> Flashlight Week > by Banshee531 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Fairy Tale > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A long time ago, in a kingdom far far away, there lived a young girl who worked as a librarian. For most of her life, she would spend her days within the library reading the many books that adorned the shelves. She had such a hunger for knowledge, she would constantly read whatever new book she could find. Eventually, the young librarian made friends with other girls that lived in the town. They helped her bring out her more adventurous side, making her realise all the knowledge in the world was useless if it was not used to help those around her. She and her friends went on many adventures together, the young librarian using the vast knowledge she had obtained to save them many a time. Eventually, their exploits caught the attention of the kingdoms ruler. That ruler brought each of the girls to her and gave them each a position in the royal castle that suited them well. One became the captain of the kingdom's pegasus knights, leading them into many a battle and keeping the kingdom safe. Another became the royal animal master, for her amazing ability to communicate with any beast allowed her to help them in any way, shape or form. Another became the kingdom's main agricultural expert, having grown up on a farm and knowing the best ways to grow enough food so the citizens never starved. One became the ruler's personal dress maker, creating masterpieces for that ruler and all the other nobles that needed them. And another became the castle's head chef, creating delicious but also nutritious meals for all those that lived in it. Meanwhile, the young librarian was given the most highest of honours. Not only was she made the castle's librarian, but she was also made the ruler's personal student. The ruler taught her everything she knew and in time, the librarian chose to spread her knowledge by becoming a teacher. For many more years, the librarian lived her life with her friends and went on many more adventures. But over time, each of her friends found someone to spend their lives with and the librarian found she didn't get to spend as much time with them as she liked. She longed for her own special somebody to spend her life with, but nobody seemed interested in a mousy little girl who liked to read instead of spend her time making herself look pretty. Then one day, the librarian was walking through the capital enjoying a new book she had found. She was so distracted that she didn't notice she was stepping out into the road, at least until she found a horse drawn carraige rushing towards her too fast to stop. She thought she was going to die, but at the last moment someone pushed her out of the way. That someone was a man her age, who she soon discovered was a squire training to become a knight of the kingdom. The squire pulled her up to her feet and told her to be more observant of her surroundings, the librarian nodding as the squire picked up her book and handed it back to her. When he saw what it was, he told her it was a good book and he enjoyed reading it as well. This event led to the two meeting almost every day, talking about the different books they had both read. As time went on, the librarian began showing the squire books on ancient and powerful forms of sword combat. The squire used this knowledge and mastered the sword style, allowing him to earn the title of knight. Time passed and the two continued to meet, eventually choosing to officially court one another. But before their love could truly blossom, war broke out. The knight was forced to go to battle, leaving the librarian behind. The war lasted for many years, causing the knight to stay away longer and longer. In that time, the librarian continued to live her simple life. She never courted another, knowing only her knight could ever truly win her heart. But things changed when the ruler chose to make the librarian her heir, the ruler being unable to bare their own child. In the blink of an eye, the librarian was made into a princess and began to learn the many lessons she would need to rule the kingdom. Though the princess was honoured to be entrusted with such a role, she also feared she would be made to marry the prince of the kingdom they were at war with to end that war. And as time passed and the war went on, that possibility slowly became more and more likely. The princess came to realise that this might be for the best, no matter how much she hated it. And as the ruler began to prepare to make negotiations for a wedding, news of a great victory reached their ear. The prince of the warring kingdom had been slain in battle, which caused the opposing side's troops to become uncoordinated. Almost overnight, the war's outcome shifted in the kingdom's favour. The opposing kingdom eventually surrendered, the king having remorse for losing his son in a war he started. Peace came to the kingdom and soon the knights returned, including the one who slayed the prince. The princess was shocked and amazed to discover her knight was the one who defeated her future husband, the knight also becoming shocked to see his love was now a princess. With the war over, the princess was free to choose whoever she wanted to become her husband. And of course, she chose her knight. They were married and years later, both took the throne. They ruled justly for many years, having many children together and bringing about years of peace of prosperity to all those who lived under their rule. "The end," Twilight finished telling her five year old niece. Flurry smiled at the end of the story, loving every moment of it. "Wow," she whispered, "that's such a great story." "It sure is." Twilight turned to the doorway. There the twenty one year old smiled when she saw her boyfriend, who had joined her in babysitting Flurry. "Kinda sounds familiar, at least the first part about the librarian." "I may have taken inspiration from another librarian turned human with a group of friends," Twilight smiled. She turned back to her niece and gave her a kiss on the forehead, Flurry smiling at this. "Now you go to sleep." "Okay," she nodded as Twilight got up. "Aunt Twilight?" She turned back to her, "will I ever get to meet a knight like the one you talked about?" Twilight smiled, "I'm sure you will." With that, the pair left the room and carefully closed the door. They then headed downstairs and sat one the couch, Twilight leaning against her boyfriend. "So if the librarian was meant to be your pony counterpart, who was the knight meant to be?" Twilight smiled at this, "I don't know. Probably someone brave...kind and into books." "Huh," Flash smirked, "I like to think I'm brave. I try to be kind, and I like the right kind of books. Are you trying to ship me with your pony self?" Twilight laughed and moved to sit on Flash's lap. "Not a chance," she told him as she pushed her glasses back up. "You're all mine." The pair began to make out, though they made sure that was as far as it went. Twilight couldn't help but be happy about how her life had turned out. She was practically living her own fairy tale story, with her very own knight in shining armor. > Music > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music had always been something Flash had a deep appreciation for, as it was something his family seemed to possess a keen talent for. His father was a master of the violin, whilst his grandfather had broken many a woman's heart with his saxophone. And now Flash was the latest in the long line of his family who had inherited the magic touch with the instrument. Obviously, he was an expert with the electric guitar, something he had had a great love for since the first time he had stepped into a music store. Ever since he first picked up the guitar, he had spent every spare moment he had learning to play it and how to write music. This had resulted in his meeting his band mates and forming Flash Drive. They were the number one band in the high school. Or at least, they were. Flash was currently sitting outside the school, on the podium that had once held the Wondercolts statue. Strumming away at his guitar, letting the melodies flow. At this point in time, he would normally be in the band room practising with his band. But Ringo had had to cancel