• Published 28th Jul 2022
  • 579 Views, 17 Comments

The Terminator : Skynet's Last Solution - Escalator

John Connor and the liberated T-800 goes to Equestria to Terminate a Dispatched T-3000 Model before it Terminates the Bearers of Harmony

  • ...

Chapter 7 Lock up

Author's Note:

Recent edit your welcome Fixed Grammar and added more context.

Also for Obscured reference go to the recently new paragraph that's now called Jail cell

-------------------------------------------------------Somewhere in the everfree forest------------------------------------------------------

The T-3000, after a intense fight with 2 of the bearers, made its way towards the rendezvous point,
setted by Skynet to be at, as the T-3000 arrived to the point it transformed into its original nanoself.

A Nano organism humanoid that could switch and kill without a single notice from witnesses,
or atleast was a bit sneaky before it made its attack in ponyville on target 6.

But as it arrived to the area to await reinforcements it stopped to check it's level on the microlites, given from Skynet.
And saw that the battle had destroyed nearly its entirety of the weapon forming Nanos but luckily
for it.. It can be replenished by the simple deforestation or atleast melted down wood to be exact..

So.. It decided to have some fun in it's area.

---------------------------------------------------------The Arrest site: the cabin-------------------------------------------------------------

Since the events that unfolded at the cabin now known as the 'Alien Head base of Operations'
the guards started cleaning up along with picking up some of the technology that Equestria could potentially possess
when they stumbled upon a contraption that Shining Armor described as "Unidentifiable moving object".

The guards unfolded the covers revealing what looks to be metal on two wheels.

"Heh UMO now I get it," Said a guard.

"Well I guess we better get this one as well to Canterlot," Said the Lieutenant

Soon the 5 guards picked this heavy two wheeled object and placed on the back of the transport as a
storage of items the aliens possessed.

"Alright that's all of them lets get out of here, starting to give me the creeps." Ordered the Officer as the
guards got on the carrier and left the area, with the confiscated items.

As it went down the dirt road unknowing that the chaos of deforestation is 4 miles away from

--------------------------------------------------------------Twilight and her friends: Rarities house-----------------------------------

Twilight was with her friends after the incident. She did not help noticed that there was something
off with the amount of her friends in her room.

She started counting her friends who are in one room only to find there was one off...

Her friends continued to blabbed on and off about how they were helping to find her
and how they were tough and all and went even beyond duty
and all that. But Twilight didn't care as she had other problems. Such as..

"Where is Applejack?" Asked Twilight as the entire room fell silent almost immediately.

Twilight feels fear building up inside of her as she now knows that something had happened to Applejack
and yet no one is willing to answer..

Before Rainbow dash trotted up.

"She's.... Fine." Said Rainbow dash in worry as Twilight looked at her with a both confused
and Frustrated emotion as she laid her hoof on Rainbow dash.

"How fine.." Said Twilight in a slow manner way.

Rainbow dash gives up on slowly easing Twilight into all this as it would be blowing up
in her face anyways she responds.

"We were attacked.. Something out of Tartarus came out of nowhere and attacked us even if I was
not there most of the time I managed to help Applejack fight it off before it ran off.. But.."

Hesitated to say her last words she decided to go for it.

"She got stabbed.. In the hoof atleast. She had lost to much blood and they had to take her to Canterlot,"
As Rainbow dash Finished her sentence Twilight was now just dumfounded..

She knew that something must of happened to her friends and yet she thought at first she was with
paranoid creatures only now the living proof is the thing that tried to kill her and her own friends
attacked by this same thing and now one of her 6 best friends are now in the capitol hospital
having to be treated for blood loss!

Immediately Twilight grabbed for her bags, she took with her after her tree was destroyed, when her
friends understood what she was doing. As they both nodded in agreement to go
with Twilight to Canterlot to see AJ.

"We'll start packing our things darling just don't rush yourself," Said Rarity.

"I'll.. GET THE SNACKS!! ROAD TRIP!" Yelled Pinkie continuing to lightening up the mood.

"I'll see if any of my animals like to help Applejack with her pain," Motioned Fluttershy.

As the 3 left for their bags (And by three as in just Rarity going up stairs for her stuff)
Rainbow dash sat down and felt down on being too late and Twilight took noticed
she sat down with her. Rainbow started to tear up.

"If only if I had been there.. I-I could have sto-" Twilight placed her hoof on Rainbows shoulder,
interrupting the sentence, the two hugged it out.

