• Published 22nd Apr 2022
  • 185 Views, 11 Comments

There but for the grace of our gods - Valtyrian

Two worlds collide as Pearl finds herself in an Equestria that she doesn't recognize.

  • ...

Chapter 9 - Law of the Forest

Pearl humed peacefully to herself and both she and her older counterpart read through the latest issue of Gundam that came through the mirror. The two laughed together and almost cooed over the various new model’s that were shown. Up against her side she felt the warmth of Kohaku who was passed out next to her. Her wing made centric circles about his tail base, making his hind leg twitch rapidly and all three tails slightly puff while the tips twitched.

The older Pearl looked off to the side and smirked. “What is he doing? And what are you doing?”

“I’m driving him crazy. His tailbase is a very sensitive area for him. So I like to tease him with my feathers,” the younger Pearl giggled. “With all he puts me through, I’ve earned this right as his girlfriend and intended mate.”

The older Pearl just nodded in understanding. She lost count of how often Forestsong had driven her up the wall. Thankfully Summer had a tight rein on him since they got back together.

“Don’t tell me you haven't done something with your feathers to make Twilight both comfortable and crazed?” Pearl watched as her older self only blushed. “See.”

“He’s not about to jump you is he? That might be rather unsettling.”

“Oh no, he’ll wait for tonight when we’re alone. Right now he’s pretending to sleep just to enjoy it. Isn’t that right?” Pearl smirked as she lightly pushed Kohaku with her hoof.

“He looks dead to the world to me, how do you know he’s awake?”

“My tails are always a dead giveaway and she knows it,” Kohaku groaned while smiling.

Both Pearls laughed together when the library doors burst open and Twilight stormed in. Hooves stomping the ground and a look of worry across her face. The pair looked at Twilight and back to each other. Both had seen the tear streaks down her face.

“I’ll be right back.” Twilight’s Pearl sighed as she got up and walked over to the large desk in the corner of the library. Out of earshot of her younger self. “Okay Twilight, what’s wrong?” Pearl sighed and rested a hoof on her fiance’s shoulder.

“It’s the Canterlot Elite Council. They found out about our wedding and have issued documents to have me removed as ruler of Equestria.” Twilight bowed her head and sighed. Shoving the paper on her desk over for Pearl to read it.

Pearl looked down and half growled. Just about every Elite family signed it save one, Fancy Pants and his wife Fleur. Their names were both absent. On reading name after name she reared back and gasped. “No way. How. that’s not possible. How could his name be on this paper?”

“He took over when his father died last month. And he has been bullying every elite family in Canterlot who is on the ruling council to sign this document. six out of the ten families are needed to pass this and with his father gone, his became the sixth. And because his family is so powerful, nobody other than Fancy is willing to stand against him.”

“I should have killed him when I had the chance. He was a blight to Red and Cloud back in the day and now he’s a blight to you.” Pearl kicked a stack of books.

“Um, I’m sorry I couldn’t help but overhear.” The younger Pearl sat up on a chair opposite her older self and Twilight. “But surely this pony can’t be all that bad can he? Going against a Princess of Equestria like this?”

“OH he is all that bad and worse. I’m just glad you don’t have one in your world, or if you do I never saw him. He’s a mare’s worst nightmare made flesh. He thinks he’s so high and mighty. I humiliated him back when we were your age. And he’s held a grudge ever since. This is just one more way to get us out of the way and get back at me.”

“Well who is this nightmare in hooves?” Pearl smirked as her older self looked at her and sighed.

“Thunder Thrust.”

Pearl felt as if she could hear a pin drop on the moon as the whole room became deathly silent. A deep felt shiver went down her spine as she turned her head and looked at her semi sleeping fox. His ears were perked up and through the slits in his eyelids she saw the one look she always prayed to never again see. There was nothing there, no light, love, compassion or mercy. Only a deep seeded desire for one thing. But within the span of a second the look vanished from his face as he stood up.

“Kohaku? Are you okay?” Pearl nervously smiled at her fox.

“I’m going out hunting.” Quick turning he left the room slowly as three sets of pony eyes nervously looked at each other.

