• Published 28th Jul 2022
  • 583 Views, 17 Comments

The Terminator : Skynet's Last Solution - Escalator

John Connor and the liberated T-800 goes to Equestria to Terminate a Dispatched T-3000 Model before it Terminates the Bearers of Harmony

  • ...

Chapter 10 awkward story

The trip back to ponyville was.. Fun if I could say as the two are having to be given a cloak, provided
by one and only Celestia, as they boarded the train with tickets and everything and as in everything
I mean their literal duffle bags full of guns an stuff.

Twilight, Spike, and her friends also accompanied them as the seven kinda. Had tense silence because
I do say they are staring at what they thought to be 'foalnappers' or something beyond the lines.

Anyways the silence ended when Twilight thought that it was the best time to get some..
Notes about their home since she never asked anyways since the whole 'burning down the house'

"So I was meaning to ask you since the. Well.."

"Incident." Said Kyle while finishing Twilights sentence she continued,

"Right I haven't actually ask about your home since Celestia refused to shed light on it when I asked."

"Yea where did you aliens came from anyways?" Asked Rainbow dash

"I need a breather your clothes looked like they'd been piled trash on" Said Rarity before she
was grabbed by Applejack.

"'Lets no be rude' Rarity" Said Applejack as Rarity gave a insulted scowl face towards the southern
pony but Applejack continued. "But I do ask what is your home?"

"I hope is pretty" Said Fluttershy in a quiet tone.

"IS IT SUGAR LAND!" Shouted Pinkie in a outburst as everyone looked at Pinkie in ridiculed

John Connor... Leader of the human resistance who opened himself to save what's suppose to be a girl
land only to find it even has a version of dead cold reality and even history of genocide itself.
But he wasn't going to open up to the young mares to the most Harshest death land.

But then again he might as well compare his home to their world if he doesn't destroy Skynet's machines
that intended on hunting down the young Alicorn life till her death so the least he could do is..

"Alright I'll tell you about my world but promise that you don't talk about it until the mission is
done.. You don't want to attract anything unwanted.."

The girls and spike nodded in agreement as they turned towards John he sighed as he
is about to expose horror.

"It was 2003 when it happened to say the least. When Skynet made it's all out attack
on humanity which is my kind.. 3 billion.. 3 billion lives were ended on that day and my mother thought
we ended it.. But when, heh, the T-850 was sent by what was suppose to be my widow wife I guess
I was fated to be kept alive longer because the day when I was suppose to be 'assasinated' by said
T-850 I was saved by a private.. Only he died a noble sacrifice indeed..."

The Girls where.. Silent.. A human to survive what seemed to be a massive attack that killed
3 billion lives was horror beyond extent Pinkie was a bit in a rare state of trauma in frozen form while chugging
apple cider down. Rainbow dash was just sitting in silence and Applejack grabbed her hat and placed on her chest
for the respects of the 3 billion long gone lives. And Fluttershy wanted to take back her word
on the 'pretty' part and Rarity is just averaged shock

Twilight was not even gonna ask no more as her curiosity was just dead. Just dead to say the least.
Here in Equestria she thought that everything was perfect but after hearing Johns story of his home
she realized now that not everypony had it lucky to say the least in fact she just felt like hugging John
just for that horror he had gone through to be the leader of a resistance force.
With the other girls traumatized John continued.

"Of course the start of the war was nothing compared to the real horrors of the late war.
Hunter-killers where invented to wipe out humanity, Skynet machines were made from blueprints of
disposed experiments and all we had were standard rifles at the start and then"

As John Kept telling them about the war against the machines Twilight would ask questions
in stuttering voice due to fear of what she may hear of next. But as John finished
his side of what his world was the girls were emotionless as if they lost something they hold dear..

But Twilight broke silence on one question that really struck John to the brain and heart.
When she was curious on who a certain one he called out in his world.

"Who was your mother?"


As Celestia walked through the garden park, where the T-3000 spawned at, she see the grave of the
soldier that was buried for the sake of memorial as the first victim of a otherworldly attack
she payed her respects to the grave as she now thought to herself.

Was Equestria and the world itself about to be at a devastated conflict of mass proportion to
the point of death of the masses just from a otherworldly threat from the world that John
referred too as Skynet?

She feared the worst especially incidences such as when Tirek sucked the life out of ponies
and other magic wielders (You know before Luna's banishment)
or Discords chaotic rampage on Equestria (Before Luna's banishment again), or Her sisters banishment (Yep that's the banishment), or a better event to compare it with Skynet A HONKING INVASION BY CHRYSALIS! (Yeesh way
after the banishment speaking of which where the hell was Luna at that time?)

Scenario's that played out in all way that Celestia thought on of the aftermath and
that was love and friendship that defeated the threats even through means by force or peace.
(Though most where just by force)

Celestia made peace of herself and started wondering how Shining was holding up at the
medical bay as he was now recovering from wounds from encounter while sending a message to Cadence about
the incident which she responded with "Thank Faust"

But as Celestia was walking with her guards she heard something in the bushes before..

A green round ball rolled in front in which the guards learned from Connor about those things
while reviewing weapons with him they were to..



The Guards are thrown unconscious while others are injured from the Shrapnel Celestia had her shield
up before it was smashed through by the TX as it then grabbed her throat.

