There but for the grace of our gods

by Valtyrian

First published

Two worlds collide as Pearl finds herself in an Equestria that she doesn't recognize.

Pearl loves helping her mentor, Twilight. She only didn't realize that while trying to activate an old mirror lost from history, she finds herself lost in a different world.

While taking trip to the human world with her wife Twilight, Pearl gets caught up in an explosion from the Crystal Mirror. Leaving her waking up in a world that is vastly different then her own.

As time goes on, while looking for a way to be reunited with their loved ones from the other side of the looking Glass. Kohaku and Twilight have to contend with somepony who looks like the one they love while at the same time, pray that the switch, isn't permanent.

Chapter 1 - Through the Looking Glass

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Twilight and Sunset looked at each other as they examined the mirror in front of them. It had been two months since they found it in the restricted section of Canterlot’s School for Gifted Unicorns.

“You sure you have the right translation this time, Twilight?” Sunset traced her hoof down the outer ridge of the mirror’s frame.

“Pretty sure.” Twilight chuckled as she closed the book on her desk. “The language on the frame is the same as the kitsune language. I’ve had a lot of time to study it firsthand with Kohaku. Of course, the writing is a bit different.”

“One reason I'm so worried you might have the wrong translation. Again. Not that I didn’t enjoy the banana splits the mirror produced the last time.” Sunset smiled at her friend. “Who knows what will happen if we get it wrong. The mirror could crack, or we open a portal to some unknown dimension.”

“You worry too much Sunset.” Twilight waved her wing at the concern.

“And you don’t worry enough.” Sunset placed her wing on Twilights.

The two alicorns looked into each other’s eyes before laughing together.

“I don’t think we have anything to worry about. Your protection spells are all in place. And there are no ponies more versed in magic power or knowledge than us. We can handle anything this mirror can throw at us,” Twilight grinned, placing a hoof on Sunset’s shoulder.

“You're right.” Sunset caved, shaking her head. “Alright, let's begin. You translated. So you start us off.”

“Thank you.” Turning toward the mirror, Twilight placed her hoof at its center as she drew a deep breath.

Open wide the gates of time,
Through the world, your bell doth chime.

From Earth to Sea, Past flame and Sky.
Let us pass for our time is nigh!

Both girls blinked as the mirror did nothing. A small squeak in the hinges as it tilted forward.

“Is that it?” Sunset grunted and turned to Twilight.

“Yeah. we should see another dimension right now. What is wrong with this thing?” Twilight stomped her hooves on the ground and grumbled.

“Still not working?” A disappointed voice sighed out from the hallway. Pearl half trotted into the room and looked at the mirror.

“Afraid not Pearl.” Sunset smiled at the young woman. Even Sunset had to admire the young pegasus. Seventeen and she was already a beauty that turned the heads of many a stallion and even more mares. Never let it be said that Kohaku wasn’t the luckiest fox in all Equestria to land such a filly for his girlfriend. “So far all we can conjure from this thing are deserts and small flashes of light.”

“Hmmm” Pearl walked over and examined the mirror. It was no different than it was the first time she saw it. Seven hooves high from the ground up and at least four hooves wide, an oval frame held up by two decorated posts. Walking around, Pearl stopped. “Have you two translated this back here?”

“Only part of it. It said something about a door to another world. I think,” Twilight waved her hoof as she flipped through her books again.

Quirking an eyebrow, she pushed the small paper that hung loosely on the back.

“A door for those who seek to find a way to leave their world behind.” Pearl spoke aloud as her hoof traced each kanji symbol. “Light the runes with bladed life, then step on through and forget your strife.”

“Wait, when have you been able to read that?” Twilight’s eyes widened along with Sunset’s.

“Kohaku’s been teaching me. I thought it might be good for me to learn his language,” Pearl giggled. “It hasn’t been easy and I mess things up a bit. But I've learned enough to understand what most Kanji means.” Leaning against the Mirror, Pearl gave a slightly smug smirk.

Twilight chuckled. “Great, then perhaps you can help with the rest of this. Who knows? We might have a new adventure on our hooves.”

“You know I always have time for my favorite teacher,” Pearl chuckled and brushed her wing against the surface of the mirror.

Before either of the alicorns could react, the mirror shimmered and vibrate wildly. Small sparks emanate from the rune markings along the edges. Pearl took two steps back as Twilight and Sunset moved forward. But before they could reach Pearl, a flash of light erupted in the room. A scream echoed Pearl’s scream, and as soon as the light vanished. Both Alicorn mares stood there with wide-eyed expressions.

There on the ground was a dark blast zone of ash, and Pearl was gone.

“Pearl!” Twilight screamed in grief as she crumbled to the ground.

Twilight frantically looked through her books. Her mind was racing ever since the accident several hours ago. Her and Pearl had been preparing for a lovely vacation through the mirror to the human world. Twilight had to laugh at the thought of Pearl getting the new gunpla’s Sci-Twi wrote her about.

Twilight could still picture the mirror as it suddenly sparked and shake. A sudden flash of light filled the room before she found herself alone.

“How.. How could this happen?” Twilight groaned as she sat behind her desk. Looking over at the various manuals and books, looking at every single possible spell that dealt with transportation.

“Twilight, how you holding up?” Starlight came into the room, closing the door behind her.

“Horribly. How could this happen, Starlight? How?” Twilight looked at her friend and former student. “I’ve gone through every single spell I can think of. And not one even comes close to doing what I just saw today.”

“What did happen, Twilight? Exactly. You were so hysterical earlier we couldn’t get more than two words out of you.” Starlight sat down on the other side of Twilight’s large desk.

“I’m sorry, but losing her like that.”

“I’m sure she’s still alive,” Starlight reached out and placed her hoof over Twilight’s. “Have you reached out to Sci via the journal? She could be on the other side.”

“I’ve tried, several times, but there’s been no response. Almost as if it’s no longer working.” Twilight bowed her head. Her constant flowing mane draped down over Twilight’s face.

“Even the energy source to the mirror itself has been cut off. Which is odd as all the equipment is still working.” Twilight crossed her front legs and leaned back. “I wrote Sunset today, she’s taking the night train and will arrive in Ponyville tomorrow.”

“That’s good, we can use all the magic power we can get. Let's hope together all of us can find your fiance safe and sound.” Starlight looked out the window as the sun as it set down over the horizon. “Why don’t you head up to your chambers. Get some rest. I’ll keep doing the research for you.”

“I don’t think I can get any sleep. Not tonight,” Twilight dropped her head.

“Maybe not, but you're not doing yourself or Pearl any good by driving yourself crazy.” Twilight nodded after a few moments of thinking.

“You're right. Please come get me the moment you find anything. No matter how small.” Twilight turned and walked out of the room. Taking the staircase that led straight up to her chambers.

“What is going on in this world?” Starlight looked out the window and towards the Everfree Forest. “Ever since that damn skull was found, things around here have been crazy. First Pearl and Twilight start seeing things, Now Pearl goes missing. What’s going to happen next?”

Silently and swiftly a dark shadow ran across the length of the Everfree Forest’s border. His ears perked to every whisper, every scream, every sound from every animal and plant. His sharp eyes focused in the brilliant light of the full moon. Warm amber outlines filled his sight, as Kohaku slid to a stop at the edge of a large cliff.

Standing there, he looked down at the valley below like a hawk on the wing. He had been told the news hours ago. His beloved Pearl had vanished with only a blasted burn mark where she stood as the only trace. He cursed his biology that forced him under that waterfall this past week. Urging him to master control over himself. Had it not been for that, he would have been by her side.

Twilight and Sunset had both looked at him with a steady mix of fear and worry as they recalled what had happened. He just had to look once at the mirror. He had seen it before, but just couldn’t remember where. Turning away from the cliff edge he walked over to a large tree. Spinning about, Kohaku ran at full speed and jumped. Breaking off a large part of bark from a low hanging branch.

Spinning about as he fell, Kohaku positioned himself on all fours and lowered his body. Angling himself slightly he felt himself strike the river after a several hundred paw fall. The raging waters pushed him along. Standing up in a strike position, Kohaku surfed the raging river with natural ease. Turning his ears he heard the familiar roar of a waterfall. As he launched off the edge. Kohaku grabbed the branch and bungee down till his nose just touched the water.

Springing back up, Kohaku let go and flipped backward into a swan dive. Landing in his old lake with practice ease. Swimming to the shore, Kohaku pulled himself up and sighed. “I missed that. But Pearl would have probably had a heart attack.” Chuckling he pushed aside a large bush and stepped into his old home.

Staring at the broken down old temple town, old memories flooded his mind. The sight of the grand tree, the first he ever grew, towering over everything in the forest calmed him. It’s great wisdom lending him the strength he needed as he approached the temple doors. “I’ll find you Pearl, no matter how long it takes.” Pushing the door open, Kohaku stepped into the darkness as they closed hard behind him.

Chapter 2 - A Disorinted Awakening

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Twilight paced back and forth between several open books. Her breathing was as tense as it was the moment Pearl had vanished from her side. Off to the side all of her friends watched on as Twilight read a passage from one book, only to jot something down from another.

“This can’t go on much longer.” Starlight sighed as she sat there watching Twilight. “It’s been a week now. She’s gone through every spell and book in this palace. She hasn't slept a wink since that day. Now do you all see why I called you here.”

“Yeah this is just too much.” Spike folded his arms across his chest. “I’ve heard what some of the guards have been saying. That she’s…” a hoof across his mouth from Rarity silenced the dragon.

“Tut Tut Spikie.” Rarity brushed off her friend's comment like a piece of lint from her well designed top. “Those guards don’t know anything. There’s certainly been no evidence to prove that she’s.. Well. you know.”

“Yeah but we’ve searched high and low for her, and have all come up with bupkis.” Applejack just shook her head. “I think one of us needs to brace Twilight for the reality of things. Pearl is gone. I’m gonna miss her too but it’s no good holding on to false hope.”

“So what? We just let Twilight lose the love of her life without hope?” Rainbow Dash moved up and got nose to nose with Applejack.

“That’s not what I’m saying, we just need to be practical about this.” Applejack replied, pushing Dash backwards a bit. “We even wrote our counterparts in the human world and they found nothing. All that was found here was her saddle bag at the blast point. Charred and shredded.”

“I agree with you Applejack, but she wants to try a spell I think is dangerous.” Starlight groaned as she rubbed the bridge of her nose with a hoof. “That’s why I called you all here. To talk her out of it. We lost Pearl, we can’t lose our princess too. No matter how badly she wants to join her.”

“I think we should stop her.” Fluttershy stood up and started to walk towards Twilight. “We just need to remind her, she’s not alone.”

The mane six all looked at each other and nodded. Taking several steps toward Twilight. A massive explosion shook the castle, tripping up every pony.

“What the…” Twilight blinked as she sat up. Three books speared on her horn. “I haven't even started the spell yet. I’m sure the explosions are supposed to happen after.

“Okay, did anypony get the number on the rainboom that did that?” Rainbow dash groaned as she found herself upside down against a bookshelf.

“Not sure, where did it come from?” Applejack groaned from under Rainbow. As she tried to push her friend off of her body.

“I think it came from the school.” Starlight pulled herself up and looked out the window. Black smoke was emanating from the science labs. “Once the ringing in our ears stops. Let's go see what caused it.”

Everypony grumbled and nodded in agreement only seconds before the door burst open.

“Princess. We found her.” The school guard huffed and puffed heavily. “We found Pearl.”

Pearl groaned as she pulled the sheet up over her head. The annoying beeping sound was making it very difficult to sleep.

Whatever that sound is, Kohaku better have one hell of an explanation for making it. She thought while pulling a pillow up over her head. Her headache had gotten worse thanks to the ever constant beeping. Rolling over she yelped out as something tugged hard on her right front leg. Opening her eyes she pulled the pillow down to find tubes and wires running out of her limbs.

Blinking, she turned to the sound of the beeping and found it was a heart monitor. Quirking an eyebrow the young pegasus sat up and rested her front legs on her pillow. Looking around she recognized the room as one in Ponyville General Hospital.

“What the buck?” Turning to the side she looked out at the window, dusk had started to mingle with the daylight hours, turning the sky a brilliant shade of purple and pink. “How long was I out for?”

“I’m sorry Princess but you absolutely must wait….” a muffled voice came from the other side of the doorway. “No. No Princess. Please put me down this instant. This is no way to behave in a hospital. Nor to treat the doctor attending Miss Pearl.”

“I don’t care, I’m going in there now. I’ve waited long enough.” The familiar voice of Twilight made Pearl relax a little. Even got a giggle from hearing what was going on. Pearl could just imagine her doctor hovering over the ground, suspended by her Mentor’s magic. Almost moments later the door burst open and as fast as she could blink, found herself on the receiving end of a strong hug.

“Oh Pearl, Thank the heavens. I thought I lost you!” Twilight half cried out as she squeezed Pearl tightly.

“Can’t…. Breathe…” Pearl squeaked as she was half crushed against Twilight’s flooff.

“Oh I’m so sorry, it’s just you had been missing for over a week. And another two unconscious here in the hospital.” Twilight moved back after releasing Pearl, who started gasping as air began to refill her lungs. “I was just so worried.”

“Well, sorry. Who knew what could have happened. I mean that spell and…” Pearl looked up and blinked repeatedly as she looked at Twilight. Shaking her head wildly she looked at the tube in her arm. “What the buck do they have me on? If I didn’t know better I'd swear your mane is alive. When did it start swirling like that? And for that matter what is up with that horn? Did you get an extension or something?”

Twilight blinked as she looked at Pearl. Who was looking at Twilight as if she had grown a second head. “Um. No. My mane has been doing this for quite some time. And my horn is the same as it’s always been since my growth spurt.”

Pearl slapped her cheeks with her hooves a few times before rubbing her ears. “Now that you mention it, when did you get so flipping huge? Not that it’s a bad look for you, quite attractive actually. But sheesh you're almost as large as Celestia now.”

“One moment Pearl.” Twilight looked slightly nervous as she ran to the door, the doctor floating there upside down with his front legs crossed and a scowl on his muzzle. “Doc, what is going on with Pearl?”

“Well, had you let me explain prior to putting me in this situation.” Doctor Lovejoy slowly spun around in the air as he talked. “It seems that Pearl has a few issues with her memory. And after examining her ley lines, the reference point where we magical doctors determine an unconscious pony’s age. She is precisely four years younger than she was in her last examination.”

“How can a pony get younger all of a sudden?” Twilight blinked, held her hoof on the doctor and canceled out her levitating trap spell.

“Thank you. Although I was starting to get used to it.” Lovejoy smirked and picked up Pearl’s chart from the door slot. “We aren't sure. During the time she was awake, she kept mentioning an experiment you and she were performing on a mirror. And asking if anyone was hurt during the explosion.”

“Experiment? We weren’t conducting an experiment.” Twilight looked at the room. “We were preparing to head to the human world.”

“Hense her memory problem. She didn’t even recognize me as her doctor. Kept asking where a Doctor Howser was. And we have no such doctor on staff here or anywhere.”

“Is there anything we can do?” Twilight began to slowly chew on her lower lip.

“About her age, we’ll look into it but I doubt it. You did mention to me once that her age had been slowed by some spell a dragon queen used on her. It’s possible whatever magic she recently came into contact with, reacted with it and deaged her.” Marking a few things down on his clipboard, the doctor put it back in the door slot. “But her memory might come back to normal in a few days. Just don’t do anything out of the ordinary. Normalcy is what she needs right now. Expose her to her life just as it was. If nothing changes in a few days you can bring her back here and we’ll run a few more tests.”

“Thank you, when can I bring her home?” Twilight took a step to the door.

“We want to keep her here for overnight observation, she can return home tomorrow morning at eight o clock.” With that the doctor walked off to his next appointment.

Nodding softly Twilight pushed open the door and walked back into Pearl’s room.

“About bucking time, now what is going on here? How did you get so big? What is going on with your mane?” Pearl huffed as she leaned back in her hospital bed.

“I’ll explain all that in time. Right now the doctors just want to observe you overnight and tomorrow I’ll bring you home.” Twilight smiled and rested a hoof on Pearl’s shoulder.