“I take it you DO have a Thunder Thrust in your world then?” The older Pearl leaned into the desk as her younger self nodded slowly.

“We do. Lotus cheated on me with him. The two set me up as some kind of entertainment. Using my emotions for their enjoyment.” Pearl growled almost identically to Kohaku. “Lotus did get a taste of her own medicine when he got her two cronies, Red Light and Cloud Dancer, pregnant. The reason you never saw him? Well Thunder assaulted me when everything was revealed. Kohaku nearly killed him for it. But out of respect and love for me, he restrained himself and let Thunder go on the condition he never set foot in Ponyville ever again.”

“What would happen if he did?” Twilight sighed, almost regretting asking as she knew the answer wasn’t one she would ever accept.

“Kohaku would kill him on sight.” Pearl looked out the window at the sky. “Even now when Thunder’s name ever comes up. He has a pure desire for that stallion’s blood. Thankfully I never had to see it, until today.”

“You don’t think he’ll?” Twilight’s Pearl looked at her Princess who looked back with concern.

“I honestly don’t know.” Pearl sighed as all three bowed their heads.

Kohaku felt his blood pounding in his ears as he walked down Ponyville’s main street. It had taken a while and a good speech by Princess Twilight. But the residents no longer looked at the fox like he was about to attack them.

Passing Sugarcube Corner he waved hello to Pinkie Pie out of instinct. But her words were drowned out by the sound of his own heartbeat. It wasn’t until he reached Carousel Boutique that his blood had finally started to cool. With a blink he looked around and realized he had traversed half the length of Ponyville.

“Wow, I must have been out of it.”

“OH, hello Kohaku.” Luster called out as she walked out of the Boutique.

“Oh Hey Luster. How are your plants?” Kohaku smiled as he watched the mare blush a little.

“You're almost as bad as Forestsong.” Luster missed the smirk on Kohaku’s face. “The plants are doing well, thanks again for helping me.”

“No problem. I know how tricky some orchids can be. So I take it no lessons today?”

“No. I’m out with mom, she needed my help with her errands. It’s annoying.” Luster sighed as Kohaku chuckled.

“Well it’s good you're helping.”

“If you say so. So why are you out and about? You usually don’t leave the castle much.”

“Well. I just feel the need to do a little hunting. So I’m on my way to a favorite spot.” His smile widened as he saw the sudden nervous look on Luster's face. He never tired of seeing that look on a pony when he mentions hunting.

“Well I’ll…” Luster started when a familiar shout echoed from the markets.

“I told you before NO. Now get lost, you letch.” Cozy screamed out. Both Kohaku and Luster ran to see Cozy pulling away from the strong grip of a familiar stallion.

“Now don’t be like that. You know what I can do for you. Word around Canterlot is your family’s not doing too well.” Thunder chuckled as he pushed himself forward. Forcing Cozy back up against a tree. “Probably be doing a lot worse once your daughter loses her mentor. Hahaha. You always thought you were too good for a stallion like me. Well here’s your chance. I’m offering my services now.” A dark smirk crossed his lips

Luster yelled as she galloped forward and slammed hard into Thunder’s side. “Get away from my mother!” her horn lighting up as three iridescent shields placed themselves between her and the overbearing stallion.

Kohaku sat next to a tree and watched. His eyes narrowed and his breathing calm as he watched what played out in front of him. Their words became lost as the crowd around them became larger but Kohaku understood what was going on. He knew Thunder wasn’t brave enough to go up against a pony trained by Twilight. A smirk crossed his lips as Luster led her shaken mother away. The three magical shields followed behind her. The lecherous stallion then moved onto another mare in the crowd.

Kohaku watched as this new mare actually fell for the lines and followed Thunder to a cafe. The fox trailing behind without a sound. He was glad to see the mare was at least smart enough to not leave the cafe with Thunder. A dark grin crossed his lips as he moved in closer.

Thunder sighed, it had been years since he was here in this old town. He couldn’t wait to get back to Canterlot where mares were more receptive of his advances. “Damn that mare, if it wasn’t for that pain in the ass kid of hers. I wonder if…”

“OH Thunder.” Cozy’s voice softly called, causing Thunder to turn around swiftly enough. He smirked as he saw Red Light and Cloud Dancer behind her. “You're not leaving are you?”

