• Published 23rd Dec 2022
  • 1,479 Views, 68 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Gremlins - Sketch App

The Turtles and Rainbooms find a creature called a Mogwai, and discover that this little creature is much more trouble than they originally thought.

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Chapter 3: Gizmo's Day Out (Part 1)

The sun started to rise in Canterlot City. It's sunray beams over some houses and buildings. Fluttershy's house being one of them. Inside, Fluttershy was sleeping peacefully in her bed, along with Gizmo in his little bed Fluttershy made for him.

Around 7:00am Fluttershy's little alarm goes off, waking her. She shuts off her alarm and sits up from her bed, stretching and yawning. She looks over the edge of her bed and sees Gizmo is also waking up, yawning and blinking his eyes.

Fluttershy smiles at the Mogwai as she wishes him a good morning.

"Good morning, Gizmo~. Hope you slept well."

Gizmo smiles at Fluttershy, responding with a little babble.

Fluttershy smiles and nods at Gizmo, slowly understanding him abit. "Well that's good. Later on I'm gonna take you out to the mall so you can experience Canterlot City." Fluttershy exclaimed to Gizmo.

"It could get cloudy later, so the sun should hopefully not be a problem. But just to be on the safe side I'm gonna carry you in my backpack."

Fluttershy sits on the side of her bed, slips her slippers on her feet and stands up.

"I'm gonna go get some breakfast. What would you like-" Fluttershy stops and quickly realized something. "Oh, wait, I can't feed you yet, can i?"

Gizmo's ears drooped down as he makes a frown on his face.

"It's still technically after midnight, right? Oh, that rule is very confusing..." she frowned.

"Well, I guess we have to wait till it's twelve pm till you get to eat again. But I'm sure the fun we'll have at the mall will make time go faster." She assured the little Mogwai, which earns him a smile.

"Okay, I'll be in the kitchen. We'll head out about an hour or so, okay?"

Gizmo nods at her, having her smile back before she heads to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, both her parents, Gentle Breeze and Posey Shy are already at the kitchen with her mom making breakfast. Both her parents greeted their daughter a good morning to which she greets back. She sits down and her mom serves her a omelet with a side of hash browns and orange juice.

"Thank you mom, looks good." She smiled at her mother.

"You're welcome Fluttershy." Her mom smiles back.

Mr.Shy took a sip of his coffee before asking Fluttershy a question. "So, how are things going with that little Mogwai, Fluttershy?" He asked, clearly both parents knowing of Gizmo's presence.

"So far so good, dad. I'm gonna take him out later so he can see our city." She exclaimed.

"I think it's so sweet of you taking care of that old man's little critter for him as he recovers from the hospital. You've always been such a kind girl." Mrs.Shy smiles as she sits down on the table.

Fluttershy smiles hearing her mom's compliments to her while blushing a little bit. "It's no problem. I'm just glad I could help."

As Fluttershy ate her omelet she looked around abit, noticing someone wasn't at the table.

"Uh, mom, dad, where's Zephyr?" She curiously asked.

"Oh you know your brother. He likes to sleep in." Mrs.Shy said with a smile.

Hearing this, Fluttershy rolled her eyes with a sigh. "He's still sleeping? He's been sleeping since the day he got home yesterday."

"I'm sure your brother has just been working hard from work." Her dad tried to assure her.

"I'm just glad he's able to keep this job after so many others." Her mom added.

"I suppose." Fluttershy said, eating her omelet. "But if he continues sleeping he's gonna miss work."

After breakfast Fluttershy helps her mom clean the dishes. As she's doing the dishes, Gizmo was crawling around in Fluttershy's room, exploring. He was in her closet and pulled out Fluttershy's tambourine. He curiously looked at it and shook it abit.

Once he hears it jingle he got a smile on his face. He was immediately fascinated by the tambourine's noise and shook it again. He continued to shake it, as he enjoyed playing the instrument. This caught the attention of Fluttershy's pet rabbit, Angel, who was getting annoyed by the tambourine's constant shaking.

Angel kicked his cage open and hops over to the mogwai and swipes the tambourine from Gizmo and throws it aside, shooting Gizmo a look of annoyance.

Gizmo tilt his head at Angel, wondering why he's so grumpy. Gizmo then wanted to try being friends with the white rabbit and waved his hand hello at him. Angel gives Gizmo a suspicious look. Despite meeting him last night, Angel doesn't fully trust or like Gizmo. Then again, he doesn't like any other animal who keeps Fluttershy's attention away from him. Plus Gizmo ate all the carrot sticks he was looking forward to.