due to a dentist appointment and Brawly Beats had already headed home. Flash could have headed home as well, but he was just too used to staying behind and going home early didn't feel right. So he was sitting on the statue, working on a new song. But nothing he came up with felt at all right, The lyrics not fitting with the tune. "Ahhh!" He moaned, slamming his book shut. He decided to heck with it, "I'm going home!" He quickly packed his guitar and book away before heading into the school, needing to get some stuff from his locker. Once he had done that, he headed towards the back exit that led to the parking lot. As he did, he heard something that made him stop. It sounded like a guitar, only it wasn't the normally skilled playing of a guitar he knew off by heart. The chords were all out of tune and there was a good five of six seconds between each one. He knew that kind of playing like the back of his hand. The playing of a complete rookie. Curiosity getting the better of him, Flash followed the sounds and found it was coming from the music room. As he got closer, he heard someone cry out in pain as the music stopped. He rushed towards the door and threw it open, only to see something he never thought he'd see. Twilight Sparkle was sitting on one of the room's chairs, an electric guitar in her hand, frowning as she flexed her fingers. "Ow," she moaned as she looked towards an open laptop on the chair in front of her. "Twilight?" The girl looked up at him in shock, clearly not expecting to be seen here. "What are you doing?" He asked, stepping into the room and dropping his case on the ground. The look on Twilight's face showed she was quite embarrassed by what Flash had found. "Just...practising?" "Practising?" Flash raised an eyebrow, "practising something requires actually knowing how to do something. By the sounds of things, you're at the learning stage." Twilight blushed a little more, still embarrassed as Flash grabbed a nearby chair and sat on it. The pair of them had recently fallen into a stable friendship. Having gone from Twilight not even noticing him, to being awkward around him after learning of his relationship with her pony doppelganger, to becoming friends after she helped him study for some tests and the pair working together in the school's play. But having him discover her in such a state was quite embarrassing. "So what's with all this?" Flash asked as he grabbed the laptop and turned to see it was playing one of those videos that was supposed to teach you how to play guitar. "Didn't think you were interested in learning to play an instrument." "I'm always up for learning something new," Twilight told him. "And why shouldn't I? I'm in a band." "Yeah," Flash nodded, "but you've already got two guitar players in your band. Why would you need a third one?" "Well you never know," Twilight shrugged. "What if Sunset or Rainbow injure their wrists and we can't play because of it. Besides, it's better than what I normally do on stage." Flash thought about this, remembering back to the girl's shows. Twilight usually sang with the others, but when she wasn't she would normally just stand there moving in a rhythmic way. "I get it," Flash nodded. "But are you sure guitar is really for you. You always seemed more like the piano or theremin type." "Well piano isn't exactly an instrument that can be doubled up," Twilight explained. "And do you really expect Rainbow to let me play a theremin." Flash laughed at this, knowing she was right. "Plus, Micro Chips might accuse us of trying to copy him." Again, Flash laughed. "Yeah, Dexafex can be a bit of the jealous type." He then looked down at her hands and saw she was rubbing them together, the teen grabbing them and turning them over. "Oow," he hissed seeing how red and raw they were. "That takes me back." He let them go and went over to his case. "That's one of the dangers of trying to learn guitar. You risk finger burns." "I didn't think it'd be this bad," she rubbed them together. "I mean, It's not like I never use them. I figured all the work I did on my inventions would have made them strong enough to handle it." "Trust me," Flash returned holding some type and a bottle of something. "Nothing can make your fingers strong enough to withstand guitar burns except playing guitar. It's what separates the true masters from the phoneys. Being able to withstand the high physical demand." He held her hands out and squirted the cream in the bottle onto her hands, Twilight flinching at the feel as Flash started rubbing it into her skin. "What is this stuff?" "Special antiseptic," Flash explained. "Helps the skin regenerate and acts to quicken up the forming of calluses." Twilight nodded as Flash let go of her fingers and started wrapping them in the tape. "So why are you trying to learn off the computer. Why not just ask Sunset or Rainbow to teach you." "I wanted it to be a surprise," Twilight explained. "But maybe trying to learn on my own was a mistake." "Yeah, those videos don't work as well as you think." Flash then had an idea, one that made his insides spin at the prospect. "Well...I could teach you." Twilight gave him a surprised look at this. "I mean, I did teach Sunset and she's pretty good." "You taught Sunset?" "How do you think a pony turned human learned to play using her fingers as well as she can." Twilight laughed at this, Flash smiling back. "Though me teaching you might get me in trouble with my band mates." "Why?" "They'd accuse me of trying to help the enemy get better." "Since when have we been enemies?" "Not you, the Rainbooms. Brawly and Ringo are always complaining they stole our thunder when they first formed and won the battle of the bands, though a part of that might just be a side effect of us all being brainwashed. Then you joined and the Rainbooms got even better. And suddenly the Flash Drives weren't the best band in school any more." "Oh," Twilight had never thought of it like that, "I...I'm sorry." "It's fine," Flash told her. "It's not like you guys meant to do it. You just wanted to have fun playing music. That's the same way I like playing. For the music." Twilight nodded. "When I was younger, listening to music would always help me come up with ideas for things I built." Flash nodded back. "Music affects everyone differently. My dad once told me that the right song has the power to end all wars, whilst another one would have the power to start one so great it would destroy everything in its wake. That's why we musicians have a responsibility to try and make the most amazing music we can. Songs that inspire greatness, destroy hate and bloom life into peace." "He sounds like a smart man," Twilight smiled. Flash nodded back as he finished wrapping up her last finger. "So, you interested? I can teach you everything you need to know to become an expert guitar player." "Really? But won't your band mates get mad?" "Let'em. Like I said, I'm in this for the music. If teaching you to play guitar helps strengthen the music industry, I don't see why I shouldn't do it. Besides, I do owe you for all the help you've given me. I'd be failing math class if it weren't for you. So, interested?" Twilight smiled and nodded, "I'd love to have you teach me." "Great," Flash stood up and got his case. "But we should probably give your fingers a few days to heal. Learning to play guitar is a slow and sometimes painful process." Twilight nodded and began to pack the guitar she was using away, then grabbed her things before she and Flash headed out of the room. As they headed for the exit, Flash offering to drive her home, they talked about what music they really liked. As it turned out, they both enjoyed some of the same songs and were interested in hearing some bands the other didn't know about. The power of music was bringing to individuals closer together, helping a friendship blossom that could one day grow into something more. For that was the power of music. > Walk > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight sighed as she and Spike rushed through town on her bike, the pair deciding to spend some time at one of Spike's favourite dog parks. Spike was sitting in the basket and let out several sniffs before smirking. "We're almost there," Spike cheered as Twilight turned the corner and spotted the circle of trees that outlined the entire