• Published 23rd Dec 2022
  • 1,478 Views, 68 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Gremlins - Sketch App

The Turtles and Rainbooms find a creature called a Mogwai, and discover that this little creature is much more trouble than they originally thought.

  • ...

Chapter 1: A Purple Nightmare-ish Winter Break

Winter Season in both New York and Canterlot City. Snow covering most areas as snowflakes slowly drop down from the sky. At Canterlot High, the school was decorated with winter themed decorations as students were going around giving each other gift cards to each other as today was their last day of school. The Rainbooms were in the band room practicing their songs for the school's up coming winter dance next Friday. As soon as the girls finished their song they all cheered.

"Woo-wee~! That was probably our best rehearsal yet, y'all~!" Applejack claimed.

Rainbow Dash agreed as she threw her fist in the air. "We are gonna rock this Christmas dance~!"

"It's probably gonna be the best Christmas dance, EVER~!!!" Pinkie Pie claimed.

"Do you think Leo and the others will attend the party?" Twilight asked curiously.

Sunset nods in reassurance. "Of course. I texted April about it Weeks ago. She said that she and the others will definitely be there."

"Well that's good. Wouldn't really be a party without them." Applejack said adjusting her hat.

"She even said Karai and Shini will be there." Sunset added to the delight of her friends.

"That's even greater news!" Pinkie Pie said cheerfully.

"Let's practice again from the top." Sunset suggested, and the Rainbooms started practicing their songs again.

At a rooftop in New York, the Turtles were fighting the mutant spider, Spider Bytez. They were all taking turns landing hits on Spider Bytez as they dodged his acid spit and spider legs. As they all leaped in the air and swung their weapons down on him, their weapons clashed with Spider Bytez's spider legs before he throws them off.

"You freaks are finally gonna pay for breaking my phone!" Spider Bytez shouted at the top of his lungs.

"You're seriously still mad about that?!" Raph said in disbelief. "Just let it go, already!"

"I was gonna make a fortune with that video and it would've changed my life forever! But not only am I not getting my money, I'm now a hideous spider because of you frogs!" Spider Bytez said as he stomped his foot in rage.

Donnie pinches his forehead as he sighs in frustration. "We told you, we are Not frogs! We're turtles!"

Spider Bytez lunges at the Turtles as he jabs his sharp spider legs at them. The Turtles ducks and rolls out of the way as they split up.

Leo and Donnie came from Spider Bytez's left and right side as they swing their weapons at him. Spider Bytez blocks their attacks and throws them off with one push from his spider legs.

Raph came from behind and drop kicks Spider Bytez in the back, sending him flying and landing face first in the ground.

Mikey stretches his nunchucks into a chain and wraps it around Spider Bytez's legs, tying them together. "Gotcha, Spider Bytez!"

Spider Bytez got up with a grin on his face. He swung his body and tied legs around, causing Mikey to scream as he is being swung around by Spider Bytez. With one final swing, Mikey loses his grip and is flung right into Donnie with both of them hitting the ground.

Spider Bytez breaks free from the chain and starts spitting acid at the turtles which they immediately start avoiding. Spider Bytez was focusing his shots specifically on Leo, shooting rapid spit acid at him.

As Leo is avoiding the acid spit, he spots the rooftop's water tower and gets an idea. He stands infront of the water tower and starts taunting Spider Bytez.

"What's wrong, Spider Bytez? Those six eyes having a hard time keeping up with me?" Leo gave him a snarky smile.

Spider Bytez clenched his hands as he starts firing acid spit at him. Leo dodges the spit attacks, as he starts maneuvering around the water tower's leg supporters.

Leo climbed on top of the water tower as he looks down at Spider Bytez who was smirking at Leo.

"What's the matter, Frog? Too scared to fight me head on?" He taunted.

Leo responded while smirking back at him. "No, I just want to see what a spider looks like frozen."

Spider Bytez noticed the other turtles are getting to higher ground when he hears creaking. He looks at the water tower's leg supporters and they were being melted off by his spit acid.

Once it starts tilting, Leo quickly jumps off the water tower as it starts falling down.

"Nooooooo!!!!" Spider Bytez screams as the water tower hits down and water splashes on him.

As soon as the water stops pouring, the water spilled instantly freezes. The Turtles climb down and looks at the frozen Spider Bytez. Raph goes up to him and knocks on his frozen body.

"So Thats what a spider looks like frozen. It's just uglier." Raph said with a snarky tone.