"Its not your fault you were doing your duty to find me and you didn't know." Said Twilight while
still engaged in hugging, "But the most important thing is that you and Applejack are still

The two stopped hugging as Rainbow wiped her tears away and went to pack her things that
she will need for this trip to Canterlot.

Twilight had never been lucky to have friends like these but she now realized she could be
more lucky to be saved by those who don't even know this world as much as her.

---------------------------------------------------------Canterlot: Castle --------------------------------------------------------------------

While the events are drawn out John and Kyle were walking down the aisle as the nobles and
everyone else awed at the strange two bi-pedal creatures.

John ignored these nobles who he Kinda feels sorry that they'll soon lose a lot more than what
they breathed out once Skynet gets a hold of the elements, Which of course after it kills Twilight.

As they walked towards where the Equestrian guards would keep their prisoners Kyle and John were halted
by Shining armor.

"You two have a lot of nerve setting hoof in this planet.." Said Shining as he continued
"May the princesses of Equestria have mercy because I won't"

"Whatever you say white horse just have mine be crisped," Responded John as the guards
pointed spears at John as Shining responded to Johns Response.

"That can be arranged..." As Shining pointed towards the Dungeons signaling the guards
to take them in Shining finished his statement to the aliens with a phrase.

"Make peace now because you will pay for foalnapping Equestria's princess."

Kyle turned towards Shining before moving on.

"Fuck you, Asshole."

------------------------------------------------------Jail cell----------------------------------------------------------
Soon the magic cuffs the two had disappeared and a barrier formed behind them as some type
of cell bars. Only it was wall shaped and not the conventional cell bars though they can
see through the wall.

As the guards left leaving one or two at the post John decided to test something as he yells.

"CAN. YOU. HEAR. ME?" Yelled John as if the barriers could muffle out his voice the Guard was plucking
at his ear while nodding which John goes on to sit on the cold stone brick floor.

"Well.. Shit.." Said Connor as he leans on the wall.

"I see that you are giving up on the mission," Said Kyle as John look at him with a rage filled face.

THEIRE!" As John finished yelling at a robot he sat back down on the cold floor in defeat.

"Atleast... Atleast it may be a swift death for me.." The defeated John continues, "Heh.. Who knew I end
up imprisoned by horses.. Funny way to go out really."

John finished contemplating and lays on the cold floor ignoring the prison bed as the T-800 scans for possible
outcomes of this lock up.

But just as he was done processing along with John finishing his venting Shining comes down stairs
with 2 elite Pegasus guards on his sides. As Shining looked at the barrier he calls them.

"Alright Get up alien," Said Shining as John perked up from the floor as he sees the two guards besides
this white horse and well... At this point he already written a will he might as well face it.

John nodded and got up as Shining also instructed the other to come Kyle also complied
as the two now cuffed again and started walking to what looks like a interrogation room.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------Interrogation room-------------------------------------------------------
The Sisters where waiting for the two prisoners to come as Celestia looked she's ready to
vent off all the rage from herself while Luna was a bit confused on who teleported her out
of Connors head.

The sisters see's the door opening as the guards came out with Shining at the front
brought the Prisoners.

As the two sat down Celestia and Luna came into the room with 4 guards for security and soon John was
now restrained entirely.

"Over security habits.. Huh don't get that often... Some type of execution or something?"
Exaggerated John as Luna and Celestia looked at each in dumbfoundment as Celestia answers.

"There will be no execution as this nation is based on peace. And we discriminate blood shed on others
including prisoners," Celestia then looks at John as she sees the name tag of his last name CONNOR on his vest
as Luna continued with Celestia's sentence.

"I do have to give thou credit you did not took a life with those strange weapons even if you could've,
why?" Connor thought this was a interrogation not the compliment room
but in the midst maybe he could take on Twilights advice and have some help from locals..

After all he has no idea of this strange world. There is no map. There is no guider.
And did the tall white one said the nation is based on peace? If so then she will have to change it.
Unless of course it killed its target that was..

"To answer that, I believed all life has families and loved ones as a young child.. But since then
the only life I take is the lifeless.." Responded John.

Luna Nodded with Celestia and Shining as she goes on to sit herself and ask another question
to John.

"What are these things you called. Machines?"


John couldn't answer it and he doesn't want to even if a gu-. Er- Spear was pointed at his head
as he didn't want to expose them the true horrors they will hear or even worse would actually see soon.
But that stubbornness ended when Kyle told them who they are.