park. "Oh yeah, this is gonna be great. We haven't gotten to go to this park in ages." Twilight laughed, "I think the last time was a week or so after the Friendship Games." "Yeah," Spike nodded, "right after I learned to talk. Gotta admit, things have sure been a lot more interesting since I learned to do that." Twilight nodded. "I guess something good came out of me messing with Equestrian Magic." "Including becoming friends with Sunset and the others," Spike pointed out as they reached the park. They spotted the gate to the fence that enclosed the place and headed through it, Spike leaping out of the basket the moment Twilight opened it with her magic. Several other dogs were there, Spike rushing towards them so he could start playing. One had a rope toy and as soon as he reached it, Spike grabbed the other end and the pair began a tug of war. Twilight laughed at this and moved over to a nearby bench, where she watched the two dogs play without incident. She stayed like this for several minutes until she heard the gate open again. "Okay bud," she heard a familiar voice say. "Now you play nice." She looked over and spotted Flash Sentry, stepping into the dog park with his boston terrier. The little dog ran off to play with the other dogs, whilst Flash looked around for someplace to sit. When he saw Twilight, he appeared surprised but then smiled. "Hey," she waved at him as he waved back. "Hey," Flash moved over to sit down besides her. "Didn't think you'd be here. Figured this place would be too far from your house." "Spike really loves this place," she explained. "Even before he could talk, he would get extra excited whenever we came here." She then thought about what he said, "wait, you know where I live?" "No, but since you went to Crystal Prep and take a bus to school from the city, it's not hard to figure out you live around there." Twilight nodded, understanding his logic. "So, just plan on staying here all day?" "If we were talking about the old Spike, then I would have brought a book to read since he would happily play here until sunset." Flash laughed at this, "but he'll probably get bored in an hour or two. That's the problem with having a dog with human level intelligence. Keeping him entertained is tricky." "Really, I figured he'd be easier to entertain? Just stick him in front of the TV or give him a video game." "Tried that. He only ever wants to watch reality TV and he has a hard time hitting the right buttons with his paws." Flash laughed again as Spike ran over. "My ears are burning," he told them. "Are you guys talking about me?" The teens smirked at this, making the puppy realise they were. "It better all be complimentary." "Oh," Twilight nodded, "it is." But the smirk on her face told the pup another story. In that moment, Banana ran forward and barked at Flash. The teen reached into his bag and pulled out a toy in the shape of a banana, which he held up and squeezed. The squeaky toy let out the iconic sound and the dog got more excited, his tiny tail shaking with joy before Flash threw the toy into the air. The dog barked and leapt up, grabbing the toy in midair before landing back down. He started running around with it, biting the toy and letting it squeak some more. This drove the other dogs nuts, the lot chasing after him wanting the toy for themselves. "Ah," Spike leaned against Twilight's leg, "I remember when I was so easily distracted. What a-" He stopped when he caught smell of something, "is that a treat?" He turned to Flash's bag and licked his lips, smelling something delicious inside. "Spike," Twilight picked him up, "don't even think about it. Those are Banana's treats, not yours." "Aw man," Spike huffed until Flash took out a bag of doggy biscuits. "Here," he took a bone shaped one out and threw it at the pup. He caught it and stuffed it into his mouth before Twilight could stop him, the girl rolling her eyes and putting him down as he moaned in delight. "Yum." She turned to Twilight, "I wish your boyfriend could be this good with dogs." Before Twilight could reply, he ran off whilst Flash gave her a curious look. "You and Timber doing alright?" "We're doing this," Twilight sighed. "It's just...he's not really a dog person." "Seriously?" Flash asked. "Apparently, he had a bit of a traumatic experience at the camp when he was a kid. Some wolves showed up and cornered him. They might have hurt him if a ranger hadn't shown up and tranked them. It was a one in a million occurrence, but it left a bit of an impact on him. He's not scared of dogs, but he's not comfortable around them either." "Yikes," Flash frowned, "poor guy. Not being able to enjoy spending time with one of the best kind of pets in the world, all because of a freak accident that happened. I feel sorry for him." Twilight nodded. "I'm sure he'll get over it given time. At the very least I'm sure he'll grow to be comfortable around Spike." Flash wanted to ask her what she would do if he didn't, but didn't want to upset her. He knew how much Twilight loved Spike and her relationship with Timber was getting pretty serious. He didn't want to make her worry about the chance of having to chose one over the other. They watched as Spike and Banana ran around one another in a circle, both laughing as they did so. Then Banana did something Flash had never seen him do before. Drop his banana toy so Spike could pick it up, not growling at all when he did so. The dogs squeaked the toy, Spike putting it on the ground and stepping on it to do so. Banana then did the same and the pair continued doing this one after the other. Flash and Twilight couldn't help but smile at how well the pair were playing together, but with each passing minute Twilight could tell Spike was starting to get bored. "We should probably head off and do something else soon." "I know of a really great foot path we can walk down," Flash told her. "Banana loves it and I'm sure Spike will too. Lots of grass around it for them to run through, plenty of squirrels for them to chase and, since it hasn't rained in the last few days, no mud for them to make a mess of themselves in." "Sounds perfect," Twilight smiled. Flash nodded and whistled, Banana grabbing his toy and running over to him. As he did, Flash took out a large bottle of water and a strange rubber disk. He flicked the disk and it suddenly morphed into a rubber bowl, which he placed on the floor and filled with water. Banana happily lapped away at it, allowing Flash to clean his toy and put it away as Spike ran over to Twilight. Twilight took out a thermos and filled the lid with water, giving it to Spike so he could drink it the way a normal person would. "You know," Flash started. "Despite all the insanity I've seen since magic made itself known, I don't think seeing a dog acting so human will ever not be the weirdest thing imaginable." Spike smirked at this as he gave Twilight back the cup. Twilight putting the thermos back in her bag before the four of them began their trek out of the park and towards the walk way Flash had mentioned. The two would spend the next several hours just walking, talking, letting their pets have fun, and agreeing to make it a regular occurrences whenever they can. Neither of them thought to also invite their other dog owning friends, both subconsciously wanting this to be something shared between just them. It was amazing how much fun two people could have, going for a walk with their dogs. But when it's the right person, anyone can have fun doing anything. Even just going for a walk. > Brave > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flash hated sitting on the sidelines. He hated having to run whenever something dangerous occurred. And he hated not being able to help when his friends needed him. As such, he hated this moment with a burning passion. Somehow, a kid had gotten hold of a bubble blower stick that had been invested with magic. This meant that whenever the kid created a bubble, it would grow larger and larger until it touched something. When it did, the bubble would surround the object and then lift it into the air. Flash had been walking through the park when he saw this and knew instantly that it was Equestrian Magic, so of course he called Sunset and told her about it. She and the rest of the Rainbooms had rushed over and attempted to get the bubble stick away from