• Published 28th Jul 2022
  • 583 Views, 17 Comments

The Terminator : Skynet's Last Solution - Escalator

John Connor and the liberated T-800 goes to Equestria to Terminate a Dispatched T-3000 Model before it Terminates the Bearers of Harmony

  • ...

Chapter 8 Battle of the Meds

Author's Note:

I Have Edited the story recently It has new texts, edited English, and Fixed some Grammar issues.

-----------------------------------------------------Canterlot: Guards point of View-----------------------------------------------------

As the train reached Canterlot the guards secretly unloaded the weapons that the two aliens
had been using against them.

They had no trouble with the weapons, considering that they can just store them in these strange bags,
they had trouble immensely with the strange motor object as they tried to get it off the train.

Eventually they give up and asked others to help.. Only for Flam to show that there is a lever on the bike
that apparently made it free moving as the guards shook hands with Flam and Flim they
departed each other.

The guards made it to the Canterlot dungeon storage as they placed the weapons and other contraband
in holding until further orders.

As for the strange bike they had it stored in a big yet empty room that had no window's
but had a door that seemed big enough to fit the bike.

-----------------------------------------------------Canterlot: Mane 5-----------------------------------------------------

After the guards loaded the bike and everything else off from the train.

Twilight and her friends had left the friendship train, that then departed, and started making their
way up to the Canterlot hospital. Before they could check in to a hotel to stay for the day.

As the 5 entered the hospital with get well gifts I might as well go into details on them.

Pinkie is already prepared to start some type of get well party.

Rarity has a basket full of make up and applejacks hat that she somehow dropped during
the fight.

Fluttershy has angel, carrying dandelions for Applejack, while also a jar of honey that she got from
her bee friends.

And for Twilight and Rainbow they came to spend some time with Applejack while also trying to figure
out what happened during their search in the Everfree.

And Spike is on Twilights back mane reading a comic book on his favorite hero character.

Soon the 6 friends arrived to Applejacks 2nd floor hall as the
nurse politely led the 6 friends through the clinic hallways. As the 5 trotted through the hallway
that had injured and sick ponies Rainbow dash sees a strange looking guard who they passed by
that looked familiar but couldn't tell what.

"Something wrong?" Asked Twilight.

"I get the feeling something is stalking us.. I just can't put my hoof on it.."

Immediately the two went back to their course.


Applejack woke up from her sleep.

As she looked around it was dark and the hospital looked.. Abandoned but couldn't

She then wondered why they would leave her behind from the hospital from the first place
as she got on the ground she realizes her hoof was healed?

"Huh I guess I'm asleep.. If that's the case what am I dreaming?"

As Applejack came out of what's left of her room she looks left and right of the hallway
before going left as a shadow was following her.

As she continued to walk down the hallway she looked around of how creaky the floor boards
are and how the roof is all moldy and moist.

But as she saw made her way down to what's suppose to be the entrance and exit of the building
it was patched up and blocked.

"Well.. I consider I go behind the back."

As she turned around she sees what looks to be fear in physical form as it then formed a knife like
object and attempted to slash her before she dodged and kicked it.

Without saying anything she ran from the creature as it formed itself and followed her down the hallway.

Just as she thought she lost it she finds the same one now infront of her as she ran
the other way the first one appeared.

Now cornered by two freaks of nature she attempts to fight back before the second one punched her.

And then the first one slashed her waking her up from her nightmare.

-------------------------------------------------Back at the waking world hospital-------------------------------------------

As Applejack looked around her room she felt relief that she is not in some old hospital with
creatures that was going to cut and kill her off but soon she started to hear voices as she perked her
ears up.

The 5 friends entered the room which they were glad to see Applejack but best of all Applejack
embraced Twilight and the other 4 in reunion, also so did spike as he is being crushed by the embrace,
as they disengaged the hug Applejack has loads of questions with one being important.

"So who was your foalnappers Twi?" Asked Applejack as the other 4 friends didn't bother
to ask that as they turn towards Twilight.

"It wasn't a foalnapping at all.." Responded Twilight as all of her friends yelled in unison.


"Its true it was not a Foalnapping it was a rescue mission!" Said Twilight as her friends
openly gawked on the fact that they risked their lives just to find that Twilight was foa-
actually nevermind they gave up considering it be both ways.

