• Published 23rd Dec 2022
  • 1,444 Views, 68 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Gremlins - Sketch App

The Turtles and Rainbooms find a creature called a Mogwai, and discover that this little creature is much more trouble than they originally thought.

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Chapter 10: Truth Revealed/Snow Monster

Nightfall. While the turtles were sneaking in the mall to look through the mall's security footage, everyone else went home. The Rainbooms who had mogwais were feeling uneasy having them around now. With the possibility of them being the cause of the many occurrences at the mall, they start to worry about their, and the people living with them saftey.

Rarity walked in her room wearing her pajamas, getting ready to sleep. She crawls into her bed and shuts her lamp off. Before laying down, she quietly looks to her side, seeing Scamper sleeping peacefully on Opal's bed. Rarity wondered if Scamper could actually been part of everything. She didn't know since he seemed to behave well in her home.

She quietly sighed, and lays her head down. But once her head hits the pillow, she suddenly felt something underneath. She shot her head up immediately and looked at her pillow, pressing on it with her hand a few times. She felt something hard underneath, so she decided to lift the pillow up to see what it is. Once she lifted the pillow, her eyes widen in shock as she let out a quiet gasp. It was... her pair of scissors? What were they doing under Rarity's pillow? She most definitely haven't put them there. She grabbed the scissors and looked at them curiously, wondering why they were under her pillow.

As she was staring at the scissors, she took a slight glance behind the scissors, and saw the torn up dress in the room. That's when she had a slight realization. What if Opal didn't tore up her dress? Looking at it now, she noticed there aren't exactly claw marks on the dress, rather clean cuts with a few holes on the dress.

Rarity's heart sank as she thought this. She slowly looked to the side to look at the Mogwai again. He was still sleeping, but his ear slightly twitched after a few seconds, causing Rarity to gasp and lay back on her bed. She stared at the ceiling, as she gripped the pair of scissors in her hand.

On the bed Scamper was sleeping in, he still had his eyes shut as Rarity layed silently on her bed. But slowly, his mouth formed an evil grin, as he knew Rarity probably figured it out, and was proud of himself.

The next day, the Turtles immediately called everyone to meet up at the farm. Once at Applejack's house, everyone sat at the living room, with the Mogwai sitting a few feet from them. Everyone was anxious to find out what the Turtles learned.

"So? What did you guys find?" April asked.

"You all might wanna prepare yourselves." Leo warned.

"What we found out is pretty... unsettling to say the least." Donnie finished.

They then put Donnie's laptop on the table stand and showed the security footage Donnie downloaded on his laptop. Safe to say, everyone watching was in complete shock at the footage. They watch horrifically as the five Mogwai were tearing up the arcade, and were even more shocked to see them causing the fire.

"So, the mogwai were really the ones that started the fire?" Rainbow Dash asked in disbelief.

"Not just the fire. All of it." Donnie said as he flicked through the other footages.

They all watch different footages of the Mogwai causing trouble in the different parts of the mall. Seeing what's happening, the mogwai grinned as they all witness them causing chaos in the mall.

"So those fuzzballs did all of those things at the mall?" Casey said baffled.

"We're afraid so." Leo frowned.

As they watched, they got to the part where Zephyr got smacked in the butt with a high-five stick by Wacko. Seeing this, Rainbow Dash and Casey started laughing at the footage. But they stopped when they saw everyone, minus the Turtles, shooting them looks as they quickly cleared their throats.

"I can't believe it... those little five creatures managed to cause that much trouble at the mall?" Karai motioned to the five Mogwai.

"Which means they were the ones who did ruin our movie!" Applebloom said, who was in the room with them and glared at the Mogwai.

"So that means.... Scamper actually did do it!" Rarity screamed.

Everyone looked at her, wondering what she means.

"Did what?" Rainbow Dash asked her friend.

"My dress! He's the one who ruined my dress! I found a pair of scissors under my pillow which I know I didn't put there!" Rarity explained.

Everyone gasped in shock as they heard this.

"And I blamed poor Opal!" Rarity gasped in realization.

Mikey noticed his pink friend has been awfully quiet. In fact, her head has been hanging low the entire time during this whole thing.

"Hey Pinks, you okay?" He asked his friend.

Pinkie Pie slowly lifted her head up, showing she has been crying the whole time, making everyone immediately worry.

"Pinkie Pie, what's wrong?" April frowned.

Pinkie Pie sniffled as she tried to explain without stammering her words. "I.... I figured out the Mogwai were bad last night..."

"How?" Sunset wondered.

"Well.... well..." Pinkie Pie began.

Flashback to last night.

