thought that'd be pretty obvious." Mikey explained.

"Sure you don't wanna call him bitey..?" Applebloom grumbled to herself.

"Hmm, I wonder what names I should give the other four?" Mikey wondered.

"Uh, mabye you can decide on that in a different room, Mikey?" Applebloom suggested, feeling abit scared having the new Mogwai in her room. Especially the one now known as Stripe, who nearly bit her.

"Uh, yeah let's take them downstairs." Leo agreed with Applebloom. "So, who's gonna carry them downstairs?"

It suddenly got quiet again as everyone was either looking around the room to avoid eye contact, or looking at an invisible watch while whistling.

After awhile Leo sighed. "Fine, I'll get a box or something to put them in."

Once Leo walked out of the room to find a box, Gizmo sigh sadly and slowly shook his head, which Fluttershy quickly took notice of.

"Aw Gizmo, what's the matter?"

In the living room of the house, the five Mogwai were gathered together as Stripe was playing a tiny arcade machine as the other four either watched him, or hitting each other with candy canes as Gizmo was on the floor playing with his toy trumpet.

Meanwhile Casey had his phone out and was on a video call with Zach and Caitlyn as he and the others explained everything to them.

"So wait, once he got splashed with water, he spawned five new Mogwai?" Caitlyn recapped.

"Yeah, just plain water." Donnie answered.

"Awesome!" Zach shook the phone abit. "Can you show us?"

Casey then had the phone face the five Mogwai who were still watching Stripe play the little arcade.

"Wow, that's so cool!" Zach smiled.

"These new Mogwai act completely different from Gizmo. And Stripe seems to be the leader of the pack." Donnie points out.

"So what are you guys gonna do with those five Mogwai?" Caitlyn asked. "Is Fluttershy gonna take care of six Mogwai?"

"And are you gonna tell the old guy what happened?" Zach added.

"We're still not sure. Wouldn't be fair to have Fluttershy watch over all those Mogwai." Leo responded.

"We're thinking about splitting the Mogwai for some of us to look after. But we don't know if we should even keep them." Sunset adds.

"As for the old guy, not a chance." Casey says. "If he found out we broke the 'Don't get him wet' rule, he'll flip and would want Gizmo back."

"We can't have him stressed out when he's still recovering. Besides we already broke the first rule once" April said.

"Twice, actually." Fluttershy spoke up. "When Zephyr opened the curtains to my room and brought in light outside."

Zephyr blushed from embarrassment and whistled to himself.

"So, who's gonna take which Mogwai until you figure out what you're gonna do with them?" Caitlyn asked.

"Me and my brothers were thinking about taking one of them." Leo said.

"I've actually been wanting to study these Mogwai for sometime now, so having one in the lair would be a good opportunity to-" Donnie was interrupted when Raph covered his mouth.

"You really think it's a good idea having a Mogwai in your lab? With all your science equipment? Where Mikey can easily get to?"

After processing what Raph said Mikey immediately got mad.

"Hey! What's that suppose to mean?!"

"Do we really have to bring up your Ice-cream kitty incident?" Raph shot back.

As the brothers argued, April peeks over to the five Mogwai. They were still watching Stripe play the little arcade, making her form a little smile. But Stripe stopped playing and looks over the arcade, seeing Gizmo on the floor blowing his toy trumpet.

Stripe had a mischievous grin on his face, then started hacking up some saliva into his mouth before spitting it at Gizmo's direction. The spit lands on Gizmo's toy trumpet, causing Gizmo to stop playing and look at his now spit covered toy trumpet.

April’s smile immediately went away as she saw this. She never saw Gizmo frown so much. And what's worse is that Stripe and the other Mogwai were laughing at the ordeal and went back to watching Stripe play the little arcade like nothing happened. April wondered if these Mogwai just don't know right from wrong, or if they really intended to make Gizmo feel sad.

"Okay, so we're in agreement here?" Twilight spoke up, which immediately caught April's attention away from the Mogwai.

"Um, what?" She asked confusingly.

"We agreed that me, Sunset, Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie take the Mogwai's home with us until we learn what to do with them." Twilight recapped.

"Oh. Are you girls sure?" April asked abit worried.

"It'll be fine." Sunset assured.

"I can't wait to have fun with the Mogwai I'm taking home with me~!" Pinkie said excitedly.

"Speaking of which, we gotta start giving names to the other four Mogwai." Mikey points out as he thinks. "Hmm... what to call these little guys..."

As Mikey was thinking, one of the Mogwai whacked the Mogwai next to him with a tiny toy guitar, causing the Mogwai to fall backwards and fall off the platform they were standing on. Before the Mogwai touched the ground, it tucks into a ball and bounces on the floor once it reaches the ground. The still tucked Mogwai continued to bounce on the ground before it hits a stand, knocking over a family photo of the apple family, shattering the frame making Applejack flinch.

"I got it! That guy can be Tuck. Cause he tucks into a ball." Mikey explained

"Well Tuck, owes me and my family a new picture frame..." Applejack said feeling abit irritated.

"I'm sure it was just an accident." April tried to assure, though at the same time wasn't sure herself.

"Yeah." Fluttershy agreed. "They were born just ten minutes ago."

As Mikey was thinking, he took notice that the Mogwai who hit Tuck in the head really liked hitting things in the head with whatever he had in his hand, like the tiny toy guitar.

