• Published 28th Jul 2022
  • 581 Views, 17 Comments

The Terminator : Skynet's Last Solution - Escalator

John Connor and the liberated T-800 goes to Equestria to Terminate a Dispatched T-3000 Model before it Terminates the Bearers of Harmony

  • ...

Chapter 4 The Coronation Operation

**************************Ponyville what are they up too********************

As Twilight got up, barely from her restlessness, immediately she was bombarded by her friends
as rarity, who had the proper supplies for Twilights new Coronation dress, had came with the perfect
occasion as Rainbow dash made sure to keep the skies clear and Fluttershy with the animal training
for the coronation. as for Applejack she had been preparing for the occasion as well since her
friend was now going to be a new princess she had a head start in planning on setting up the food
for the coronation ceremony as for Pinkie she literally had banners in every street with it saying
"OUR NEW OVERL-" (Sorry I meant) 'hurray for princess Twilight'.

As Twilight was now being dressed with Hoof shoes and a pink and yellow dress by Rarity she hoped
her friends don't over exhaust themselves over her coronation considering that even after
Twilight is coronated as Princess she will still be with her friends no matter what.

But as Rarity finished Twilight was astonished.

"Wow. You were not kidding when you were going to find something to suit this moment!" Complemented Twilight,

"Its not a problem when your a artistic mare such as myself plus I think it suits you darling,"
Responded Rarity as Twilight hugged her and went on out with rarity following her
and Rainbow dash following suit.

___________________________________________The Man and a Robot____________________________

Meanwhile while the 6 friends where gathering up to meet Twilight before she boards the train to Canterlot
John and Kyle was on a tree trunk with John holding Binoculars to his face and the T-800 using.
Well.. His advanced vision on the 6 friends who just met up with each other before heading for the same
train to Canterlot.

"Well?" Said Connor as he continued to look on the 6 friends with a little weird stomach punching hunch
on the Alicorn one.

"Yes those are the 6 targets of the T-3000 aka the Bearers of the Elements," Responded Kyle
as Connor looked off of his Binoculars and stared at the T-800 beside him.

"So what's the plan?" Asked Connor.

"The T-3000 has it set to halt on its termination programming for another day as today is a event that the T-3000 will not go to terminate until that even is over,"

Terminator had spoken words which made no sense to John as he tried to process in one meaning..
A terminator sparing a life just for a event?? Why??

"Why exactly?" Asked Connor.

"To study it's target.. For weaknesses and location along with its threat level and finding other threats
so when the event is done."

"It'll know where he can find the target... That's somehow brilliant.. But also very bad.. Is it how the
first one?-"

"Found your mother Sarah Connor.. Indeed with exception of only a phone book,"

As John just sat on the tree thinking back on the time when he had to send what was suppose to be his father
back in time to save his mother just shook him considering on who knows what his father had been doing
with his mother.

(Which is good considering that John would be born then not born
but of course with that at mind lets get back to the main plot)

Just as the 6 ponies had now boarded the train to Canterlot, that are the bearers,
the two began to climb down the tree when all of a sudden. Kyle stopped John from climbing.

"What's the big id-" John didn't finished when he saw what looks to be soldiers at the area possibly there
to investigate some foot prints that where strangely new.
John realized if a single eye spots him then the stealth is in for the dogs but John was not
about to screw that up for a dam tree.

But before that time, when he was done making his mind up, Kyle was one step ahead of him and threw a apple on
the side as the guards went over to check it out the two scrammed back to the cabin and in the room
where they locked the door.

"Well that was nice to go ahead of me," Complained John in a Sarcastic way

"It was that or being spotted or captured" Responded the T-800,
in which John openly agrees.


--------------------------------------------------------------------Meanwhile after the apple fell------------------------------------

As the three guards saw nothing they were called by their officer to meet up with Shining Armor as they saluted To the white stallion who had a message from the sun princess.

"My second in command will be temporary in charge until I get back from Canterlot anything
after that Princess Twilight will be in command of this investigation,"

"Sir! Yes, sir." Said the guards that are in line.

As Shining Armor briefed his soldiers he head to the train station that he was assigned to guard his
own sister.

The three guards made the report to the temporary in command about the foot prints
as the Commander was shown the print he was astonished.

"So this is weird but what do you think this is?" Asked the Commander.

"We don't know sir we tried to find any prints with the identical shape and turned out nothing sir,"
Responded the Guards.

"Right get a cementite we'll need to dig this up so we can see what we are up against,"
Ordered the Commander

"Yes sir!" Responded the Guards as they ran off from the sight of the footprint.


As the T-3000 had gotten familiar of its surroundings it sees a event of a coronation which immediately
triggers a code.

|Code Scout triggered: Going into informational operation mode

|Secondary mission?: Code Turquoise : Continue

|Main Mission?: Terminate Element Barriers: On Hiatus

As the T-3000s main mission was placed on Hiatus it goes into civilian scout mode as it looked around
the guards that his body had lead came for orders as the T-3000 Said.