Pinkie Pie was in her pajamas, brushing her teeth in the bathroom. She was thinking about if Wacko and the other Mogwai were the ones causing all that trouble in the mall.

"There's no way Wacko would do that stuff, would he? No it's silly." Pinkie tried assuring herself, looking at her reflection.

She spat in the sink before rinsing her mouth. Once she finished, she suddenly heard her older sister's voice in the halls.

"Boulder. Boulder. Where are you boy?" Maud called out in her monotone voice.

Pinkie Pie gasped and ran towards her sister, grabbed her shoulders and started shaking her.

"Maud! Calm down! I haven't seen you this freaked out!" Pinkie Pie yelled.

Maud stared at Pinkie Pie, slowly blinking her eyelids.

"Now take a deep breath, and tell me what's wrong!"

Maud slowly let out a sigh as she began to explain her situation in monotone. "Boulder disappeared. One moment he was on the stand next to me as we were about to go to bed, and then suddenly he was gone."

"Oh no! Don't worry Maud, we'll find sweet Boulder! He's gotta be here somewhere!" Pinkie Pie assured her sister as the two walked out of the hallway. Though at the end of the hallway was a small shadow, peeking over the two sisters as it watched them leave.

The two Pie sisters looked around the house, looking fir Maud's pet rock. They both called out to him as Pinkie Pie looked in the most obscure places. Either it being under the rug, in the chimney, on the ceiling fan, even in her many different shoes. But no matter where she looked she didn't find the little rock.

"Where can he be?" Maud looked around.

Pinkie Pie gasped as she hugged her sister. "Don't start crying Maud! We'll find him!"

Maud blinked before she turned her head. "Wait, I think I hear him. He sounds like... he's in trouble."

"Oh no! Where's it coming from?!" Pinkie Pie asked anxiously.

Maud began to follow the 'noise' as Pinkie followed her. They then got to the kitchen, and horrifically see that Boulder was in... a cup of water.

"Boulder!!!!" Pinkie Pie screamed as she ran towards the glass containing the rock.

Pinkie Pie grabbed the glass and immediately dumped the water and Boulder out of the cup. Pinkie Pie put her ear next to the rock before gasping.

"Don't worry Boulder, I'll save you!"

Pinkie then took a deep breath and started doing CPR on the rock. She did it about four times before stopping.

"Is he okay?" Pinkie Pie asked in worry.

Maud grabbed her pet rock and stared at it. Pinkie Pie waited anxiously for Maud to answer before finally responding.

"He's okay." Maud said in monotone.

"Phew! That's a relief." Pinkie wiped her forehead.

"Thank you for saving him Pinkie Pie." Maud thanked her sister.

"Ah it's no biggy~." Pinkie smiled. "Though how did Boulder end up in a glass of water in the first place?"

Though in Pinkie Pie's room, Wacko was standing by Pinkie Pie's closet, having ripped it open and had a hammer in his hand. He pulled out the gingerbread model of Pinkie Pie, Maud and their house and stared at it with a grin. He lifted the hammer over his head, staring at the model for a few more seconds before.


Pinkie and Maud heard the noise upstairs, and immediately, Pinkie Pie had a sinking feeling. She quickly ran to the stairs, ran to her room and gasped at what she sees. Her eyes began to tear up before she started crying hard.

Wacko was sitting on the floor, with the gingerbread model he just smashed and was eating it, having the gingerbread Maud's head in his mouth.

"Waaaaah!!!! Wacko, why?!?! Why?!?!" Pinkie cried.

After the story finished everyone gasped in shock as Pinkie Pie was crying.

"He smashed the present I made for Maud! Smashed it to teeny tiny pieces! And started eating those pieces!" Pinkie balwed.

Everyone felt empathy for Pinkie Pie as they tried comforting her.

"Pinkie Pie, I'm so sorry." Leo frowned.

"You worked so hard on that present." April patted her friend's back.

Out of all of them, Fluttershy was the one who was in most disbelief.

"But... I don't understand..." she began. "Why are these five so... bad, when Gizmo is so sweet..?" Fluttershy gripped the Mogwai in her arms who was frowning.

"You all know it's coming, so say it with me. It's just like my comic book." Mikey began explaining. "While the Sprites are peaceful creatures, they're newly spawned are the complete opposite, which is why they should never get wet."

Mikey reached for his comic to show them all, but felt nothing on him.

"Huh? Wait, where's my comic?" Mikey looked around.

Suddenly he spotted the Mogwai. Somehow, Stripe snatched Mikey's comic off of him as he and the other Mogwai giggled. Stripe then tossed Mikey's comic into the fireplace, causing Mikey to shriek.