“And here I thought you didn’t want to play.” he chuckled as he looked at her. The three mares were smiling. Red and Cloud moved up to either side of him. He could smell their fragrant perfume, already he felt his fire raging.

“What. Oh I just said that for my daughter’s benefit. She’s a sensitive girl. Wouldn’t understand that girls like us need a big strong stallion like you.” Cozy softly licked her lips which made Thunder’s tail twitch. “How about you follow us? We know this ‘cozy’ little spot where we can all get comfortable.”

Thunder’s grin was nearly ear to ear as he stepped forward and gave a light bow. “Lead the way.”

Hook, Line, Sinker. Cozy said in her mind as she turned around and escorted Thunder towards Ponyville’s best motel. A sly grin crossed her face as her eyes flashed with a bright, amber light.

Pearl humed pleasantly to herself as she sat at the large table. A hot cup of coffee between her hooves and a warm plush red robe around her body. She smiled at such a wonderful morning before remembering how her beloved Twilight was doing.

Looking out the window she observed two birds fly by in a circular dance. She had done all she could to relax her future wife, but after today she doubted anything like that would be able to bring a smile to those lavender lips again.

“They should be signing right now,” she whispered to herself in the vacant room.

“Signing what right now?” A yawning voice echoed from the hallway.

Blinking Pearl gave a smile at seeing her younger counterpart enter the room, dressed in an Identical robe. Her hair was just as disheveled as she poured herself a mug of hot water.

“Tea bag?” Pearl pushed a ceramic dish with various tea bags in it only to see the younger Pearl shake her head and pull out a black satchel.

“No thanks.” As the younger Pearl dumped the contents into the hot water, the room filled with a rancid odor. Before the older Pearl could protest, she watched as her younger self downed the whole mug in one gulp before shivering, looking as if she would hurl at that moment. “Ugh.. no matter how many times I do this, it never gets any more pleasant.”

“What was that foul stuff?”

“An old zebric herbal potion.”

“Why would you ever drink something that looked and smelled so foul?”

The younger Pearl looked up and tried to smirk but the flavor still in her mouth made her grimace. “Believe me, it tastes even worse. But in the long run it’s better than the alternative at this point in my life.”

“I’m afraid to ask, what’s the alternative?”

“Being a very young mother.” Pearl sighed as she leaned back into her chair.

“Oh. So, that’s like an after-morning pill?” Pearl watched her younger self nod slowly. “Why not just take one of those and save yourself the trouble.”

“Because they don’t work with my species,” Kohaku chimed in as he practically skipped his way to the table. After a quick nuzzel to his Pearl he started to load his plat with various breakfast foods. “Twilight not joining us?” He looked about as he munched on a waffle.

“She’s at the council meeting. They’re deciding her fate even now. I hope she’s going to take my advice and just put them in their places. But you know her. Ever the diplomat.” The older Pearl stifled a chuckle as she watched both Kohaku and her younger self nod.

“I guess we’ll just have to hope for the best. But I doubt they’ll be able to do anything,” Kohaku shoved another waffle in his mouth while both Pearls just looked at each other both missing the smile on his lips.

Both Pearls stood outside of Twilight’s office, it had been an hour since the meeting ended and they were eager to know what had happened.

“You know we have to go in there.”

“I’m just afraid of what happened.”

The younger Pearl placed a hoof on her older self’s shoulder. “Well at least for the time being, you’re not alone. Come on.” Pushing open the door they found Twilight seated at her desk with a confused and perplexed expression on her face.

“So. What’s the outcome?” Pearl asked as she moved up to her love.

“He’s missing.” The comment made both Pearl’s blink and look back and forth between each other and Twilight. “Thunder never showed up, so we had guards search Ponyville. And they can’t find him. Without him and his official stance. Those who want me dethroned can’t move forward. And those who were threatened, have regained their courage and are now standing against the motion to have me removed from authority.”

“That’s great, isn’t it?” The younger Pearl tried to get a smile on her face as horrible thoughts crashed into her mind. Her Kohaku had returned to the castle awfully late. And he even turned down dinner. Said he was full from hunting.”