Letting out a soft sigh Pearl nodded. “Alright fine, I guess one night won’t be too bad here. It could have been worse.” Twilight nodded along with Pearl. “Could you do me a favor, make sure Kohaku knows I'm okay. I’m sure he’s been out of his mind with worry.” Laying down, Pearl closed her eyes and went to sleep.

Twilight stood there and blinked, almost grimacing at the words she just said. And how to break that news to her. Turning around, Twilight got to the door and stopped. The sudden Idea thrust into her head. Wait a moment… she never knew him four years ago. Did she? With a shrug of her shoulders the princess closed the doors behind her.

Peal walked down the paths of Ponyville in a daze. Her eyes were completely vacant and her shoulders stooped. Only half an hour ago did she receive the news from Twilight. She couldn’t believe it. It wasn’t possible, it was preposterous to think that the fox she loved had been dead for thousands of years. All during that half hour she waited for the punchline for that horrific joke, but the dark look in Twilight’s eyes told her everything she needed to know.

Was everything she experienced these last few years only an illusion? If so, who created it, and why? So intent on her inner thoughts she failed to notice Twilight had stopped and trodden into her side. “Oh I’m sorry Twilight!” Pearl muttered as she stepped back.

“It’s okay Pearl.” Twilight chuckled. “We’re here, home sweet home.” With a wing gesture she pointed toward her castle.

Pearl nodded. It was a shock to find that she was going to stay at Twilight’s castle. Not too unusual as she did spend a lot of her time there. Lifting her head up she blinked as an eye twitched.

“Um, Twilight? May I ask you something?” Pearl felt her heartbeat get a bit faster, her patience breaking as she spoke.

“You know you can ask me anything you want, Pearl.” Twilight caught the twitch in that eye. A quirk when she was highly annoyed when somethings never added up.

“A few things. But first. What in the name of sanity is this thing!” Pearl pointed her hoof up at the large crystal tree with a castle built in the branches. “It’s the most horrific thing I have ever seen. My god's Kohaku would have a heart attack if he saw this. It’s an affront to nature. I thought we were heading over there to your castle. Not this monstrosity!” Pearl swiftly pointed her hoof over to the School of Friendship then back to the Castle.”

Her breath heaving heavily she pushed off and floated up a few feet. “Second of all, what the buck happened to Ponyville? It’s like half the size it should be! Also, Your castle looks like a bucking school.”

“Pearl, please. Come down.” Twilight watched as Pearl floated down and settled on her hooves. “Everything hasn’t changed in the last four years. This is my castle.” Twilight pointed up at the crystal tree. “And that’s my School of Friendship.” Reaching out she pointed toward the school.

“You mean to tell me you and Rainbow live here?” Pearl looked up at the tree and blinked. “Well I can see Rainbow doing that. She’s always enjoyed sleeping in trees.”

Blinking Twilight shook her head. “No, Rainbow has her Cloudominium just on the outskirts of Ponyville. And I live here.”

“That makes no sense. Why would you live separately from your own wife! Unless you two are having marital problems I don't know about?” Pearl wanted to continue her ranting but the look on Twilight’s face said everything. That shocking and surprised look. Wide eyes and open mouth.

“Pearl. I. I care about Rainbow. She’s one of my closest friends. And yes I admit she’s quite attractive but I have never been married to Rainbow Dash. I can’t even fathom that Idea because I'm in a romantic relationship with another mare.” The words weren’t so much out of her mouth before Twilight brought both hooves up to her lips. “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said that. Not this soon, the doctor said revealing too much too soon could hurt.”

“Who? Who is this mare?” Pearl trembled, sweat dripped down her spine. She knew the answer before it was spoken aloud. All the attention Twilight had given, her reactions. Pearl would have had to be blind to miss them. She saw how Twilight stared at her, not unlike how Kohaku does.

“It’s you Pearl.” Twilight sighed out bowing her head.

“I need to sit down.” Pearl murmured and turned her head. Walking into the castle without so much as a glance at Twilight who felt a tear fall down her cheek.

Chapter 3 - Revelations

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Twilight looked at Pearl sitting there, looking out the window with a cup of green tea between the pegasus girls hooves. The princess had lowered the sun hours ago. Beside Pearl was a diary, her own diary, and had been reading the same page, same passage, over and over again. For the first time in a very long time, Twilight didn’t know what was behind Pearl’s eyes. And it scared her.

“How did it happen?”

“Huh?” Twilight felt shaken, the question pulling the princess out of her thoughts.

“How did it happen? How did we end up together.” Pearl turned her eyes from the moon over the Everfree Forest and looked at Twilight. “Because I’m trying to figure it out and it makes no sense to me. You're my mentor, my teacher. Hell you’ve always been like a second mother to me.” Finishing her tea, Pearl set the cup down and folded her hooves in her lap.

“I’ll admit, I had fantasies about it. Still do sometimes, but you were the one who helped me understand my feelings for Kohaku. How our friendship had deepened into love. Why I had ran to him when that bitch Lotus cheated on me with that bastard Thunder Thrust. ”

“I remember the day you and Lotus broke up. It was actually the turning point that got us together.” Twilight smiled remembering that day. “But it was a mutual separation, you two had just grown apart. You came to me, we spent the day at the water park. We even shared our first kiss then.”

“Waterpark. Seriously?” Pearl watched Twilight’s head nod slowly.

Smiling Twilight explained the situation and all the events that had taken place. She felt warm and happy recalling such memories but when her eyes settled on Pearl all she saw was utter confusion and disbelief.

“Do I have my own room here or do I…” Pearl looked at Twilight who blushed. “Should have known,” Pearl sighed.

“You did have a separate room, nothing was ever removed from it so it should be as you left it.” Twilight got up and led Pearl to a set of doors next to her own bedroom.

“Heh, funny. I remember a similar layout in your castle, or what I thought was your castle. My room was here to the left, while Kohaku’s was to the right.” Pearl smiled to herself as she opened her bedroom door.

“Wait.” Twilight’s magic lifted something from her horn and handed it off to Pearl. “This might help bring back some memories. It's the engagement ring you gave me. You told me you found this in Kohaku’s room back at the old temple the night we were trapped there. It’s one of a kind.”

Pearl looked at the gemstone and shook slightly. “Thanks.” Was all she said while backing into the room and closing the door.

Twilight felt her heart drop. “Damnit Twilight, you know you shouldn’t be rushing this.” Twilight chastised herself after entering her own room. “The doctor said to take this slowly. Let her memories come back on their own.” Hugging Pearl’s pillow close. A pillow that had been tearstained for weeks now. “I just want my Pearl back.” Pushing her face into the pillow, Twilight started to cry again.

Pearl leaned against the door as she felt herself slip to the ground. Her eyes locked on the gemstone on the ring. An emerald colored diamond, the inside appeared to be made of layers of interlocking leaves. It wasn’t possible, how could Twilight have this gemstone? Even if she had given it to her, why was it on a ring?

Reaching under her shirt she pulled out a pendant. On the platinum wrapped gold chain was an identical gemstone. Set just as Kohaku had created it. Leaning back her head rested against the warm wood of her bedroom door as she held onto both gemstones. And closed her eyes. Tears streaming down her cheek.

“This isn’t my world.” Her voice choked up as her emotions tried to steal away her voice. “Oh Kohaku, what have I done?” She knew messing with old magic was dangerous. But Twilight and Sunset were positive they could have controlled it. Whatever went wrong, she knew she had paid the price for it.

Twilight sat at the banquet table. Piles of pancakes, thick waffles, hash browns, eggs and plant based sausages. She looked down at her plate, piled high as usual but she didn’t even have an appetite. With a sigh she pushed the plate aside.

“Can’t blame you, I’m not very hungry myself. Despite what my stomach is saying to me.” Pearl grumbled as she walked into the room, her hair all messy, wearing a nightshirt twice as large as it should be for a mare her size, and her eyes red and puffy. “You need one of those “You are here boards” on every floor of this place. Took me half an hour to find this room.”

“You look like you haven't slept in a year, Pearl. Are you okay?” Twilight started to leap from her chair but held back. Not wanting to make a tense situation worse. “You’ve been crying haven’t you?”

“Brilliant deduction Twilight, what gave it away. The puffy eyes or the sunken cheeks?” Pearl smirked at the princess who almost burst out laughing. “By the way, here's your ring back, it really cleared things up for me.”

Twilight was so caught off guard by the statement that she nearly missed catching the ring with her magic. “It did. You mean?” Placing the ring back on her horn Twilight leaped out and hugged Pearl who gasped from the sudden grip of the princess.

“Can't breathe.” Pearl gasped out as Twilight loosened her grip. Turning to look at Twilight she was about to speak again when a set of lips connected to hers. Putting both her front hooves on Twilight's chest, Pearl kicked off with her back legs and flipped out of Twilight’s grasp and landed on all four hooves, several feet away. “Thank you Kohaku. And here I thought those lessons were pointless. As nice as that kiss was, please refrain from doing it again. Your Pearl might not appreciate it too much.”

Twilight blinked as she picked herself up off the ground. Pearl's sudden backflip had caught her completely off guard. Even more so than her words. “My Pearl? What are you talking about, you are my Pearl. Your body just got a bit younger is all.”

Shaking her head, Pearl sat down at the table and sighed. “No, I’m really not.”

“Okay, if you're not my Pearl then who are you?” Twilight smirked wondering what kind of game she was playing.

“First off I am Pearl Rose. I’m just not, your Pearl Rose.” Reaching out she pulled a glass closer and took a drink of orange juice just to keep her throat from getting dry. “It was the journal you gave me yesterday that got me thinking. I’m sure you noticed how I kept reading one page over and over again?”

“Yes I did notice that. It was a bit odd to say the least. You never linger on a page.” Twilight recomposed herself and sat back up at the table in her own chair.

“Yes well, that page was about something that happened to me before I came here to Ponyville.” Pearl took a long deep breath and steadied herself. “I apparently wrote that I was so reluctant to stay in Baltimare, that I hid out at my friend's home. Refusing to leave.”

“Yes, I remember you telling me that.”

“But that never happened, at least, not to me.” Pearl bowed her head. “Before I came to Ponyville, I had a huge fight with my friends. Over something so stupid. But we all said hurtful words to each other and got into a huge brawl. I may have come out the winner but I lost three friends in the process.”

Twilight blinked, stunned by what she was listening to. “Go on.”

“My parents were at their wits end. They knew I had a habit of getting into fights and ruining friendships. So they came to you for advice.”

“Well, being the Princess of Friendship I’m not surprised at that.” Twilight chuckled.

“Except where I’m from, you're not a Princess of Friendship, you're the Princess of Harmony. You do help with friendship problems, but it’s just a side gig you do. Anyway, you told my parents that they should consider moving here and you would help bring my life back into… well Harmony.”

“I take it you then moved here.” Twilight watched as Pearl nodded her head.

“That’s what tipped me off. That journal entry about me hiding out at my friends place, just to avoid moving here. How could I have done that if I had no friends to do that with?”

Twilight opened her mouth but quickly shut it, realizing the question was rhetorical.

“But what really made me understand that I’m not your Pearl. Is that ring on your horn,” Pearl’s voice became tight and cold.

“I don’t understand. I told you how I got the ring. You found it…”

“In Kohaku’s old temple home. And gave it to you when I proposed. Yes you told me.” Pearl raised her hoof up. Doing her best to keep her anger in check. “But I never found any ring of any kind. Let alone gave it to you. Because,” Pearl reached into her shirt and pulled out the pendant.

Twilight’s eyes widened when she saw the gemstone. It was smaller, but identical to the one on her ring. “That.. That..”

“Kohaku gave me this pendant the day we became a couple officially. Well actually he gave it the morning after.” Pearl muttered and blushed a little. A smile on her lips as she recalled that night. “This gemstone connects me to him, heart and soul. Even now it’s warm to the touch. But when I touched that ring, it was as cold as ice. That gemstone came from a Kohaku I never knew. Even if it was warm to your Pearl, it’s cold to me. That’s how I knew. I am not from this world. I am NOT your Pearl.”

Pushing herself away from the table, Pearl’s chair scooted away a few feet. Sniffling, she leaned back and gripped her pendant as if it was the only real thing in the room.

Twilight watched Pearl carefully as she held onto that pendant for dear life. The words she had spoken were like daggers in her heart. Daggers she didn’t want to admit until they had been spoken aloud. Her Pearl was gone, and this one has taken her place. Blinking she lifted her head up and walked over to the younger Pearl.

“Pearl. If you're here?” Twilight placed her hoof on Pearl’s hooves. “Where is my Pearl now?”

Pearl blinked and looked off to the side. Lifting her eyes up to Twilight, wide as her mouth gaped open and close a few times. “Oh no… no no no.”

“You know, don't you? Where is she? Do you know if she’s safe?”

“OH she’s safe enough, and if i’m not much mistaken. If she hasn’t already she might find herself in a very awkward situation.” With a nervous chuckle Pearl looked at the princess who looked utterly confused.

Pearl smiled as she hugged her mare tight. She could never remember when Twilight felt so warm and plush before. And she was positive she had explored her love's coat extensively. Putting out of her mind she smiled when the sound of soft purring hit her ears.

Oh Twilight, I never heard you do that before. Pearl thought to herself before her brain came to a complete stop. Along her back she felt what could only be guessed as very large, and surprisingly soft, paws.

Pearl slowly opened her eyes and blinked, there in front of her was a large green fox. She recognized him. Her old pain in her flank, Forestsong. Meeping she felt him push up closer to her body. His teeth slowly scraped along her neck in playful nibbles.

What the buck. How is he here now? Pearl thought to herself as she wrapped her front legs about his shoulders. How often during those months had she found herself in this situation. It annoyed her but given his situation she was happy to oblige him a bit of comfort. I’m certain he left for home the moment we restored his shrine. We haven't seen him for months now, so why is he in bed with me? And for that matter, where is Twilight?

Looking about the room she saw that she was on a large platform out in the open. Atop a huge circular bed dead center in the room. She was about to open her mouth when she felt him kissing down her neck.

Pushing hard on his chest, Pearl watched as he slowly blinked his eyes open. "Morning. How about we make the most of this day?" Pearl blinked as she watched him move in closer, his face ready for a kiss. But that wasn’t what brought up her alarms.

Under the blankets she had felt his paws start to move lower down her body. They had roamed lower than she would ever allow anyone but Twilight. When they gripped her rump, Pearl stiffened. Even if he was an all powerful spirit, she was not having this. With one swift upward motion of her hind leg she watched in glee as the male fox in front of her yelped in pain before groaning as he curled up whimpering, both paws clutching between his hind legs.

As he rolled back and forth along the bed, Pearl threw off the covers and hastened out the door.

Chapter 4 - Confusion and Questions

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Pearl leaped from the top of the circular stairwell and landed on all fours in the center of Kohaku’s main room. Quickly looking side to side she saw a partially open door and dashed through it. Eager to get out. She barely even noticed the hallway before she slid to a stop in the middle of Fluttershy’s living room.

“Wha…” Pearl looked around, blinking. This was not what she was expecting.

“Oh good you're up.” A country voice from behind her caught her attention. Spinning around Pearl came face to face with Applejack. “Ya know you’ve worried a lot of ponies. But I'm sure glad you're okay.”

“Applejack? What are you doing… where are.. Are we in Fluttershy’s house?”

“Eeyup, home sweet home.” Applejack chuckled at the question.

Pearl only twitched an eyebrow. As Fluttershy came into the room.

“Sweetie, could you go wake… OH Pearl you're up.” Fluttershy smiled as she walked into the living room. “That’s good, could you go wake Kohaku? Breakfast will be ready in a few moments.”

“Now darlin, you know Kohaku’s probably out cold with a big ol grin on his face.” Applejack came up to Fluttershy and lovingly leaned in and pressed her forehead up against the shy pegasus’s. “I’m sure he’ll be down soon enough. But Pearl here has been unconscious for weeks now. And I bet she’s starving.”

“OH my, you're right. I almost forgot.” Fluttershy lovingly kissed Applejack and turned only to find her front door wide open. “She’s gone.”

“Well shoot, you think she would be hungry.” Applejack smirked as the pair looked at the hallway.

Kohaku falling over himself, groaning out in pain. “Help…” he whispered in a slightly higher pitch than normal.

