• Published 9th Jun 2022
  • 1,347 Views, 28 Comments

Flashlight Week - Banshee531

My entries for Flashlight Week. A collection of tales involving the best pairing in MLP

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Flash was no stranger to fear. After all the crazy magical stuff he had endured, how could he not be used to fear. But nothing, not a crazed ex-girlfriend turned she-demon, killer plants, or another verity of dangerous plants, had ever terrified him more then what he was about to do right now.

Meeting Twilight's family.

He had been dating the amazing magical girl for a little under a month, been on three dates with her and had gotten passed hand holding to the point every kiss they enjoyed lasted more then three mississippis. Twilight had determined this relationship was gonna last a while, so had decided that they needed to meet each other's families.

So there he was, dressed up nice as he drove down the street towards his girlfriend's house for dinner.

It took every ounce of courage not to put the car into reverse and drive away. But he had to do this, for Twilight. So when he reached the address Twilight had given him, he parked up and took a deep breath before getting the bottle of wine his folks had gotten for him to use as a peace offering.

"Here goes nothing," he sighed before getting out of the car and heading for the front door. He didn't reach it, however, as it flew open with a well dressed Twilight standing in the doorway with a smile on her face.

"Hey," she beamed as Flash reached her.

"Hey." He looked behind her and saw nobody else was there, so took the opportunity to kiss her. Twilight happily accepted and after a few seconds, tried to sneak a little tongue. But Flash pulled back and did another check around, seeing they were still alone in the hallway.

"My dad's not gonna appear out of the walls and kill you for kissing me," Twilight told him.

"It's your brother I'm more worried about." Twilight laughed at this and pulled him by the hand into her house, leading them down the hallway towards the dinning room. When they arrived, they were greeted to the sight of Twilight's family. Night Light was setting the table with Cadance, who was also trying to keep her daughter Flurry to stop squirming in her highchair.

They both looked up and smiled, Cadance walking over to them. "Hello Flash," Flash went for a handshake but Cadance pulled him into a hug. When she pulled away, Night Light stepped over and offered his hand. Flash gladly shook it.

"It's nice to finally meet you my boy. Twilight was so desperate to keep you from us that we were starting to wonder if you were made up." Flash laughed at this as Twilight blushed. "Anyway, welcome to our home."

"Thank you sir," Flash nodded before offering the wine. "A gift from my parents." Night took it and seemed impressed by the label.

"This is good stuff. It's certainly going to make this evening a lot more fun." As he said that, two more people stepped into the room. One was Twilight Velvet, the woman smiling when she saw Flash. The other was Shining Armor, who looked Flash over with a gaze of wariness.

"Flash," Velvet rushed over to him, "it's so nice to finally meet you." She gave him a hug and then a kiss on the cheek. "I hope you're hungry. Chicken is okay with you, right." Flash nodded nervously, still feeling like a sheep who had wandered into a den of wolves. "Well sit down. Dinner's just about ready." Flash did so, sitting at one end of the table as Night Light sat on the other end with Shining to his left.

The girls all headed into the kitchen and returned a moment later, Twilight using her magic to float several hot dishes towards the table as Velvet and Cadance carried the cooler ones. Once the food was all down, Twilight sat to Flash's left with Cadance to his right and Velvet between Twilight and Night.

"Well," Velvet told the table, "dig in." They didn't wait a second longer and all started grabbing food and placing it onto their plates, Flash being careful not to look too eager and waiting for the others to finish getting theirs before he filled his plate.

"So tell us Flash," Night Light told him. "What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?"

"I play music," Flash explained. "Guitar mostly, but I can play a little violin and saxophone."

"That sounds amazing," Velvet told him. "Do you play in a band?" Flash nodded as he swallowed a piece of potato.

"My friends and I are in a rock band, the Flash Drives."

"Sounds fun," Cadance nodded. "Do you plan to try and make a career out of it?"

"I'd like to, but my parents told me it's not a good idea to put all your eggs in one basket. So I'm studying to be a police officer as well, whilst working with the band on the side."

"Smart move," Night nodded. "Shining's a police officer. Maybe he can give you a few tips." Flash and Shining locked eyes for a moment and quickly looked away. "Don't mind him. He's just a little upset his little sister is outshining him in introducing her significant other."

"Dad!" Shining cried as Cadance blushed, making Flash wonder what was going on.

"Do I wanna know?" He asked Twilight, who looked like she wanted to do anything except explain. Velvet let out a chuckle as she finished off a piece of chicken.