"Aaaaah!!!! My comic!" Mikey ran towards the fireplace to get the comic out.

Mikey tried grabbing the comic, but obviously doesn't work as he slightly burned his hand.

"Hot hot hot!" Mikey shook his hand.

He quickly grabbed one of the metal sticks and shoved the comic out of the fire place. He patted the burning comic, putting out some of the fire before picking up the comic and blowing on it. Soon the fire was put out, but his comic completely disintegrates to ashes.

Mikey frowned as his body wobbles. "That was one of the rare issues..." Mikey said before fainting.

The mogwai laughed at the ordeal, making Raph angry.

"Alright you little punks, I dont know what your deal is, but no one messes with my little brother's stuff but me!"

Soon Rarity joined in. "After everything I've done for you, Scamper! Sheltering you, grooming your fur, making you nice sweaters, and you repay me by cutting up my dress?! And you framed it on poor Opal!"

"And you Wacko!" Pinkie Pie began. "You knew that present was made specially for Maud! Yet you destroyed it! Not only that, you ate the pieces! Only Maud was allowed to eat the tiny me and her! Not to mention you nearly drowned Boulder!"

As the two girls were yelling at their Mogwais, Applejack had a realization herself.

"Wait a minute... framing Opal, nearly drowning Boulder? Which means..." Applejack gasped. "You did it to Winona!"

Everyone looked at Applejack confusingly.

"What did he do?" April asked, though wasn't sure if she wanted to know.

Applejack sighed and tilted her hat. "A few days ago, during the middle of the night, we heard Winona crying. When we went to look for her, we saw... she was dangling on a tree outside... during a blizzard."

After Applejack explained, they all gasped in horror.

"She was what?!" Karai couldn't believe it.

"That's terrible!" Sunset frowned.

"And Terrance was the one that probably did it! It certainly explains why she was being so distant with him lately!" Applejack realized.

They all looked at the big Mogwai. Once Applejack explained this, he grinned, which made everyone gasp.

"That's sick Terrance! Like really sick!" Casey yelled.

"And Applejack, the Mogwai are probably the reason the laces on your skates got loose, causing you to hurt your knee!" Donnie points out.

After hearing that, the Mogwai laughed again, which made everyone angry.

"You little cretins!" Rarity frowned.

"And to think we saved you from Mrs.ColdHeart!" Raph slapped his forehead.

"That's it, I can't have Terrance in my house anymore! I just can't." Applejack exclaimed.

"Same here with Scamper! Can't believe I thought he was so sweet!" Rarity huffed.

"Wacko is so out of my house!" Pinkie screamed.

"I can't have Tuck living with me either! After hearing what those Mogwai did to your pets, I don't wanna imagine what Tuck could do to Spike!" Twilight said.

"Now that I know Stripe has been keeping me up all night on purpose, I'd be happy to get rid of him!" Sunset admitted.

"So what're we suppose to do with them now?" Casey asked.

"I say we just dump them in the nearest deep forest and leave them there, let nature be their problem." Raph suggested.

"They're crafty creatures, Raph. Who knows what kind of trouble they'd cause in the forest. Plus if they find a lake and get wet, they could multiply to more trouble making Mogwai." Donnie explained.

As everyone was talking about what to do with the Mogwai, Fluttershy frowned. She didn't wanna believe the Mogwai were capable of such things. Gizmo is so sweet, so why are the mogwai so... misbehaved in her own words. While the evidence is clear, Fluttershy didn't wanna believe little creatures to be capable of such things. And she definitely didn't like hearing her friends suggestions on what to do with them.

As everyone was distracted, the Mogwais looked out the window. They saw the sun being completely covered by the winter clouds. That's when they saw a snowplow across the street. The man driving the snow plow parked the vehicle and stepped out, wanting to gets some coffee. That's when the Mogwai had evil grins on their faces.

"How about if we send them to the Purple Dragons? They could think the Mogwai are new pets or something and find out the hard way they're actually pretty evil." Mikey suggested.

"Mikey, we can't do that. The Purple Dragons could lock them up and sell them to the wrong hands." Leo explained.

"Plus if the Mogwai are loose in New York, that would be big trouble." Donnie added.

Suddenly everyone started to shiver.

"Hey, why is it so cold in here?" Casey shivered.

They looked and saw the front door opened. And the Mogwai gone! Everyone quickly ran out of the house and looked around frantically.

"Where did they go?!" April panicked.

"They couldn't have gotten far!" Leo hoped.

That's when they heard an engine turning on. They looked across the street and saw the Mogwai inside the snowplow. And Stripe was on the wheel!