"The machines are refer to as Skynet Cyberdyne models. There original purpose was to serve
as soldiers for human kind in warfare operations. But when Skynet launched its full nuclear
attack on Humanity on July 25th, 2003 however due to a mission that the Connors succeeded in
it was originally August 29th 1997 before being postponed. And also the machines are ruthless
and soulless. But no just that they obliterated the world destroying everything in sight
and to add on 3 billion lives were killed starting the war. Judgement day and as of recent it had
sent a T-3000 to kill what's named as Target 6 Also known as Sparkle "

The room felt silent.. Luna and Celestia are silent.. Shining was stiff. Guards are being guards..
AANND John is attempting to get a concussion.

Luna and Celestia whispered to each other.

"So its true.. They are from another world," Whispered Celestia as
Luna Whispered back.

"It even soundeth like a nightmare in one world too.."

"So why did they come? Did they come to seek refuge?"

"I think its something else entirely that involves Princess Sparkle.." Whispered Luna

"But what Quarrel does my former protégé have to do with all this matter from that world?

"I don't knoweth.. But maybe they are here to counter that reason."

As the two continued to whisper, John got impatient... For one thing Kyle just exposed
the literal rulers of a nation. Their home planet! And now he revealed what the enemy is
in their world.

So John tries to whisper to Kyle while having a little struggle with the magical restraints.

"What the hell did you do that for?" Asked John as the T-800 turned despite being restrained by
the magic.

"I have a plan that involves them," Said Kyle as John who couldn't stand the restrains anymore
sat back to his original spot before the guards saw anything.

Soon Celestia stares at the two with a question.

"Why did you foalnapped Twilight?.." Said Celestia in a calm yet stern voice as she stared at John
with what can only be described as her rare, and yet not so rare, scowl as John was not falling
for intimidation but he also understands why.

But after thinking on back on Sparkles words "having help" it was the best time to
break the news but...

After that commotion even though he didn't kill no one while defending his territory, the cabin,
it was then forward he can't keep it a secret as sooner or later they'll find out in a way John prefers
not too.

"Alright I will confess.. No I did not 'foalnapped' your whatever she is but I do think you should
know if I didn't take her somewhere remote you would have see her in a grave."
Johns confession made Celestia a bit confused.. Is he a rescuer? Or a foalnapper?

Immediately Luna decided to bring up that event in Connors mind when the purple aura, that matched Twilights
magic color, matched his description of what he was claiming he was doing. And so she quickly asked.

"Who'd was responsible for casting me out of your mind?"

Before John could answer that Kyle answered first.

"It was the one known as Twilight Sparkle.. She openly casted you out for the sake of our location
being in secrecy but also because," Kyle turned to John. "He's a friend."

------------------------------------------------------- Everfree forest -------------------------------------------------------

As Zecora was trotting around the forest collecting some items for her next alchemic experiment
she started to smell something... Burning??

As Zecora grabbed a bucket that she happened to have from her satchel she quickly followed the scent of
the burning. As she got closer and closer and closer she experience something that will traumatize
her for life.

The Bushes are on fire as the Microbots managed to grab more and more resources it needed to
regrow and replenished itself turns to what looks like a abomination.

"What in Celestia's name.!!.." Said the frightened zebra as it hears her fear and turned towards her.

|Scanning on intruder....

|Scanning complete: Harmless: ignore at all cost: force flee intruder:

Immediately the Microbots turns into a plasma pistol and the T-3000 pointed above the zebra
as it fired its warning shots.

Immediately without taking chances with this thing she flees away from the sight.
As she ran towards her home and got inside she tries to think to herself that it is a dream..

But she decided to warn the others instead when this threat is attack the nature
of the Everfree she starts packing her things.

"I have to warn Twilight and the others before its too lat-"

She was interrupted by her subconsciousness when she nearly forgot that Twilight was going to Canterlot
so instead she'll just notify the local guard in the area. Just kidding they wouldn't believe
her because she's a dammed witch some would say so she decides to make the trip to
Canterlot on hoof instead

"I hope I'll make it before that thing finds out what I'm up too."

She grabbed her cloak and ran off to the area.

The T-3000 had finally replenished its Macrobiotic weapon as in time as it sees a force field
form infront of one of the burnt trees, now smoldering from the fire it made.

Immediately the same device that the T-3000 had recovered was in one piece but only has one
charge left, but that be the case what come out after the electric field died down....

Is the Exoskeleton model of.. the T.X... as the T.X. got up both the T-3000 and the T.X. Formed
into a split abled machine.. Into one.

As it turn it sees the same Zebra only this time its going right towards it's target as it
decided to.. Follow her.