Pearl’s mind was running wild, even now she could feel her wheels grinding to a halt. What the buck was Applejack doing at Fluttershy’s? Since when are they a couple? For that matter, what was I doing there? On reaching a gliding altitude Pearl almost halted, diving down she landed safely on a cloud. Looking down she saw Ponyville. It was twice as large as it should be.

Her sharp Pegasus eyes swept along the borders. Despite its size. Pearl saw the familiar locations. Rarity’s Carousel Boutique, Sugar Cube Corner. The schoolhouse. The mayor’s office. Nodding she felt her blood run cold when her eyes settled on the area the Castle should have been. It was nothing but a long stretch of grassland, with a small blast crater.

“The Castle! What happened to it? Did it blow up?” Pearl chewed on her lower lip as she moved her gaze again. “Thank heavens the school is still there.”

Gliding down Pearl flew over the School, curious as to why guards were stationed at every entrance, both upper and lower. Landing atop a pegasus entry way she pushed through the doors and worked her way to Twilight’s office.

What is up with this new layout? It took me ages to find this room. Pearl grumbled in her mind. “Twilight! Twilight are you here?”

“Pearl?” Twilight came out of a large set of double doors Pearl had never seen before. “Pearl your awake!”

“OH Twilight!” Pearl leaped forward and fullon tackled Twilight who oomphed hard before Pearl placed a deep kiss on the princess.

Twilight’s eyes widened as she quickly teleported away. “Pearl! What in the name of sanity are you doing!” The princess huffed as she fixed her top.

“Uh, well I.. what’s wrong with me kissing you?” Pearl pushed herself up from the ground and turned around. “You are after all my fiance. Speaking of that, where’s your ring?”

Twilight blinked and tilted her head. Opening her mouth she was swiftly silenced by Pearl starting off again.

“For that matter, what’s wrong with Ponyville? How long was I out. It’s twice the size it should be. And another thing what happened to your castle, why is this school so oddly designed on the inside. Did you remodel the whole thing while I was out?” Pearl panted, huffing and puffing repeatedly as she lowered her shoulders. “And back on the subject of couples, how long have Applejack and Fluttershy been a thing? And why are you just standing there? Why aren't you answering my questions?” Pearl scrunched up her face and huffed loudly.

“Well I..”

“Hey Twi. Have you seen where I left my wonderbolt badge?” Rainbow came down a flight of stairs just off the side of the desk. “OH hey Pearl, glad to see you up. I won’t be a minute then you and Twily here can catch up on what happened.” Giving a nod at Pearl, Rainbow turned to face her wife.

“Rainbow, it’s right where you left it. On the dinner table. I’ve told you to put it safely back in its case when you take it out. I don't know how many times now.” Twilight turned her attention from Pearl to her wife. “Seriously you're just as bad at leaving things around the home as our daughter.”

“Yeesh no need to be so harsh on me.” Rainbow moved in and nuzzled her head next to Twilights. “I’m sorry, okay? I know you’ve been under a lot of stress. Thank you for letting me know where I left it. And I promise I’ll do better at putting my stuff away.”

Twilight sighed and nuzzled Rainbow’s neck. “And will you please tell our daughter to pick her things up when she’s done with them. I may be your wife and her mother, but I am not your maid.”

Chuckling Rainbow leaned in and kissed Twilight lovingly. “Well you are when you wear that little…” whatever Rainbow was about to stay was swiftly silenced by a hoof in her mouth.

“That’s enough out of you. In case you forgot we have company.” Twilight motioned with her wing towards Pearl who was standing there with a dumbfounded look, her mouth opening and closing repeatedly.

“OH right, well I’ll just go grab my badge and fly off. Can’t keep the team waiting.” Rainbow nodded towards Pearl and dashed up the stairs.

“Sorry about that, but you know how my wife can be sometimes.” Twilight chuckled and took a few steps toward Pearl and blinked. “Uh, Pearl? You okay there? You’re looking like the sky just fell.”

“I… ma… my head hurts.” Pearl groaned as she stumbled backward into the table. “How long have you been married to Rainbow?”

“Since long before you came to Ponyville. You know that, don’t…” Twilight leaned in and looked at Pearl carefully. Quirking her eyebrow and scrunching her lips a little. “Oh my. I should have considered this? Oh how could I have been so utterly stupid.” Twilight moved away from Pearl and started to pace back and forth.

Pearl blinked as she watched Twilight. She knew this motion. Something Twilight always did when working out a problem. She found it cute but annoying at the same time.

“I should have listened, she was right. But he and I were so certain. Or were we just projecting our desires onto the situation? She’s Pearl, but she’s not Pearl. Was she right, another world? I should have listened to him and just shattered that damned mirror!” Twilight groaned as she put her front legs on the back of a chair and leaned into it. Her head dropped so swiftly her crown fell from atop her head.

Pearl blinked as she caught only a few scant whispers from Twilight’s mumbling. What caught her so off guard was ‘another world’. Looking out the window over Ponyville she saw how things looked so similar, but vastly different. The only other world she knew was the Human world. Could there really be other Pony worlds out there? Other versions of herself? Lives not lived, or lives turned in a different direction.

“Twilight?” Pearl moved in closer and put her hoof on the princess’s shoulder. “What did you mean, I'm Pearl but not Pearl?”

Twilight sighed but smiled weakly. “It means that Sunset was right, she usually is in these situations. You are Pearl Rose. Just not our Pearl Rose. Apparently the mirror we were experimenting on brought you here, while taking our Pearl someplace unknown. Maybe your world. We can’t be sure. Kohaku and I were so certain you were ours. Now I'm certain we were wrong.”

“Okay, so, that explains a lot.” Pearl sighed as she sat down in a spare chair. Her eyes widened and groaned. “Oh I am so sorry, that kiss. I was just.. Well I…”

“I take it our relationship elevated in your world?” Pearl nodded with a smile. “Well I’m glad to hear your fantasy developed into reality. And don’t worry about that kiss, I won’t say anything to Rainbow. Not unless she really annoys me.” Twilight laughed which slowly got Pearl to laugh as well.

“So probably tomorrow?”

“Eeyup.” Both Pearl and Twilight laughed. A warm feeling flooded over Pearl. She loved her Twilight but at times she missed the old motherly feeling that came with the old relationship.

“Come on, let's get something to eat and talk.” Twilight gestured to her office chairs, which would have had better placement in a living room. And pressed a button on her desk.

“Sounds wonderful.”

Pearl and Twilight sat together in the chairs. Twilight told Pearl all about the experiment with the mirror that was uncovered. How they believed it was a portal to another world, how Kohaku after seeing the mirror almost begged them to destroy it.

“Why would he ask to destroy a crystal mirror?” Pearl siped on a glass of soda that had been brought in.

“He never said. I convinced him that we had things under control. But after what happened.” Twilight shivered. “He turned the silent treatment into a punishment. I felt waves of anger and rage flow off of his body that I had never before experienced.”

“I can believe it. We have our own version of Kohaku in my world. Only a lot older and not actually living.” Pearl shivered recalling the incident with Discord. As she took another sip she suddenly spit it out. “Oh buck me.”

“What is it?”

“I best leave, there’s a certain little fox I have to go apologize to.” Pearl rubbed her head with both wings.

“What did you do?” Twilight smirked, recalling all the trouble her Pearl had gotten into in the past.

“Well? Let's just say, he can hit the high notes in the Equestria national anthem now.”

Twilight smirked and held back a laugh but shook her head side to side. “I told him, give you some space. But four weeks without you was probably more than he could stand.”

“Yeah. I’ll be going now. Again I’m sorry.” Pearl stood up and moved to the door. “Uh, I think I forgot how to get to the entrances.”

“Just go up the stairs and use my home exit. It’ll be quicker.” Twilight smiled as she watched Pearl dash up the stairs. Once she was alone, Twilight looked out the window. “No matter what world, Pearl is Pearl.”

Pearl flew as quickly as she could; she was grateful Ponyville had the same layout despite being larger. Landing in front Fluttershy’s cabin she burst through the door. There on the sofa, Kohaku lounged on his back with several small bunnies laid out on his chest. Between his hind legs was a large ice pack. She watched as he lifted his head up and looked her directly in the eyes.

Taking a long deep breath, Pearl waited for the chastising that was coming. And rightly so, she deserved every word he was about to spit her way. Steeling herself Pearl stood there as he leaned up a little.

“You know, if you weren’t in the mood, you could have just said so,” he said with an all too familiar smirk.

Pearl was so dumbfounded she collapsed to the floor with a confused look on her face.

Chapter 5 - Heart to Heart

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Kohaku groaned and rubbed his nose bridge slowly. He heard the clop of Pearl’s hooves dash back and forth from the kitchen to the sofa he was on. This had been going on for an hour since she returned from Twilight’s. Leaning back, he pushed back into yet another pillow. How many had that made now? Any more and he felt as if he would be leaning forward.

Even the small animals he was caring for had left the room, tired of all the annoying traveling back and forth. But hearing yet another tray being set up and yet another trip back from the kitchen caused him to half growl. “Enough!”

Looking up at Pearl he sighed before taking the pillows and made a neat stack on the ground, folding up the blanket and setting it next to the pillows.

“Just. Enough. This is way too much.”

“I’m sorry, I just feel bad for what I did.” Pearl sighed and sat down.

“Look, I’m doing fine. My voice is back to normal. And I’m beginning to see out of both eye sockets again.” Shifting Kohaku sat up and patted the seat next to him. “It was a solid hit, one my Pearl would have been happy with.”

Chuckling Pearl sat up next to him before blinking. “Your Pearl? You mean you already knew I wasn’t your Pearl?”

“Well thinking back on it, it was rather obvious. I guess I just let my heart leap ahead of my mind. Not uncommon when you're in love.” Taking a few deep breaths. Kohaku leaned back. “It wasn’t until I felt that leg of yours connect that I was certain you weren’t mine.”

“That’s what clued you in?” Pearl smirked and quirked an eyebrow.

“Well, Pearl and I have an unspoken rule. She’s free to slap, kick, or use me as a punching bag anytime she feels I need it. So long as she never hits me between the legs.” Taking a drink from the latest tray brought in, he sipped on it. “And in all the years we’ve been together, she’s never once violated that rule.”

“I can see that. I was just so startled. One moment I’m standing next to Twilight. The next, I’m in bed with a strange boy. Now that’s not too unusual for me. I had a friend who did that a lot. He was a fox too. You share his name. But what got me was when you got a bit too paws on.” Pearl chuckled a little thinking back on her friend Forestsong.

“So I take it you and my counterpart here are sexually intimate? Forgive me asking but I’ve never been into boys. I struggle to imagine any version of me who is. But I guess there’s at least one.”

“Oh don’t worry she’s not into boy’s ether.” Kohaku nearly burst into fits of laughter at seeing Pearl’s sudden confused look. “Let me explain. Yes, she’s not physically attracted to boys. But she doesn’t see me as a boy.”

“I think I understand that, but you're still male.” Pearl coughed and blushed a little and shook her head. “I’m sorry, really I am. I’m not trying to doubt your word but…”

“But you can’t handle the thought let alone the action.” Looking at Pearl who nodded, Kohaku chuckled at her quirked eyebrow. “No, I can’t read your mind. I just know you that well.”

“Okay. I really have to ask now. Just how close were you two before officially hooking up?” Pearl leaned back into the sofa, seated up on her haunches as Kohaku continued to lay there elevated by the armrest.

Looking up a little, Kohaku smiled. “We were so close that ponies thought we were lovers long before we got together. So close that taking things to the next step was no harder than walking through an open door. And after we did, we found our relationship just didn’t change all that much.”

“Only now you two have sex togeather.” Kohaku just nodded slowly. Pearl looked Kohaku over slightly from ears to tails. “I do have to admit, you do have that exotic beauty about you.” Her eyes catching his kimono shorts for a second. “And because of your curves I would almost convince myself your a girl save for that.” Her wing flipped the edge of the blanket over his lap.

“Sorry, I’m still learning control and focus. And I’ve gotten a lot better at it as the years go on.”

“So what’s the deal with it now?” Pearl smirked at him.

“I’m sitting next to an older, hotter, version of my intended mate. Why do you think?” Kohaku smirked back at her.

As Pearl scratched her head with that one, Kohaku reached out and grabbed himself a sandwich. After a sniff he took a large bite. “Oh wow. This is delicious.”

Pearl looked at him sharply. “You sound surprised.”

Finishing the sandwich in a few bites he purred. “I am. My Pearl can’t toast bread without creating a kitchen fire.”

“Well Spike had been giving me lessons. And am I that bad in this world?” Pearl chuckled when Kohaku nodded his head.

“Well you're better than Sweetie Belle. Until I dated her, I never knew toast could be liquid. Or water could spontaneously combust.”

Pearl half snorted before bursting out into laughter, rocking back and forth. “That’s hilarious.”

“Yeah. Your Twilight is a very lucky mare. And I’ll be one lucky fox once my Pearl looks like you.”

“How…?” Pearl leaned back and blinked at him.

“It wasn’t hard to figure out. Even my own Pearl had her fantasies about Twilight. There wasn’t a day that went where I could avoid hearing it at least once.” Sighing Kohaku leaned into Pearl and purred.

“That must have driven you crazy.” Pearl smirked. Out of instinct she wrapped a wing around him. As she noticed, Pearl almost pulled it back but thought better of it. With a smile she thought back to Forestsong and the month’s he had a semi mortal body.

“Eh, it wasn’t too bad. That’s part of being a best friend is listening to these things.” Feeling the wing around him, Kohaku’s purring increased.

“So what else do you have to say about, well, us.” Pearl bit back on her tongue when she saw that look in his eyes. The same look when she had asked Twilight about a new book she had opened. I am so going to regret this. Mom was right. She told me that my tongue was going to get me in trouble one day.

Pearl groaned as she rested her head up against the cool tiled wall of Fluttershy’s shower. Steaming hot water cascaded down her mane and over her back.

I feel as if my head is about to explode. Five hours, five hours to explain a three year relationship. Leaning back she pushed forward again and bumped her head against the wall only hard enough to feel it. I mean I’ve close relationships with colts, but nothing close to what she had with him.

Pearl’s groans suddenly turned to a soft moan of relief when she felt the cool feeling of the shampoo dribble down her spine. The sudden feeling of it slowly being starting worked up and down over her back by a set of paws. Biting down on her lower lip she shivered at how skilled they were. “Oh gods above that feels so good.”

“Well I’ve always done good work.”

“That’s an understatement, I’ve never before felt anything so…” Pearl’s eyes shot open and stiffened. Looking over her shoulder she saw Kohaku sitting there behind her on a stool. A thin white cotton towel wrapped around his waist. “Ke...yo...wha…” Words stumbled about in her throat as her voice squeaked higher and higher. Spinning around, she looked Kohaku directly in the eyes. She felt herself ready to scream out when a soapy paw gripped her muzzle.

“Before you scream I just just have a few things to say. First off I don’t want you to wake up the baby ducks.” One of his tails pointed to the corner, where a small nest of ducklings were sleeping soundly. “Second I just thought I'd come help you out. We don’t have a back washer here.” Kohaku swiftly turned Pearl around with untold ease.

How the buck can somecreature so small be so damn strong? I’ve never known anything to make me feel so weak before. Peal’s mind screamed while trying to figure out the sudden situation. “So why don’t you have a back washer here?”

“Well we did have one until kaachan used it on Harry a few years ago.” Kohaku chuckled as he worked his paws around Pearl’s wings with careful ease. After pressing a few choice location’s he pulled out several loose and damaged feathers. “But not that me and Pearl used it much anyway. She always had me to wash her back for her. And she always returned the favor by doing my back.”

Blinking, she noticed the small pile of broken feathers and looked at Kohaku. When he had removed them, she didn’t feel a thing. While silently cursing him for the audacity for preening her, she had to admit he did better than she or Twilight ever had. Proof that he had done this many times before. And he was keeping his paws in acceptable areas.

“I can understand that. But you and me, we don’t have those years of friendship that would allow me to accept this. Could you let me finish my shower alone?”