Angel turns his back from Gizmo and hops back to his cage, drinking his water. Gizmo then crawls towards the tambourine and picks it up. Once he does he starts shaking it and starts singing his little tune. This causes Angel to grit his teeth and shoves the newspapers in his cage into his ears.

In Zephyr Breeze's room, he was in a very deep sleep. Loving the warmth of his blanket, the fluffy-ness of his pillow, and just his nice, quiet room. But that silence was now broken by the sound of his alarm clock.

Zephyr Breeze groaned as he's swinging his hand around, trying to shut off his alarm clock. Once Zephyr finally shuts off his alarm clock, he groans, rolling on his back as he puts his hand on his forehead.

"Man, what's the point of having a winter break if I can't even enjoy it? Lousy mall job." He groaned to himself as he sits up sighing.

"Well, better get it over with."

Needing a ride to the mall, he goes to his sister's room to ask if she can drive him.

"Hey sis, you in here? I need a ride to my job." He looked around and didn't see Fluttershy in there.

Noticing that Fluttershy's room is abit dark, he walks over to open the shades.

"Man sis, if I stare into your room in the dark any longer, I'm gonna fall asleep on your bed."

Soon Fluttershy walks to her entrance after hearing Zephyr's voice.

"Were you calling me Zephyr?" She asked.

But Fluttershy's eyes immediately shrunk once she saw Zephyr was by the curtains and had his hands on them. Fluttershy immediately tried to shout at him to stop.

"Zephyr wait!" She called out, but it was too late.

Zephyr opens the curtains to her room, letting in the brightness of the sun. The brightness hits Gizmo, causing him to screech in pain, covering his eyes.

Fluttershy quickly grabs her blanket, jumps over her bed and immediately covers Gizmo with it, using her body to cover him for extra measures as Gizmo repeats, "Bright light, bright light!"

"Shut those blinds, shut them now!" She ordered her brother which he immediately does.

"Whoa, easy sis! What're you, secretly a vampire?" He joked, but immediately backed down when Fluttershy shot a look at him.

Soon Fluttershy calmly sighs and lifts the blanket off of Gizmo.

"Are you okay Gizmo?" She asked the quivering Mogwai.

Zephyr sees Gizmo and was quickly surprised by him. "Whoa, what is that thing."

"This is Gizmo." Fluttershy answered, "A Mogwai."

"Where the heck did he come from?" Zephyr scratched his head.

Fluttershy, who was still abit angry at Zephyr, looked at him and answered. "He arrived here yesterday. I'm looking after him until his real owner gets better. If you weren't sleeping all day yesterday, you would've known. And especially know that if he comes into direct contact with sunlight, it'll kill him."

Zephyr, now feeling guilty, frowns and rubs his neck. "Oh, geez. I'm sorry sis. I uh.... didn't realize. Didn't mean any harm for this little guy."

Fluttershy soon calms down. She knew Zephyr didn't mean any harm, so she won't hold it against him. "It's okay Zephyr. Just please be more careful around him."

"You got it sis." He smiled at his sister.

"Sooooo, now that we got that out of the way, do you mind driving me to work?" He gave her a pleading smile, making her annoyed look come back.

"Zephyr Breeze." She said between her teeth.

"I know, I know I said I would start using the bus from now on." He exclaimed. "But I still need time to get ready. I still haven't showered or had breakfast, and you know I can't get things done on an empty stomach." He gives her an innocent smile.

Fluttershy sighs and pinched her forehead before answering. "You're lucky that I'm actually heading there soon."

"Thanks, sis! You're the best big sister ever, you know that?" He hugged Fluttershy who was still giving him an annoyed expression.

Soon Zephyr walks to the bathroom and begins to shower. Though he likes to take his time in there as he basically starts singing in the shower. Once he finishes he dries up and puts on his work cloths. He then brushes his teeth before heading to the kitchen for breakfast.

He sees that his mom already set a plate of omelet on the table for him some time ago. But by then it was already cold, so he ends up microwaving it before eating. By the time he finished Fluttershy had put on her winter attire and gently puts Gizmo in her backpack. She glances at Zephyr.

"Ready to go?" She asked her brother.

"I'm ready to role." He answered as he puts on his winter coat and boots.