the kid. Rainbow had been the first, simply running towards the kid planning to snatch the toy away from him. But doing so caused her to run head first into a newly formed bubble, trapping her. The others had tried talking to the kid, telling him it was very dangerous, but the seven year old didn't listen and just thought they were trying to take his new favourite toy. This caused the kid to throw a tantrum, swinging his stick around and creating a bunch of bubbles. And one by one, the girls were captured within them. First Sunset, then Fluttershy, Applejack and Rarity. Pinkie and Twilight's magic allowed them some way to fight back, with Pinkie throwing exploding confectionery that burst the bubbles whilst Twilight threw anything her magic could move to hit the bubbles instead. Alas, when she tried to use her magic to pull the stick to her it didn't work. Eventually, Pinkie ran out of sweets and a bubble grabbed her before Twilight could save her. The pink girl screamed as she was lifted into the air with the others, the bubbles blocking them from using their magic. As soon as Pinkie was grabbed, the stick began to glow as the magic surged. "Drop it!" Twilight begged the boy, but he was to enthralled by it to do so. The magic consumed him and in a flash, he was transformed into a giant bubble person. It reminded Flash of the final boss of that Ghoulbusters movie, only made of soap suds instead of marshmallow. It was roughly three stories tall and let out a childish laugh as it swung its arms around and unleashed multiple bubbles. Twilight screamed as she tried to run for it, as multiple bubbles flew towards her. But she tripped and let out a pained scream as she did so, the bubbles getting closer and closer to her. But seconds before one could hit her, someone suddenly flew in and tackled her. They rolled the pair of them away from the bubbles, Twilight crying out in surprise as she looked up at her saviour. "Flash?" "We gotta get out of here!" He pulled her up, but Twilight cried out when she put pressure on her foot. "I don't think I can run," she told him. "Go on without-WOW!" She suddenly found herself being lifted up bridal style before Flash began to run with her in her arms, Twilight unsure why she was suddenly blushing. Flash ran rather fast given the extra weight, the teen quickly outrunning the bubbles and escaping through the trees and out of the park onto the main street. "We should be safe here for a bit," Flash put her down on a bench. "Those bubbles don't move real fast." But as he said that, the bubble monster began to walk through the park and headed for main street. "We gotta get the others free so you can take that thing down." "Yeah," Twilight nodded, "but I can't run. How am I supposed to save them on my own like this?" Flash knelt down and started looking over her ankle, checking to make sure it wasn't seriously hurt. As he did, Twilight thought back to what had just happened. "Flash," he kept his focus on her foot, "what you just did-" "I know," he told her. "It was stupid. It was reckless. I should have just run away and let you girls deal with it so I didn't get in the way." "No," Twilight told her, "I was gonna say what you just did was really brave." Flash looked up at her in surprise, "and I'm glad you didn't run away. If you had, I'd be stuck in that bubble too. If getting out was easy, the girls would have done it by now. So thank you." Flash smiled at this, feeling a little embarrassed but shaking it off and focusing back on her foot. "I don't think it's anything worst than a twist. You should be fine with a little rest." "That's good," Twilight nodded. "But it doesn't help us save the others. How the heck are we supposed to stop those bubbles when they suck up anything that touches them?" "Yeah," Flash sighed before suddenly getting an idea. "Wait, maybe that'll work." "What?" Twilight asked, only for Flash to stand up and look around. When he spotted a nearby store, he ran off. "Flash!" She tried to get up, but stick couldn't walk. And in that moment, several bubbles began to float towards her. "Oh no." She started throwing whatever her magic could grab, throwing them into the bubbles as they floated towards her. But there were more bubbles then things she could throw. And as one got closer, she began to sweat. "FLASH!" "Duck!" She heard, quickly obeying and kneeling down. Seconds later, a stream of fire shot above her and struck the bubble. Instead of absorbing the flames, the bubble popped without problem. Twilight glanced back and spotted Flash holding a lighter and a can of hairspray, the teen using them to make a homemade flamethrower that he started firing at the other bubbles. One by one, they all popped and the pair were now bubble free. "Flash," Twilight smiled, "you're a genius. The bubbles might be magic, but they're still made of water and soap. Heat them up enough to evaporate the water and they vanish." "Exactly," Flash told her before throwing another can and lighter at her. "Here's the plan. I'll distract Pop and Fresh while you rescue the others, then you can blast it with your rainbow laser." "How?" Twilight asked, "I can't walk." "But don't you have wings?" Twilight was about to reply, then stopped and looked embarrassed before grabbing her geode and transforming into her magical girl outfit. She took to the air and flew towards the bubbles holding her friends, whilst Flash ran over to the bubble baby. "Hey, bubble butt!" The monster looked down at him, "why don't you mess with somebody your own size!" The monster swung its arms around and unleashed a bunch of bubbles, but Flash quickly launched his flamethrower and destroyed them all. The monster didn't like this and kept launching bubbles, but they were all popped by Flash's firepower until it had had enough and reached down to grab him. Flash was terrified, but kept his nerve up and launched another fire stream. It struck the hand and made it burst, causing the creature to pull back, but the bubbles reformed and it tried again. Flash kept this up for another minute, but soon found himself in trouble when the hairspray began to run out. "Uh oh," he gulped as the last of the flames died down. "Knew I should have gone for the four pack." The monster reached for him again, but before it could grab him a light caught its attention. It looked around and saw the Rainbooms flying towards it, the winged ones pushing one of Rarity's gems forward until they got in close. Once there, they leapt into the air and grabbed hands. Fusing their powers together, they unleashed the rainbow blast that struck the monster and caused it to pop. It roared as its body was destroyed, causing the little boy to be revealed as his bubble stick broke into a hundred pieces. Flash ran forward and caught the kid as he fell to the ground, whist the Rainbooms floated back down. When the kid came back around, he was upset at the loss of his toy but seemed to realise he had been messing with something he shouldn't have. Fluttershy and Sunset took him to find his mom, whilst the others gave their thanks to Flash for finding a way to save them and distracting the monster. "It was really brave of you," Rarity told him. "I don't think I could do something like that if I didn't have my magic." The others agreed, but Flash just shrugged. "It was nothing. I might not be magically super powered like you girls, but it doesn't mean I can't help when I can." They all nodded. "Well we're happy you were here to help," Twilight told him. She then tried to walk, but her ankle was still hurting and she hissed. "How about I help some more and give you a lift home?" Flash asked, Twilight nodding with a smiling before Flash knelt down and allow her to climb onto his back. The girls all watched and smiled as Flash piggybacked Twilight towards his car, the lot wondering if this might be the start of something new for those two. But that all relied on how much courage Flash could muster up. Being brave in the face of danger was one thing, but finding the courage to ask someone you liked out was a whole over level. But they knew Flash could do it in time. Out of all the non-magical people they knew, none were braver than him. > Eyes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flash slurped up the milkshake he had ordered as he started across the dinner table at his