• Published 28th Jul 2022
  • 583 Views, 17 Comments

The Terminator : Skynet's Last Solution - Escalator

John Connor and the liberated T-800 goes to Equestria to Terminate a Dispatched T-3000 Model before it Terminates the Bearers of Harmony

  • ...

Chapter 9 Shining vs Skynet

Author's Note:

So as I said in the previous blog I have decided to release the stories without editing grammar but its all apart of my break.. Besides I'll edit them when I get back so until then cya back! Oh and one more thing. Not trying to waste time but I will ask if you can comment on the story that'd be great as feedback makes the story alive and well grammar.


I Have also just released yet another edit Grammar fixes and

-----------------------------------------------------Hospital: top floor------------------------------------------------------------------------

The stand off breaks as Shining goes for the first charge on the T-3000, before being pushed aside,
the T-3000 then transformed the Microbots into a pistol as it tried to shoot Shining.

But as the T-3000 ran out of bullets, due to lack of Nanobots running out.
Shining manages to cut it's legs off with his sword as the thing regenerated every slice.

The T-3000 grabbed Shining's sword and breaks it in half like a toothpick before throwing it at Shining with
intense force before slicing a scar on Shining's face in which he retaliated with a charge on the creature.
Through a head first bash on it as they both went through the wall.

During the fight John continue to be in agonizing pain since a knife was stabbed in his shoulder by the TX
but seeing the fight between Shining and T-3000 he knows that Shining will not win without help, and also
he does not want to be on Sparkles bad side if her brother was killed by the thing that's meant to
kill him and her.

Immediately he decides it's do or die as he sucked it up and grabbed the knife, that's still lodged on his
shoulder that's bleeding out, and pulls hard as he can while trying to ignore the pain out of it.

While John tries to free himself the TX was able to fight off the guards as they were injured
from the legs and head but not Kyle as his arm was showing its metal skeleton part he grabbed the
TX from the head and smashes it on the wall.

Soon the TX blows Kyle off of it with a grenade that it made and Kyle was pushed off to the pile
of injured guards before lifting it's head to reveal Kyle's right side burnt and exposed.

The Guards stare at Kyle with froze confusion as Kyle turned to the guards in understanding that he
is still on their side the guards got on their feet and try one last charge on the TX.

Soon the TX was knocked down by the shear force of the charging guards as they stabbed the TX
with their spears in a attempt to destroy it. But regardless the guards were quickly thrown off and rolled
down the stairs.

Soon the T-800, with its half face exposed, took matters in its own and
grabs the shotgun and fires on a explosive and yet flammable material setting the upper floor on fire while
exploding the hallway itself.

The explosion ranged out as guards and other ponies saw and heard the blast as the entire upper
floor of the hospital is now destroyed and inflamed.

Celestia couldn't believe that such a vulnerable place could be a deadly war zone as she immediately

"Secure the area now! Get my ponies away from this sight until the battle is finished!"

The guards nodded as the pegasus and the unicorn guards motioned and established a perimeter around
the hospital to prevent fire injuries to unexpected pass byers.

But as the guards established perimeters Twilight was in worried as it looked as if she was going in
there but she knows that thing will kill her at the opportunity given but she realized maybe if she used
the elements there is a chance to defeat these monsters before they can do any more harm
to her world.

But what's worse to thought that her brother was in there and it would be a matter
of time before she may be ending up burying him..

------------------------------------------------------Back at the Hospital-------------------------------------------------------------

Soon the TX, now inflamed, retreated from the T-800s sight as it coward to get outside as Kyle
kept shooting at it until it was out of sight before it then turned towards where John is suppose
to only too see that John was not at the spot where he is.

Meanwhile Shining was still wrestling the T-3000 as the T-3000 continued to scratch and slash at the
stallion Shining did the same, only with no affect, the T-3000 slaps Shining to the ground with hard
and stern strength as it formed a metallic stabbing weapon and grabbed Shining by the neck and pressed
him on the wall as it speaked.

"Were is Twilight Sparkle.."

Shining hesitated as he struggled only for to have it pressing in more on Shining's neck
he responds to the T-3000.

"Go to Tartarus!"

Soon the T-3000 says.


It moves the weapon that is pointed at Shining's head in a way to finish off the wounded knight.
As his last thoughts he made to have peace with his death was.
-See you in the eternal lands sister..-


Soon Twilight tried to sneak back in the hospital, as the guards had been able to prevent her from entering,
Celestia understood why she was so eager to get inside when her brother was not with the guards when they
came out brutally injured but Celestia didn't want to risk her life being in there while the threat is still
there while also aiming after Twilight. So she tried to negotiate with sense.

"Twilight please.. You can't go inside that building when those things are trying to ki-"

"CELESTIA!" Turned Twilight as if she had enough. "I-I.. I have to save my brother.. He's family.." Continued Twilight as she now breaks down in tears..

Family.. A word used that everyone has as they grew up a sibling or parent they are all the same.
Even if one turns evil like her sister specifically Celestia knows how it feels to lose someone that close
but she couldn't risk it with Twilight even if it meant for the better means of losing Shining..

"I'm.. Sorry I can't let you.."

