• Published 9th Jun 2022
  • 1,347 Views, 28 Comments

Flashlight Week - Banshee531

My entries for Flashlight Week. A collection of tales involving the best pairing in MLP

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Twilight wasn't sure when it happened, but she had started having strange feeling for her friend Flash Sentry.

It just happened to her. One day she saw Flash as a friend who she had grown quite close to over the last few weeks, the next she suddenly felt her heart start racing whenever she saw him.

She wasn't sure why she was suddenly interested in Flash so much, since she hadn't really given him much thought when she first met him. Heck, he thought she was his different dimensional ex-girlfriend.

The pair had grown rather awkward when they learned who the other was, which lasted for a few weeks until Pinkie pushed them together so that she could help Flash pass a math test. Over time they learned more about one another, discovering that some of the few books Flash read were some of her favourites. Flash had helped her learn to play the guitar and had been an amazing teacher.

But now she was feeling these odd feelings, which she had only felt once when she first met Timber and started liking him. But this time those feelings were stronger. She couldn't help but be confused about them, forcing her to go to her friends for advice.

To say they were surprised by this was an understatement. But after the initial shock wore off, they were all happy since they believed Flash was a great person to have feelings for.

"But why am I feeling this?" She had asked, "Flash is great but why am I suddenly feeling something for him? At least with Timber I knew why I liked him that way." This statement caused a giggle to escape Rarity's lips, the fashionista telling her something that made Twilight's heart stop.

"There's an old saying. When you know why you like somebody, it's a crush. When you don't know why you like somebody...it's love."

That had certainly thrown Twilight for a loop. Now there she was, sitting in the diner with the boy that was causing all these strange emotions within her as they studied for a big test. "Then I carry the two like you showed me, completing the equation and giving me...twenty two hundred and fifteen." He looked up at Twilight, expecting her to tell him if he was right or wrong. But Twilight just sat there, looking at him with a far away expression. "Twilight?" He snapped his fingers in front of her, making her blink as she came back to earth.


"Are you okay? You were miles away."

"I'm fine," she assured him a little quicker then would have been normal. "Just...got a lot on my mind right now."

"Oh," Flash nodded, "that's fine. If you want, we can end the session here. I should be able to get a passing mark with what you showed me." Twilight hated ending sessions short, but she didn't think she would be of much use with her mind a jumbled mess at the moment.

"Yeah," she nodded, "that sounds good." They put their things away and headed for the door. But when they stepped outside, a rumbling from above made them look up and see dark clouds forming above them. "Seriously. The weatherman said it was gonna be clear skies all day today."

"When is the weatherman ever right," Flash frowned. "When's the next bus home?" Twilight checked her phone.

"Not for another hour."

"Alright," Flash gestured for her to follow, "come on." He took out his car keys and unlocked his car, whilst Twilight remained where she was in confusion. "You think I'm gonna leave you standing in the rain for an hour? Forget it. Come on, I'll drop you off at your place."

Twilight's heart fluttered at this, "are you sure? I don't wanna waste your time."

"I wouldn't have anything else to do," Flash told her. "It's fine. Don't worry about it. Now get in before it starts raining." He got in and Twilight stayed where she was, not totally sure she could handle being in a confined space with him. Her hesitation vanished when a drop of rain hit the back of her neck and rolled down her spine, making her spasm and run for the car. She got in as more rain came crashing down, Flash pulling out and starting to make his way through the town as the heavens opened up and began pouring it down.

"Wow," Twilight whispered, "it's really coming down."

"I think I remember hearing a storm was supposed to hit Trottingham today. It's possible the wind changed and pushed that onto us instead." Twilight nodded, whilst thinking about what Flash had just said. Timber would have never tried to theorise why the rain would be there. He'd just chalk it up to bad luck instead of actually questioning it, like she would.

The pair sat in silence for a few minutes until a particularly catching sound came on the radio. The pair hummed it for a moment, then when the main chorus came on their sung it out loud in unison. When they did, they looked at one another before bursting out laughing and started singing the entire song together.

Twilight couldn't help but feel so happy at that moment. They were just sitting there, in the rain, listening to music, but she wouldn't trade being there for any other activity she could think of. That thought made her realise, she had to tell Flash. It was the only way to stop feeling so weird around him.



