• Published 28th Jul 2022
  • 579 Views, 17 Comments

The Terminator : Skynet's Last Solution - Escalator

John Connor and the liberated T-800 goes to Equestria to Terminate a Dispatched T-3000 Model before it Terminates the Bearers of Harmony

  • ...

Chapter 3 Establishing Grounds

With the Guards on their way to ponyville John and Kyle started to make their way through
the alley way in stealth.

As they stumbled through the dark wetness of the dark corner they come across a forest entrance
in which they went through and found a old house, which is perfect for their concealment in the environment.

As John tried to open the door it was apparently locked so the terminator broke through the door
which made noise in which hopefully no one heard the noise but as the terminator went in first
he quickly grabbed vines in inside the house and threw them in a fire place as the house
inside meanwhile was perfectly intact like it was new.

"Heh so much for abandoned huh, I wonder if someone does lived here," As john spoke
the terminator responded to the last word of his sentence.

"No one lives here there is another house 30 miles away from us.. and other 5 houses
1 mile from here,"

"Thanks for the context..." As John had the sense of the usual 'T-800 knowledge'
he set his bag full of guns and provisions on the table as Kyle follow Suite.

Kyle then Proceeds to open the bag and grabbed out a Winchester shotgun, a Thumper,
and a 0.50 Pistol as he loaded the weapons John wanted to relax after that distressing event but
at the same time couldn't when he peeked on how the world was not in a chaotic war especially
against machines.

"I guess they had it lucky huh.. No scientist to attempt some type of machine. No.. Nothing of
technology based really.." Told Connor on himself.

"Incorrect there is a device that can take us back home in a push of a button,"
Responded to Connors self talk.

"What.... Are you saying we have to go through that mess to get back home..."

"Preciously." The Terminator turned, "But before we go through the Displacement we have to Terminate
the T-3000 before it terminates it's targets and completed its mission."

"Well do you have it?" Asked John when the Terminator said



______________________________________________Twilight Sparkle Residence________________________________

As Twilight came back in her house she felt tired and anxious because she realizes that it would do more
harm than good if she continue to gain more knowledge on new magic and then there is that coronation
that's suppose to happen tomorrow so she has to get some sleep and end the all nighter.
Also she needs to stop fricking worrying.

But before she went to bed she heard a knock at the door.

Wondering who it was she came down stairs to the door and opened it and to her surprise it was her brother
as she embraced him into a hug. With hooves and wings.

"Brother I didn't know you were coming to ponyville. I-its a surprise,"
As Twilight welcomed her brother in a glad voice Shining broke off from his sister bear hug.

"Well at some point I have to visit my sis before her big coronation and then back to Crystal city
of course atleast until I find out what caused the trouble here in my sisters home town,"

As Twilight heard the reason it may be a sign that it has Canterlot festered about the recent event that
just occurred 1 hour ago but then her brothers eye got caught onto something on her table.

"What's that?" Twilights brother pointed his hoof at the object sitting on her table as she feared
he might repossess it in cause of investigation but then again she can trust her own brother not to freak out and..
Repossess it right? Right?

With Twilight putting all trust on her brother she quickly grabbed him by the armor and dragged him
inside and shut the door.

Her brother was not happy in fact aggravated before Twilight answered that Aggravation when
she shown him to her room in which made her brothers Aggravation disappear.

"So is this some accident that happened to occur?" Asked Shining knowing that his sister
is known to accidently tip magic to the extreme.

"If only it was. I was trying to research more on Starswirls magic and just when I figured out
how to do one of his spells a round Lightning Sphere spawned at my room and disappear
leaving this weird object behind,"
As Twilight responded to her brothers superstitions of a 'magical accident' Shining tooked
a good thought on Twilights explanation and compared the damage from the Market to her room
it was the same but with a difference.
There is no object at the area...

"Hmm this may be something bigger than what I previously thought then,"
but as Shining was about to go in, what's Left of his sisters living room,
His courier opens his sisters door with a message.

"Sir! There was a 2nd area like the one we found in the... area.." The Courier looked at his captains
sisters living room The Captain answered his shock.