Spider Bytez was slightly moving his mouth as he's doing his best to scream at the turtles. "Y-y-y-y-you f-f-f-frogs ar-r-r-re gonna r-r-r-regret th-th-th-this!"

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say, bug-sicle." Raph said waving his hand at him.

"Good work, team. We were able to put this angry bug in his place." Leo said to his brothers. "Since we defeated Spider Bytez in good time, we can head over to Karai's lair and talk plans about what presents to give for the girls."

"Ah yeah!" Mikey cheered. "Present planning time!"

The four brothers were about to start walking, but the frozen water under their feet causes them to start slipping. Mikey even ended up slipping completely, causing him to scream and fall on his back shell.

At April and Casey's high school, the day officially ends as students start walking out the door as winter break officially starts. While most students were happy that winter break has finally started, Casey was looking really sour.

"Oh man, I can't believe one of our teachers actually gave us homework on the last day! So not cool!" Casey griped.

April patted his shoulder, trying to show him the bright side of things. "Well, at least we have Winter Break to keep us in good spirit, right?"

"I suppose. But I know my dad is gonna make me finish that homework before I actually get to do anything fun!" Casey griped some more as he kicked a icicle.

They then met up with Zach and Caitlyn who greeted the two.

"Hi April, hi Casey." Caitlyn waved to the two as Zach fist bumps Casey.

"Hey you two." April began. "You guys ready for our Winter break?"

"As ready as I'll ever be!" Zach cheered.

"Got anything exciting planned?" Casey asked curiously.

Caitlyn paused for a moment before answering. "Um, I guess, kinda?"

"We're gonna be spending two weeks at our grandparents' house out of town." Zach added. "Nothing too exciting but hey, at least we know we'll be having a relaxing time."

April smiled after hearing they'll be spending time with their grandparents. "Aww, that's nice! Hopefully you two will have a good time."

"Thanks, April. Let us know how the party next Friday goes." Caitlyn said before she and her brother started walking home.

Casey turned to April as he got his bike. "Hey, Red, want to come with me to Chinatown later? I gotta find a present for my dad. I hear an antique shop there is the best place to look for a gift."

"Sure, Casey." April hopped onto his bike as Casey starts taking April home. "By the way, where did you hear that a antique shop in Chinatown was the best place to look for a present?"

"Some random kid told me when I was on my way to school. He just pulled me to the side and said that's the best place to look."

"So, some random kid pulled you to the side, told you this antique shop in Chinatown might have a good gift for your dad, and you're just gonna take his word for it?" April asked curiously.

Casey shrugs, "I don't know, but I don't have any other idea where to look, so it's worth checking out."

It was now dark. Somewhere in Chinatown, a truck pulls up at a antique shop. Seven figures stepped out of the truck, one figure being bigger than the other six. The seven figures spot the shop and start approaching it. Inside was an old Chinese man with long white hair, a beard with the same color, a long dark blue jacket, and seemed to have a glass eye. He had a pipe in his mouth as he was dusting off one of his antiques. He heard the door open and turns around to see who just walked through the door.

The people who walked through the door turned out to be The Purple Nightmares! Crunch Bar, Rift, Club, Switchblade, Stryker, Pierce, and their leader/boss, Night Terror. The old man of course didn't know anything about these seven, but he could feel these people have bad intentions.

Night Terror walked towards the old man with a confident smirk. "Hey, old man, nice antique shop you have here. Mind if me and my pals here take a look around?" He towers the old man.

The old man showed no fear of Night Terror as he stares at him in the eyes. Night Terror scoffs and turned to his team. "Check this place out, find whatever looks valuable."

The Purple Nightmares start looking around the antique shop. As they're looking, they're tossing and destroying any items they deemed lame or worthless. Rift smashes a mini statue with his crowbar and Crunch Bar kicks over a box filled with fragile items. Pierce was helping Switchblade fill a box full of items that could be worth some money as Club and Stryker check out a hung up carpet. Club taps the carpet with his bat as dust flies everywhere and the two start coughing/sneezing. As the other Purple Nightmares were doing their own thing, Night Terror was keeping an eye on the old man, making sure he doesn't do anything like call the cops.

Rift was about to smash a dragon statue, but stopped as something caught his attention. It was a noise. Babbling noise. He listened to see where the little babbles were coming from. When he followed the noise, he saw it was coming from something being covered in a blanket sheet. Rift lifted the sheet and revealed to be a cage. He looked inside and his eyes widen when he saw what was inside. He turned to his boss and motioned him to come over to him. "Boss, you're gonna wanna have to check this out!" Rift urged.

