• Published 28th Jul 2022
  • 583 Views, 17 Comments

The Terminator : Skynet's Last Solution - Escalator

John Connor and the liberated T-800 goes to Equestria to Terminate a Dispatched T-3000 Model before it Terminates the Bearers of Harmony

  • ...

Chapter 5 Target 6

*********************************Canterlot Train Station******************

As Twilight and her friends arrived to the train station Celestia was with them as she wanted to give
Twilight a Gratitude safe travels as Twilight.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay here for the night?" Asked Celestia

"I found my home at Ponyville were I can be with my friends," Responded Twilight

Celestia was proud to call Twilight a former student even with some incidents with her last certain student..
The two hugged it out as the conductor called out for one last time before departing as Twilight got on board
and waved goodbye the train moved out of Celestia's sight.

But while this looked a happy ending it was not... If fact.. They are not aware of the T-3000 following them..

As the T-3000 was on board the train, before it departed, Skynet ordered it to positioned itself in preparation
to strike the 6th bearer as any means of killing her off.

But as the train moved this cost trouble as Shining Armor was at the passenger bay as
Twilight found him in her seat.

"Brother? I thought you were going back to Crystal city?" Said Twilight when Shining responded

"Yea.. Change of plans apparently Celestia had informed both night and day guards to be
on a look out and that me and you was going to be leading a taskforce at ponyville,"

"Why?" Said Twilight.

She wanted to know more but Shining was hesitant considering that if its dangerous his sister might
try to confront it without any thoughts of thinking but with his sisters curiosity intact, he couldn't

"Well its like this you were placed in charged by Celestia of this operation and also we are
on search for some type alien Creature that may been what caused the incident that may also be still in Ponyville"

As Shining was about done with his sentence the girls fell through the curtain
overhearing the entire conversation as Twilight saw she exclaimed.

"You heard everything?!"

"Well yea- I mean uh no? Ok yea we heard EVERYTHING but it sounded so interesting!" Responded
pinkie as a behalf of the other 4 friends as Twilight was now looking at her friends she decided that maybe this task is better with help from her friends and so she let them listen along, since she will need to cover more ground.

As she let spike on her head and friends sitting or flying Shining explained everything and what this mission is all about.

Meanwhile the T-3000s suspicions are correct it seems that John Connor, Skynet's
original main target/Mortal enemy, is in this world and not a standard soldier who happened to have a T-800 with him.

As the T-3000 Submitted the message to Skynet it received immediate notice.

|Destroy John Connor even if all Targets are not terminated: No acceptance needed:

As the order came in the T-3000 set John Connor as side Primary Termination target with the list of targets to kill
with the termination mission on bearers and the two tall ponies.
-------------------------------------------------------------Castle Canterlot-------------------------------------------------------------

As Celestia looked around the chambers now being cleaned after the great coronation Celestia was
glad on Twilights rise to alicornhood as she walked around. She hoped that something new
was to come up on the situation in ponyville.

But while she was hoping a exact opposite, a courier comes into the chamber with a message to Celestia.

"Your Highness we have a distressing news.."

"What is it?" Asked Celestia

The Courier gave Celestia a note- no. A death card report apparently one of Celestia's day guard
Sergeants was killed when patrolling in the Canterlot gardens when that Lightning bolt was occurring.

But that wasn't the bad news..

"Your Highness you might wanna also see this," When the Courier show her another letter claiming
the Sergeant is dead but yet he is alive. This drives Celestia to the point where she demanded.

"Do you have the location of where he is?"

The Courier responded

"This undead Sergeant is with princess Twilight your highness.. We have reason to believe he may be
a... Clone."

Celestia didn't believe it.. Is it a clone? Cloning is a forbidden type of magic and yet..
When she thought back when her sister felt uneasy going by him she realizes that she just placed Twilight
into a meat grinder.

Celestia immediately writes a response letter as she orders the Courier.

"Send this to Shining Armor immediately tell him it's urgent that he gets Twilight away from this

"Yes your highness" as the Courier runs to ponyville he is followed by other two guards to guard
the urgent message to ponyville.

