• Published 23rd Dec 2022
  • 1,465 Views, 68 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Gremlins - Sketch App

The Turtles and Rainbooms find a creature called a Mogwai, and discover that this little creature is much more trouble than they originally thought.

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Chapter 2: New Friend

Soon the Turtles, April and Casey were back in the Shell Raiser, with April still holding the wooden box that contained the Mogwai. Karai and Shinigami had already gone back to their base, so Leo is driving Casey and April to their homes. April was looking at the wooden box while listening to the mogwai making it's babbling noises. She still had the three rules Mr.Wing told her in her head, and was still concerned that Mr.Wing was Very protective of the Mogwai. Donnie soon notices April’s silence and taps her shoulder.

"Hey, you alright April?"

April snaps out of it and looks at Donnie. "Huh? Oh, I'm fine." She looks back at the wooden box. "Just thinking about everything today. Especially about this little guy." She tapped the wooden box the Mogwai is in.

"I still don't see what the old guy was fussing about. It's just one Mogwai. How much trouble can it possibly get in?" Raph said as he leaned in his seat.

"I don't know, Raph. Mr.Wing was very serious when he allowed us to take the Mogwai to Fluttershy." April stated.

"It's true. He told us these three rules we have to follow in order to take care of this thing." Casey added.

"There are rules to that thing?" Raph said surprised. "What is it, a magical creature or something?"

"Well I know one thing. This little guy is cute~!" Mikey said as he's looking at the Mogwai, who was peeking through the box lid. "What should we call him?"

"Call him?" Leo repeated.

"Yeah! Calling him by Mogwai feels kinda weird. He deserves a name! Like... hmm.... what should we name him?" Mikey pondered as he examines the Mogwai through the slightly opened box.

"Hmm... he's furry... aaaaaand... cute like a little baby. Maybe Furby? Nah, that wouldn't work." Mikey continued to think as his brothers rolled their eyes.

"Mabye I'll think of something when we take him back to the lair!" Mikey stated as he reaches for the box, only for April to move it away from him.

"Uh, no offense Mikey, but the last time I left you alone with an animal, it mutated into an ice cream cat." April reminded about Ice-cream kitty.

Mikey thinks before rubbing his head embarrassed. "Oh yeah, right."

"I'll take him home till we see the girls tomorrow." April offered.

"Good call April." Leo nodded. "I just hope Fluttershy is up for the task."

"What're you so worried about?" Raph said. "She's friends with a bear for crying out loud. I'm sure she can handle a little Mogwai."

Everyone but Leo notices that the Mogwai is sticking his little arm out of the box, trying to fiddle with one of Donnie's devices. April couldn't help but smile as she moves the box away from the device.

"Sorry little guy, that's not a toy." She told the little Mogwai.

"Aww, he wanted to play with one of your gizmos, Donnie~." Mikey cooed, before having an idea pop in his head. "That's it!"

Everyone immediately turned their attention to him, while Leo kept focusing on driving.

"I know exactly what to call him!" He exclaimed with excitement.

The next day came. The Rainbooms were meeting at Fluttershy's house, as Leo called them and told them to. The girls were waiting and wondering why they needed to meet at Fluttershy's house as they were waiting in her room.

"Do you think something happened?" Applejack guessed.

"If something did, why are we meeting in Fluttershy's house to hear it?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Who knows why Leo wanted to meet us here. But whatever it is, we should hear him out." Sunset said, with all the girls agreeing. Soon Fluttershy's mother pokes her head through the entrance.

"Fluttershy dear, your out of town friends are here." She announced in a gentle tone.

"Thanks, mom."

Mrs. Shy nods before letting April, Casey, and the Turtles who are in their trenchcoats in. "Right this way, everyone."

"Thank you, Mrs. Shy." Leo and his brothers bows their heads respectively before she leaves them.

"So, what is it you called us here for, Leo?" Sunset asked, with the rest of the Rainbooms nodding, wanting to know too.

"Well, it's kinda a long story." Leo said.

"What's in that box April is holding?" Rainbow Dash asked as she points at the wooden box.

