• Published 22nd Apr 2022
  • 185 Views, 11 Comments

There but for the grace of our gods - Valtyrian

Two worlds collide as Pearl finds herself in an Equestria that she doesn't recognize.

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Chapter 7 - Togeather Again

“I can’t believe I was so stupid,” Kohaku groaned as he banged his head against the bookshelf. “Baka, Baka, Baka!”

Pearl and Twilight just sat there and watched him. “Kohaku, do you mind not beating yourself up? And let us know what’s going on.” Twilight rubbed her temples with a wing. While she was used to her students' antics, it was always a headache watching them.

“How could I have not seen this before now.” Walking over to a journal, he opened it up and flicked a claw up across a line. Reaching out he grabbed a blood red scroll and tossed it about the table.

Twilight and Pearl watched the scroll unfurl and once it reached the end, showed a mirror identical to the one standing before them, and the Crystal Mirror that Pearl knew. But this mirror was shaded red with a moon over it.

“It’s not just a Yokai mirror, but a Blood mirror.” Looking up he smiled at Twilight. “When Pearl was reading the inscription, did she get any nicks or cuts on her body? Something that might have put blood on the mirror itself?”

“I think so, but I can’t be certain. It all happened so fast.” Twilight looked at the mirror.

“Well neither me or my Twilight had any cuts on us.” Pearl scratched her head, barely following what was going on.

“Oh that doesn’t matter. A Blood Mirror is made to connect to the nearest active receptacle. And unfortunately that was your mirror. Which was connected to a wild sliver of magic used for transportation. Since both mirrors are drawn to each other. Yours was ripped from it’s connection and hit ours. Thus leading to the explosion and since our Pearl and yourself were the closest to the mirror. That’s how you were swapped.”

“So to get us back?” Pearl smiled.

“Is only a matter of activating the mirror on either end.” Kohaku flattened out the scroll and leaned in.

“You never cease to amaze me with how much you know, how did you learn all this?” Pearl lightly bumped Kohaku with her shoulder.

“By reading my father’s journals the last two nights. He went into extensive details about these things. And why we should never use them. I’m glad I inherited his eidetic memory or this would have taken a lot longer.” Kohaku traced his paws down the various kanji. Muttering in his language as he did so.

“Okay, enough lesions, how do we activate the mirror safely?” Twilight looked at the mirror.

“Well the initial connection was made so that’s already done, now we just need a blood moon for some added power. And if my letter was delivered on time.” Kohaku looked out the window. “I should be receiving a visitor about….” a sudden pop and blue flash filled the room. “Now.”

“What is the meaning behind this request?” Princess Luna stepped forward toward Kohaku, holding the scroll in her magic. “You seek to not only to have my moon fill the night sky with Full, but to have it the shade of blood?”

“Yes, I need the moon to help power this mirror. I’m not sure how long we’ll be though. I need ample time to not only make the exchange of this Pearl for ours. But also giving me the time to rest and return before it ends.” Kohaku sat and looked at Luna, matching his eyes with hers. “Please Luna, I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important. Or if I had the power to do so myself. Which I don’t.”

“Well, it’s lucky Twilight had told me about your situation a few weeks ago.” Luna placed a hoof on Kohaku’s shoulder. “I know we haven't had the best of relationships. But I will do this for you. A week only, so do make sure you return on time.”

“Oh we will, I have no intention of being trapped in a world that isn’t my own.” Kohaku chuckled.

“Very well, Tomorrow night the Blood Moon shall rise..” Luna spoke as her horn lit up. “Sister has also agreed to this. So she’s holding a unique get-together in Canterlot.”

Kohaku and Pearl stood before the mirror. Pearl quirked an eyebrow as the fox was chanting slowly while tracing the runes around the mirror with a paw finger, one he had bitten to draw blood from only moments ago. Saying a silent prayer she watched as he came to the end and the mirror began to flash just as the blood moon filled the sky.

“Okay, from here on out we are on uncharted territories. Rest, collect my Pearl, and have me and her return to this world.”

“Right, you said it many times before,” Pearl rolled her eyes.

“Sorry, speaking more for myself than you. Now, after you my dear.”

“Why me first.”

“Because you going through will set the location.” Kohaku grinned as he tapped her nose with a finger.

“You sure you just don’t want one final look at my flank?” Pearl smirked looking at the boy.

“As if I needed an excuse.” Kohaku smirked back up at her. The two sharing a friendly laugh after a few moments.

“Well I’m ready to go.” Twilight smiled walking toward the pair, her saddle bags overloaded with scrolls and quills.

“Oh no. Not you.” Kohaku put both paws on his mentor’s chest and pushed her back slowly.