“Yeah I thought you’d probably ask that. I just miss my Pearl so much right now. I know you aren't her, but I hoped that we could at least share a similar friendship that she and I shared prior to becoming a couple.” Kohaku slipped from the stool and grabbed the wash bucket with a tail. “Even back then I was rather respectful of her boundaries, no matter how far I pushed them. I’ll just go dry off and get ready for bed.”

Pearl slumped down as if she had been punched in the stomach, lamenting how far she was from Twilight. Watching Kohaku saunter out with his head held low the feeling in her stomach worsened. As her pride and feelings battled things out.

“Wait,” Pearl grumbled as she leaned her head against the tiles before finally letting out a sigh. “No sense in wasting the water. You can finish washing my back, then I’ll do yours.” Pearl heard a soft chuckle escape from his lips. It wasn’t long before she felt his paws against her back once more.

Pearl laid there on her back in the center of the bed. Staring up at the night sky. The breeze ruffled her mane, it was cool and refreshing while the warmth of the room didn’t diminish at all.

I wish I knew how this spell worked, I know ponies who would pay through the nose for something like this. Rubbing her leg along Kohaku’s plush fur lined blanket she sank her head further in the down filled silk pillows. She was far too scared to ask if he had killed for these furs or the down for the pillows. And these pillows, and blankets. Not even Twilight has such luxury stuff like this. And to think my counterpart sleeps on a bed twice the size and ten times the comfort as I do.

Closing her eyes she ran through her day yet again in her mind. Everything Kohaku had told her, how similar her life was compared with his Pearl. Rolling onto her side she looked at one of the various shelves that lined the wall, this one housing countless pictures. She recognized one picture in particular. Her running and laughing. Twilight in the background rolling her eyes. Pearl saw her hoof poised up and holding what looked to be a bag of cotton candy. Playing keep away.

I remember that day. Gods did I have fun at that carnival in the Crystal Empire. Me, Twilight and my three closest friends. As she looked at the picture, she saw Herself and Twilight and Cozy. But replacing Lotus was Kohaku. The two young fillies playing keep away with his snack. She almost laughed at seeing his annoyed face but his eyes stopped her. Even in the picture, Pearl could tell she was enjoying herself.

I wish Twilight were here with me, it’s so hard to fall asleep without her wings about my body. Pearl pushed her face into the silk pillow. Seconds passed before she felt as if somepony had struck her with a wing upside the head. “Oh buck.”

Grumbling Pearl got up from the bed and trotted downstairs. Seeing the lump on the sofa she shook her head and sighed. Moving in closer she stopped as she started to reach out with a hoof.

“Can’t sleep either huh?” Kohaku rolled over and looked up at Pearl who almost jumped backwards.

“I thought you were sleeping.”

“Nope, just playing possum,” he chuckled and sat up.

“Well you're very good at it. It startled me.” Pearl chuckled and sat down.

“Well, I was trained to be a hunter from a young age. You're either quiet, or you don’t eat.” Smirking, he just saw Pearl shake her head. “Okay so what brings you down here?”

“I just finally understand how difficult this must be for you. I was upstairs wishing I had my Twilight with her wings about me. And here for weeks you were without your Pearl.”

“Don’t forget the two weeks you spent unconscious in bed.”

“I haven’t. For me it’s only been a day, how are you coping with all this? It has to be driving you crazy.” Pearl hung her head low, unable to meet his gaze.

Bowing his head he leaned forward. “How do I cope? Let's just say I’ve gone on a lot of hunting trips lately. My hunting fridge is packed full.” Looking over his shoulder at a black box in the corner, completely ignoring Pearl’s sudden shudder. “No doubt till I get her back…”

“You’ll be going out to kill something?” Pearl leaned back as he just shook his head.

“Not really, I don’t always kill my prey.” Pearl let out a sigh of relief. “But hunting does keep my mind off certain things.”

“Something tells me I can relate, I’m so frustrated I could punch something.” Pearl stomped her front hoof down on the soft wooden floor.

“And how does that differ from any other time?” Kohaku smirked.

Blinking, Pearl half snorted. “Let me guess I’m still just as hot headed here as I am in my world.”

“Just about. Seriously though, the only thing separating you from her. Is four or five years.”

“Well, then you have something to look forward to.” Both Pearl and Kohaku nodded together. “Look. I understand how hard everything is here for you right now. I’m sure only you and Twilight know I’m not the right Pearl.”

“I’m sure by now Sunset knows, and possibly your parents. But other than that, yeah that’s about right.”

“Well let's not ruin anyone’s year. We can let them think I'm still their Pearl for now. Just a bit more grown up. I’m sure you can explain things if we get things settled right.” Taking a deep breath she just kept her eye steady with his.

“I know you're leading up to something, so to spare you another half hour. Mind speaking up.” Kohaku idly started to fidget with one of his three tail tips. “Just like my Pearl, you take a while before getting to the point.”

“So it’s a character flaw, deal with it.” Pearl huffed as she watched him smile. “Look, if you can keep your paws above the waist. I see no reason you can’t sleep in the same bed as me. And it would keep from having to explain why you're sleeping on a sofa.”

Chuckling, Kohaku just shrugged. “Wouldn’t be the first time. Pearl does kick me out of bed occasionally when she’s upset. Or, I choose to come down here when a certain time of the year comes around and she’s not awake yet.”

“Am I that bad during estrus?”

Kohaku just shook his head. “No, my first experience with estrus was with Sweetie Belle. Which resulted in me creating a six hour long illusion to keep her from mauling me. And devouring every last bit of food in Rarity’s home that day. When that time comes along, I make myself disappear for a few days.”

Laughing Pearl just shook her head. “I guess I can understand that. I get kinda violent during that time.” Following Kohaku up the stairs she almost tripped when he stopped.

“That’s nothing, be thankful you’ll never experience me during mating season.” With a smile and no further information Kohaku just went up to his bed leaving Pearl standing there perplexed.

“Oh boy. I wonder what Twilight is doing right now?” Shaking her head Pearl swallowed what remained of her pride, and finished climbing the stairs.

Chapter 6 - Breakthrough

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Pearl and Twilight sat together at a workstation in Twilight’s laboratory. Both mares hovered over an open book. Pearl looked up and quirked an eyebrow. Kohaku was kneeling by the mirror, his paw tracing every kanji rune that circled it, his lips constantly moving, whispering spells not even Twilight recognized. Half a dozen open scrolls lay beside him while many more hovered around the laboratory, projected from two open journals.

“He’s been at it for hours now.” Pearl sighed and shook her head side to side. She had to admire his skill and tenacity. He had been at this task every day from almost sunup to sundown.

“I know. I’m starting to get a bit worried about him.” Twilight sat down and leaned back in her work chair. “I’m starting to think this is a lost cause. We’ve been trying to safely replicate the mistake that brought you here. But after two months now. We might have to face the reality that you’re stuck here.” Bowing her head Twilight rubbed her nose slowly with her right hoof.

“I don’t believe that for a moment.” Pearl leaned back in her chair watching Kohaku, a soft smile on her lips. She watched as his tails waved behind his back. Three spheres of flame blazed at the tips while his markings shimmered with power from all the magic he was calling forth. “But I have been trying to prepare myself for that reality.”

“Kanojo o watashi ni kaeshite anata wa akuma!” Kohaku shouted as he struck the mirror with his fist in frustration.

Kohaku’s voice was so loud both Pearl and Twilight almost jumped to the ceiling as they turned back to look at him, kneeling on the floor, his head bowed in defeat as blood dripped from a wound on his paw making a red streak down the reflective surface.

Before Twilight could open her mouth, Pearl was at his side, her front legs around his shoulders as her wing brushed down his side. Twilight watched as Pearl nuzzled his head to her floof. Twilight felt her heart sink as she saw tears stream down Kohaku’s face.

“Pearl, take him home.” Twilight moved up to them. “Kohaku, I want you in bed for the next few days. You need to relax.” The princess saw the defiant look in her student’s eyes. Like him she wanted to continue, but not like this. Not at the expense of his mental health. “Don’t give me that look. Or I’ll inform Fluttershy about it.” She smiled seeing Kohaku turned away, defeated. Not even he would challenge his mother.

“Pearl, please. Put him to bed. If anyone can keep him there. You can.”

Pearl nodded softly. Her friendship with Kohaku had grown exponentially these last few months. Almost to the point she was convinced she had grown up with him. Pulling the fox up onto her back and sighed. Walking to the balcony, she took to the sky.

Twilight watched as the pair left. Turning around she went to start cleaning up. Closing all the journals and books a sudden flash beside her caught the princess’s attention. Jumping back she spread her wings in a defensive position as she looked at the mirror.

The kanji runes along the border were glowing blood red. It was light but it was there. A shimmering in the mirror looked like wind across the water. Reaching out Twilight touched the surface. A ripple spread as an image of students in desks appeared for a moment before it changed to a lush forest. Again the image changed to the beings Pearl had described as Humans. After a moment the images in the mirror vanished.

“What the buck…” Leaning in, she saw the point where Kohaku’s blood had touched the runes. Blinking, she got an Idea in her head and smiled. “I think he may have inadvertently found the key.”

Moving to her desk she lifted her quill and wrote down the results. Along with a note to herself to tell Kohaku and Pearl about it after a few days of rest. “We’re getting closer, Pearl. Please hold on a little longer.”

Leaving her laboratory, the princess left to celebrate this small success with a large piece of cake.

Pearl stood there staring at the mirror. She had seen a shimmer for a brief second followed by a flash of red. Behind her she heard the familiar sound of golden horseshoes on tile.

“Still trying to work it out?” Twilight sat behind her desk. She had moved the crystal mirror to the School of Friendship by Pearl’s request. Even set it in the same room and position as the mirror she said was in her world.

“It flashed for a second. Then a blink of red before going black again.” Turning away from the mirror, Pearl sat in a chair opposite of Twilight.

“That’s promising.” Twilight poured a glass of tea for Pearl then herself. Sliding a sandwich to her before sitting back. “Especially after two months of nothing.”

“Yeah.” Pearl sipped her tea as she looked at the three Gundam models in front of her. In her hooves she held Epyon while the Freedom and Justice stood atop their boxes. “We can make the mirror go to the Human World and back. But not to my world.”

“I’ve tried every spell I know. And even sent for these books from the Crystal Empire.” Twilight placed her hoof atop two crystal lined books. “I can tell you every which way this mirror was created. But not how to get you home.”

“So I'm stuck here? Living a life that doesn't belong to me.” Pearl set her model down and took a bite from her sandwich.

“Well you’ve done a good job at it so far.” Twilight tried to laugh but she found it hard.

“Thanks. I know it’s hard for you. Me not being your Pearl and all. And thanks again for buying me these. Who knew assembling these model kits would be so relaxing.”

“I had a feeling you’d like them.” Twilight watched Pearl smile and nodded. Pearl’s smile was identical in every way to her Pearl’s. She desperately wanted to reach out and feel those lips against hers. But knowing this Pearl had someone special to her kept Twilight still. While frustrated she was content with snuggling close to her at night. A sudden knocking at her door startled Twilight enough that she almost jumped. Her thoughts suddenly became aware to herself and blushed. “It’s open!”

“Twilight. I’m sorry but they said you were here.” Spike burst in. his arms full of various scrolls. “You know that meeting you’ve kept asking me to push back?”

“Yes. Please tell me you did that. I know it’s important, but we are in no condition to meet with them now.” Twilight looked at Spike, biting on her lower lip.

“Yeah, they said they find that unacceptable. They’re going to be here tomorrow. And they expect the greeting you agreed on.”

Twilight’s eyes widened. All the air had been mentally punched from her body. Leaning back against her chair she let out a wheezing groan.

“Have I missed something? What’s so wrong with taking a meeting tomorrow? It’s not like we’re doing anything.” Pearl crossed her front legs across her chest.

Twilight shook her head and groaned louder. “Pearl, you don’t understand. This is a delegate of eastern dragons. They want to form a colony here in Equestria. Open trade with us.” Twilight could have sworn this Pearl was channeling her Pearl as the smile that came across her face spread ear to ear.

“Eastern Dragons!!! Oh you have to meet with them. I’ve been reading all about them for months. To actually meet them. Even Kohaku would love to meet them at least once in his life.” Pearl stood up on her hind legs and put her front ones on Twilight's desk, leaning in and stared at Twilight.

“It’s not that simple. They are expecting a traditional greeting. My Pearl has been studying this for weeks before she vanished and you came here.” Looking out the window she sighed. “I toyed with the Idea of letting you do it, but getting you ready in such a short time would be a nightmare. I can get the decor done, the banquet. But the greeting itself. There’s no time for you to learn it.”

Pearl opened her mouth but was silenced by Twilight’s hoof. “No, I’m not going to put that kind of pressure on you. You’ve had enough on your shoulders pretending to be my Pearl already.”

“But I…” Pearl started by a purple feather on her lips and Twilight’s shaking head.

“No, I’ll just have to think of something else. And pray they understand.” Twilight mumbled as she walked out of the room leaving Pearl and Spike standing there shaking their heads.

“She’s really stressed about this isn’t she?”

“Well this is the biggest trade treaty in the last thousand years. Not even Equestrian dragons are in trade with us yet,” Spike shrugged.

“Yeah but they don’t have the culture for trade. Think about it. Scrolls of lost knowledge. Silks and china of untold beauty and craftsmanship. And a language that is as beautiful as it is powerful.”

Spike blinked and turned toward Pearl. “How do you know all this?”

“I’m dating a kitsune. Who’s very culture came from the eastern lands. It was on par with Eastern Dragons. They even spoke similar languages. Have similar histories and theologies.” Pearl finished her sandwich and smiled.

“Sounds like you know a lot about this.” The dragon leaned against the wall and out the window. He saw Twilight flying towards her castle. No doubt fretting about everything happening so suddenly. “You by chance wouldn't happen to know the language would you?”

“Dōomoimasuka?” Pearl smirked as Spike’s eyes widened.

“That was not Neighanese.” Pearl shook her head softly. “What did you just say?

“What do you think?” Pearl chuckled softly. “It’s Kohaku’s language. I still have problems with misplacing my vowels at times. But it’s enough to know what the hell he’s saying when he’s upset.”

“Do you think you could pull off the greeting? A traditional greeting?” Spike eyed Pearl slowly before looking back at the Castle.

“If you can keep Twilight from stopping me. Then yes, yes I can.”

“I’ll do my best. Let's get you to Rarity. You need a costume change.” Spike grinned as he ran to the door with Pearl behind him.

Twilight fidgeted back and forth on her hooves. In moments two dragons were about to come into this castle. Expecting a traditional greeting, she worked on the words as best as she could. But she couldn’t memorize them all. Flipping through her speech cards, she heard the doors open. Looking to her side she saw Celestia and Luna take their position on her left while Cadence took her position on the right.

Oh great, as if I'm not stressed enough. What I wouldn’t give for a world calamity right now. Twilight thought when she felt the familiar touch of a claw on her shoulder.

“Twilight, I need you to come with me. There’s a problem.”

“Not now Spike. They’ll be here any second. I have to be here for it.” Twilight hissed over her shoulder.

“I have to insist, it won’t take long. Promise.” Twilight looked into Spike's worried face and sighed.

“Fine, let's make this quick.” Quickly excusing herself, Twilight moved to a shadowy corner with Spike.

The double doors of the castle opened as fanfare came from a set of ponies along the walls. Two dragons slowly moved down the pathway. Their long half fured bodies and eagle-like claws sent murmer’s along everypony in the crowd. The princesses all looked at each other as a new pony came up in place of Twilight.

Her blazing fire red, gold lined eastern dress flowed against her body like the wind itself. Her blazing red hair done up in the latest eastern style. The two dragons nodded in approval at this pony’s appearance.

“We are pleased to be so welcomed.” a deep voice came from the shimmering blue dragon. His long twin whiskers curled to his knees. His bright azure eyes showed wisdom born of centuries of life. “I am Lanteng, this is my mate Yinshe.” his claw motioned to the green dragoness beside him. Her body was very similar to his but didn’t have the whiskers.

“I bring you welcome from the eastern lands.” Bowing slightly she brought out a large scroll case and held it aloft. “I bring you this dear princess, as a gift between our two peoples. That we might one day live together in harmony.”