"The Mogwai! They're in the snowplow!" Sunset gasped.

That's when the snowplow started driving... backwards. The vehicle was swerving left and right as the Mogwai laughed maniacally. The vehicle then started driving towards the group! They quickly jumped out of the way as the snowplow crashed into a tree.

Inside, Stripe ordered his Mogwai companions. Scamper grabbed the gearshift and pulled it to drive with a grunt. Tuck, who was by the pedals, threw his body on the gas pedal, making the snowplow shoot forward as Stripe steered the vehicle onto the street.

"Okay, I'm getting really sick of those Mogwai!" Raph said as he watched the snowplow drive away.

"Quick! Into the Shell Raiser and Party Wagon! We gotta stop those Mogwai before they hurt someone!" Leo ordered as everyone hurried to the vehicles.

Once they drove off, the big Mogwai Terrance who was hiding under the porch, poked his head out and watched the group drive away. He chuckled to himself as he turned his attention towards the barn house.

On the streets of Canterlot, the snowplow was speeding through the road, swerving left and right, nearly hitting cars as they swerved off road. Stripe was laughing frantically as he turned the steering wheel constantly. He had the snowplow drive through mailboxes, causing the letters inside to fly out as the four Mogwai laughed.

Their laughing stops when Stripe turns around to see the Shell Raiser and the Party Wagon driving after them. Stripe chuckles as he turned his attention back on the road.

"How are we suppose to stop them?" Twilight wondered.

"I got this!" Rainbow Dash suddenly opened the door to the Shell Raiser.

"Rainbow Dash, what're you doing?!" Leo shouted as he steered the vehicle.

"Trust me, I got this!" Rainbow Dash said before jumping off the Shell Raiser and using her speed to run towards the snowplow.

Rainbow Dash quickly ran to the driver's side and grabbed on to the open window. "Hey you little creeps! Stop this snowplow right now or im gonna-!"

Rainbow Dash was then getting bonked on the head by Wacko, holding a wrench he found in the vehicle.

"Ow! Ouch! Hey! Knock it off you little- Ouch!" Rainbow Dash grunted in pain as her grip on the window loosens.

With one more hit, Rainbow Dash looses her grip on the window, stumbling over her feet before falling and sliding on the road. The two vehicles quickly swerve around Rainbow Dash as Sunset calls out to her.

"Rainbow Dash!"

"Go on, I'll catch up!" The Rainbow haired girl assured.

April in the party wagon, turned towards the group. "Anyone else got any ideas?"

Over the comm, Raph activated the trash cannon. "I'll just blast that snowplow off the road."

"No!" Everyone shouted.

"It's too risky!" Leo explained. "It could cause more damage and hurt someone."

"And without a snowplow, the roads won't be safe to drive on!" Mikey panicked.

"And you could hurt the mogwais..!" Fluttershy added, though no one really reacted to that.

"Shinigami, take the wheel, I got an idea." Donnie explained.

"If you say so." Shini said as she and Donnie switched seats.

"Donnie, what're you planning?" Leo asked through the comm.

"Rainbow Dash kinda had the right idea. I'm gonna try to get inside the snowplow and stop it myself. You drive up ahead and clear a path." Donnie explained.

"Hope you know what you're doing, Donnie." Leo drove the Shell Raiser up ahead infront of the snowplow and honked, making a clear path on the road.

"Why don't we just use the Shell Raiser to stop the snowplow?" Mikey asked.

"Because if we do, it could either make the snowplow swerve and crash off road, damaging it. Or it could just destroy the snowplow entirely." Leo explained.

Inside the Party Wagon, Donnie began to climb out the window. "April, come with me, I could use some help."

"Sure thing D." April nodded as she followed Donnie.

Once on the roof, Donnie called out to Shinigami. "Shinigami, drive us next to the snowplow!"

Shini nods as she shifted gears and pressed down on the gas, speeding the Party Wagon forward. Once next to the snowplow, Donnie and April quickly jumped on the roof.

After hearing a thud on the roof, Stripe grinned as he swerved the vehicle as Donnie and April held on tight.

"This Mogwai is a reckless driver!" April criticized.

Once Donnie got to the passenger window he began to climb in.

"Alright, joyride is over! Time to-!" He stopped when he saw Wacko holding something infront of his face. "Is that an inhaler?" Donnie asked confused.

That's when the Mogwai sprays the inhaler directly into Donnie's eyes. The tech Turtle stood still before holding his eyes as he screamed in pain.

"Aaaaagh! I can't see!"

Donnie leaned his body back as he began to tip off the vehicle.

"Donnie!" April cried out before grabbing Donnie and stopped him from falling onto the road.