“What are you kidding me, this is going to be the best research moment of my life. Why can’t I go too?” Twilight quirked an eyebrow.

“Because it’s dangerous enough with just us. The universe and multiverse needs to maintain a semblance of balance. I’m not too worried because it’s just going to be two Pearls from different universes in the same place; their relatively low magical harmonics won’t cause much to upset the scales. But I'm not adding the magical weight of two Alicorn Twilights into the mix. That would be like dropping a ten ton weight on the highpoint of a seesaw while on the other end is a newborn foal.”

“Well what about you? Your magical reserves are almost as large as my own right now.” Twilight looked at her student. “Won’t you upset the balance yourself.”

“She does make a valid point there.” Pearl giggled.

“No, I shouldn’t cause any disruptions. As this Pearl already told me. My counterpart has ascended to a higher plane of existence. He has no physical form unlike myself. But since he is on a higher plane, his magical essence can keep me shielded from eyes I really don't want on me right now.” Kohaku sighed. He heard all about her and was not looking forward to meeting this goddess who he believed was the world's equivalent of Shenlong.

“Okay fine. You win.” Twilight sat down and pulled out a scroll. “But could you take notes for me?”

Kohaku just rolled his eyes. “Fine, I’ll take notes.” With a swift push of his tails he sent Pearl through the portal and dove in after her.

Flash Sentry humed a pleasant little tune as he walked through the empty corridors of his princess’s school. Smiling, he checked every dorm room. Making sure each student was in place and accounted for.

Ya know this night shift isn’t as bad as I thought it would be. So little happens. Stopping at a nearby window he watched the moon in the sky. The way the clouds drifted about made the silver sphere look as if it was swimming across the skys. Flash shivered as a cool breeze rushed down his back. But I’ll certainly be glad when midnight hits. Then home to my cozy bed.

Closing the window he moved past Twilight’s science lab. Looking at the mirror gave him shivers. He had heard tales the Princess told about other worlds. Shrugging he moved on before hearing a loud crashing. Turning on his hooves he moved back to the lab and looked inside.

Taking a step or two, he flipped a light switch with his wing and took a long careful look about. Nothing seemed to be out of place save for a few knocked over chairs. Slowly moving in closer. A sudden meow caught his attention as a large black cat jumped out from behind a table and ran out the door.

“Gah, stupid cat.” Rolling his eyes he turned the lights off again and walked out at a swift trot. Hoping to catch and release the destructive feline outside where it belonged.

As the sound of hooves grew quieter from the room. Pearl poked her head out from under a desk and sighed. “That was some quick thinking there.” She looked over at the knocked over chairs as the ambient light shimmered and Kohaku turned visible yet again.

“I’m used to thinking on my paws like that.” Brushing himself off, Kohaku returned the chairs back in place and looked at the mirror. The glass was identical to his mirror but the pedestal and frame were definitely of pony design. “Well good news is, the mirror is fine. I should have no problems connecting it back to my mirror for a one way trip.”

“And the bad news?” Pearl asked as she repositioned a few desks.

“I nearly dislocated a tailbone flying through that damned thing.”

Chuckling Pearl nodded. “Yeah, exiting the crystal mirror has never been a safe experience. Sorry for not telling you that earlier.”

“No harm done.” Looking about, Kohaku smiled. “So this is a school huh? For Friendship?” Pearl only nodded. “Weird. So where is this castle?”

“About half a mile outside of the school.” Pearl walked over to the window and jumped out. “Best we leave this way. I’d rather not have to explain why I'm here after hours.”

“Sounds good to me. I’m used to leaving school by the window.” Following suit Kohaku jumped out and shut the window after him. Landing on all fours he looked about.

“It’s right there.” Pearl pointed straight ahead. “On that small hill there. You have to be closer to experience how great it is.”

Kohaku looked where Pearl's wing was pointed. As his eyes looked up he felt his heart stop dead cold. “You have got to be kidding me. What in the name of all that is good in nature is that thing. Please tell me it’s some kind of sick joke.” His eyes looked the large crystal tree up and down as he shivered.

“Nope, that’s my Twilight’s castle. The Castle of Friendship.” Pearl smiled as she started walking forward.

“I hope someone killed the gardener who planted that thing.” Kohaku grumbled as he followed Pearl. “It’s the most hideous thing I have ever seen.”

“Well it was grown by the Tree of Harmony…”

“Harmony? The Tree of Harmony grew that thing?” Pearl nodded again and rolled her eyes. Having dealt with this once before with her Kohaku, she decided to remain silent this time as Kohaku continued. “I’m trying to keep an open mind here, and yes I can hear it’s music. Synthetic and unharmonious. A total mockery to nature’s wonderful tone.”

“Anything else?”