"Yea.. I think I may have stumbled upon a third one."

--------------------------------------------------The 2nd Burnt sight (which is actually the 2nd sight---------------------

As the guards finished sweeping the burnt sight Luna was there with full armor, in case another came spawning
at her area. The night guards came to Luna with a report.

"The area so far is cleared there are no fires but a glass pothole other than this area its secured your highness,"

"Very well start packing up I want a post at thou garden gate here at foremost discrepancy,"
Commanded Luna
"Yes your highness,"
Acknowledged the night commander
As the guards started packing up among them is a imposter who happened to be asked what happened
as the imposter answered the questions in a weird way he was sent off to his duty.

|Fool locals in area: Successful

|Secondary mission?: Proceed with code turquoise: Play along imbecile

|Main Priority?: Terminate Bearers of the Elements

As the imposter walked off it was met with the other 3 guards as they were waiting for their sergeant
to finish with the questions.

"Is anything alright?" Said one guard

"What did they asked?" Said another one.

"Give him a break whatever he saw is probably going to give him PTSD
heck it seems the stallion is shocked as it is just look at him"
Said the third one as the 3 looked at him with concern and eventually
the Imposter guard said.

"Go get rest its another day as you may know,"

The three nodded in agreement and went to their cabins except for the Imposter which needs to find
where the 6 targets are and eliminate them.

_________________________________________________Back at the Cabin____________________________________

With John now Frustrated at the fact that their only way of going home is potentially on the
other side of a unknown world they have no idea about what's worse they can't go home
without it and even if they destroy the T-3000 they may be stuck here forever.

-Well... Atleast I said my last goodbye to kate... Hopefully she will be fine back at our world-

As John made his thoughts for the first time since the start of the war on judgement day the T-800
comes back with a literal entire unleafed black tree as the terminator placed in the fire he also
managed to seal the chimney while not suffocating John Connor from the smoke of the fire

"I have managed to keep the chimney from revealing our location by having the smoke be located
underground," Said Kyle

"Great.. As if pollution couldn't affect just earth why stopped there.."
As John looked at the fire he felt sleepy and then just as the fire had fully warmed him he went too sleep.

----------------------------------------------------------------Canterlot castle: Luna's room-----------------------------------

After the the search in the area Luna went inside her room as she tried to relieve herself of things
she thought to herself.

-Calm down I think thou best to calm yourself and help others with their dreams just for mental sake-

She warps into the hall of dreams as she looks around the dreams she would see a dream with dark clouds
and would resolve them in a instant in a night but also resolves by telling the pony dreaming on why.

***1 hour and 49 nightmares later***

After resolving the nightmares she needed a break as she was about to exit. One dream portal
was seen on her right, it had no cutiemark at all and it was a strange looking dream entrance
as it was just new?

She enters this new dream portal into the cutiemarkless mind as she entered she felt
like she was teleported to a whole new world...

It was all out war in a instant when she saw two sides charging.

What looked like to her artificial magic weapons firing at each other it was horror to a new extreme
she however sees the both sides are not ponies nor are they Minotaur's or Griffons but Bipedal creatures
fighting what looked like a silver and more corrupted version of themselves..

As she looked on she thought of one thing

-What in Faust name could have lived thou through this....-

She looked on as the war carried on and when she tried to end this nightmare it failed as it was all but a memory.
A memory of a war she doesn't know it was in another planet.

But as she looked on she saw one soldier shot and disintegrated another loses his arm and another
losing both his legs and more lives and so forth.

But she only saw in horror as the war carried on before.. Before she saw him.

Leading the charge, against what the Bi-pedal creatures she heard called 'the machines', Had a name on his
jacket named Connor.

"Connor...." She said to herself

She now knows who's memory it belong to now but it begs the question what and how did it end up in this
world she does not know but from what Luna can gather.. This is not a Pony.

Its a human.