Night Terror sighs and walks over to him. But that's when the old man actually starts fidgeting abit once Night Terror walks to the cage.

Night Terror gets to the cage and looks inside. As soon as he looked inside, he was completely struck with shock. He leaned in closer to the cage to get a better look. "What... is that?" He pondered. The other Purple Nightmares got curious and stopped what they were doing to have a look themselves.

They all were shocked and amazed by this... creature that was in the cage. Well except for Club because everyone was crowding the cage for him to see. "What is that thing?" Crunch Bar asked.

"I've never seen anything like it." Switchblade added.

Club scoots in so he can finally look. Once he sees what's in the cage, he smiled and cooed at it. "Aww~."

All the Purple Nightmares looked at him with their eyebrows raised.

Club realized what he just did and was immediately sheepish. "I-I mean ah man, look at that thing! It's probably worth a fortune! Right? Hehe...". He tried to play it cool and pretend what he did seconds ago didn't happen.

Night Terror rolled his eyes and turned to Pierce. "Take this thing to the truck. Whatever it is, it's clearly not what any of us has ever seen."

Pierce nods and reaches for the cage. But suddenly a cane swipes at her hand making her pull it back. They see the old man standing near them with a cane in his hand. And for once since they arrived, he spoke to them.

"I cannot allow you to take him." He said with a stern tone.

Night Terror grins and towers over the old man. "Oh really? If that thing is the only thing in this store you don't want us taking, it must be Very important."

The old man, still holding his ground, points his cane at Night Terror. "I will say this again. You will Not be taking him."

Night Terror just grins and let's out a chuckle. "Oh, I think we will."

With that, Night Terror yanks the cane out of the old man's hand, tosses it aside and picks him up by his coat before tossing him against a shelf. The shelf tips over with him on it and the whole thing breaks as the old man lays on the floor, groaning in pain.

"Quick, get everything you got and head back to the truck!" Night Terror urged his group.

Pierce puts the sheet back over the cage and picks it up. But she trips over a un-sturdy carpet and drops the cage. They can hear the creature inside babbling in fear as the cage drops. Once it hits the floor the cage bursts open, and whatever was inside immediately scurries out of there.

"Grab it! Don't let it out of your sight!" Night Terror demands as the Purple Nightmares start chasing after the little creature.

It crawls under tables trying to avoid the people trying to capture it. Club lunges himself under the table trying to grab it. But he wasn't quick enough as he lands face first in the ground. He then tried crawling after the creature. The creature crawls out of the table as Club hits his head on a metal vase trying to get out from the table.

When the creature thinks it's home free, Stryker swoops in and snatches the creature in a wooden box, immediately locking it. "Haha, gotcha!" She grinned.

The creature started babbling in fear as it starts knocking on the wooden box.

"Enough screwing around! We gotta go now!" Night Terror shouts as he heads out the door.

Outside, Casey and April were in Chinatown on Casey's bike as they're distance away from the antique shop. Casey is looking at a note, following the address to the antique shop.

"Is that it?" April asked Casey over his shoulder.

"I think so." He stopped pedaling his bike and was about to get off before April stopped him, pointing up ahead.

"Casey, look!" She urged the hockey player.

He looks and sees the Purple Nightmares exiting the antique shop with expensive items and boxes.

"The Purple Nightmares? What're they doing in New York?" He wondered.

"Probably to do their shady business as usual." The kunoichi guessed. "And it looks like they just robbed that antique shop."

Night Terror got his goons' attention. "You four!" He points at Club, Crunch Bar, Switchblade and Pierce. "Stay in the back of the truck and make sure none of the items fall and break. The rest of you, upfront with me."

So Club, Crunch Bar, Switchblade and Pierce get in the back of the truck, closing the door as Night Terror, Rift and Stryker get in the front of the truck with Stryker taking the driver's seat. She starts up the truck and starts driving off.

April got off Casey's bike and points at the truck. "Follow them, Casey! I'll check on the store owner! And inform the guys!"

"On it, Red!" Casey gave a thumbs up before he starts pedaling after the Purple Nightmares.

April quickly rushes inside the antique shop and searches for the store owner. She gasps when she sees him on the floor groaning. She quickly rushes to his aid.

"Sir? Sir, are you okay?" She asked as she gently lifts his head.