Quickly she writes another note to send to Twilight.

-------------------------------------------------------------Bad to the Bone-------------------------------------------------------------

As the forest stood silent for a second at the cabin as the cutie mark crusaders were heading to Zecora's home.
But as they crossed a dirt path they heard a roaring sound in which they turn to see lights heading right towards
them they duck and cover thinking it was some new beast as it slowed down and stopped.

The three looked up to see some Bi-pedal creatures they never seen before.


Sweetie Bell Contemplated and yelled at them

"What in the world is with you!! You could have k-" As the Terminator cover her mouth as she muffled
John responds with saying

"You.. Saw.... Nothing.. you are Dehydrated and this is only a figment of your imagination,"

Soon the terminator rev his Motorcycle and drove off and immediately the CMC got paranoid and decided
to go home for the night for fear of dehydration.

As for the two they head back to the cabin as the Terminator says.

"Set your watch for 12:00 as in that time the termination operation will begin again and this time it will not stop for no more events.."

As John set the counter for 12:00 Am he finds they got 23 minutes to find and destroy it.
Immediately they loaded their weapons as John grabbed a Assualt rifle 15, a Spas-12, and a

As for Kyle he grabbed a M2 browning machine gun, a Grenade launcher and a Fluga rifle
as they loaded their weapons John grabbed Binoculars and a flare gun as he prepares to scout and follow one
of the T-3000s targets to their homes so when the T-3000 zeroes in on its target then John and Kyle will
go in to try to destroy the Terminator and rescue its target.

Or atleast try too..
John goes over his plan with the Terminator

"Alright remember the plan?"

"Go on standby and wait for signal for when the T-3000 attacks," Responded Kyle

"Yes when I fire a flare go in and save the target," Said John

"Understood but if I'm spotted?" Asked Kyle.

"Injure or warning fired them and do not terminate.." Responded John.

"Affirmative understood,"

----------------------------------------------------------Ponyville train station--------------------------------------------

At the exit of the station Twilight and her friends departed from the station, as her 5 friends left for their homes,
Twilight went to her home as Shining was assigned to a Inn until the investigation is finished
but while he went by the Cutie mark crusaders it seemed they were drinking water as if they were
dehydrated to death which made Shining curious.

"Why are you drinking water in the middle of the night?"

"We had a imagination and it told us we were dehydrated.." Said Sweetie bell

Shining knows about Mirages when thirsty but it wasn't even that hot today and so he
had a hunch which he was willing to exploit.

"Was this imagination happen to look like some type of alien creature by any chance?"
Asked Shining.

"Wow sir are you a physic because if you are you have it right." Said Scoots as Shining was paused at
the moment.

"Yea... That'd be al-"

"But there we're two of em though!" said Applebloom.

Shining was not expecting 2 as it now caught him off guard so more likely he is gonna have trouble.

"Alright Head home and stay indoors stay safe ok?"

"Ok!" Said all three in unison

Shining now wondered if Twilight will be fine atleast before he sees a Courier stepping off the train behind him


--------------------------------------------------------------Twilights home--------------------------------------------------------------

As Twilight and Spike went inside their home Twilight felt she could pass out but when she looked
at her living room she almost forgot it need to be remade.

"Well.. Atleast we can do that remodeling that you always wanted to do spike," Said Twilight

"So what do you plan on making it?" Asked Spike.

"Well. I always wanted a personal bookshelf," Said Twilight.

But meanwhile, while the two talked on, two guards arrives to pick up Twilight after Shining got the disturbing message
before the two guards saw who was the doppelganger. Soon the two guards confronted with the Imposter.


But as the guard was about say pass he was stabbed in the front torso and as for the other
guard he stabbed the T-3000 but failed as it was stuck the other guard himself
was stabbed aswell with his own spear.

With the two guards were stabbed by the T-3000 It was now a matter of time before anyone
heard their screams as the T-3000 Commanded the Microbots to form a knife and a pistol
as it shot the door knob at Twilights door.