Fluttershy opens the door. It was now cloudy and the sun was blocked by the clouds. But still wanting to play it safe she keeps Gizmo in her backpack as she glances behind her.

"Ready to see the city, Gizmo?"

"Ready." Gizmo responded. Fluttershy slowly got use to Gizmo saying some English words, even if it's not full sentences.

Zephyr walks out, already shivering from the cold. "I know I'm ready. Why does the weather have to be so cold?" He complained, earning Fluttershy an eye roll.

Fluttershy unlocks her car and sits in the driver's seat, with Zephyr sitting in the passenger seat. Fluttershy puts on her seat belt and gently hands Zephyr her backpack containing the Mogwai in it.

"Make sure you don't drop him. He's a very delicate creature." She informed her brother.

"You can count on me sis! I'm known to be a very safe person." He exclaimed.

Fluttershy stared at him for abit, before clearing her throat as she nudges her head towards his seat belt.

Catching on Zephyr quickly puts on his seat belt, looking sheepish. "Hehe, right."

Fluttershy then inserts the key in the ignition, but her car doesn't turn on, only sputtering. Fluttershy turns the key again but the same thing happens in the process.

"Oh no." Fluttershy says in dismay.

"What? What's the problem?" Zephyr asked, starting to look concerned.

"I thing the cold is messing with the engine." She informed.

"Oh no! If the car won't start, I'm gonna be late! And if I end up taking the bus, I'm gonna have to wait some time before it actually shows up! And even if it does im gonna be Really late! And I'm gonna get fired! I can't lose another job!" Zephyr started to panic as he slightly clenches on to Fluttershy's backpack, making the Mogwai inside babble in worry.

"Zephyr, calm down. It's gonna be fine. It just needs to warm up is all." Fluttershy tried assuring her brother, in hopes that he won't clench her backpack any tighter.

Fluttershy takes a deep breath and turns the ignition again, cranking the engine. When it still doesn't work Fluttershy turns the key again, this time pumping the gas pedal a few times in the process. The car continued to sputter as Fluttershy kept cranking the engine. Fluttershy had a focus face on as she kept trying the engine. With one more turn of the key and one final pump of the gas pedal, the car sputters to life, both siblings sighing in relief.

"See? Nothing to worry about." Fluttershy told her brother as she shifts the car to drive and drives out of the driveway, driving to the city.

They are on the road and driving through Canterlot City. Inside the backpack, Gizmo was peeking through the open part of the zipper and looking out the window. Gizmo watches as they pass different buildings. Never have been taking out from the antique shop, Gizmo was fascinated by the city Fluttershy lived in. The buildings were colorful, alot of different people in winter outfits, and all the beautiful snow laying around.

When they pull up to a red light, Gizmo stares at a coffee shop. He then sees Vinyl Scratch exiting the coffee shop with hot chocolate, and a pastry treat, which Gizmo was immediately entranced with. His eyes were glued on the beverage and treat, almost drooling from his mouth.

Once the car starts moving again, Gizmo's face immediately dropped with sadness as he watches the drink and treat move away from his sight. His little stomach started to grumble as he held his tummy in sadness.

As they drive on the road, Zephyr glances down at Fluttershy's backpack, thinking about the Mogwai inside. He then looks at his sister and begins asking.

"Hey sis? Is there any other rules I should know about this guy? You know, in hopes i don't accidentally cause an accident like this morning."

Fluttershy quickly took a glance at her brother before looking back on the road. "Well, there's two other important rules you should know. The second rule is no matter what, don't get him wet."

"Why? What happens if you do?" He asked curiously.

"I... I don't really know why. The third rule is to never feed him after midnight." She informed him.

"How come?" He asked again.

"I... I'm not sure." Fluttershy admits.

"Why are those rules important to know? If you don't know then why bother remembering them?"

"Look, that's just what his owner said. And if I'm gonna look after Gizmo, I gotta obey the rules. And you should too." She exclaimed.

"Okay, okay, whatever you say, sis." Zephyr shrugged.

Fluttershy parks her car at the mall parking lot. Since it's still a little early not too many parking spaces are taken up. Both Zephyr and Fluttershy exit the car as Zephyr hands back her backpack before both walk inside the mall.

"Thanks again, sis. I owe you one." He patted her head.

"You owe me six, actually." Fluttershy points out.

"Heh, hey now, no need to start doing math around me." He sheepishly smiles before walking off. "See ya!" He called out.

Fluttershy rolled her eyes, but smiles. She then opens her backpack abit and looks inside.