Spike walks towards April and tried to sniff whatever was in the box. He suddenly he heard the Mogwai's babble inside and started barking at it. The Mogwai mimics Spike's barking, causing the Rainbooms to look at the box with more curiosity.

"Did y'all get a puppy?" Applejack asked curiously.

"Well... not exactly." April answered.

"You girls might wanna sit down for this one." Leo said as he sat on one of the chairs in Fluttershy's room.

Soon they all tell the Rainbooms about the Purple Nightmares robbing a antique shop and injuring the store owner, which the girls were completely shocked to hear. Soon they got to the end of the story.

"So, after you beat those Purple punks, you guys found a creature they stole?" Rainbow Dash recapped

"Yeah, pretty much." Casey nodded.

"And, that creature is in the box April is holding?" Asked Twilight.

"That's right." Donnie confirmed.

The Rainbooms gave each other questioning looks, wondering what this new creature looked like. Though out of all of them, Fluttershy was excited to see this new creature.

"May we please see it?" Asked Fluttershy, sounding both calm yet excited.

April smiles and nods. "Of course. That's kinda the reason we brought him here."

April prepared to open the box but stopped herself. She noticed the light from the sun was beaming through the window.

"Uh, before we do, can you please shut the blinds?" April requested. "And make sure the lights are off too?"

Though a little confused, Fluttershy got up and shuts the blinds, and making sure no lights were on in the room.

"What, does this thing glow in the dark?" Rainbow Dash joked.

"Ooooh, a creature that glows in a dark sounds amazing!" Pinkie Pie said with excitement.

"No, but trust me, this is very important." April tells them before unlocking the box.

April puts her hand on top of the box as the Rainbooms watch in anticipation. As soon April lifts the cover of the box open, the creature quickly jumped up from the box, startling the Rainbooms. They only got a quick glimps of the creature since it did a quick jump from the box.

"Whoa!" Rainbow Dash jumped back abit.

"What was that?" Sunset asked.

Despite being startled, the Rainbooms had smiles on their faces as they were excited to see this new creature.

"Come closer." April suggested. "Just not too fast, this little guy is easily startled."

The Rainbooms slowly walked towards the wooden box April was holding. Then their eyes widen with excitement as they see the creature's little hands slowly reach up and grabbed the edge of the box. It then slowly lifted its head out of the box. All the girls were speechless when they see a small creature with big ears and brown and white fluffy fur, as it looks at all of them with curiosity

"Oh my word." Applejack began.

"He's... he's..." Sunset had trouble finding the word as she's entranced of the creature's appearance.

"Adorable!" Rarity finished as she cooed at the new creature she's seeing.

Out of all the Rainbooms, Fluttershy was the most star struck seeing this new creature. She didn't even say anything, as she was just staring at the creature with wide eyes and her jaw slightly dropped. The new creature then spots Fluttershy and stares at her back with curiosity.

Fluttershy slowly steps closer to the creature, making sure not to move too fast. Once she's closer, she slowly leans down to the box, being more face to face with the creature. The two stared at each other, as if they're reading each others vibes. Fluttershy slowly lifted her finger and moves it toward the creature.

The creature spots her hand and slightly slides down in the box, it's ears drooping abit. Fluttershy took note and only holds out her finger halfway, as if she wants to let the creature to reach to her instead. The creature stared at her finger for awhile.

To everyone's and Fluttershy's delight, the creature slowly reached it's hand out towards Fluttershy's finger. Soon, it's little hands touches, and grabs Fluttershy's finger. Fluttershy had the biggest smile on her face, happy to know that this little guy has already trusted Fluttershy. The creature then smiles at Fluttershy as the two stared at each other. Everyone was smiling at the scene, and even Raph can't help but smile at the sweet moment.

"Hello little fella." Fluttershy said, finally saying something after staring at awe at the new creature. "It's so wonderful to meet you." She cooed at it.

The creature gave a little shy smile at Fluttershy, seeming to already like her, despite how shy it looks.

She looks up at April. "May i hold him?" She asked, her eyes almost begging for a yes.

April's nods with a smile. "Of course, just remember to be gentle."