girlfriend, Twilight being busy working on the homework they had come to do together. But Flash didn't seem at all focused on the math he was supposed to complete, instead simply staring at Twilight constantly. The bespectacled girl finally seemed to notice the stare and looked up from her work, locking eyes with Flash and appearing confused. "What?" "Just...wondering," was all he said before sucking up more milkshake. "Wondering what?" Twilight closed her text book, now more interested in what Flash was thinking about. Flash finished the last of his drink and sat back. "You wear glasses." Twilight laughed, "I thought you figured that out the day we met." Flash rolled his eyes at this and Twilight kept giggling. "I mean, you wear glasses but the other Twilight doesn't." Twilight stopped laughing instantly. The fact her boyfriend had dated an alternate version of her had never really been an issue between the pair, though the subject had never really come up. "I'm just wondering why?" Twilight had to admit, that was a good question. Why did her pony self not require glasses? "Maybe Equestria has a spell that allows ponies to fix eyesight problems." "Huh," Flash thought about this, "that could be it." He then started laughing, "that must mean that all the pony versions of everyone we know who wear glasses don't in Equestria. Can you imagine Micro Chips without his glasses?" Now it was Twilight's turn to laugh, though not as loudly as Flash had. The teen stopped laughing and looked at his drink, "I'm gonna get another milkshake. You want one?" Twilight shook her head and Flash walked over to the counter, whilst she returned to her homework. But unfortunately, she just couldn't focus on the work any more. Her thoughts remained on Flash's sudden interest in her need for glasses and her doppelganger's lack of need. Something must have made him wonder that. Had Flash been staring at her eyes before? Had he noticed something about her pony self that he liked better? Maybe he thought her eyes didn't look as good, because they were hidden behind the glasses. Twilight suddenly got a very bad feeling in her stomach. If Flash liked her other self's eyes better because she didn't wear glasses, that could be an issue. One she needed to try and fix. The next day. As Flash arrived at school, he headed for his locker and smiled as he realised he had quite a few classes with Twilight that day. He didn't intend to talk to her through them, but being seated next to one another was always a plus in his book. But as Flash reached his locker and put the books he needed away, he was suddenly alarmed to hear Twilight's voice call out in surprise and spun around to see she had tripped over something as she walked down the hallway. "Sorry," she told the person who owned the tripping hazard as she picked herself up. She then walked forward and Flash noticed there was something a little off about her. She was walking rather slow and nervously, whilst squishing her face up. Then he realised why she was likely doing that. She didn't have her glasses on. She stepped forward as somebody opened their locker, the girl's lack of facial wear stopping her from realising she was about to walk into it. Flash quickly ran forward and pulled her out of the way before she could break her nose, making her cry out as she did so. "Flash?" She asked, trying to get a better look at him. "Is that you?" "Yeah," he nodded as he pulled her over to his locker. "What's going on? Where are your glasses?" "In my bag," she told him. "I thought I'd try something a little different, so I put in my contact lenses." "Okay?" Flash asked a little weirded out. "But clearly you can't see properly with them." "I just need to get used to them," Twilight explained as she tried to make her way towards her own locker. But in doing so she bumped into Lyra and almost knocked them both over. "Sorry." Flash watched this insanity, wondering what the heck had gotten into his girlfriend. The rest of the day was rather a strange experience for Twilight's friends, as her lack of proper sight made things rather difficult. In class, she couldn't answer the question given to her because the math questions on the board looked like something you would see on an old Celtic relics. At lunch she tried to use a knife and folk to cut up soup and in science, she caused quite a commotion when she almost poured two very volatile liquids together. "That's it!" Flash cried when Twilight almost walked into the boy's bathroom, grabbing her by the arm and pulling her into an empty classroom. "Glasses." "I'm fine," Twilight told him. "It's just gonna take a little while for me to get used to the contacts." "Face it Twilight, you can't see. It's a miracle you even made it to school this morning." "Actually," Twilight rubbed her arm, "I didn't put my contacts in until I got here." Flash raised an eyebrow at this, wondering why she would wait until then to put them in if she was trying a new look. The only reason she would wait until getting to school was if she was trying to impress someone there. But who would she... "Twilight," he looked at him, "did you take off your glasses to try and impress me?" Twilight's face turned bright red, Flash knowing for sure now that's exactly what she did. "Why?" "I didn't want you to like her better than me," she looked ready to start crying. "What?" "The other me. I know you think she's prettier than me and it's because she doesn't have to wear ugly glasses." Now Flash was really confused, "that question you asked yesterday. About why she doesn't need glasses. Made it pretty clear you're not happy about me wearing them and would prefer I looked more like her." Flash's eyes went wide at this and he let out a moan, "stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" With each cry of that, he smacked his head. "Twilight, I don't like the way your other self looks better." "Yeah right," Twilight crossed her arms. "Then why did you wonder why she doesn't need glasses?" Flash thought about that and quickly got an answer, a smile forming on his lips. "Because I like your glasses," he told her. Now it was Twilight's turn to look confused. "Twilight, do you know what I think your best feature is?" Twilight looked herself over, or as best as she could with her current sight level. She then looked up at him. "My legs?" "Your eyes," Flash told her. "Your eyes are the most beautiful thing I can think of." Twilight blushed once again, "that's why I like your glasses. They're not ruining your face. They make your eyes easier to see. They don't just bring what you see through them into focus, they also make what I see through them bigger and clearer. And your eyes are the best thing I could think of to look at." He took her hands in his. "That's why I wondered why your other self didn't need them. I was staring into your eyes, thinking they looked way better than the pony you's and realised it was your glasses that made them look better." Twilight's face was as red as Sunset's hair, the girl looking down for a moment before her eyes slowly shifted up to look at his blurry face. "You really mean it?" Flash nodded and reached over to her bag, opening it up as the girl removed the contacts lenses from her eyes. Everything went even more blurry and all Twilight could do was wait. Finally, she saw the blurry image of her boyfriend hold up her glasses and slowly place them over her eyes. She blinked for a second to let them adjust, but finally everything came into focus and she was greeted to Flash's smiling face. "There," he told her, "the return of those two beautiful eyes." Twilight blushed again as Flash leaned forward and kissed her, Twilight kissing him back. The pair did this for almost a minute before pulling away, Flash looking into her eyes once again. "I'm sorry I made you think you had to change yourself." "It's okay," she told him. "I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions." Flash nodded as Twilight looked sheepish again. "But honestly, is there anything about me you think my other self looks better as." Flash sighed. "Honestly, I think you both look beautiful. I can't deny that." Twilight frowned, "but you look more beautiful than she does. My other self might think the opposite is true, but this version of me will always believe you are the most beautiful Twilight Sparkle