Twilight and Spike heard the gunshot as they looked at their door the T-3000 barged into her house ready
to kill her.

As it charged Twilight formed a protective shield around her and Spike but it was quickly deformed and shattered
as the T-3000 managed to blow her shield off pushing her on the side.

Spike couldn't do anything but watch as his half sister was about to be killed by a murdere-
no.. A traitor...

But hope comes into the same room and it has buttloads of weapons.

----------------------Meanwhile at the Rooftop across from Twilights home 2 minutes before it barged in------------------------------------

As John Connor finally got a scope on the T-3000 he was ready to fire the flare but before he
could he saw that the guards at the east had heard the cries of agony of the guards that were stabbed.

But as he looked on he saw he had no choice. It was either a life for stealth or stealth for life
one things for sure he was not gonna let a machine take a life in another planet.
As John said quietly as if talking to the T-3000, as it entered the wooden house.

"Got you Bitch.."

John Fires the flare Signaling the T-800 meaning that John was now heading the the Motorbike
The T-800 grabbed out with his Winchester shotgun fully loaded and walked into the plain.

The Terminator barged into the house with the shotgun as the T-3000 was about to ram a knife into
twilight after cutting a scar on Twilights face it's knife gets blown away along with the hoof that has Twilight
pinned on the wall by the T-800s Winchester shotgun.

The T-3000 turns into it's true form which scared Twilight of her mind as she sees Spike panicking.
She had a chance to get away from this as she ran in the middle of the two creatures and grabbed

"WHAT ARE THOSE THINGS!" Yelled Spike as he is holding on to Twilights dear mane.


As Twilight and Spike got away from the T-3000s grasp the T-800 sent a signal to John who was
ready to save the 6th bearer from potential assasination as he revved the Motorcycle and
moved onto the area as he prepared a little 'Present' for the T-3000

Meanwhile the T-3000 formed the knife into a hand pistol and fired at the T-800 as the
T-800 continued to fire on the T-3000 with all shotgun rounds before running out.

Unable to reload in time the T-3000 pushed the T-800 on the ground of the ruined house
as the T-800 kicked its head and went for the M2 Browning that it dropped and got
on its feet.

The T-800 open fired on the T-3000 aiming for its legs and its torso while also aiming'
for the head in a attempt to destroy the CPU chip. But what it turned out it has no
CPU chip as Kyle ran out of LMG and Shotgun ammo (with only one mag of LMG bullets left) Kyle went in first head
charge at the T-3000 smashing through the wooden walls.

Meanwhile Twilight and Spike managed to get outside and away from the scene. As they catched
their breath they were now wondering if they the creatures that Shining was talking about.

But as they breath Spike breathed out a message from Celestia.

As Spike Read the note Twilight was very sarcastic.

"Sure.... Now she tells us?"

Just as their luck couldn't get any worse the T-3000 and the T-800 both smashed through the
walls as the T-3000 refound its target the T-3000 pinned the T-800 by burying it under wood
that were not on fire as the T-800 struggled to get out.

As Twilight as the T-3000 coming towards her she placed Spike behind her and
charged her horn as ready to confront it but as Spike grabbed on Twilights hind legs
he hears a roaring engine and looked behind as he tugged on Twilights tail in shock.

"uhhh Twilight? Look!" As Twilight turned she sees a Contraption with another creature
that looks the same only lively as he driven up the creature saw the two as he
was holding some type of weapon Twilight charged her horn again only at
low and then off when John said.


As Twilight heard Johns Command she grabbed Spike and hit the dirt as John fired at the T-3000
with the RPG round as the Round exploded on impact the T-3000 into tiny robotic pieces before it
tried to reattach itself back together into its form as John Connor was quick to say.

"Come with me if you want to live!"

As Twilight looked at Connor and the at the T-3000 she knew if she stayed it would
mean certain death but if she came with this new stranger it may keep her alive but
the possibilities are certain she may be taken somewhere unknown or worse..

But immediately she made up her mind and grabbed Spike and got on board
as John helped get on the T-800 got out of the rubble and got up and crawled away from the reforming T-3000
it spots its machine gun.