"Do you remember when we first met?"

"You mean how you ran into me, knocking me to the floor?"

"You ran into me. But that's besides the point. After that, when you realised I wasn't the same Twilight you knew. What were your feelings for me?"

Flash sighed. "I'll admit, I was kinda projecting the other Twilight onto you. I'm sorry about that. But I'm over that now. I know you're not that Twilight and any feelings I think I have for you, I just ignore."

Twilight frowned, "so you do have feelings for me." Now Flash frowned, the teen staying quiet as they turned into Twilight's neighbourhood.

"I can't help it," he finally told her. "I don't know why I can't stop myself from feeling these things for you. And honestly, I don't even know if it's because of the other you or not. I mean...I barely know her. And I know you a lot more. So...it's just confusing. I'm really sorry if this makes you uncomfortable."

"No," Twilight shook her head, "It's not that. It's just...I've been having these feelings for you." Flash looked at her in shock. "I don't know when it started. They just...showed up." She looked at him, "I really like you Flash. Even more then I liked Timber. I can't figure out why...but maybe that's a good thing."

"How is you not knowing why you like me a good thing?"

"Cause it makes you interesting. It's like a puzzle. And I love puzzles." Flash chuckled at this, nodding as they arrived at Twilight's street.

"So what do we do know?" He asked. "You like me and don't know why. I like you but don't know if it's you or someone else I like. So what do we do?"

"I guess...we need to test out how well we go together."

"You mean date?"

"Yeah," Twilight nodded, "date. Or, at least go on one date."

"I like the sound of that," Flash nodded as they arrived at Twilight's house. Pulling up in front of it, they saw no other cars. Twilight's parents and brother were likely out, meaning Twilight would need to unlock the door.

"Great," she sighed, "even after you drove me here I'm still gonna get soaked before I open the door." But then Flash reached behind her seat and pulled something out from the back. An umbrella. "Where'd you get that?"

"Always keep on in here, just in case." He opened his door and expanded the umbrella, allowing him to get out of the car without getting wet before running over to her side. Opening her door, he offered her a hand and she gladly took it before the pair rushed for the front door. They couldn't stop laughing as they did so, Twilight opening the door as quickly as she could.

When it was finally opened, she stepped inside and turned to Flash. "Thanks...for everything."

"No problem," he told her. "I'll talk to you later, when I've come up with an idea for our date." Twilight smiled at this and before she knew what she was doing, she leaned it and kissed him on the lips. Flash was surprised by this, but didn't stop or even care that he had lowered the umbrella enough for the rain to soak him.

Twilight finally pulled away and blushed, whilst Flash stood there in a daze for a second. When he recovered, he began to step backwards and waved at Twilight as he returned to his car. Twilight waved back and watched from the doorway until Flash finally drove away. She then closed the door and when she did, she let out a super loud squeal. She had done it. She had confessed her feelings and it felt great.

If only she knew how amazing that one brief moment of courage would make the rest of her life. But she would soon find out and enjoy every moment of it.

Author's Note:

Well, here were are at the end of things. Hope you enjoyed my first attempt at Flashlight Week. I hope I can continue this tradition next year, but if not let's enjoy what we have. Until next time.

Comments ( 3 )

Wow! Excellent. :heart: Granted, I'm questioning how much truth is in that statement. :applejackunsure: I'm assuming that she broke up with Timber prior to the feelings developing. I wonder how that happened. :applejackunsure:

Great job with this. The rain probably also made their little moment together a little more romantic. Confessing your feelings is the first, and sometimes the hardest step, but it is worth it.

This has been a fun Flashlight Week and your contributions with this story have been fun. I hope you can do it again next year, but if not I can understand why and appreciate what you have already given.

"There's an old saying. When you know why you like somebody, it's a crush. When you don't know why you like somebody...it's love."

Never heard that one before, but it is very clever.

Its very rare to find Flash Sci-Twi ship fics. These were cute. Personally I really love Flash and Sunset getting back together. But this is tide for second, or a close third. My second place ship is Sunset Sci-Twi XP Great work on all these.

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