She quickly jumped in and pulled Donnie inside the vehicle. Once Donnie gained his vision back, he glared at the Mogwai who sprayed him.

"Alright Wacko, you're gonna pay for-!" He stopped when Wacko sprayed cheese into Donnie's eyes, causing the Turtle to scream in pain again.

"Aaaaah! Why does this guy even have that in his truck?!"

Then Wacko and Scamper jumped on to the turtle, scratching and hitting him constantly.

"Get'em off, get'em off!!!"

"Hang on Donnie!" April cried.

She grabbed hold at one of the Mogwai and tried pulling it off his face. With a few tugs April managed to pull Wacko off Donnie's face, falling backwards onto the driver's seat.

Wacko squirmed and fidgets into April’s hands as she shoves the Mogwai into a glove box. Sitting in the driver's seat, she grabbed Stripe and tried pulling him off the steering wheel.

Due to his grip on the wheel, she makes the snowplow swerve left and right, almost driving it onto the side walk. Once she got Stripe off the steering wheel, the snowplow started swerving right. Shinigami quickly uses the party wagon to stop it from swerving right, but the two vehicles scrape against each other.

Donnie quickly grabs the steering wheel with one hand as Scamper still latched on to his face. He swerved the snowplow and kept it straight as he struggles to hold it.

"April, the brakes!" Donnie shouts.

April immediately slammed her foot on the brakes, making the tires lock. But the snowplow suddenly started driving forward again. Looking down, April sees that Tuck was pressing his body on the gas pedal, making the snowplow driving forward again.

"Donnie, Tuck's on the gas! The snowplow won't stop unless he's off!" She explained as she's repeatedly pumping the brakes.

Donnie sighed, knowing full well he has to get the mogwai off the gas while scamper still latches on to his face. Donnie let's go of the steering wheel as April uses her left foot to steer. Donnie reached down and tried grabbing the Mogwai as Scamper kept scratching his face. April and Tuck continued to fight over if the snowplow should stop and go as April kept her foot pumping the brakes and Tuck pushing his body on the gas, while Stripe continued to struggle in April’s hands.

"Uh, guys? Don't wanna alarm you, but there's a turn up ahead!" Leo shouted through the comms as there was indeed a turn up ahead, with a building facing them.

"Almost, got him!" Donnie grunted.

Soon Donnie manages to grab Tuck and pull him off the gas.

"Got him!" Donnie cheered. Before the Mogwai joined scamper and latched on to his face and scratching at him.

With that, April pressed her foot hard on the brakes. It skidded on the road and finally manages to stop. April sighed in relief as she turned the ignition off.

April got out of the snowplow with Stripe in her hands as the Shell Raiser and Party Wagon pull up beside them. Donnie falls out of the snowplow as the two Mogwai were still scratching at his face.

"Someone get these two off of me!" He cried out.

Sunset and Leo grabbed the two Mogwai and pulled them off Donnie.

"Where's Wacko?" Leo asked.

"In the glove capartment." April answered.

Raph walked over to the snowplow, opened the glove box and pulled the Mogwai out of it. "Okay, now we definitely gotta get rid of these guys!" He shouts.

"But, where else can they live?" Fluttershy asked.

"Who cares?! These things are a menace, and need to be somewhere far away where they can't cause trouble!" Raph said bluntly.

"But they could possibly die on their own..." Fluttershy points out.

"You're not seriously worried about them? Fluttershy, they just drove a snowplow through the city!" Raph reminded her.

"Not to mention ruined my present for Maud!" Pinkie adds.

"And ruined my dress!" Rarity frowned.

"And left Winona in the cold!" Applejack crossed her arms.

"And let's not forget, everything at the mall!" Raph screamed. "Why are you worried about them when you should be worried what they could do to hurt someone?!"

Fluttershy didn't had a straight answer. She wanted to believe these Mogwai can be good like Gizmo. She just had to believe.

"Th-They could probably be trained to behave..! We won't know for sure unless we tried..! Right everyone?"

When no one backed up Fluttershy, she frowned. She looked at April for support.

"They can be taught, right April?"

April looked down, not being able to look at Fluttershy in the eyes. "Im... I'm sorry Fluttershy... but... They're right... the Mogwai are too dangerous to keep around."

Fluttershy's heart sank. She began to tear up, not knowing what to think anymore.

As they were having this discussion, a wisp of Equestrian Magic flies over them. It lands on a pile of snow and the snow begins to shake.

"Face it Fluttershy, these guys should have never been spawned in the first place, and that's a fact!" Raph spat out.

