• Published 28th Jul 2022
  • 579 Views, 17 Comments

The Terminator : Skynet's Last Solution - Escalator

John Connor and the liberated T-800 goes to Equestria to Terminate a Dispatched T-3000 Model before it Terminates the Bearers of Harmony

  • ...

Chapter 11 Revelations

---------------------------------------------------------------Clinic exit 2 hours earlier------------------------------------------------------

Shining armor, after finally recovering from the fight, stepped out from the clinic after
waving to the nurses and thanking them for treating him and his wounds.

He had heard about the incident and how Celestia was nearly assasinated by the TX that
was fighting Kyle.

It was probable that it lost itself from its partner but the merry of it all was that it was destroyed
by what ended up pissing his bed was the news that it was his sister.. From the future..

The Fucking alternate future.. That Shining is afraid to even wanting to know about.

Anyways he walked to the path way thinking to himself when he tripped on a rock
and fell down the slope as he was rolling down the grass he managed to stop himself from
rolling further.

"Crap I just got out.." Said Shining to himself, he dusted himself off of the dirt
collected from that unexpected slip up.

When he heard a bush shaking down the slope, but knowing Shining..

He ran from the bush before accidently running to a guard.




The Guards where interrupted when they saw the Captain of the guard as they immediately
saluted before Shining could say anything one guard said.

"Nice to see you back in duty sir!"
The Other said

"Yea.. Sorry about that sir!"

Shining nodded understanding it was a accident as he turned to the same bush that shooken
only to see a squirrel come out of it he face palmed himself and trotted with the rest of

"So how's security since the... Sudden incident?" Asked Shining

"Its been doubled I doubt no alien robot is going to penetrate our defenses."
Said the Guard enthusiastically.

"That's what I fear..." Worried Shining.

The four left the Clinic area to the armory when back to the squirrel the animal was chewing
on a acorn when it was suddenly blasted by the T-3000 to ashes as the corrupted version of a pony
came out of the bush.

The T-3000 is disguised again as a Pony but in its worse nightmarish version of it..
Half face fleshed with bones exposed, Flesh strips from leg to another, to a eye that you can only
see inside it blood and gorish flesh as it tracked down Shining preparing him.

To be the new walking corspe.
-----------------------------------------------------------Present time---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Both Present and future Twilight stand face to face with each other.. Present Twilight was speechless
and shocked same with her friends infact.

John however was not that surprised at all as it is possible to time travel but... The Appearance
on the future Twilight?? Did that mean that John ended up failing... Or was it even worse...

Luna looked at everyone as she expected them to react. (Except for John as it looks like he's
normal to this type of stuff) she broke the silence as she walked and turned between Kyle
and John.

"She has a.. Interesting story... It meant well but I could say it was worse.."

"Worse then what exactly?" Asked Rarity while she was still disgusted with John and Kyles

"Well.. Let her explain." Said Luna as she signaled Future Twilight inside the cabin
as the entire group went inside with the five girls silently sitting down, John pulling a chair
for himself, Kyle just being Kyle, And Twilight and Luna still standing while staring
at well Twilight...

Future Twilight with a magic sniper rifle on her right back a magic pistol holstered on her side
and a RPG that looked like Johns RPG... On her left back. She finally spoked after a good

"It's true.. Its worse then what you all expect.. Including myself" Pointed at Twilight the Present
sat down to listen as Spike stood on her neck looking through her mane as the future continued.

"It went down on the same day of Celestia's Assasination attempt.. Only it was successful.."

-----------------------------------------------Future Twilights story--------------------------------------------------

"It was when the TX entered the garden was when it attacked Celestia she fought valiantly to
destroy the TX or atleast drive it off.. When it grabbed her throat and when it did... It.."

TSPAR was silent as she looked on with a mourning face as if someone important had died..
Only it actually happened in her timeline.

Twilight felt her future self grievance to lose somepony that you looked up to only to be
violently be murdered and Luna could say the same when she heard it herself with her sister
Celestia on the other hoof was deprived of emotion hearing of her own death in another timeline.

Future Twilight continued.

"After Celestia's death it came after Luna and she too was.. Finished.. After that Shining and Cadence
had took control of Equestria for the time being but during when it all went down on this night
the outside you see now was.."

Future Twilight hesitated before she finished.


--------------------------------------------------Shining Armor----------------------------------------------------------

As Shining left the train station he was glad to get out back to his sister after spending hours
in the clinic while he could be helping despite his wounds when he also felt a very strange odd
feeling of something following him.

He turned left, right, and even up to find nothing there but the air as if something
was after him only for him to convince his mind it was probably post hospitalized paranoia.

He continued his nightly trot to find his sisters home finally being rebuilt by volunteers who known
Twilight and respected her even up to a same level of ruler like Celestia and now returning the favor
by rebuilding the tree house personally ordered by mayor Mare while she took care of her pet owl,

Shining was amazed at the work that the volunteers did to Twilights home.