Twilight stood in the corner looking at Spike. She had heard the fanfare and saw the arrival of the two Dragon’s. What scared her the most was Pearl was now standing in her position. Spreading her wings the princess tried to fly out but was held by her dragon’s strong grip.

“Spike, what are you doing?”

“Just trust her. You’ll see.” Spike groaned as he struggled to keep a firm grip on Twilight.

“This is too important to leave to a young pony like her. Now let me…” bucking backward she kicked Spike into the wall. “Go!” running out she watched as Pearl stepped forward and accepted the large scroll. She was about to open her mouth when she, and every other pony gasped in shock.

Taking a long deep breath, Pearl held the scroll in her front legs. Here goes nothing, or rather, everything. Please let me get this right.

“Watashitachi no furusato e yōkoso. Soshite, kono subarashī okurimono o teinei ni uketorimasu.” bowing forward she finished her greeting. After a few moments she found the whole room was deathly silent. Lifting her head she found all four princesses wide eyed in shock, but more shocked than the quartet. Were the dragons.

“Did I say that wrong?” Pearl meeped and stepped back.

Yinshe stepped forward and lifted Pearl’s head up. “Wrong? No, you have said nothing wrong. This was not the greeting we were expecting. But it is welcome all the same.” The dragoness smiled and bowed her head again.

“Please, you must tell us. How did you learn that language? It has not been spoken in any land for tens of thousands of years now.” Lanteng quirked an eyebrow. Leaning in he sniffed at Pearl for a moment. His eyes widening he whispered something to his mate who looked shocked.

The two dragons looked at Pearl for a moment.

Twilight ran forward huffing and puffing. “I’m so sorry. Please, I told her not to do this.”

The dragons nodded after a brief talk and turned to Twilight. “Princess, we are not angered or insulted. Only intrigued. Not even my own people speak that tongue any longer. And it can only be learned by one who speaks it.” Lanteng smiled, placing a claw on Pearl’s left shoulder. “For this child to speak it, she must be quite talented. You must be quite proud as a teacher.”

“I’m not her teacher any longer. I haven’t been for years.” Twilight looked over at Pearl fondly, her heart finally beating at a normal pace again.

“A teacher does not stop being a teacher, even should their student leave them. For lesions stay with them forever and they will continue to learn from those lesions.” Yinshe smiled. “But come. The greeting has been made. And we have much to discuss.”

Twilight gulped and nodded. “Yes, yes we do. I’ll join you in a moment.”

“This way please.” Spike smiled and winked at Twilight as he motioned to a side door. “A banquet has been prepared for your arrival.”

Once Pearl and Twilight were alone they looked at each other.

“You're not upset are you? I couldn’t let you mess this up. Not when I had the means to make it happen.”

“No, but why didn’t you tell me you could speak that language?” Twilight smiled and hugged Pearl tight.

“I tried, twice. But you kinda shut me up both times.” Pearl gasped as she started to return the hug.

Blinking remembering her actions. “OH, right. Sorry.” Putting Pearl at leg's length, Twilight smiled. “Well you got the greeting done, please go help yourself to something to eat.”

“Um, if it’s all the same to you. I’m going back to the laboratory. Something’s been kinda bugging me about that shimmer I saw earlier.”

“Okay, but I’ll have something sent over to you.” Pearl only nodded as she walked out of the castle.

Pearl stood in front of the mirror. Instead of her reflection she saw only blackness.

“What is wrong with this thing?” Kicking aside a scroll, Pearl yelped as the parchment sliced into the soft underside of her hoof. “Dammit!” Sucking in she lifted her hoof and looked at it, groaning at seeing the pooling drops of blood from the cut. “All this hoof and it cuts the only spot blood could be drawn from.”

Pressing her hoof to the mirror she flicked her unhurt hoof along the pedestal, clearing it from other scrolls. Looking back she heard a soft humming from the mirror.

“What the?” Pulling her hoof back she watched as her blood dribbled down the surface of the glass and into the frame. She watched as the mirror flashed for a moment. For a few seconds she saw the courtyard of Canterlot High before the image changed and she saw the familiar laboratory in Twilight’s castle. An excited pounding felt in her heart. Leaping forward she crashed into the solid glass as the image vanished, save for a single glance from Twilight who shouted Pearl’s name.

“No!!” Falling to the ground. Pearl started to streak her hurt hoof along the glass. “Bring it back, please bring it back!” tears formed in her eyes as she bowed her head.

“Pearl, I have something for you. A nice tray of spring rolls and dumplings.” Twilight said pleasantly before seeing Pearl weeping on the ground. Blood streaked across the surface of the mirror. “Pearl. What happened?”

Pearl looked up at Twilight, her face a look of joy and utter defeat. “I found it. Home. I… It was only for a second. But it was there.”

Twilight wrapped her wings around Pearl who buried her face in the princess’s floof.

“We’ll get it back. Just rest, you’ve had a busy day today. Tomorrow we’ll talk about what you did.”

Pearl nodded softly as she clung to Twilight. She felt as weak as a newborn as her emotions were all tangled up inside of her. It was no longer if she could get back home. But when. If only she knew what it was she did.

Chapter 7 - Togeather Again

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“I can’t believe I was so stupid,” Kohaku groaned as he banged his head against the bookshelf. “Baka, Baka, Baka!”

Pearl and Twilight just sat there and watched him. “Kohaku, do you mind not beating yourself up? And let us know what’s going on.” Twilight rubbed her temples with a wing. While she was used to her students' antics, it was always a headache watching them.

“How could I have not seen this before now.” Walking over to a journal, he opened it up and flicked a claw up across a line. Reaching out he grabbed a blood red scroll and tossed it about the table.

Twilight and Pearl watched the scroll unfurl and once it reached the end, showed a mirror identical to the one standing before them, and the Crystal Mirror that Pearl knew. But this mirror was shaded red with a moon over it.

“It’s not just a Yokai mirror, but a Blood mirror.” Looking up he smiled at Twilight. “When Pearl was reading the inscription, did she get any nicks or cuts on her body? Something that might have put blood on the mirror itself?”

“I think so, but I can’t be certain. It all happened so fast.” Twilight looked at the mirror.

“Well neither me or my Twilight had any cuts on us.” Pearl scratched her head, barely following what was going on.

“Oh that doesn’t matter. A Blood Mirror is made to connect to the nearest active receptacle. And unfortunately that was your mirror. Which was connected to a wild sliver of magic used for transportation. Since both mirrors are drawn to each other. Yours was ripped from it’s connection and hit ours. Thus leading to the explosion and since our Pearl and yourself were the closest to the mirror. That’s how you were swapped.”

“So to get us back?” Pearl smiled.

“Is only a matter of activating the mirror on either end.” Kohaku flattened out the scroll and leaned in.

“You never cease to amaze me with how much you know, how did you learn all this?” Pearl lightly bumped Kohaku with her shoulder.

“By reading my father’s journals the last two nights. He went into extensive details about these things. And why we should never use them. I’m glad I inherited his eidetic memory or this would have taken a lot longer.” Kohaku traced his paws down the various kanji. Muttering in his language as he did so.

“Okay, enough lesions, how do we activate the mirror safely?” Twilight looked at the mirror.

“Well the initial connection was made so that’s already done, now we just need a blood moon for some added power. And if my letter was delivered on time.” Kohaku looked out the window. “I should be receiving a visitor about….” a sudden pop and blue flash filled the room. “Now.”

“What is the meaning behind this request?” Princess Luna stepped forward toward Kohaku, holding the scroll in her magic. “You seek to not only to have my moon fill the night sky with Full, but to have it the shade of blood?”

“Yes, I need the moon to help power this mirror. I’m not sure how long we’ll be though. I need ample time to not only make the exchange of this Pearl for ours. But also giving me the time to rest and return before it ends.” Kohaku sat and looked at Luna, matching his eyes with hers. “Please Luna, I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important. Or if I had the power to do so myself. Which I don’t.”

“Well, it’s lucky Twilight had told me about your situation a few weeks ago.” Luna placed a hoof on Kohaku’s shoulder. “I know we haven't had the best of relationships. But I will do this for you. A week only, so do make sure you return on time.”

“Oh we will, I have no intention of being trapped in a world that isn’t my own.” Kohaku chuckled.

“Very well, Tomorrow night the Blood Moon shall rise..” Luna spoke as her horn lit up. “Sister has also agreed to this. So she’s holding a unique get-together in Canterlot.”

Kohaku and Pearl stood before the mirror. Pearl quirked an eyebrow as the fox was chanting slowly while tracing the runes around the mirror with a paw finger, one he had bitten to draw blood from only moments ago. Saying a silent prayer she watched as he came to the end and the mirror began to flash just as the blood moon filled the sky.

“Okay, from here on out we are on uncharted territories. Rest, collect my Pearl, and have me and her return to this world.”

“Right, you said it many times before,” Pearl rolled her eyes.

“Sorry, speaking more for myself than you. Now, after you my dear.”

“Why me first.”

“Because you going through will set the location.” Kohaku grinned as he tapped her nose with a finger.

“You sure you just don’t want one final look at my flank?” Pearl smirked looking at the boy.

“As if I needed an excuse.” Kohaku smirked back up at her. The two sharing a friendly laugh after a few moments.

“Well I’m ready to go.” Twilight smiled walking toward the pair, her saddle bags overloaded with scrolls and quills.

“Oh no. Not you.” Kohaku put both paws on his mentor’s chest and pushed her back slowly.

“What are you kidding me, this is going to be the best research moment of my life. Why can’t I go too?” Twilight quirked an eyebrow.

“Because it’s dangerous enough with just us. The universe and multiverse needs to maintain a semblance of balance. I’m not too worried because it’s just going to be two Pearls from different universes in the same place; their relatively low magical harmonics won’t cause much to upset the scales. But I'm not adding the magical weight of two Alicorn Twilights into the mix. That would be like dropping a ten ton weight on the highpoint of a seesaw while on the other end is a newborn foal.”

“Well what about you? Your magical reserves are almost as large as my own right now.” Twilight looked at her student. “Won’t you upset the balance yourself.”

“She does make a valid point there.” Pearl giggled.

“No, I shouldn’t cause any disruptions. As this Pearl already told me. My counterpart has ascended to a higher plane of existence. He has no physical form unlike myself. But since he is on a higher plane, his magical essence can keep me shielded from eyes I really don't want on me right now.” Kohaku sighed. He heard all about her and was not looking forward to meeting this goddess who he believed was the world's equivalent of Shenlong.

“Okay fine. You win.” Twilight sat down and pulled out a scroll. “But could you take notes for me?”

Kohaku just rolled his eyes. “Fine, I’ll take notes.” With a swift push of his tails he sent Pearl through the portal and dove in after her.

Flash Sentry humed a pleasant little tune as he walked through the empty corridors of his princess’s school. Smiling, he checked every dorm room. Making sure each student was in place and accounted for.

Ya know this night shift isn’t as bad as I thought it would be. So little happens. Stopping at a nearby window he watched the moon in the sky. The way the clouds drifted about made the silver sphere look as if it was swimming across the skys. Flash shivered as a cool breeze rushed down his back. But I’ll certainly be glad when midnight hits. Then home to my cozy bed.

Closing the window he moved past Twilight’s science lab. Looking at the mirror gave him shivers. He had heard tales the Princess told about other worlds. Shrugging he moved on before hearing a loud crashing. Turning on his hooves he moved back to the lab and looked inside.

Taking a step or two, he flipped a light switch with his wing and took a long careful look about. Nothing seemed to be out of place save for a few knocked over chairs. Slowly moving in closer. A sudden meow caught his attention as a large black cat jumped out from behind a table and ran out the door.

“Gah, stupid cat.” Rolling his eyes he turned the lights off again and walked out at a swift trot. Hoping to catch and release the destructive feline outside where it belonged.

As the sound of hooves grew quieter from the room. Pearl poked her head out from under a desk and sighed. “That was some quick thinking there.” She looked over at the knocked over chairs as the ambient light shimmered and Kohaku turned visible yet again.

“I’m used to thinking on my paws like that.” Brushing himself off, Kohaku returned the chairs back in place and looked at the mirror. The glass was identical to his mirror but the pedestal and frame were definitely of pony design. “Well good news is, the mirror is fine. I should have no problems connecting it back to my mirror for a one way trip.”

“And the bad news?” Pearl asked as she repositioned a few desks.

“I nearly dislocated a tailbone flying through that damned thing.”

Chuckling Pearl nodded. “Yeah, exiting the crystal mirror has never been a safe experience. Sorry for not telling you that earlier.”

“No harm done.” Looking about, Kohaku smiled. “So this is a school huh? For Friendship?” Pearl only nodded. “Weird. So where is this castle?”

“About half a mile outside of the school.” Pearl walked over to the window and jumped out. “Best we leave this way. I’d rather not have to explain why I'm here after hours.”

“Sounds good to me. I’m used to leaving school by the window.” Following suit Kohaku jumped out and shut the window after him. Landing on all fours he looked about.

“It’s right there.” Pearl pointed straight ahead. “On that small hill there. You have to be closer to experience how great it is.”

Kohaku looked where Pearl's wing was pointed. As his eyes looked up he felt his heart stop dead cold. “You have got to be kidding me. What in the name of all that is good in nature is that thing. Please tell me it’s some kind of sick joke.” His eyes looked the large crystal tree up and down as he shivered.

“Nope, that’s my Twilight’s castle. The Castle of Friendship.” Pearl smiled as she started walking forward.

“I hope someone killed the gardener who planted that thing.” Kohaku grumbled as he followed Pearl. “It’s the most hideous thing I have ever seen.”

“Well it was grown by the Tree of Harmony…”

“Harmony? The Tree of Harmony grew that thing?” Pearl nodded again and rolled her eyes. Having dealt with this once before with her Kohaku, she decided to remain silent this time as Kohaku continued. “I’m trying to keep an open mind here, and yes I can hear it’s music. Synthetic and unharmonious. A total mockery to nature’s wonderful tone.”

“Anything else?”

“I have a lot to say on this.” Kohaku looked at Pearl who huffed.

“Well stifle it. It’s the home of my beloved Twilight, where she rules over all Equestria.” Walking over, Pearl touched Kohaku’s shoulder with her wing. “I get it, I really do. Believe me, our Kohaku isn’t too happy with this thing, or the tree that grew it. Both him and Harmony have gotten into a lot of arguments over it. I’m just asking you to bear this for a week. That’s all. I’m not asking you to stay and live here.”

Kohaku took a long deep breath through his nose and let out a long drawn out sigh. “You're right, I’m sorry. I'll try to make the best of this.”

“That’s all I ask. Now, let's get up there. I'm eager to be in my Twilight’s wings as I’m sure you’re desperate to be in your Pearl’s.” Pearl spread her wings and knelt down slightly. “Hop on. I’ll fly you up. We can bypass the guards.”

Kohaku smirked and just shook his head. “Yeah no.” Dashing forward he leaped up, springboarded off her back and gripped the crystal bark of the tree. “I’ll just climb. Something like this is nothing. I used to climb sheer cliffs in the Everfree, I’ll meet you up top.”

Pearl blinked as she watched him skillfully swing and climb his way up. Before she could even think he was almost at the upper landing. Spreading her wings, Pearl laughed and flew up after him.

Walking down the corridor, Kohaku nodded softly “Well despite the horrendous tree. The castle isn’t half bad. Once you're inside.”

“We like it. But the castle in your world is very comfortable too. If not a bit too much like a school.” Pearl walked beside him as the pair came up to the bed chambers. “My room before I shared with Twilight, is in there. No doubt that’s where your Pearl would have taken up.”

“Thanks.” Kohaku gave Pearl a swift nod as she moved on to the large set of double doors. Entering the room, Kohaku found it was neat and tidy. If not a bit empty. Looking around he came to the queen sized bed and quirked an eyebrow.

The bed was empty.

Turning around he quickly marched out the door and went past the double doors Pearl and entered only moments before. “She must not have been sleeping in there, Because that room hasn’t been entered in weeks.” Bumping hard into Pearl he looked up only to see her half stunned face.

Turning his gaze over to the bed he found Twilight, wings and forelimbs wrapped around his Pearl. Whom was snuggled warmly up against her.