Fluttershy slowly reaches in and gently grabs the creature. She slowly lifts him out of the box and holds him in her arms. She looks at him with a smile as he immediately gets comfortable in her arms. The other Rainbooms slowly move in and start cooing, feeling, and petting the creature.

"He's adorable~." Fluttershy said, smiling down at the creature.

Spike jumped on Fluttershy's lap and starts sniffing the little creature. It looks at Spike and gently rubbed his nose, causing spike to wag his tail.

Fluttershy looks at April. "What is he?" She curiously asked.

"A Mogwai." April answered.

"Huh?" Rainbow Dash said in confusion.

"A Mogwai." Donnie repeated.

"Never heard of a Mogwai before." Twilight said adjusting her glasses.

"Yeah, neither of us have." Leo said as he looks at the Mogwai.

"Feels kinda weird referring this little guy as 'Mogwai'." Applejack said.

"Yo, that's what Mikey said." Casey recalled from yesterday night.

"So, what should we call him?" Sunset asked.

April then smiles. "Actually, Mikey thought of a name that we all actually like." she informed the Rainbooms.

The Rainbooms looked at Mikey, wondering what name he gave the Mogwai. Mikey smiles and gestures to the Mogwai.

"Rainbooms, meet Gizmo!" He happily announced as the Mogwai, now known as Gizmo, tilts his head with a smile.

Everyone looked at each other and smiled while nodding.

"Hey, that is a good name." Rainbow Dash said surprised.

"Oh my it is." Rarity agreed.

"How'd you thought of that name, Mikey?" Sunset asked.

"It came to me when we saw him reaching for one of Donnie's gadgets. I referred to them as his gizmos." Answered Mikey.

"Ooo, that's clever." Pinkie Pie applauded.

"Little Gizmo. I like it." Applejack said, gently scratching Gizmo's head.

"The little guy seems to like it too." Casey mentioned.

To add more delight to the moment, the Rainbooms hear Gizmo is humming a little tune, which they immediately love.

"What's he doing?" Asked a smiling Sunset.

"He's singing." Answered April. "He likes to do that sometimes."

"Well it sounds just delightful." Rarity praised as she gently scratched Gizmo's chin.

"So, you guys are looking after Gizmo while his owner recovers from the hospital?" Twilight asked curiously.

April, Casey and the Turtles look at each other before revealing why they brought Gizmo here in the first place.

"Uh, not exactly." Leo began, getting questioning looks from the Rainbooms.

"You see, we brought him to Fluttershy's house for a reason." Casey said before April took over.

"We actually brought him here so Fluttershy can watch over him."

All the Rainbooms looked surprised. Especially Fluttershy, though she was also a little excited at the same time.

"Me? Why me?" She asked curiously.

"Duh, cause you take care if animals. Makes sense it has to be you." Raph states.

"O-oh. I... I'd be happy to!" Fluttershy said before having a worried expression. "But do you think i can do this..? I don't know anything about taking care of Mogwais..."

"We know you'll do great Fluttershy." Leo assured.

"Yeah, you got this Flutters!" Mikey added as he pumped his fist.

"His owner was really reluctant of us taking Gizmo, so you're actually lucky to be having him here." Casey points out.

Gismo's owner being reluctant from giving him away lingered in Fluttershy's head. But it broke once Rainbow Dash interrupts her thoughts.

"Fluttershy, you should get a picture with Gizmo!" Rainbow Dash suggested, which Fluttershy immediately agrees to.

"Oh yes, a picture sounds nice." She smiled as she holds Gizmo closer.

Rainbow Dash took out her phone and got the camera ready. "Okay you two, ready?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Look Gizmo, we're gonna get our picture taken." She told the little Mogwai.

Rainbow Dash got her camera focused and puts her finger over the clicker. "Okay, one... two..."

Suddenly April eyes widen as she completely forgot to tell them very important details.

"Wait!" April screamed but it was too late.

Rainbow Dash took a picture as her phone flashes a light, causing Gizmo to shriek in fear. This surprised Fluttershy and the Rainbooms as Gizmo jumps off of Fluttershy and jumps onto April’s arms, shaking in fear.