As Kyle grabbed its Browning Machine gun John immediately drove towards the T-800 before stopping
near him.

"CMON LETS GO KYLE!" yelled John

"leave me. rendezvous at base." Responded Kyle

"Copy lets get you out miss princess," Said John.

"WHO ARE YOU CALLI-" Twilight was interrupted as she hanged on for her dear life
as John drove the Motorcycle away from the rebuilding T-3000 that managed to get together.

As the T-3000 saw it's target drive off with Connor it attempted to pursue before being knocked down explosive shot by
the T-800s Fluga rifle but it got back up and so did the T-800 as it was now a standoff.

--------------------------------------------------------------The Fight yall been waiting for-----------------------------------------

The Stand off broke off as the T-800 place the Fluga on its shoulders, where it can hold it,
and grabbed the M2 browning rifle, that he found on his side, when it was buried, and
then open fired on the T-3000 as it aimed for all parts since it has no CPU chip.

But as the T-800 was lighting up the T-3000 as Skynet droid was now attacking
from the back as it punched the T-800 in the back but soon the T-800 quickly counter
attacked by using a Grenade launcher, but as Kyle fired upon the T-3000, it was now charging
Kyle again while having trouble with its other two transformed legs when it
saw that they where blown to pieces and started missing some parts the T-3000 forms a
plasma pistol with the Microbots and fired in retaliation on the T-800 as Kyle took cover from the incoming
laser streaming fire.

Meanwhile Shining armor was trotting with guards enroute to Twilights house as he heard the
explosions ranged out and other ponies coming out of their houses to inspect the sound.
Shining and the other guards immediately ran towards Twilights home as they stumbled upon
the fight zone as he sees two creatures exact character Celestia had described as he looked
at the now destroyed house which he was now devastated but stubborn as the guard on his side

"What are they sir.."

"I don't know but we can't allow this any longer! Cease them NOW!" Commanded Shining.

The guards acknowledged and charged at the two creatures as the T-3000 saw and decided to
end its battle and relocate to a newer area but as for the other 5 targets it was given
priority number one on target 6, Twilight Sparkle.

As the T-3000 retreated away from Johns path
the T-800 Grabbed out the Fluga and pointed at the charging guards as the guards
still charged even without knowing what it is they continued to charge and so the Terminator fired
at the front far side of them, so the guards would not get hit by shrapnel nor consumed by the explosive effects,
the big explosion made a big sized hot hole in front of them as some tripped into it and got burned by the
fallout, not severely, and for the others they tripped on the ground trying to move away from the explosion
as the T-800 with damage on its front only, recoverable through skin spray, walked away from the scene
without scathing the guards (ish).

Shining saw that this thing blew a hole in the ground in which made Shining, who may have
underestimated it, but while thinking he decides to quickly help some of the guards out of the hole made by the

He then sees that Twilight was not there as for herself he assumes that she was unharmed but takened
but he also assumes that this thing must have taken her as he has his courier come
up. He states.

"Too all available guards is to gather here at once! This investigation is
now a paramilitary search and arrest operation!"


Celestia received a letter from the couriers as it state that Twilight had been potentially kidnapped.
As Celestia had continue to read from the letter made by Shining Armor she felt like being
punched in the gut as her student who recently became princess of Equestria had been kidnapped.

Celestia felt a hint of rage as she fought it off with determination to bring back and save Twilight
she made a note to respond to Shining along with a immediate military orders to the generals.

Luna walked in after given the same note as her sister walked to the courier with the written

"Send this to all Generals and response to Shining Armor," Ordered Celestia as the Courier Saluted
and ran to deliver the message.

Celestia looked at Luna as the night princess nodded in understanding as she head to her
room and teleported herself to the world of dreams in search of the kidnappers who
took Twilight from Equestria.

Or atleast that's what they think...
-------------------------------------------------Meanwhile with John and Twilight-----------------------------------------------

As the Motorcycle raced through the forest path that John and the T-800 had came through
to Twilights house, Twilight was now both shocked and confused.

