• Published 22nd Apr 2022
  • 185 Views, 11 Comments

There but for the grace of our gods - Valtyrian

Two worlds collide as Pearl finds herself in an Equestria that she doesn't recognize.

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Chapter 10 - Guests Between Worlds

“Okay do you have everything?” Pearl asked her younger counterpart as she checked the saddle bags.

“Ugh. Yes MOM,” the younger Pearl growled and rolled her eyes before breaking out into laughter with her older self.

“Hey, I'm not that bad.” Pearl wing bumped the younger Pearl.

“Almost. You don’t mind me taking these models do you?”

“Why not? You built them. I can buy new ones. I’m just glad to share my hobby with someone who appreciates it.” The older Pearl glanced over her shoulder at Twilight and Kohaku. Both who shrugged in unison.

“Thank you for your hospitality Twilight. And for taking such good care of my Pearl,” Kohaku gave the princess a soft bow.

“It’s no problem Kohaku. You after all took care of my Pearl. And you brought her home, that means a lot to me.” Twilight returned Kohaku’s bow.

“It was nothing. And again I’m sorry for what I said to you the other day.”

“Well it wasn’t all you. I’ll be having words with our Kohaku when we see him next.”

“Well it still doesn’t change the fact I meant every word I said. Please. Take it to heart. You have the love of your people. And you would be an amazing Empress.” Kohaku smiled at seeing Twilight blush.

“Well I’m not too sure about that title. Pearl likes it though.”

“Well, listen to her. After all, we both know who wears the crown in our relationships.” Both Kohaku and Twilight looked at their Pearls and smiled.

Pearl blinked and looked at her fox and Twilight. “What are they staring at?”

“I don’t know. Well, let's get you two home.”

“Come on fox boy. Do that voodoo you do.” Pearl playfully pushed him to the mirror.

Kohaku laughed as he was pushed in front of the mirror. “Alright alright.” With a sigh he placed both paws on the mirror and took a long deep breath.

Placing his paw on the World Mirror he closed his eyes. As he started to speak, his tails began to form various symbols. “Tora, Inu, Tori, Saru, Mi, Uma, Tatsu!” With the last word a ring of kanji formed around his paw and spread out in seven directions until the mirror appeared to crack and shatter, leaving a dark void. “Who knew that old journal I gave you two would have the key to this,” he chuckled loudly.

“Let's go ladies.” Kohaku smiled as he stepped through the mirror into the darkness that swirled in the mirror. Behind him both Pearls and Twilight followed.

Kohaku stretched as he landed on all four paws. Under him he watched as the stars swirled about. He watched as planets shifted and circled around their respective sun’s. Taking a step forward a stone block formed under him. Looking around his surroundings he saw a forest shift unto a mountain, before fading away to a vast grassy field before turning back into a galaxy of stars and planets.

Wow. This is beyond anything mother described to me. The warm feeling of his mother warmed his body, keeping the chill of the air from reaching him.

Behind him he heard three female voices almost shriek. Looking back he saw both Pearls flapping their wings as hard as they could along with Twilight. The Princess formed a sphere of magic around them. Rolling his eyes he turned around and looked at the girls who were all hovering inches above him.

“What are you three doing?”

“How… what.. Kohaku, what are you standing on? There’s no ground.” Twilight gasped and looked about.

Kohaku stomped his front paw down a few times. “Feels solid enough for me. Just land already.”

The younger Pearl looked at her fox for a moment. Taking a long deep breach she pushed away from the small huddle group. Kohaku, if I fall to my death. I’m taking you with me. Pulling her wings in, she landed comfortably next to him. Her eyes shut tight. After a moment she opened her eyes and looked at Kohaku who was smugly smiling at her.


“How did you know we could walk on this?” The older Pearl and Twilight followed the younger Pearl’s example.

“I didn’t. Welcome to the Void between worlds. It’s much more grand than what mother described to me.” Kohaku sighed while looking around. “The tear should be somewhere over there,” he pointed straight ahead.

Leading the way Kohaku felt his body grow heavier. Looking about he watched as the scenes changed in his eyes. Vast battles between his people and eastern dragons, waging on for centuries. Shifting again he saw himself, half torn apart, blood dripping from every festered claw mark as he faced down a nightmarish creature. All while a powerless Twilight and wounded Pearl watched on with tears in their eyes.

Kohaku’s eyes darted back and forth. He watched as in one vision a dark colored fox slaughtered infant dragons before shattering the eggs of their unhatched brethren. A shadow creeping over him in the shape of a multi-headed dragon. It’s eyes red with fury.