in this or any other world. And the most beautiful thing about you, your eyes, are perfectly framed by your glasses." Twilight smiled and kissed him again, the two being happy to just spend the reminder of the day kissing in that classroom. But the warning bell made them remember they still had classes and the two walked out of the room hand in hand, Flash glancing at her and focusing on Twilight eyes. The most amazing eyes in the entire world in his opinion. And nobody would ever make him think otherwise. > Stars > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flash had always had a mild fascination with astrology. He could name most of the constellations and all the planets in the solar system, but that was where his knowledge fell. But that all changed when he started dating Twilight, who had enough knowledge about the stars to fill three entire books and a small pamphlet. In fairity, she had that same amount of knowledge about pretty much everything, but astronomy seemed to be one of her favourite subjects. When Flash learned about this, he of course decided he needed to capitalise on it. So there they were, on a date that involved sitting on the hood of his car a few miles outside the city to look up at the stars. Without the bright city lights polluting the sky, they were being treated to a large verity of stars and constellations. Currently, Twilight was telling him about an ancient story from the Greek days about the figure behind the constellation of Orion. "She then ran to her father, the king, who was so upset with Orion he blinded him with his power. Orion was in great pain and wandered around for a while until he ran into the god Hephaestus. Hephaestus then gave him a servant that acted as his eyes, allowing Orion to travel east until he meets the sun god, Helios. Helios heals his eyes and allows Orion to run back to have his vengeance on the king, but the king took that time to build an underground shelter and Orion is unable to find him so he wanders off." "Huh," Flash was impressed by this story. "That's one wacky tale. How do the ancient Greeks come up with this stuff." "Actually, a lot of people believe the tale is meant to explain the constellations journey throughout the year. He starts in Chios, which is due east of mainland Greece, explaining when he rises above the eastern horizon. He then moves over to chase a star that's meant to symbolise the princess he was chasing before he was blinded, leading to him sinking below the western horizon." "Is that meant to represent his meeting with Hephaestus?" Flash asked. "Yup, his forges are said to be located in mount Etna. That's due west of mainland Greece. With his new servant, he travels under the earth before meeting Helios in the west where the sun rises. With his sight restored, he rises in the east again to chase the princess and the king and the whole cycle starts over." "Wow," Flash smirked, "that's pretty amazing." "I know," Twilight nodded. "That's why I love stars. I know they're just balls of gas that are constantly burning, but they all have so much history and mythology behind them. I could spend my entire life reading the many tales made up about them. They're amazing." "Yeah," Flash nodded. "And to think, each of those stars has at least one planet circling it. And who knows what life forms could be living on any of them." Twilight giggled, "I never took you for a believer of aliens." "I've learned to be very open minded over the last few years," Flash told her. "I never believed in alternative dimensions either, but look where that go me." Twilight saw the point of that, looking back up at the sky and all the stars above them. "It's hard to believe, isn't it. Most of those stars have existed since the dawn of time. They burned back when humans were nothing more then one celled organisms and they'll probably keep burning long after we go extinct or evolve into something else entirely. They may even keep burning until the end of time itself." "Yeah," Flash nodded, "the ultimate survivors." He thought about that for a moment and smiled as an idea formed in his head, the teen knowing he would look like an idiot doing it but decided to anyway. "What are you doing?" Twilight asked when Flash got up off the car hood and stood on the grass of the clearing they were in. "I'm gonna do something that might look idiotic, but I don't care." Twilight raised an eyebrow at this, "most people carve their initials into a tree to signify their relationship. And yeah, trees live for a long time as long as they're not knocked down by something. But you just said that the stars last a lot longer." "Your point?" Twilight asked before Flash took a deep breath and looked up at the sky. "HEY! STARS! I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME!" Twilight couldn't believe what she was hearing. "I NEED YOU TO LISTEN AND REMEMBER SOMETHING IMPORTANT! DON'T FORGET IT. NOT UNTIL THE DAY YOU BURN OUT. REMEMBER THAT FLASH SENTRY LOVES TWILIGHT SPARKLE AND WILL ALWAYS LOVE HER UNTIL THE END OF TIME! REMEMBER THAT ALWAYS!" Finally over, Flash began to pant from the large amount of oxygen that required. He then looked up at Twilight, who was still shocked by what had just happened. "There, I just carved our initials into the stars themselves." Twilight stared at him, then smiled as she got up off the car and moved over to hug him. "You are such a goof." Flash smiled back and hugged her tightly. They stayed like that for a minute or so before Twilight pulled away. Flash wondered what she was doing until she took took a deep breath. "STARS! REMEMBER THIS TOO! TWILIGHT SPARKLE LOVES FLASH SENTRY AND ALWAYS WILL!" Flash laughed at this and the pair moved closer to kiss, doing so for a good while under the light of the stars. They may have had their share of troubles, but those two would always be bonded through the vows they made to the stars themselves. And those stars would remember. They would carry the message of the two lovers throughout the universe. Maybe even forming a new constellation in the shape of them embracing. The stars would always remember the declaration, until the end of time. > Family > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flash was no stranger to fear. After all the crazy magical stuff he had endured, how could he not be used to fear. But nothing, not a crazed ex-girlfriend turned she-demon, killer plants, or another verity of dangerous plants, had ever terrified him more then what he was about to do right now. Meeting Twilight's family. He had been dating the amazing magical girl for a little under a month, been on three dates with her and had gotten passed hand holding to the point every kiss they enjoyed lasted more then three mississippis. Twilight had determined this relationship was gonna last a while, so had decided that they needed to meet each other's families. So there he was, dressed up nice as he drove down the street towards his girlfriend's house for dinner. It took every ounce of courage not to put the car into reverse and drive away. But he had to do this, for Twilight. So when he reached the address Twilight had given him, he parked up and took a deep breath before getting the bottle of wine his folks had gotten for him to use as a peace offering. "Here goes nothing," he sighed before getting out of the car and heading for the front door. He didn't reach it, however, as it flew open with a well dressed Twilight standing in the doorway with a smile on her face. "Hey," she beamed as Flash reached her. "Hey." He looked behind her and saw nobody else was there, so took the opportunity to kiss her. Twilight happily accepted and after a few seconds, tried to sneak a little tongue. But Flash pulled back and did another check around, seeing they were still alone in the hallway. "My dad's not gonna appear out of the walls and kill you for kissing me," Twilight told him. "It's your brother I'm more worried about." Twilight laughed at this and pulled him by the hand into her house, leading them down the hallway towards the dinning room. When they arrived, they were greeted to the sight of Twilight's family. Night Light was setting the table with Cadance, who was also trying to keep her daughter Flurry to stop squirming in her highchair. They both looked up and smiled, Cadance walking over to them. "Hello Flash," Flash