Fluttershy looked at the ground, can't believe her own friends want to get rid of the Mogwai, and don't care where they go. But her thoughts were interrupted when the wind started blowing.

They all felt the ground shake. They looked around till they spot the source. They then see a wind of snow forming. The snow that was once piled started coming together. It started to form what looks like a monster. A snow monster standing on all fours, icicles for claws and has icicles sticking from it's back. It turned towards the pedestrians near it and roared at them, making the citizens scream and run away. The mogwais on the other hand seemed fascinated by the monster as they ooohed at the beast.

"Any guess what that could be?" Leo asked rhetorically.

"Equestrian Magic." Sunset answered.

"We're gonna have to put a pin on this guys. For now, that's our priority." Leo pointed his sword at the monster.

"So what do we do about them?" Casey motioned to the Mogwai.

Leo thinks for a moment. Immediately, the mogwai were thrown into the party wagon and locked in as Leo had the keys taken out.

"There, now they can't go anywhere." He exclaimed as he unsheathed his other sword.

Everyone draws their weapons and got into a stance.

"Let's bring frosty down!" Leo shouts.

"Oh oh! Let's call it, The Snow-Beast!" Mikey suggested enthusiastically.

Leo sighed and shook his head. The Snow-Beast turned it's attention towards the group and growled. The group and monster charged at each other as the group let out battle cries and began fighting the monster.

Leo slides under the Snow-Beast and sliced it's front legs. Casey and Donnie jumped and slammed their weapons onto it's head. The beast swung it's icey claws at Rainbow Dash and Applejack who jumped out of the way before Twilight and Leo sliced their weapons at it from behind.

Sunset and April made sure nearby pedestrians stayed clear away from the beast as the civilians ran away. Once there were no civilians, the two kunoichis charged at the beast and threw their weapons at it.

Raph jumped off a mailbox and points his sais at the Snow-Beast as he falls towards it. Once they make contact, his arms dig deep in the Snow-Beast's shoulder. Raph struggled to free his arms as the beast ran towards a building. Once reached, the beast slammed it's shoulders on the building's wall, pinning Raph against it.

Raph's body was dug into the wall as it had it's body shaped implanted on it. Karai and Shinigami jumped on the Snow-Beast's back. Karai morphed her arms into snakes and used them to wrap around the beast's horns and Shinigami used her hypno ball to wrap around the beast's neck. The beast threw it's body around as it tries to shake them off.

As the battle was going on, unknown to the group was a civilian that didn't leave the scene. In fact, the civilian doesn't realize there's a snow monster rampaging. He had headphones on as for the reason why he doesn't realize there's a battle going on. He was sitting on a bench while he was casually sketching on his phone while the group fought desperately against the Snow-Beast.

The beast managed to throw Karai off itself as Karai lands behind the unaware civilian. She held her head and groaned as she got up. Once she spots the civilian, she immediately tried getting his attention by waving her arms.

"Hey!" She called out, before the Snow-Beast rhino charged into her from behind.

The person continued to sketch on his phone as from behind, the beast now had Raph in it's mouth as it shook him violently and Raph screaming. Pinkie Pie and Mikey let put battle cries as they attacked the monster, trying to free Raph from it's mouth but they were swiped away from the beast. The beast then threw Raph up in the air as it turned it's attention towards April who was using her telekinetic powers to move her tanto fan rapidly at the beast's face.

The person then sat up from the bench and walked away, still unaware of the situation happening behind him. As soon as he left, Raph suddenly dropped on the bench he was sitting on, shattering it as Raph groaned in pain.

Mikey began taunting the monster. "Come on Snow-Beast! That the best you got?!"

The Snow-Beast then took a deep breath and fired out a icey blast from it's mouth. Mikey jumped out of the way as the blast hits the floor, making ice crystals instantly.

The mogwais, minus Gizmo, watched in awe as they saw the beast breath ice.

"Okay, that's on me!" Mikey admits.

The beast felt its back legs get slashed. It turned it's head towards Applejack who used her claws against it. It fired another icey blast at her, but she was quickly shielded by Rarity's diamond powers. This caught the Mogwai by surprise, not knowing Rarity was able to do that.

"Thanks Rarity." Applejack smiled.

"Anytime, darling." Rarity smiled back.

Applejack eyes widen and quickly pushes Rarity out of the way as the beast slammed it's claws on the ground, missing her.

Casey skates towards the beast. "Goongala!" He cried out as he fired explosive hockey pucks at the beast.

The explosions tear off some chunks of the snow beast as it roared. It then fired it's ice breath at Casey.

"Uh oh!" Casey quickly skated away from the blast as it follows him from behind.