"Okay, Gizmo, you ready to have a look around in the mall?" She asked the Mogwai who babbles in excitement.

Fluttershy then began walking around the mall while carrying Gizmo on her backpack. The first store they go in was of course a pet shop. Fluttershy was looking at all of the different kinds of pets. From fish, to hamsters, to birds, to cats and dogs. She was also getting a few things for Angel as she walked around. Once they pass the dogs, they immediately smell Gizmo in her backpack, causing them to bark. Gizmo mimics their barking, making the dogs bark louder. This gets everyone's attention, all looking at Fluttershy. This was Fluttershy's queue to get out of there, so she speed walks to the check out, payed for her things and got out of the shop.

Fluttershy soon enters a gaming store. There, Fluttershy looks at the new games, or games that are on sale, thinking if Sunset would be interested in any of them. Meanwhile Gizmo is peeking through the zipper of Fluttershy's backpack and was watching four kids playing a game called Ultimate Bash Brawlers. Gizmo was amazed by a big screen showing colorful characters jumping and moving around, fighting each other. And more amazed that these kids are controlling them. The way their thumbs are moving the joysticks and mashing the buttons, Gizmo hasn't seen anything like it.

Fluttershy was now window shopping by the clothing store, looking to see if there was something she could get Rarity. Gizmo, of course, was peeking through the zipper. Not only that, he was staring at a boy, Mint Chip, eating ice cream. Gizmo can't help but stare at the ice cream, being hungry and all. Mint Chip then notices Gizmo's eyes peeking through the backpack and his eyes shrunk in shock. Gizmo quickly noticed Mint Chip looking at him and the two lock eyes. The two stared at each other a good while before Fluttershy walks away with the Mogwai. Mint Chip continue to stare as his ice cream slowly dropped to the floor.

As Fluttershy was walking, she comes across the malls water fountain. As she's watching the water fountain, she gripped the straps of her backpack tight and quickly walks away from the fountain.

Fluttershy looks back at her backpack as she walks. "You doing okay in there, Gizmo?" She asked the Mogwai.

Gizmo responds with a happy babble. Fluttershy continued to walk before two recognizable people approached her. It was April and Karai in their Masseuse uniforms.

"Hey, Fluttershy!" April greeted her friend with Karai waving.

"Oh! April, Karai, hi! I didn't know you two were working here on Winter break." Fluttershy said.

"Yeah, I didn't think we'd be here too if I'm being honest." April told Fluttershy.

"But it turns out it's the best time of year to be working here." Karai exclaimed.

"Yeah. Alot of people will be doing alot of Christmas shopping here. More shopping means more stress for these shoppers. More stressed shoppers means more customers for us." April explained.

"And boy, are people stressed during this time." Karai added.

"Oh. Well, I'm glad it's working out for you two." Fluttershy smiled.

"We're on our lunch break right now, so that's why we're out here." April explained with Karai nodding. "So, where's Gizmo?"

"Gizmo?" Karai repeated confused.

"Oh, that's the name Mikey gave the Mogwai." April explained to the kunoichi.

"Oh, Gizmo is with me. He's in my backpack actually." Fluttershy exclaimed, turning around so her two friends can see Gizmo peeking out of the zipper.

"Aww, hey, Gizmo~." April cooed at the Mogwai.

"Gizmo. It suits the little guy." Karai said as she waved at Gizmo.

"You having fun, Gizmo?" April asked the Mogwai.

"Fun!" Gizmo replied.

"I wish I can take him out so he can experience Canterlot without being cooped up in my backpack." Fluttershy frowned.

Gizmo then responded with his babbles, which Fluttershy is slowly starting to understand his babbles.

"Hmm... I could bring you here after dark, but the lights will still be on." Fluttershy told the Mogwai.

April quickly stepped in, adding more to her sentence. "And you don't wanna risk getting locked in the mall, Gizmo. Trust me."

"We speak from experience." Karai shivered, remembering the time they got locked in the mall with living toys.

"Oh, that's true." Fluttershy recalled.

"So, where are you taking Gizmo? To get something to eat?" Asked April.

"I can't yet, unfortunately." Fluttershy answered. "It's only ten o'clock. I need to wait till twelve pm for him to eat."

"Yum-yum..." Gizmo said as he let's out sad babbles.

"Aww, I know, sweetie." Fluttershy empathized with the Mogwai. "But I promise, once it's time, I'm taking you out to eat at a special place."