Another showed his father, his eyes red with rage as he tore through scores of dragons. Their bodies torn apart by his claws in retribution for the blood they shed. All while that same multi-headed dragon looked on in pain.

“Kohaku?” Pearl’s voice cut through the void and perked his ears. His whole body trembled and shivered before he felt the warmth of those soft tender wing feathers.

“I.. I’ll be okay. It’s just… too much.”

Pearl looked back at her older counterpart and Twilight as they both shrugged.

“He was like this the first time we walked through here. But not this bad.” The older Pearl sighed. She looked about but all she saw were fields of clouds and broken pillars.

Twilight looked forward and smiled at the cosmos swirling about in her vision. The same that mirrored in her hair and tail. “There. About twenty yards ahead. There’s this black tear.”

Pearl looked through the valley of clouds and temples as she saw the black void waving back and forth slowly. “I see it. We have to get through there. Kohaku is looking a little greener than usual.”

“Agreed.” Twilight and her Pearl spoke together. Slipping the weakened fox onto her back, Twilight galloped along with both Pearls by her side.

Halt!” A boundless voice boomed through the void as a shapeless mass with glowing eyes appeared in front of the tear. “You dare to tread on the sacred realm of gods and hope to leave it alive?

Twilight and both Pearls trembled as they slid to a stop. The mass slowly took the form of a large multi-headed dragon that resembled Tiamat but far larger. All three mares blinked as atop the head of each dragon, sat the head of a pony.

Both Pearls blinked as they saw their friends, Pumpkin, Lavender and River. Each atop the head of a different dragon. Twilight’s mind seemed to have halted as she saw her own head on a fourth dragon head. But all three were surprised when the lead head lowered down, showing that atop the crimson skull. Was Pearl’s own head.

It is forbidden for any to come here.” Pearl’s head spoke with a deep voice. Like the others, her eyes were filled with the very image of infinity. And held little compassion for mortal beings. But softened slightly as she gazed at the twin Pearls “You two are of my own creation. And… YOU!!!” The red dragon head shifted and focus on the half dead fox on Twilight’s back

The princess slightly lifted her wings and took a step back defensively.

Do not dare to think of speaking it toward me princess. That oath is of my own creation. But by all means speak it. And rid my universe of that creature on your back!

Twilight shivered as she opened her mouth. But closed it again quickly.

Fine, if you won’t then I will. I thought he would perish with the weight of his stories on his back. But if not that, then this will suffice.

Ni dare wah harm dii kiir, Lumena. Nahlot hin rotte ahrk bo voth rok bo.” A Voice boomed within the minds of all present.

Lumena looked out and let out a deepening sigh. “I should have guessed you’d show up. And do you ever speak anything else?

Both Pearls and Twilight looked out as a light shimmered as the image of a massive dragon emerged. His coils and wings expanded further than they could see. His three sets of wings spread wide as light shimmered through his allibastar coat. Lowering his head the trio looked into his eyes, each one could house Twilight’s castle twice over.

The dragon looked up as a flash of blinding light filled the void. In the span of a heartbeat a small barefoot human boy, dressed in a white kimono sat there in mid air. Under him the image of the dragon remained reflected on the void’s floor.

“I can. And for our guests I will.” Looking over at Twilight the boy motioned slowly. “Bring him here child. He is mine and I will tend him.”

Twilight gulped and looked at both Pearls who just shrugged. Stepping forward, Twilight brought Kohaku up to the boy who reached down and touched the young fox’s forehead.

“Be at peace.” Instantly Kohaku’s hard breathing eased as he became limp on Twilight’s back. A light snoring escaped his lips. Looking up, the boy smiled. “I know you have, let's say, issues with my children dear Lumena. But you could have let him bring his beloved home.”

Lumena’s ten sets of eyes flared as she reared back. “He broke universal law, breaking through one world to another. You know that is strictly forbidden, Shenlong!

Twilight stepped back to both Pearls and sat down. “I have no Idea what’s going on.”

“I think. I have nothing..” The older Pearl felt her brain slowly grind to a halt. The past few moments were odd to say the least.

“Kohaku’s mentioned Shenlong before. He’s like the father of all dragons. Or something to the like of it.” The younger Pearl whispered up to the pair.

“That is but one of my aspects, child. Here I am more. But you need not concern yourself with that. Sit comfortably while we decide what is to be done.” With a wave of his small hand, Shenlong produced a sofa, and three mugs of hot cocoa for the Princess and two Pegasi.

“Now, Lumena. By my count, it was your child who first broke down the barrier. Not by purpose of course. Can you truely fault my child for going after her.” Shenlong crossed his hands on his lap.

