• Published 22nd Apr 2022
  • 185 Views, 11 Comments

There but for the grace of our gods - Valtyrian

Two worlds collide as Pearl finds herself in an Equestria that she doesn't recognize.

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Chapter 6 - Breakthrough

Pearl and Twilight sat together at a workstation in Twilight’s laboratory. Both mares hovered over an open book. Pearl looked up and quirked an eyebrow. Kohaku was kneeling by the mirror, his paw tracing every kanji rune that circled it, his lips constantly moving, whispering spells not even Twilight recognized. Half a dozen open scrolls lay beside him while many more hovered around the laboratory, projected from two open journals.

“He’s been at it for hours now.” Pearl sighed and shook her head side to side. She had to admire his skill and tenacity. He had been at this task every day from almost sunup to sundown.

“I know. I’m starting to get a bit worried about him.” Twilight sat down and leaned back in her work chair. “I’m starting to think this is a lost cause. We’ve been trying to safely replicate the mistake that brought you here. But after two months now. We might have to face the reality that you’re stuck here.” Bowing her head Twilight rubbed her nose slowly with her right hoof.

“I don’t believe that for a moment.” Pearl leaned back in her chair watching Kohaku, a soft smile on her lips. She watched as his tails waved behind his back. Three spheres of flame blazed at the tips while his markings shimmered with power from all the magic he was calling forth. “But I have been trying to prepare myself for that reality.”

“Kanojo o watashi ni kaeshite anata wa akuma!” Kohaku shouted as he struck the mirror with his fist in frustration.

Kohaku’s voice was so loud both Pearl and Twilight almost jumped to the ceiling as they turned back to look at him, kneeling on the floor, his head bowed in defeat as blood dripped from a wound on his paw making a red streak down the reflective surface.

Before Twilight could open her mouth, Pearl was at his side, her front legs around his shoulders as her wing brushed down his side. Twilight watched as Pearl nuzzled his head to her floof. Twilight felt her heart sink as she saw tears stream down Kohaku’s face.

“Pearl, take him home.” Twilight moved up to them. “Kohaku, I want you in bed for the next few days. You need to relax.” The princess saw the defiant look in her student’s eyes. Like him she wanted to continue, but not like this. Not at the expense of his mental health. “Don’t give me that look. Or I’ll inform Fluttershy about it.” She smiled seeing Kohaku turned away, defeated. Not even he would challenge his mother.

“Pearl, please. Put him to bed. If anyone can keep him there. You can.”

Pearl nodded softly. Her friendship with Kohaku had grown exponentially these last few months. Almost to the point she was convinced she had grown up with him. Pulling the fox up onto her back and sighed. Walking to the balcony, she took to the sky.

Twilight watched as the pair left. Turning around she went to start cleaning up. Closing all the journals and books a sudden flash beside her caught the princess’s attention. Jumping back she spread her wings in a defensive position as she looked at the mirror.

The kanji runes along the border were glowing blood red. It was light but it was there. A shimmering in the mirror looked like wind across the water. Reaching out Twilight touched the surface. A ripple spread as an image of students in desks appeared for a moment before it changed to a lush forest. Again the image changed to the beings Pearl had described as Humans. After a moment the images in the mirror vanished.

“What the buck…” Leaning in, she saw the point where Kohaku’s blood had touched the runes. Blinking, she got an Idea in her head and smiled. “I think he may have inadvertently found the key.”

Moving to her desk she lifted her quill and wrote down the results. Along with a note to herself to tell Kohaku and Pearl about it after a few days of rest. “We’re getting closer, Pearl. Please hold on a little longer.”

Leaving her laboratory, the princess left to celebrate this small success with a large piece of cake.

Pearl stood there staring at the mirror. She had seen a shimmer for a brief second followed by a flash of red. Behind her she heard the familiar sound of golden horseshoes on tile.

“Still trying to work it out?” Twilight sat behind her desk. She had moved the crystal mirror to the School of Friendship by Pearl’s request. Even set it in the same room and position as the mirror she said was in her world.