"Guard the event like the usual,"

Before his guards had said.

"Uhhh sir haven't you heard we were relieved of duty for today and given tickets to the Coronation"

This immediately triggers a third mission

|Third Priority: get close to target and get information on targets: Confirmed

"Do I have a ticket?" Said the Imposter.

"Well yea here have it" As the private gave his commanding Sargent the ticket the Private has no idea that
he just gave death a ticket to study a pony and will have its scythe on its skin.

"Thanks dismissed.." As the Private Saluted and carried on the sergeant now has a ticket
to study 'one' of its target unknowing it would have a massive amount of luck of studying all 6 targets
in one location..

------------------------------------------------------------------Castle Canterlot------------------------------------------------

Back at the castle, Celestia had seen better decorations but as she looked at the room she seen it bloom
with flowers for the occasion as Luna came from her room all dressed ready for the occasion while she
was glad to see the chambers decorated she also had a slight disturbing look towards Celestia. Celestia then
trots to her sister With curiosity of why she looks a little disturbed.

"Is something wrong sister?" Asked Celestia.

"Nothing is wrong tia.. But I feel like I'm in a strange world all of a sudden.." As Luna felt down
Celestia's suspicions is confirmed something happened to scare her sister to the point
of questioning life. (Which in honest opinion is Kinda bad)

As Celestia comforted her sister Luna requested to Celestia.

"Can I explain in private Tia?" Asked the moon sister as Celestia nodded in agreement.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------another room-----------------------------------

As Celestia and Luna walked to another room Luna had chills down her spine when she saw one of the
day guards. Only it was a strange one as it barely had any emotion but of course that's probably because of sleep deprivation, by the look of the eye bags, but other than that it felt dead to Luna's feeling.
Celestia sees it too as she looked at the strange guard she even felt that something was dead.
But she and her sister shook off this feeling as they went into Celestia's room

As the two sisters arrived to the bedroom and closed the door Celestia asked.

"So what is it you have to explain?"

Luna responded "When I was in thou world of dreams I encounter a new dream portal as if it was
a newborn foal but except.." Luna hesitated for a moment as she started processing everything into her mind
before she continued.

"Except it was a strange new creature that can talk and manipulate magic into a weapon of force,"

When Luna got that out Celestia did not think of anypony manipulating magic into a style of warfare uses
therefore only used magic in self defense reasons but by the sounding of Lunas case it was something'
even more..

"So who is this creature that is strange upon these lands?" Asked Celestia

"They call themselves thou humans but when I looked at who they were fighting it was as if..
They were fighting some type of corrupted version of themselves that thou creatures called them
"The Machines" a odd name.." Luna's response was quick but understandable as Celestia realizes
whatever this creature is it might be dangerous for the locals and must be detained or
confused in some type of wormhole.

Either way Celestia now has another worry but she started to connect some puzzles connecting
from last nights incident with lightning bolts first a device and now a new and strange creature
now running about in the unknown.

"Have you tried to confront it?" Asked Celestia as Luna tooked up courage to say.

"Yes its apparent that it took me down somewhere potentially to get me away from the chaos
but when I tried to confront him he was wakened up before I can do or ask anything,"

As Celestia hear Luna she heard him and he and so she had to further investigate deeper
even more.

"Who is this he your referring too?" Asked Celestia.

"He has a name whos called John Connor."

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------The Cabin----------------------------------------------------

As John Connor sat and ate some of the provisions he brought to here he looked at the day
as it was a beautiful outside like it was before the war in which he sees the T-800 loading a minigun
and a M2 Browning machine gun. As John finished his meal and went on ahead to load a Ak-47,
a Spas-12 and a Commando Quad missile launcher.

After loading the weapons John saw the T-800 walked out the door as he confronted Kyle.

"Hey just what the hell are you doing walking out in broad daylight?"
Asked John as the T-800 responded.

"We still have a mission to do. The T-3000 at any moment may have studied enough of its target
and will soon find a way to scope out its primary target through any means necessary through stealth,"

As John looked at Kyle he knows they have a mission but they can't just board a train when in fact
that it will be very crowded and by the looks to be some type of coronation it will be packed full which
will expose them more.

"Then I order you to stop! We are on a mission yes. But we can't go out in broad daylight and you know that!"
As John ordered the T-800 to delay what he was doing the T-800 Acknowledged.

"Very well. Then what will the plan be?" Asked the T-800 with a precaculated plan made in '
case John didn't fall through.

Which does involve going into broad daylight and shooting the T-3000 to scrap.

"Then here's how'll it goes."