"Hmm, that little dude really likes to hit things. How about Basher? Nah. Bonkers? Wait, I got it! Wacko! Even better, Wacko."

As Mikey was coming up with names, some of them noticed one of the Mogwai was missing.

"Hey, there's one missing." Casey points out as everyone looked around to see where it went.

Once Mona turned around, they noticed that the missing Mogwai was clinging onto Mona's back.

"Mona, it's on your back." Raph points out.

"What?" Mona gasped abit as she tried reaching over her back, but the Mogwai quickly scurries off her back and is now crawling around the floor like a mouse.

"How the heck did he get on her back without us seeing him?" Donnie pondered as he and the others were trying to catch the Mogwai.

"Goodness, he's quick for such a small creature." Rarity noted as she tried grabbing the scampering Mogwai.

Everyone continued to try and catch the Mogwai, only for Rainbow Dash to use her speed to ambush the Mogwai and quickly snatch him off the floor.

"Hah! Mabye the little scamper is too quick for you guys, but he's nothing compared to Real speed." Rainbow Dash gloated about herself.

"Oh Rainbow Dash, that's such a cute name for him." Rarity complimented.

"What is?" She asked confused.

"Scamper." Rarity repeats. "That's such an adorable name for him."

"Aww, it is adorable~." Pinkie Pie agreed.

"I think so too, that's definitely what we should call him." Fluttershy said.

Rainbow Dash groaned as she didn't intend to give the Mogwai such a lame and mushy name, as Mikey just scoffs.

"I could've thought of a better name." He pouted.

"You already named three Mogwai, Mikey." Leo points out.

"Yeah but I like giving things names." Mikey groaned like a little kid.

"Oh for the love of- look, there's one Mogwai left, so just name it before someone else unintentionally does." Raph said, not wanting to hear Mikey complain.

"Okay, let's see. He's much bigger than the other Mogwai. Both in height and weight." Mikey examines the Mogwai.

"I'm just surprised it was able to pop out of Gizmo." Casey admitted.

"Hmm... how about Bulky? No... Huffy? Nah..."

As Mikey was throwing out names, Pinkie Pie quickly chimed in.

"Oh! How about Chunky? Just look at his cute chunky cheeks~."

Pinkie Pie cooed at the Mogwai who's face clearly showed it was unamused by Pinkie Pie's name suggestion as it grumbled abit. Mikey continued throwing out names to call the Mogwai.

"Puff Ball? Heavy Bottom? Big Chungus? ...... Wait! What about-" Mikey paused for dramatic effect as he was thinking of a perfect name for the Mogwai. But then sighed in defeat as his enthusiasm went away. "Eh let's just call him Terrance."

"Well, that settles it then." Donnie said. "So who's taking which Mogwai?"

"I got Terrance." Applejack said. "He seems the less... energetic type."

"Better him than Stripe..." Applebloom mumbled, still being bitter on her encounter with Stripe.

"Oh oh! I got Scamper~!" Pinkie Pie cheered out before Sunset quickly stepped in.

"Uh, Pinkie Pie, I don't think that's a good idea."

"Aww, why not?" Pinkie pouted.

"Well Scamper looks like an active type. And if he eats any desserts you make, he'll be more active than he already is." Sunset points out.

"Ah phooey... Okay, I'll take Wacko then."

"I'll take Scamper if that's okay." Rarity offered.

"I'll take Tuck. Hopefully he won't cause too much trouble at my place." Twilight said.

"Oh! Mabye we can do a video call so we can study the Mogwai?" Donnie offered, really wanting to study these Mogwai.

"Sure, sounds good." Twilight nodded.

"Guess that leaves me with Stripe." Sunset said, looking over at the Striped Mogwai.

"And you girls are sure you're fine watching over them?" Leo asked with Twilight assuring him.

"Of course. They may not act like Gizmo but doesn't mean they'll be any trouble. We just gotta follow the three rules, and not repeat the getting them wet rule, and it should be fine."

Soon everyone walked outside, holding their respective Mogwai's in their arms, Applejack actually trying to hold Terrance in her arms as best as she could.

"Woo-wee, Terrance is heavier than he looks too." She said, adjusting him in her arms.

"Remember, girls, we'll all pitch in to help with the Mogwai's till we figure out what to do with them." Leo reminded them as they nod.

"Thanks, Leo." Sunset nodded. "I might actually give Fugitoid a call, he's gonna want to see this."

"Well we better get going. Good luck girls." Leo waved as everyone waved goodbye.

But as everyone was saying their goodbyes to each other, the five Mogwai's were exchanging looks with each other, giving each other mischievous grins as they quietly let out chuckles. Gizmo is the only one to notice, frowning and shaking his head, as he knows what's about to come.

Author's Note:


• Equestria Ninja Girls by Wildcard25

•Mikey having his mouth full of snowballs is reference to the SpongeBob episode "The Snowball Effect"

• The name for Wacko is reference to the Animaniacs character Wakko Warner, except mine is of course spelled differently.

• The name for Terrance is reference to the Angry Birds character Terence who is also bigger than the other birds, aside from Mighty Eagle and is of course spelled differently.

• Nothing interesting about Scamper's name, I just couldn't think of anything better.

• Some of the Dialog was thought of by Jebens1 which I'd like to thank him for and would also like to thank him for helping me figure out on how Gizmo gets wet. He's also the one who thought of Mikey comparing the events to his comic book.