“It flashed for a second. Then a blink of red before going black again.” Turning away from the mirror, Pearl sat in a chair opposite of Twilight.

“That’s promising.” Twilight poured a glass of tea for Pearl then herself. Sliding a sandwich to her before sitting back. “Especially after two months of nothing.”

“Yeah.” Pearl sipped her tea as she looked at the three Gundam models in front of her. In her hooves she held Epyon while the Freedom and Justice stood atop their boxes. “We can make the mirror go to the Human World and back. But not to my world.”

“I’ve tried every spell I know. And even sent for these books from the Crystal Empire.” Twilight placed her hoof atop two crystal lined books. “I can tell you every which way this mirror was created. But not how to get you home.”

“So I'm stuck here? Living a life that doesn't belong to me.” Pearl set her model down and took a bite from her sandwich.

“Well you’ve done a good job at it so far.” Twilight tried to laugh but she found it hard.

“Thanks. I know it’s hard for you. Me not being your Pearl and all. And thanks again for buying me these. Who knew assembling these model kits would be so relaxing.”

“I had a feeling you’d like them.” Twilight watched Pearl smile and nodded. Pearl’s smile was identical in every way to her Pearl’s. She desperately wanted to reach out and feel those lips against hers. But knowing this Pearl had someone special to her kept Twilight still. While frustrated she was content with snuggling close to her at night. A sudden knocking at her door startled Twilight enough that she almost jumped. Her thoughts suddenly became aware to herself and blushed. “It’s open!”

“Twilight. I’m sorry but they said you were here.” Spike burst in. his arms full of various scrolls. “You know that meeting you’ve kept asking me to push back?”

“Yes. Please tell me you did that. I know it’s important, but we are in no condition to meet with them now.” Twilight looked at Spike, biting on her lower lip.

“Yeah, they said they find that unacceptable. They’re going to be here tomorrow. And they expect the greeting you agreed on.”

Twilight’s eyes widened. All the air had been mentally punched from her body. Leaning back against her chair she let out a wheezing groan.

“Have I missed something? What’s so wrong with taking a meeting tomorrow? It’s not like we’re doing anything.” Pearl crossed her front legs across her chest.

Twilight shook her head and groaned louder. “Pearl, you don’t understand. This is a delegate of eastern dragons. They want to form a colony here in Equestria. Open trade with us.” Twilight could have sworn this Pearl was channeling her Pearl as the smile that came across her face spread ear to ear.

“Eastern Dragons!!! Oh you have to meet with them. I’ve been reading all about them for months. To actually meet them. Even Kohaku would love to meet them at least once in his life.” Pearl stood up on her hind legs and put her front ones on Twilight's desk, leaning in and stared at Twilight.

“It’s not that simple. They are expecting a traditional greeting. My Pearl has been studying this for weeks before she vanished and you came here.” Looking out the window she sighed. “I toyed with the Idea of letting you do it, but getting you ready in such a short time would be a nightmare. I can get the decor done, the banquet. But the greeting itself. There’s no time for you to learn it.”

Pearl opened her mouth but was silenced by Twilight’s hoof. “No, I’m not going to put that kind of pressure on you. You’ve had enough on your shoulders pretending to be my Pearl already.”

“But I…” Pearl started by a purple feather on her lips and Twilight’s shaking head.

“No, I’ll just have to think of something else. And pray they understand.” Twilight mumbled as she walked out of the room leaving Pearl and Spike standing there shaking their heads.

“She’s really stressed about this isn’t she?”

“Well this is the biggest trade treaty in the last thousand years. Not even Equestrian dragons are in trade with us yet,” Spike shrugged.

“Yeah but they don’t have the culture for trade. Think about it. Scrolls of lost knowledge. Silks and china of untold beauty and craftsmanship. And a language that is as beautiful as it is powerful.”

Spike blinked and turned toward Pearl. “How do you know all this?”

“I’m dating a kitsune. Who’s very culture came from the eastern lands. It was on par with Eastern Dragons. They even spoke similar languages. Have similar histories and theologies.” Pearl finished her sandwich and smiled.