Soon Twilight turned around and cried into Celestia's front chest as the friends tried to comfort
her. It was now up to John to keep Shining alive.

-------------------------------------------------------Back inside-----------------------------------------------------------------------

Soon the T-3000 was now about to stab Shining Armor in the head as Shining covered his face
ready for impact the the blade, that was suppose to kill Shining, was shot to pieces as it shattered
to pieces by a Origin-12 round as the T-3000 Turned it gets pelted more and more ammo from the
Origin barrel rounds as huge holes starts to show.

As the T-3000 was trying to regenerate its sword and its wounds, to kill Shining, but it was quickly blown away
again and so the T-3000 turned to find Connor, its first primary target, shooting at him with
shoulder wound visible and streaking with blood.

So the T-3000 charges at John before getting its legs blown off before it gets a retreat notice
from the TX, who is waiting at a new area point and so the T-3000 falls back to regroup with its
low self out of the hospital.

"Heh you saved me.. How come?" Said Shining

blood marks and scars are visible from both his muzzle and his entire chest was scarred
from the T-3000s attack John grabbed Shining's two hoofs and lifted him up on his neck as he walked
away from the inferno John responded to Shining's question.

"No one deserved to die like that and you should know. Or.. What we humans call 'No man left behind'"

As John quickly paced towards the stairs, with injured shining on back,
the T-800 comes from the flames with shotgun on hand the M60 on back.

John looked to see that his comrades face and left arm had been revealed as it's exo self but Kyle
ruined the moment by stating.

"We should get going the flames will be worse,"

the two and Shining head down the stairs to the very bottom floor filled to
the roof with blinding smoke as John had to crawl, while dragging and placing his hand on Shining's
muzzle to keep the smoke out of his lungs. But as soon as they reached the doors are wooded shut.

"Dammit we'r-"

As John was gonna finish he was interrupted by Kyle when it smashed through the doors, that were wooded shut.
Soon the three got out as John placed down Shining as the firefighter ponies went pass them with the
water to extinguish the fires caused by the explosion.

Soon Twilight ran towards her brother and embraced him, ignoring the fact that her brother is bleeding,
the medics head towards Shining to treat him and patch his wounds up as the other guards and the princess
are relieved.

John meanwhile sat down with everything emotional happening on his side as he laid down the O-12 rifle
and Patched his own wounds with morphine and a bandage as he wrapped the stab wound in his shoulder.
He then started contemplated towards Kyle as he sprayed on his face and arm,
to regenerate some of the lost skin in the brutal encounter.

Soon John blasted.

"There is fucking two of them now!!! WHAT THE HELL!!!!!"

"Its more likely to have sent a TX to be a back up in case the T-3000 is destroyed. Its highly suggested that
we take down the TX target before going after the T-3000 head on." Said Kyle.

As John was almost done regenerating the liberated T-800s skin as he continued on to say.

"But how?! The last time I came across this thing at 2003 was then my wife who apparently 'took in
charge' when I was DEAD IN ANOTHER TIMELINE! Sent a T-850 and not... Well your type."

"Indeed so but if this mission goes exactly to plan the two will be destroyed in approximately two days.
If of course weeks.."

"Great... So what then do we just stay in some medieval castle? Or do we live out the mission in a MEDIEVAL TOWN!"

John sat as he looked at the sky in in both aggravation in worry.. Was he gonna face two of Skynet's dammed robots
with human flesh and a robot of his own? Surely the 'Princesses of the dam Equestria land' will do shit
since the mishap with here and there at Ponyville. Hell he feels like he's playing 'SURVIVE A FUCKING GIRL

As he continued to contemplate in his mind in a confusing frenzy he then sees a purple pony trot towards
him- no wait not just a purple pony its Twilight for Pete sakes she trotted with the face that looked
like she's determined with courage as she stopped and looked at John as he looked back.

"We are with you to the very end," Said Twilight as John just.. You know what screw it he literally been through
shit just now and yet lets just say that he is glad and also concerned at the same time.

Eventually one by one her friends came up with Twilight with two looked determined enough.
One who was determined (ish) but frightened. Another who looked like she can dress a threat
with restrainers to the point of oxygen loss. And one that defies anything that Einstein says and anything
with physics/gravity/everything fricking else.

So John nodded in understanding and finished spraying Kyle as it stared at the young Alicorn and a crowd of
guards who witnessed Kyles true form in the battle.

"This will be hard to explain.." Said Kyle

-------------------------------------------------------------------------The new Point------------------------------------------------------------

The TX and the T-3000 rendezvous at the everfree forest as they found themselves a good pull
of resources.

But before they dived in to destroy the forest a cyclops like beast came out of nowhere as it charged
at the two.

|Immediate engagement

|Immediate engagement

The TX and the T-3000 ignited the beast with plasma blasters and it obliterates it's leg as it retreated
the TX goes dirty and threw a formed spear at it. Killing it in the process as it lied dead..

The Nanobots consumes the entire dead corpse as it just became a amoeba food supply as the
Cyclops beast was just gone..

Even the bones and everything else was consumed as the Nano's came back to it's controllers it seemed
they didn't needed to deforest the area as they just found they're new supply of resource....