As the T-3000 walked to the chamber were the coronation is to be held in 30 mins it
scanned the entire area for any other targets that may oppose Skynet when it invades this
disgusting world.

|Message from Skynet Accept?: Affirmative

|Message: Destroy anything that opposes Invasions: Upgrade given: Magic Aura scan:
Accept Upgrade?: Accept: Do not scan weaknesses as it is invalid against
our weapons:

As the T-3000 is now upgraded it scans any potential secondary targets when it came across the

The sisters came out along with cadence and so did the nobles and so forth was 5/6 of its targets
but it started scanning the sisters mainly.

|Wish to scan?: Affirmative

|Scanning targets?: Blue and White Tall ponies with crown

|Scanning: 50%

|Scanning: 67%

|Scanning 10-

|Error to much power Automatic mark for Termination Mission Accept?:


As the T-3000 finished scanning it still stays back due to scout trigger protocol, and also because
of witnesses, it instead stays close and blends into the crowd of excited ponies who are
watching to see their new princess take up the crown, as the Coronate Twilight sparkle enters
the room but by then the other rest of its 5 targets present itself.

(During the Coronation itself)

|Scanning all 5 targets: Begin?: Affirmative

|Scanning targets location: Family: Relatives: and Threat level/magic: Accepted: Weaknesses?:
Decline Skynet ordered no scan for weaknesses

|Scan Complete Threat level mild on all but two level of
discrepancy on target 3 Also known as Rainbow dash
and weak for Target 4 Also known as Fluttershy

|Target Scan review?: Accepted

|Target 1: Pinkie pie: Target threat level: Mild: Magic: 0%:
Race: E.P. Note: Could be dangerous if not devastating

|Target 2: Applejack: Target threat level: Mild: Magic 0%: Race: E.P:
Notes: Watch for the Hind legs destroys internal on impact

Target 3: Rainbow Dash: Target threat level: Discrepant: Magic 56%: Race: Pegasus:
Notes: Could break fabric of sound

Target 4: Fluttershy: Target threat level: weak : Magic 32%: Race: Pegasus
Note: No note its weak

Target 5: Rarity: Target threat level: Mild: Magic 67%: Race: Unicorn:
Notes: will attack unless allies are threatened

|All targets are in Ponyville: Head to Ponyville?: Decline

As the T-3000 scanned for the 6th target it hears the parade of nobles and guards coming down
the aisle as it looked at the one infront of them all.

As Twilight was now walking past the T-3000 it started to scan her and it got some...
Pretty unexpected results.

|Warning Target 6 is Marked: Threat Level: Connor: Lives in Ponyville:
leads the 5 bearers: Named: Twilight Sparkle: Terminate at high

As the T-3000 seen that the tall white pony finished her speech and with target 6
now marked Priority the T-3000 leaves the crowd. But as it left he was followed by other
3 guards.

"Heyyy Sarge!" The T-3000 turned and saw it was the 3 guards.

"What is it?" Asked the imposter

"Well the orders came through we are being shipped to Ponyville in reason to believe there
is some type of Aliens in the area or some type.." The T-3000 goes back on its memory files
on the two targets and then came back to present.

"Do we have to worry about them... Sir?" Asked the Private.

"No... Not at all.." Smirked the Imposter

----------------------------------------------Back at the cabin-------------------------------------------------------------------

Just as John Connor finished weapons detailing he comes to hear some unexpected engine sounds and he
comes outside the evening sky wondering what the hell is going on only to come to find a unexpected well...

*Bad to the bone starts playing*

"You have to be cucking kidding me...." John Connor looks at what the Terminator made
with what looks to be a Cylinder Motorcycle..

The T-800 rolls out with what looked to be a Motorcycle that it seemed he built as John was
about ready to bleach his eyes out when in turn just what....

"How did you made this??" Asked John as he just don't have a decent processing mind

"Try looking for parts in abandoned trains" Responded the T-800 as John continued to gawk.

But as John had finally Processed this.. Whole thing he happened to found himself in, he just begged one question
"Where did you get the fuel for this?"

"The Properties in this world can fuel almost about everything as long you have something
to use with that Property."

"In English?"


As Kyle made Donuts around the dirt road John had to cover his face to keep the dirt out of her
mouth and mouth,

But then John Connor said "Screw it."

He rides with the Terminator with a Shotgun on back and Grande launcher on hand the two
zoomed deeper in the forest.

And Riding to the sunset they went err forest cus this is not the end.

Author's Note:

So on the part where the T-3000 scanner said Twilight is marked as a Connor no it was not locating Connor it was marking Twilight as a Huge Threat.

But Anyways so the T-3000 is coming to ponyville when fate had it be set to head to the home of the bearers.

John and Kyle are having fun on their new fun motor toy.

And everyone else is having cake XD.

Wow if you read all that congrats you get nothing but sadness and excitement.