“Sounds like you know a lot about this.” The dragon leaned against the wall and out the window. He saw Twilight flying towards her castle. No doubt fretting about everything happening so suddenly. “You by chance wouldn't happen to know the language would you?”

“Dōomoimasuka?” Pearl smirked as Spike’s eyes widened.

“That was not Neighanese.” Pearl shook her head softly. “What did you just say?

“What do you think?” Pearl chuckled softly. “It’s Kohaku’s language. I still have problems with misplacing my vowels at times. But it’s enough to know what the hell he’s saying when he’s upset.”

“Do you think you could pull off the greeting? A traditional greeting?” Spike eyed Pearl slowly before looking back at the Castle.

“If you can keep Twilight from stopping me. Then yes, yes I can.”

“I’ll do my best. Let's get you to Rarity. You need a costume change.” Spike grinned as he ran to the door with Pearl behind him.

Twilight fidgeted back and forth on her hooves. In moments two dragons were about to come into this castle. Expecting a traditional greeting, she worked on the words as best as she could. But she couldn’t memorize them all. Flipping through her speech cards, she heard the doors open. Looking to her side she saw Celestia and Luna take their position on her left while Cadence took her position on the right.

Oh great, as if I'm not stressed enough. What I wouldn’t give for a world calamity right now. Twilight thought when she felt the familiar touch of a claw on her shoulder.

“Twilight, I need you to come with me. There’s a problem.”

“Not now Spike. They’ll be here any second. I have to be here for it.” Twilight hissed over her shoulder.

“I have to insist, it won’t take long. Promise.” Twilight looked into Spike's worried face and sighed.

“Fine, let's make this quick.” Quickly excusing herself, Twilight moved to a shadowy corner with Spike.

The double doors of the castle opened as fanfare came from a set of ponies along the walls. Two dragons slowly moved down the pathway. Their long half fured bodies and eagle-like claws sent murmer’s along everypony in the crowd. The princesses all looked at each other as a new pony came up in place of Twilight.

Her blazing fire red, gold lined eastern dress flowed against her body like the wind itself. Her blazing red hair done up in the latest eastern style. The two dragons nodded in approval at this pony’s appearance.

“We are pleased to be so welcomed.” a deep voice came from the shimmering blue dragon. His long twin whiskers curled to his knees. His bright azure eyes showed wisdom born of centuries of life. “I am Lanteng, this is my mate Yinshe.” his claw motioned to the green dragoness beside him. Her body was very similar to his but didn’t have the whiskers.

“I bring you welcome from the eastern lands.” Bowing slightly she brought out a large scroll case and held it aloft. “I bring you this dear princess, as a gift between our two peoples. That we might one day live together in harmony.”

Twilight stood in the corner looking at Spike. She had heard the fanfare and saw the arrival of the two Dragon’s. What scared her the most was Pearl was now standing in her position. Spreading her wings the princess tried to fly out but was held by her dragon’s strong grip.

“Spike, what are you doing?”

“Just trust her. You’ll see.” Spike groaned as he struggled to keep a firm grip on Twilight.

“This is too important to leave to a young pony like her. Now let me…” bucking backward she kicked Spike into the wall. “Go!” running out she watched as Pearl stepped forward and accepted the large scroll. She was about to open her mouth when she, and every other pony gasped in shock.

Taking a long deep breath, Pearl held the scroll in her front legs. Here goes nothing, or rather, everything. Please let me get this right.

“Watashitachi no furusato e yōkoso. Soshite, kono subarashī okurimono o teinei ni uketorimasu.” bowing forward she finished her greeting. After a few moments she found the whole room was deathly silent. Lifting her head she found all four princesses wide eyed in shock, but more shocked than the quartet. Were the dragons.

“Did I say that wrong?” Pearl meeped and stepped back.

Yinshe stepped forward and lifted Pearl’s head up. “Wrong? No, you have said nothing wrong. This was not the greeting we were expecting. But it is welcome all the same.” The dragoness smiled and bowed her head again.