"Alright.. Lemme explain wait happened," -Refer to chapter 5-


As the Guard went passed the group, which didn't saw its target yet, decided that it needed
to split up and search.

Soon the guard went to the back alley as it transformed into the T-3000 in which the TX Exo Splits off from
the nanobot.

As the T.X. Finished separating it takes form of a female nurse (which is Skynet's set default form)
As the Nurse went around through the front the T-3000 retakes the form of the guard and
continues searching for its target.

As the T.X. Entered the building it walked around scanning for the target only
to come up with nothing.

However as the Nurse was walking around a certain pony came into the building.

-----------------------------------------------------------at the room-----------------------------------------------------------

As Twilight finished explaining everything up to the point of her so called 'foalnapping'
to the point of her now recaptured and now here with them.

"So this whole time.. It was to get away from that same thing that attacked me and Rainbow?"
Asked Apple as she and Rainbow looked at Twilight with worry.

"That's not even the worse part of the news... I-I'm its main target.." As Twilight sat near
Applejack in despair the 5 girls and spike comforts Twilight as they try to make her feel better.

But it was not working as Twilight now feels that the same thing is closer than she knows. but
the 5 girls had been friends with Twilight for long to the point they wouldn't
nothing go near her as Applejack determinedly said.

"No matter what we will not let that thing come near you a bit,"

The girls nodded as the other girls hoofed in the middle as if swearing to protect Twilight,
who in the perspective of the T-3000 is target 6.

In which Twilight joined in the middle as all seven girls shouted in unison and so did spike.


-----------------------------------------------------------Interrogation room-----------------------------------------------------------

Its been 2 hours after the T-800 had explained about what earth and Skynet was and why Twilight
protected John with also why Skynet is after Twilight and what will do next after it finished..
"Carrying out it's orders".

As John himself was now a bit uneasy and yet getting a little sweaty (Probably because its getting warm in
the room) however Shining Armor comes into the room with guards at his side with a notepad.

As Shining sat down John assumes this is the literal Interrogation.

"So you decide to-" The guards pointed the spears towards John as Kyle was now in a tense state
of breaking out and killing everyone to go on priorities set by John's wife.

Shining however ordered the guards to lower the weapon while scolding at the same time.
But advised act upon like that again unless needed as the guard lowered the spears as Shining said.

"Alright you will answer two final questions and if it deemed to be true I will consider on letting you
both go by curtesy of the princesses but on the promise of one thing.."

"And what's that?" Asked John as Shining responded.

"Too go after this thing that's hunting my sister down.." As Shining trotted towards John face to face with a
very stern face of warning continuing "And then afterword will leave alien.. Do I make myself clear?"
As Shining continued face to face with John he nodded slowly in understanding but unintimidated.

"Very well answer my two final questions then." As Shining got his Notepad ready.

"First what's your na-"

"Name is John Connor, Human Resistance fighter and leader of the American Detachment"
Responded Connor as Shining was eyeing on the leader part as he wrote it down.

"Now because Celestia and Luna cares for my sister and that I also want her protected we decided to
also have a guard unit assigned with you and your weapons will be given back and so we let you off with this
one question.."

"Heh and what's that?" Asked Connor.

"Who is Skynet."


The TX scanned the entire area for its programmed target as it's allied asset on the top floor was also scanning
as a mysterious cloaked figure walked into the hospital.

Soon the TX inspects the figure.

"Who are you?" Asked the Imposter nurse as the Cloaked pony turned and lifted the hood off of her.

It was Zecora she already told the local guard at ponyville about the abomination she
encountered and surprisingly they believed her but she also had to make the journey to Canterlot to
warn princess Twilight on this creature of evil but now being confronted with this nurse she gets uneasy.

"The better is... Who are you?" Responded Zecora to another question.

|Alert Alert: Figure had potentially knows us: Eliminate?: Decline: Not yet boltbag

|Call for back up: Accepted

|Scare witnesses off?: Standby: Ready your weapon

During the confrontation the T-3000 was a room close to finding its target as it continued to scan the rooms.
The target was nearly on its sight when it got the distress signal in which the T-3000 disengaged the scanning
and went down stairs to aid its ally.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------In Applejacks room---------------------------------

Twilight and her friends packed up as for Applejack she had to be given a crutch until her hoof can recover
from the wound.