The old man let's out a painful groan before he speaks. "Th-those fiends... they took.." He couldn't finish his sentence as he clenches his ribs.

"Don't worry, sir. My friends will get your things back. Just sit here till help arrives." April said reassuring as she pulls out her phone to call for help.

Casey is pedaling in his bike, slowly catching up to the Purple Nightmares as he takes out his phone and calls the Turtles.

At Karai's lair they were discussing what they'll be giving the Rainbooms till Donnie's T-phone rings. He checks the caller ID before answering.

"Hello, Casey?"

"Don! The Purple Nightmares are here in New York and just robbed an antique shop!" Casey quickly explained as he's pedaling after The Purple Nightmares' truck.

"Whoa whoa whoa, hold up." Donnie began. "The Purple Nightmares are Here? In New York?" Donnie repeated. The others listening were completely taken aback by the news.

"Yes!" Casey confirmed. "And they just robbed an antique shop! I'm tailing them now!"

"Okay, listen carefully Casey, get as close as you can and plant one of my trackers on the truck." Donnie explained. "Once you plant it, we'll be able to track their location and try to cut'em off."

"You got it, D!" Casey said before hanging up.

Leo looks at Donnie, still dumbfounded by the news. "So, the Purple Nightmares are here?"

"Yes." Donnie confirmed. "And they just robbed a antique shop. Casey is trailing them now. He's gonna plant one of my trackers onto their truck so we can easily catch them by surprise."

Leo nodded. "Alright team, then let's get to work!"

Karai walked towards him with Shinigami by her side. "We'll come too. No Purple Nightmare robs any kind of shop on our watch." The kunoichi girl said with her witch friend nodding in agreement.

Leo smiles and nods. "Alright. We'll take the Shell Raiser. Let's move it, team!"

Casey was hot on the Purple Nightmares' trail. He was pedaling as fast as he can, trying to keep up with their truck. Once he's close enough, he pulls out one of Donnie's trackers and activates it. He looks at it looking excited.

"Man, I finally have a chance to use one of these!" He said with a smile.

He took a deep breath, pulled his arm back, and threw the tracking device. It manages to magnetically attach itself onto the truck as Casey pumped his fist in the air.

"Ah yeah! Score one for Casey Jones!" He cheered.

He looks at the truck and starts thinking. He's already caught up with the truck, so he might aswell try stopping them before the others show up.

"I can do this!" He told himself. "I'm already caught up, no point wasting this opportunity."

Casey starts pedaling faster as he rides along the truck's left side.

Inside the truck are Night Terror, Rift and Stryker with Night Terror examining an antique box as Stryker kept her eyes on the road. She takes a glance at her side view mirror and spots Casey riding along side of the truck.

"Boss, we got company." She informed the Purple Nightmares leader.

He glances at the side view mirror and scoffs after seeing Casey.

"It's one of those troublesome kids that caused us alot of trouble." He glared at the sideview mirror before looking at Stryker. "Shake him off." He ordered her.

Stryker quickly rammed her foot on the gas pedal hard, causing the truck to quickly pick up speed. In the back, as soon as the truck picked up speed, the other four Purple Nightmares were nearly thrown off their feet as they try making sure none of the items fell over, one box hitting Pierce on the head.

"Ow! The heck is going on?!" She asked annoyed.

"I'm guessing that we're being followed." Switchblade guessed.

The creature inside the wooden box started fearfully babbling, making Club gently tap at the box as he cooed at the creature.

"Shh, there there, little guy. Everything will be fine." He said with a smile before he spots the three other members giving him looks.

He blushed for embarrassment before trying to put on a serious face. "W-What?! I'm just trying to make sure this thing isn't making too much noise! You know, so it won't give us trouble!" He exclaimed as his face is still a little red.

Stryker turns the wheel of the truck, making a sharp left turn as the four members were thrown against a wall. Casey kept pedaling in his bike as he did his best to keep up with the truck.

Casey flicks a switch and starts firing fireworks at the Purple Nightmares' truck. They explode near the truck, causing Stryker to slightly swerve before regaining control.

"I forgot how persistent this one is." She gritted her teeth as she took a sharp right, making other cars swerve out of the way.

This didn't stop Casey from following them as he took an alleyway to try to cut them off. As soon as he made it out of the alleyway the truck drove past him, making him nearly swerve off road. He quickly activated his rocket boosters and gained speed, immediately catching up to the truck.

Once Casey reaches the passenger door, he starts reaching his hand out to the handle. Rift saw this and turned to Stryker.