“So what do we do now? How do we separate them?” Pearl looked at Kohaku who had a grin on his face.

“For now you stay put, let me do this.” Before Pearl could utter a response of warning, Kohaku leaped up and landed on the bed with the grace and lightness of a feather.

Pearl had to admit that he was very graceful. She didn’t see anything on that bed responding to his paw touch. She was almost certain nothing of his steps were sent to those sleeping as the mattress was wont to do. Watching, Pearl smiled as Kohaku started to lightly brush his paw up along his Pearl’s shoulders. Whatever he did worked as she gave a pleasant hum and rolled over. Moving further toward the bed’s edge, his tails playfully caressed various parts of her body causing her to follow his movements without waking.

Kohaku smiled as he looked at the distance between Twilight and Pearl and smiled. Sliping himself under the sheets he wrapped one arm around his beloved Pegasus who responded by nuzzling against his chest. “Okay it’s safe for you to come up and nuzzle your Twilight. It’ll be a nice wake up for them to see the both of us.”

“Okay genius, how am I going to get into the bed without waking them? Something I've never accomplished.” Pearl stepped back and forth trying to solve the puzzle before her.

“Gahh. Okay, but you're paying me back for this.” Kohaku pushed his paws together with his pointer fingers up. Closing his eyes he focused hard.

Pearl watched as Kohaku’s markings started to shimmer slowly. Once the shimmer became a light glow Pearl felt herself lift off the ground. “Wha…” Feeling herself in the grip of his magic aura. A light shaded amber. She watched as his face became strained as sweat dripped down from his brow. After a moment she felt Kohaku lay her on the bed between Twilight and her doppleganger.

Kohaku gasped and fell back, his head heavy on the pillow.

“I guess it takes a lot out of you huh.”

“Yeah. Unicorn magic is easy enough to grasp. But focusing it through a single point is rather hard when I'm used to channeling my power through my whole body.” Kohaku gasped slowly. “I’d give you a long boring lecture about the differences, but right now the lil monkey on the wall is telling me it’s beddy bye time.”

Pearl blinked and looked at the wall he was looking at. Nodding she understood what was happening to him as Twilight often had fits like this. Magical Intoxication. What happens to those who expend more magic then they can hold at that point. “Well let's listen to the monkey then. Good night Kohaku.” Pearl smiled as she slipped under the covers and into her Twilight’s limbs.

“Good night bird horsy.” With a yawn Kohaku passed out.

Chapter 8 - Talks and Flirts

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Pearl moaned in utter annoyance as a loud beeping interrupted the wonderful dream she had. Pushing her head further into the crook of Twilight’s neck, she nibbled affectionately on the soft short fur. “Mmmm Twily, it’s too early. Shut that damn thing off already.” Her front legs gripped the princess even tighter.

With a soft moan Twilight shifted and slammed the snooze with her front hoof. “I’m sorry Pearl,” she muttered and started to kiss atop Pearl’s head. “How about we sleep in for another hour?”

“Mmmm sounds wonderful.” Pearl muttered and leaned up and kissed Twilight tenderly, which was returned.

“Haven't been kissed like that since my Pearl vanished.” Twilight smiled and comfortably relaxed. After a moment her eyes snapped open and pulled herself back a bit, holding Pearl at leg's length. One look at this older more mature Pearl, the sight of love and affection in her eyes. It was everything Twilight needed to know. “Pearl? Oh my goddess, is that really you?”

Pearl smiled and nodded lightly. “Of course it’s me. Who else were you expecting?”

Clutching Pearl tightly, Twilight felt herself almost in tears. “I’ve missed you so much. How… How did you get back? Where..” A soft hoof covered the questions.

“Calm down love, we don’t want to wake the other lovebirds in this bed.” Gesturing with her head she watched Twilight look past her alabaster shoulder to the second set of lovebirds.

Twilight blinked as she saw the younger version of Pearl she had snuggled up against the night before. Now wrapped up in the front legs of a rather large leaf green fox. “Is that…?”

“Kohaku. The same Kohaku we met months ago in the forest. That’s his counterpart in the world I was deposited in.” Pearl shifted and pushed herself up. “I’m hungry, let's get something to eat and let these lovebirds rest.”

Twilight smiled and nodded. “Agreed.”

“And you can tell me how you ended up in bed with a younger version of myself?” Pearl smirked and as she walked off the bed, flicked her tail against Twilight's nose.

Twilight laughed as she leaned back in her chair. Pearl seated next to her. Along the huge table were piles of breakfast foods. “My counterpart there sounds like a mare I’d love to meet. It’s a shame she couldn’t come with you.”

“Yeah, she wanted to, but Kohaku was adamant that she didn’t show.” Pearl sipped on a pleasant cup of hot black tea. “But he said too much of the same magical energies might cause this world to become unbalanced and sink into total destruction. Or something along those lines.”

Twilight siped on her morning coffee and nodded. “Well I can understand that. Wasn’t he worried about himself with you and his Pearl together?”

Shaking her head, Pearl set her cup down. “No, I told him about his counterpart. Kohaku said since he was a spirit the energies would be vastly different. And stated that the magical energies between me and here couldn’t power a lightbulb let alone unbalance the world.”

“Sounds like you find him as much of a pain as our Kohaku.” Twilight watched as Pearl nodded.

“More. At least our Kohaku knows when to disappear. I have a newfound respect for my counterpart. She must really love him if she puts up with half of what I went through.” Taking a bite from an egg and waffle sandwich she constructed, Pearl looked at Twilight and smirked. “Speaking of which. It was interesting to see you cuddled so close together in that large bed. I’m not going to lose you to a younger model now am I, hmmm?” Pearl reached out and poked Twilight repeatedly.

Twilight coughed so hard that her coffee almost seared her nose from the inside. “It was innocent, I assure you. She and I were up late reading together, not unlike you and I did when you were her age. She fell asleep and it felt like old times again.” Twilight sighed as she regained her composure. “I can promise you there’s only one Pearl in my life. And that’s you.” Twilight reached out with her magic and pulled Pearl in close.

The princess smiled as Pearl sat comfortably on Twilight’s lap, both arms wrapped around her neck.

“I know, I had to tease you of course.” Leaning in Pearl lovingly locked lips with her beloved princess.

“So tell me, did you and Kohaku snuggle up together?” Twilight looked at Pearl who blushed a little.

“A bit. It was an experience, the first time. When I finally woke up from being unconscious for weeks. His front limbs about me, and his paw firmly clenched on my hindquarters.” Pearl huffed remembering that moment. “It still fathoms my mind how any version of me can be in love with a male.”

“I question it myself some days.” A strained sleepy voice came from the doorway. “Morning Twilight, Morning…. Me?” Shrugging Pearl walked a few steps and halted and looked over her shoulder. “Yo, fish for brains, this way.”

Both Twilight and her Pearl blinked as they looked at the doorway. Stumbling in and bouncing off the frame was Kohaku, his green fur all disheveled, his hair matted down on one side and sticking up everywhere else. His eyes were glazed over as he half lunged and snapped at thin air. Staggering like a sailor who had one too many.

Pearl walked up to the table and took one look at the older version of herself and sighed. “I take it I have you to thank for this?” Motioning her wing at Kohaku who slowly made his way behind Pearl.

The older Pearl meekly nodded. “In a way, yes. It's...”

“Magical intoxication. I know all about it,” the younger Pearl sighed before oomphing hard. Kohaku half climbed up onto her back and started snapping at her mane. “Damnit Kohaku, there are no butterflies in my mane. Now sit down.” Y.Pearl groaned as she shoved Kohaku into a seat.

“Butterflies?” O.Pearl blinked.

“Yeah, when he gets like this. He imagine’s pastel butterflies everywhere. And his first instinct is to catch them with his mouth.” Y.Pearl sat there shaking her head as Kohaku started to push the plate in front of him. “I have never seen him this intoxicated before. He can drink Big Mac under the table and still be sober enough to play chess.”

“You’re kidding?” Twilight and O.Pearl gasped in unison while Y.Pearl just nodded.

“Not too surprising given how strong his family’s home brewed sake is. I took one sip from a cup of his warm sake and I woke up two days later hanging upside down from my bed.”

Kohaku blinked and sniffed the air. The scent of cinnamon and blueberries were clearing the dancing chorus in his mind. Looking over at his Pearl he smiled. “Pass the syrup please.”

Pearl reached over and slid the jar of syrup over to her fox, only to find he had passed out face first into his breakfast. With a sigh she just shook her head.

“Should we do something?” Twilight asked as Y.Pearl just shook her head.

“No, leave him. It’s not the first time he passed out like this.”

“Twilight’s done the same thing,” O.Pearl laughed aloud as she looked at Twilight who blushed.

“Great. Now I have two of you teasing me,” Twilight smirked but let out a soft chuckle.

“Yeah but you like it.” O.Pearl playfully pushed Twilight a little and took a bit of her waffle. “It feels so good being home. Not that yours was bad. Just odd.”

“I’m sure. This world has been interesting.” Y.Pearl crossed her front legs and leaned back. “But I did get to meet a host of Eastern Dragons. So that was cool.”

O.Pearl gasped as she leaned back and quickly turned to Twilight. “Oh my gosh. I had completely forgotten. Please tell me it went well without me there.”

“Actually it went better than even I thought.” Twilight gestured to the younger Pearl.

“You handled the meeting?” O.Pearl bit down on her lower lip as her younger counterpart nodded.

“I did. It helped that I knew the customs and language.” Y.Pearl chuckled. “All thanks to this sleeping lump.” She gave Kohaku a light push which responded with a light snore. “Who knew all those grueling hours of learning would amount to something.”

“I can feel your pain there. I spent months learning that language myself. All for one spell which wiped it from my mind after it was cast,” Twilight sighed. “Well I should say I forgot how to read it. I can still speak it. A little. I still mess up my verbs a lot.”

Y.Pearl nodded slowly “Oh yeah, I make that mistake a lot.”

“I don’t mean to interrupt. How did that meeting go? I was panicking about it for weeks. And that was prior to going to your world.” the older Pearl leaned up after pushing aside her breakfast.

“How about we finish eating and go somewhere cozy. I’ll tell you all about it. And you can tell me more about this Gundam and Gunpla. Twilight here introduced me to it, but she said to ask you for the details.” The younger Pearl chuckled as her older counterpart got a smile that went ear to ear.

Kohaku groaned as he stumbled through the hallway. Pushing open a large double door, he held his paw up to his eyes to block the afternoon sun streaming through a window. Groaning louder he heard a bunch of girlish giggling.

“Your kidding, he actually did that?” Pearl laughed aloud. “That sounds like something he’d do.” taking a few sniffs she looked over her shoulder, surprising both her older counterpart and Twilight. “Speak of the devil himself. Looks like someone’s awake.” Lifting her wing up, Pearl tenderly accepted as Kohaku nuzzled up beside her and purred as that wing draped over his side. “Sleep well?”

Kohaku moaned as he nodded slowly, resting his head down on his folded front legs. “My head feels Mac has been bucking it with both hind hooves.”

“Awww my poor foxy.” Pearl leaned in and kissed his forehead softly while caressing his back with her wing. Licking her lips she smirked. “You haven't washed the syrup from your hair yet have you?” She could only laugh as he shook his head. “Don’t worry I’ll take care of it.”

Kohaku smiled and nodded as he heard that all too familiar ‘fine you win.’ tone. Keeping his eyes closed he just rested there.

“He’s half asleep, how did he know which of us you were?” the older Pearl huffed a little as she crossed her front legs.

“Your scent. With both of you about, I can finally differentiate between you.”

“Sure wish you were able to do that the first time I woke up in your world.”

“Me too. Still stings thinking about it. I’m just glad you don’t hit half as hard as my Pearl does.” Kohaku chuckled as his pearl smirked.

“What did you do Kohaku?” Pearl smirked as she narrowed her eyes a bit.

“He got a bit pawsy with me after waking up,” the older Pearl giggled, as the younger one slapped him upside the head. “He no doubt thought I was you. Since I had no idea what was going on. I gave him a swift kick upwards.”

The younger Pearl winced along with Kohaku in memory of it. “You lecherous fox. How could you have thought she was me? She's way older.”

“Tch. Like I could tell the difference, she smelled like you. Also, you ponies grow and age so quickly, how was I to know?” Scoffing he turned his head away from his Pearl and huffed.

“Don’t be too rough on him. Apparently I was unconscious for a good long while.”

“Please tell me you didn’t fondle her while she was unconscious.” Pearl gritted her teeth but breathed a little easier as she watched his head shake side to side.

“You know I'm a distinguished gentalfox. I do not molest my girl while asleep.” Kohaku lightly stuck his nose up.

“Say’s the fox who did just that after the Nightmare Night dance?” Pearl lightly pushed him.

“Yeah like you were really sleeping. Have you already forgotten how good of a hunter I am?” Kohaku opened one eye and looked into his Pearl’s. Who shyly blushed and turned away.

Twilight wrapped a wing around her Pearl and leaned in. “Should we say anything or let them argue like this?”

The older Pearl sighed and nuzzled her head under Twilights. “They aren't fighting, they're flirting.”

“Wait, this is flirting to them?” Twilight gasped aloud. Drawing the attention of Kohaku and his Pearl.

“Trust me, this barely counts as that. But we’ve been doing this since before we became a couple.” Pearl lightly slapped Kohaku upside the head again before placing her wing over his body.

“Yeah I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that. And Kohaku no offense to you. You're a great fox and you’ve been a great friend to me while I was in your world. But how are you two a couple.” The older Pearl sighed out. “Doing things all couples do. And there’s one part that just. Doesn't make any sense to me. The Idea of doing anything like that with any male makes me gag.”

Kohaku only opened an eye but the comforting caressing along his back with his love’s wing soothed him enough to close it again.

“Truth be told, the idea of doing that with males makes me gag too.” the younger Pearl smiled tenderly. “But Kohaku’s different, I’ve never once thought of him as a male. He’s just, Kohaku. It wasn’t until our Twilight explained her situation with Rainbow Dash that it made sense. Real love had no gender.” Leaning into her older counterpart she smirked. “Plus, what he can do with his paws. None of my old girlfriends could accomplish with any part of their bodies.” Pearl smirked as she saw her older self blush.

“Wait.. you mean in your world I’m with Rainbow Dash?” Twilight blinked and shook her head repeatedly. “How? What? I had a crush on her ages ago but she’s not into mares.”

“Twilight dear. Different universe, different rules. In that universe you're the one not into mares and she is.” The older Pearl had the pleasure of seeing her love’s brain come to a complete stop. She could almost see the four oh four error messages in her eyes.

“Well I’ll have to concede on that. His paws do feel amazing. At least they did when he washed my back.” The older Pearl had a slight satisfaction as she watched the younger one smirk at Kohaku who feigned sleeping.

Kohaku finally understood why his father once warned him to never get caught between his girl and her twin sister. For hours the young fox listened to the two Pearls swap stories back and forth about him. He wished with all his might he could make the floor open up and swallow him. But despite the various embarrassments being told about him, the warmth of his Pearl’s wing on his back calmed him and made it bearable.

“I know you two girls are having a lot of fun at his expense. But I have to ask. How long before you two can head home?” Twilight chimed in as she looked out the window at the sun slowly setting.

“A month. My mana is severely drained. I can barely summon a wisp let alone open a portal to another world.”

“Great, I’ll have more time to educate you on Gundam and Gunpla. Soon you’ll have your own full collection to take home with you.” The older Pearl grinned and giggled.

“Just make sure I'm not in the room when you talk about it. Or at least thump me over the head with a hammer first.”

“Well what if I…” the younger Pearl leaned in and whispered a few things to Kohaku which made all three of his tails puff and stiffen upright causing the older Pearl to fall into fits of giggles.

Twilight blinked and leaned into her Pearl. “Did I miss something?”

The older Pearl smiled and leaned back. “I’ll tell you later.”

Chapter 9 - Law of the Forest

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Pearl humed peacefully to herself and both she and her older counterpart read through the latest issue of Gundam that came through the mirror. The two laughed together and almost cooed over the various new model’s that were shown. Up against her side she felt the warmth of Kohaku who was passed out next to her. Her wing made centric circles about his tail base, making his hind leg twitch rapidly and all three tails slightly puff while the tips twitched.