As the 6 walked through the hallway they hear a familiar voice that sounded like Zecora as Fluttershy
followed the voice she sees her talking to two ponies with a strange eye alignment.

Soon Fluttershy had to spill out a wonder on who the two strange looking ponies as they have eyes
but nothing like derpies.

"Hey Twilight are they happen to be new?" Asked Fluttershy as Twilight looked at the two with a strange
eye before Applejack recognized that guard.
Then she yelled

"ZECORA RUN ITS NOT REAL ITS A MONSTER!" As Zecora turned towards Applejack she quickly dodged what looked like a knife was thrown towards her as the Doctors ran from the sight
as some evacuated the patients.

But Zecora mainly ran from the knife throwing beast along with everyone else to get away as the TX transformed
the Microbots into a SMG shooting the roof as ponies panicked and ran for cover.

Zecora ran towards the mane friends successfully as the SMG fire lighted towards the 8 as Twilight activated her magic shield barrier in which Twilight gave a order which is simple to understand.

"RUNNNN!" Soon Spike held on to Twilights dear mane and everypony else ran
but that's before Rainbow dash asked.



As the seven ran the two bots followed them as they transformed themselves into their former humanoid
versions of themselves as they both formed into one skin and ran after the friends.

Soon the T-3000 transformed the Microbots into a MP7 and a Spas-12 shotgun ready to
finally finish the job.

As it ran up the stairs it takes the obvious route only to found itself in a third floor ridden with traps.
It gets caught by the roof hanging rope only it was too heavy to lift.
Next was when Pinkies cannon triggered and fired a explosive party surprise before it recalibrated
and scanned for other traps.

Before being caught in a ambush lead by Rainbow dash as she punched it in the face with
Applejack who struggled to walk but kicked the creature as Fluttershy attempted to do the stare.
Which did nothing as it grabbed her by the throat and threw her at Applejack and Rainbow dash.

Soon it was then strucked by one of Zecora's offensive Potions and then being burned by Spikes
green flame followed by Twilights barrage of magic beams.

Being Overrunned it decided to go for a new approach as it separated itself into the two beings,
The TX and the T-3000 itself. Which Horrified the others.

As Rainbow dash and Applejack got up, with Fluttershy being assisted by Spike, Rainbow
was now frustrated.

"THERES TWO OF THEM! YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!" Yelled Rainbow as Twilight couldn't
believe herself too.

"WE NEED TO FALL BACK!" Said Applejack

"YEA AND I'M RUNNING OUT OF THINGS TO THROW!" Said Pinkie who is now low on confetti ammo.

"Angel can you get help" Said Flutters as Angel Nodded and hoped into a small yet decent size
hole on the lower floor.

"Wait WHERES RARITY!" Said Twilight as it turned out that she was caught by the T-3000 now on gun point ready too fire...

It soon looked at Twilight as if letting her know that if she does not give up her life then another life will
be takened.

"WAIT DON'T DO IT! I.. I give up.. Just let her go!" Said Twilight as she trotted towards the T-3000
the TX was ready to finish the job. And the T-3000 just smiled in victory.

"There you 5 are I have been looking all around for you.. I was getting my dress done and..."

Soon the 5 were surprised and looked towards the other Rarity which is disassembled and turned into
a hand pistol pointed at Twilight.

Soon the 5 ran towards Twilight preparing to stop a bullet from killing their friend as Rainbow went
in front of Twilight first as it then pulled the trigger firing the bullet at Twilight and as Twilight started
tear up preparing for a moment that her friend had just sacrificed herself.

Another bullet goes by Twilights ear as it collides and smashed the other bullet that was meant to kill

Soon the T-3000 and the TX turn towards the one who shot that bullet that deflected theirs.

"We're back bitch.. Or should I say Bitches." Said John as Twilight grabbed Rainbow dash
and gets away from those things as she and her friends looked at John wearing sunglasses and well supplied
ammo as he shouted.