"Bright light, bright light!" Gizmo said as he quivered in April’s arms.

"Oh my!" Fluttershy gasped.

"What just happened?" Sunset asked, started to get a little worried for Gizmo.

"He hates bright lights." April informed as she tried comforting the quivering Mogwai.

"I can't believe i forgot to tell you guys that there's important rules that needs to be followed for Gizmo." April said as she slaps her own forehead.

"What rules?" Asked Fluttershy, looking at Gizmo worried.

"Well, there's three rules you have to follow when taking care of Gizmo. One rule is keep him away from bright lights, but i'm sure you all figured that out." She looks down, gently rubbing Gizmo's back. "But keep him out of the sunlight. Sunlight will Kill him."

This completely took the Rainbooms by surprise, learning that sunlight will kill this poor creature.

"The second rule is don't get him wet. So don't give him any water to drink, and don't give him baths, no matter what." April said looking at the group. Then her voice turned into a more serious tone, as the final rule was really important.

"And the most important rule, no matter how much he begs, or cries. Never, EVER, feed him after midnight." April finishes.

The Rainbooms, especially Fluttershy, started to process the rules April just told them.

"Well shoot, those are some intense rules for this little guy." Applejack exclaimed.

It was silent for awhile before Rainbow Dash broke it.

"Wait, hold on, if we can't get him any water to drink, how the heck does he stay hydrated?" She asked in confusion.

"That's what I said!" Raph brought up.

"If the sunlight won't get him, dying of dehydration definitely will." Rainbow Dash points out.

"Oh Rainbow Dash, stop it!" Rarity said, slapping her arm.

"And that not eating after midnight rule." Raph began. "Isn't it technically always after midnight or something?"

"And why is it 'the most important one'?" Rainbow Dash scratched her head. "I thought they were all important?"

"Look, I don't know, these are what his owner told me before he was taken to the hospital so let's just take his word for it and not think too hard on them." April said as she pinched her forehead.

As everyone was discussing this with each other, Fluttershy was still processing the three rules she's been told. She was already a little nervous taking care of a creature she's never heard of before, but now she's even more pressured when learning these rules. One of the rules even being fatal to Gizmo. That one probably worried her the most.

After abit the Rainbooms, April, Casey and the Turtles walk out of Fluttershy's house.

"So, you guys wanna go ice skating since you're here?" Sunset asked her New York friends.

"Sounds great." April nodded.

"Definitely sounds good for me." Casey added.

"Sure, I don't see why not." Leo said with his brothers agreeing.

They all started walking when Sunset noticed Fluttershy was still at the door. She turned to her in confusion.

"Hey, Fluttershy, aren't you coming?" Sunset asked her shy friend.

"Oh, well um, I'd like to, but I think I'm gonna stay home and look after Gizmo. I am responsible for him now until his real owner gets better." Fluttershy exclaimed.

"Oh. well, okay. Well, let us know if you need help with anything." Sunset told her.

"Remember, we can help you out when we can." April added, getting a smile from Fluttershy.

"I will. Have fun everyone." She waved her friends goodbye before closing the door.

Fluttershy walks back to her room and finds Gizmo sitting in her bed. Fluttershy wonders if she's able to communicate with him. She's never communicated with a Mogwai before, but she won't know until she tries. She got on her knees, gripped her geode and starts calmly talking to him.

"Um... hello." She greeted the little Mogwai. "Um, I'm not sure you can understand me, but I just want to tell you that I will do my best to take care of you." She exclaimed.

"I may have not taken care of a Mogwai before, but that won't stop me caring for you. I will treat you as if you're already family, and make sure you are well cared for." She smiled warmly at Gizmo.

She waited to see if he'll respond. But all she got was him tilting his head in a cute fashion.

"Um, do you understand me?" She asked curiously.

There was a slight pause. Then he smiles warmly at her, cooing at Fluttershy in a innocent manner. This was enough to convince Fluttershy that he understands, gently patting his head.

"I'll take that as a yes."