"Stryker!" He shouted as the girl quickly moves the steering wheel left, turning away from Casey's grasp.

Once Casey starts turning towards the truck, the truck suddenly turns right and was about to hit Casey! Casey immediately turned his bike to the left, but he over steers and his bike hits a curb. He was flung off his bike and into the air. Some kids were making a snowman before Casey crashed into it, causing the kids to scream and run away.

Night Terror, Rift and Stryker laugh as they drive away.

"Nice work, Stryker! That kid should've known better." He said before he spots something up ahead.

When they took a closer look, they see the Shell Raiser up ahead and driving towards them.

"It's those Turtle freaks again." Night Terror clenched his fists.

The two vehicles were driving towards each other, both showing know sign of slowing down. Stryker grinned as she gripped the steering wheel.

"These turtles wanna play chicken? Then let's play~." Stryker said as she applied more pressure to the gas pedal, gaining more speed as the two vehicles drive towards each other.

Leo behind the wheel of the Shell Raiser, stared down at the truck as he kept driving straight towards it. The two showed no sign of backing out as they stare down at each other, getting closer and closer to each other. Once the two vehicles are nearly in reach, Leo quickly signals Raph.

"Raph, now!" The blue leader shouted as Raph quickly activated the garbage cannon and fires at the Purple Nightmares' truck.

The ball of garbage flies over at the Purple Nightmares' truck and splats all over the windshield. The three Purple Nightmares scream as Stryker swerves the truck left and right, throwing around the other four Purple Nightmares in the back.

Leo drives up and rammed into the truck's left side, causing the truck to swerve off road. Stryker slammed her feet on the brakes as hard as she could, making the truck skid. But it didn't stop fast enough as the truck crashes into a light pole.

The three Purple Nightmares exiting the car, holding their heads from the impact. Pierce opens the back door as Club, Switchblade and Crunch Bar were completely piled on by all of the items in the truck. They exited the truck as Pierce glared at Stryker.

"Next time, I'm driving!" She yelled.

The Shell Raiser pulls up infront of them as the Turtles, Karai and Shinigami exited the vehicle and surrounded the Purple Nightmares with their weapons drawn out. Leo pointed his sword at Night Terror.

"Why are you here in New York?!" Leo asked demandingly.

Night Terror smirked and gave a little shrug. "We're just here doing a little Christmas shopping. Is that so wrong?"

"It is when you assaulted the store's owner and took his belongings! Our friend informed us what you did!" Leo told him, sounding angry. "How could you assault an old man?!"

Night Terror held his hands up offensively
"I didn't assault him. I just gently pushed him aside when he wouldn't let me buy one of his items." He said, with a sick sadistic grin.

Leo gripped his swords and gets into a stance. "Normally, naughty people on Christmas get coal." Leo glared at Night Terror.

"But for you seven, you're getting a serious beating!" Raph added as he twirled his sais.

The Purple Nightmares quickly got out their weapons and prepare to fight, as Night Terror just cracks his knuckles with a grin.

"This will be fun."

The ninjas and Purple Nightmares charged at each other and clashed together in a all out brawl. Leo and Karai were fighting against Night Terror as the two took turns landing hits on the big guy, but he is unfazed by the attacks as he threw his fists at them. Donnie faced off against Crunch Bar as she swung her chains at Donnie who was dodging her attacks. Raph and Shinigami were fighting Switchblade and Rift. Mikey was taking on both Stryker and Pierce.

Mikey swung his nunchucks at Stryker who quickly dodged his attacks. Pierce swung her hammer at Mikey's head, causing him to duck. The two then band together and swung their weapons at Mikey. Mikey parried Stryker's attack and kicked her away but Pierce lands a punch to his face, throwing him off balance. The two swung their weapons down at Mikey who quickly caught their attacks. The two quickly pulled their legs back and lands a kick to Mikey's chest, throwing him back as he crashes into the Purple Nightmares' truck.

As Mikey shook his head, he heard noise coming from the truck. He put his head on the truck to try to hear it better. He then heard babbling inside the truck.

"What the-" He was interrupted when Club slammed his bat against the truck, inches away from Mikey's head.

Mikey jumps back as Club started swinging his bat at the party turtle. As Club swung his bat, aiming at Mikey's head, Mikey quickly used his nunchuck to wrap around Club's bat and disarming him before landing a kick to his chest, causing the Purple Nightmare to hit the ground.