“Please, you must tell us. How did you learn that language? It has not been spoken in any land for tens of thousands of years now.” Lanteng quirked an eyebrow. Leaning in he sniffed at Pearl for a moment. His eyes widening he whispered something to his mate who looked shocked.

The two dragons looked at Pearl for a moment.

Twilight ran forward huffing and puffing. “I’m so sorry. Please, I told her not to do this.”

The dragons nodded after a brief talk and turned to Twilight. “Princess, we are not angered or insulted. Only intrigued. Not even my own people speak that tongue any longer. And it can only be learned by one who speaks it.” Lanteng smiled, placing a claw on Pearl’s left shoulder. “For this child to speak it, she must be quite talented. You must be quite proud as a teacher.”

“I’m not her teacher any longer. I haven’t been for years.” Twilight looked over at Pearl fondly, her heart finally beating at a normal pace again.

“A teacher does not stop being a teacher, even should their student leave them. For lesions stay with them forever and they will continue to learn from those lesions.” Yinshe smiled. “But come. The greeting has been made. And we have much to discuss.”

Twilight gulped and nodded. “Yes, yes we do. I’ll join you in a moment.”

“This way please.” Spike smiled and winked at Twilight as he motioned to a side door. “A banquet has been prepared for your arrival.”

Once Pearl and Twilight were alone they looked at each other.

“You're not upset are you? I couldn’t let you mess this up. Not when I had the means to make it happen.”

“No, but why didn’t you tell me you could speak that language?” Twilight smiled and hugged Pearl tight.

“I tried, twice. But you kinda shut me up both times.” Pearl gasped as she started to return the hug.

Blinking remembering her actions. “OH, right. Sorry.” Putting Pearl at leg's length, Twilight smiled. “Well you got the greeting done, please go help yourself to something to eat.”

“Um, if it’s all the same to you. I’m going back to the laboratory. Something’s been kinda bugging me about that shimmer I saw earlier.”

“Okay, but I’ll have something sent over to you.” Pearl only nodded as she walked out of the castle.

Pearl stood in front of the mirror. Instead of her reflection she saw only blackness.

“What is wrong with this thing?” Kicking aside a scroll, Pearl yelped as the parchment sliced into the soft underside of her hoof. “Dammit!” Sucking in she lifted her hoof and looked at it, groaning at seeing the pooling drops of blood from the cut. “All this hoof and it cuts the only spot blood could be drawn from.”

Pressing her hoof to the mirror she flicked her unhurt hoof along the pedestal, clearing it from other scrolls. Looking back she heard a soft humming from the mirror.

“What the?” Pulling her hoof back she watched as her blood dribbled down the surface of the glass and into the frame. She watched as the mirror flashed for a moment. For a few seconds she saw the courtyard of Canterlot High before the image changed and she saw the familiar laboratory in Twilight’s castle. An excited pounding felt in her heart. Leaping forward she crashed into the solid glass as the image vanished, save for a single glance from Twilight who shouted Pearl’s name.

“No!!” Falling to the ground. Pearl started to streak her hurt hoof along the glass. “Bring it back, please bring it back!” tears formed in her eyes as she bowed her head.

“Pearl, I have something for you. A nice tray of spring rolls and dumplings.” Twilight said pleasantly before seeing Pearl weeping on the ground. Blood streaked across the surface of the mirror. “Pearl. What happened?”

Pearl looked up at Twilight, her face a look of joy and utter defeat. “I found it. Home. I… It was only for a second. But it was there.”

Twilight wrapped her wings around Pearl who buried her face in the princess’s floof.

“We’ll get it back. Just rest, you’ve had a busy day today. Tomorrow we’ll talk about what you did.”

Pearl nodded softly as she clung to Twilight. She felt as weak as a newborn as her emotions were all tangled up inside of her. It was no longer if she could get back home. But when. If only she knew what it was she did.

Author's Note:

1) Kanojo o watashi ni kaeshite anata wa akuma! - Give her back to me you demon!

2) Watashitachi no furusato e yōkoso. Soshite, kono subarashī okurimono o teinei ni uketorimasu. - I welcome you to our homelands. and graciously accept this wonderous gift.