The older Pearl looked off to the side and smirked. “What is he doing? And what are you doing?”

“I’m driving him crazy. His tailbase is a very sensitive area for him. So I like to tease him with my feathers,” the younger Pearl giggled. “With all he puts me through, I’ve earned this right as his girlfriend and intended mate.”

The older Pearl just nodded in understanding. She lost count of how often Forestsong had driven her up the wall. Thankfully Summer had a tight rein on him since they got back together.

“Don’t tell me you haven't done something with your feathers to make Twilight both comfortable and crazed?” Pearl watched as her older self only blushed. “See.”

“He’s not about to jump you is he? That might be rather unsettling.”

“Oh no, he’ll wait for tonight when we’re alone. Right now he’s pretending to sleep just to enjoy it. Isn’t that right?” Pearl smirked as she lightly pushed Kohaku with her hoof.

“He looks dead to the world to me, how do you know he’s awake?”

“My tails are always a dead giveaway and she knows it,” Kohaku groaned while smiling.

Both Pearls laughed together when the library doors burst open and Twilight stormed in. Hooves stomping the ground and a look of worry across her face. The pair looked at Twilight and back to each other. Both had seen the tear streaks down her face.

“I’ll be right back.” Twilight’s Pearl sighed as she got up and walked over to the large desk in the corner of the library. Out of earshot of her younger self. “Okay Twilight, what’s wrong?” Pearl sighed and rested a hoof on her fiance’s shoulder.

“It’s the Canterlot Elite Council. They found out about our wedding and have issued documents to have me removed as ruler of Equestria.” Twilight bowed her head and sighed. Shoving the paper on her desk over for Pearl to read it.

Pearl looked down and half growled. Just about every Elite family signed it save one, Fancy Pants and his wife Fleur. Their names were both absent. On reading name after name she reared back and gasped. “No way. How. that’s not possible. How could his name be on this paper?”

“He took over when his father died last month. And he has been bullying every elite family in Canterlot who is on the ruling council to sign this document. six out of the ten families are needed to pass this and with his father gone, his became the sixth. And because his family is so powerful, nobody other than Fancy is willing to stand against him.”

“I should have killed him when I had the chance. He was a blight to Red and Cloud back in the day and now he’s a blight to you.” Pearl kicked a stack of books.

“Um, I’m sorry I couldn’t help but overhear.” The younger Pearl sat up on a chair opposite her older self and Twilight. “But surely this pony can’t be all that bad can he? Going against a Princess of Equestria like this?”

“OH he is all that bad and worse. I’m just glad you don’t have one in your world, or if you do I never saw him. He’s a mare’s worst nightmare made flesh. He thinks he’s so high and mighty. I humiliated him back when we were your age. And he’s held a grudge ever since. This is just one more way to get us out of the way and get back at me.”

“Well who is this nightmare in hooves?” Pearl smirked as her older self looked at her and sighed.

“Thunder Thrust.”

Pearl felt as if she could hear a pin drop on the moon as the whole room became deathly silent. A deep felt shiver went down her spine as she turned her head and looked at her semi sleeping fox. His ears were perked up and through the slits in his eyelids she saw the one look she always prayed to never again see. There was nothing there, no light, love, compassion or mercy. Only a deep seeded desire for one thing. But within the span of a second the look vanished from his face as he stood up.

“Kohaku? Are you okay?” Pearl nervously smiled at her fox.

“I’m going out hunting.” Quick turning he left the room slowly as three sets of pony eyes nervously looked at each other.

“I take it you DO have a Thunder Thrust in your world then?” The older Pearl leaned into the desk as her younger self nodded slowly.

“We do. Lotus cheated on me with him. The two set me up as some kind of entertainment. Using my emotions for their enjoyment.” Pearl growled almost identically to Kohaku. “Lotus did get a taste of her own medicine when he got her two cronies, Red Light and Cloud Dancer, pregnant. The reason you never saw him? Well Thunder assaulted me when everything was revealed. Kohaku nearly killed him for it. But out of respect and love for me, he restrained himself and let Thunder go on the condition he never set foot in Ponyville ever again.”

“What would happen if he did?” Twilight sighed, almost regretting asking as she knew the answer wasn’t one she would ever accept.

“Kohaku would kill him on sight.” Pearl looked out the window at the sky. “Even now when Thunder’s name ever comes up. He has a pure desire for that stallion’s blood. Thankfully I never had to see it, until today.”

“You don’t think he’ll?” Twilight’s Pearl looked at her Princess who looked back with concern.

“I honestly don’t know.” Pearl sighed as all three bowed their heads.

Kohaku felt his blood pounding in his ears as he walked down Ponyville’s main street. It had taken a while and a good speech by Princess Twilight. But the residents no longer looked at the fox like he was about to attack them.

Passing Sugarcube Corner he waved hello to Pinkie Pie out of instinct. But her words were drowned out by the sound of his own heartbeat. It wasn’t until he reached Carousel Boutique that his blood had finally started to cool. With a blink he looked around and realized he had traversed half the length of Ponyville.

“Wow, I must have been out of it.”

“OH, hello Kohaku.” Luster called out as she walked out of the Boutique.

“Oh Hey Luster. How are your plants?” Kohaku smiled as he watched the mare blush a little.

“You're almost as bad as Forestsong.” Luster missed the smirk on Kohaku’s face. “The plants are doing well, thanks again for helping me.”

“No problem. I know how tricky some orchids can be. So I take it no lessons today?”

“No. I’m out with mom, she needed my help with her errands. It’s annoying.” Luster sighed as Kohaku chuckled.

“Well it’s good you're helping.”

“If you say so. So why are you out and about? You usually don’t leave the castle much.”

“Well. I just feel the need to do a little hunting. So I’m on my way to a favorite spot.” His smile widened as he saw the sudden nervous look on Luster's face. He never tired of seeing that look on a pony when he mentions hunting.

“Well I’ll…” Luster started when a familiar shout echoed from the markets.

“I told you before NO. Now get lost, you letch.” Cozy screamed out. Both Kohaku and Luster ran to see Cozy pulling away from the strong grip of a familiar stallion.

“Now don’t be like that. You know what I can do for you. Word around Canterlot is your family’s not doing too well.” Thunder chuckled as he pushed himself forward. Forcing Cozy back up against a tree. “Probably be doing a lot worse once your daughter loses her mentor. Hahaha. You always thought you were too good for a stallion like me. Well here’s your chance. I’m offering my services now.” A dark smirk crossed his lips

Luster yelled as she galloped forward and slammed hard into Thunder’s side. “Get away from my mother!” her horn lighting up as three iridescent shields placed themselves between her and the overbearing stallion.

Kohaku sat next to a tree and watched. His eyes narrowed and his breathing calm as he watched what played out in front of him. Their words became lost as the crowd around them became larger but Kohaku understood what was going on. He knew Thunder wasn’t brave enough to go up against a pony trained by Twilight. A smirk crossed his lips as Luster led her shaken mother away. The three magical shields followed behind her. The lecherous stallion then moved onto another mare in the crowd.

Kohaku watched as this new mare actually fell for the lines and followed Thunder to a cafe. The fox trailing behind without a sound. He was glad to see the mare was at least smart enough to not leave the cafe with Thunder. A dark grin crossed his lips as he moved in closer.

Thunder sighed, it had been years since he was here in this old town. He couldn’t wait to get back to Canterlot where mares were more receptive of his advances. “Damn that mare, if it wasn’t for that pain in the ass kid of hers. I wonder if…”

“OH Thunder.” Cozy’s voice softly called, causing Thunder to turn around swiftly enough. He smirked as he saw Red Light and Cloud Dancer behind her. “You're not leaving are you?”

“And here I thought you didn’t want to play.” he chuckled as he looked at her. The three mares were smiling. Red and Cloud moved up to either side of him. He could smell their fragrant perfume, already he felt his fire raging.

“What. Oh I just said that for my daughter’s benefit. She’s a sensitive girl. Wouldn’t understand that girls like us need a big strong stallion like you.” Cozy softly licked her lips which made Thunder’s tail twitch. “How about you follow us? We know this ‘cozy’ little spot where we can all get comfortable.”

Thunder’s grin was nearly ear to ear as he stepped forward and gave a light bow. “Lead the way.”

Hook, Line, Sinker. Cozy said in her mind as she turned around and escorted Thunder towards Ponyville’s best motel. A sly grin crossed her face as her eyes flashed with a bright, amber light.

Pearl humed pleasantly to herself as she sat at the large table. A hot cup of coffee between her hooves and a warm plush red robe around her body. She smiled at such a wonderful morning before remembering how her beloved Twilight was doing.

Looking out the window she observed two birds fly by in a circular dance. She had done all she could to relax her future wife, but after today she doubted anything like that would be able to bring a smile to those lavender lips again.

“They should be signing right now,” she whispered to herself in the vacant room.

“Signing what right now?” A yawning voice echoed from the hallway.

Blinking Pearl gave a smile at seeing her younger counterpart enter the room, dressed in an Identical robe. Her hair was just as disheveled as she poured herself a mug of hot water.

“Tea bag?” Pearl pushed a ceramic dish with various tea bags in it only to see the younger Pearl shake her head and pull out a black satchel.

“No thanks.” As the younger Pearl dumped the contents into the hot water, the room filled with a rancid odor. Before the older Pearl could protest, she watched as her younger self downed the whole mug in one gulp before shivering, looking as if she would hurl at that moment. “Ugh.. no matter how many times I do this, it never gets any more pleasant.”

“What was that foul stuff?”

“An old zebric herbal potion.”

“Why would you ever drink something that looked and smelled so foul?”

The younger Pearl looked up and tried to smirk but the flavor still in her mouth made her grimace. “Believe me, it tastes even worse. But in the long run it’s better than the alternative at this point in my life.”

“I’m afraid to ask, what’s the alternative?”

“Being a very young mother.” Pearl sighed as she leaned back into her chair.

“Oh. So, that’s like an after-morning pill?” Pearl watched her younger self nod slowly. “Why not just take one of those and save yourself the trouble.”

“Because they don’t work with my species,” Kohaku chimed in as he practically skipped his way to the table. After a quick nuzzel to his Pearl he started to load his plat with various breakfast foods. “Twilight not joining us?” He looked about as he munched on a waffle.

“She’s at the council meeting. They’re deciding her fate even now. I hope she’s going to take my advice and just put them in their places. But you know her. Ever the diplomat.” The older Pearl stifled a chuckle as she watched both Kohaku and her younger self nod.

“I guess we’ll just have to hope for the best. But I doubt they’ll be able to do anything,” Kohaku shoved another waffle in his mouth while both Pearls just looked at each other both missing the smile on his lips.

Both Pearls stood outside of Twilight’s office, it had been an hour since the meeting ended and they were eager to know what had happened.

“You know we have to go in there.”

“I’m just afraid of what happened.”

The younger Pearl placed a hoof on her older self’s shoulder. “Well at least for the time being, you’re not alone. Come on.” Pushing open the door they found Twilight seated at her desk with a confused and perplexed expression on her face.

“So. What’s the outcome?” Pearl asked as she moved up to her love.

“He’s missing.” The comment made both Pearl’s blink and look back and forth between each other and Twilight. “Thunder never showed up, so we had guards search Ponyville. And they can’t find him. Without him and his official stance. Those who want me dethroned can’t move forward. And those who were threatened, have regained their courage and are now standing against the motion to have me removed from authority.”

“That’s great, isn’t it?” The younger Pearl tried to get a smile on her face as horrible thoughts crashed into her mind. Her Kohaku had returned to the castle awfully late. And he even turned down dinner. Said he was full from hunting.”

“It is, if I wasn’t so worried that Thunder had met with foul play.” Twilight picked up a small glass with amber liquid and downed it. Both Pearls nodded.

“Princess are you… OH I’m sorry I can come back later,” Gallius called out as he entered and started backing out.

“It’s okay captain. Please. Your report.” Twilight sighed.

“We’ve searched the length and breadth of Ponyville. Thunder is nowhere to be found. A few eye witnesses said he was seen in the presence of Cozy Glow, Red Light and Cloud Dancer. All walking toward the Everfree Forest.” Gallius sat down and read off of his notepad. “We questioned all three mares but they all, almost violently, said they would never have been seen walking with him toward a trash heap, let alone the Everfree Forest. Even Luster confirmed that her mother wouldn’t have done so, not after almost being accosted by him.”

“Are your ponies searching the forest now?”

“Yes Princess, we’ll have you notified if we find anything.”

“Thank you.” Waving her hoof, Gallius left the office. After the door was closed both the older Pearl and Twilight looked at the younger Pearl who sighed.

“Did Kohaku say anything when he got back late last night?” The older Pearl sighed as her younger self just shook her head.

“No, only that he was skipping dinner. Said he was full. Not uncommon when he goes hunting. After that we didn’t do much talking.”

“Yes, we know.” Both Twilight and her Pearl lightly blushed at remembering the sounds from the night before. “I’ll make sure that room is resound proofed before tonight. I’d rather not hear him howl like that again.”

Pearl blushed deeply and looked away.

“Oh you have got to be kidding me. That was you?” the older Pearl blinked in astonishment as her younger counterpart nodded, her blush turning as red as her mane. “Well anyway. Pearl, It might be that Kohaku…”

“Wait.. are you accusing my fox of killing and eating Thunder?” Pearl huffed slightly. Even if they were right, she felt the need to defend him while he wasn’t in the room.

“We’re only asking if it’s possible.” The older Pearl rested a hoof on the younger Pearl’s shoulder.

“I…” Sighing she slumped down and just shook her head. “I want to believe no. But knowing how he feels about Thunder. I wouldn’t put it past him.”

“Wouldn’t put past what hun?” Kohaku leaned in as he hung upside down from Twilight’s overhead light.

“That you, ‘got rid’ of Thunder.” Pearl looked up at her fox while Twilight and her Pearl silently questioned how that small thread attached to the light was holding the fox’s full weight.

“Oh that. Well you see…”

“Princess, We found him.” Gallius called out as he burst into the room. Beside him was another guard, a unicorn who was only known as Recall.

“You did? Where?”

“The Everfree Forest. About three miles from Zecora’s hut,” Recall said, stepping forward.

“I want him brought to me at once. I’m going to put an end to his meddling by doing what I should have done years ago.”

“That won’t be necessary Princess,” Gallius sighed deeply. “He won’t be bothering anyone ever again.”

Twilight looked at her young Griffon captain. She could tell he was shaken. Looking over her shoulder she saw both Pearl’s looking nervously at each other while Kohaku was content to just polish his claws with a smile.

Turning back to her captain she sat up straight. “What do you mean? Please tell me. Is he… dead?”

Gallius opened his beak but shut it and turned to Recall. “You tell her. After all, you discovered him and determined what happened.”

The ebony unicorn nodded and looked back at Twilight. “No ma’am. He’s not dead. Although I'm sure he wishes he was. Thunder was brutalized in a very, interesting way. He has some physical injuries that I’m sure many of his old victim mares will be grateful for.” Twilight couldn’t help but notice how tightly the unicorn pushed his hind legs together when mentioning that. “But I feel it’s the psychological damage that will never heal.”

“How so?”

“You see. He’s been driven to the brink of insanity. His mind is broken in ways, I never thought possible. When looking at a pony, any pony male or female, he lets out this horrible, gut wrenching shriek. I used my unique recall ability to see what he saw. For a split second, I felt as if my own mind would come undone. I’ll never reveal what he sees when looking at another pony. It’s just… too horrible to mention.”

“Are you sure there’s no helping his condition?”

“No Princess. This is beyond pony magic. I can’t even begin to guess it’s source.”

Twilight and both Pearls all turned their heads in the same direction. Without so much as a word they knew the source. “Thank you. Take him to a comfortable hospital and see he’s taken care of.” Twilight told her guards without taking her eyes off the fox who was now brushing his tails.

With a quick gesture to both Pearls. Twilight led the two to the far end of the table.

The older Pearl could feel the simmering annoyance from her fiance, and she could understand why. As much as she hated Thunder, this was too much. Even she was shocked to learn that he had been reduced to this.

