• Published 9th Jun 2022
  • 1,357 Views, 28 Comments

Flashlight Week - Banshee531

My entries for Flashlight Week. A collection of tales involving the best pairing in MLP

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Flash hated sitting on the sidelines. He hated having to run whenever something dangerous occurred. And he hated not being able to help when his friends needed him.

As such, he hated this moment with a burning passion. Somehow, a kid had gotten hold of a bubble blower stick that had been invested with magic. This meant that whenever the kid created a bubble, it would grow larger and larger until it touched something. When it did, the bubble would surround the object and then lift it into the air.

Flash had been walking through the park when he saw this and knew instantly that it was Equestrian Magic, so of course he called Sunset and told her about it. She and the rest of the Rainbooms had rushed over and attempted to get the bubble stick away from the kid. Rainbow had been the first, simply running towards the kid planning to snatch the toy away from him. But doing so caused her to run head first into a newly formed bubble, trapping her.

The others had tried talking to the kid, telling him it was very dangerous, but the seven year old didn't listen and just thought they were trying to take his new favourite toy. This caused the kid to throw a tantrum, swinging his stick around and creating a bunch of bubbles. And one by one, the girls were captured within them.

First Sunset, then Fluttershy, Applejack and Rarity. Pinkie and Twilight's magic allowed them some way to fight back, with Pinkie throwing exploding confectionery that burst the bubbles whilst Twilight threw anything her magic could move to hit the bubbles instead. Alas, when she tried to use her magic to pull the stick to her it didn't work.

Eventually, Pinkie ran out of sweets and a bubble grabbed her before Twilight could save her. The pink girl screamed as she was lifted into the air with the others, the bubbles blocking them from using their magic. As soon as Pinkie was grabbed, the stick began to glow as the magic surged.

"Drop it!" Twilight begged the boy, but he was to enthralled by it to do so. The magic consumed him and in a flash, he was transformed into a giant bubble person. It reminded Flash of the final boss of that Ghoulbusters movie, only made of soap suds instead of marshmallow. It was roughly three stories tall and let out a childish laugh as it swung its arms around and unleashed multiple bubbles.

Twilight screamed as she tried to run for it, as multiple bubbles flew towards her. But she tripped and let out a pained scream as she did so, the bubbles getting closer and closer to her. But seconds before one could hit her, someone suddenly flew in and tackled her. They rolled the pair of them away from the bubbles, Twilight crying out in surprise as she looked up at her saviour.


"We gotta get out of here!" He pulled her up, but Twilight cried out when she put pressure on her foot.

"I don't think I can run," she told him. "Go on without-WOW!" She suddenly found herself being lifted up bridal style before Flash began to run with her in her arms, Twilight unsure why she was suddenly blushing. Flash ran rather fast given the extra weight, the teen quickly outrunning the bubbles and escaping through the trees and out of the park onto the main street.

"We should be safe here for a bit," Flash put her down on a bench. "Those bubbles don't move real fast." But as he said that, the bubble monster began to walk through the park and headed for main street. "We gotta get the others free so you can take that thing down."

"Yeah," Twilight nodded, "but I can't run. How am I supposed to save them on my own like this?" Flash knelt down and started looking over her ankle, checking to make sure it wasn't seriously hurt. As he did, Twilight thought back to what had just happened. "Flash," he kept his focus on her foot, "what you just did-"

"I know," he told her. "It was stupid. It was reckless. I should have just run away and let you girls deal with it so I didn't get in the way."

"No," Twilight told her, "I was gonna say what you just did was really brave." Flash looked up at her in surprise, "and I'm glad you didn't run away. If you had, I'd be stuck in that bubble too. If getting out was easy, the girls would have done it by now. So thank you." Flash smiled at this, feeling a little embarrassed but shaking it off and focusing back on her foot.

"I don't think it's anything worst than a twist. You should be fine with a little rest."