"Oh! I almost forgot. Leo and the others will be coming here at two o'clock to hang out. So if you think it's okay, mabye you and Gizmo would wanna join us?" April said, waiting for a response.

"Oh. Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt to join." Fluttershy said nodding.

"Great! Can't wait." April smiled.

"Well, see you later, Fluttershy." Karai said waving.

"Me and Karai better get some lunch before our break is over." April waved as the two kunoichis left.

Fluttershy continued to walk around the mall, stopping at the many stores it has to offer while Gizmo watches through the zipper.

After spending some time at the mall, Fluttershy was back in her car driving on the road with Gizmo still in her backpack, seated in the passenger seat.

"I hope you had fun at the mall, Gizmo." Fluttershy said to Gizmo.

"Fun!" Gizmo answered.

"It was a nice surprise to see April and Karai there." She smiled to herself. "Thankfully i can take you out to eat now." She looked at the clock on her radio which reads 12:05pm.

"And since you've been so well behaved at the mall, I'm taking you to somewhere that have very tasty treats." She informed the Mogwai who was jumping excitedly into her backpack.

Fluttershy pulled into a parking lot and parks her car. Gizmo peeked out and saw that they were at a diner where Pinkie Pie works at, The Sweet Snacks Cafe. Fluttershy grabs her backpack, exits her car and enters the diner. Inside was decorated with Christmas decorations and Christmas music was playing in the jukebox. Shortly after, Pinkie Pie immediately greets her.

"Fluttershy~! I wasn't expecting to see you here." Pinkie Pie said in a cheerful tone.

"Yeah, I was doing a little shopping at the mall earlier. After that I wanted to take Gizmo out to eat." Fluttershy exclaimed.

Pinkie Pie gasped excitedly and looks at Fluttershy's backpack. "Is that him?! Is he in your backpack?!"

Fluttershy giggled and nods. "Yep. It might be cloudy, but I wanted to be safe and keep him in my backpack. Plus it's kinda easier carrying him around."

"Hi Gizmo~!" Pinkie bent over at the backpack, revealing Gizmo's big eyes as he stuck his arm out and waved at Pinkie.

"Let me get you two seated." Pinkie Pie said as she started roller skating.

Fluttershy followed her and was immediately seated to a table. Fluttershy was about to unzip her backpack to let gizmo out, but immediately stops and looks at the lamp above them.

"Um, Pinkie Pie? Do you mind if we dim this light above us?" She politely asked her cheery friend.

"Okie-Dokie-Lokie~" Pinkie Pie said as she roller skates to her co-workers, Doo Wop and Sunny Sugarsocks.

"Hey, girls, think we can dim the light at the table my friend is sitting at?" Pinkie asked as she motions to Fluttershy.

Both waitresses had a confused look on their faces as Sunny answers, "Uh, sure, but why?"

"Oh, you'll see~." Pinkie said smugly with a grin on her face.

The two waitresses look at each other still having their confused look but shrug as Doo Wop skates over to the light switches and dims Fluttershy's light. As soon as her table is no longer bright, Fluttershy unzips her backpack. Doo Wop and Sunny Sugarsocks got a little curious when she did so and the two skates over to her.

Once they got to her table, Gizmo slowly peeks his head out of the backpack, which both waitresses widened their eyes at the sight of Gizmo.

"Oh my gosh, that is the cutest thing I've ever seen!" Sunny claimed as she puts her hands on her cheeks.

"What is this little guy?" Doo Wop asked.

"This is Gizmo." Fluttershy answered. "He's a Mogwai."

"Mogwai." Gizmo repeated.

"Why isn't he a precious little thing." Doo Wop said smiling.

"Aww, I want one!" Sunny said, still hasn't taken her eyes off Gizmo.

"I'm sorry, but he's the only Mogwai in existence." Fluttershy told them, which Sunny immediately frowned.

"Aww, bummer."

"Well, it was still nice meeting Gizmo." Doo Wop said before the two skates back to work.

"So, what will you two like?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Hmm... is there a special?" Fluttershy asked as she looks at the menu.

"There sure is. We have the Christmas surprise special." Pinkie Pie excitedly exclaimed.

"What's that?" Fluttershy asked.

"It's a surprise~." Pinkie Pie reminded.

"Oh, right, should've figured." Fluttershy giggled before looking at Gizmo. "You think we should get the Christmas surprise special, Gizmo?"