“I have a lot to say on this.” Kohaku looked at Pearl who huffed.

“Well stifle it. It’s the home of my beloved Twilight, where she rules over all Equestria.” Walking over, Pearl touched Kohaku’s shoulder with her wing. “I get it, I really do. Believe me, our Kohaku isn’t too happy with this thing, or the tree that grew it. Both him and Harmony have gotten into a lot of arguments over it. I’m just asking you to bear this for a week. That’s all. I’m not asking you to stay and live here.”

Kohaku took a long deep breath through his nose and let out a long drawn out sigh. “You're right, I’m sorry. I'll try to make the best of this.”

“That’s all I ask. Now, let's get up there. I'm eager to be in my Twilight’s wings as I’m sure you’re desperate to be in your Pearl’s.” Pearl spread her wings and knelt down slightly. “Hop on. I’ll fly you up. We can bypass the guards.”

Kohaku smirked and just shook his head. “Yeah no.” Dashing forward he leaped up, springboarded off her back and gripped the crystal bark of the tree. “I’ll just climb. Something like this is nothing. I used to climb sheer cliffs in the Everfree, I’ll meet you up top.”

Pearl blinked as she watched him skillfully swing and climb his way up. Before she could even think he was almost at the upper landing. Spreading her wings, Pearl laughed and flew up after him.

Walking down the corridor, Kohaku nodded softly “Well despite the horrendous tree. The castle isn’t half bad. Once you're inside.”

“We like it. But the castle in your world is very comfortable too. If not a bit too much like a school.” Pearl walked beside him as the pair came up to the bed chambers. “My room before I shared with Twilight, is in there. No doubt that’s where your Pearl would have taken up.”

“Thanks.” Kohaku gave Pearl a swift nod as she moved on to the large set of double doors. Entering the room, Kohaku found it was neat and tidy. If not a bit empty. Looking around he came to the queen sized bed and quirked an eyebrow.

The bed was empty.

Turning around he quickly marched out the door and went past the double doors Pearl and entered only moments before. “She must not have been sleeping in there, Because that room hasn’t been entered in weeks.” Bumping hard into Pearl he looked up only to see her half stunned face.

Turning his gaze over to the bed he found Twilight, wings and forelimbs wrapped around his Pearl. Whom was snuggled warmly up against her.

“So what do we do now? How do we separate them?” Pearl looked at Kohaku who had a grin on his face.

“For now you stay put, let me do this.” Before Pearl could utter a response of warning, Kohaku leaped up and landed on the bed with the grace and lightness of a feather.

Pearl had to admit that he was very graceful. She didn’t see anything on that bed responding to his paw touch. She was almost certain nothing of his steps were sent to those sleeping as the mattress was wont to do. Watching, Pearl smiled as Kohaku started to lightly brush his paw up along his Pearl’s shoulders. Whatever he did worked as she gave a pleasant hum and rolled over. Moving further toward the bed’s edge, his tails playfully caressed various parts of her body causing her to follow his movements without waking.

Kohaku smiled as he looked at the distance between Twilight and Pearl and smiled. Sliping himself under the sheets he wrapped one arm around his beloved Pegasus who responded by nuzzling against his chest. “Okay it’s safe for you to come up and nuzzle your Twilight. It’ll be a nice wake up for them to see the both of us.”

“Okay genius, how am I going to get into the bed without waking them? Something I've never accomplished.” Pearl stepped back and forth trying to solve the puzzle before her.

“Gahh. Okay, but you're paying me back for this.” Kohaku pushed his paws together with his pointer fingers up. Closing his eyes he focused hard.

Pearl watched as Kohaku’s markings started to shimmer slowly. Once the shimmer became a light glow Pearl felt herself lift off the ground. “Wha…” Feeling herself in the grip of his magic aura. A light shaded amber. She watched as his face became strained as sweat dripped down from his brow. After a moment she felt Kohaku lay her on the bed between Twilight and her doppleganger.

Kohaku gasped and fell back, his head heavy on the pillow.

“I guess it takes a lot out of you huh.”

“Yeah. Unicorn magic is easy enough to grasp. But focusing it through a single point is rather hard when I'm used to channeling my power through my whole body.” Kohaku gasped slowly. “I’d give you a long boring lecture about the differences, but right now the lil monkey on the wall is telling me it’s beddy bye time.”

Pearl blinked and looked at the wall he was looking at. Nodding she understood what was happening to him as Twilight often had fits like this. Magical Intoxication. What happens to those who expend more magic then they can hold at that point. “Well let's listen to the monkey then. Good night Kohaku.” Pearl smiled as she slipped under the covers and into her Twilight’s limbs.

“Good night bird horsy.” With a yawn Kohaku passed out.