--------------------------------------------------------------------Twilight Residence--------------------------------------------------------------

After Shining Explained to his men and sent a letter to Celestia in which Celestia responded and order
for the object to be kept with Twilight (Also for a sneaky test on leadership) Celestia Orders Shining
Armor that His sister starting after Coronation will be in charge.

By the time Shining Armor Finished reading the letter his sister was asleep and so he place a blanket
over her.

"Well it's settled the object stays here and investigation is to continue as planned," Ordered the Captain.

"So Captain what do you think caused this in the first place?" Said one of Day guards.

"I don't know what to make with this but if its a individual then it will have a lot of answering to do
with the princesses themselves including my sister " As Shining finished the Guards both Night and day nodded
in Agreement.

Meanwhile at what's suppose to be the 3rd burnt site Applejack along with Rainbow dash was fixing the
stand that was burnt down the middle as Rainbow dash got the rest of the wood she took a breath
as it was night time.

"So why couldn't you just assume that it was rats that destroyed your stand and not bring a entire Equestrian
army here in ponyville?" Complained Rainbow dash at the fact that while it is useful for the guards
to help out fixing the stand AJ Responded.

"Well it ain't my decision or you wouldn't be calling me your average apple,"

As the two bickered they managed to fix the stand and soon before they could move a single hoof
they collapse and fell asleep at the night guards tooked them to their perspective homes
and they went to sleep on their beds.

----------------------------------------------------------------------Back to Luna's Traumatization--------------------

As Luna continued to stand and watch the battle unfold she continued to see these Bi-pedal
Humans being slaughtered by the machines.

As she looked on she sees a HK Tank about to crush her before it exploded when a missile hit it.
As the smoke cleared she saw Connor with a bazooka group as Luna saw the war unfold she
was grabbed by the war torn Connor.

She was tooken down into some basement by Connor in which indicating the memory was a dream now.
As she made this nightmare disappear as Connor looked around what his mind was and then at the princess.

The Princess then looked at Connor and Connor looked back as if they were in some type
of standoff.

"Who are thou you?" Asked Luna as she charged her horn up
John Connor could say the same except with atleast some decent English.

"Don't really need to answer that but considering that you can enter my mind makes no point bu-"

Before he could finished he was awakened By Kyle in which broke the first meeting up.

-----------------------------------------------BACK TO THE WAKING WORLD AWAAAAY!-------------------------------

As John Waked up he was now a bit of a nervous wreck as now he knows that these mythic
creatures can enter his mind making him very vulnerable to mind reading or atleast what he thinks
to himself atleast.

"I can sense you are have a existential crisis I can see why as I should have warned you after
reading files I stolen from one of Skynet's computers when we were hiding that only
one creature can go into minds" Said the Depressing Kyle.

"Shit, can it track our location?"

"No.. But it can trap you in your mind"

With those words in mind John does not feel like sleeping now after hearing this phrase but he could
not go to sleep anyways as it is now day time but he wanted correct one thing with kyle.

"Not a 'it'.. A she. And I think I've been compromised," As John Connor though back to himself
he sees the day light as it is now morning.

"Alright lets get to the job already if Skynet is targeting the bearer then we sh-"

"Correction 6 bearers," Interrupted the Terminator.

"What... " As if john hasn't been demoralized already he now has to look
to protect 6 dam targets.

"F*cking wonderful,"

As Kyle grabbed out his Shotgun and a Thumper John grabbed a M416 rifle while still not happy
that he lost his plasma rifle and the fact he has to look for 6 peo- ponies
he knows its not important to the mission that a plasma rifle is destroy but what's important
is to get Skynet's metal fingers away from that power sources and murdering 6 innocents that had nothing
to do with their war.

"Welp another day, another war, Another... World??"

Author's Note:

Just to clarify The bright blue will represent the night guard and the yellow the day guards
just to clear up any occasional Confusion. But anyways with that said I hope you enjoyed Luna's Heart wrenching Experience and John Connor being creeped out.

I am preparing to release 3 stories I will not let this story die until I die so don't expect it to die out (I mean c'mon why do you make a literal good story line when you don't expect to finish it) But yea unless I'm dead or the fact that I finished this story then I will keep this story alive