“It is, if I wasn’t so worried that Thunder had met with foul play.” Twilight picked up a small glass with amber liquid and downed it. Both Pearls nodded.

“Princess are you… OH I’m sorry I can come back later,” Gallius called out as he entered and started backing out.

“It’s okay captain. Please. Your report.” Twilight sighed.

“We’ve searched the length and breadth of Ponyville. Thunder is nowhere to be found. A few eye witnesses said he was seen in the presence of Cozy Glow, Red Light and Cloud Dancer. All walking toward the Everfree Forest.” Gallius sat down and read off of his notepad. “We questioned all three mares but they all, almost violently, said they would never have been seen walking with him toward a trash heap, let alone the Everfree Forest. Even Luster confirmed that her mother wouldn’t have done so, not after almost being accosted by him.”

“Are your ponies searching the forest now?”

“Yes Princess, we’ll have you notified if we find anything.”

“Thank you.” Waving her hoof, Gallius left the office. After the door was closed both the older Pearl and Twilight looked at the younger Pearl who sighed.

“Did Kohaku say anything when he got back late last night?” The older Pearl sighed as her younger self just shook her head.

“No, only that he was skipping dinner. Said he was full. Not uncommon when he goes hunting. After that we didn’t do much talking.”

“Yes, we know.” Both Twilight and her Pearl lightly blushed at remembering the sounds from the night before. “I’ll make sure that room is resound proofed before tonight. I’d rather not hear him howl like that again.”

Pearl blushed deeply and looked away.

“Oh you have got to be kidding me. That was you?” the older Pearl blinked in astonishment as her younger counterpart nodded, her blush turning as red as her mane. “Well anyway. Pearl, It might be that Kohaku…”

“Wait.. are you accusing my fox of killing and eating Thunder?” Pearl huffed slightly. Even if they were right, she felt the need to defend him while he wasn’t in the room.

“We’re only asking if it’s possible.” The older Pearl rested a hoof on the younger Pearl’s shoulder.

“I…” Sighing she slumped down and just shook her head. “I want to believe no. But knowing how he feels about Thunder. I wouldn’t put it past him.”

“Wouldn’t put past what hun?” Kohaku leaned in as he hung upside down from Twilight’s overhead light.

“That you, ‘got rid’ of Thunder.” Pearl looked up at her fox while Twilight and her Pearl silently questioned how that small thread attached to the light was holding the fox’s full weight.

“Oh that. Well you see…”

“Princess, We found him.” Gallius called out as he burst into the room. Beside him was another guard, a unicorn who was only known as Recall.

“You did? Where?”

“The Everfree Forest. About three miles from Zecora’s hut,” Recall said, stepping forward.

“I want him brought to me at once. I’m going to put an end to his meddling by doing what I should have done years ago.”

“That won’t be necessary Princess,” Gallius sighed deeply. “He won’t be bothering anyone ever again.”

Twilight looked at her young Griffon captain. She could tell he was shaken. Looking over her shoulder she saw both Pearl’s looking nervously at each other while Kohaku was content to just polish his claws with a smile.

Turning back to her captain she sat up straight. “What do you mean? Please tell me. Is he… dead?”

Gallius opened his beak but shut it and turned to Recall. “You tell her. After all, you discovered him and determined what happened.”

The ebony unicorn nodded and looked back at Twilight. “No ma’am. He’s not dead. Although I'm sure he wishes he was. Thunder was brutalized in a very, interesting way. He has some physical injuries that I’m sure many of his old victim mares will be grateful for.” Twilight couldn’t help but notice how tightly the unicorn pushed his hind legs together when mentioning that. “But I feel it’s the psychological damage that will never heal.”

“How so?”

“You see. He’s been driven to the brink of insanity. His mind is broken in ways, I never thought possible. When looking at a pony, any pony male or female, he lets out this horrible, gut wrenching shriek. I used my unique recall ability to see what he saw. For a split second, I felt as if my own mind would come undone. I’ll never reveal what he sees when looking at another pony. It’s just… too horrible to mention.”

“Are you sure there’s no helping his condition?”