"I have to give you credit you really rebuilt my sisters home in a day?" Said Shining.

"It's the least we can do for our princess and her loyal friends for helping Ponyville for all
these ages." Responded Mayor Mare as she gazed on Twilights home.

"Well you certainly did a good job on showing your emotions on that and I think my sister
will appreciate the work done here." Amazed Shining.

"I'm sure she'd be most happy to see to it that this.. Thing. Is disposed of before it harms anymore
lives that doesn't deserved at all." Confidently said Mayor

"I'm sure I'll see to it if not dispose of it myself." Responded Shining.

The Mayor Trotted back home as the workers had done for the night as the night time bell ringed signaling
the end day shift as construction ponies and volunteers left the sight of Twilights, soon to be, reconstructed

Shining continued on his journey as he entered the path way when suddenly..

"GAHK!" Muffle Shining as the T-3000 quickly leaped and grabbed him he attempted
to charged it when it pulled a impossible stunt on him (Not really impossible for it) the
T-3000 smirked and phased through him as tiny Nanos went past him like a locust storm
and it punched Shining in the head to the point of unconsciousness.

Now.. As it was about to possess him Skynet gave him a new command.

|Do not possess target 6 sibling component: Use as bait: Lure target 6 and John Connor to bait:

The T-3000 acknowledged as it broke off from Shining's body and turned backed to it's
humanoid form and carried Shining from the hind legs while ordering its weapon bots
to strap his hooves together as it head down to its own base...

-------------------------------------------------Back at the Cabin----------------------------------------------

"During the invasion the machines killed Cadence and my brother when it spawned here
and Canterlot. Lives were lost and even upon unimaginable levels it raided this cabin and as spoken
everyone here died. Including you John.."

John Connor was a bit mental.. So it killed everyone in the Cabin if that's the case why isn't
she dead and speaking to everyone in this room.. And why does he feel something with her that's

Twilight and her friends felt uneasy but she asked the one question.

"So. Who survived the attack?"

"Me and believe it or not.. Kyle."
The friends looked at Kyle in dumbfounded faces as Kyle ignored them as he was cleaning
the AK barrels and other weapons fired in other battles while listening to future Twilights story.

"After the attack I was devastated on the death of everyone I ever cared about... Kyle however
in my timeline helped everypony who survived to train as a resistance group and well after years I grown
into the appearance atleast the size Cadence.. Heh I guess I- or in this case we had it in ourselves.
But in the end.. Skynet destroyed everything in the planet and turned it into nothing.. Just nothing
No griffons. No Changelings. No dogs. Nothing..."

John couldn't help to think.. A world that's just dead with no live left but one Alicorn who survived it all
he felt a little emotional.. To think that everyone you cared for is dead. Life that you see normal is gone.
And occurrences that would happen everyday is turned to ash.. But also there's other talking species?

Present Twilight placed her hoof on her future self as she smiled both emotionally and happily
and she hugged herself after being alone for ages.

"Thank you for preventing this terrible future.." Said Twilight before hearing a beeping sound on her future self's

"Its my time.." Said future Twilight as she hugged her supposedly dead friends, shook hoof to hand
with Kyle and then looked at John in a quite weird fashion as everyone looked at the two who are
face to face.

"I have one message for you John.."

John kneeled close to future Twilight as he said.

"From you?" Said John Sarcastically before she said.

"No. From somepony you held dear your whole life before your judgement day."

John stared at future Twilight as she said these words.

"There's no fate but what we make-

for ourselves."

Said the two at the last line in unison.

Soon future Twilights beeper goes off as she is now teleported to some other dimension as Kyle kept the guns
from flying off and Applejack grabbing her hat and everyone else anchoring themselves from flying off as
the vortex of time disperses.

Twilight looked at the dispersed vortex as John as down and her friends and Luna now looked
a bit gloopy but Twilight now feels that herself has given everypony a fighting chance and she wasn't
going to let a sacrifice go to waste as she took her step on the table.

"Friends.. Luna.. And resistance fighters from another world.. Now you seen that a time like that
is something to never even think off! That every enjoyment! Every time! Its a treasure to those
who even hasn't heard of us! We now must protect our friends! Our home! And most of all."


The Girls looked to each other in determination Luna was surprised at Twilights sudden inspirational
speech and John and Kyle were now cut off of what just happened but liked the dig of it.


Everypony except for John and Kyle yelled out in unison.


"FOR MY SISTER!" Shouted Luna.

"For humanity.." Said Kyle. In which John add on with his own final phrase.

"For earth..."

Author's Note:

Welp so it begins the final battle is coming and coming fast it was a nice story but it had to come to a end now don't worry before I release the final chapter I will start working on editing some grammar things till then..