Celestia tried to use her magic but she kept be electrocuted on doing it before the TX formed a
knife to finish its final slash on the princess of Equestria until..

A Magic beam guided streak smashes the knife to pieces in which the TX turned to see
the bush as it started firing barrage of magic streaks on the TX before it tried again to kill Celestia with a pistol
and it too gets destroyed.

So instead of killing off Celestia it threw her on a wall, injuring the tall Alicorn,
and charged at the bush with a plasma beam and flame thrower but the mysterious figure in the bush wouldn't
allow the TX to come any closer as it fired a magic Rocket on the TX.

Exposed to it's skeleton it tried to escaped before it's legs get pummeled by a grenade launcher
ammo which blows both of its exoskeleton legs off.

It tries to crawl towards Celestia with the Skeleton exposed with no liquid alloy to cover
it's exposed upper body parts as it reached Celestia was not about to back down.


As Celestia lit her horn while being in horror at the same time before the TX head was suddenly shot by
some sniper round it's CPU chip that is now smoldering is destroyed.

Celestia couldn't believe it.. It was one of the things that was after her former student and now
that one out of two had been destroyed... Celestia felt something cold past her as she
stared at the bush.

"Show yourself!" Commanded Celestia

Celestia stood sternly with her horn still ignited in case this entity is some other human that
may be after John Connor too but it wasn't...

The entity exited from the bush which shocked Celestia to her core..

A Purple pony with goggles on head, Eye patch on right eye and suited with what looks like a New type of military outfit with a symbol on the forelegs of Sun and Moon with a name tag that spelt out "TSPAR" with the rest of the said name tag burnt with Alicorn wings bandaged up while the look was war torned it was a appearance that Celestia thought she never see in a pony especially a well known one as the mysterious purple one trotted towards Celestia.

Celestia was just what... As she spoke in a slow yet disturbed voice.

"Twilight sparkle...?"

-----------------------------------------------------------------Ponyville Train station-----------------------------------------------------------------

As the friendship train pull into the station the nine stepped off the train while Zecora left
back to her forest home.

As for the guards they unloaded the two wheeled Metal from the train as Kyle's shadow washed over
them as the two guards looked up.

"Have you tried setting it to neutral" Said Kyle as he grabbed the joystick and switched it
to Neutral as the guards became dumbfounded and laughed in insanity.

(Looks like the guards will be going drunk tonight I could see)

As the friends and the Leader left the train they now decided on their next move so John
made the plan in a simple manner.

-----------------------------------------------The good ol' Cabin--------------------------------------------------

John and Kyle laid the duffle bags with equipment on the table as Rarity had contemplated about
the house.

"Egh! You took refuge in this dump? I feel sorry for myself not finding you quicker"

"Uhh well yea.. but it was nicer before the whole raid." Responded Twilight.

"I mean look at this sorry excuse for a house! I know you humans have a bad world right now
but when your in my world!"

"Oh boy.."

"There she goes.."

Said Apple and Rainbow as they crossed armed while listening to Rarities Lecture
along with the friends and John who is just staring at Rarity while she lectured.

Kyle laid down the rest of the equipment's when it noticed that Rarity was on her, what the friends
told the T-800, 'Fashion lectures' as Kyle walked past the lecturing group grabbed the Motorcycle
out of the storage and then...


The loud revving motorcycle shook the cabin and scared everypony except for Twilight and Spike
as they kinda smug before Twilight waved her hoof at the T-800 to stop as Kyle finished revving.

"So.. Any other lectures you got?" Said Twilight in a slow voice as Rarity shook her head
and decided to tidy up the place instead as Applejack and Fluttershy helped tidy the place.

While they tidied up the place John sees a Blue aura spawn in front of the Cabin coming out
of it was Princess Luna.

"So this is your base?" Asked Luna as she walked inside.

"Yea not the best thing to see but it camouflages.. Kinda" Said John

"She has a message." Said Kyle after scanning her for items.

"Yes... I doeth indeed.."

Twilight overheard the conversation as she trotted to Luna.

"Princess Luna? I thought you were going to stay back to do your royal duties?" Thoughted Twilight
as Luna breathed in.

"My sister had other plans since this.. Tee ex?"

Twilight noticed something was wrong.

"Oh my Celestia.. Did something happened! IS SHE ALRIGHT!!" Said Twilight in a scared voice.

Luna quickly reassured her.

"She's fine dear but. Hm. The TX was-"

"Terminated" Interrupted Kyle.

"The TX has been terminated according to intercepted messages from Skynet it plans on not sending anymore
assets to the field."

"So that means its just back to one?" Asked John


"I'm sure we can take I like to personally PUNCH IT TO THE NEXT WEEK!" Said Rainbow dash.

"I'm sure it can't us all down without a kick in its groin!"

John scoffed at Rainbow and Applejacks enthusiasm but didn't bother to ruin it.

"So who destroyed it?" Asked Twilight.

Luna stepped aside slowly as if presenting something. Immediately Kyle noticed something odd of
what she was letting on and John couldn't believe neither and Twilight jaw dropped...
And her friends was wide eyeing it.

"It was you Twilight that destroyed it."

Author's Note:

Yep that's right you see it there in here BOOM PLOT TWIST BABY! Anyways I hope you enjoy because I am currently taking a break. BUT! I will not let this go unfinished so I will work on another Chapter next Weekend so cya then.