The beast then gets hits in the face by Pinkie Pie's chain weapon, turning its attention towards her. That's when Leo and Raph took the opportunity to attack it from above. Karai and Sunset gave them a boost in the air as the two turtles prepare to swing their weapons at it.

The Snow-Beast turned it's head and suddenly more ice spikes grew onto it's back and fired them at the brothers.

Leo and Raph scream as they deflect the icicle spikes midair before the beast swung it's hand at them once they were in close proximity. They hit the ground as the monster roars at them.

Rainbow Dash uses her speed magic to run around the monster, slicing at it's legs in the process. The monster stands on two legs and was about to Slash at Rainbow Dash, when suddenly something stops it. It looks to see Twilight using her telekinesis magic to hold the beast's arms, but was struggling to hold it.

Then and explosion hits the beast from behind. Pinkie Pie was using her explosive magic against the beast as she pours sprinkles in her hand.

"Eat sprinkles, sucka!" She cried out.

She threw the sprinkles and it hits the beast, exploding on impact. The beast blew it's ice breath at Pinkie, who quickly dodged out of the way. It then blew it right at Twilight, who stopped using her magic and dodged out of the way.

"How on earth are we suppose to stop something made of snow?" Rarity wondered.

"Let's melt it!" Mikey suggested.

"There's nothing to melt it with, Mikey. And it's too cold for the weather to melt it." Donnie explained. "We need something with enough force to break the Equestrian Magic out of it."

Applejack looked around and spots the snowplow. That's when something clicks in her. "I got an idea y'all! Try to keep that beast down as best you can!"

Without giving more details, Applejack ran off. Having no choice but to trust her, Leo ordered the team.

"Mikey, Pinkie Pie, Shinigami, use your weapons to restrain the monster!"

The three pulled out their weapons and twirled them in their hands.

"It's rodeo time!" Mikey cheered as he, Shinigami and Pinkie Pie threw and wrapped their weapons at the monster.

Pinkie's chain wrapped around the monster's right leg, Shini's weapons wraps around the monster's left leg, and Mikey's wraps around It's mouth.

The monster struggles as it tugs on all the chains, dragging the three by their feet. Everyone quickly helped the three by grabbing and pulling hard on the chains. With all of them combined, the monster lays flat on the ground.

"Ha, we got it!" Mikey smiled.

Then the monster slowly started getting back up again, dragging them all.

"Spoke too soon!" Mikey grunts.

As everyone was struggling to hold the Snow-Beast in place, they heard the sound of an engine roaring to life. They all saw Applejack in the snowplow.

"It's time for some plowing!" Applejack grinned.

Applejack shifted the gear to drive and slammed her foot on the gas. The tires spin out as the snowplow shoots forward, aiming straight for the Snow-Beast. The monster struggled to break free from the chains, as Applejack plowed right through the beast, breaking it's body in half.

Applejack skidded the snowplow to a stop as they all stare at the monster. They all saw it's body laying flat on the ground, before it's shape falls apart, till it was just regular snow. The wisp that possessed the snow flies out of the pile, making Twilight pull out her magic tracker.

"I got it!" Twilight called out.

She quickly absorbed the magic into the magic tracker, letting out a sigh of relief. The mogwais watching the whole thing in the party wagon were both confused, yet fascinated by the magic they just witnessed. Not just from the monster, but from the Rainbooms. They had no idea they had such power, which intrigued Stripe.

"Well, that wasn't so tough." Raph said, though he rubbed his shoulder from the pain he endured.

"We can send the magic back to Equestria tomorrow, I left the portal ray back in the lair." Donnie said.

"Well now that that's done, we can finally get rid of those furry creeps." Raph looked over at the Mogwai sitting in the party wagon.

"But we can't just get rid of them..!" Fluttershy tried to reason.

"Fluttershy, I understand why you're concerned." Leo sympathized. "But you can't ignore the fact those guys ruined half of the mall, and did other horrible things too."

"If Sunset, Twilight, Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie don't want to keep them around anymore, where else can we put them?" April asked.

Fluttershy thinks for a moment, and came up with a solution. A solution everyone didn't like.

"I'll take them back to my place!" Fluttershy suggests.

"What?!" Everyone shouted.

"Fluttershy, you can't be serious!" Raph growled.

"I am serious." Fluttershy confirmed.

"Fluttershy, it's one thing having Gizmo to look after, but having six Mogwai in your home can't be a good thing." Donnie worried.

"We can't let you do that Fluttershy." Leo shook his head.

"It's my choice Leo, and if you all can't think of a proper place to put them in, then I'm taking them with me." Fluttershy stood her ground.