Did she?” Lumena’s eyes focused on the smaller Pearl and huffed. “Well it’s not like I pay attention to these mortals. Their lives so fleeting and filled with such pointless activities.” Her front forelegs crossed over as the goddess leaned back on her hind legs. “I can’t keep track of all of them. Besides, it was your version of MY child who did it. Not like you did anything to stop it.

Shenlong chuckled. “I found it rather amusing. And I find her quite charming.”

And thus your mind sprang forth a version of my child for your worlds.

“As you have done for my child. He now resides in the Astral Plane not two floors down from here. You haven't seen fit to erase him. Unlike other races from your worlds.” A sly smile crossed Shenlong’s lips while Lumena blushed.

Alright he makes me laugh, as annoying as he is. He does have a certain charm about him. And I do enjoy our little ping pong tournaments.” Quickly shaking her head the dragon goddess narrowed her eyes. “That still doesn’t excuse his tearing apart the void of two worlds. And spending a MONTH in my universe.

“And I have seen to his transgression myself. Which has already been dealt. And once we close the tears. This will not happen again.”

“Um. sorry… I don’t mean to intrude.” Twilight stepped forward as both supreme beings turned and looked at her. Twilight felt very small, like a filly facing her school teacher and principle all over again. Gulping, she stood up straight. “Pearl, that is MY Pearl and I have a wedding coming up. We were hoping that these two could attend? If that’s not too much trouble.”

Out of the question. The boy will NOT cross over!!” Lumena shouted as she looked down at the Princess.

“Hmm. Not everyday you get to send invites to other universes. But alas I have to agree with Lumena.” His agreeing comment turned Lumena’s heads so quickly she stumbled and fell backwards. “If we let this transfer happen. It would endanger both universes.” Holding up his hands he produced two identical versions of Equus with a small sheet of glass between them.

“One trip cracked the world. An easily repaired chipping, but the second fractured the world divide. Spreading the cracks all over. Now a third.” Twilight watched as the glass between the worlds shattered as both Equus worlds exploded.

I trust he made the point clear Princess.” Lumena coughed as she regained her composure.

“Although,” A thoughtful expression filled the boy’s eyes.


“I suppose they can ‘watch’ the wedding. If not attending themselves. After all, it would not do for my young fox to be in the same place with his counterpart. He barely survived the last time. And that was only a few seconds of conversation and a few moments of driving one pony insane.”

And just HOW would they accomplish something like this? View one world from another. I swear this time you’ve gone senile.

“Hardley. I suppose I can link the mirrors together when we seal the void that was their original function after all. At least until that one reckless alicorn changed the rules.” Looking up at Lumena, Shenlong smiled. “I trust you have no objections to this. I’m sure we can even allow non living objects to be transferred.”

Lumena growled as she looked at the fox sleeping between his Pearl and Twilight. “Fine. I guess that will do. And it would save me the trouble of actually doing something for once. I just want to lay out, and watch my stories. All this work is tiring. And for what? Creatures that blink out of existence the second I blink.

“And here I thought you didn’t care. Go, I’ll finish up here.” Shenlong chuckled as Lumena shot him a look before turning and vanishing without a trace. “I trust this is acceptable to you three as well?”

Both Pearls gulped as Twilight looked up. “Do we really have a choice in this?”

“In your own words, we always have a choice.” Shenlong’s smile told Twilight everything she needed to know. She did have a choice. Accept it, or watch everything in her universe die out when the void between shattered like glass.

“Will this affect us traveling to the Human World?” The older Pearl rubbed the back of her head.

“No, because your human world is in your universe. And don’t worry little Pearl. Your universe’s Human World is waiting for you. And I’ll make sure your associations carry over.”

“Thank you sir.” Pearl placed her wing over Kohaku as he snuggled closer. “So what now?”

“Just close your eyes. All of you. When you open them next you will be where you belong. And I’ll make sure you know how to access the mirror’s viewing mode.”

The three girls all closed their eyes as they heard the boy Shenlong’s voice. “Three… two…one,” as the world went black and all their senses vanished.

Author's Note:


1)Ni dare wah harm dii kiir, Lumena. Nahlot hin rotte ahrk bo voth rok bo. - Do not dare to harm my child, Lumena. Quiet your words and let him pass - Spoken in Thuum Draconic

Comments ( 2 )

It doesn't, the name just stood out to me because I like Inuyasha.

Here's what wasn't said. Shenlong was banking on Lumena agreeing with him, and nothing more. He has no power over her. And she over him.

If you've read Rise of the Dragon Queen, you'll recognize Lumena's form. This takes place right after the final chapter of that story.

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