went for a handshake but Cadance pulled him into a hug. When she pulled away, Night Light stepped over and offered his hand. Flash gladly shook it. "It's nice to finally meet you my boy. Twilight was so desperate to keep you from us that we were starting to wonder if you were made up." Flash laughed at this as Twilight blushed. "Anyway, welcome to our home." "Thank you sir," Flash nodded before offering the wine. "A gift from my parents." Night took it and seemed impressed by the label. "This is good stuff. It's certainly going to make this evening a lot more fun." As he said that, two more people stepped into the room. One was Twilight Velvet, the woman smiling when she saw Flash. The other was Shining Armor, who looked Flash over with a gaze of wariness. "Flash," Velvet rushed over to him, "it's so nice to finally meet you." She gave him a hug and then a kiss on the cheek. "I hope you're hungry. Chicken is okay with you, right." Flash nodded nervously, still feeling like a sheep who had wandered into a den of wolves. "Well sit down. Dinner's just about ready." Flash did so, sitting at one end of the table as Night Light sat on the other end with Shining to his left. The girls all headed into the kitchen and returned a moment later, Twilight using her magic to float several hot dishes towards the table as Velvet and Cadance carried the cooler ones. Once the food was all down, Twilight sat to Flash's left with Cadance to his right and Velvet between Twilight and Night. "Well," Velvet told the table, "dig in." They didn't wait a second longer and all started grabbing food and placing it onto their plates, Flash being careful not to look too eager and waiting for the others to finish getting theirs before he filled his plate. "So tell us Flash," Night Light told him. "What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?" "I play music," Flash explained. "Guitar mostly, but I can play a little violin and saxophone." "That sounds amazing," Velvet told him. "Do you play in a band?" Flash nodded as he swallowed a piece of potato. "My friends and I are in a rock band, the Flash Drives." "Sounds fun," Cadance nodded. "Do you plan to try and make a career out of it?" "I'd like to, but my parents told me it's not a good idea to put all your eggs in one basket. So I'm studying to be a police officer as well, whilst working with the band on the side." "Smart move," Night nodded. "Shining's a police officer. Maybe he can give you a few tips." Flash and Shining locked eyes for a moment and quickly looked away. "Don't mind him. He's just a little upset his little sister is outshining him in introducing her significant other." "Dad!" Shining cried as Cadance blushed, making Flash wonder what was going on. "Do I wanna know?" He asked Twilight, who looked like she wanted to do anything except explain. Velvet let out a chuckle as she finished off a piece of chicken. "Cadance has been Twilight's babysitter for a long time, but she and Shining never seemed to get passed the friend stage until they were in college. Night and I went up to visit him and when we arrived at his dorm, we walked in to find him and Cadance on the bed. And Cadance's hand was...busy." Shining and Cadance looked ready to leap out of the nearest window, whilst Flash realised what she meant by that. "Oh," Flash looked away, "I see." "Yes," Velvet nodded. "Not exactly how I wanted to find out those two were dating." Shining and Cadance were both looking down at their plates, Flash understanding why it was such a humiliating subject for them. He prayed something would change the subject. Luckily, Flurry Heart threw her spoon into the air across the table. It would have hit the floor, but Flash's reflexes kicked in and he was able to catch it. "Wow," Night whistled, "nice moves." Flash thanked him as he handed the baby her spoon. Flurry laughed, appearing to like him. This got the conversation off of the previous subject and back to a less embarrassing one. They enjoyed the well cooked meal and even the delicious trifle desert. By the end of it, Flash felt ten pounds heavier. "Ahh," Twilight sighed as they both sat on the couch to let their dinner settle. "That seemed to go well. For the most part." Flash nodded, "I think your parents like me." "Yup," Twilight nodded, "sorry I didn't introduce you all sooner. I just...wanted to make sure things between us worked out. I didn't want a repeat of last time." "Last time?" "With Timber." Flash sighed. Her previous relationship with Timber Spruce wasn't one they liked to talk about. "I thought he was gonna be the one, but..." Flash understood. Twilight had caught Timber chatting up another girl her age, which had instantly soured their relationship. "I asked him to meet my family after our first date." "Did it go well?" Twilight shook her head. "He spent the entire evening trying to flirt with Cadance, then laughed when he heard the story my mom told you. He and Shining got into an argument about something and it probably would've come to blows if Cadance and I hadn't intervened. I figured all that was normal, since I'd never had a boyfriend before." "Trust me Twilight," Flash told her. "That is not how you're supposed to make a first impression with your family." Twilight nodded, knowing that now. "But I think you made a good impression. At least you didn't make my brother want to hit you." "The night's still young," Shining's voice called out as he entered the living room. He sat in a love seat and stared at the two, seeing Twilight snuggled up next to him. A minute or so later, Velvet called Twilight to help with the dishes. She left, leaving the two alone. "So," Shining told him, "you really like my sister?" Flash nodded, knowing this was a test. "What do you like specifically?" "A lot of things," Flash explained. "I like how knowledge hungry she is. I like how she loves to help people. And I like the sound she makes when she laughs." "Is that it?" "There are other reasons, but they're to numerous to count." "I see," Shining continued to stare him down. "I hope you know how important your relationship is to Twilight." Flash raised an eyebrow at this. "After what happened with the last guy, it's a miracle she agreed to start dating so soon." Flash wouldn't call three months soon. "But if you do something to hurt her like he did, she might never recover. She might swear off love all together. So if she's just some kind of conquest to you, you'd better break if off now. Understand." Flash had been expecting the protective big brother act, but he understood why Shining was doing this. "I understand. And you don't have to worry. I have no intention of doing anything that might hurt her. And if I ever end up doing so, feel free to hit me in the face as hard as you can." Shining smirked at this, "I'll hold you to that. Just know, I take my family's happiness very seriously. If anyone even thinks of doing something that might hurt them, they have to answer to me. But if you play your cards right, one day I might just consider you family." Flash smirked, "got it." As he said that, Twilight and the others returned. Cadance had put Flurry to bed, so they could all sit around and talk about whatever they wanted. They talked, laughed and even sang a few songs together. It was an amazing night. Flash could see the close bond this family had and he hoped one day, he could be seen as a part of it. "This was fun," Twilight told him at the end of the night when they walked to his car. "Yeah," Flash nodded, "it was." He turned to her, "but now you're gonna have to come have dinner with my family." Twilight smiled at this. "I look forward to it." She leaned forward and kissed him, Flash happily kissing her back despite knowing her parents and brother were watching. They kissed for a good few minutes before Flash pulled back and got in his car. He waved at her and her family before driving off, happy with how the evening had gone. Twilight's family was definitely a special one and Flash hoped that one day, he would get to been seen as part of that family. > Confession > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight wasn't sure when it happened, but she had started having strange feeling for her friend Flash Sentry. It just happened to her. One day she saw Flash as a friend who she had grown quite close to over the last few weeks, the