These are not ordinary creatures who are new to her as one tried to kill her and the
other saved her and the one she is riding is kidnapping her??

But by the time they went passed a swamp Twilight decided to check her surroundings
she noticed she was somewhere in the everfree forest and also started questioning both her life and what was in front of her.

What is this new contraption she's riding?

Are those weapons that where both endangering and saved her life?

And why is there a Shape shifter trying to kill me?

Oh and also where in blazes is she heading?

Questions that needed to be resolved was the best time now.


The yell made John almost lose control before regaining which made John want
to blow up for that but considering that everyone would go after him just for that made him reconsidered
that he may have stir some heat onto himself anyways so he decides to calm and stop.

And so he stop at the side of the dirt road after clearing out of the Ville as he parks the Bike then turns to
Twilight and Spike as he then turned to load his RPG weapon.

"I'm taking you somewhere safe.. Even if none of your subjects likes it or not,"
Said John but instead of him blowing up it was Twilight who blows up

SECOND ATLEAST REFER TO ME AS SPARKLE!?" Yelled Twilight at the Armed Connor

"Fine.. 'Princess Sparkle' but you have to know that something is out there to kill you,"
Responded Connor with Sarcasm

"So what if it wants to kill me maybe I can ask why we can maybe
resolve it in peace.. Then in a bloodshed fight!"

The sentence resembled the word 'Reason' which made John triggered enough to break his neck
after hearing that sentence considering that its the most stupidest thing he ever heard especially
when she is talking about the same soul less thing that's out to kill her.

he continued to load his guns that he brought with him but he didn't realized that he gave more
of a reason for Twilight to ask more Questions.

"What do you mean it can't be reasoned with?"

John was started to get aggravated as if this pony can't get it through her thick horse skull
that it has no emotion nor soul.. So he goes on to continue on subject.

"It's a machine Sparkle! It doesn't reason! You can't beg! you can't plea! It will hunt you and the

Johns words gave Twilight a uneasy feeling as the same creature that was going to strike
her down to her final misery is going after her friends too? Why? She had to get
it clarify just to be safe even though she knows herself what he meant.

"What did you mean my friends?" Asked Twilight as John was Ridiculed but knew what
she meant.

"You heard me.. Its going after your other 5 friends.. The 'Bearers' it so much called,"
Responded John Twilight knew she couldn't sit on this weird thing while the other thing
is hunting her friends down to the last mare and so Twilight attempted to run as she grabbed
Spike who surprisingly grabbed Twilight and tried to stop her as John looked in a funny face.
He knew a lizard would listen so he shed some easy light on the situation,

"You can run all you could but if you run.. Me and Kyle won't be able to help you and you
will be on your own. Now stay if you like and we will make sure to destroy this thing before
it terminates your friend but you have to cooperate here,"

Spike Goes on to support on his side.

"He's probably right Twilight.."


"Twilight if we run it would only makes things worse and with that.. Thing after us well.. We might not
have a choice."

As Twilight decided to just give up on trying to run she instead got back on the bike.

"Promise?" Said Twilight as John heard her he remember his young self saying that to his protector
as he told him to promise even swear on a invisible bible to not kill anyone and so John will keep it.


Just as he finished he saw a bush shake and he readied his rifle and pointed before the T-800
came out.

"Kyle? Huh nice to see you it-"

"We must move quickly the guards had vanned out to search for her"

Twilight knew her brother wasn't gonna like it when strangers take her even when its for
the cause of saving her life. But as she looked she was shocked to see it was the same one
that saved her life and that both of them were working together on this mission of theirs.

But Twilight and Spike both nodded that maybe if Shining could help they could maybe
have more help on destroying this thing.

"So take me to my brother maybe he can help." Suggested Twilight
as Spike followed along.

"Yea Twilights brother could help you two you know,"

"If it involves my head being in a pike no thank you for all we know we may have pissed him
off get on Kyle and Sparkle hold on,"

Twilight Grabbed onto something before John activated the Motorcycle and drive on to
were the base would be at.

For now its hidden just for now..