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The moon has risen up. Twilight feels so happy when she manages to get her friend back to normal. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie quickly hug her to say 'thank you.' Twilight quickly comes back to the library as she knows how to fix the spell. She sees Amelia is reading the spell book on the sofa.

Twilight quickly takes that book. "Hey! This is not a toy for you, Amelia."

"It's just a spell book." Amelia retorts. "I'm just curious why it is not completed."

"Because Starwirl is busy and he forgot to complete the spell."

Amelia smiles. "Then show me how you finish it. By the way, nice accessory you all have there."

Twilight grumbles and she takes the feather pen. The purple unicorn starts writing. "From all of us together, together we are friends. With the mark of our destinies, there are magic without end."

Twilight closes the book and smiles. Amelia is playing with her whisker and waiting for something to happen. Suddenly, the crown is shining bright, too bright to see anything. After that, Twilight disappeared. Her friends are shocked while Amelia just looks at the moon and waits for the purple unicorn to come back.

Twilight opens her eyes and finds that she is a blank space. The purple unicorn decides to step forward. When she is walking, she sees many of her memories with her friends. Some of them are terrified like the training with Amelia and Sunset.

"Enjoy the memory?" Twilight yelps and turns around. She sees her teacher with the golden halberd. Celestia smiles and hugs the purple unicorn. "Congratulations, Twilight. I know you can do it. The one that Starswirl the Bearded is not able to do that."

Twilight asks. "Princess Celestia ... " she looks around. "What is this place?" And what happened?

"This place... is your journey trail." Celestia walks forward as Twilight follows her. "Every memory, every moment you step encounter in your life is one of your journey, even if you forget some of them. "

Twilight looks at her own memory. So many moment with her and Spike, many journeys and adventures with her friends. Twilight smiles and feels happy. Suddenly, she sees the memory about Celestia and Sunset in unicorn filly form learning with each other.

Celestia blushes. "That's my memory. You can look at some."

Twilight giggles and stares at the filly. The orange filly is jumping on the bed and begging Celestia to learn some spell. Twilight looks at the cute filly. "She is so annoying, right?"

"Sometimes I wish she would stop disturbing me in the middle of the midnight. Not like you, you are so easy."

Celestia shows the purple unicorn filly is reading the book at midnight. Twilight blushes. "That's just me in the past. Now, I barely do it because Sunset and Spike will drag me out." She shows the memory when Spike is holding her and going out of the library, much as Twilight's struggle. "This is my last week."

Celestia laughs and pats the unicorn's head. "You really have good friends around. I assume that no one will know about friendship more than you."

"Thank you, Princess Celestia."

Her cutie mark is flying around her, much as Twilight surprised, then the unicorn is floating on the air. Twilight closes her eyes and waits for something to happen, then the flash appears and Twilight disappears.

In the midnight sky at Ponyville, Twilight's friends are looking for her. Suddenly, Twilight's big cutie mark is floating on the sky and heads to the library. The cutie mark is landing and revealing Twilight with the purple wings.

Her friends are surprised at first, then come to hug her. Rainbow Dash pokes at Twilight's wing. "Twilight has wings?" Then she hugs her again. "This is going to be cool. I am going to have a flying buddy."

Twilight tilts her head. "Eh... Spike and Sunset are not your flying buddy? I saw you flying with them."

"Well... new one. I'll teach you how to fly."

Rarity looks at Twilight. "Wow, you became an alicorn. Is that even possible?"

Fluttershy adds. "You look like a princess."

Celestis giggles and lands in front of the main 6. "That's because she is a princess." The main 6 is shocked as Celestia continues. "Now, you are a princess?"

"I am... a princess? Then.. I am not going to be your teacher anymore?" Twilight grasps. "Then there will be a princess's duty in the future. What am I going to do?"

Celestia pats Twilight's back to calm her down. "That's will be on later. Now.." Celestia bows at her. "You are now be a Princess of Friendship." Then everyone bows at her. Twilight doesn't know what to say due to the surprise.

The purple alicorn and others decide to go back to the library. When they just open the door, they see Spike is lying on the floor. The purple alicorn checks the purple dragon and finds that he seems to be sleeping. Twilight pokes Spike to wake him up.

The purple dragon wakes up and breathes heavily, then he checks his body and looks at Twilight. The purple dragon finds that Twilight is having wings. Spike whispers. "Great, I think I'm dead."

"I heard you." Twilight responses. "How do you feel?"

"I am not feeling good." Spike is taking Twilight's wings. "Am I in another world? Twilight I know don't have any wings."

Twilight glares at Spike and slaps him with her wings. "Stop joking around. What is happening?"

"Well... I'm just fighting with Diana in the training room." Spike rubs his head. "She has no mercy when using a sword to cut me into a half."

The main 6 and Celestia grasp. Applejack pokes at him to see if he is real or not. Celestia asks. "Why are you fighting against those cats? They are the most dangerous creature in this world."

"Because... I saw they are doing something with Sunset." Spike slaps his face and stands up. "I saw they tied Sunset in a vine and made her wear the Alicorn Amulet."