The day has gone by, now being night time. Fluttershy, in her pajamas, is in the kitchen. She's looking in the fridge to look for something to feed Gizmo. Since it was 8:00 she had time to feed him before midnight. She soon spots a bowl of fruit salad she was saving.

"Oh, mabye he'll like a fruit salad." She wondered as she grabbed the bowl.

She shuts the fridge and starts walking back to her room. But not even out of the kitchen door she stops.

"Wait... one of the rules says I can't get him wet. and fruit has juices in them." She pointed out to herself. "If he eats a fruit, and juice gets all over him, would that count as him getting wet? Or does it have to be just plain water..?"

She was thinking hard on this before going back to the fridge and putting the fruit salad bowl back. "Better not risk it..."

She looks for something else for Gizmo to eat as she scratches her head.

"Wow, this is hard... I don't even know what kind of food he likes to eat. I probably should've asked before coming in here."

She looked in one of the fridges cabinets and spotted a bag of sliced carrot sticks. She grabs the bag and examines it.

"Hmm.... well, I hope he doesn't mind carrot sticks. Wish I knew if I should even let him drink something with a straw..." she said to herself and shuts the fridge.

She was back in her room and handed Gizmo the bag of sliced carrot sticks.

"Um, hope you don't mind carrot stick for now. I'm not exactly sure what you like to eat yet." She exclaimed to the Mogwai.

Gizmo pulled out a carrot stick and starts sniffing it. He soon takes a bite out of it and starts chewing. Fluttershy smiles seeing he is still crunching on the carrot stick, indicating he likes it.

Fluttershy sits and slumps in her bed sighing to herself. Her phone soon starts ringing. She checked the caller ID and saw it was April calling before answering.

"Oh, hello April." She greeted.

"Hey, Fluttershy. Just checking in seeing how you're doing." April exclaimed.

"Oh, I'm okay thanks." She told her friend.

"How is everything with Gizmo? Everything alright?" April asked.

Fluttershy took a moment to come up with a response before answering. "Well, it's a little hard if I'm being honest. I had trouble figuring out what to feed him. At first I was about to give him a fruit salad, but then I remembered that fruits have juices in them, and it might count as him getting wet." Fluttershy exclaimed to April.

"I settled with carrot sticks, but im still not sure what exactly I should feed him. Or if there's curtain food he likes." Fluttershy sighs.

"Hmm, I can see how that's tricky. But I gave him a plate of spaghetti when I had him at my house, and he seemed to like that. I guess it doesn't matter what kind of food you should give him, as long as it doesn’t have any liquids inside them." April exclaimed.

Fluttershy thought about it for a moment, and seems to like what she's been told. "I suppose you're right. Thanks, April."

"Anytime, Fluttershy. Remember, we're all willing to help you out whenever you need it." April reminded Fluttershy.

"I will, thanks again. Well, goodnight April." Fluttershy then said her goodbyes to April before hanging up.

She looks at gizmo who is nearly halfway done with the carrot sticks. That little creature is her responsibility for the time being, so Fluttershy must give it her best to take care of him. But she knew her friends will help her along the way, so she's not too worried.

After a half hour, Fluttershy decides it's time to turn in. She threw the empty bag away since Gizmo finished his carrot sticks. She got up and took out one of her drawers from her dresser. She sets it down by her bed, grabbed a couple of sheets and a pillow, making a little bed for Gizmo.

She picks up the Mogwai and gently sets him down on the little bed she made him. He nuzzled his head on the pillow as Fluttershy puts a little blanket over him. She gave Gizmo a little scratch on the head before going to her own bed.

She pulls the covers over herself before shutting off the lamp beside her. She bends down to where Gizmo is and wishes him a goodnight in her softest tone.

"Goodnight, Gizmo. See you in the morning~."

Gizmo let's out a little yawn as he and Fluttershy start to slowly drift to sleep, awaiting for the next day to come.

Author's Note:

Finally got this second chapter done. I apologize if this chapter is less exciting than the last. I wanted to add more things in it to make it more exciting, but felt like it wouldn't fit the mood for this chapter.

This is also published in my Deviantart account, teamJOHN101

Equestria Ninja Girls by @Wildcard25