"That's good," Twilight nodded. "But it doesn't help us save the others. How the heck are we supposed to stop those bubbles when they suck up anything that touches them?"

"Yeah," Flash sighed before suddenly getting an idea. "Wait, maybe that'll work."

"What?" Twilight asked, only for Flash to stand up and look around. When he spotted a nearby store, he ran off. "Flash!" She tried to get up, but stick couldn't walk. And in that moment, several bubbles began to float towards her. "Oh no." She started throwing whatever her magic could grab, throwing them into the bubbles as they floated towards her. But there were more bubbles then things she could throw. And as one got closer, she began to sweat. "FLASH!"

"Duck!" She heard, quickly obeying and kneeling down. Seconds later, a stream of fire shot above her and struck the bubble. Instead of absorbing the flames, the bubble popped without problem. Twilight glanced back and spotted Flash holding a lighter and a can of hairspray, the teen using them to make a homemade flamethrower that he started firing at the other bubbles. One by one, they all popped and the pair were now bubble free.

"Flash," Twilight smiled, "you're a genius. The bubbles might be magic, but they're still made of water and soap. Heat them up enough to evaporate the water and they vanish."

"Exactly," Flash told her before throwing another can and lighter at her. "Here's the plan. I'll distract Pop and Fresh while you rescue the others, then you can blast it with your rainbow laser."

"How?" Twilight asked, "I can't walk."

"But don't you have wings?" Twilight was about to reply, then stopped and looked embarrassed before grabbing her geode and transforming into her magical girl outfit. She took to the air and flew towards the bubbles holding her friends, whilst Flash ran over to the bubble baby. "Hey, bubble butt!" The monster looked down at him, "why don't you mess with somebody your own size!" The monster swung its arms around and unleashed a bunch of bubbles, but Flash quickly launched his flamethrower and destroyed them all.

The monster didn't like this and kept launching bubbles, but they were all popped by Flash's firepower until it had had enough and reached down to grab him. Flash was terrified, but kept his nerve up and launched another fire stream. It struck the hand and made it burst, causing the creature to pull back, but the bubbles reformed and it tried again.

Flash kept this up for another minute, but soon found himself in trouble when the hairspray began to run out. "Uh oh," he gulped as the last of the flames died down. "Knew I should have gone for the four pack." The monster reached for him again, but before it could grab him a light caught its attention.

It looked around and saw the Rainbooms flying towards it, the winged ones pushing one of Rarity's gems forward until they got in close. Once there, they leapt into the air and grabbed hands. Fusing their powers together, they unleashed the rainbow blast that struck the monster and caused it to pop.

It roared as its body was destroyed, causing the little boy to be revealed as his bubble stick broke into a hundred pieces. Flash ran forward and caught the kid as he fell to the ground, whist the Rainbooms floated back down.

When the kid came back around, he was upset at the loss of his toy but seemed to realise he had been messing with something he shouldn't have. Fluttershy and Sunset took him to find his mom, whilst the others gave their thanks to Flash for finding a way to save them and distracting the monster.

"It was really brave of you," Rarity told him. "I don't think I could do something like that if I didn't have my magic." The others agreed, but Flash just shrugged.

"It was nothing. I might not be magically super powered like you girls, but it doesn't mean I can't help when I can."

They all nodded. "Well we're happy you were here to help," Twilight told him. She then tried to walk, but her ankle was still hurting and she hissed.

"How about I help some more and give you a lift home?" Flash asked, Twilight nodding with a smiling before Flash knelt down and allow her to climb onto his back. The girls all watched and smiled as Flash piggybacked Twilight towards his car, the lot wondering if this might be the start of something new for those two. But that all relied on how much courage Flash could muster up.

Being brave in the face of danger was one thing, but finding the courage to ask someone you liked out was a whole over level. But they knew Flash could do it in time. Out of all the non-magical people they knew, none were braver than him.

Author's Note:

Well I hope this little adventure entertained you. This felt more my speed with the whole situation.