Raph was avoiding Switchblade's knife from cutting him. Raph then grabbed his arm and landed jabs at Switchblade's side before swinging a kick on his back. But Raph was surprised attacked by Stryker who struck him at the back of his head with her pipe. He glared at her and started swinging his sais at her which the Purple Nightmare girl dodges. Switchblade got up and charged at Raph with his knife ready. But Mikey quickly swoops in and kicked Switchblade back to the ground.

Rift was swinging his crowbar at Shinigami, but she was avoiding his attacks, clearly taunting him as she has her hands folded around her back and laughing. Rift raised his crowbar and runs toward Shinigami, swinging his weapon downward. But the witch girl easily slides behind Rift and kicked him in the butt, knocking him to the ground.

"That was fun. Let me know when you actually wanna start fighting~." Shini taunted, causing Rift to scream in rage and charges at Shinigami.

Crunch Bar swung her chain around Donnie's leg and pulls hard, causing him to trip. He quickly rolls left and right, avoiding Crunch Bar's chain as she tries slamming it down on him. Donnie jumped up and blocked Crunch Bar's attack with his staff, causing her chain to wrap around his bo staff. The two tugged at their weapons before Donnie yanks her chain off her hand and throws it aside.

He jabs his staff on her gut before swinging it across her face, knocking her on the ground.

"You're gonna wish you haven't done that!" She yelled before getting up.

Leo and Karai were doing their best holding their own with Night Terror. Leo lands a kick on his chest but Night Terror quickly swung his hand at Leo, tossing him into the Shell Raiser with a loud thud.

Karai quickly transformed into her serpent form and wrapped her lower body around his waist, used her snake arms to wrap his arms and snaps her mouth at him. Night Terror used his strength to stop Karai's bite with his right hand as he pushes to hold her back.

When she aims another bite, he quickly headbuds her with all his might, causing her to hiss in pain. He frees his arms, grabs her and throws her against a wall, causing her to change back before hitting the ground.

"Senpai!" Shini called out to her friend before charging at Night Terror.

She swung her Kusarigama at him, hitting him a few times over the face before he grabs her weapon with his hand. With one tug, he yanks Shinigami over to him and lands a kick on her, sending her flying into a pole.

Mikey helps Raph take down Stryker by kicking her towards Raph before he punches her in the face, knocking her out cold. Both Raph and Mikey charge at Night Terror.

"You're going down you big scrooge!" Mikey shouts as he and Raph evade/parried Night Terror's attacks.

Donnie was still fighting Crunch bar but Pierce and Rift joined her as the three cornered the Turtle. Before they could do anything, they were hit with hockey pucks. They look and saw Casey skating towards them with his hockey puck in hand.

"Goongala!" He screamed as Donnie manages to knee Crunch Bar in the gut as she's distracted.

He then struck Rift in the face with his staff as Casey smacks him in the back of his head with his hockey stick. Pierce swung her hammer at Donnie who dodges and swung his staff on her knee, causing her to hold her knee before Casey shoulder charged her into a mailbox, hitting head first into it.

Wondering where Casey has been, Donnie looks at the vigilante with an annoyed expression. "Where were you? I thought you were following them?"

"I was!" Casey replied. "But there were... complications." He put it lightly, not wanting to admit what happened.

"Like what?" Donnie asked suspiciously.

"Look, it doesn't matter! We need to take down Night Terror fast!" Casey said as he puts his mask back on.

Not wanting to waste more time, Donnie and Casey rush over to help Mikey and Raph with Night Terror.

Mikey jumps off Night Terror's shoulder as Raph quickly did jabs at his gut before being knocked back by him. Casey shot explosive hockey pucks at Night Terror's face, causing him to stumble backwards. Leo, Donnie and Karai quickly run towards him, jumping in the air and landing drop kicks at his chest. This was enough to throw Night Terror back and crash into mailboxes.

"Give it up, Night Terror! Your scheme is finished!" Leo demanded.

"It ain't over till I say it is!" Night Terror shot back before grabbing a mailbox and throwing it at the group.

The ninjas quickly dodge the mailbox as it hits a wall, leaving a big crack in it. Night Terror runs towards Leo and stomps his foot at him. Leo quickly moves before he could get stomped on.

Karai landed a kick on his back and quickly ducks as he swiped his arm at her. Raph jumps and kicks him across the face, followed by Mikey and Shini kicking him in the shoulders, making him stumble back.