“No Princess. This is beyond pony magic. I can’t even begin to guess it’s source.”

Twilight and both Pearls all turned their heads in the same direction. Without so much as a word they knew the source. “Thank you. Take him to a comfortable hospital and see he’s taken care of.” Twilight told her guards without taking her eyes off the fox who was now brushing his tails.

With a quick gesture to both Pearls. Twilight led the two to the far end of the table.

The older Pearl could feel the simmering annoyance from her fiance, and she could understand why. As much as she hated Thunder, this was too much. Even she was shocked to learn that he had been reduced to this.

“From what I understand, causing insanity is way beyond what a three tailed kitsune can induce. Or am I wrong?” The younger Pearl only shook her head. She knew her foxe’s limitations better than anypony. “So that means only a nine tailed kitsune can do this. And there is only one that we know of who lives in the Everfree Forest,” Twilight said, her expression darkening.

Younger Pearl looked at her fox with growing worry. “Then…”

Twilight nodded. “Your Kohaku had help. What I do not understand is why our Kohaku would involve himself in this. No matter his views on ponies, he never once went this far. Unless Thunder did something to anger him.”

Pearl looked at her fox who moved from brushing his tails to his hair, sweeping it up before flicking his wrist to make the brush vanish. She had heard all about their Kohaku. From everything she had heard, he was very much like how Kohaku described his father. “Maybe he involved himself to do what none of us could hope to do.”

“And that is?” Twilight sighed deeply.

“Prevent Kohaku from taking the life of a pony.” Pearl closed her eyes and bowed her head. She knew the older pair were going to ask questions but she held up her hoof. “I know what you're going to ask.” She looked up at her older self. “And believe me, I always want to believe he is incapable of doing it. But I know better. I’ve seen that side of him, was there right next to him when he threatened our Thunder.” Taking a slow deep breath Pearl sighed.

“She’s right, you know.” The sound of Kohaku’s voice caused both Twilight and her Pearl to jump out of their seats. “I was going to do it. And savor every blessed second of it.”

“But why? Yes Thunder is one of the worst ponies there is. But…” A paw on her lips silenced the princess.

“Right there. That’s why. That always present subtle hint of possible redemption. You are without a doubt the friendliest princess there is around. And being the Princess of Friendship I'm sure it’s aided you well.” Twilight shivered as she saw Kohaku’s eyes narrow and grow darker. Behind him she saw the soft shade of their Kohaku. The look he had sported when that Kohaku had dispatched Discord. “Do you know why no pony ever rose up against Celestia or Luna? Because their subjects, while adoring them, also feared them. Do you know why no pony ever rose up against our father.” Kohaku’s voice slowly grew into two. “Because they feared him as they loved him.”

Twilight shivered as she tried to back away, but Kohaku’s paw might well have been made of stone for the grip it had. “You’re too soft a ruler, and every one of those against you knows it. And have been using it against you for years. Stop being a princess and start becoming an empress. Or the next ‘Thunder’ might well be your undoing.” With that Kohaku’s grip released.

Both Pearls gasped as Kohaku staggered back before falling limp on the floor.

The younger Pearl ran up to his side and pulled him close. “He’s okay, just asleep. How's Twilight?”

The older Pearl just shook her head as Twilight sat there, her eyes wide and mouth agape.

“She’ll be fine. That was a LOT to absorb. Who knew our Kohaku could use yours as a mouthpiece?”

“Yeah because that was NOT my Kohaku. While he may think that he never would have said it aloud. Or at least not like that.” Pearl shook her head.

“So what do you think?”

“About what was said?” Pearl watched her older self nod slowly. “I think he was right. Your Twilight is way too soft. Even our Twilight learned you have to have a firm hoof when dealing with your subjects. Thankfully she only rules one fifth of Equestria. So her stress level is a LOT less.”

“I agree.” Leaning in she gave her Twilight a soft kiss to the forehead and held a hoof out to her younger self. “Comon, we’ve earned a day at the spa.”

“What prompted us to earn that?” the younger Pearl chuckled.

“We have to deal with them on a daily, and nightly basis.” The older Pearl smirked as the younger one nodded and laughed, the pair leaving together.