Rainbow asks. "Are... are you serious?"

Spike folds his claw. "I'm serious. That's why I am being cut in half and lying on the floor."

"We have to rescue her." Rainbow is going to fly to the basement but Twilight stops her by levitation. Rainbow glares at Twilight. "What now?"

"If Diana can chop Spike like nothing, I don't think you can stop her." Twilight shakes her head. "I heard that Sunset's sword is completed, right?"

"You're right. That sword can't kill anything but when it 'kill' someone, it will make them paraalyzed and feels the pain." Spike pokes his belly. "I thought I would die. Especially seeing Twilight as an alicorn now."

"But we can't leave her like that." Rainbow points at her necklace. "We got the Element of Harmony here."

Twilight sighs. "Fine. I will let all of you meet them."

Celestia nods. "I will follow you, Twilight." Twilight is going to say something but Celestia stops her. "I know Diana is not going to kill anyone, so I will be fine."

Twilight turns to others. "Everypony ready?" The others nod as Twilight leads them to the training room.

Sunset closes the book as she knows the location of the artifact. The orange dragon looks at the white alicorn and pats her head, then she turns to the window and yells. "Hey, Princess Celesita is being kidnapped. I need reinforcement."

Celestia is surprised while Sunset sees the guards are walking to the high tower. Celestia tries to catch Sunset's tail but the orange dragon just flicks her tail aside and takes flies from the high tower.

Taking a map that get from the royal library, the orange dragon heads to the place where to craft the artifact. After a while, she manages to get to a house and feels a dark power inside. The orange dragon walks inside and only finds that she is in eternal darkness. Without candles, without torch, without light, Sunset walks forward blindly.

When she is looking around, she sees herself in the unicorn filly standing between the party. Without anyone wanting to make friends, the filly runs outside, going through her without any problem. Sunset looks at the orange filly and sighs.

Keep walking for a while, she sees herself as an orange unicorn trying to save a white dragon. The orange dragon feels a little sad when seeing this scene but she tries to ignore it.

"Enjoy the scene." A voice comes from behind as the orange dragon turns around and sees herself in the red dragon form. The red dragon walks closer to the orange dragon and asks. "Why do you like this dragon? Even if you are a unicorn."

"None of your business."

"Sure, but your heart still remembers him, right?" The red dragon taps the white dragon doll. "Don't lie. I know you very well."

"Who are you?"

The red dragon smiles. "Don't you realize? I am you." Sunset is quite a shock when hearing that. The red dragon keeps walking around. "I know everything about you."

"Prove it."

"Oh mine, let's see." The red dragon creates a chair and starts reminding her. "You used to be a unicorn, but you don't have friends." The red dragon takes a book. "Only learn magic to create the best magic, and then, be banished by killing a noble." Sunset glares at the red dragon. "Then... you can't even save your lover and..." then a fireball comes to her as the red dragon catches it. "Still quite a hot head?"

Sunset sets her staff on fire and teleports to the red dragon. The red dragon just catches it and throws her away, then she takes a staff that looks like Sunset's staff and sets it on fire. The dragons start charging with each other.

Amelia is watching Sunset and sees the Alicorn Amulet start to cover the orange dragon in the dark mist. Diana looks at the amulet and rubs her chin. "It looks like they are starting to react with each other."

"I know. I am worrying about this orange dragon."

Diana turns around. "Sorry, you are talking to a hard-head dragon. She won't lose that easily." Diana grabs Sunset's sword. "Just like the heroes."

"She is one of them, remember that?"

"Geez, that is part of them. How can I hate them because of this."

The door is forced open and the cat duo sees the main 6 with Spike and Celestia are here. Diana lands on the water and prepares the sword.

Spike yells at them. "Stop your doing. You are hurting her."

"You are talking about a 'die hard' dragon." Diana points the sword at the groups. "And why do you, Celestia and Twilight bring 'garbage' to here? This battle is not a place for meeks."

Rainbow Dash retorta. "Hey, we are not 'garbage'. I will kick your ass right now."

The main 6's body is shining bright and they are floating on the air. The Element of Harmony starts glowing. Diana is going to do something but Spike is rushing near close and wants to stop her. The black cat kicks the dragon out and looks at the Element of Harmony.

When it is nearly done, the sword is flying and stabbing through Fluttershy's neck, then sticks on the wall. "FLUTTERSHY." The Element of Harmony stops glowing. The other looks at Fluttershy and sees that the yellow pegasus tries to pull the sword, then faints without closing her eyes, like a corpse.

The sword is pulled out and Fluttershy is dropping on the ground. Rainbow Dash catches her and sees that there is no blood, no wound, nothing on her body. Rainbow Dash yells at Diana. "You monster. What have you done to her?"

"Sorry. I am not a third-rate opponent with a fourth-rate brain to wait for you to activate your artifact." Diana catches the sword. "And I make her sleep for a while. Hope that she won't go to the hospital after that stab."

Rainbow Dash is quickly charging at the black cat. Diana raises the sword and prepares for the battle.