Donnie and Casey jump up and smashes their weapons at each side of Night Terror's head, causing him to grunt and hold his head.

Leo charges at him and lands a hard uppercut to Night Terror's chin, making him stumble back and hitting against his truck. Night Terror slowly slides down against his truck before sitting on the floor. He stared down at the turtles panting. As he was about to get up, Shinigami used the ball end of her weapon to smack Night Terror on his head before knocking him put cold.

The witch girl grins as she twirled her weapon. Soon the group puts the unconscious Purple Nightmares in a pile before tying them up.

"Nice work team." Leo began saying. "These creeps will soon be put behind bars."

"First we took down the angry spider, and now these Purple punks in one day? This is starting off to be a good Christmas." Raph said as he puts his sais away.

Karai spoke as she opened the driver's seat to the Purple Nightmares' truck. "Me and Shini are gonna take the things the Purple Nightmares stole back to the antique shop."

"Good idea. Mabye we should put these guys in the truck too so the police can apprehend them." Leo suggested.

Before anyone can do anything, Mikey quickly spoke up, remembering what he had heard. "Guys, wait! Before we do that, I gotta tell you something!"

Everyone looked at him curiously.

"What is it, Mikey?" Leo asked his little brother.

"When we were fighting the Purple Nightmares, I heard something in their truck. It sounded like..." he thinks for a moment before realizing he didn't know how to describe the noise he heard. "Okay, I don't know what kind of animal to compare it to. But it sounded like this."

Mikey then tried mimicking the babbles he heard from the truck, earning him looks from the group. Leo finally spoke up.

"Well, if the Purple Nightmares took something that's alive, we better check it out." He said as he walked towards the back of the truck.

Leo opens the truck and sees nearly everything was on the floor or smashed.

"Boy, these guys are more reckless drivers than Casey." Leo said as Casey shot him a look.

Everyone entered the truck trying to find whatever it was Mikey heard.

"Are you sure you heard something in here, Mikey?" Donnie asked.

"Totally. Never heard anything like it." Mikey said, curtain he heard something.

After listening, the group doesn't hear anything.

"Mikey, doesn't seem like anythi-" Leo was then interrupted when a wooden box shakes, causing everyone to jump in surprise.

"Yo! Did you guys see that?" Casey said in shock. Everyone nodded as they stared at the box.

Everyone slowly approached the wooden box before the little babbles came out of it, startling everyone again.

"That's it!" Mikey points. "That's the noise I heard!"

Everyone stared at the wooden box hearing whatever it was making babbling noises. Raph shoved Donnie forward.

"Go see what it is, Donnie." Raph told his brother.

"Why do I have to-" Donnie stops himself from finishing and sighs. "You know what, im not even gonna bother trying."

Donnie takes a deep breath and slowly approaches the wooden box. Once he's in arms reach, he slowly puts his hands on the locks of the box and slowly starts unlocking it. Everyone watches in anticipation. Donnie takes a moment before slowly starts opening the box. He leaves it open slightly as he cautiously tries to peak in the little crack of the box.

Suddenly, Donnie was met with a pair of eyes poking through the cracks, causing Donnie to scream and fall backwards. Whatever it was inside also screamed as the box was now quaking.

"What did you see, Donnie?!" Leo anxiously asked his brother.

"I‐I don't know!" Donnie said, nearly stumbling on his words. "But whatever it is, it's nothing like I've ever seen!"

Leo looks at the wooden box and turns to his team. "Alright, everyone. Let's cautiously, and carefully, open the box. We won't know what we're dealing with until we all see what it is."

Everyone nodded in agreement. Like Leo said, they all approached the wooden box carefully and slowly open it. When they look inside, all their eyes shrunk as they see what's inside.

Back at the antique shop, April was still with the old man. She was on the phone with Leo before hanging up. She turned to the old man.

"Good news, mister..?" April asked sheepishly, realizing she hasn't asked for the old man's name.

The old man took a moment before answering. "Mr. Wing."

April smiled at Mr Wing. "Mr. Wing. My friends managed to get your things back and are bringing back here."

Mr. Wing only nods not saying anything. April took a moment before bringing up a important detail. "And... they found your... pet?" April said, unsure if whatever it was Mr. Wing had was even a pet.

This caused Mr. Wing to look at April. His face looked worried as he looked at his hands. "Aiyah..." he said in dismay. "Your friends have seen the Mogwai."

April looked surprised, hearing what her friends have found had a name. "Is that what it's called? A Mogwai?"