"Cadance has been Twilight's babysitter for a long time, but she and Shining never seemed to get passed the friend stage until they were in college. Night and I went up to visit him and when we arrived at his dorm, we walked in to find him and Cadance on the bed. And Cadance's hand was...busy." Shining and Cadance looked ready to leap out of the nearest window, whilst Flash realised what she meant by that.

"Oh," Flash looked away, "I see."

"Yes," Velvet nodded. "Not exactly how I wanted to find out those two were dating." Shining and Cadance were both looking down at their plates, Flash understanding why it was such a humiliating subject for them. He prayed something would change the subject. Luckily, Flurry Heart threw her spoon into the air across the table. It would have hit the floor, but Flash's reflexes kicked in and he was able to catch it.

"Wow," Night whistled, "nice moves." Flash thanked him as he handed the baby her spoon. Flurry laughed, appearing to like him. This got the conversation off of the previous subject and back to a less embarrassing one. They enjoyed the well cooked meal and even the delicious trifle desert. By the end of it, Flash felt ten pounds heavier.

"Ahh," Twilight sighed as they both sat on the couch to let their dinner settle. "That seemed to go well. For the most part."

Flash nodded, "I think your parents like me."

"Yup," Twilight nodded, "sorry I didn't introduce you all sooner. I just...wanted to make sure things between us worked out. I didn't want a repeat of last time."

"Last time?"

"With Timber." Flash sighed. Her previous relationship with Timber Spruce wasn't one they liked to talk about. "I thought he was gonna be the one, but..." Flash understood. Twilight had caught Timber chatting up another girl her age, which had instantly soured their relationship. "I asked him to meet my family after our first date."

"Did it go well?" Twilight shook her head.

"He spent the entire evening trying to flirt with Cadance, then laughed when he heard the story my mom told you. He and Shining got into an argument about something and it probably would've come to blows if Cadance and I hadn't intervened. I figured all that was normal, since I'd never had a boyfriend before."

"Trust me Twilight," Flash told her. "That is not how you're supposed to make a first impression with your family." Twilight nodded, knowing that now.

"But I think you made a good impression. At least you didn't make my brother want to hit you."

"The night's still young," Shining's voice called out as he entered the living room. He sat in a love seat and stared at the two, seeing Twilight snuggled up next to him. A minute or so later, Velvet called Twilight to help with the dishes. She left, leaving the two alone. "So," Shining told him, "you really like my sister?" Flash nodded, knowing this was a test. "What do you like specifically?"

"A lot of things," Flash explained. "I like how knowledge hungry she is. I like how she loves to help people. And I like the sound she makes when she laughs."

"Is that it?"

"There are other reasons, but they're to numerous to count."

"I see," Shining continued to stare him down. "I hope you know how important your relationship is to Twilight." Flash raised an eyebrow at this. "After what happened with the last guy, it's a miracle she agreed to start dating so soon." Flash wouldn't call three months soon. "But if you do something to hurt her like he did, she might never recover. She might swear off love all together. So if she's just some kind of conquest to you, you'd better break if off now. Understand."

Flash had been expecting the protective big brother act, but he understood why Shining was doing this. "I understand. And you don't have to worry. I have no intention of doing anything that might hurt her. And if I ever end up doing so, feel free to hit me in the face as hard as you can."

Shining smirked at this, "I'll hold you to that. Just know, I take my family's happiness very seriously. If anyone even thinks of doing something that might hurt them, they have to answer to me. But if you play your cards right, one day I might just consider you family."

Flash smirked, "got it." As he said that, Twilight and the others returned. Cadance had put Flurry to bed, so they could all sit around and talk about whatever they wanted. They talked, laughed and even sang a few songs together. It was an amazing night. Flash could see the close bond this family had and he hoped one day, he could be seen as a part of it.

"This was fun," Twilight told him at the end of the night when they walked to his car.

"Yeah," Flash nodded, "it was." He turned to her, "but now you're gonna have to come have dinner with my family." Twilight smiled at this.

"I look forward to it." She leaned forward and kissed him, Flash happily kissing her back despite knowing her parents and brother were watching. They kissed for a good few minutes before Flash pulled back and got in his car. He waved at her and her family before driving off, happy with how the evening had gone. Twilight's family was definitely a special one and Flash hoped that one day, he would get to been seen as part of that family.

Author's Note:

Simple little chapter about Flash meeting Twilight's family. Hope you all enjoyed it.