Acknowledge Twilight tooked her friends, Spike, and Zecora and ran from the area and towards
the outside as she runs past the T-800 moving with a Shotgun in fist and M60 Machine gun on his side.

However Zecora took him as a threat before Twilight tells her.

"He's on our side too come on!"

As they continued running from the scene they finally made it outside with Shining Armor
and Celestia, who're fully armored, was also in the area to make sure Twilight is safe.

"Are you ok?" Asked Celestia.

"I'm fine what about them?" Said Twilight.

Soon Celestia Nodded signaling the Guards to go in after evacuating the patients from the building as Shining
lead the pegasus guards in the hospital.

Soon angel hopped on Fluttershy's back as she pet her rabbit.

"How did you know we were there?" Asked Twilight as Celestia simply pointed to
the rabbit.

-----------------------------------------------------------10 minutes Prior to the attack-----------------------------------------------------------

As Angel got out from the little hole she quickly hopped to one of the guards who was
patrolling in which Angel tried everything to get them to understand before a certain creature came up who
has his weapons with him.

"Huh a rabbit.. Surprised to see those here in this world," Said John as Angel tries to get them understand
her before Kyle picked her up.


|Scan complete and translating: 'My owner is being attacked by monsters and needs help as a hospital'

Soon Celestia and Shining came towards John and Kyle with guards fully armored
when he was translating the rabbit.

"You got something?" Asked Celestia.

"Yea and it-"

"The rabbit says it belongs to Fluttershy." Said Kyle

"Wait you understand animal? Great..." Responded John

"What is she saying?" Said Celestia.

The rabbit, who is now satisfied that someone understands her, speaks to Kyle more on the subject.

"It says that the one named Fluttershy is being attacked by creatures in the Hospital," Said the T-800

Without hesitation Celestia orders Shining to take the division and evacuate the Hospital and to establish
a perimeter as the guard unit immediately heads to the Canterlot Hospital as Celestia orders the guard
with the weapons to be given at once.

Soon John loaded himself with a Origin-12 Shotgun with a barrel mag loaded on.
As Kyle loaded itself with a M60 machine gun and a Winchester Shotgun.

"Store the rest of the weapons somewhere we could reach them." Said John.

Soon John and Kyle rushed inside the building with the weapons as the guards successfully evacuated
the building.

As John went up Stairs he sees the T-3000 ready to take a life as he quickly took aim at the pistol that it hold
as his south American guerilla trained precision eyes fires at the guns bullet in which it
surprisingly destroyed the bullet that launched from the pistol that the T-3000 fired on.

As the T-800 went up the stairs fully loaded with the weapons as the evacuating patient beds and
guards and doctors slid by him as he made room for the beds to go by.

-----------------------------------------------------------Now back to present at hospital-----------------------------------------------------------

The T-3000 scanned John who was marked with secondary priority in which immediately
the T-3000 Reacted and attempted to charge as John with a knife in a attempt to stab him.

As the T-3k charged at Connor He fired the Origin-12 tummy ammo and light up the charging terminator.
As it gets pelted with shotgun bullets the T-800 comes in with the M60 machine gun and
open fires on the TX which was now turned bared skeleton.

Soon Shining made it on to the floor where the fight is raging at with he
and other guards heads keeping down to prevent themselves from being shot in the fight and then says.


Soon the guards charged towards the creatures as they pinned down the TX which quickly got
freed of itself and threw the guards on the wall and then it grabbed the T-800 by the shoulders
as they both smash into the walls of the Hospital.

Shining teleports a sword and charges at the T-3000 as Shining went passed John he warns Shining.


Soon John ran to get Shining off course with his charge as he was then grabbed by the TX as
it grabbed a dropped knife John Struggled only to be pinned and then...


The TX Stabbed the knife into Johns shoulder while benting the end of the knife pinning John
to the wall as the T-800 smashed through the debris that it was covered by and continued its fight
with the TX.
As John was pinned by a knife in his shoulder. the T-3000 was about to take the opportunity to finish him off
when Shining stabbed the sword in the machines side as it turned and grabbed Shining while lifting him
from the ground it then destroyed his helmet and then threw him on the wood.

While John struggles with the knife jabbed in his shoulder with Kyle and the other guards are in a tangle
with the TX it was now Shining vs the T-3000.