“From what I understand, causing insanity is way beyond what a three tailed kitsune can induce. Or am I wrong?” The younger Pearl only shook her head. She knew her foxe’s limitations better than anypony. “So that means only a nine tailed kitsune can do this. And there is only one that we know of who lives in the Everfree Forest,” Twilight said, her expression darkening.

Younger Pearl looked at her fox with growing worry. “Then…”

Twilight nodded. “Your Kohaku had help. What I do not understand is why our Kohaku would involve himself in this. No matter his views on ponies, he never once went this far. Unless Thunder did something to anger him.”

Pearl looked at her fox who moved from brushing his tails to his hair, sweeping it up before flicking his wrist to make the brush vanish. She had heard all about their Kohaku. From everything she had heard, he was very much like how Kohaku described his father. “Maybe he involved himself to do what none of us could hope to do.”

“And that is?” Twilight sighed deeply.

“Prevent Kohaku from taking the life of a pony.” Pearl closed her eyes and bowed her head. She knew the older pair were going to ask questions but she held up her hoof. “I know what you're going to ask.” She looked up at her older self. “And believe me, I always want to believe he is incapable of doing it. But I know better. I’ve seen that side of him, was there right next to him when he threatened our Thunder.” Taking a slow deep breath Pearl sighed.

“She’s right, you know.” The sound of Kohaku’s voice caused both Twilight and her Pearl to jump out of their seats. “I was going to do it. And savor every blessed second of it.”

“But why? Yes Thunder is one of the worst ponies there is. But…” A paw on her lips silenced the princess.

“Right there. That’s why. That always present subtle hint of possible redemption. You are without a doubt the friendliest princess there is around. And being the Princess of Friendship I'm sure it’s aided you well.” Twilight shivered as she saw Kohaku’s eyes narrow and grow darker. Behind him she saw the soft shade of their Kohaku. The look he had sported when that Kohaku had dispatched Discord. “Do you know why no pony ever rose up against Celestia or Luna? Because their subjects, while adoring them, also feared them. Do you know why no pony ever rose up against our father.” Kohaku’s voice slowly grew into two. “Because they feared him as they loved him.”

Twilight shivered as she tried to back away, but Kohaku’s paw might well have been made of stone for the grip it had. “You’re too soft a ruler, and every one of those against you knows it. And have been using it against you for years. Stop being a princess and start becoming an empress. Or the next ‘Thunder’ might well be your undoing.” With that Kohaku’s grip released.

Both Pearls gasped as Kohaku staggered back before falling limp on the floor.

The younger Pearl ran up to his side and pulled him close. “He’s okay, just asleep. How's Twilight?”

The older Pearl just shook her head as Twilight sat there, her eyes wide and mouth agape.

“She’ll be fine. That was a LOT to absorb. Who knew our Kohaku could use yours as a mouthpiece?”

“Yeah because that was NOT my Kohaku. While he may think that he never would have said it aloud. Or at least not like that.” Pearl shook her head.

“So what do you think?”

“About what was said?” Pearl watched her older self nod slowly. “I think he was right. Your Twilight is way too soft. Even our Twilight learned you have to have a firm hoof when dealing with your subjects. Thankfully she only rules one fifth of Equestria. So her stress level is a LOT less.”

“I agree.” Leaning in she gave her Twilight a soft kiss to the forehead and held a hoof out to her younger self. “Comon, we’ve earned a day at the spa.”

“What prompted us to earn that?” the younger Pearl chuckled.

“We have to deal with them on a daily, and nightly basis.” The older Pearl smirked as the younger one nodded and laughed, the pair leaving together.

Chapter 10 - Guests Between Worlds

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“Okay do you have everything?” Pearl asked her younger counterpart as she checked the saddle bags.

“Ugh. Yes MOM,” the younger Pearl growled and rolled her eyes before breaking out into laughter with her older self.

“Hey, I'm not that bad.” Pearl wing bumped the younger Pearl.

“Almost. You don’t mind me taking these models do you?”

“Why not? You built them. I can buy new ones. I’m just glad to share my hobby with someone who appreciates it.” The older Pearl glanced over her shoulder at Twilight and Kohaku. Both who shrugged in unison.

“Thank you for your hospitality Twilight. And for taking such good care of my Pearl,” Kohaku gave the princess a soft bow.

“It’s no problem Kohaku. You after all took care of my Pearl. And you brought her home, that means a lot to me.” Twilight returned Kohaku’s bow.

“It was nothing. And again I’m sorry for what I said to you the other day.”

“Well it wasn’t all you. I’ll be having words with our Kohaku when we see him next.”

“Well it still doesn’t change the fact I meant every word I said. Please. Take it to heart. You have the love of your people. And you would be an amazing Empress.” Kohaku smiled at seeing Twilight blush.

“Well I’m not too sure about that title. Pearl likes it though.”

“Well, listen to her. After all, we both know who wears the crown in our relationships.” Both Kohaku and Twilight looked at their Pearls and smiled.

Pearl blinked and looked at her fox and Twilight. “What are they staring at?”

“I don’t know. Well, let's get you two home.”

“Come on fox boy. Do that voodoo you do.” Pearl playfully pushed him to the mirror.

Kohaku laughed as he was pushed in front of the mirror. “Alright alright.” With a sigh he placed both paws on the mirror and took a long deep breath.

Placing his paw on the World Mirror he closed his eyes. As he started to speak, his tails began to form various symbols. “Tora, Inu, Tori, Saru, Mi, Uma, Tatsu!” With the last word a ring of kanji formed around his paw and spread out in seven directions until the mirror appeared to crack and shatter, leaving a dark void. “Who knew that old journal I gave you two would have the key to this,” he chuckled loudly.

“Let's go ladies.” Kohaku smiled as he stepped through the mirror into the darkness that swirled in the mirror. Behind him both Pearls and Twilight followed.

Kohaku stretched as he landed on all four paws. Under him he watched as the stars swirled about. He watched as planets shifted and circled around their respective sun’s. Taking a step forward a stone block formed under him. Looking around his surroundings he saw a forest shift unto a mountain, before fading away to a vast grassy field before turning back into a galaxy of stars and planets.

Wow. This is beyond anything mother described to me. The warm feeling of his mother warmed his body, keeping the chill of the air from reaching him.

Behind him he heard three female voices almost shriek. Looking back he saw both Pearls flapping their wings as hard as they could along with Twilight. The Princess formed a sphere of magic around them. Rolling his eyes he turned around and looked at the girls who were all hovering inches above him.

“What are you three doing?”

“How… what.. Kohaku, what are you standing on? There’s no ground.” Twilight gasped and looked about.

Kohaku stomped his front paw down a few times. “Feels solid enough for me. Just land already.”

The younger Pearl looked at her fox for a moment. Taking a long deep breach she pushed away from the small huddle group. Kohaku, if I fall to my death. I’m taking you with me. Pulling her wings in, she landed comfortably next to him. Her eyes shut tight. After a moment she opened her eyes and looked at Kohaku who was smugly smiling at her.


“How did you know we could walk on this?” The older Pearl and Twilight followed the younger Pearl’s example.

“I didn’t. Welcome to the Void between worlds. It’s much more grand than what mother described to me.” Kohaku sighed while looking around. “The tear should be somewhere over there,” he pointed straight ahead.

Leading the way Kohaku felt his body grow heavier. Looking about he watched as the scenes changed in his eyes. Vast battles between his people and eastern dragons, waging on for centuries. Shifting again he saw himself, half torn apart, blood dripping from every festered claw mark as he faced down a nightmarish creature. All while a powerless Twilight and wounded Pearl watched on with tears in their eyes.

Kohaku’s eyes darted back and forth. He watched as in one vision a dark colored fox slaughtered infant dragons before shattering the eggs of their unhatched brethren. A shadow creeping over him in the shape of a multi-headed dragon. It’s eyes red with fury.

Another showed his father, his eyes red with rage as he tore through scores of dragons. Their bodies torn apart by his claws in retribution for the blood they shed. All while that same multi-headed dragon looked on in pain.

“Kohaku?” Pearl’s voice cut through the void and perked his ears. His whole body trembled and shivered before he felt the warmth of those soft tender wing feathers.

“I.. I’ll be okay. It’s just… too much.”

Pearl looked back at her older counterpart and Twilight as they both shrugged.

“He was like this the first time we walked through here. But not this bad.” The older Pearl sighed. She looked about but all she saw were fields of clouds and broken pillars.

Twilight looked forward and smiled at the cosmos swirling about in her vision. The same that mirrored in her hair and tail. “There. About twenty yards ahead. There’s this black tear.”

Pearl looked through the valley of clouds and temples as she saw the black void waving back and forth slowly. “I see it. We have to get through there. Kohaku is looking a little greener than usual.”

“Agreed.” Twilight and her Pearl spoke together. Slipping the weakened fox onto her back, Twilight galloped along with both Pearls by her side.

Halt!” A boundless voice boomed through the void as a shapeless mass with glowing eyes appeared in front of the tear. “You dare to tread on the sacred realm of gods and hope to leave it alive?

Twilight and both Pearls trembled as they slid to a stop. The mass slowly took the form of a large multi-headed dragon that resembled Tiamat but far larger. All three mares blinked as atop the head of each dragon, sat the head of a pony.

Both Pearls blinked as they saw their friends, Pumpkin, Lavender and River. Each atop the head of a different dragon. Twilight’s mind seemed to have halted as she saw her own head on a fourth dragon head. But all three were surprised when the lead head lowered down, showing that atop the crimson skull. Was Pearl’s own head.

It is forbidden for any to come here.” Pearl’s head spoke with a deep voice. Like the others, her eyes were filled with the very image of infinity. And held little compassion for mortal beings. But softened slightly as she gazed at the twin Pearls “You two are of my own creation. And… YOU!!!” The red dragon head shifted and focus on the half dead fox on Twilight’s back

The princess slightly lifted her wings and took a step back defensively.

Do not dare to think of speaking it toward me princess. That oath is of my own creation. But by all means speak it. And rid my universe of that creature on your back!

Twilight shivered as she opened her mouth. But closed it again quickly.

Fine, if you won’t then I will. I thought he would perish with the weight of his stories on his back. But if not that, then this will suffice.

Ni dare wah harm dii kiir, Lumena. Nahlot hin rotte ahrk bo voth rok bo.” A Voice boomed within the minds of all present.

Lumena looked out and let out a deepening sigh. “I should have guessed you’d show up. And do you ever speak anything else?

Both Pearls and Twilight looked out as a light shimmered as the image of a massive dragon emerged. His coils and wings expanded further than they could see. His three sets of wings spread wide as light shimmered through his allibastar coat. Lowering his head the trio looked into his eyes, each one could house Twilight’s castle twice over.

The dragon looked up as a flash of blinding light filled the void. In the span of a heartbeat a small barefoot human boy, dressed in a white kimono sat there in mid air. Under him the image of the dragon remained reflected on the void’s floor.

“I can. And for our guests I will.” Looking over at Twilight the boy motioned slowly. “Bring him here child. He is mine and I will tend him.”

Twilight gulped and looked at both Pearls who just shrugged. Stepping forward, Twilight brought Kohaku up to the boy who reached down and touched the young fox’s forehead.

“Be at peace.” Instantly Kohaku’s hard breathing eased as he became limp on Twilight’s back. A light snoring escaped his lips. Looking up, the boy smiled. “I know you have, let's say, issues with my children dear Lumena. But you could have let him bring his beloved home.”

Lumena’s ten sets of eyes flared as she reared back. “He broke universal law, breaking through one world to another. You know that is strictly forbidden, Shenlong!

Twilight stepped back to both Pearls and sat down. “I have no Idea what’s going on.”

“I think. I have nothing..” The older Pearl felt her brain slowly grind to a halt. The past few moments were odd to say the least.

“Kohaku’s mentioned Shenlong before. He’s like the father of all dragons. Or something to the like of it.” The younger Pearl whispered up to the pair.

“That is but one of my aspects, child. Here I am more. But you need not concern yourself with that. Sit comfortably while we decide what is to be done.” With a wave of his small hand, Shenlong produced a sofa, and three mugs of hot cocoa for the Princess and two Pegasi.

“Now, Lumena. By my count, it was your child who first broke down the barrier. Not by purpose of course. Can you truely fault my child for going after her.” Shenlong crossed his hands on his lap.

Did she?” Lumena’s eyes focused on the smaller Pearl and huffed. “Well it’s not like I pay attention to these mortals. Their lives so fleeting and filled with such pointless activities.” Her front forelegs crossed over as the goddess leaned back on her hind legs. “I can’t keep track of all of them. Besides, it was your version of MY child who did it. Not like you did anything to stop it.

Shenlong chuckled. “I found it rather amusing. And I find her quite charming.”

And thus your mind sprang forth a version of my child for your worlds.

“As you have done for my child. He now resides in the Astral Plane not two floors down from here. You haven't seen fit to erase him. Unlike other races from your worlds.” A sly smile crossed Shenlong’s lips while Lumena blushed.

Alright he makes me laugh, as annoying as he is. He does have a certain charm about him. And I do enjoy our little ping pong tournaments.” Quickly shaking her head the dragon goddess narrowed her eyes. “That still doesn’t excuse his tearing apart the void of two worlds. And spending a MONTH in my universe.

“And I have seen to his transgression myself. Which has already been dealt. And once we close the tears. This will not happen again.”

“Um. sorry… I don’t mean to intrude.” Twilight stepped forward as both supreme beings turned and looked at her. Twilight felt very small, like a filly facing her school teacher and principle all over again. Gulping, she stood up straight. “Pearl, that is MY Pearl and I have a wedding coming up. We were hoping that these two could attend? If that’s not too much trouble.”

Out of the question. The boy will NOT cross over!!” Lumena shouted as she looked down at the Princess.

“Hmm. Not everyday you get to send invites to other universes. But alas I have to agree with Lumena.” His agreeing comment turned Lumena’s heads so quickly she stumbled and fell backwards. “If we let this transfer happen. It would endanger both universes.” Holding up his hands he produced two identical versions of Equus with a small sheet of glass between them.

“One trip cracked the world. An easily repaired chipping, but the second fractured the world divide. Spreading the cracks all over. Now a third.” Twilight watched as the glass between the worlds shattered as both Equus worlds exploded.

I trust he made the point clear Princess.” Lumena coughed as she regained her composure.

“Although,” A thoughtful expression filled the boy’s eyes.


“I suppose they can ‘watch’ the wedding. If not attending themselves. After all, it would not do for my young fox to be in the same place with his counterpart. He barely survived the last time. And that was only a few seconds of conversation and a few moments of driving one pony insane.”

And just HOW would they accomplish something like this? View one world from another. I swear this time you’ve gone senile.

“Hardley. I suppose I can link the mirrors together when we seal the void that was their original function after all. At least until that one reckless alicorn changed the rules.” Looking up at Lumena, Shenlong smiled. “I trust you have no objections to this. I’m sure we can even allow non living objects to be transferred.”

Lumena growled as she looked at the fox sleeping between his Pearl and Twilight. “Fine. I guess that will do. And it would save me the trouble of actually doing something for once. I just want to lay out, and watch my stories. All this work is tiring. And for what? Creatures that blink out of existence the second I blink.

“And here I thought you didn’t care. Go, I’ll finish up here.” Shenlong chuckled as Lumena shot him a look before turning and vanishing without a trace. “I trust this is acceptable to you three as well?”

Both Pearls gulped as Twilight looked up. “Do we really have a choice in this?”

“In your own words, we always have a choice.” Shenlong’s smile told Twilight everything she needed to know. She did have a choice. Accept it, or watch everything in her universe die out when the void between shattered like glass.

“Will this affect us traveling to the Human World?” The older Pearl rubbed the back of her head.

“No, because your human world is in your universe. And don’t worry little Pearl. Your universe’s Human World is waiting for you. And I’ll make sure your associations carry over.”

“Thank you sir.” Pearl placed her wing over Kohaku as he snuggled closer. “So what now?”

“Just close your eyes. All of you. When you open them next you will be where you belong. And I’ll make sure you know how to access the mirror’s viewing mode.”

The three girls all closed their eyes as they heard the boy Shenlong’s voice. “Three… two…one,” as the world went black and all their senses vanished.