Mr. Wing was silent again as he seemed not wanting to discuss this any further. Wanting to know more, April speaks again. "I never heard of a Mogwai before. Is it some rare animal or something?"

Mr. Wing continued to be silent. Knowing Mr. Wing is injured, being a old man and all, April offers something that Mr. Wing wouldn't like.

"You know, I have a friend out of town who is great with taking care of animals." April referring to Fluttershy. "When you're recovering from the hospital, she can-" April was cut off when Mr. Wing suddenly yelled.

"No!" April was taken aback by his sudden outburst. "I will not allow you to take Mogwai to your friend!"

"But sir, she's very capable of taking care of animals. She works at an animal shelter and-" she was then cut off again when Mr. Wing talked over her.

"With Mogwai comes much responsibility!" He screamed before clenching his ribs. He takes a moment before calmly speaking. "I'm sure your friend is an excellent animal care taker, but she couldn't handle taking care of Mogwai. I cannot allow anyone to take him. I am sorry."

Outside the antique shop the truck was back with all of the stolen items. The paramedics were also there with the police as they were putting the Purple Nightmares into a police truck. Night Terror starts shouting.

"I know you're out there, freaks! We Will break out again! And when we do, I'm gonna crush yous under my boot! All of you!" He was then put in the vehicle as the officers shut the doors before driving off.

The turtles were watching from the rooftop with Karai and Shinigami as they all watch the Purple Nightmares being taken away much to their amusement.

Paramedics sets Mr. Wing in the ambulance. April was with Casey with the wooden box the Mogwai is in. She walks to the ambulance to speak to Mr. Wing again.

"Listen, Mr. Wing. I understand you're worried about your Mogwai. But please understand that you are much too injured to be taking care of him. My friend will take care of him for you, I promise. And once you are released from the hospital, you can take him back."

Mr. Wing was silent. He then let's out a defeated sigh, knowing she is right. He is unable to take care of the Mogwai in his condition. And he wasn't gonna let doctors and nurses to watch over something they have no clue about. If April says that her friend can handle the Mogwai, he has no choice but to take her word for it.

"Very well... you may take Mogwai to your friend." He still has a dismayed face.

April smiles, glad that Mr. Wing agreed to let Fluttershy take care of the Mogwai. "Thank you, Mr. Wing. I promise, my friend will-" Mr. Wing cuts April off again, as he gave her a face reading that he's gonna tell her something serious.

"But remember, Mogwai comes much responsibility. Mogwai isn't like any other creature on this planet. With Mogwai, you must follow three important rules." He finishes.

April and Casey look at each other before looking back at him. "Um, okay? What are these three rules?"

Soon after the two discussed these rules, the ambulance drives away, leaving April and Casey with the wooden box, containing the Mogwai. The Turtles, Karai and Shini jump down and met with the two.

"So?" Leo said curiously.

"He said yes." April answered.

"A Mogwai, huh?" Karai started saying. "Never heard of anything like it."

"I don't think any of us has." Leo added.

"Mr. Wing was very protective of him. I don't think there are any other Mogwai in the world. Probably explains why he was so against Fluttershy watching over him." April said as she was looking down at the wooden box.

"But why? It's not like it could cause trouble." Raph said crossing his arms. "Have you seen that thing? How hard could it be to take care of this thing?"

Some agreed with Raph’s statement, while others still worry on how protective Mr. Wing was with giving anyone the Mogwai. Could it be a piece of cake like Raph said? Or could this little creature be more trouble than it's worth?

Author's Note:

Thank you for taking the time to read! And apologies for this first chapter to be released so late. I was having a hard time coming up with what the characters should be doing before focusing on the actual plot itself. Plus I had a ton of Christmas shopping to do. In the end it really turned out to be a Turtles center chapter. But hey, at least it's done with before Christmas rolls around. (This chapter is also published on my Deviantart account, teamJOHN101)


•Equestria Ninja Girls by @Wildcard25 and I'd also like to thank him once again for allowing me to write this story.

•Purple Nightmares by BozzerKazooers on Deviantart, and from what I saw when learning their names, the other three members are by @Jebens1 . Also, thanks you Bozzer for allowing me to use his characters for this chapter.

•The boy Casey mentions that told him about the antique shop is reference to Mr. Wing's grandson from the first Gremlins movie.

Little update: I decided the winter party at Canterlot High should be next Friday instead of the upcoming Friday. The reason for this is because I want the next few chapters focusing on upcoming events before the big day.