"Special." Gizmo answered.

"We'll take the special." Fluttershy told her friend.

"Coming right up." Pinkie Pie cheered before skating away.

They waited for their food while they listened to the Christmas music on the jukebox, which Gizmo seems to really enjoy. But not only is he enjoying the music, he's enjoying everything in this diner. He enjoys seeing other people when they walk by and spot him, he's enjoying the colorful Christmas lights hung around the diner along with the other decorations, and he's enjoying being somewhere other than the antique shop. Truly, this is a great time for Gizmo.

Soon Pinkie Pie skates in with a tray, delivering the Christmas surprise special. Both Fluttershy and Gizmo got their own plates of the same thing.

"Here ya go, you two. The Christmas surprise special~!" She cheerfully announced as she shows them what they received.

"Here you got Christmas shaped cookies decorated with frosting." She explains as there are shapes of Christmas trees, snowflakes and of course Santa clause, colored with frosting.

"And you got a slice of freshly baked pecan pie. And for your beverages, a nice cup of hot chocolate with yummy marshmallows~. I put a straw in for Gizmo." She finished as Fluttershy happily examines the treats infront of her.

"Mmm, these look delicious, Pinkie Pie. Wait, is it okay for Gizmo to drink hot chocolate?" She asked, remembering one of the three rules.

"Oh I'm sure it's fine, as long as we all don't think too much about it~." Pinkie assured, as her eyes slowly drifted towards the direction of the reader.

"Well, okay then." Fluttershy said before looking at Gizmo. "What do you think of the treats, Gizmo?"

"Yum-Yum~!" Gizmo happily cheered as he stares at the treats.

"Well, enjoy you two~." Said Pinkie before skating away.

Fluttershy and Gizmo began to eat their treats. Gizmo was happily eating some of his cookies, already getting frosting on his face. Fluttershy grabs a fork, cuts a piece of her pecan pie before putting it in her mouth. Fluttershy takes in the the flavor of the pie as she smiles happily.

Gizmo, nearly done with his cookies, grabs the straw on his hot chocolate and takes a few sips from it. He let's out a little hiccup after he was done sipping. After awhile the two finished up. They finished their hot chocolates and had two cookies left and half a pie Gizmo was eating. Fluttershy puts the left overs in a plastic container before putting Gizmo in her backpack.

Pinkie Pie skates over after finishing with the check Fluttershy filled out. "Hope you two had a nice lunch~." She smiles.

"Oh we did, didn't we Gizmo?" She looked down at the Mogwai she was holding.

"Yum~!" Gizmo happily cheered.

"Great~!" Pinkie Pie said before holding out a small box.

"What's this?" Fluttershy asked curiously.

"Normally when people order the Christmas surprise special, kids would get little presents that go with it." Pinkie Pie explained. "But I figured since Gizmo is a special guest at the diner, he should get something too~."

"Oh! How thoughtful~." Fluttershy said as she takes the box and holds it out for Gizmo.

"Go on, open it Gizmo. See what you got."

Gizmo looks at the box curiously before taking the lid and removing it from the box. Inside was a mini toy trumpet. Gizmo smiled at awe at the toy trumpet and takes it.

"Ooooh, a mini trumpet~. Just the thing for a musical Mogwai like you." Pinkie Pie said as Gizmo starts blowing into the mini trumpet, letting out little toots.

Both girls smiled as they watched Gizmo play with his new toy.

"Well, see you later, Pinkie Pie." Fluttershy waved as she starts to walk towards the door.

"Bye, see you guys soon~!" Pinkie waved.

"Bye, Gizmo! Please come back soon!" Sunny Sugarsocks said waving as she has a look of sadness on her face with Doo Wop patting her shoulder for comfort.

Fluttershy walks out the door of the diner and heads towards her car.

"Well, we have some time to spare before Leo and the others arrive. Wanna explore more of Canterlot City?" She asked the Mogwai who toots his mini trumpet in response, taking it as a yes before getting back in her car and driving around town.

Author's Note:


• Equestria Ninja Girls by @Wildcard25

• The game, "Ultimate Bash Brawlers" is of course a reference to Super Smash Bros

• April and Karai being Masseuses is a reference to the art pieces by Bozzerkazooers on Deviantart•

April mentioning being trapped in the mall is a reference to Chapter 5 of @Jebens1 Magical Mayhem

• Gizmo's toy trumpet is a callback to Gizmo playing with a toy trumpet in the first movie