next she suddenly felt her heart start racing whenever she saw him. She wasn't sure why she was suddenly interested in Flash so much, since she hadn't really given him much thought when she first met him. Heck, he thought she was his different dimensional ex-girlfriend. The pair had grown rather awkward when they learned who the other was, which lasted for a few weeks until Pinkie pushed them together so that she could help Flash pass a math test. Over time they learned more about one another, discovering that some of the few books Flash read were some of her favourites. Flash had helped her learn to play the guitar and had been an amazing teacher. But now she was feeling these odd feelings, which she had only felt once when she first met Timber and started liking him. But this time those feelings were stronger. She couldn't help but be confused about them, forcing her to go to her friends for advice. To say they were surprised by this was an understatement. But after the initial shock wore off, they were all happy since they believed Flash was a great person to have feelings for. "But why am I feeling this?" She had asked, "Flash is great but why am I suddenly feeling something for him? At least with Timber I knew why I liked him that way." This statement caused a giggle to escape Rarity's lips, the fashionista telling her something that made Twilight's heart stop. "There's an old saying. When you know why you like somebody, it's a crush. When you don't know why you like somebody...it's love." That had certainly thrown Twilight for a loop. Now there she was, sitting in the diner with the boy that was causing all these strange emotions within her as they studied for a big test. "Then I carry the two like you showed me, completing the equation and giving me...twenty two hundred and fifteen." He looked up at Twilight, expecting her to tell him if he was right or wrong. But Twilight just sat there, looking at him with a far away expression. "Twilight?" He snapped his fingers in front of her, making her blink as she came back to earth. "What?" "Are you okay? You were miles away." "I'm fine," she assured him a little quicker then would have been normal. "Just...got a lot on my mind right now." "Oh," Flash nodded, "that's fine. If you want, we can end the session here. I should be able to get a passing mark with what you showed me." Twilight hated ending sessions short, but she didn't think she would be of much use with her mind a jumbled mess at the moment. "Yeah," she nodded, "that sounds good." They put their things away and headed for the door. But when they stepped outside, a rumbling from above made them look up and see dark clouds forming above them. "Seriously. The weatherman said it was gonna be clear skies all day today." "When is the weatherman ever right," Flash frowned. "When's the next bus home?" Twilight checked her phone. "Not for another hour." "Alright," Flash gestured for her to follow, "come on." He took out his car keys and unlocked his car, whilst Twilight remained where she was in confusion. "You think I'm gonna leave you standing in the rain for an hour? Forget it. Come on, I'll drop you off at your place." Twilight's heart fluttered at this, "are you sure? I don't wanna waste your time." "I wouldn't have anything else to do," Flash told her. "It's fine. Don't worry about it. Now get in before it starts raining." He got in and Twilight stayed where she was, not totally sure she could handle being in a confined space with him. Her hesitation vanished when a drop of rain hit the back of her neck and rolled down her spine, making her spasm and run for the car. She got in as more rain came crashing down, Flash pulling out and starting to make his way through the town as the heavens opened up and began pouring it down. "Wow," Twilight whispered, "it's really coming down." "I think I remember hearing a storm was supposed to hit Trottingham today. It's possible the wind changed and pushed that onto us instead." Twilight nodded, whilst thinking about what Flash had just said. Timber would have never tried to theorise why the rain would be there. He'd just chalk it up to bad luck instead of actually questioning it, like she would. The pair sat in silence for a few minutes until a particularly catching sound came on the radio. The pair hummed it for a moment, then when the main chorus came on their sung it out loud in unison. When they did, they looked at one another before bursting out laughing and started singing the entire song together. Twilight couldn't help but feel so happy at that moment. They were just sitting there, in the rain, listening to music, but she wouldn't trade being there for any other activity she could think of. That thought made her realise, she had to tell Flash. It was the only way to stop feeling so weird around him. "Flash?" "Yeah?" "Do you remember when we first met?" "You mean how you ran into me, knocking me to the floor?" "You ran into me. But that's besides the point. After that, when you realised I wasn't the same Twilight you knew. What were your feelings for me?" Flash sighed. "I'll admit, I was kinda projecting the other Twilight onto you. I'm sorry about that. But I'm over that now. I know you're not that Twilight and any feelings I think I have for you, I just ignore." Twilight frowned, "so you do have feelings for me." Now Flash frowned, the teen staying quiet as they turned into Twilight's neighbourhood. "I can't help it," he finally told her. "I don't know why I can't stop myself from feeling these things for you. And honestly, I don't even know if it's because of the other you or not. I mean...I barely know her. And I know you a lot more. So...it's just confusing. I'm really sorry if this makes you uncomfortable." "No," Twilight shook her head, "It's not that. It's just...I've been having these feelings for you." Flash looked at her in shock. "I don't know when it started. They just...showed up." She looked at him, "I really like you Flash. Even more then I liked Timber. I can't figure out why...but maybe that's a good thing." "How is you not knowing why you like me a good thing?" "Cause it makes you interesting. It's like a puzzle. And I love puzzles." Flash chuckled at this, nodding as they arrived at Twilight's street. "So what do we do know?" He asked. "You like me and don't know why. I like you but don't know if it's you or someone else I like. So what do we do?" "I guess...we need to test out how well we go together." "You mean date?" "Yeah," Twilight nodded, "date. Or, at least go on one date." "I like the sound of that," Flash nodded as they arrived at Twilight's house. Pulling up in front of it, they saw no other cars. Twilight's parents and brother were likely out, meaning Twilight would need to unlock the door. "Great," she sighed, "even after you drove me here I'm still gonna get soaked before I open the door." But then Flash reached behind her seat and pulled something out from the back. An umbrella. "Where'd you get that?" "Always keep on in here, just in case." He opened his door and expanded the umbrella, allowing him to get out of the car without getting wet before running over to her side. Opening her door, he offered her a hand and she gladly took it before the pair rushed for the front door. They couldn't stop laughing as they did so, Twilight opening the door as quickly as she could. When it was finally opened, she stepped inside and turned to Flash. "Thanks...for everything." "No problem," he told her. "I'll talk to you later, when I've come up with an idea for our date." Twilight smiled at this and before she knew what she was doing, she leaned it and kissed him on the lips. Flash was surprised by this, but didn't stop or even care that he had lowered the umbrella enough for the rain to soak him. Twilight finally pulled away and blushed, whilst Flash stood there in a daze for a second. When he recovered, he began to step backwards and waved at Twilight as he returned to his car. Twilight waved back and watched from the doorway until Flash finally drove away. She then closed the door and when she did, she let out a super loud squeal. She had done it. She had confessed her feelings and it felt great. If only she knew how amazing that one brief moment of courage would make the rest of her life. But she would soon find out and enjoy every moment of it.