The Mogwai heard this and immediately curious to why Fluttershy was willing to let them come live with her.

"Fluttershy, reminder that they did awful things this past week!" Rainbow Dash reminded.

"She's right." Sunset agreed. "These Mogwai are serious trouble, Fluttershy. They'll do something bad the first chance they get."

"Then... I'll teach them how to be good!" Fluttershy suggested.

"Teach them to be good?" Raph repeated before laughing. "There's no teaching those creeps to be good!"

"Yeah!" Pinkie Pie agreed while pulling up a notebook.

In the notebook was a drawing of all five Mogwai scribbled the color red.

"This is their badness level! As you can see it's dangerously high for things their size!"

"I'm sorry Fluttershy, but those Mogwai are just... a bad batch!" Mikey states.

Fluttershy frowned. To her, she's hearing they have no faith that Fluttershy can change them. But Fluttershy knew they can change. She has ways with animals. She can prove it.

"I can prove you all wrong!" Fluttershy shouts.

"Fluttershy." April frowned.

"No, you're not changing my mind. I know I can turn them around. Gizmo might've been the same but look at him now. He's very sweet and caring. Why can't the same be said about them?"

Everyone sighed. It's not that they don't have faith in Fluttershy, it's they know for a fact what these Mogwai have done is unredeemable. But they knew they can't change her mind no matter what they do, especially when it comes to animals.

"Fluttershy..." Leo began. "... If they do something out of line again, we're getting rid of them."

Fluttershy stood quiet, but slowly nods. Hearing this, Stripe immediately had a thought.

"Fluttershy, Dum-Dum." He chuckled as with the other Mogwai.

Gizmo frowned and slowly shook his head. Everyone gathered around the party wagon and looked at the Mogwai.

"Now are you sure about this Fluttershy?" April asked, worried Fluttershy doesn't realize what she's putting herself in.

"I'm sure." Fluttershy nodded.

"Well alright. Let's take these five-" Leo stopped when he realized something. "Wait... one, two three four, five... aside from Gizmo, there's only four Mogwai in here."

They looked in the party wagon and saw Leo was right. There was only Stripe, Tuck, Scamper and Wacko.

"Where's Terrance?!" Applejack panicked.

"Wait.... he wasn't in the snowplow when we chased it!" April realized.

"He must be back at the farm!" Donnie gasped.

They all quickly enter the vehicles and drove towards Applejack's farm. Once they get there, they see the farm house doors was busted open.

"Oh no, no no no!" Applejack panicked.

They all rushed to the farm house, and they were shocked to see what happened inside. Terrance got through all the buckets of apples and ate every single apple. Apple cores were everywhere. Terrance was laying on the floor, having just finished an apple and tossed the core aside, letting out a belch.

Applejack suddenly got dizzy, as she started stammering her words, saying nothing but gibberish before fainting to the ground.

Soon Fluttershy had all mogwais in a big box as she started carrying them home. Everyone watched in dismay as Leo sighed and shook his head.

"Are we seriously gonna let her do this?" Raph asked baffled.

"We don't really have a choice. Fluttershy made up her mind, so she's sticking to it." Leo sighed.

"I'm still worried." April frowned. "I know Fluttershy has her ways with animals. But those five mogwais are more than trouble."

"And the winter dance is tomorrow!" Rainbow Dash realized. "What if something happens?!"

"I might have a solution." Donnie spoke up. "I'll need to get to my lab and work on it."

"Well, I guess all we can do now is wish Fluttershy the best." Leo states as they watch Fluttershy from the distance.

Author's Note:

New chapter done. Hope you're looking forward to the next


• Equestria Ninja Girls by Wildcard25

• Wacko Spraying Donnie with an inhaler is a reference to the Jimmy Neutron movie where Carl did the same thing. Carl is also voiced by Rob Paulsen

• I'd like to thank Jebens1 for suggesting the monster the group fights is a snow monster.

• The pedestrian that was sitting on the bench, unaware of the battle happening behind is... me XD. More like my EG persona and profile picture, Sketch App. Yeah i had to have myself cameo in my own story at some point.

• My persona unaware of the battle happening behind him is a reference to do thing. The first one is the scene in The Amazing Spider-Man where Spider-Man and The Lizard were fighting in the library and Stan Lee was listening to music and had his back turned to notice. The second reference is the first scene of Guardians of the Galaxy 2 where the guardians were fighting a giant alien monster and Groot is dancing in the middle of it.

• Pinkie Pie showing the mogwais' badness level in a notebook is a reference to Lilo and Stitch where Lilo did the same thing.

• Applejack fainting in the end is a reference to this scene

(timestamp 2:47)